Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/17/20
Episode #11822 ~ Jack keeps Theo in line, Chance shares bad news with Jill, and Billy's freewheeling catches up with him.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Chance: We wanted to talk to you about colin.
Jill: Yep.
Devon: He sent me a text with a bunch of numbers.&
Kevin: And I figured out it was an offshore bank account.
Chance: The short of it -- devon got his inheritance back.
Theo: I do think lola is pretty special. Now, pissing you off is just a bonus.
Tessa: This was over the second you betrayed me. I think you should leave.
Billy: You want me to partner with lily?
Jill: I think the two of you would make a formidable team leading chancellor media division.
Billy: Lily and I are not gonna agree on everything, but I don't mind that because i like a good battle.
Billy: So, here's what I see moving forward for chancellor media -- print, digital, apps, gaming, podcast, all of it, all of it big, maybe even an online store just for fun.
Lily: Mmm. Yeah. It sounds great.
Billy: Great? Come on. It's gonna be unprecedented. It'll be unique. We do this correctly, we will dominate the market.
Lily: Yeah. It's -- it's exciting.
Billy: That's all you got for me, huh?
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Well, I mean, where is this content gonna come from? 'Cause we have to assemble a staff for all these projects you just created out of thin air. I mean, the ideas are great, but it's the follow-through that I'm concerned about. Without that, we have nothing.
Abby: Hi!
Lola: Hey, abby. What's up?
Abby: I, um, have some news.
Lola: Is it good news?
Abby: It is great news. I have sold my shares on the grand phoenix to phyllis, and i am building a new hotel across the street.
Lola: Uh, wow. Why?
Abby: I-I didn't want to spend the next few years of my life dealing with phyllis, so i decided to beat her at her own game.
Lola: Hmm. Well, I think you've made a wise choice.
Abby: It feels right to me, too.
Lola: So, what does this mean for society?
Abby: That's why I'm here.
[ Chuckles ] It's one of the things that we need to talk about.
Lola: One of the things?
Kyle: These can't possibly be the sales figures for the new skincare line.
Summer: They sure can be.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] They're epic! It's the biggest opening for a new jabot product in years.
Summer: 12 years, to be exact, yes.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] You... are a marketing genius.
Summer: Mm, I have my moments.
Kyle: Mm. Thank you for making me look good.
Summer: Well, I think you always look good... even with your clothes on.
Kyle: Mm.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
[ Footsteps approach ]
Theo: It's really inspiring to see my bosses working so hard. I was kidding, guys.
Kyle: Why are your jokes so seldom funny?
Theo: Oh, come on, kyle. Lighten up. You're the guy in charge. You get to do whatever you want around here.
Jack: Well, nice to see you've taken my advice and figured out a way to get along.
Rey: How are you feeling?&
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Good. I feel like myself.
Rey: Good.
Sharon: You know, I feel so connected to you because you -- you don't treat me like I'm some frail, unbreakable thing. You -- you love me exactly how I am, and that really means the world to me.
Tanner: You okay?
[ Chuckles ] Dumb question.
Tessa: Did she think that she would say, "I'm sorry" and it would just fix everything?
Tanner: I think mariah is sorry, for whatever that's worth.
Tessa: Well, it's too late for that, so...
Tanner: If you say so.
Tessa: She just wanted an excuse to sleep with somebody else, so she just... imagined that you and I were together.
Tanner: We did post some photos to make it look like it was a possibility.
Tessa: We were just creating buzz. It -- it -- it wasn't real.
Tanner: What if I were to tell you that it is, at least for me?
Theo: Uh, no worries, jack. We were just tossing around the idea of kyle reviving the, uh, birthday suit sunblock campaign.
Kyle: Which, of course, I'm not even considering.
Summer: Well, um, the numbers came in for the new cosmetics line.
Jack: And?
Summer: And...
Jack: Wow! Wow! We haven't had a launch like this in...
Theo: 12 years, I think.
Kyle: Well, great job, everyone.
