Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/19/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/19/20


Episode #11824 ~ Jack delivers unexpected news, Summer puts Theo on notice, and Jill arranges a mysterious meeting.

Provided By Suzanne

Ashley: You know, caring for an alzheimer patient -- it tears families apart. We've already been through so much, jack. I just don't want that to happen to us.

Nate: You know I would do whatever I can help victoria. But she suffered a serious setback when she was stabbed. That was a deeply traumatic experience that she literally never saw coming.

Sharon: That's actually why I'm here. Nikki's worried, and she thinks I can help.

Billy: You want me to partner with lily?

Jill: I think the two of you would make a formidable team leading chancellor media division.

Billy: Lily and I are not going to agree on everything, but I don't mind that because I like a good battle.

Lily: You know what this is turning into, billy? This is turning into tit for tat.

Billy: Excuse me?

Lily: It's like I say "east," you say "west," I say "north," you say "south." We sound like 10-year-olds.

Billy: Oh, I think you should speak for yourself.

Lily: Okay --

Jill: Oh, it just warms my heart to hear two of my top executives working so well together.

Billy: You should have heard us an hour ago.

Lily: Yeah. This is us getting along.

Jill: Okay. What is it this time?

Billy: For starters, it's this...place.

Jill: The chancellor estate? What's wrong with it?

Lily: It's your home, jill.

Billy: And it's kevin's and it's chloe's and it's esther's and it's bella's and it's not exactly the best working environment.

Lily: Yeah, and chancellor headquarters is filled to capacity, and we need our own offices.

Billy: Which is what we were "discussing" when you walked in.

Jill: Okay. What'd you come up with?

Lily: Well, I think that we should be near chancellor, jabot, and newman so that we can establish ourselves as a powerful organization.

Jill: Hmm. And you obviously disagree with that.

Billy: I think we should be by the by the university. It's a young, hip neighborhood. There's a bunch of startups there, and it's much more our vibe.

Jill: See, these are two excellent options.

Billy: Okay, great. Which one do we go with?

Jill: Mine. I've actually been thinking about this, and I think I've come up with a solution.

Billy: Care to share it with us?

Jill: Let's just wait until i see if I can make it happen.

Jack: Excuse me. I know you're in the middle of a marketing meeting.

Kyle: Yeah, we're just getting started. Pull up a chair.

Jack: I won't be staying.

Kyle: Everything okay?

Jack: I came to share some news, news that's going to affect all of you.

Traci: It's too bad that jack had to leave so early and he didn't get to join us.

Ashley: Yeah, but we'll have plenty of time for more breakfasts together now that we're all back home.

Traci: Yeah. Who knows? Maybe we can even get billy over here, and we'll have a full set of abbott siblings.

Ashley: Oh, well, sparks are gonna fly.

Traci: [ Sighs ] Isn't it great? Doesn't it feel really good that we're all here?

Ashley: Yeah. We've come together for dina's sake, huh?

Traci: We have, but I'm not only thinking about dina. I... this is what I need, too.

Ashley: Aww.

Traci: [ Laughs ]

Nikki: I'm going out to run a few errands. Do you need anything?

Victoria: No. I'm fine.

Nikki: Are you sure?

Victoria: Mom, I have an entire staff here at my beck and call.

Nikki: And none of them are your mother. I just want to make sure you're alright.

Victoria: I am. I promise.

Nikki: What are you reading?

Victoria: Uh, nick sent me over a daily brief about what's going on at the office. I'm just trying to stay up to date.

Nikki: Well, don't try too hard.

Victoria: This is good for me. It makes me feel like myself again. Don't worry. I'm not gonna overdo it.

Nikki: Alright. I'll leave you to it then. Mwah!

Victoria: I love you.

Nikki: I love you, too.

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: Thanks, nikki!

[ Footsteps approaching ] Hi. I was hoping you were up for some company.

Victoria: Did my mom talk you into this? Because I have not changed my mind about you counseling me. The answer is still no.

Sharon: No, this was not nikki's idea, and I will not try to persuade you to start therapy. Actually, I'm here for a much better reason.

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Ashley: Sit with me. What's going on?

Traci: Ashley, I don't know. I just -- I'm -- I'm feeling so uncharacteristically emotional.

[ Laughs ] I don't know. I -- I'm like a walking bundle of anxiety.

