Y&R Transcript Tuesday 4/7/20
Episode #11835 ~ Nikki loses patience with Adam; Victoria takes a stand; Kyle crosses the line.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Abby: I'm thinking, mm, maybe 50 stories should be high enough to cast a permanent shadow over the second-rate
Phyllis: Wow. If you think I'm afraid of competition, you don't know me at all.
Adam: I am telling you that our father had someone killed.
Victoria: And I'm supposed to believe a born liar?
Adam: I own the story, and i can bury the story, as long as I get what I want. And what I want is this. All of this. Hello?
Victor: I'm giving you what you want. Newman enterprises is yours.
Chelsea: Did that -- did that really just happen?
Adam: Victor surrendered. I cannot believe that.
Chelsea: Neither can I. My god... adam...
Adam: I am now the official C.E.O. Of newman enterprises. Victoria's out... and I'm in. And there goes any doubt of what happened in kansas all those years ago. You know? The coroner was lying. If there was any truth to the claim that victor bribed the man to cover up the murder.
Chelsea: ...Your father never would have given in to your demands.
Adam: No way. No way. He would have stood his ground, he would have declared his innocence. He would have told me to come at him with everything I had because he'd have the truth on his side.
Chelsea: Wow, um... are you okay?
Adam: [ Sighs ] I mean, it's a shock, but I'll deal.
Chelsea: Well, personally, I'm glad this isn't some long, drawn-out battle, for everyone's sake.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Me, too.
Chelsea: I mean, you -- you took a big risk, and it worked out the way you planned. So now we just need to... focus on moving forward.
Adam: Yeah, well, I wish it was that simple.
Chelsea: Why can't it be?
Adam: Because dad saw he didn't have a hand to play, so he folded. And I do not expect my siblings to follow suit.
Victoria: Daddy. Call him back. Call him back and rescind the offer. Obviously this story about aj's mysterious death is a lie. Adam paid somebody off -- the coroner, the reporter -- i don't know, maybe both of them.
Victor: Thank you for your faith in me, sweetheart.
Victoria: Oh, god, please, dad, come on. Anyone that knows the two of you knows that they're gonna take your word over his any day.
Victor: Yeah, but you damn well know that a lot of people are gonna believe what they hear on the news.
Victoria: Well, then let's make sure they hear the truth. Let's dig into this story of adam's, his so-called evidence, and let's expose it as a fraud.
Victor: I'm not gonna go that route.
Victoria: Why not?
Victor: If this comes out, it's gonna take a long time to recover from it.
Victoria: Dad, it is not like you to back down from a fight, especially not a fight that you can win. What's going on? I want to know.
Abby: Devon was blown away hearing that colin is behind bars where he belongs, thanks to you. I wish you could have seen his face. He was so thrilled.
Chance: I'm happy to hear.
Abby: Now he can put all that ugliness behind him, and he can focus on hamilton-winters and the medical clinic that he's starting with nate and elena.
Chance: Devon is a really good guy. To inherit that amount of money and use a big chunk of it to help improve other people's lives... I find that very impressive.
Abby: You know, elena has been an amazing influence. She's brought joy and purpose to his life at a time where all of his friends were really worried about him.
Chance: After hillary died.
Abby: You know, the four of us really should go out sometime.
Chance: I'd be down with that.
Abby: Great.
Chance: But now I'm off to see jill to tell her the latest on colin.
Abby: Mm. I know that demand spoke to her, but she's bound to have a lot of questions.
Chance: Should I come back afterwards? Will you still be here?
Abby: I have to go check in on the grand phoenix, see how phyllis is coping with things. Or not.
Chance: What exactly would phyllis be coping with? Abby, what are you up to?
Phyllis: Yes, I realize that the noise is horrendous. And the dust and the fumes, yes. I'm so sorry, there was no way for me to know that they would be starting construction tonight right across the street. Okay, listen. This is what I'm gonna do for you. I'm gonna discount your room, and I'm gonna upgrade you to a room on the other side with a view.
[ Jack-hammering ] Seriously? [ Sighs ] I'm so sorry, mr. Morrison, I -- mr. Morrison? Hello? Mr. Morrison.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] You, my dear, are a bad, bad girl.
Abby: Only when it comes to phyllis. Now go have a nice visit with your grandma.
Chance: Did you get to see yours? I know you were wanting to spend some time with her at some point.
Abby: I did, yeah.
Chance: How is she?
Abby: She's a little down. Still trying to adjust being back at home.