Kyle: Summer and I have a few more details to iron out before we give you our report, though. Yes, right. We do.
Jack: Don't let me keep you.
Summer: Okay.
Jack: No, theo. You stay. I always dreamed of
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provided by... so, here's what happened. I walked in on summer and kyle fooling around, and I busted their chops a little bit, and that's it. No big deal.
Jack: Fine. I'll talk to summer and kyle later. Right now, I want to know why it is we're still having this conversation.
Theo: What conversation?
Jack: About you using every opportunity you see to bust kyle's chops, to get in his face, to goad him.
Theo: I...kid around. Kyle takes it personally. I mean, he used to have a better sense of humor back in the day.
Jack: What is it? Is it jealousy?
Theo: No.
Jack: Are you sure about that?
Theo: Oh, come on. Do I not seem like most confident man you've ever met?
Jack: Okay. I believe you. If it's jealousy, that would imply that you want something that kyle has. I know that isn't the case, certainly not where summer's concerned. Am I right?
Theo: Uh, no. May they live happily ever after.
Jack: Then what is it, theo?
Kyle: What's what?
Jack: I have my theory, if you're interested.
Theo: Yeah, no. Sure.
Jack: What I sense from you is something far more dangerous, more destructive than simple jealousy. It's resentment -- the need to see someone else fail and lose what they have.
Theo: You think that's how i feel about kyle?
Jack: You tell me. Convince me that I'm wrong.
Abby: I want to use society as a template for all the other restaurants I plan on opening when my new hotel is finished, and I want to bring you in to consult. Look, I know that would mean that there would be a lot more on your plate, and with you trying to open your own place in miami, I-I just -- I can't imagine doing this with anyone else.
Lola: I can't believe this.
Abby: It's a lot to process, so just go ahead and take your time. Think about it.
Lola: No!
Abby: No, you don't even want to consider it?
Lola: No, I mean I don't even need time to think about it! Of course I would do it! I would be thrilled, abby!
Abby: Really?!
Lola: Yes!
Abby: Ohh! Come here. I am so happy that you said yes.
Lola: I can't believe you thought there was a chance that I wouldn'T.
Abby: Well, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to do it. It would mean spending a lot more time in genoa city, and i just -- I wasn't sure if that's something that you wanted to do.
Lola: There are flights back and forth to miami every single day. I can make it work.
Abby: I am so happy and grateful, and we are going to crush it.
Lola: Amen to that.
Abby: Yes.
Lola: And you will be doing a lot of multitasking, as well, between, you know, building your empire and making time for chance, assuming things are still going well.
Abby: Well, we are having fun together. I enjoy spending time with him, and he has restored my faith in relationships.
Lola: Well, that's a pretty big deal by itself.
Abby: Yeah. I was starting to doubt my judgment, thinking there must be something the matter with me for always picking the wrong guy.
Lola: Oh. So, does this mean he could be the right one?
Abby: [ Sighs ]
[ Both chuckle ]
Jill: Ah, chance. So... you have news about colin? Have you figured out why he gave back to devon's inheritance? 'Cause we both know it wasn't out of the goodness of his heart.
Chance: I believe colin had another angle that he was playing. I just found out that the money that was transferred to devon didn't come from one of colin's accounts. It was moved by some of his old colleagues.
Jill: Well, what does that mean, exactly?
Chance: I think it means that colin never planned to keep the money in the first place.
Jill: Honey, that doesn't make any sense. What would be the point of him stealing the money and then giving it back?
Chance: Colin's real plan is what he did with the money in between.
Jill: Oh, good god. Why didn't I think of that earlier?
Chance: He laundered it.
Jill: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I know we keep saying this, but we really, really do need to tone it down to work.
Summer: I know. It was my fault this time.
Kyle: Eh... I was right there with you.
Summer: Well, you're just so irresistible. I know. I know. We will try harder next time.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
[ Both chuckle ]
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Summer: [ Sighs ]
Kyle: So... how'd it go with tessa?
Summer: Um, I hope that you guys are able to work everything out.
