Y&R Transcript Thursday 4/2/20
Episode #11833 ~ Sharon waits for important news; Elena takes on a new venture; Nikki challenges Phyllis.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Alyssa: My father wasn't a killer, but yours definitely is.
Adam: Have you written the story?
Alyssa: It's almost done. All I need is another quick pass.
Adam: Okay. It's all in there. We got him.
Sharon: I just can't stop thinking about tomorrow.
Rey: Your scan.
Sharon: I'm gonna find out if the chemo worked, and what my surgery options are.
Phyllis: Wouldn't it be sad if there were no second chances at love?
Nick: Or third or fourth or fifth?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
Phyllis: We have had a very long journey together, nick newman. Do you want to carry on? Do you want to speed it up? Or do you want to end it right here?
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] There is only one thing that can make me smile like that.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] Victoria, i really wish you would reconsider.
Victoria: Mom!
Nikki: Well, you just had that scare with the chest pains.
Victoria: Well, I know, which turned out to be nothing.
Nikki: Uh, angina, my dear, is not nothing. The cardiologist warned not to get stressed, to not do too much.
Victoria: I won'T. Promise.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] What suddenly made you decide to go back to work anyway?
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Billy.
Nikki: I don't understand.
Victoria: Well, I asked him to come over so that we could talk, only I did most of the talking.
Nikki: Oh? What did you say?
Victoria: I explained that, going forward, we would be co-parents, not friends, not a couple, no possibility of romance ever. I didn't realize until the words came out of my mouth how badly i wanted him out of my life. And I said goodbye, and I meant it. And I just feel -- I feel completely liberated.
Nikki: I think that's wonderful.
Victoria: Thank you. It feels like this weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I mean, last night I slept better than I have in weeks.
Nikki: Oh, darling, you have come so far. I'm very proud of you.
Victoria: Thank you. I'm proud of myself. And in order to celebrate, I am gonna head back to the office.
Nikki: Well, um...alright. But -- but, listen, take it easy the first couple of days, okay? Just two hours or so and then see how you feel before you commit to more.
Victoria: Mom, okay. I promise I'll think about it.
Nikki: [ Sighs ]
Victoria: Mwah!
Nikki: Love you.
Victoria: Love you.
Victor: I was a little surprised to get your call.
Adam: Look, I wanted to meet because I meant what I said. You know, the way that we treat each other -- it's gonna be the true test of our relationship. It's our deeds that matter, not our words.
Victor: So, to what do you attribute this newfound attitude?
Adam: Well...believe it or not, kansas, you know, seeing the farm again, the place where I grew up, filled with indelible memories.
Victor: Yeah. Although you said it looked a little frayed at the edges, right?
Adam: Mm. Well, look, a broken furnace, leaky roof, fences down -- it can all be fixed.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Just seeing it through connor's eyes -- it gave me a new perspective.
Victor: How nice.
Adam: Mm-hmm. I'm feeling a kind of contentment that I haven't experienced in quite a while.
Victor: Oh, yeah.
Adam: Yeah.
Victor: That's a profound statement, you know.
Adam: I suppose it is.
Victor: Yeah. All this because you took a trip back to your boyhood home.
Adam: What else would it be?
Victor: I have no idea. You tell me.
Abby: Hi!
Devon: Hi! When did you and chance get back from your trip?
Abby: Oh, late last night. I am totally jet-lagged, but i could not wait to tell you our news.
Devon: What's the news? Is it about colin? Was he spotted?
Abby: It's even better than that.
Devon: What?
Abby: Devon, they caught him.
Devon: What?
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Devon: Really?
Abby: Sit. Yes. Yes. That's why I went to europe with chance. He was following a lead with some connections that he has there.
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Abby: So he put together a team, set up a trap, and colin walked right into it.
Devon: Get out of here.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Devon: Where's colin now?
Abby: The swiss authorities have him in custody, and they will be extraditing him in a few days.
Devon: Well, I'll be damned.
[ Both laugh ]
Abby: Ah, it was such a rush watching chance in action and then so satisfying to see them haul colin away in handcuffs after everything he put you and jill through.
Devon: Yeah. That's -- that blows me away.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Devon: It really does. Thank you for sharing that with me.
Abby: Of course. So, what have you been up to?