Chance: If we need to cancel our plans later so you spend some time with her, I'd understand.
Abby: Thank you, but, no, we don't need to reschedule. In fact, dina has another social engagement this evening.
Theo: You're not that talkative these days. Yeah, you might not even remember me. So, just in case, I'm theo vanderway, your grandson. I came prepared with plenty of things to chat about -- books, movies, pop culture... what's in and out these days, since I know you've always been very en current. But what really fascinates me is the life that you've lived. You know, I re-read that section of traci's book that talks about what you did once you left this town. Yeah, you kind of got a late start, but, boy, did you ever make up for it. It's like you knew what you were born to do, and you wouldn't let anything hold you back. I admire the hell out of that, dina, I really do.
[ Doorbell rings ] You hear that? We've got company. You're popular today. Just a second, I'm gonna go answer it, all right?
Lola: Hey. Sorry I'm late. I thought I could get away sooner.
Theo: Oh, don't worry about it. I'm just glad you could make it. What's in the bag?
Lola: It is flan. Dina has a sweet tooth.
Theo: That's so great of you. She's gonna love that.
Lola: Hey, dina. It's lola. How are you doing tonight? Well, you know, I brought you your favorite dessert, so I hope you still have some room left over from dinner.
Adam: Well, we both know how victoria feels, so I can't let my guard down there.
Chelsea: You've taken away something she's worked your whole life for, something she thinks is rightfully hers. Wow, she must be beside herself with rage.
Adam: And that emotion is going to work in my favor, in the short-term, at least.
Chelsea: That's gonna cloud her thinking. But, as for abby...
Chelsea: Abby can be very devious. Do not underestimate her. And she's very protective of her father.
Adam: Okay, well, I'll watch my back. It's nick who's the wild card. What did he do? He took a job that he vowed he would never take to keep me from getting it. So once he finds out there's been a coup...
Chelsea: Nick's no match for you, adam.
Adam: No, my -- my concern is how he's going to treat you when he realizes that you knew about this all along.
Chelsea: I can handle nick. Besides, I think once he thinks this through everything, he's gonna just say... "the hell with it."
Adam: Really?
Chelsea: Yeah. I mean, with the exception of how he launched dark horse, nick has never really had the stomach for the rougher side of the business world.
Adam: Well, that's a good point.
Chelsea: The three of them are going to try to make this unpleasant for you. They're going to accuse you of being greedy and power-hungry. But I know this is about so much more to you. You had to do this. You had to force victor to give you some respect, to treat you as an equal. And until and unless an opportunity like that presented itself, adam, you were never gonna find peace.
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Sometimes I think you are the only person who gets me, you know that?
Chelsea: Well, back at ya.
Adam: And you know I wouldn't have gone through with this if I didn't think you were ready for it.
Chelsea: I want this for you, adam.
Victor: I'm asking you to take a step back, okay? I'm playing the long game.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh, dad, by giving in this fast, you've just proven how vulnerable we are. A blackmailer is never content with one win. That's something you used to know. What's gonna stop adam from asking for whatever he wants, whenever he wants it?
Victor: He doesn't even know what he's getting into.
Victoria: Okay, great. So let's show him that. Let's make him regret the day he came after you. Let's chase him back to vegas with his tail between his legs.
Victor: I'm asking you to not show emotion right now.
Victoria: Well, I don't understand why you're not emotional at all. Why not? You should be furious right now. You should be wanting to mop up the floor with this guy. That's the reaction I expect from you.
Victor: You don't think I'm enraged by this? I have a plan, okay? So cool your jet. To explode in rage would be counterproductive right now. Listen to what I'm saying to you.
Victoria: And what about me? In the meantime, I get hung out to dry, publicly humiliated...
Victor: I adore you and I will protect you, and we will simply tell people that you are recovering from your injuries, that's all.
Victoria: No, that is not what adam is going to say. He's gonna spread the word that I've been traumatized, that I'm incompetent, that I'm not mentally stable enough to return to my position. And you're not going to fight him on that lie either, are you? my e
Theo: Last time I was here, i mentioned a girl who had caught my eye. Well, this is that girl. Right? You can see why I'm so nervous. What? It's true. We talked about it. Dina it was very reassuring. But now I could use more of your advice. I'm planning on taking lola on a trip to new york. I know you're a city girl at heart and spent most of your time there. I'm thinking we might stay at the carlyle or the plaza or maybe the pierre. Oh, I thought that might be your choice.
Lola: You used to stay there, didn't you? Traci wrote about it in the family history.
