Y&R Transcript Wednesday 4/1/20
Episode #11832 ~ Nick and Phyllis makes a decision about their future; Theo's plan to charm Lola backfires; Victoria settles unfinished business.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Summer: I love you. I love dad. What I don't love is the two of you together because experience has shown me what a disaster that can be.
Nick: I mean, encounters like last night keep happening, and they're fun. I think we're avoiding the follow-up. What is it you want, phyllis?
Victoria: I accepted him, and I didn't give up. Until I didn't have a choice anymore.
Lola: So, this is it.
Kyle: I'm so sorry I hurt you, lola.
Lola: I know you are. And maybe we took our time getting here for a reason, so that we could part ways without any anger.
Lola: Theo.
Theo: Hey.
Lola: Hey. It looks like you were a few thousand light years away.
Theo: I just came from the abbott house. Dina's living at home again.
Lola: Wow. I don't know that. How is she?
Theo: Mm.
Lola: I'm so sorry.
Theo: But seeing her helped me put some things in perspective.
Lola: Like what?
Theo: Like how I want to spend my time on this big blue marble, and who I want to spend it with. And that's what brought me here. I also wanted to see how you were holding up now that kyle knows about our trip to new york.
Lola: He asked to see me.&
Theo: Ah. I figured he'd have something to say about it. I hope he didn't give you too much grief.
Lola: No, it wasn't anything like that. He wanted to talk about our marriage. Well, more like our divorce.
Theo: Oh, man. Okay.
Lola: I'm -- I'm okay. It's okay.
Theo: Is it? I mean, are you okay?
Lola: Yeah. I'm good. It's time. Really. I mean, it's not that big of a deal, right?
Kyle: Hey.
Summer: Hey.
Kyle: Hey. Take it easy. Did your meeting go badly?
Summer: No. My meeting was great. Could not have gone better.
Kyle: Okay, so what's the problem?
Summer: [ Sighs ] Kyle, I've done the best I could over the years. I have loved them. I have supported their lunatic life choices. I have defended them. It was always us against the world, but now -- now I am done. Now I am through with them.
Kyle: With who?
Summer: My parents. I mean, would kill them to just grow up?
Nick: And then she went quiet. It's been my experience over the years that quiet phyllis is a dangerous phyllis.
Phyllis: I, um, am thrown off. I just didn't know that you were going to ask me... a question about our relationship.
Nick: I'm sorry. I'm just, uh, you know, trying to get your take on things to see if we're on the same page about where things stand.
Phyllis: Well, what page are you one? Are you at the beginning of the book? Or, um... is it the same chapter that always opens up? We've read it a million times, and we know how it's gonna end. Or is it a new story? You first.
Rey: You want to get your some more tea?
Sharon: No, thanks.
Rey: You want me to run upstairs and grab your book, or -- or we could finish that movie we were watching.
Sharon: Rey, I said no, okay? Please stop asking me.
Rey: I'm sorry. I was -- I'm just trying to help.
Sharon: Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry, rey. I -- I love you. I --
Rey: I know.
Sharon: I just don't know what is wrong with me. I -- will you forgive me?
Rey: There's -- there's no need.
Sharon: I just can't stop thinking about tomorrow.
Rey: Your scan.
Sharon: I'm gonna find out if the chemo worked, and what my surgery options are.
Rey: It's a big day. You know, maybe I should take some more time off work.
Sharon: No, not yet. But there is something else you can do for me.
Rey: Name it.
Sharon: Tell lola. I just want you to have someone you can trn to when I snap. Tell her today, please.
[ Door opens ] Mariah?
Mariah: I'm back.
Sharon: You're supposed to be on tour with tessa.
Mariah: And now I'm here. But I can always go back, though, if you want me to.
Sharon: Get in here.
Mariah: [ Giggles ]
[ Cellphone rings ]
Billy: Victoria. Is everything okay?
Victoria: Yeah. Everything is fine. Bank are you still in the hospital?
Victoria: No, I'm at the ranch.
Billy: Good. I'm really glad to hear that.
Victoria: Are you busy?
Billy: No, I'm, uh, just grabbing a coffee.
Victoria: Do you think that maybe you could stop by for a few minutes?
Billy: Yeah, of course, I'll -- I'll come right now.
Victoria: Good.
Billy: Vick. It's really nice to hear your voice.
Victoria: I'll see you soon. There will be parties again soon,
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Mariah: Did I come back at a bad time? Because I'm getting this sinking feeling that you don't want me here.
Sharon: No, I -- I just want to know what happened. You were so happy about going on the road with tessa.