Ashley: Yeah. About dina.

Traci: Yeah. I've been to see her every single day since we've been home, and I sit with her and i talk to her and I tell her family stories and I play her her favorite music.

[ Sighs ] As much as I appreciate the time that I've had with her, it's just --

Ashley: It's hard. I know. I -- I get it. I keep looking for some kind of a sign, some kind of recognition in there.

Traci: Yes. Yes.

Ashley: Something.

Traci: And I know in my mind that that is probably never gonna happen again. But in my heart... it just hurts. I mean, she's -- she's sitting next to me, and it'S... she might as well be a million miles away.

Ashley: Well, maybe it helps to talk about it.

Traci: Yeah. Maybe. Then I leave her, and I think, "how many more visits are there going to be like this? Is tomorrow going to be the last one or next week or next month?" Usually I can turn to my writing for some escape, and, ashley, i can't even bring myself to open my laptop and --

[ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I'm making this all about me.

Ashley: Oh, please don't apologize. You're just trying to deal with this horrible situation like the rest of us.

Traci: Yeah, but I'm not handling it very well.

[ Sniffles ]

Ashley: Hey...

Traci: [ Sighs ]

Ashley: ...Neither am I.

Jack: I wanted you to know that I will be spending less time at jabot because of this situation with dina.

Kyle: Did something happen?

Jack: No. I visited her last night and again this morning, and i realized I -- I need to make her more of a priority. I don't want to look back one day and wish I had spent less time behind the desk and more time with my mother in what is probably the last chapter of her life.

Kyle: I'm sorry, dad. And you don't have to worry. I'll step up. We'll all take care of whatever you need done around here.

Theo: You're doing a good thing for your mom, jack. She'll know that somehow.

Jack: I hope you're right, theo. Boy, I wish you'd known her when -- well, before all -- all this.

Theo: I'm happy, I got a chance to meet her at all. And I owe that to you.

Jack: Thank you, everyone. It means more to me than you know.

Sharon: I come bearing gifts.

Victoria: What is all of this?

Sharon: It is body lotion, hand cream, some essential oils, all the things that make me feel better when I'm stressed out or burned out or both.

Victoria: Aww. Thank you, sharon. I will definitely use all of these things. But please don't tell my parents. They might try to set up some sort of daily deliveries.

Sharon: Well, they mean well.

Victoria: I know they do. I'm just tired of feeling like I'm under a microscope. I can't make a move without it being discussed or examined.

Sharon: You just want to scream out at them and say, "I love you, but please back off because everything's actually okay."

Victoria: Yes, that's actually exactly what I want to say. But it wouldn't be the truth.

Billy: One disadvantage of having a real office -- we won't have esther around to supply us with snacks.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] I think we'll manage.

Billy: I'm gonna take advantage while I can. Is there anything else I can get her to make?

Lily: Um... yeah. Surprise me. I think she's upstairs with bella.

Billy: Okay.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Devon: Welcome home!

Lily: [ Laughing ] Hey!

Devon: How you doing?

Lily: Ooh!

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Lily: It's so good to see you.

Devon: It's good to see you, too. When you texted me and told me that you're working for chancellor now, I had to come and see you. I hope that's okay.

Lily: Oh, my gosh, of course it's okay.

Devon: Yeah?

Lily: Are you kidding? Yeah. I really missed you.

Devon: I missed you, too. I missed you, too. I, uh -- I did have another motive, though. I -- this is the first time that I've been in katherine's house since I got the inheritance back. And, uh, not to sound corny, but I just wanted to make sure she knew that her final wishes were being honored.

Lily: No, that doesn't sound corny at all. I know how important it is to you. And to be honest, I've actually been having the same concern about dad.

Devon: What do you mean?

Lily: I don't know. I mean, am I betraying dad's memory by accepting a job at chancellor instead of returning to our family's company?

Nick: Jill, how are you?

Jill: Hi.

Nick: Sit down.

Jill: Mwah! I know you must be swamped, nick, so thank you for seeing me on such short notice.

Nick: No, it's cool. I actually have been wondering how you've been coping with everything.

Jill: Ah. [ Chuckles ] I assume you're talking about that horrendous scam that colin pulled on poor devon?

Nick: Well, at least devon got his money back.