Mariah: You told her what happened?
Kyle: I-I-I didn't realize it was a secret.
Mariah: I didn't realize i have to ask you to keep things that I tell you about my private life private.
Summer: Oh. Well, I haven't talked to anybody else about you and tessa, so...
Kyle: And neither have I. I'm sorry for sharing something that you wanted to keep confidential.
Mariah: I guess you two are a package deal now. I have to start calling you by some cutesy internet name, like "kymmer" or "skyle."
Summer: Okay. Uh, well, believe it or not, we both are rooting for you, so...
Mariah: Mm-hmm.
Summer: Um, hey. I think that you and tessa are great together, and I know I'm gonna regret admitting this later, um, but the way that you two have worked through many obstacles is really inspiring.
Mariah: Well, inspiring you to get back together with kyle wasn't exactly... one of my relationship goals.
Kyle: What did tessa say when you apologized?
Mariah: Mm. This will amuse you. She said that there was once a time in her life where she would have deserved being cheated on. But now she is stronger and she's more sure of herself.
Kyle: Okay.
Mariah: You don't get it?
Kyle: Get what?
Mariah: Tessa can't forgive me... because of me, so I'm my own worst enemy once again.
Kyle: I'M...sorry.
Mariah: Yeah, well, it was a long shot anyway.
Summer: I know that we're not close, and I know that you are hurting right now, but, you know, you have family that's gonna support you through this and friends and --
Mariah: Oh, my god. No, no.
[ Sniffles ] Please, no. Don't tell me to buck up and just move on, because... that means that you really think it's hopeless. How do you get skin happy 24/7?
Mariah: You know this is all your fault.
[ Sniffles ] Why did you give me that big pep talk... and tell me to go talk to tessa if you didn't think it would make any difference?
Kyle: I told you to apologize to tessa because that's what she deserved. You knew there were no guarantees.
Mariah: Well... if that's the kind of support you're talking about, I think i can live without it.
Summer: Hey, we're just here to listen.
Mariah: There's nothing left to say. I screwed up.
[ Voice breaking ] I took the most beautiful thing in my life, and I tossed a grenade in the middle of it. Would you stop looking at me that way?
Summer: What -- what way?
Mariah: With pity! You don't get to pity me... because I don't need your sympathy. I don't need --
[ Sniffles ] I don't need anybody'S.
[ Crying ]
Tessa: So, run this by me again. You wanted... mariah... to think that something was going on between you and me?
Tanner: Worked out even better than I hoped.
Tessa: So... the photos you posted and you answering the phone -- that was all part of some master plan?
Tanner: We've always had chemistry, tessa.
Tessa: You're so full of it, tanner.
Tanner: What?
Tessa: What? What? This -- whatever this is.
Tanner: It's me confessing my feelings for you.
Tessa: You used to be a better liar.
Tanner: Okay. Fine. You got me.
Tessa: Okay. Well -- well, why did you do that?
Tanner: Because I know you, and from where I sit, you're blowing it.
Tessa: I'm not the one who slept with somebody else.
Tanner: You and mariah love each other. It's the real deal. So she messed up. She's trying to make it right. Haven't we all done that? Haven't you?
Billy: So you think I'm all sizzle and no steak -- that's your diagnosis?
Lily: I never said that.
Billy: Well, you sure did imply it. I don't know if you recall, but I did a pretty damn good job at
restless style, not to mention I was one of the executives at brash & sassy that hired you to be the face of the brand.
Lily: Oh, sorry. Is -- is bringing up my modeling your way of putting me in my place? Because I think we've already discussed my qualifications. And being a spokesperson for a brand is much more than just posing for pictures. I was making public appearances and representing the brand to the media, which I think gives me very useful experience opening a media division, something that you don't really have.
Billy: I'm just stating facts, lily. Don't get so defensive.
Lily: No, I'm not. I mean, if you want to go there, we can talk about your brilliant tenure at jabot. But, actually, let's not do that, because whatever happened then, to me, is ancient history.
