Y&R Transcript Friday 3/27/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 3/27/20


Episode #11829 ~ Nikki wants answers from Victor; Victoria suffers a setback.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on the young and the restless"...

Jack: Dina is coming home today. We've all agreed we want to take advantage of the time we have left with her.

Jill: How is the new partnership coming?

Lily: It's great. We were just talking about how similar our visions are.

Adam: I wanted to talk about my mother's farm in kansas. I'm afraid to say the property's in pretty sad shape. I even ran into an old friend -- alyssa montalvo. Did you ever meet her or her family on one of your visits?

Victor: Doesn't ring a bell.

Alyssa: If things went down the way you think they did, that means both our fathers killed someone.

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Nikki: Hi, darling.

Victor: Mm.

Nikki: Mm.

Victor: So glad you could join me for lunch. There you go.

Nikki: Me, too. Thank you.

Victor: There you go. Now... there's something... I have to tell you.

Nikki: I hate to ruin your surprise, but I already know.

Victor: How?

Nikki: Your pilot tipped me off when he called the house about your flight today.

Victor: Oh, okay.

Nikki: And now I'm afraid I'm gonna disappoint you, because, as much as I would love to jet off to some fabulous destination, until victoria's back on her feet, I-I don't feel comfortable leaving.

Victor: And I share your feelings about that. I don't think it is a good idea for both of us to leave the ranch at this time. So I've decided to go alone.

Nikki: What?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: Where are you going?

Victor: Kansas.

Nikki: Hope's farm?

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: Why? Why now?

Victor: [ Breathes deeply ]

[ Cellphone rings ]

Adam: Alyssa.

Alyssa: Hi. I wasn't sure if you'd pick up.

Adam: Well, I'm surprised to hear from you so soon. I hope you haven't given up already. You know, if our fathers are guilty of murder, we have to keep investigating. The truth is gonna be out there somewhere.

Alyssa: It may be closer than you think.

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

[ Door opens in distance ]

[ Footsteps approach ]

Nick: How's the patient?

Victoria: Patients are sick people. I am a convalescent.

Nick: I stand corrected.

Victoria: And I'm doing much better today. Thank you.

Nick: Great!

Victoria: I hope you're not here to check up on me since mom and dad just left me for a minute and a half.

Nick: Believe it or not, I need your help.

Billy: I think it's time we put ourselves on the map -- let the world media know that we are here. We'll throw a nice, big, splashy party, maybe have a little charity tie-in.

Lily: Yeah. I think maybe we should have a few media outlets in our portfolio before we pat ourselves on the back with a party.

Billy: Oh, you don't like the party anymore?

Lily: No.

Jill: I do not believe you, billy.

Billy: Hi, mom.

Jill: How could you do something like this?

Lily: Oh, good. What have you done now?

Billy: I-I-I don't know. What did I do now?

Jill: Oh, please. The "zombie nation" podcast?

Billy: What about it?

Jill: The host just tweeted that chancellor's media division bought out their parent company. What were you thinking?

Billy: Okay, hol-- I-I-I don't know what you're talking about.

Lily: Okay. Billy is not responsible for that. I am.

Jack: Mother, are you comfortable? Is -- is -- is this maybe too much sun? We can close the blinds a little.

Traci: And are you hungry? You didn't eat very much for breakfast.

Ashley: Yeah. Do you want to watch a little tv? What do you think?

Jack: [ Clears throat ] Is this really how we're gonna spend our day, trying to guess what she wants in any given moment?

Ashley: It's impossible. I mean, she doesn't even know where she is right now.

Traci: Okay, guys. Remember, the people at the memory-care facility told us it was gonna be just like this. Around-the-clock nursing is a godsend, but if we are really going to honor our commitment to making the rest of dina's life the best it can be here at home, then the time that we spend with her has to be about her.

Jack: Yeah. You know what? Why don't -- why don't you two take a break? I'll keep an eye on her. Mrs. Martinez set out some sandwiches.