Devon: Nothing that exciting. I've been making a lot of progress with the community clinic.
Abby: Oh, the one new hope's setting up?
Devon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's free medical care for anybody who needs it, and today is our first official opening day.
Abby: Wow! Congratulations.
Devon: Thank you.
Abby: Gosh, I go abroad for a few short days, and you are putting together minor miracles.
Devon: Oh, well, yeah. Well, I had a lot of help from elena and nate, who are actually at the clinic right now seeing patients and overseeing the last of the remodeling.
Abby: Oh, it sounds like they have their hands full.
Devon: They do, but they're loving every minute of it, on top of their full-time jobs at the hospital.
Abby: That's dedication.
Devon: Yeah. Yeah. We've also been working with this young man that we met who came into the clinic, who just lost his grandfather. They're making sure he doesn't fall through the cracks.
Abby: Hmm. Good for you.
Devon: Yeah. And believe it or not, amanda, of all people, has been a -- a really big help legally and with kind of building an emotional bridge with this kid.
Abby: Mm. I think that's the first time I've ever heard you say her name without steam coming out of your ears.
[ Both laugh ]
Devon: We've gotten past a lot. We're in a better place now.
Abby: How does elena feel about that?
Devon: She feels great. She's great with it.
Nate: Okay. Take all the pills until they're gone. Don't stop halfway through the bottle because you think you're feeling better. See you back here in a week.
Elena: [ Chuckles ] I can't believe how many patients we've had in just a couple of hours. The word is really starting to spread.
Nate: Starting? It has been nonstop.
Elena: Yeah. I mean, I'm really starting to feel like we're a part of this community. Don't you?
Nate: Mm. Getting there.
Elena: Hearing the people and meeting them and knowing their stories and knowing that there's a need for a place like this, a place that's not just a clinic that offers free care, but a place in their neighborhood that gives them hope.
The radiologist will be in shortly to explain the results of the ultrasound.
Sharon: Thank you.
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Dr. Price: Sharon, I have your results. So, let's compare today's scan with your last one, okay? The neoadjuvant infusions you've had, if successful, will have reduced the size of the lesion sufficiently to allow for a less invasive procedure -- a lumpectomy instead of a full mastectomy, okay?
Nick: No, no, I don't want your excuses. I want you to do your job. I want that report in my hands by the end of the day. Oh, well, I'll take that as a compliment. Get your staff together and work faster.
[ Receiver slams ]
[ Sighs ] Oh, my god. I sound like my dad? Really?
[ Breathes deeply ]
[ Door opens ]
Victoria: What's up? The boss-lady is back.
Nick: Look at you, looking all feisty again.
Victoria: Yeah, well, it's great to be here. And in case there is any doubt, that's not a joke. I'm taking back the reins.
Nick: Today?
Victoria: No. A week from next tuesday. Yes! Today. So, I'm gonna grab a muffin and a coffee, and I'll let you start debriefing me.
Nick: Vick, this is, uh -- I-it's amazing, but...
Victoria: What? What? What, you don't think I'm up for it?
Nick: Well, are you?
Victoria: Yes. I mean, physically, I'm fine, and emotionally, I'm -- I'm in much better shape than the last time we spoke.
Nick: Yeah, you couldn't figure out why you weren't bouncing back faster than you thought you should.
Victoria: I was trapped. I was -- I was stuck in a trap of my own making, which is where all of the -- the uncertainty and the weariness was coming from. I just didn't see it at the time.
Nick: How'd you figure things out?
Victoria: I don't know. I think that misery has a way of producing clarity. And I came to some very big realizations, mostly about billy.
Nick: Like what?
Victoria: Well, that billy is who he is and we are completely wrong for each other. So it's just time for me to accept that and move on.
Nick: Well, I could not be happier for you.
Victoria: Thank you. You know, you're not the first person who's said that to me.
Nick: And I'm not gonna be the last.
Victoria: [ Laughs ]
Nick: You look great. I couldn't be more proud of you.
Victoria: Thank you. I'm sorry it took me so long to snap out of it, but I needed to do it for myself and for the kids and get back to work and -- and being well, back to business.
Nick: Life goes on.
Victoria: Indeed it does. And for me, this is what it looks like.
Victor: What was the source of this newfound contentment that you're talking about? Please enlighten me.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Things have been going my way...
Victor: Ah.