Billy: Actually, i implemented some very successful marketing ideas, not to mention launched the very successful boutiques. I kept the profits strong. I am very proud of what I did there.
Lily: I never said you didn'T. I'm saying this is a new division and it's a clean slate.
Billy: Which you think i need?
Lily: Which I think we both need. I think that's why jill brought us together to work as a team. So why don't we start doing that?
Billy: Sure. Let's start doing that.
Lily: Okay, great. So, where do you want to begin?
Billy: Why don't we start with your projection on the ad revenue we can generate in this current climate?
Lily: Um [Sighs] Well, I mean, you know, I think that if everything clicks, then maybe, in a couple years, it could be...eight figures. But we can't just focus on the bottom line. We have to also think outside the box, which I think is cause-related marketing. Tying our company to a nonprofit will boost our image.
Billy: Okay. It sounds like you know what you're talking about.
Lily: Well, you seem very surprised by that.
Billy: Maybe a little bit.
Lily: Okay. Do you think after everything I've been through, I would just waltz in here and wing it? This is not a win for me, billy. I'm not here to dabble until something better comes along.
Billy: And you think that i fly by the seat of my pants? Are we talking about my personal life and business?
Lily: What?
Billy: Okay, let me get something straight. I did not leave jabot on a whim. I did not leave victoria on a whim. Besides my kids, this is the most important thing in my life right now, and I am not here just to pass the time.
Sharon: What?
Rey: You know, I still can't believe that I'm the lucky guy that gets to look at your beautiful face every day.
Sharon: Well, I feel pretty lucky, too.
Rey: [ Sighs ] Just know that my feelings for you... desiring you, wanting you to be in my arms... that's not gonna change.
[ Door opens ]
Mariah: Oh. Uh... I'm sorry.
Rey: No. [ Chuckles ] It's okay. It's alright. You know what? I got to drop by the station anyway and check up on some things. I'll come by later.
Sharon: Okay.
Rey: See you. Bye.
Mariah: See ya.
Sharon: Ohh.
Abby: Look, I don't want to over analyze my relationship with chance. I just -- I want to enjoy it.
Lola: Well, then that's what you should do... not that I'm anyone to be giving relationship advice.
Abby: It must be so hard seeing kyle and summer together. I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about them.
Lola: It's okay. I still have my moments of sadness... of thinking about what could have been. But then I take a step back and look at things objectively. Those two belong together.
Abby: Still.
Lola: It's okay. Things are getting easier. You know, I even gave shelter to kyle and summer the other night.
Abby: You're kidding.
Lola: Oh, no. Yeah. All four of us rode out that storm together.
Abby: Wait a second. All four of you?
Lola: Theo was there, too.
Abby: Okay. I would have bought a ticket to see that.
Lola: Yeah. You know, I think the universe was testing me to see if I could handle it.
[ Both chuckle ]
Abby: And?
Lola: We all survived.
Abby: Well, you are a much better person than I am, because I would have bolted the door shut and made kyle and summer sit in the freezing rain.
Lola: No, you wouldn't have. You would have felt too guilty.
Abby: Well, it must have made it a little easier having theo around.
Lola: Oh, I know where this is going, and you can stop right now.
Abby: What?
Lola: My marriage to kyle isn't officially over. And even though it is nice to have someone to share things with, I really don't need a man in my life right now. And if I ever do think about getting involved with anyone else, I just want to take my time, and I will never rush into anything ever again.
Jack: Theo, I want you to know I am not making any accusations here.
Theo: No offense, jack, but it kind of feels like you are. I don't hate kyle. I just -- he's a little full of himself.
Jack: And you feel it's your job to take him down a peg?
Theo: I kid around, you know? He takes offense. I mean, come on. If I'm really the worst thing that's ever happened to him, then kyle's led a really charmed life.
Jack: And that's what you think -- he's a rich kid who does not deserve what he has?
Theo: No, I never said that.
Jack: That wasn't my question.