Theo: Oh, dina was the queen of the place. I mean, the ceo of mergeron would know the places to be during fashion week. Invited all those parties with designers, movie stars, jetsetters.
Lola: What a glamorous life. I can't even begin to imagine.
Theo: Oh, dina did more than just imagining it. You made it happen for yourself.
Lola: I think I see where you get your ambition from.
Theo: You're not wrong. When lola and I make it to the pierre, we're gonna have cocktails at the bar and have a toast in your honor. What do you think?
Victor: I know this is very frustrating, but you and I have to think of what's best for the company.
Victoria: I am what's best for this company.
Victor: Sweetheart.
Victoria: How do we know what adam's gonna do with it? He might try to dismantle it bit by bit. And what about nick? How are you gonna explain this to him after you pressured him into stepping in as ceo to protect this company from his brother? And then you're just gonna turn around and give it to adam without a fight? This is such a betrayal of nicholas and me.
Victor: Circumstances have changed, all right? I will explain the changes to nicholas, not you.
Victoria: Oh, really? Really? What explanation are you gonna give? Because, so far, I haven't heard one from you. Not one that you're willing to admit, anyway. What is the real reason that you -- you're not fighting adam on this? Is it because you want to see him sitting in that chair instead of me? Your son, just as ruthless as you are? Or maybe -- maybe there's some part of you that's impressed with the way he's bested you.
Victor: He think he's as ruthless as I am. He isn't even close. Now, I promise you, you will sit behind the desk again before you know it. But, meanwhile, I ask you to abide by my wishes.
Victoria: I want to, dad. But let's fight him, let's fight adam, side by side. That's what we should be doing right now. But, instead, you're treating this like some bizarre game of chess where you sacrifice your queen and then you just expect her to be lined up again, ready for the next round.
Victor: Sweetheart. If you're suggesting that I depend on your loyalty, I do.
Victoria: I really think that you're confusing loyalty with something else. Maybe I am, too. That ends tonight.
Adam: Is connor okay?
Chelsea: Yeah. When I heard him yell out to me, I thought he had had a nightmare, but he just needed some water.
Adam: You know, while you were upstairs, I could not help thinking about simon black and how much he traumatize our son and the lengths that I would have gone to remove that threat necessary.
Chelsea: Like victor killing aj to protect you and your mom.
Adam: Mm-hmm. I can understand what drove him to it.
Chelsea: Are you having second thoughts about using what your father did against him?
Adam: No. It's just -- I can't help feeling a little hypocritical because in dad's shoes, who knows? Maybe I would've made the same choice. I don't know, all I know for certain is that if victor was in my position, and he had that much dirt on his opponent, he would've done the exact same thing, and he absolutely would have leveraged it the same way i did.
Chelsea: Yeah. And he'd have less qualms about it.
Adam: Because victor uses what tools are at his disposal. Those are the rules he plays by, and so do I. The rest of the family, they have never understood him the way I do... because, in a lot of ways, me and victor, we are exactly the same.
Jill: It's so good to have you home safe and sound and all in one piece.
Chance: The two do go hand in hand.
Jill: All right, go ahead. Tease me for worrying. But when it comes to colin atkinson, there's nothing I would put past him.
Chance: You can relax now, gram. This time, he will not be escaping from custody. He's awaiting extradition, and he's not gonna be walking the streets again anytime soon.
Jill: Oh, that's so good to know.
Chance: And, from what i hear, he's been extremely cooperative.
Jill: [ Laughs ] In other words, he threw his co-conspirators under the bus.
Chance: Yeah, pretty much. However, he did admit to using your account and chancellor's in his money-laundering scheme without your permission, knowledge, or consent.
Jill: So eventually he did clear my name. And they say romance is dead, huh?
Chance: I hate what he did to you. I know that you felt used and embarrassed.
Jill: And judged. Don't forget judged for being stupid enough to marry the jerk in the first place.
Chance: And that's why it was so important for me to track him down myself, put an end to this once and for all.
Jill: Thank you, baby. And even though -- I have to admit this -- it was very stressful not knowing if you were safe... I was so satisfied that it was my grandson that brought an end to colin's crime spree. It appears my dear husband just messed with the wrong family, didn't he?
Chance: Amen to that.
Phyllis: I am -- I am so sorry, sir. Please come back. We're gonna fix this.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
[ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Hey! Interesting that you will come -- come here tonight of all nights.
Abby: Oh, I'm so sorry. I couldn't hear you over all this commotion. What is that noise? Is that a buzz saw?
