Y&R Transcript Friday 3/13/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 3/13/20


Episode #11820 ~ Nikki worries about Victoria; Phyllis plays hardball with Chance.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Chance: I mean, impersonating phyllis to get access to her safe deposit box is no small feat, but if you get caught --

Abby: I'm not going to get caught.

I don't know what happened. I came out of my room and just found my gramps lying there.

Jill: Welcome aboard, my son.

Billy: Thank you for having me, mom. When do we get started?

Jill: You are not the only one to have a say in this.

Billy: Oh, no, I get that. You will have the final say. I understand.

Jill: That's not what I mean. Meet your new partner.

Lily: Hi, billy.

Traci: Am I interrupting.

Jack: Not at all! You are a sight for sore eyes.

Traci: Oh!

Jack: I wasn't expecting you back till tomorrow.

Traci: Oh, I decided that i would take an earlier flight.

Jack: Well, that is great. Welcome home. Have you connected with ashley yet?

Traci: No. You know, she wasn't at the house when I dropped off my bags, but I was hoping that maybe we could all get together and go see dina.

Jack: Yeah. That's a great idea. But I want to warn you, she's not very responsive lately.

Traci: I understand. And, jack, thank you so much for keeping me posted while I was gone, even when the news wasn't good.

Jack: We are all so happy you're back.

Traci: [ Chuckles ] So, tell me, how is everybody?

Jack: Ashley and I are hanging in there. Abby's doing great. Kyle's doing great. Oh, I don't want to get ahead of myself. I may actually have good news about billy.

Billy: You want me to partner with lily?

Jill: Why are you so surprised? I think the two of you would make a formidable team leading chancellor media division.

Billy: Well, no disrespect to lily, but she doesn't live here.

Jill: Well, she says she's willing to return.

Lily: Well, I haven't agreed to anything yet.

Billy: And, yeah, this is the first time I'm hearing this, so...

Lily: Yeah, and I would need a lot more information on how this would work.

Jill: Of course you would. Now, here, you would both be equal in every single way, i would leave it up to the two of you to divvy up the workload.

Billy: Two people starting a brand-new division -- that could get a little complicated.

Jill: Really? Well, it seems to me that jabot has thrived since jack and kyle are co-ceos. And I think you two sharing the job would have an advantage because you'd be starting from scratch.

Lily: Well, jack and kyle are family, and so are you two. So I would be the odd woman out.

Billy: If she was playing favoritism to me, you wouldn't be here.

Jill: Lily. You would both bring your unique strengths to it. You would be good check and balance for each other.

Billy: We have no idea if we would even work together, mother.

Lily: Yeah. Exactly.

Jill: Well, then start talking, okay? Because... either both of you are in or neither one of you is. And don't take too long.

Chance: You are a dead ringer for phyllis. I mean, the hair, the clothes. It's perfect.

Abby: Thank you. I guess. Wait, you don't like me like this, do you?

Chance: God, no.

Abby: Good, because this is a blackmailing, backstabbing menace to society.

Chance: Who we're about to neutralize.

Abby: I just -- I want to get to the bank and get this over with so I can get out of this outfit. I don't want phyllis' karma rubbing off on me.

Phyllis: Let me in! Hey, if you don't let me in, I'll use my owner's key. 5, 4, 3, 2...

Elena: Mm.

Devon: Mwah!

Elena: What did you do?

Devon: Oh, you have to open it to see what I did.

Elena: Thank you, I think.

Devon: You're welcome. I'm replenishing your mint supplies since we ate them all when we got stuck in the storm.

Elena: Ah. You shouldn't have. Really.

Devon: Oh, well, you know, even though we were starving, we all had fresh breath, thanks to you, honey.

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Devon: Did you anything from nate about jered's grandpa?

Elena: Uh, no, I left him a couple of voicemails.

[ Cellphone rings ] Actually... speak of the devil. Hey, we're just talking about you. Wait. What do you mean?

Victoria: Oh, man.

Nikki: Well, honey, that was probably a mistake.

Victoria: No, I wanted to take reid to the airport.

Nikki: I know, but you could have said your goodbyes here.

Victoria: Well, I wanted him to understand that I'm -- I'm doing better so that he would be okay with leaving.

Nikki: But are you better?

Victoria: I mean, he needed to get back to his life, and now he has. I miss him. That was really reassuring, having all of the kids under one roof, knowing that everyone is just safe and okay.

Nikki: I know exactly how you feel because I want my daughter to be safe.

Victoria: I'm gonna get there eventually.

Rey: You know, there's no need to rush. The chair will be waiting for you when you get there.

Sharon: Oh, yeah, I know. I just -- after being forced to skip my chemo session, I, um... I just want to get there early.