Jill: Yeah, but not before colin used it to launder other people's money, hmm? And unfortunately, that is not the end of the story. It seems that colin is the gift that just keeps on giving. You know, the sooner that that man is put in a jail cell, the better I'll sleep at night.

Nick: I think we all will.

Jill: Yeah. Let me give you a little bit of advice -- never, never go back to an ex. I mean, no matter how exciting the prospect may be to revisit the past, there usually was a really good reason why it didn't work out in the first place.

Nick: Okay. I will, uh, keep that in mind.

Jill: Yeah. So, how are you doing? I never expected to see you behind this desk.

Nick: It's just temporary.

Jill: How temporary?

Nick: That depends on victoria.

Jill: Oh, the poor baby. How is her recovery?

Nick: You know, I don't think any of us thought she was gonna bounce back right away, but she's definitely still struggling emotionally and physically.

Jill: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Nick: Well, I know how much you care about her. I also know none of this would have happened if it weren't for billy.

Jill: I am not excusing billy's behavior, okay? But he's still my son, and I'm doing everything I can to help him straighten his life out.

Nick: Well, we are just never going to agree on billy.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Nick: Now, I doubt you came here to catch up, jill, so what can I do for you? What's on your mind?

Jill: I want to make a deal with you.

Kyle: Okay, before we get into the new business, I'll obviously be handling a lot of my dad's work. He just shot me a text about some phone calls he wants returned and an afternoon meeting he needs me to handle.

Theo: Which means you're out of here.

Kyle: No. It means I won't be able to cover every item on the agenda today. Kendra sent that over, didn't she?

Summer: Yeah, it was in my e-mail very early this morning. I assume she had to pull an all-nighter to get it done.

Kyle: Probably because she knows she's on thin ice.

Summer: Why?

Kyle: Kendra's been phoning it in for a couple months. I put her on notice a couple weeks ago after she called in sick for a couple days and i found out she actually went skiing.

Summer: Oh, don't tell me. She posted pictures.

Kyle: Yep. One more screw-up, and she's out.

Theo: Well, honesty is always the best policy, right, kyle?

Kyle: It is as far as this office is concerned.

Theo: Cool. Good to know.

Summer: Well, we have a lot of work to do, so we should get to it. Shall we?

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Jill: You still own the building where the dark horse offices were, correct?

Nick: I do.

Jack: So that entire floor where dark horse used to be is now vacant.

Nick: Ever since adam shut it down.

Jill: Good. Well, I think we might be able to help each other out then. You need to lease it, and I am in the market for office space.

Nick: Is this for chancellor or something new?

Jill: Both. I mean, chancellor is expanding, and there's no more room in the inn, so to speak. So I thought this could solve both our problems.

Nick: I am interested.

Jill: Good. Then let's talk numbers.

Devon: I mean, if I'm being honest, of course, I would have loved to convince you to come back and work at hamilton-winters.

Lily: Yeah, and I would have loved to have worked with you again, but jill offered me this opportunity to build something new, and it's really exciting, you know? I get to use all my skills and learn new ones. And I think I would have regretted it if I had turned it down.

Devon: Well, you had to do it. I completely understand, and dad would, too.

Lily: Do you really think so?

Devon: You know he would. You know that he always wanted us to be happy and to fulfill our potential and it sounds like this job is gonna do that for you and he'd be proud of you, just like I am.

Lily: Thank you.

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: I needed to hear that.

Devon: I'm just glad to see you so excited about something again. I almost forgot what that was like.

Lily: Yeah? You need a challenge?

Devon: No, it's just -- I think after the money went missing, I just started reevaluating things in life a little bit.

Lily: No, but that's good. I think it's good to reevaluate and see what's important in life and what makes you happy.

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: Are you happy?

Devon: I'm -- yes, I'm very happy.

Lily: Okay.

Devon: Very happy. And I'm -- I'm excited for my next adventure.

Lily: Yeah, good. I'm sure it's coming soon.

Devon: Me too. But, uh, you obviously have a media empire to build...

Lily: Empire.

Devon: ...And I should let you to that, so, yeah.

Lily: Aww. Thanks for coming.

Devon: Of course.

Lily: Mm!

Devon: See you.

Lily: Have a good rest of your day. Bye.

Devon: Thank you. You too.