Adam: ...For a change.
Victor: Nice.
Adam: I mean, chelsea and I -- we're happy.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Connor -- he's enjoying the new school, and he loves visiting the ranch.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: And it's just... lately I found myself thinking about the special bond you and i share.
Victor: Uh-huh. You mean because of your mother.
Adam: No, I mean 'cause of us...
Victor: Aha.
Adam: ...You and me. You may not know this, but when I was a kid, I idolized you...
Victor: You did?
Adam: ...Long before I knew you were my father.
Victor: Well, I'll be damned.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Victor: Really? How nice is that.
Adam: Yeah, you had this way of letting me know that I'd pleased you.
Victor: Oh, yeah.
Adam: And I've been searching for that feeling my entire life, you know, striving to win your approval.
Victor: Uh-huh.
Adam: I mean, that's why i seized control of newman when you were presumed dead in mexico.
Victor: Oh, yeah.
Adam: Oh, hell, that's why i joined forces with jack to try to bring you down. Never mind how it looked to the rest of the world. You and I -- we knew the truth.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: And you loved that i went to those lengths...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: ...That I could be that ruthless because that's what you'd do.
Victor: Mm.
Adam: And I am exactly like you.
Victor: Mm.
Adam: Which is what you have always wanted.
Victor: Hmm.
Adam: [ Inhales sharply ] But you know what they say.
Victor: What do they say?
[ Mug thuds ]
Adam: Be careful what you wish for.
Victor: Mm.
Amanda: So, you're telling me that that sparkle in your eye is because you scored a new client for this hotel?
Phyllis: Well, you know, it's a very fruitful negotiation.
Amanda: Mm. And this client --
Phyllis: Potential client.
Amanda: Would it happen to be the same guy that we composed that flirty little text to recently?
Phyllis: Um...
[ Sighs ] Who am I kidding? It's nick.
Amanda: Nick? Nick newman, your ex?
Phyllis: Yes. My ex many times over.
Amanda: Wow. Well, good reason to keep things on the D.L.
Phyllis: I know.
[ Chuckling ] Oh, god, that's what I thought.
Amanda: [ Laughs ] So, how did the flame get re-ignited this time?
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Oh, my gosh. Amanda, you know, we do this dance, and we just get to know each other better and we get reacquainted and then, you know, it turns into...
[ Stammers ]
Amanda: "Quality time"?
Phyllis: Yeah. It turns into "quality time."
[ Both laugh ] And -- and we both think, "hey, listen, you know, nothing's gonna happen because there's so much history and so much baggage." And then little by little, just...
Amanda: Everyone has baggage, so why fight it when it seems so --
Phyllis: The inevitable. Right, right. I know. I know. And it's just crazy. We just go, "okay, this is really fun, and there's so much chemistry." There's so much between us. And, you know, we think, "that's fine," you know? It's just great, crazy fun between two consenting adults, and...
[ Sighs ] Last night we had a real -- a very real conversation about what's been happening and where we both want it to go. And it seems like, wonders of wonders, it's the same place.
[ Sighs ]
Amanda: So you're gonna do this again for real?
Phyllis: Yeah, for real, we're gonna do it again.
[ Sighs ]
Amanda: Well, I'm happy for you, phyllis.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Amanda: Truly.
Phyllis: Thank you.
[ Both laugh ] So, anyway, I answered your question, and I gave you way more information than what was wise. That's for sure. So, what's going on with you?
Amanda: Oh, me? Um... well, I am helping a teenage boy who's going through a really, really rough time right now. His last remaining relative just passed away, and so he's all alone.
Phyllis: Oh, wow.
Amanda: Yeah.
Phyllis: That's horrible.
Amanda: I know. But I'm on my way to a meeting right now with devon and nate about it.
Phyllis: Okay. Speaking of handsome and sexy, how is dr. Nate hastings?
Amanda: I'm glad that things are working out well for you in this department, phyllis. I really am. But I am not looking to get into anything.
Phyllis: Mm. That's when it happens -- when you least expect it.
Victoria: Did you put in our bid on the ballard deal?
Nick: Yeah, we squeaked in under the wire.
Victoria: How soon until we hear something?
Nick: Like middle of next week.
Victoria: You know, I'm not used to having this much competition when I acquire a company. I assume they heard I was sidelined and they got nervous.