Ashley: Okay.

Traci: [ Sighs ] Okay.

Jack: [ Breathes deeply ]

Dina: Where...

Jack: I'm sorry. Did you say something?

Dina: Where -- where -- where am I? Where did I go?

Jack: Ash, trace.

Dina: Where did I go?

Jack: Easy. Uh, she just spoke to me -- asked where she is.

Ashley: Mother? Hi. It's ashley. How are you feeling?

Traci: Mother, it's traci. Who -- who are you looking for?

Jack: You got all three of your children right here...

Traci: Yeah.

Jack: ...Right in front of you.

Dina: Uh, mamie. I-I-I need to talk to her. I have something I want to say. For most patients that have

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Jack: Mamie just left. Um, I don't expect she'll be back for a while.

Traci: Uh, what is it that you wanted to say to mamie?

Ashley: We could probably get a message to her.

Dina: Oh-ho.

Jack: Mother, we're all here to help you.

Dina: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Just tell us what you want. Doesn't matter -- big or small.

Traci: You just say the word and we will make it happen.

Jack: [ Exhales sharply ]

Traci: [ Sighs ]

Nick: So, legal said we can make the deadline for submitting an offer if we want. The question is, do we want to pull the trigger on that price? Vick?

Victoria: You know, nick, to tell you the truth... I really couldn't care less. If the deal tanked, I'd be fine with it.

Nick: Hey, come on. Where's that killer instinct my sister's famous for?

Victoria: It's gone... possibly for good.

Jill: You purchased a podcast-production company without consulting anybody?

Billy: "Zombie nation"? That's a hell of a name.

Lily: It is, actually, and it gets a lot of attention, which i think you both are proving.

Jill: Be that as it may, lily, you have a partner! You have a boss! For you to make a unilateral decision on a purchase of that magnitude --

Lily: Jill, jill, you're misinformed.

Jill: Excuse me?

Lily: I haven't purchased anything. I haven't even discussed terms.

Jill: Then explain the tweet, please.

Lily: All I did was I made a call and I set up an exploratory meeting, so I'm assuming the podcast host must have overheard and jumped the gun. But it's a random tweet --

Jill: Yeah, it's a random tweet that was totally misunderstood.

Lily: Okay. I will fix this, alright? I will do damage control. But, jill, I'm telling you, this could be great for us. The content they generate is right in our wheelhouse, and i think that once billy can see the lineup, he'll agree with me.

Jill: So... I suppose you're gonna say it's a brilliant idea and I should just stay out of this.

Billy: [ Sighs ] No. Actually... I'm not gonna say that.

Lily: What?

Billy: It's an entire entity that I've never heard of, and i consider myself pretty plugged in, so I say we pass. It's too big of a risk.

Adam: Alright. You have evidence already?

Alyssa: Nothing concrete, but I do have a strong lead.

Adam: Okay. Well, lay it on me.

Alyssa: So, I met with the man who was county coroner when my father died -- the one who got the autopsy report stating that the injuries my dad sustained when he fell from the barn loft were the cause of death.

Adam: Did you get him to admit that he lied?

Alyssa: Nothing so drastic. But for someone who performed the autopsy so many years ago, he had a visceral reaction when I brought it up.

Adam: Really? So, what is your reporter gut telling you?

Alyssa: That there's more to the story and this guy knows a lot more than he's saying.

Adam: Okay. Well, stay on him.

Alyssa: Oh, don't worry.

Adam: Look, I've compiled a list of shell companies that newman's used over the years. I'm gonna send it to you. Maybe you can find some trace of a bribe that victor might have paid him.

Alyssa: I'll look into it.

Adam: And this coroner -- offer him money, protection, whatever it takes, because if victor's bought him off once, he can be bought off again.

Alyssa: Paying a source? That's a pretty big no-no.

Adam: Alyssa... this is not about some run-of-the-mill exposé. It's deeply personal to both of us.