[ Door closes ]

Sharon: So, what you're saying is things are not okay.

Victoria: I'm just... I'm tired. And it's not just tired. I mean, I'm bone-weary. Like, I just want to spend the entire day in bed and not deal with anyone or anything.

Sharon: That sounds pretty normal.

Victoria: No, it's not, not for me.

Sharon: Victoria, you've just been through a really rough trauma. You know, your body is gonna need time to heal, not just your body, but you need to heal emotionally.

Victoria: I know that. I mean, people keep saying that, and I know they're right. It's just that I wasn't expecting --

Sharon: Hey, you know what? It's okay to admit that this was harder and a lot more complicated than you thought.

Victoria: No, that's not what I'm saying. And it's -- it's frustrating.

[ Sighs ] I'm not the kind of person who gets in bed and shuts out the rest of the world. I'm not a victim.

Sharon: Well, I don't think anybody would call you that.

Victoria: I shouldn't be fighting exhaustion. I-I should -- I should be out there fighting like you. I'm not trying to compare what I'm going through to you battling cancer, but look at you. You're pushing back. You're still a mother. You still find time to be a good friend to me, despite my efforts to push you away. You still go into work when you can. And you put yourself out there to the world to show everyone that you are still yourself, and that's what I want. That's what I need.

[ Sighs ] I think I know exactly how I'm gonna get there. Humira patients...

Ashley: [ Crying ] Ever since I heard about mother's decline, I just have been throwing myself into work on, one project after the next, like -- like somebody was trying to take them from me.

Traci: Ashley, that's good. It's great. Work can be a really good distraction. I only wish I could find solace in mine. Right now, I'm experiencing the worst writer's block of my entire life.

Ashley: It's because you're a better person than I am.

Traci: What?

Ashley: It's true.

Traci: Ashley!

Ashley: It's true.

Traci: Come on!

Ashley: While you and jack and abby were doing the heavy lifting with dina, I was kind of living it up in the city of lights.

Traci: Nobody is blaming you.

Ashley: I blame me. Then I'd come up for air, and I'd realized how much time had gone by since I had checked in on my mother, and I'd feel like the worst daughter in the world. So I'd call, and one of you would say that she was the same. Traci, I would just go back to doing what I was doing. Why would I do that? What's more important than being there for your mother?

Traci: You're here for her now.

Ashley: I understand. I should have done more. I should have helped bear the burden that you guys were taking on, and I wasn't here. I should have stayed here longer, for a long period of time.

Traci: You have to stop this.

Ashley: I'm always running from everything. I'm just sorry.

Traci: Ashley, no --

Ashley: I'm sorry!

Traci: No! I am not going to let you beat yourself up about this. Listen to me. Nobody is judging you. Don't judge yourself.

Ashley: I can't help it.

Traci: You're here for her now. We're all here together. That's all that matters.

Ashley: [ Sobbing ]

Traci: Oh, honey.

Ashley: [ Sniffles ]

Traci: [ Laughing ] Oh, god, we are just wrecks!

Ashley: No kidding.

Traci: [ Laughs ] But at least we can be wrecks together, right? Right?

[ Crying ] Oh, ashley.

Ashley: Tissue.

Traci: [ Laughs ]

Sharon: What are you doing?

Victoria: You know what? If sitting around here is just making me more sluggish and more tired, I think what I need to do is -- I just need to get back to the office.

Sharon: You mean right now?

Victoria: That's where i belong, sharon. I mean, it's gonna give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and it will prove to my family that they don't have to worry about me every single second of the day.

Sharon: I don't think that that's a good idea.

Victoria: I think it's a really, really wonderful idea.

Sharon: Your body hasn't even healed yet.

Victoria: Look, I am not talking about going back full time -- just a handful of hours until I get back to full strength.

Sharon: Look, I know work is very important to you, and i admire your desire to reclaim your life. But didn't you just get through telling me how exhausted you are?

Victoria: Well, yeah, because I'm sitting around here doing nothing.

Sharon: Or maybe it's from being stabbed and all of the physical and emotional baggage that comes along with that. And let's not even talk about your recent breakup with billy. Look, you are a strong woman, victoria, but you're not superhuman. If you push your body too hard, too fast, you're gonna put off your recovery.