Mariah: The tour is winding down, and, uh, she's gonna be back home soon.
Sharon: You cut the trip short because of me.
Mariah: You have a big day tomorrow. I want to be here, and it's too late to send me back, right, rey?
Rey: I'm gonna let you two catch up.
Mariah: Where are you going?
Rey: I'm gonna go to society, see what lola is cooking up. I'll be back soon.
Mariah: Okay. See ya.
Rey: Bye.
Sharon: It's good to have you home. Who told you about my scan? Rey or nick?
Mariah: Faith. She's worried about you, but she did not ask me to come home. Okay? That was my choice.
Sharon: You could have run it by me first.
Mariah: Yes, I could have, but sometimes it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. I only have one mom, one chance to do this right. So this is where I need to be.
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Hey.
Billy: You look great.
Victoria: Thank you for coming by.
Billy: Yeah, of course. It scared the hell out of me when nikki called me and told me that you were being rushed to memorial.
Victoria: Oh, you knew?
Billy: Yeah. I went over there to see you as soon as I could. Except I hit a roadblock.
Victoria: What stopped you?
Billy: Nick.
Victoria: Oh. Well, I can only imagine how that went down.
Billy: He told me that you wouldn't want to see me. And yet here I am.
Victoria: Why don't we have a seat?
Nick: You and I, we're just... we're friends. We are buds. You know, co-parents to a beautiful and amazing young woman...
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: ...And that's it.
Phyllis: Yes, we are friends. Friends.
Nick: At least that's what i keep telling myself. Friends with, you know, a lot of history.
Phyllis: Yeah, we have a lot of history and baggage, and...
Nick: And inescapable chemistry. But we're just friends. If I was smart, I would leave it at that, but...
Phyllis: Uh...but, yeah?
Nick: I... want more.
Phyllis: Well, we could have more. We could do that. No.
Nick: I know. But the thing is, is what we want and what we should do aren't necessarily the same thing.
Phyllis: You're right. You're absolutely right.
Nick: Yeah?
Phyllis: Yeah. We can't do this. We can't just dive into the deep end, again.
Nick: Yeah. Even though it would be a hell of a lot of fun.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. We -- we can't do this. I mean, we got to think this through.
Nick: What? Can you say that again? I think I misheard you.
Phyllis: Well, I can control my impulses.
Nick: Since when? I have never seen that skill.
Phyllis: Oh, I can. I am completely capable of controlling my impulses. I mean, it's something that I deploy, you know, when I want something, I mean, something is worth having.
Nick: I know just what to do.
Kyle: Have you asked your parents what their relationship status is?
Summer: Till I am blue in the face.
Kyle: And what did they say?
Summer: They tell me anything but the truth. They -- they dodge, they deny, they even -- my god. It is so incredibly infuriating. I mean, at this point in my life, I think I should have two parents who've settled down, who've maybe moved on with their lives, who have actually put the past in the past. But no, no, no. With these two, when they say that the past is dead and buried, somehow it comes springing back to life.
Kyle: But are they happy?
Summer: For now, because there are three things in life that I know are inevitable, kyle. One, death, two, taxes, and three, when my parents are caught smooching, that just means that the next step is everything goes up in flames.
Kyle: That could happen.
Summer: Well, enough of that. You came here for an official report, so I will give you --
Kyle: That can wait. There's something I need to tell you.
Lola: We are getting a divorce. It sounds very strange.
Theo: Well it must. I mean, you've spent so much time thinking you were going to be together forever. I'm sorry.
Lola: Not everything was meant to last forever. I just really hate thinking about all the things that you have to do -- finding a lawyer, filling out all the paperwork, figuring out who gets custody of the friends.
Theo: Well, you've got me, and I promise to lift your spirits. You'll make it through, and you'll be stronger for it.
Lola: Thank you.
Rey: [ Clears throat ] Hey.
Lola: Hey, rey.
Theo: Hi, uh, good to see you.
Lola: Is everything all right?
Rey: You know, I was hoping to get a few minutes alone with you, if you're not too busy.
Theo: Uh, we'll talk later.
Lola: Yeah. I'll see you soon.
Rey: That guy? Lola, seriously?
Victoria: You know, I've had a lot of time to think while I've been recuperating, um... it was just really hard for me. I couldn't figure out why i couldn't get back on my own two feet, back to my old self.
Billy: I take it you found some answers?
Victoria: I did. It was the shock and the trauma, the shock of being stopped by a complete and total stranger...
Billy: Victoria, I am so sorry.
Victoria: And the trauma of what happened to us. Our relationship coming to an abrupt end. It's funny, I just -- I thought that our love could weather anything because we were parents and friends. Partners and lovers.