Alyssa: I'm not paying anyone for info. Not going to happen.

Adam: Fine. I-I get it. I'm just, um -- I'm just anxious to get to the truth.

Alyssa: If our suspicions turn out to be accurate, my father killed for money. Your father killed to protect you. I've always focused on my career,

Nikki: Victor, I don't mean to argue with you. I-I just don't understand your burning need to drop everything and go to kansas.

Victor: Sweetheart, when i bought the farm for hope, I promised that I keep it up, okay? Now adam tells me it's falling apart, so I need to assess the situation.

Nikki: Yes, it is your property to take care of. That's not what I'm questioning.

Victor: What are you questioning?

Nikki: Why you feel compelled to go there personally. I mean, surely there must be someone local you can trust to make a few repairs.

Victor: There's an old caretaker called george, and i think this job is getting too much for him. That's all.

Nikki: Well, then hire more help. Write a check and be done with it.

Victor: Sweetheart.

Nikki: Victor, your family needs you here. I need you here.

Victor: I understand that. And I will be back. Won't be long. But I need to look at the situation. That's all.

Nikki: Alright. Have someone drive out to the farm, take photos, and text them to you.

Victor: Sweetheart.

Nikki: Darling, save yourself a 1,000-mile round trip.

Victor: You are not gonna talk me out of it, okay?

Nikki: You have been agitated ever since adam came to the ranch carrying on about his trip. Is there something you're not telling me?

Victor: Nonsense. I'm going to the farm, inspect it, and that's it. Okay?

Chelsea: Seems like alyssa's on the right track. Don't you think?

Adam: It's circumstantial.

[ Sighs ] There is not much of a case.

Chelsea: I'm surprised you're not more excited about this. What happened to the adam who couldn't wait to get the goods on victor and be named C.E.O. In exchange for his silence?

Adam: It was one of the last things that alyssa said to me about my father and hers. It just kind of gave me pause. If victor did kill A.J., I mean, didn't he do it out of love? Protect my mother and me from a dangerous threat? And now I'm gonna use that against him for purely selfish reasons. I mean, I know victor would do the same to me, and worse, in a heartbeat.

Chelsea: Then why are you conflicted?

Adam: Because if this ever got out, the consequences would be massive. And the rest of the world -- they may not understand why victor took this man's life, but I sure would.

Chelsea: And you'd feel guilt for that?

Adam: [ Chuckles softly ]

[ Sighing ] Ohh. Hope adams, she was, um -- she was a saint. You know, she persevered through her whole life totally blind... only to have her husband murdered over a debt she knew nothing about, so... she must have been terrified we'd be next. For her to go to victor for anything... my mother just -- she deserved so much more.

Chelsea: Are you having second thoughts about this?

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: Because if you are... we don't have to go through with it. It's whatever you want.

Adam: Well, given my sudden inconvenient attack of conscience... am I willing to bury my father's crime and walk away with nothing? Victor wins again.

Jack: [ Exhales sharply ]

[ Door opens ]

Ashley: The nurse is getting dina settled back into bed.

Traci: I do not know what's worse... seeing that glimmer of responsiveness and then watching it just fade away or --

Ashley: Not seeing any sign at all of the woman that she used to be. Either way, it's really heartbreaking, isn't it?

Jack: Now, wait. Wait a minute. Being in this house has triggered something. She remembered mamie.

Ashley: Well, I wish I could take some kind of comfort in that, jack, but -- I'm sorry -- I can'T. I'm afraid that we've had our last lucid conversation with our mother.

Jack: [ Groans ]

Ashley: I mean, honestly, jack, I don't think we're ever gonna have any idea what's truly in her head or her heart ever again.

Traci: I am not sure that that is entirely true.

Jack: What are you looking for?

Traci: [ Clears throat ]

Traci: This.

Jack: And what is this?

Traci: [ Sighs ] I think our mother has some very important things left to say, and they're all in this envelope.