Phyllis: Uh, I don't hear a thing.
Abby: Oh.
Phyllis: I mean, it's almost like white noise.
Abby: Glad you're adjusting.
Phyllis: I never wanted the grand phoenix to be a sleepy, quiet hotel. I wanted it to be, you know, like an up-all-night party hotel. Yeah! Where young people and influencers would come and take video and, you know, party.
Abby: Ooh! Clever. When life hands you lemons, you make lemon drop martinis.
Phyllis: Yes. Yes. I'm gonna use that.
Abby: Consider it a freebie. But I do -- I do foresee one teeny -- eeh! -- Little problem.
Phyllis: Pray, tell. What is that?
Abby: These party types that you're describing, they like to sleep in, right? So you don't think they'll be bothered when construction begins again at 5:00 am?
Phyllis: Uh, I'm sorry, you don't mean that literally.
Abby: I don't?
Phyllis: Abby... there are ordinances, city ordinances that preclude you from doing construction that early in the morning. It is quite literally a crime.
Abby: Normally it would be, yes, but I was able to arrange for a special variance waiving those restrictions.
Phyllis: A special what?
Abby: A variance!
Phyllis: A variance?
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: How did you do that?
Abby: I did my research. Yeah. Yeah. And it turns out if you go to city council and you plead your case, it is possible. And I told them just how many jobs my new hotel would be creating, and that it is in genoa city's best interest if my hotel is completed as quickly as possible.
Phyllis: Say no more.
Abby: I am just so excited to get my new hotel up and running. I hope you're ready for the competition.
Phyllis: Bring it.
Abby: Oh, it's brought, yeah. Ooh, ooh! Oh. Sorry. Wait. One more thing. I'm sure you won't mind since I still am part owner of this hotel. I told my construction foreman that him and his crew are more than welcome to come over here and use the restrooms.
Phyllis: Oh, my god! Are you crazy? Are you crazy? Why would you want to push people out of a hotel that you co-own? Are you just not bright enough to understand that you're undermining your own interests?
Victoria: Johnny! Katie! Mom, where are the kids?
Nikki: Hey! They're getting ready for bed. How are you feeling? That wasn't a very long first day back at work.
Victoria: And my last day, as it turns out.
Nikki: Last day?
Victoria: That's right.
Nikki: What do you mean? What happened?
Victoria: The kids can sleep here tonight. I don't want to disrupt their schedule, but I'm not spending another night in this house. Usea.
Nikki: Adam is trying to frame victor for murder?
Victoria: He's threatened to, unless dad does his bidding. But instead of telling adam to go to hell, he bounced me out and he appointed adam C.E.O. Of newman.
Nikki: Oh, my god. To be betrayed by his own son like that yet again when victor has forgiven him for so much.
Victoria: If dad's looking for sympathy from me... I'm sorry, I'm fresh out.
Nikki: All right, honey, come on.
Victoria: Mom, if he had just put adam in prison when he tried to frame me for attempted murder, as we all know, none of this would be happening right now, but he couldn't do that. That bastard can do whatever he wants, and dad just turns the other cheek, and I'm out in the cold. I am loyal to a fault, and it means nothing. I can't take this anymore.
Nikki: All right, listen to me. I can see that you are very upset and hurt, but please stay. Talk to your father again when he comes home. He knows how much it means to you, especially now, and he's not going to take that away from you unless he feels he has no other choice.
Victoria: I gave him another choice. He could have worked together with me to prove that adam is lying!
Nikki: What if that's not possible?
Victoria: Oh, dear god, please don't tell me that you think this ridiculous story might be true.
Abby: Whatever impact the construction of my new hotel has on the bookings at this one, it really doesn't concern me. Yeah. Yeah. Because, um, well, number one, I'm independently wealthy so I can take the hit, and, number two, I never expected you to make a success of this place.
Phyllis: Excuse me?
Abby: Yeah. That's why I structured our deal the way I did. Yeah, if you stop making payments, ownership automatically reverts back to me, and I'm okay with that. In fact, I'm actually looking forward to it. I was thinking of just knocking this whole place down and building a fitness center in its place. Yeah, for the convenience of my hotel guests.
Phyllis: Because you are an entitled, self-centered brat...
Abby: Oh! Ooh, ooh. I'm so sorry, I'm having such a hard time hearing you over all this noise. Let's -- let's do this another time. Someplace a little less chaotic. Okay?
Jill: How is it going with abby?
Chance: Great.
Jill: Oh! I know you took her to europe with you. Tell me you were able to have some fun, just the two of you, and it wasn't all about apprehending colin.