Billy: All of those things and more.
Victoria: Yeah. Maybe in another lifetime. People grow apart. I know that. It's natural. But losing you -- well, losing us -- I think that's what's been keeping me down. But... I think I know what I need to do to move forward.
You wouldn't accept
an incomplete job
Phyllis: Um, seriously?
Nick: Yeah. What's wrong? We're gonna put together a list, the pros and cons.
Phyllis: Um, okay. A spreadsheet. Or we could just keep score on our own.
Nick: Are you sure? I mean, this is gonna be pretty kick-ass, but we could do it your way if you want.
Phyllis: I think it's just a little more personal my way.
Nick: Fair enough. Where would you like to start?
Phyllis: Um... let me think.
[ Sighs ] I'm thinking.
Nick: Okay.
Phyllis: Um, excuse me.
Nick: Please.
Phyllis: [ Giggles ] Uh... okay, you give me a reason why we should be together, and I'll give you, like, a few dozen more.
Theo: Hey, man what's up with you? Oh, couldn't be better. Hey, remember that favor you owe me, one of the many? Yeah, big time. Yeah, I was hoping you could work your magic and score me some of those orchestra tickets to that new broadway show that just opened. That's the one.
[ Laughs ] No, you're right. You know me, broadway's never been my thing. But I'm bringing somebody with me, and I want to make sure this trip is really special for her.
Lola: We've been hanging out.
Rey: Mm.
Lola: Look, I know what everyone thinks of him, but he's been really nice to me. So I'm asking my well-meaning but very overprotective brother to trust me.
Rey: Just keep your eyes wide open and promise me you're not gonna rush into anything.
Lola: Except a divorce. Kyle and I decided it was time to move forward.
Rey: You okay?
Lola: Mm-hmm.
Rey: Even though your head tells you it's the right thing to do? It still takes your heart a while to catch up.
Lola: But you fell in love again, and that gives me hope.
Rey: It's crazy, right? I've never known another woman like her. I don't know what I'd do without her.
Lola: Is she going somewhere? You guys aren't breaking up or anything, right?
Rey: No. No, no, no. It's nothing like that. Um...
Lola: Well, then, what is it?
Rey: There's something I need to tell you, and you're probably wondering why it took me so long to let you know, but... it wasn't my story to tell.
Lola: Rey, you're scaring me. What's going on?
Rey: It's about sharon.
Sharon: How did you like the soup?
Mariah: Oh, it was delicious.
Sharon: It's my pressure cooker. I just put in some ingredients, press a button, and a few hours later, I'm a culinary genius. You know, I'm the one who should be doting on you.
Sharon: I'm just glad to have you home. It's more than I could ask for.
Mariah: You're glad to have me home, but you're still shutting me out.
Sharon: No, I'm not.
Mariah: Yeah. Yeah, you are. You don't want anyone to help you. I get it, but... I am begging you to let me in. Not talking about it is not gonna make it go away.
Sharon: I've been trying so hard to stay positive
Mariah: For us?
Sharon: And for me.
Mariah: Because...
Sharon: What if the chemo isn't working and the tumor has grown and I get surgery and I need a mastectomy? I can'T. I can'T. I can'T. I...am not that strong, mariah. Don't tell me that I am because I -- I'm terrified!
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Lola: Cancer. Okay. And all of these months...
Rey: She don't want anybody to know.
Lola: I get it. I do. But I could have done something to help. I could have done anything, rey, to just help you or her or faith...
Rey: You did.
Lola: The other day when you brought her over and we baked bread?
Rey: Mm-hmm.
Lola: Oh, my god, rey...
Rey: It's been a -- a struggle for all of us.
Lola: I'm sure. And now I feel like we're just holding our breath until we find out what the news is tomorrow.
Lola: Okay. Well, now that I know, tell me what to do. I have to help. I'll bring dinner. Dinners every single night. I'll go off-menu. Tell me what she likes. I can hang out with faith more. I will run errands for you. Just tell me what you need, and I will do it, okay? Because I want to.
Rey: I'm gonna -- I gonna get back to you on that, okay? Just being able to talk to you about it helps, a lot.
Lola: Whenever you need me, rey, I will be here, okay?
Sharon: There you have it. All my worries and my fears. No going back now. So welcome home, sweetheart.
Mariah: You're scared. That's normal, right?
Sharon: I'm scared of living with this cancer. I'm scared of dying of this cancer. I'm scared of the surgery that I'm going to have to have, and i can't stop thinking about the worst-case scenario. I know mastectomies happen. Other women have them, they -- they go on to live healthy and fruitful lives.