Theo: Let's just say kyle has never had to do a lot of hustling.
Jack: You're right. Kyle has had certain advantages. That does not mean he hasn't had setbacks and disappointments just like everyone else. Take summer, for example. He's loved that girl for a long time. They have had their ups and downs, but still they have managed to care for each other.
Theo: Okay. Then -- then -- then why'd he marry lola?
Jack: Because he thought he was in love with her.
Theo: He loves summer... he loves lola... and then he, what, changes his mind again?
Jack: It would be wonderful if we were all so self-aware that we could look into the future and see where everything was headed. No heartbreak, no upset -- just full speed ahead. My point is, theo, you can follow your heart with the best of intentions... and still hurt people... you never wanted to hurt. Anyway, I'm just saying I think you need to stop focusing on what kyle has or doesn't have and use your energy to focus on succeeding with your goals.
Theo: I hear you, jack.
Jack: I mean it, theo. Let it go.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Jill: Money laundering? Colin used devon's inheritance to launder dirty money?
[ Scoffs ]
Chance: It seems that that was the idea all along.
Jill: Is there any proof of that?
Chance: Nothing solid -- not yet. But based on his actions... it all fits -- the people he was working with... and you.
Jill: Me? Why me?
Chance: Did colin ever have access to chancellor industries' banking accounts?
Jill: Oh, god. Yeah. He had limited access to my personal a-account, but he's colin. Of course he could figure out how to hack in to the business accounts. Lord, what an idiot I have been.
Chance: Don't blame yourself.
Jill: Oh, who else am i supposed to blame, huh? I knew who he was. I went back to him.
[ Sighs ] Tell me how bad it is, chance.
Chance: A very large amount of money has just passed through the chancellor business accounts. Look, I know that you didn't have knowledge of this, but it doesn't mean that the authorities won't see it this way.
Jill: That bastard. That bastard.
Chance: You need to contact your accountants and your attorneys to get in front of this, just in case.
Jill: Am I gonna go to prison?
Chance: No. The only person going to prison is colin.
Jill: Yeah, if we ever catch him.
Chance: You leave that to me.
Tanner: You okay?
Tessa: Hmm?
Tanner: You know, um... it wasn't all a lie, you know.
Tessa: What?
Tanner: Me thinking we might reconnect.
Tessa: Could you give it up?
Tanner: [ Chuckles ] I'm serious, though, tess. You know, when I first thought about us touring together, I-I did fantasize about us being on the road together, making music together -- I don't know -- maybe having a life together.
[ Sighs ] I mean, I know I've got a great girlfriend, but, you know, old dreams die hard.
Tessa: That one never stood a chance.
Tanner: [ Chuckling ] I know. But then I... I saw you and mariah together, and... I knew how much you guys loved each other. You two belong together. Listen, I... I know you're in pain right now, but you can get past this.
Tessa: No. I can'T. And I don't think I ever will.
Mariah: [ Crying ] I really messed up. I messed up so bad.
Sharon: I know those tears. I have cried them so, so many times. You know, I've done things that I regret, and this... will not define you, mariah. This is not the rest of your life. You made a mistake.
Mariah: No, this is worse than a mistake. I messed up the most beautiful, precious thing in my life.
Sharon: And you will find happiness again.
Mariah: I don't want it. I don't deserve it.
Sharon: Yes, you do. And it may not seem like it right now, but one day you are going to learn and grow from this.
Mariah: I just miss her so much.
Sharon: I know you do.
Mariah: I just thought if I -- if I let tessa know how sorry i was, how ashamed... then maybe she would forgive me.
Sharon: Well, maybe you both just need a little bit of time to heal.
Mariah: No. No. There's no coming back from this. I just have to accept that it's over.
Sharon: I'm sorry.
Mariah: But you're right. You're right. I'm gonna get over this... p[Sniffles] And I just need to, um -- to move on.
Sharon: Come here.
Mariah: [ Sniffles ]
[ Cellphone chimes ] Oh.
Sharon: Who is it?