Adam: And in case I haven't made myself clear, I don't plan to forgive and forget all of victor's attempts to undermine me. He's controlling and cruel, and I am through putting up with it. But he had nothing to gain by killing this man.

Chelsea: So, what are you saying?

Adam: [ Sighs ] Victor doesn't deserve to be let off the hook, okay? Not after everything he's made me endure. But what keeps going through my mind... is this the hill that I want to die on? Because if I'm wrong about victor's guilt or if i miscalculate in any way, it is going to start a war... and it's one that I don't want you and connor to have any part of.

Chelsea: Okay. Well, devil's advocate -- we are talking about a man who had you locked up for a murder you didn't commit. You remember what that cost our family, adam? So, now, depending on what alyssa finds...

Adam: This could be a murder that victor did commit.

[ Sighs ] Is it poetic justice that the tables can finally be turned? Or is it my undoing?

Nick: Look, vick, you're all about drive and ambition, and those traits don't just disappear because of a setback. I'm just holding that seat for you until you're ready to have it back, and it's all yours. You don't have to worry about it.

Victoria: I appreciate that, nick. I really do.

[ Sighs ] I just feel so lost.

Nick: I know.

Victoria: No. I really don't think you do.

[ Sighs ] The day of dad's party, I...

[ Sighs ] I just felt like I finally knew who I was again. I felt whole. I felt like I could take on anything. 'Cause for a while, I just had so many questions about my life.

Nick: 'Cause of J.T.?

Victoria: Yeah, that... and another disastrous go-around with billy.

[ Sighs ] But then, with a little hard work and... some reflection, I got back on my own feet... only to be cut down all -- again, literally, by... a sick, deranged man that i never even saw.

Nick: Back to square one.

Victoria: In a way, yeah. But it's just different this time. It's worse. It's like I have this -- this big ball of dread in the pit of my stomach that never goes away. It's like I'm fighting something and I don't even understand what it is. It'S...draining me, and it's -- it's sapping me of all of my confidence. When people tell me to just give it some time... to not take on too much... I'm gonna bounce back, but... I don't know, nick. It's just -- it's -- it's getting worse. I just -- I feel like all of the fight has gone out of me.

[ Voice breaking ] That's not who I am, nick.

Jill: So, I assume that you two are working on a list of companies you'd like to acquire.

Billy: Yeah, of course, and the list keeps growing. We've got social-media platforms, online streaming, a 24-hour-news site.

Lily: I actually have a another idea that I haven't mentioned yet that's more mainstream than the podcast company.

Jill: Mm. I'm listening.

Lily: Well, I don't really want to go into detail until i have a chance to talk to traci.

Billy: My sister traci?

Lily: Mm-hmm. And that's all I'm gonna say for now.

Billy: Well, that's got me intrigued.

Jill: Me, too.

Lily: Good.

Billy: Although, uh, with dina back at the house, I don't know how much free time traci's gonna have.

Jill: Why don't you go see jack -- ask him if there's anything you can do to make things easier?

Billy: Yeah. Uh, thank you, mom. I know how to be a good brother.

Jill: I'm just trying to help out.

Billy: Okay. Well, you can help by letting us get back to work.

Jill: That's me dismissed.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Bye.

Jill: [ Chuckles ] Bye.

[ Humming ]

Billy: [ Sighs ] What?

Lily: Uh, no. It's fine. Forget it.

Billy: No, please. Speak your mind.

Lily: No, I was just, you know, thinking that instead of being so impatient with jill, you could be thankful that you still have a parent around.

Billy: Yeah. You're right. I'm sorry.

Lily: No, it's okay. Just --

Billy: No. You're right. I do feel blessed to have my mother still in my life, even though she drives me crazy.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

Billy: Oh, I guarantee it is.

Lily: Yeah. My dad and i didn't always see eye to eye, but... I would give anything to have him back and... get his advice on so many things -- my life, my kids, taking this job.

