Y&R Transcript Monday 4/6/20
Episode #11834 ~ Victor is pushed too far; Adam conspires with Chelsea; Nick receives a distress call.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Sharon: Cancer-free -- that's all I want.
Nikki: You seem to have amnesia where phyllis is concerned. She's given you nothing but grief.
Nick: Who does this remind me of? Oh, I know -- you and I dad.
Adam: I have the evidence locked away.
Victor: You know the terms. What are they?
Chloe: Okay. Branding strategy.
Chelsea: Shouldn't we settle on a name for the company before we start working on the branding?
Chloe: Mm, chelsea 3.0.
Chelsea: [ Laughs ] No. This time around, I don't want my company's name to have anything to do with my name.
Chloe: Why not? You're you're so well-known in the fashion industry. I mean, it might actually help launch the line.
Chelsea: I want this line to be a fresh start, you know? I want it to represent who I am now, not who I used to be.
Chloe: Okay. Back to the drawing board.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: Whoo!
[ Exhales sharply ]
Chelsea: Oh.
Chloe: Oh, my gosh.
Chelsea: Was that a big one?
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] This kid is gonna be a soccer player.
Chelsea: [ Laughs ] Do you want to take a minute? Maybe we should take a break.
Chloe: Uh, yeah, maybe. Ohh. Hey, thanks for moving the meeting here. It's much more convenient. Every step matters these days.
Chelsea: I feel you. I remember. I've been there. Plus, if we're here, there's less chance of you bumping into adam.
Chloe: No, I-I really don't care about that. If you're happy, I'm happy.
Chelsea: I am very happy. And there's a very good chance adam and I will have something more to celebrate by the end of the day.
Victor: Hi, my sweetheart.
Victoria: Well, hello, there, dad. How are you?
Victor: So happy to see you.
Victoria: Oh, I'm happy to see you, too.
Victor: Yes.
Victoria: But I hope you're not here to check up on me, because I'm fine. I'm actually -- I'm great. Coming back to work was exactly what I needed.
Victor: Uh-huh. Well, I'm very glad to hear that. But there's something I need to discuss with you.
Victoria: Uh, okay, but first, I just got this deal dropped in my lap.
Victor: Sweetheart...
Victoria: The C.E.O. Is proposing this joint venture, and it seems pretty promising, but I wanted to get your take on it before I took it any further.
Victor: My sweetheart...
Victoria: Wh-what is it? Is there something going on with mom?
Victor: No, nothing to do with your mother -- nothing.
Victoria: Okay. Well, then what is it? What the hell is he doing here?
Nick: [ Sighs ] Damn it. I was hoping for better news. Yeah. Uh... just, uh, keep me in the loop, okay? Alright.
Summer: Hey.
Nick: Hey.
Summer: Hey, um, look, before you say anything, I-I didn't come here to roast you about you and mom. So, I-I heard you the last time, and I understand that it is really none of my business, so... is everything okay? Dad, come on. What is it? You're kind of scaring me now. What?
Nick: It's about sharon.
Mariah: No.
Faith: I can'T. I --
Mariah: Uh, we wanted to... give you and rey some alone time...
Faith: After your ultrasound.
Mariah: We know that you're anxious about the results. Is this a good time?
Sharon: It's always a good time where my two favorite girls are concerned.
Mariah: How did it go?
Sharon: [ Crying ] It seems like everything is getting thinner.
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provided by... my cholesterol is borderline.
Sharon: These were not the results that I was hoping for.
Faith: [ Sniffles ] What did the doctor say?
Sharon: That the chemo did not shrink the tumor enough.
Mariah: What does that mean?
Sharon: Well... we've always known that I was gonna have surgery... but because the drugs didn't work, this just means that... it'll happen sooner and... it might be more invasive.
Faith: Maybe -- maybe they gave you the wrong drugs, mom. Doctors can make mistakes. Maybe if they went back and looked how they put the drugs together, they could find a better combination.
Mariah: Hey, faith --
Sharon: It's okay. I -- I really wish that were true, sweetie. Um, you know, you as sick as the chemo made me, I-I wish that we could just try again, but... you know, they -- they did the best they could, and... it just didn't work. So... now, I-I don't want you or either of you to get upset about this because nobody's giving up. You know, it just means that we have to try something else.
Mariah: When you said the surgery was gonna be more invasive... does that mean a lumpectomy or...
Sharon: I don't know, mariah. I honestly don't know.
Summer: Cancer?