Mariah: Um... it's devon.
Sharon: Mm.
Mariah: Uh, he hooked me up with -- with this hotshot entrepreneur for a job interview, and... that guy just, uh, offered me a job.
Sharon: What?! That's terrific! Congratulations! What will you be doing?
Mariah: I'm not -- I'm not taking it.
Sharon: Really? Why?
Mariah: Yeah. It's just -- it's not the right fit right now.
Sharon: Oh. Is that right, or... is there some other reason you're turning the job down?
Lily: You know what? I'm gonna call a truce.
Billy: Calling a truce would mean we're fighting.
Lily: Uh, I think we were getting pretty close there.
Billy: Oh, I don't know. Maybe just setting a few things straight.
Lily: Okay. For the record, I would never insinuate that your breakup with victoria was anything other than heartbreaking for both of you. And I think given my history with cain, I'm not in the place to judge anyone's relationship.
Billy: Yeah, I was gonna bring that up.
Lily: Right, but you didn'T.
Billy: Well, you started to be nice.
Lily: Excuse me? I'm always nice.
Billy: Okay, look, I understand one of the reasons why my mother offered me this job was to stop me from running off the cliff before I was able to come to my senses. But what she doesn't understand is that I have come to my senses. Okay? This is me. This is who I am. This is what people are gonna get. I am stepping out of the shadows of my family's expectations. I am not burning down my life... but I do intend to live it.
Lily: Okay. Well, I say, "good for you. It's about time." Who has time for wrinkles?
Billy: Thank you.
Lily: For what?
Billy: For getting it, for getting me.
Lily: Well, according to you, jill's not there yet, so this is an opportunity to show her that you don't need to come to your senses.
Billy: But if she stopped worrying about me, it would be a nice fringe benefit.
Lily: Yeah, which means that we have to show her a strategy and a business plan, not just a bunch of ideas, no matter how good they are.
Billy: No, I agree. But if you don't stop thinking small, we're not gonna go anywhere.
Lily: Who said anything about small?
Billy: Maybe I misheard you, then.
Lily: Okay. Well, I'll speak more clearly, then.
Billy: You hungry?
Lily: [ Chuckles ] Um, yes. I am starving, actually.
Billy: How does chinese sound?
Lily: Um, sure.
Billy: Okay. What do you like?
Lily: Um [Clears throat] Usually I get the chicken with black mushrooms, maybe some bok choy...
Billy: Bok choy?
Lily: [ Chuckles ] ...And, uh, spring rolls, yeah?
Billy: Sounds great.
Lily: Okay.
Billy: See? We can agree on a few things.
Lily: Yeah. [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: If I took this job, I would have to relocate to chicago.
Sharon: And?
Mariah: I can't do that right now.
Sharon: Why? Because of me?
Mariah: Yes, because of you, and because of a ton of other reasons, alright? I mean, chicago is too big. How's that for a reason?
Sharon: Mariah, I don't want you postponing your life because of my condition.
Mariah: I'm not.
Sharon: You are if you're turning down work to stay here and spend time with me, which i love you for wanting to do that, but I have a good support system here. And, besides, chicago's not the end of the earth. Is it a good job?
Mariah: Yeah. I -- you know, I'd be able to hire my own staff, and... the money is good. It's right in my wheelhouse.
Sharon: Then I suggest you reconsider.
Mariah: Mom, I don't know.
Sharon: Hey. Just think about it. You can do that. And leave taking care of me out of the equation. I'll be fine. This is about you now.
Theo: Okay. So, I've been thinking about our first date.
Lola: Mm, sounds very serious.
Theo: Oh, it is. It is very serious.
Lola: Okay. Where are we going?
Theo: I'm gonna take you... to new york.
Lola: What?
Theo: Yeah. I'm gonna show you the city, the clubs, all the places the locals know and the tourists have never even heard of. I'm even gonna take you to some cuban restaurants that brag about their food, even though yours puts them all to shame. What do you think?
Lola: New york?
Theo: The big apple.