Nick: Yeah, maybe. Uh, you want to take a break?
Victoria: No. I'm fine. Why? You?
Nick: Maybe a short one.
Victoria: Oh. You had your entire day scheduled and then I just come in here and I spring all of this on you.
Nick: It's okay. Really.
Victoria: Thank you for saying that, nicholas. I'm sure you don't have some secret desire to keep this job.
Nick: Uh, no.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: Someone recently accused me of turning into dad.
Victoria: Oh. You have my sympathies.
Nick: Naturally, I didn't dignify it with a response, but I was on the phone earlier listening to some of the words that were coming out of my mouth, and I'm wondering maybe what they're saying is true.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ] How horrifying.
Nick: But then you walked in like an answer to my prayer.
Victoria: I am so glad to hear you say that.
Nick: And of course, I will stick around as long as you need me to, to help with the transition. It's not the work, per se.
Victoria: Right. I know. It's you being back here. You went out of your way to try to avoid that, which makes me even more grateful that you agreed to do it.
Nick: You're welcome.
Victoria: So, my first act as returning ceo is to give you the rest of the day off.
Nick: Are you serious?
Victoria: Yeah, I'm serious. I'm positive. I'm ready. Don't I look like it?
Nick: Welcome back.
Victoria: Thank you.
[ Glass shatters ]
Your migraine strikes,
and the struggle is real.
Devon: Oh, it's the best news of the day. Alright. You too. I'll be in touch. Take care.
Abby: Sounds like jill's delighted.
Devon: Yeah, she couldn't be happier. Um, I'd love to stay and chat with you, but I need to get back to the clinic.
Abby: Yes, and I actually need to go visit dina. My uncle jack and mom and aunt traci -- they brought her home from the memory care facility. They want to keep her close by. And, um -- well, you know, she still has flashes sometimes of memory.
Devon: Yeah.
Abby: And I want to share them with her as much as I can while I can.
Devon: Of course. Of course. Please tell your family that they're in my prayers, okay?
Abby: Absolutely, yeah. It's good to see you.
Devon: It's good to see you, too. Okay.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Okay, I'm gonna stop playing matchmaker.
Amanda: No, you won'T.
Phyllis: No, I'm not because I see how you glow when you're around dr. Hastings.
Amanda: Stop it.
Phyllis: Hey... you're not being stalked anymore, alright? So you can live your life and really wait for someone great to come into it. Enter dr. Nate hastings. So, you could be a spectator, or you can seize the day. Carpe diem. I'm just saying. Don't deny yourself.
Amanda: Okay, I will take that all under advisement, phyllis. Thank you. Thank you for these drinks and that pep talk.
Phyllis: Oh, that was free.
[ Both laugh ]
Amanda: Have a good day.
Phyllis: You too.
Nikki: Hey! What are you doing here in the middle of the day?
Nick: Boss gave me the boot.
Nikki: Ahh. I was afraid of that.
Nick: What, that I'd get an afternoon off?
Nikki: I was only comfortable with victoria going in the office because I knew you would be there.
Nick: Mom, she's fine.
Nikki: I don't know how you can say that.
Victoria: [ Sighs ]
[ Scoffs ] Nicholas. Yep. I'm back.
Adam: I'm the child that's most like you. I mean, that's why our relationship is so complicated. But there are limits. Even now, as you're stepping back from the company, you could not allow yourself to give me control. I mean, not for a day, not for a week, not for a single minute.
Victor: Hmm.
Adam: You know, it's always been there, just nagging me in the back of my brain. Why? Why did you reject me so summarily?
Victor: You're distorting history. When you graduated from harvard business school, i welcomed you here with open arms. I practically gave you the keys to the kingdom.
Adam: [ Clears throat ]
Victor: And when I found that you were alive in las vegas, i offered you any position.
Adam: You did it to get me back into the fold, back under your control.
Victor: That's bull.
Adam: Yeah. Yeah. You dangled the position in front of me, you told me everything that I wanted to hear, and then you yanked it out from under me. What'd you do? You installed nick as ceo. I mean, nick. Nick, who doesn't even want the job. He makes it no secret of how much he [Scoffs] Hates the place.
Victor: I thought you had come to terms with that.
Adam: I have...
Victor: Huh.