Nick: Sharon's been undergoing chemo for weeks. I talked to rey. Her last test results showed that the drugs aren't working very well, so... next step is surgery.
Summer: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Poor sharon. Oh, poor faith! Does faith even know?
Nick: She is one of the few people that does know. Before sharon's scan, I talked to her about... telling you.
Summer: And she was okay with that?
Nick: We both feel like faith should have as much support as she can get.
Summer: Okay. Um, dinner? Dinner is fine, dad.
Phyllis: Dinner?
Summer: Yeah.
Phyllis: Hey. What am I missing? Dinner?
Nick: Your mom knows.
Summer: Oh. You know about sharon?
Phyllis: Well, yeah. I-I've known for weeks. Um, she was supposed to get that scan today.
[ Sighs ] Did you talk to her?
Nick: I talked to rey. The chemo is not as effective as they were hoping, so... she's gonna have to have surgery sooner than expected.
Phyllis: Oh, my god. Can I do something?
Nick: Just keep supporting her the way you have been. Look, this is a setback. It's not the end by a long shot.
Phyllis: She must be terrified.
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah. This is awful.
Summer: You're really affected by this.
Phyllis: Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?
Summer: No. No. I'm not saying that. Just sharon must be really grateful to have you. That's all. And, dad, I-I really appreciate you telling me. Anything I can do, I-I really want to help.
Victor: This explains your brother's presence.
Adam: I didn't realize you were back, victoria. I was expecting nick to be here
[Clears throat] Not that it matters.
Victoria: What is this? What are you up to now?
Adam: Read it. See for yourself.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ] What kind of garbage is this?
Adam: Okay, look, I'll save you the trouble of going through it. All you need to know is my stepfather, cliff, died in an accident when I was a boy.
Victoria: Yeah, I remember.
Adam: Except it wasn't an accident after all.
Victoria: And you know this how?
Adam: Well, I'm getting to that. The short version of the story is this -- cliff got himself into a debt with a local loan shark, and an attempt to scare him away spiraled out of control, and he ended up dead. And a few years later, the man responsible came after my mother, and victor found out, and he had the man killed, and then he covered it up.
Victoria: And that's it?
Adam: [ Scoffs ] I left some details out, but, yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it.
Victoria: And we're supposed to believe all of this, coming from you, of all people?
Adam: It's all there, black and white... written by the dead man's daughter, no less. It's a story that's just waiting to be published. And that piece never has to see the light of day. Okay? That's why we're in this office, talking about it.
Victoria: Talking about what -- the latest con that you're trying to pull.
Adam: Come on, victoria. You can figure this out. I own the story, and I can bury the story just like that, as long as I get what I want. And what I want is this -- all of this. Who has time for wrinkles?
Summer: This is still such a shock. If you saw sharon or even if you'd talk to her, you would never know that anything was wrong.
Nick: She just wanted to try and keep things as normal as possible.
Sharon: She's an amazingly strong woman.
Phyllis: Yeah. She is. But there are limits to someone's strength, you know?
Summer: I just -- I want to do something. I just want to know how I can help.
Nick: You know, if you see an opening, just pitch in. You'll know what to do.
Summer: Now I'm worried that if I see sharon on the street, I'm gonna say the wrong thing and make it worse, especially since we haven't always gotten along.
Nick: Summer, you won't do that. You'll rise to the occasion like you always do.
Phyllis: You really want to help sharon?
Summer: Yeah, I do. I don't know what to do.
Phyllis: Watch faith closely. Be a big sister to her. It must be very difficult for her. Maybe she just needs someone to talk to... vent. Maybe somebody to laugh with, share a pint of ice cream. Times like this, it's really hard... for somebody who has somebody suffering who's so close to them, especially their mother. They feel guilty about having fun. So just be a rock for her. Be a safe place for her.
Summer: Okay.
Mariah: Here you go.
Sharon: Thank you.
Faith: I really thought the chemo was gonna work.
Sharon: Well... we all did.
Faith: I've been texting a friend from boarding school whose mom went through the same thing. It worked for her.
Mariah: Everyone's different, faith.
Faith: I know. Just really hoped it would help mom. Maybe -- maybe the surgery is better.
Mariah: Faith.
Sharon: Maybe. No, maybe.
Faith: The chemo made you so sick, and you had to wait weeks to find out if it worked or not. This way a surgeon can just see the tumor and cut it all out. That's what you want, isn't it -- just get rid of the whole thing?
Mariah: Hey.
Sharon: Hey. No, no. It's okay. Maybe -- maybe you're right. You know, there's a lot of logic to what you're saying. Don't you think?