Chance: You do know that I'm trained to resist interrogation.
Jill: Oh, don't be so stupid. These are not hard questions. Okay, you don't have to answer them because I see it in your face. You're happy, and that delights me 'cause you deserve to have some fun. And if it turns out to be more than just fun, all the better.
Chance: What about you? Are you seeing anyone these days?
Jill: Next question.
Chance: I'm serious.
Jill: I'm serious, too. I'm still married to colin, for heaven's sake. Although, now that we know where he is, it's gonna be a lot easier to file for divorce, which is another reason I'm so glad you caught him.
Chance: That still didn't answer my question.
Jill: Honestly... I think I've sworn off romance. I am not interested in getting involved with anybody. I love my life the way it is.
Chance: I'm glad to hear it. I want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy.
Lola: Well, it looks like my flan's a hit.
Theo: Oh, just like all your cooking.
Lola: I'll bring some more next time. Or, better yet, I can teach theo how to make some. It's easy.
Theo: I think you're overestimating my kitchen abilities.
Lola: Oh, not at all. I have seen you in action. You know, theo, made me pierogies, and they were delicious. You should have him make you some.
Theo: Well, I'm glad you liked them. They are my specialty.
Lola: Wait a second. Is that the recipe that you use to impress women?
Theo: Uh... maybe. But I also do mean a mean pb&J. And I can grill a burger. Well, a frozen one. Just slap a couple slices of cheese on that sucker, and you are good to go. We're
Lola: Wow. Okay. Frozen burgers.
Theo: Mm-hmm.
Lola: God, I don't know where to start.
[ Chuckles ]
Want to brain better?
Victori your father over adam, but...
Nikki: Of course I believe your father over adam, but... this accusation is so sordid. If it ever were to get out, it would stick in people's minds.
Victoria: Even if we can get the coroner in kansas to retract his story?
Nikki: Even then. What if the police get involved or the fbi? I mean, maybe your father has a good reason to keep it quiet until he has time to come up with a plan.
Victoria: Mom, there is no good that can come from adam having this much power over us. We've dealt with scandal before, and we've survived. Why should this time be any different?
Nikki: What does nicholas think? I assume you've told him.
Victoria: Dad wants to tell him. I predict that he will be livid with him and adam.
Nikki: And we have been doing so well as a family. It took years, but your father and nicholas are finally close again.
Victoria: Well, that's probably why adam launched this attack, because he can't stand the fact that we're coming together and he wants to divide us. And dad is playing right into his hands. Ugh.
Nikki: No! No, come on! Don't go storming off, victoria. Your wounds are barely healed. What if you need help? I mean, there must be some way that you can have a little space without making things harder on you.
Victoria: Fine. I'll stay at the tack house.
Nikki: Okay, I think that's a good compromise.
Victoria: I don't want dad getting any ideas. I'm not gonna let this slide. I just made it clear to billy that I'm not letting people hurt me anymore... and that includes my father.
Theo: You're not one of those food snobs, are you?
Lola: You were trying to get a rise out of me, and I fell for it. Kyle. Hi.
Theo: Oh, hey, cuz.
Kyle: Hello. Looks like a party.
Theo: It is. Lola brought flan. You want to join us? We can break out another spoon.
Kyle: That's okay. I wouldn't want my grandmother to feel overwhelmed by too many visitors at once.
Lola: We should go.
Theo: Why? I'm enjoying our evening. I think dina is, too. Aren't you, dina? I mean, you're welcome to wait or leave. We can shoot you a text when we're about to head out.
Kyle: Can I have a word with you, please?
Theo: All right. I'll be back in a second. Lola will keep you company. Don't go anywhere. What?
Kyle: Look, I'm close with my grandmother.
Theo: Our grandma.
Kyle: I'm asking you politely to not be a jerk about this.
Theo: Exactly how am I being a jerk?
Kyle: Do I need to paint your picture.
Theo: Lola and I are having a nice time with dina, and then you waltz in here and expect us to cut it short. Why should we?
Kyle: Look, it's bad enough you get in my face every day at work, but using a sick elderly woman to try to score points against me or impress lola is not something you should be even thinking about doing.
Theo: Whoa, whoa.
Kyle: It's disgusting.
Theo: Oh, okay. Wait. You're accusing me of using people? Seriously? After the way that you treated summer and lola --
Lola: Hey, guys, you should just cool it with this.
Kyle: You don't even know dina.