Billy: Really?

Lily: Yeah. I just wonder if... he would be upset that I didn't go back to work with devon at hamilton-winters or... if he would be proud that I'm branching out on my own.

Billy: Lily, there is not a doubt in my mind that your father would be very proud of you, no matter what.

Traci: These are dina's end-of-life wishes. It's a series of questionnaires that she filled out before the alzheimer's became too intrusive.

Jack: Don't you think it's too soon to be reading that?

Ashley: No!

Traci: No. Jack, we're all here together now.

Jack: No, I'm just saying -- but -- you know what? Never mind. No. You're -- you're -- you're right. It'll help to read our mother's thoughts.

Traci: Okay. Okay, good. Here we go. Let's see. Mm. Wow.

Jack: [ Chuckling ] What?

Ashley: What's so funny?

Traci: Right off the bat.

Ashley: What? What?

Jack: Something she wrote?

Traci: Uh [Chuckles] It's a-a list of instructions. It's dina's detailed instructions about her funeral and her interment, and when i say, "detailed," this is vintage dina.

Jack: Oh, my god. You aren't kidding.

Ashley: Wait. What is that? Oh, no. That's the model number of the urn she's chosen.

[ Laughter ]

Traci: I find it a little encouraging, though, that she wants, um, a celebration of life and not a formal service.

Ashley: Well, yeah. She has picked out the song list for the -- the string quartet, even.

Jack: Unbelievable. Is there anything else there?

Traci: Um, let's see. It's a lot of practicalities. This is where to find her will. This one is contact information for her attorney, and...

[ Sighs ]

Jack: What?

Ashley: What's interesting?

Traci: Um, this one is entitled... "what I want my loved ones to know." No matter what I wore, I worried someone might see

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Ashley: Biggest accomplishment? Well, no surprise there.

Jack: Yeah, mergeron -- building it from a small european family company to a global powerhouse.

Traci: Mm-hmm.

Ashley: Mm. Biggest regret -- same.

Traci: Wow. Talk about irony.

Ashley: Yeah.

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: "I use the company as a wall, a shield, a defense against having to face my endless failures as a human being."

Traci: Oh, my --

Jack: "Just reading the title of this questionnaire, 'what i want my loved ones to know' -- whenever these responses are finally read, some may even question if I had loved ones."

Traci: Oh.

Ashley: "I pushed my husband and children away and kept them away because I didn't have what it took to be a mother. Oh, I tried for a while -- a token effort meant more to impress my friends at the club."

Traci: Oh, my goodness.

Ashley: "But not hard enough.

[ Voice breaking ] Then I left my family altogether. I made excuses. I didn't understand the difference between being selfish and becoming self-sufficient."

Traci: "But, somehow, my kids grew up to be smart, healthy, and mostly happy functioning adults."

[ Laughs ] "I regard that as nothing short of a miracle. I wish I could take credit for the phenomenal people they've become. But I cannot. I had nothing to do with it."

[ Breathes deeply ] "What can I say about jackie and ashley?"

[ Chuckles ]

Jack: "They're headstrong dynamos, ready to run companies just like their mother. But they've managed to be loving, present parents, as well." Most of the time. "And traci, the s--" "and traci, the sweet baby of the family with a heart as big as the moon. I feel I let her down perhaps most of all. Traci was so young when mommy vanished from her life."

Traci: [ Sighs, chuckles ]

Jack: "And as the years went on, I did nothing to make up for it -- just the opposite. I couldn't bring myself to get on the plane and..."

[ Voice breaking ] "...And attend her dear colleen's funeral."

Traci: [ Crying ]

Jack: [ Crying ] "The tears of shame in my eyes as I write this -- my absence was truly unforgivable."

[ All crying ]

Ashley: "It's hardest of all to face traci. Looking into those big, expressive, warm eyes of hers, I can't but know help how deeply I wounded her."

Traci: Ohh. Ohh.

[ Crying ]

Ashley: We don't have to do this.