Mariah: Yeah.& There absolutely is.
Sharon: Hey, thanks. Thanks for being such a great cheerleader, especially when i needed it this much.
Summer: Okay. Well, I should get going, so... you guys really are the best, so...
Phyllis: I mean...
Nick: Seems like we've been promoted since the last time we were with our daughter.
Summer: Very funny. Um, mom... I have a confession to make. Um...
Phyllis: Okay.
Summer: ...I guess I was a little surprised when you expressed so much sympathy for sharon, and I'm sorry for that. I don't know. Sometimes I forget how good of a person you are, so... but thank you for the good advice, and I love you.
Phyllis: Sure.
Summer: Love you.
Nick: Love you.
Phyllis: But, I mean, things have changed.
Nick: I think our daughter knows when to back off. You know, it takes some time, but -- you know, with us, anyway.
Phyllis: Okay. Is sharon having surgery soon?
Nick: That's what rey said.
Phyllis: Wow. Do you know if it's a mastectomy or lumpectomy?
Nick: I don't know.
Phyllis: Wow. This is scary.
Nick: Yeah. You know, it kind of makes you realize... how important it is not to sweat the small stuff... you know, to say the things you want to say to the people you care about... kind of like we did the other day.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: I mean, we wasted a lot of time avoiding talking about it.
Phyllis: Right. Right. I mean... but, still, it'S...
Nick: Still?
Phyllis: Well... we don't have to define our relationship, do we?
Sharon: Tessa! Hi! Come on in! I-I thought you were in seattle or in portland.
Tessa: San francisco. Well, that was the last stop on the tour, so I am officially off the road.
Sharon: Wow. I just completely lost track of your schedule.
Tessa: I mean, so did i sometimes. Um, I was texting with mariah. Is she not here?
Sharon: Uh, she took faith to the market to get some snacks.
Tessa: Uh-oh.
Sharon: Yeah. I hate to think about what they're gonna bring back. It was faith's idea.
Tessa: Mm.
Sharon: Um...but, anyway, oh, sit down. Welcome home.
Tessa: Oh, thank you.
Sharon: Yeah.
[ Sighing ] Ohh.
Tessa: How are you?
Sharon: [ Sighs ] I've been better, honestly.
Tessa: I'm sorry.
Sharon: It's okay. Actually, I'm glad to have a few moments alone with you before mariah gets back. I-I want to thank you, tessa.
Tessa: For what?
Sharon: For forgiving mariah.
Tessa: Uh, sharon, I-I was hurt, yeah, but... there are more important things to worry about right now.
Sharon: Nothing is more important than being in each other's corner, than loving each other and giving that extra measure of love when it's really needed.
Tessa: Like now?
Sharon: Definitely.
Tessa: I think I get what you're saying.
Sharon: Okay. Um... I'm not gonna be subtle here. Um... you know, I really want you to understand, um, I don't know where this is going for me. I don't know if I will be...
Tessa: Sharon?
Sharon: It's okay. Just let me finish. I -- for mariah to have someone in her life... to lean on, to comfort her, someone to love her, that -- that means...everything to me. You understand? It means everything.
Tessa: Well, you can check that off your list. You don't need to worry about mariah. I'm not going anywhere.
Sharon: Thank you.
[ Gasps ]
[ Chuckles ]
Chloe: So, you can tell me, you know.
Chelsea: Tell you what?
Chloe: I mean, it's not like I'm gonna be competitive about it. You know me better than that.
Chelsea: What are you talking about?
Chloe: I mean, if you're pregnant, just say what?
Chelsea: What?!
Chloe: Oh, my god. Our little ones -- they would be so close in age. How sweet would be?
Chelsea: Chloe, I'm not pregnant.
Chelsea: Well, then what were you talking about earlier when you said that you're gonna find out at the end of the day if your life is gonna change?
Chelsea: There's a huge deal that adam's working on.
Chloe: Oh.
Chelsea: And if it happens, it could change our lives.
Chloe: Well, is it legal? I'm kidding.
Chelsea: No, you're not, and, yes, it is.
Chloe: Okay. So then what is it?
Chelsea: If it happens, you'll find out soon enough. Can you just drop it for now?
Chloe: Okay. The discussion is officially closed. But I got to say, I mean, your sketches are really killer. You do work very well when you're nervous.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Chloe: And... I don't know. I think that you should start a maternity line.
Chelsea: Huh.
Chloe: No, not for you. For me.
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] You read my mind.