Mariah: And I bet all of those women were as scared as you are right now.
Sharon: I'm not strong enough for this. I'm not strong enough for this.
Mariah: Hey. We don't know anything right now. We don'T. And whatever happens tomorrow, whatever news we get, after the scan, we're gonna do what we've been doing for months, okay? Helping you become cancer-free.
Sharon: Cancer-free. That's all I want!
Mariah: And you have handled this situation with so much grace and dignity.
Sharon: No, I haven'T. No, I haven'T.
Mariah: Yes, you have. You have, and...
[ Sighs ] I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I really do. I know that this is... exhausting and scary and frustrating and a hell that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy, but there's no shame in admitting you're afraid.
Sharon: I want so badly to be brave. I'm not brave. I want to be brave.
Mariah: You are. Bravery isn't how much you worry or you cry. It's about being afraid and doing the thing that you're scared of.
Sharon: I think I told you that once.
Mariah: Yeah. And now I get to tell you. I love you, and we have come so far.
Sharon: Through the fire.
Mariah: And whatever happens, we're gonna make it through.
Billy: This is good, to be able to talk like this.
Victoria: Yeah, it's good. It's been a while.
Billy: It has, and the last time we we talked, you were very& upset with me, which is totally understandable. I was less than honorable, and I didn't respect our relationship and I was selfish, and...
Victoria: Billy.
Billy: I don't -- no. I don't really know how to apologize for that, but I just want you to know that I'm here, and I want to help you through all of this. And I know that there's a way forward for us. We just have to figure out what that is.
Victoria: I'm -- I'm honestly -- I'm not angry with you anymore. But other than co-parenting, there just really is no "we." I mean, you need some -- some time to figure it out?
Victoria: No. No, billy, I'm pretty sure that I could have all the time in the world, and I would come to the same conclusion. I mean, it's not like it used to be, where we could just hit the reset button and somehow become friends again. You're not my friend. And that part of me that could always love you no matter what, I mean, you killed her. This is just over.
Billy: You don't really mean that, vick.
Victoria: I do. I -- I mean it. If I don't put myself first, then no one else is going to put me first. So I am -- I'm done allowing myself to be your collateral damage. (Lisa) whew, there is a lot going on, but we got this,
Summer: This is huge.
Kyle: You knew I was going to talk to lola about our divorce.
Summer: No. No, I know. I just -- I don't know, I keep thinking about us and our divorce and what it was like to have that talk. I mean, did lola throw any glassware or threaten to burn all your clothes?
Kyle: Mm. She was amazingly quiet.
Summer: How is she?
Kyle: Okay, I guess, considering it's not like any of this came out of the blue.
Summer: How are you doing?
Kyle: I'm a little weirded out that I'm discussing my divorce with a woman I recently divorced. I mean, are you -- are you okay with this?
Summer: Yeah, I'm okay. And we are okay. But if you need time alone, I -- I really understand.
Kyle: I just want to be here with you for a while. If that's okay with you.
Summer: Of course it's okay with me. Anything you need.
Theo: Hey, am I interrupting?
Lola: No. Come on in. I was going to call you, so I'm glad you're back.
Theo: What's up?
Lola: It's about our trip.
Theo: Oh, we must be on the same wavelength. Shoot. Ask me anything.
Lola: Anything?
Billy: With the things that we've been through, vick, you can't just -- you can't just erase those from your heart. And as much as we try, you can't just stop feeling.
Victoria: Billy, I have given you so much of myself, so much of my time and energy, and I just -- I can't do that anymore. I won'T.
Billy: I'm sorry.
Victoria: No, don't be sorry. I have clarity now. And I heard you have a new job. Nick tells me that you're leading chancellor's new media division with lily.
Billy: I am.
Victoria: That's great.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: I'm proud of you. That's -- that's a perfect fit for you, professionally. And as far as everything else goes, your personal life, that's your own affair. If I see you out with amanda...
Billy: It's a non-starter. It's not gonna happen.
Victoria: It doesn't matter. I'm not gonna make any noise about it. Whomever you choose to spend time with, that's -- that's your own business. The point is, billy, your life is your own. So is mine.
Phyllis: And the reason for being together, number 15... 15 is because we belong together.
Nick: Because...?
Phyllis: Because we have really good sex, and... no one makes you laugh like i do.
Nick: Both valid points.
Phyllis: Very valid. And besides the sex, besides that being incomparable, forget that... we bring out the best in each other. And we're really good friends and we always tell each other the truth, and... I think we make a great team. We make a great team. You can't deny that. So are we at reason 150?