Adam: ...Only now they're my terms.
[ Folder thuds ] Read it.
Victor: [ Chuckles ] According to her family,
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nikki: I'm not convinced that your sister is ready to run a giant corporation again.
Nick: Mom, is she taking on more than she can handle right now? Maybe. But vick is never shy to ask me for help if she needs it. She knows I'll be there for in a second.
Nikki: Now that you've been cut loose, what do you have in mind for all that extra time you'll have?
Nick: Well, I've got plenty to keep me busy, um, at new hope. I'm already scouting locations for our next project -- a mix of townhouses and bigger apartments that will better suit the families that we need to help.
Nikki: Yes, we discussed and voted on that at the last board meeting.
Nick: That's right. That's right. You were there. I forgot.
Nikki: Yeah. Yeah. What has you so distracted today? Are you here to meet somebody?
Nick: That's a good guess.
Nikki: Well, I can only assume -- are you kidding me? Phyllis?
Elena: [ Sighs ] So, we have been taking turns seeing patients and signing for packages.
Nate: And interviewing staff.
Devon: Nice.
Elena: It's been overwhelming, but in a really good way.
Devon: Well, hey, I really appreciate you guys handling everything you've been handling.
Nate: Hey, you can take a bow, too. This would just be a nice idea if you hadn't put in the money and the know-how, you know, worked your connections, cleared away the red tape to make this a reality.
Devon: Well, I think we all have a lot to be happy about today, huh?
Elena: Oh, I know nate's grateful because an older woman offered to bring him a homemade tart.
Devon: Alright.
Elena: Yeah, you better use that charm of yours in your personal life. Use it or lose it.
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: I get out.
Devon: Ah. She's right, man.
Nick: I'm busy. The work is important.
Elena: So is having a personal life.
Nate: It's not for lack of interest. It's just a challenge finding the right person.
Elena: Then you must be blind because I think she's right under your nose.
Nate: Who is?
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: Look at this place.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Door closes ]
Sharon: [ Voice breaking ] I feel so -- I feel so stupid, just stupid. Who does that? Who --
Rey: Forget about what happened at crimson lights, alright? No one is worried about that. I wish I had been there with you today.
Sharon: I wanted to do it alone. I-I was determined to be so strong.
Rey: You are strong, babe. You are one of the strongest people I know.
Sharon: You know, all these drugs they've been pumping in me, the chemo making me sick and beating me up and -- and -- but you know what? It was worth it because I was so sure. I visualized it... the tumor just shrinking, dissipating. But, no, no. Not as much as they hoped.
Rey: Sharon --
Sharon: You know, I have an appointment with dr. Blakely in a couple of days to discuss my options. What -- what options do I have?! I don't have options! I have an option, singular!
[ Crying ] I'm gonna lose my breast, rey.
Rey: Sweetheart, sweetheart, you don't know that, okay? Just breathe. Breathe.
Sharon: Yeah. The radiologist told me she could see that I was holding my breath.
[ Breathes deeply ]
Rey: Shh. What else did she say?
Sharon: I don't know. I don't know. I couldn't even hear anything. It doesn't matter anyway. I could see it right there on the scan, the cancer refusing to go away. And now...
Rey: Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Sharon: Now...
Rey: Shh. Shh.
Sharon: [ Sniffles ]
Rey: It's okay. It's okay.
Amanda: Well, I am glad to hear that jared is getting settled in. You three are angels for helping him the way that you have been.
Devon: You wouldn't even recognize him if you saw him again. He had been feeling so scared and alone.
Nate: It's like he's a different kid now.
Elena: Because people cared.
Amanda: Because jared can see that he has prospects, a future.
Devon: Well, that's what hope is. Um, I'm interested in knowing how many patients you guys saw today. I'd like to get a better handle on that.
Elena: Yeah, I'll, um, show you on my tablet. I set up a records database.
Devon: Perfect.
Nate: You know, I think it'd be good for us to sit down with jared, coach him on how to look for a job now that his grandfather's store's closing.
Amanda: That would be incredible. I would like that a lot.
Nate: Consider it a date.
Amanda: I will. But, um, I was thinking in terms of...a real one.
Nikki: Please tell me you are not taking up with that woman again.
Nick: I can't do it. My mama raised me not to lie.
Nikki: Ah, well, you're a grown man. You're entitled to make your own decisions.