Victoria: Yeah. You know what? You're probably right, sharon. You know that patience has never really been one of my virtues. What I should do today is i should indulge in some of these nice things that you brought me.

Sharon: Yeah, that's a great idea.

Victoria: Thank you. Thanks for the pep talk.

Sharon: Okay. Next time you're gonna have to give me one.

Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Deal.

Sharon: Alright. Get some rest and text me if you need anything.

Victoria: I will. Thank you.

Sharon: Bye.

Victoria: Bye.

Billy: I'm sending you a list of acquisitions I think we should consider. Of course I know that you'll have your own list. We can go over them at the end of the day and figure out what we want to focus on. What?

Lily: No, you're -- you're really fired up.

Billy: It's just a regular day.

Lily: No, no, no, no, no. I think this started out as jill giving you a place to land, but you really want this, don't you?

Billy: Well, I have a lot to prove to a lot of people, so I'm not gonna waste any daylight.

Lily: We're not talking about business anymore, are we?

Billy: What are we talking about then?

Lily: We're talking about you. You said you have things to prove to people. So, who are you talking about? Your family? Victoria?

Billy: All of them, really. You know, jack still thinks I'm nuts. It'd be nice to reassure him that I'm not.

Lily: What about victoria?

Billy: That's a little more complicated.

Lily: What happened between you two? I mean, if you don't talk about it, I'd completely understand.

Billy: No, it's okay. Um... you know, when I realized that we weren't gonna be together, it's not like I stopped loving her. That part doesn't go away when someone decides to leave.

Lily: [ Chuckles ] I know exactly what you mean.

Billy: And then when the attack happened, of course i felt horrible...and responsible. I set in motion the chain of events that almost cost her her life.

Lily: Oh, billy, come on. You've made some mistakes, but you can't blame yourself for what that lunatic did to victoria.

Billy: Well, it happened, and I was in the middle. And no matter how much I try to rationalize it, you know, that it was a random act or I wasn't holding the knife...

Lily: You still feel guilty.

Billy: And I can't stop thinking about the kids, what they're gonna think when they're able to process what happened to their mother and why... if they're ever gonna be able to forgive me.

Lily: Of course they will. You're their father. They love you.

Billy: I hope you're right.

Lily: Does victoria forgive you?

Billy: I mean, she doesn't blame me for the attack, but she's made it very clear that she wants nothing to do with me, except when it comes to the kids.

Lily: So you're co-parenting still?

Billy: Yeah.

Lily: Okay. I mean, that's great. I mean, that means that no matter how hurt and angry she is, she still recognizes you as a good father and a good man.

Billy: I wouldn't go that far.

Lily: Billy, the point is, is that you're family. And the fact that victoria isn't trying to pull the kids away from you speaks volumes.

Billy: Well, don't tell her old man that.

Lily: Why, is victor involved?

Billy: Involved? He's pulling the strings, making it almost impossible for me to see my kids. God knows what he's filling their heads with.

Lily: I'm sorry.

Billy: You know, what galls me is victor newman, of all people -- after everything he's done, he's the one that's judging me. And he's happy as a clam. He's got victoria and the kids living under his roof. If he had it his way, I'd never see any of them.

Lily: Well, that's not up to him. That's up to you and victoria. So no matter what the great victor newman thinks of you, you have plenty of other people in your corner.

Billy: Present company included?

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Liberty mutual customizes-

"The young and the restless"

will continue. Boy: This is the story of a boy

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Summer: So, the basic idea is that we'd be doing a photo shoot in some exotic location to promote jabot's cosmetics and fashion lines, and I was thinking somewhere in the caribbean, like st. Croix or antigua maybe?

Theo: Boom. I'll hit the islands early to generate the social-media buzz.

Kyle: This won't be a vacation, theo.

Theo: Who says you can't have fun while working?

Kyle: Let's just focus on work right now.

Theo: Aye, aye, cap'N.

Kyle: Do you have any ideas you'd like to contribute?

Theo: I do, actually.

Kyle: Let's hear 'em.

Theo: Well, the other day i mentioned reviving the birthday suit sunblock campaign.

Kyle: I thought you were kidding, trying to get me riled up in front of my dad.

Theo: Well, you know, I was at the time, but then I gave it some more thought, and it started to make more sense. Now, we wouldn't be using you, of course, mr. Ceo. We would hire new models and have them working year round. "Look good in your birthday suit in every season." It would kill.