Nick: It's an extensive list, yes... but I think we should get cracking on the cons.
Phyllis: Why? There are so many pros.
Nick: Number one... summer.
Phyllis: Summer. She's such a buzzkill.
Nick: There's also the fact -- I'm gonna tell her you said that...
Phyllis: [ Giggles ]
Nick: That I have broken your heart a few times, and you have broken mine a few times.
Phyllis: We got past that. We worked through it and got past it.
Nick: You turned state's evidence against my family in the J.T. Murder trial, and then you teamed up with adam.
Phyllis: And you walked around as J.T. I mean, come on. And I've made mistakes, I know that. Mistakes that I regret. I wish I could change things, but I can'T. And when I worked with adam, I made sure that I got all of those dark horse properties back for you. I made sure of it. I am a piece of work.
Nick: You are.
Phyllis: [ Laughs ] I'm also a work in progress, and I made amends to you. I feel like I did. That's important, right?
Nick: We wouldn't be here otherwise.
Phyllis: We have had a very long journey together, nick newman. I mean, my question is -- do you want to? Do you want to speed it up? Or do you want to end it right here?
Theo: For me?
Lola: Spinach empanadas.
Theo: My fave! Well, they smell great, but I don't like the look of this.
Lola: It's to cushion the blow. I have to postpone our trip to new york city. I'm so sorry, theo.
Theo: Nah, I -- don't worry about it. I mean, it's none of my business, but did rey say something?
Lola: No, it's nothing like that. I didn't even tell him that we were gonna go away. He's just got a lot going on in his life right now, and I think I should stay here. Just in case he needs me.
Theo: And vice versa now that you're going ahead with the divorce. You're lucky you two are tight like that.
Lola: But can we reschedule when everything settles down?
Theo: Yeah, I mean... you know, the crazy thing is, that's actually the reason I dropped by. I thought maybe we should put our trip on hold. You know, with your job, your life, and my workload...
Lola: Really?
Theo: Yeah. I mean, new york isn't going anywhere, and when you're ready, we'll do it up right.
Lola: I will hold you to that. Thank you, theo.
Theo: I'll talk to you later.
Summer: Okay, so now what?
Kyle: Whatever we want.
Summer: Just slowly.
Kyle: Definitely.
Summer: We can talk about whatever we want. Maybe about where we'll live together. A nice little apartment.
Summer: What? Are you kidding me? Mnh-mnh. I want a house with lots of space...
Kyle: Oh! With a big kitchen?
Summer: Mm, not unless you were thinking of cooking because I was thinking we would order in or go out to eat a lot.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Summer: I don't know, maybe a big pool.
Kyle: Mm.
Summer: Movie theatre.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] At least you know what you want.
Summer: All right, what about you? What do you want?
Kyle: You. Just you.
Phyllis: I mean, there's hundreds of reasons, you know, why we should stay together, and, yeah, okay, there's, like, a couple big ones that make a case for us being apart. But some of the greatest things defy fight logic, like the natural wonders. I think we're a natural wonder. I don't want to walk away. How do you feel?
Nick: Do I really have to say it?
Phyllis: Yeah. I need you to say it.
Nick: Let's see where this goes.
Phyllis: Yeah?
Nick: Oh, yeah.
Victoria: I really hope that you don't see this as some kind of punishment. I'm really not trying to hurt you. I'm just trying to lift myself up.
Billy: By severing ties with me.
Victoria: I wish you all the best, billy.
Billy: Thank you. I wish you the best, too. I guess I should be going. Take care.
Victoria: Goodbye, billy.
Mariah: Hey.
Rey: Hey. How are you doing? Did you guys have a nice chat while I was gone?
Mariah: Well, it was probably as good as your chat with lola. We talked about things that we didn't want to talk about.
Rey: I hear you.
Mariah: Hey, is everything okay?
Sharon: I was just confirming my appointment with the cancer center.
Mariah: I can take you to your scan.
Rey: Yeah, we can take you together.
Sharon: I'm going to go alone.
Rey: You don't want some company?
Mariah: A hand to hold?
Rey: We can take notes.
Mariah: Or we could take you to lunch afterwards.
Sharon: I'm so lucky to have the two of you in my life. Really. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. You guys and nick and noah and faith have given me the strength to face this, and to fight this battle, but... I have to do the next part on my own terms.
Mariah: Hey, someone should be there with you.
Sharon: You will be. All of you. You'll be in my heart. But... I need to hear this news alone. I need to have the privacy to just react, however I'm gonna react, whether it's good news or if it's bad.&
Rey: You do what you need to do. I'll be here for you when you get home.
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