Chloe: Okay. But this whole thing that adam's cooking up that we're not talking about --
Chelsea: Chloe, you know i love you... but drop it.
Chloe: [ Inhales deeply ] Okay.
Victor: So, your brother's trying to blackmail me.
Adam: Those are your words. They're not mine.
Victor: Mm. Of all the bottom-feeding... things you can do... to get something that... I was willing to give to you when you returned home.
Adam: No, no. You don't get to make that argument again, victor, okay? You never would've given me complete control of the company, and we both know that.
Victor: So instead you play thug's game. Is that it?
Adam: Well, I learned it from the best, didn't I? I didn't want it to come to this, but you gave me no choice. And now I have a guarantee. I can control my own destiny, and that's the only way that this was ever going to work.
Victor: So, you think it's gonna work, huh? Blackmail me -- is that it? When you blackmail someone, you'd better have something to back it up, not this flimsy story that someone wrote.
Adam: You want to bet the rest of your life on that?
Victor: [ Scoffs ]
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Victor: You've accused me of being a killer before... by having some... writer come up with a cockamamie story. It didn't work then. Ain't gonna work now.
Adam: Yeah. It's funny, because alyssa montalvo had a vested interest in finding out the truth, and she didn't know where it was gonna lead and neither did I, until she talked to the corner, who finally admitted to taking your money, changing the cause of death in the records. And your goal was two things. It was to bury her own father and the truth. And now the story's written, so...who else gets to read? That's up to you. Victoria, you've been awfully quiet.
Victoria: What do you expect me to say?
Adam: I am standing here, and I'm telling you that our father had someone killed.
Victoria: Oh. And I'm supposed to believe a born liar?
Adam: Then forget it it's me that's bringing it up, okay? Think of who victor newman is and how he operates. Sure, things were rough back in kansas. Hope was in danger, and the loan shark, A.J., Was a bastard, but dear old daddy had plenty of options. I mean, he could've written a check. He could have bought hope a dozen farms if she was losing hers. But what did he do instead? He had the guy erased like something you'd scrape off the bottom of your shoe, and yet you -- you still stand there and defend him... a loyal little soldier, even though you know what I'm saying deep down is the truth.
Victoria: Don't you tell me who I know or what I'm supposed to believe. You disgust me, you sick son of a bitch. You know what this is? It's a cheap takedown of a man that you will never amount to -- not in a million years. I feel sorry for you. I feel even more sorry for your child. Aren't you glad you asked? I've always loved seeing what's next.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Chelsea: [ Exhales sharply ]
Chloe: Okay, shoot me, okay? I am just a curious person, and whatever you're going through with adam -- I mean, it's obviously making you jump out of your skin, so just tell me.
Chelsea: No. I just don't want to jinx it.
Chloe: Okay, I get that.
Chelsea: Plus I know how you feel about adam. You're not gonna be as excited as I am about this.
Chloe: But that's not true because I will be excited for you, and, yes... I will be honest. I'm never going to look at adam the same way that you do because, you know, there's just too much history. There's -- there's too much baggage.
Chelsea: I understand.
Chloe: But my best friend is over the moon in love, and i would never do anything to take that smile off of her face.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Chloe: So, if whatever adam is working on is good for you, then...it's good for me, too.
Chelsea: I'm still not gonna tell you.
Chloe: Unh! Okay, fine. But I pride myself on being annoyingly persistent.
Chelsea: [ Laughs ]
Chloe: But I really hope that adam appreciates the champion that he has in you.
Chelsea: I have one in him, too. It's what makes us work. We're a good team... wanting great things for each other... and not letting anything or anyone get in the way of that.
Adam: Well, I hope you feel better now that you've gotten that out of your system.
Victoria: Trust me, there's much more where that came from.
Victor: Sweetheart, let me deal with it.
Victoria: Dad, I'd like my say.
Adam: Oh, well, go ahead, victoria, 'cause it's not gonna change anything.
Victoria: We'll see about that.
Adam: You know, it is funny that you accuse me of trying to take my father down when you sit in that chair, 'cause if I get what I came here for, you're out, victoria.
Victoria: Oh!
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Oh, I'm shaking in my boots.
Adam: I'm not bluffing. If this piece gets out, you're gonna be visiting victor in prison, so... is that really how you want to play it?
Victoria: Well... you tried to kill him the last time. It didn't work. So why not try blackmail this time?
Adam: I just want what's mine, and I am sick and tired of waiting around for someone to give it to me.
Victoria: You deserve nothing.