Kyle: Uh... I'm gonna have to pass.

Theo: [ Chuckles ] Why am i not surprised?

Kyle: Would you like to know why, or would you want to continue to be a smartass?

Kyle: Well, how about because every idea I pitch, you shoot down? That's why.

Summer: Okay, well, how about you just give kyle a chance to explain?

Theo: Well, he is the boss.

Kyle: The original birthday suit campaign was launched in summer 2018. That's less than two years ago. If we were to revive the original campaign, it would look like a lazy retread, as if jabot couldn't come up with anything new.

Theo: Okay. I'll come up with something better then. And hopefully you'll give my next idea a fair shot.

Summer: Okay, well, I think that that concludes our meeting for today.

Theo: I should be on my way out. Oh, and, uh, I'm assuming you two will want of your private moments, so I'll close the door on my way out, hmm?

Kyle: God! I just want to punch him.

Summer: I know, but you won'T.

Kyle: I didn't hate his idea, either. Didn't my explanation make sense?

Summer: Yes, but that's not the point. I mean, theo is going to go out of his way to push your buttons, and it's up to you to not let him.

Kyle: Yeah.

Summer: You just have to remember that you are theo's boss, so anytime he tries to drag you down to his level, just don't give him the satisfaction, okay?

Kyle: Yeah. I'll think of you instead.

Summer: Mmm. Exactly. Think of me instead.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Sharon: Hi, nikki.

Nikki: Is victoria there with you?

Sharon: No. I left the ranch a while ago. I assumed she went upstairs to rest.

Nikki: No, she didn'T. I can't find her anywhere. Did she say anything about wanting to go out, for a walk maybe?

Sharon: I think I know where she might be.

[ Door opens ]

[ Fists pound ]

[ Exhaling sharply ] What's this?

Theo: Okay, what, are you following me now?

Summer: Mm, don't flatter yourself. But since we are both here, there is something that I've been dying to say to you.

Theo: I can't wait.

Summer: Stop messing with kyle. And while you're at it, stop questioning his leadership and everything that we're trying to accomplish at jabot, okay?

Theo: Standing by your man. Admirable.

Summer: I mean it, theo, because if you don't stop, I'm gonna make it my personal mission to make your life very unpleasant.

Theo: I always did love your spark, summer.

Summer: Well, sparks can turn into flames, and you know what they say about playing with fire.

[ Sighing ]

[ Door closes ]

Jill: Any progress?

Billy: Well, we haven't reinvented the wheel yet, but we're getting there.

Jill: Well, there's no blood on the floor, so that's a good sign.

Lily: Yeah, that's true. We haven't an argument in, what, 10 minutes?

Billy: Oh, I would say it's closer to 15.

Lily: Ah.

Jill: Hmm. Well, from now on, you two can do your arguing in your new offices. What was once dark horse is now chancellor media.

Billy: You're kidding.

Jill: I am not kidding.

Lily: Wait. Seriously?

Jill: Check it out for yourself. Try these in the lock.

Billy: I mean, when you said you were gonna to take care of the job, I didn't think you'd get it done this quick.

Jill: Billy, never underestimate your mother, okay? I am a woman who knows what she wants.

Billy: Yeah.

Jill: So, what, are you gonna just sit there, or are you gonna go check out your new digs?

Lily: [ Laughs ]

Jill: [ Laughs ]

Lily: Thank you, jill, so much.

Jill: Oh! You are welcome.

Billy: [ Sighs ] You're the best.

Jill: I know it.

Billy: Give me those.

Jill: [ Chuckles ]

[ Sighs ]

Nick: Vick? Hey. I didn't know you were coming in today. Did I miss something?

Victoria: No, you didn't miss anything.

Nik: Are you okay?

Victoria: I think we both know the answer to that.

Nikki: Ah, sharon told me you might be here.

Sharon: How are you feeling?

Victoria: I'm fine! You didn't have to track me down like a lost child.

Nick: Does someone want to fill me in what's going on here?

Sharon: Victoria, neither one of us meant to make you feel like that.

Nikki: No, we were just concerned. We thought maybe you --

Victoria: God, stop! Would you all please just stop?!

[ Door closes ]

Jack: Hey. What did I miss?