Theo: Okay, listen, you entitled jerk. I belong here every much as you do. And if you don't like it, well, that's your problem.
Dina: John! Stuart! No! No! No...
Jack: What the hell are you doing?
Victor: How did victoria seem when she left?
Nikki: She's angry and upset. Who could blame her? What adam is forcing you to do, it's -- it's reprehensible.
Victor: I know. I don't know what's the matter with adam, I mean, this boy has everything. He has chelsea, he has his son, has a beautiful home, has all the money he needs. Nothing is enough. There's something so damaged in that man's soul.
Nikki: All right, well, I'm more concerned about you and our family. Now, these claims of adam, how much can they hurt us?
Victor: Let me put it this way. He did his homework. He hired a reporter who happens to be the daughter of the murdered man. She wrote a damn good article about... incongruities of the investigation at the time, laying all at my feet.
Nikki: But none of it is true.
Victor: No, none of it is true. I have nothing to do with the death of aj montalvo, nothing.
Nikki: Okay. Let's talk about how you intend to defend yourself and take back control of the company.
Victor: Sweetheart, there's no need for you to worry about that, okay? I will take care of it myself.
Nikki: No, victor. It's bad enough that you didn't confide in our daughter. Don't think you're going to push me aside, too.
Victor: Sweet love... I'm gonna take care of it on my own, all right? You've got to trust me. I'm not pushing you aside.
Flavors kids love!
Abby: Your scotch and soda awaits.
Chance: You're amazing.
Abby: I know. So, how did things go with jill?
Chance: It was fine.
Abby: But...?
Chance: She didn't say it in so many words... in fact, she claimed that she is relieved that colin is in custody. I just got the sense that she has mixed feelings about him going back to prison.
Abby: [ Sighs ] I get that. I used to have a soft spot for bad boys myself, but then the pendulum swung the other way and I was with someone who was almost too decent. It's hard living up to those standards.
Chance: And now?
Abby: And now I feel like I have the best of both worlds. You have values and integrity, and I would trust you with my life. But you are also the most thrilling man I have ever been with.
Chance: Wow. I hope you're not planning on me taking you on an international manhunt every week.
Abby: Mnh-mnh. See, I think some of our most exciting dates have been when we've stayed in.
Chance: Yeah. I can agree with.
Phyllis: Listen, thank you for taking my call. You know, the reason I'm calling you is because you were so helpful when I was running dark horse. Everything is going great here. What? Um, uh, anyway, it's going great here, and, um, there is just one slightly annoying problem, and maybe you can be of assistance.
Theo: I'll call you later, okay?
Lola: I think you should leave with me and apologize to jack in the morning when he's had a chance to cool off.
Theo: If I leave now, I'll feel like a coward. And, plus, kyle will find a way to spin this to make me look bad. I'll be fine, promise.
Lola: Okay.
Jack: Well, thanks to the two of you, I had one hell of a time getting dina to calm down.
Kyle: Dad, I'm sorry.
Jack: You know what, I don't need to hear this. I made it very clear to both of you. I wanted my mother to live in peace and comfort in the time she had left, and this is the way you behave?
Kyle: I should have walked away.
Theo: Me, too. It won't happen again.
Jack: You're damn right it won't happen again. I have had it. You fight in the office. You fight in public. Now you bring this garbage here to my home -- enough! I'd like you both to leave. But we're gonna pick this up tomorrow at jabot where we're gonna bring this to an end once and for all.
Victor: My sweetheart, all you need to know is that I know my son better than anyone, and I know his moves before he makes them. And what you have to be aware of, that things may get ugly, and I don't want to involve the rest of my family any more than I have to get to,
Nikki: Victor, we're already involved. Victoria has moved to the tack house. She can't even look at you right now.
Victor: Yeah, I'm sorry to hear about that.
Nikki: Why would you oust victoria in favor of adam? I mean, why are you caving in to his demands? Is there some kind of secret strategy that I don't know about? Do you want him to think that he's winning so that you can catch him off guard?
Victor: Sweetheart, all you need to know is that I will do what I've always done, and that is to protect my family no matter what cost.
Nikki: Well, that's pretty ironic, considering you want us to trust you when you don't trust us enough to tell us the whole story. Victor, don't you know by now you can count on me to be there for you no matter what mistakes you may have made?
Victor: I know, my know. All right? Come here. I know. Okay? But certain things better be left unsaid.
Nikki: I don't know what that means. What aren't you telling me?
Victor: I will take care of it.
Nikki: Ugh. It.
Nikki: Ugh.
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