Adam: And you've been given everything, victoria! This isn't revenge. It's family justice!
Victoria: Ohh. Poor adam. Were you overlooked again? Were you little feelings hurt? Oh, I'm so sorry. So then you go and you do what you've always done. You lash out at your enemies, who have bruised your massive ego. You know, you're as predictable as the sunrise. I can't believe you even allowed him to come in here. If I were you, I would have laughed him out of the room the minute he approached me with this sick joke, because that's what he is and this is. It's a joke!
Adam: Victor's not saying anything because he knows how serious this is. So... do we have a deal?
Phyllis: Thank you.
Nick: What do you mean, "define what we have?" I thought we did that the other day.
Phyllis: Yeah, but we don't need to define our relationship. You know, we don't need to put labels on it. That's what the kids do. I mean, we're grown-ups. I'm just --
[ Sighs ] Everything that sharon is going through and rey is there for her 110%, and -- and she needs that.
Nick: What does that have to do with...?
Phyllis: It just -- oh. I had a conversation with summer about us getting back together. It made me think about what if we were going through that? I mean, what if I was sick... or, god forbid, you were sick?
Nick: And?
Phyllis: Isn't that a lot of pressure for you? I mean, don't you think that's a lot of pressure? If I were sick... and -- and you would have to be responsible for my life, I mean, wouldn't that make you want to run for the hills?
Nick: That is exactly what i want... is to have someone I care so much about that I will do anything for them. Isn't that what you want? (Man) cheerios.
Victor: You know, this is the lowest I've ever seen you go, and that's saying a lot.
Adam: Right, so says the murder.
Victoria: That's enough, adam. Get out. Go play your games somewhere else. We've got better things to do with our time. Right, dad? If adam wants a fight, then we'll give him one.
Adam: Well, you two clearly need a little time to talk this over. So, that's fine. But fair warning -- I don't intend to wait forever.
Victoria: Daddy... why did you let him go?
Victor: Sweetheart...
Victoria: You should have just ended it.
Victor: Sweetheart...
Victoria: These are all lies, right?
Mariah: Hey.
Tessa: Hey.
Mariah: Hi.
Tessa: Hi. I'm so sorry that I wasn't home when I got here. I didn't expect you until tonight.
Tessa: Well, tanner rerouted the jet so I could get back to genoa city sooner.
Mariah: Aww. Isn't he the nicest rock star you've ever known?
Tessa: No.
Mariah: Not that we know many rock stars, but you get it.
Tessa: Well, he knew I wanted to be here as soon as I could... and I'm glad that I got back here before you did 'cause I got to talk to sharon.
Mariah: Uh, what did she say?
Tessa: Well, she says that she loves you... and she wants you to be happy and that's all she cares about.
Mariah: She's worried about me. That is very backwards.
Tessa: Well, I mean... not really... if you think about it. She knows that you worry about her, and...she worries about you, too. I mean, that's what parents do.
Mariah: She had a real setback today.
Tessa: I'm sorry.
Mariah: The chemo isn't working, and they're gonna have to do surgery sooner than we thought. We don't know how extensive it's gonna be.
Tessa: I know -- I know it's really scary, mariah. Sharon is gonna make it through this. I have faith in her and you. You are both going to make it.
Mariah: Would you please just keep saying that? 'Cause I really need to hear it.
Tessa: Come here.
Mariah: [ Sniffles ]
Sharon: Okay. Snack's ready.
Faith: Ohh.
Sharon: So, tessa, why don't you tell us all about your tour?
Tessa: Alright. Well... where would you like to start?
Faith: Um, what was your favorite city?
Tessa: Oh, easy. New york. I mean, it's every singer's dream to perform there.
Mariah: Mm-hmm, and I read the reviews. She absolutely killed it.
Tessa: Eh, we had a good show.
Sharon: So, that was your favorite one?
Tessa: No. My favorite is when mariah came out on stage and we kind of blew up the internet.
Mariah: Really?
Tessa: Yeah. That was the best show that I've played. Oh, I can't forget. I have a suitcase full of swag for you.
Faith: Yes!
[ Knock on door ]
Sharon: Hey! Come on in! Join the party!
Summer: I'm not interrupting.
Mariah: No. Uh, no. Welcome.
Summer: Hey.
Mariah: Hi.
Summer: Hi. Hi.
Faith: Hi!
Summer: Hi.
Sharon: Hi.
Summer: Hey, um, I want to help, so if there's anything that I can do, please...
Sharon: Uh, well, just have a seat. Tessa's filling us in about the tour.