Jack: We can --

Traci: No, no, no, no. Please, please, no.

Jack: You sure?

Traci: Finish. Finish. Maybe this explains everything, you guys...

[ Crying ] ...Why she forgot me. Of all three of us, I'm the one that she never remembered. She didn't know my name or who I was.

[ Crying ] Maybe -- maybe it's just because it was all too painful.

Ashley: [ Sniffles ]

Traci: [ Crying ]

Lily: Is that...

Billy: Last night's dinner under the desk.

Lily: Oh, wow. We've been spending way too much time here.

Billy: Well, it's not like we have anyone to go home to.

Lily: Oh, god. It's so pathetic how empty our lives have become.

Billy: Hey, now. Speak for yourself.

Lily: Really? 'Cause you're sitting here cuddling up with a container of cold sesame noodles?

Billy: Okay. Well, you know my love life. What about yours? Are you dating anyone?

Lily: Uh, yeah.

Nikki: Victor, if something is going on with you -- and i sense that there is -- please don't leave me in the dark.

Victor: My darling, would you consider agitation is simply my being conscientious about my family -- that's all? Okay?

Nikki: This is about more than just victoria recovering, isn't it? You feel like you have let connor and hope and possibly even adam down by letting the farm fall into disrepair.

Victor: Well, you know, hope was a wonderful woman.

Nikki: Yes, she was.

Victor: Yeah. But, you know, that farm is her legacy. I mean, it's a tribute to her memory. And adam wants to take his son there. I understand that. But I don't want them to walk in the kitchen and it's all in shambles. It's not nice.

Nikki: I can see why that would be upsetting to you.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: And yet... despite the picture that adam paints of his idyllic upbringing, he sold his birthplace to start a hedge fund. You're the one that stepped out to preserve it. You have always been the protective one.

Victor: I know -- maybe too much so, okay? Sweetheart, it is time for me to go -- go to the airport, okay?

Nikki: Alright. Well... travel safely. I love you.

Victor: I love you. You're beautiful.

Nick: Anything I can do to help?

Victoria: You're already doing it. I appreciate you listening to me rant.

Nick: That's what brothers are for.

Victoria: I really -- I really didn't mean to unload on you like that.

Nick: I can handle it. Vent away.

Victoria: You know, maybe I'm just overreacting. That's probably what it is. Maybe my recovery is just taking longer than I want it to, but... you know, I've never really been the soul of patience.

[ Gasps ]

Nick: Vick?

Victoria: [ Groans ]

Nick: Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Vick, vick, vick, vick. What's wrong? What's wrong?

Victoria: [ Breathing heavily ]

Nick: Victoria.

Chelsea: I am on your side, babe... 100%. You decide you want to see this through, you just say the word. I am here for you.

Adam: That means everything to me. But, still, I would be the one that's launching a full-scale attack on a man with unlimited resources.

Chelsea: It's a lot to consider.

Adam: [ Sighs ] You know, when I came back from vegas... I had the chance to take over newman. Victor offered it up on a silver platter, and I turned it down.

Chelsea: I know.

Adam: But what if I had said yes... accepted the keys to the kingdom? Do you think he would've followed through?

Chelsea: I doubt it. Sorry. That's just my honest assessment. I think he would have yanked it away like he always does in favor of one of his kids that he has with nikki. It's almost like a sport to that man. I think he's incapable of change. Let me ask you something. If hope was still alive today, what would she have to say about victor? I mean, where would your mom stand with all this?

Adam: Oh, I can't imagine she would approve of the way victor's treated me over the years.

Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]

Adam: Then again, I don't think she would approve of some of my actions, either.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Chelsea: Well, you have a big decision to make... so I'll give you a little bit of time.

Adam: Chelsea, wait, wait, wait, wait. Look, what I do know for sure... is that I must have done something right to... deserve a woman as special as you.

Chelsea: You deserve only good things, adam. I'm gonna help you get them.