Ashley: Oh, just a little friendly cathartic sisterly bonding, jack.

Jack: Well, in that case, I'll get out of your way.

Ashley: Oh, don't be afraid.

Traci: [ Laughs ]

Ashley: I think we're finished.

Traci: Yeah. How did everything go at the office?

Jack: Very well. Kyle and the entire executive team went along with the idea of my stepping away for a while.

Ashley: Yeah, I knew they would.

Jack: Which brings me to something else I wanted to run by you. Um, I've been thinking about this for a while, and I know it's taking on a lot, but --

Traci: I think I know where this is going, and I agree with you 100%.

Ashley: It's time for our mother to come back home. New fructis treats

Lily: Wow. I mean, this is starting to feel real.

Billy: It sure does feel real, although I think we're gonna have to sage the place, get rid of the ghosts of adam and phyllis.

Lily: [ Laughing ] Yeah, exactly.

Billy: Yes.

Lily: Oh, no.

Billy: What?

Lily: Uh, I sense an argument coming on. Who's gonna get this office, and who's gonna get the one next door?

Billy: [ Sighs ] Yeah, that one's a little smaller, and it doesn't quite have the view, does it?

Lily: Uh, no, not even close.

Billy: Well, we could argue about this all day. Where is that gonna get us?

Lily: Nowhere.

Billy: I say we, uh, flip a coin.

Lily: Flip a coin?

Billy: Flip a coin.

Lily: Really?

Billy: You want to say it in the air? Go ahead. Hurry up.

Lily: Uh, wait -- [ Laughs ]

Billy: Say it.

Lily: Okay, okay, okay. Um... heads. Ahh! [ Laughs ] Sorry. Okay. Two out of three? Yeah?

Billy: Fair is fair. Enjoy the office.

Lily: Oh, I will. Yes, I will. But, you know, to be honest, it's actually fitting that i would get the bigger office.

Billy: And why is that?

Lily: Well, 'cause I'm gonna do all the heavy lifting, obviously.

Billy: Oh, you think so?

Lily: Oh, I know so.

Billy: We'll see about that.

Lily: Uh-huh.

Kyle: That's right. It's only temporary, but as long as jack's out, I'll be the point person on these negotiations. Good. Thanks. Bye.

Kendra: Is there anything else you need?

Kyle: No, thanks. You can go.

Kendra: [ Sighs ]

Theo: Hey, kendra. How's your day going?

Kendra: I've had better.

Theo: Yeah, I heard kyle was a little hard on you earlier. Don't let it get to you.

Kendra: I just don't know what the guy wants sometimes.

Theo: Yeah, well, me and the guy go way back, so I know how he operates, and he can be a little uptight.

Kendra: [ Scoffs ]

Theo: I'll tell you what -- um, why don't you and I go and grab a drink after work? It might cheer you up.

Kendra: Sure. Thanks. That would be great.

Theo: Great.

Kendra: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: I spoke to the doctors at the memory care facility. They assured me dina is no longer a danger to herself. She's gonna require a wheelchair and full-time assistance.

Traci: We'll manage.

Ashley: No matter how many weeks or months mother has left, she belongs with us.

Jack: I love you guys.

Traci: We love you, too, jack.

Ashley: We do.

Jack: I'm gonna make the call.

Victoria: I came here today because I just wanted to see for myself if I was up for the challenge and that maybe somehow this place would be a solution to my problems. I just -- I thought that if i got back to my job and back to who I was before... obviously, I'm not ready yet. But I want you to know I came to that realization on my own. I don't need you running after me, worried that I might break or that I won't understand my own limitations because I do understand. And if I didn't before, then today really brought that home. So, I need something from you guys, from all of you. I need you to talk to me. And I need you to listen to me. I mean it. Really listen to me. And if I need something, I'll ask for it. But what I have to ask of you now is hard, but it really needs to be said. Nick, I need you to keep holding down the fort for me while I'm away.

Nick: As long as you need.

Victoria: And, sharon... I do want to work with you because I do value your guidance and your insight.

Sharon: Of course.

Victoria: Mom, please continue supporting me, but you gotta have a little faith in me that I'm not gonna break.

Nikki: Darling, I do have faith in you. I always have faith in you.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Thank you. Thank you all because... I can't do this alone. I need your help.

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