Lola: Uh, I was thinking more like a dinner and a movie.
Theo: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Not for us, not now that I've piqued your wild and dangerous side. I want to give you a chance to turn it loose.
Lola: Okay, fine. It's a date.
Theo: Okay. So, let's go.
Lola: Now?
Theo: Why not? Be spontaneous.
Lola: Because I have a restaurant to run and you have a job.
Theo: Oh, yeah. That. Okay. Just kidding.
Lola: Were you just kidding?
Theo: Sort of.
Lola: You know, most people wouldn't have even considered the possibility that I would be willing to drop everything and hop on a plane.
Theo: Why not?
Lola: Well, because I am a sensible person who always puts work first. My whole life, I've been known as a girl who follows the rules.
Theo: Hey, there is nothing wrong with that, especially since it's gotten you your dream career.
Lola: Yeah, but sometimes i can come off as a little uptight.
Theo: No. You know what you want and what your values are. You aren't afraid to be yourself, no matter what other people think. You refuse to be pressured into doing anything you don't want to do, even if it makes you look uncool. In my opinion, that makes you strong -- even, mm, a little bit of a badass.
Lola: Well, I like that you see me differently than other people do.
Theo: Well, that's because I'm unique.
Lola: Mm-hmm, and I also know you very well... which is why I sense that you didn't rush over here to talk about our first date. So, what's really going on?
Theo: Oh. Forget invasive procedures.D and puffed.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Mariah: Why are you calling me?
Tanner: One question. Do you know where our next gig is?
Mariah: Y-yes, but tessa made it very clear that --
Tanner: Tessa is too emotional to be making the decisions right now, and you don't strike me as somebody who gives up easily. So I'm inviting you to my concert, and I expect you to be there. The only thing at stake is the rest of your life.
Chance: Ah. I've been looking for you.
Abby: Hey! Well, now you found me. So, what are we gonna do about that?
Chance: Oh, I actually have to leave town. I found out what colin was doing with devon's money, and I need to head him off before my grandmother's implicated.
Abby: I'll come with you. And don't even think about saying no.
Chance: How fast can you pack?
Theo: Jack and I had a talk about kyle -- about me always pressing him, trying to under his skin, and he wanted to know why, and [Sighs] I couldn't give him a good answer.
Lola: That must have been quite the conversation.
Theo: That's just it. When I'm with you, all that old stuff with kyle just goes right out the window. Nothing else matters -- just you. You tell me that I see you differently from everyone else. Well, you see me differently, too. You -- you make me want to try harder... be better. And I've never had anyone like that in my life before. Anyways, I, uh... I just wanted you to know that.
Summer: I've been thinking.
Kyle: What about?
Summer: Just how far we've come... you know, and where we are now to where we've been doesn't even seem possible sometimes.
Kyle: I love what we are. I love you.
Summer: [ Chuckles softly ]
Lily: Just so you know, I have no problem extending the
Summer: I've been thinking.
Kyle: What about?
Summer: Just how far we've come... you know, and where we are now to where we've been doesn't even seem possible sometimes.
Kyle: I love what we are. I love you.
Summer: [ Chuckles softly ]
Lily: Just so you know, I have no problem extending the media division into all the areas you suggested.
Billy: We're gonna have to target the niche demographic for all of them.
Lily: Yeah. I mean, it can't just be one demographic.
Billy: No, which means we're gonna have to make a statement.
Lily: Like an outrageous stunt?
Billy: No stunts. People don't trust them in the end, but we will have to get their attention.
Lily: Yeah, but then you end up trying to top yourself, and that just becomes a spectacle for its own sake.
Billy: Believe me, I don't plan on catering to the least common denominator. We find the right idea, we put it into motion, and we see where it leads. That is excitement. And excitement is fun, right?
Lily: Mm-hmm. It can be.
Billy: [ Chuckles softly ] Okay.
Lily: Can I have more bok choy, please?
Billy: Of course you can.
Lily: Why, thank you.
Billy: You're welcome.
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