Nick: And let's just leave it at that.
Nikki: But you seem to have amnesia where phyllis is concerned. How can you even consider getting involved with her again after all the times she has up-ended your life? She has given you nothing but grief.
Nick: Who does this remind me of? Oh, I know you -- you and dad.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] I can see there is no point in trying to talk to you about this with her standing there. But, darling, I am warning you.
Nick: Consider me warned.
Nikki: Because I care about you.
Nick: I know. And I'm sure I'll be warned again and again.
Nikki: Okay, you have it your way. But one day soon, you will wish you had listened to me.
Phyllis: Hmm. Let me guess. You were weighing the pros and cons with your mom of us getting back together, right?
[ Laughs ]
Adam: You may not know this, dad, but I own an online newsmagazine. It's a little independent outlet I picked up along the way, thinking it might be useful. And that is an article i commissioned from a reporter friend. And she has laid out the evidence -- and there's a lot of it -- that aj montalvo -- you remember him? -- Did not die from a fall from a barn loft. His death was not an accident. And I had the editor sign a nondisclosure agreement, so i decide when or whether that article ever sees the light of day. Be a shame to waste it, though. It's kind of a catchy title -- "victor newman, murder magnet." So, this is what it's come to. I have to force your hand to get what I deserve. Maybe that's what you wanted me to do all along, right? I mean, it shouldn't be easy for me to gain your respect. I have to force your back up against the wall. So tell me. Tell me it worked. Tell me now how proud you are of me, how you admi I'm just like you.
Victor: Interesting write-up.
Adam: Mm.
Victor: Full of bull.
Adam: [ Chuckles ]
Victor: You have no proof.
Adam: Sure I do.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Adam: And you know what? There's enough there to bury you. So all that matters now is what you're gonna do to stop that.
Victor: [ Breathes deeply ]
Want to brain better?
Nick: Mom reacted as predicted when we put together that list of the pros and cons to the news that we are...
Phyllis: We are...
Nick: Two adults who enjoy each other'S...euphemism... who click like they always have and don't feel the need to hide it anymore.
Phyllis: Yes. Um, I kind of like watching people's heads explode. I'm gonna put it in the pro column.
[ Intercom sounds ]
Victoria: Yes, siobhan? Put him right through. Victoria newman.
Adam: So, I have the evidence locked away, ready to turn over to the police when I publish that article -- proof that my father killed a man in kansas, bribed a coroner to declare it was an accident. All I got to do is say the word, and you're gonna go to prison, probably for the rest of your natural life. But, I mean, you know the drill by now at walworth. They'll probably treat you like an elder statesman.
Victor: Mm. So...you know the terms. What are they?
Sharon: You know what? I didn't want to fall apart. I -- [ Inhales sharply ] I don't want anyone else to see me like this. I'm just gonna call nick and tell him to pick up faith from school.
Rey: I can -- I can call nick, sharon. I can handle it.
Sharon: No, you -- I don't want my daughter to know what happened at the coffeehouse or that this got to me the way that it did.
Rey: You don't have to be brave for us right now, alright? You don't have to protect us.
Sharon: No, but faith is so worried, and I know she tries to hide it from me, but I know! I see it!
Rey: Listen. You've had a shock, okay? You -- it's okay to freak out, alright? Just don't try to keep it bottled up inside. You can scream. You can cry. You can lean on us, sharon. That's what we're here for.
Sharon: [ Breathes deeply ] I don't want this inside of me anymore!
Rey: I know. I know. I know. We knew that there was gonna be surgery. That's just -- that's just the next step. Th-there's so much that the doctors can do for you.
Sharon: [ Breathes deeply ]
Rey: Okay.
Sharon: [ Exhales heavily ] I want it gone.
Rey: I know.
Sharon: I want it gone, gone.
Rey: I know, baby. I know. I know, baby. I know.
Sharon: [ Breathing heavily ]
Rey: I know.
Next week on
"the young and the restless"...
Kyle: You don't even know dina.
Theo: I belong here every bit as much as you do...
Dina: John!
Theo: ...And if you have an issue with that, it's your problem!
Dina: Stuart! No!
Nate: Damn. [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: Back at you.
Adam: I own the story, and i can bury the story, as long as i get what I want. And what I want is this, all of this.
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