Adam: [ Chuckles softly ]

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: Mm.

Chelsea: Mm. Mmm!

Adam: Ohh!

Chelsea: [ Giggles ] Mm!

Lily: Uh, there's a guy upstate I'm seeing.

Billy: Well, I'm not surprised. You know, a woman like you should have a social life, and you're a hell of a catch.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: So where is this guy?

Lily: Oh, he's about a 5-hour drive from

Billy: Really? How's that going?

Lily: Eh, I don't know. I mean, now that I'm here full-time, I don't think we can keep the long-distance thing going.

Billy: Well, if you want to find someone closer, then you just let me know, okay? I'll be your wingman. We can hit the town. We can fire it up a little bit.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] Hit the town? Uh, I'll pass. Thank you.

Billy: Oh.

Ashley: "Regret isn't a word I've used often. I've never been big on apologies, either. And that attitude has cost me dearly."

Traci: [ Clears throat ] "I should have gone to my kids long ago and begged their forgiveness. I was too afraid of their recriminations. And now I fear we'll never have the chance to fully reconcile. And for that, I am profoundly sorry."

Ashley: I'm so glad that you thought of this.

Jack: Look, I-I just -- I just remembered I-I got some business I-I have to deal with, okay?

Ashley: Okay.

Traci: Wh--

Jill: Oh, nikki! Hello! How is victoria doing?

Nikki: Getting better every day, thank you.

Jill: Oh, I'm glad to hear it.

Nikki: I'm in a bit of a rush, so --

Jill: You know what? You look so wonderful. It must be this spring weather we're having.

Nikki: Yes. Yes. It's been lovely.

Jill: But, then again, any day is a good day when you don't have to pretend you're grieving a dead husband who isn't really dead, right?

Nikki: Well, I guess faking his own death is the one con your husband never pulled. Or is colin your ex now? I-I cannot keep track.

Jill: Oh, good one. Touché.

Nikki: If you'll excuse me.

[ Cellphone rings ] Hi, sweetheart.

Nick: I'm at the hospital. It's victoria. You need to get down here.

Jack: Thank you for meeting me.

Jill: You sounded terribly upset on the phone, jack. Are you okay?

Jack: I needed a friend. And for some odd reason, I thought of you.

Lily: So, if I give you more details on ha'penny media, will you reconsider taking a meeting?

Billy: Look, I know you think I'm all about risk, betting everything on the flip of a card... but this time I'm going for balance.

Lily: Okay. Since when?

Billy: Since I realized how much I want to make this work. I like being partners with you. And I don't want my recklessness to be the reason why this company goes down the tubes. But next week, I will be a wild man again. But for right now, I think it's best that we hold on to the safety net that we have and not spend all the money in the first week, okay? And not give my mother a reason to pull the plug on us. Deal?

Lily: Yeah.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Billy: It's nikki. Wonder why she's calling.

Lily: Answer it.

Billy: Hey, nikki. What's going on?

Nikki: I'm at memorial. Nicholas was visiting victoria. She suddenly felt a pain in her chest, so he called an ambulance. They rushed her to the emergency room.

Billy: Uh, what -- what did the doctor say?

Nikki: You know everything I do. I just thought you should know because of johnny and katie, in case they keep her overnight.

Billy: Okay. I'm on my way. I got to go.

Lily: Yeah.

Nikki: Any word?

Nick: They're running tests.

Nikki: Well, is it her heart?

Chelsea: [ Sighs contentedly ] What's going through your head?

Adam: I've made a decision. I need to do this. I need to prove victor and I are cut from the exact same cloth and that I'm more of my father's child than nick and victoria or abby could ever be.

Chelsea: Well, I could have told you that.

Adam: [ Chuckles softly ] Now is not the time for self-doubt. It's time to go full speed ahead in pursuit of the ultimate goal.

Chelsea: Which is?

Adam: Ending this war with him... once and for all.

[ Both sigh ]

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