Summer: Ooh! Okay.
Faith: Uh, was it weird signing autographs?
Tessa: Uh, yeah. It was really weird. So, I've been practicing. This is embarrassing. So, I've been practicing my signature when I was a kid, you know, just in case. So, I never imagined that actual people would be waiting in line to have me sign my name and take selfies with me.
Summer: Can I have one?
Tessa: Yeah, right.
Summer: You never know.
[ Laughter ]
Mariah: Really?
Tessa: Okay.
Mariah: Really?
Summer: Okay.
Tessa: Okay. Sorry. I'm so hungry.
Mariah: No, no. Dig in. Snack food -- it's the best food.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Oh, hi! Hi! I wasn't sure when to expect you.
Adam: We just, uh, wrapped things up.
Chelsea: And?
Adam: I spoke with victor first, and then we -- we took the trip over the newman building.
Chelsea: Was nick there?
Adam: No. Victoria was back in the office. She's back in the C.E.O. Position.
Chelsea: Okay. So, tell me what happened.
Adam: Well, victoria -- she got predictably angry. She threw her usual insults and said my need to lash out and get revenge for one thing or another. It's actually kind of sad.
Chelsea: Why?
Adam: Because she was operating at such a disadvantage. From the minute I laid out the facts, she clearly had no idea what had gone on. So she just dismissed it all as a pack of lies.
Chelsea: And victor?
Adam: Victor? Well, he was a different story. My age-related macular degeneration could lead to vision loss.
Phyllis: Of course I want us to be there for each other.
Nick: Why are you so weirded out about the prospect of one of us going through tough times? I mean, that's life. It's inevitable.
Phyllis: I know.
Nick: Look, we need to sort this out, phyllis. I don't want to go backward.
Phyllis: I'm not going backwards. I don't want to go backwards. That's not what I want to do. It -- it just --
Nick: It's just what?
Phyllis: Well, it's, um -- ohh. I'm late.
Nick: What are you late for?
Phyllis: For a meeting. I have a meeting... that I'm late for. I'M... I'M... I'm sorry.
Tessa: So, we did one extra encore 'cause it was the final show, and that was it for tour. I mean, I just took my last flight on a private jet for a long, long time.
Mariah: I wouldn't bet on it. You're gonna have your own before long.
Tessa: Oh. My biggest fan.
Mariah: Always.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ]
Summer: Hey, sharon, um, can you do me a favor.
Sharon: Sure. What is it?
Summer: Um, well, faith and i have been really wanting to see that new rom-com, so do you think I could borrow her for a couple of hours? That's if you still want to go.
Faith: Yeah. Yeah, I guess.
Summer: Yeah?
Sharon: Uh, I think that's a great idea.
Mariah: Actually, I've wanted to see that one, too. Maybe we could all go.
Tessa: Yeah.
Sharon: Oh, you know what? I'm feeling a little bit tired, so if you don't mind, I think i would fall asleep right in the middle of it. Why don't the four of you go and have fun?
Faith: Mom, are you sure that's okay?
Sharon: I'm positive.
Mariah: You know what? That's fine. We'll stay. We'll stay with you.
Sharon: No, I'm fine. Come on. Come on, girls. You guys go! Go out! Have a great time! Come on. It'll be nice. Alright. I'll see you later.
Mariah: Love you.
Sharon: Love you, too.
Faith: Love you.
Sharon: Bye.
Tessa: Bye.
Sharon: Bye.
[ Sighs ]
Victoria: I know you're upset, and you have every right to be. Everyone hoped that adam was no longer a threat and that he would just focus on chelsea and connor and leave the rest of us the hell alone, but, obviously, we were naive to think that. What he is trying to do is totally outrageous, and we have to fight back, so just tell me what it is that you want me to do and I-I'll do it. I'm with you. I'm with you all the way.
Victor: I've got to tell you something.
Adam: He kept his cards close to his vest, but I could see him doing the math, calculating his options, looking for wiggle room.
Chelsea: So, what did he finally say?
Adam: Not much, to tell you the truth. He denied it -- accuse me of peddling lies. But mostly he let victoria do the talking.
Chelsea: That doesn't sound like victor, letting somebody else fight his battles for him.
Adam: I agree. Unless...
[ Cellphone rings ] It's him.
Chelsea: Unless what, adam?
Adam: Unless victor knows there are no more battles to be fought. Hello?
Victor: I'm giving you what you want. Newman enterprises is yours.
Chelsea: [ Gasps ]
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