[ Knocking on door ]

Rey: Hey. What's up, nick?

Nick: Hey, rey.

Sharon: Hey! What are you doing here?

Nick: Shouldn't you be chained to your desk at newman?

Nick: I guess I'm playing hooky already. Rey told me you had a session scheduled today. So I want to make sure you had this.

Sharon: My old mp3 player?

Nick: Yeah, I came across it going through some old stuff. It's got all your favorite songs on it from back in the day.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Oh, this is great! Thank you.

Nick: I remembered how much you love music.

Sharon: Gosh, you know, I put so much time into fitting together the perfect playlist for any occasion. And this music is just a touchstone and a lifesaver, you know, all rolled into one. I couldn't live without these songs. Okay, um, time to go.

Rey: Okay.

Nick: Here, let me, uh, take that.

Sharon: Thank you.


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Phyllis: Am I interrupting something? We have to talk.

Chance: You've got some nerve.

Phyllis: Don't be so dramatic. The management reserves the right to come into any room for maintenance or housecleaning -- blah, blah, blah.

Chance: Is that what this is? "Blah, blah, blah?"

Phyllis: You broke in to my room. I know it was you. Do not deny it. You and your girlfriend broke into my room, an actual crime. You ruined my laptop and you stole something from my nightstand.

Phyllis: I don't even want to talk about what you did in the shower because that's tacky.

Chance: You made your point.

Phyllis: You crossed a line when you broke into my room.

Chance: And you didn't when you recorded my conversation with adam?

Phyllis: That was a public conversation. That was fair game. You violated my personal space, chance.

Chance: They were both violations of privacy.

Phyllis: Well, the only difference is, I got what i wanted, and you did not. Even though you think you did. So this is the question -- what is stopping me from making that incriminating recording public?

Nikki: Can I get you anything else, something to eat or drink?

Victoria: No, mom, I'm fine, thank you.

Nikki: You want me to stay with you? We could watch a movie.

Victoria: You know, I don't really think I'm up for it. Going to the airport really did take a lot out of me.

Nikki: Okay. Maybe later. Probably do you some good to have some quiet time. Um... I have some errands to run in town, but joan is here to bring you anything that you may need, so... I'll be back later.

Victoria: Okay. I'll be here.

Billy: Jill twisted your arm. I get it. I've been there. And you already have a job upstate that you love.

Lily: Yeah, that's true. My work with the inmates means a lot to me, and I would never give that up completely. But I set up a nonprofit that cycles recently released inmates back in the prison to start teaching. So it gives them their very important first job after being released. And I have systems in place where I can manage it from here in my spare time. And I also have a lot of ideas about how chancellor can open new avenues for former inmates.

Billy: It's all admirable work, lily, it is.

Lily: So jill might have done some arm-twisting, but... I also miss genoa city.

Billy: So you're saying you want this gig?

Lily: Yeah. I do. But if you're not sure, I can tell jill that you're not interested.

Elena: Jered. I'm so sorry.

Devon: You doing all right, man?

No. My grandpa is gone.

Devon: I know. And I know that there's, uh -- there's nothing I can say to make you feel better, but I know what you're going through.

Elena: Hey, jered. Dr. Hastings is a fantastic doctor. If there was anything else he could have done, he would have.

Yeah, I know. I'm not mad. It was -- it was his time.

Devon: It's hard when you lose someone that you really close to, but you got to remember, this doesn't mean you're alone.

Amanda: Why don't we go sit down, hmm? Okay? Come on. Hey. Hey, why don't -- why don't you tell me a little bit about him, huh?

Like what?

Amanda: I don't know. Anything. Anything you can think of.

[ Chuckles ] He was awesome at dominoes.

Amanda: Dominoes.

Yeah. Yeah, I used to think there was no skill to it, but... he never lost. Like, ever. I mean, I used to tell him that he was cheating, you know? And he would tell me, like, "well, maybe you should pay attention, you might learn something."

Amanda: See, that right there, that's good advice because there is a lot of skill involved, and strategy.

Hey, you sound like him now.

Amanda: And if he never lost, ugh, he was -- he was definitely cheating.

[ Both chuckle ]

Nick: I met with all the department heads. I reassured them that everything is under control and that there is continuity at the top.

Victor: Well done.

Nick: I got a status report from all the departments, too. Everything seems to be running smoothly. Nothing is gonna fall through the cracks.

Victor: So you get right back into the saddle.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Really looking forward to when victoria gets back behind this desk where she belongs.

Nikki: Hello, my darlings.

Victor: Hey, sweetheart.

Nick: Hey, mom what are you doing here? I thought you were gonna hang out with vick today.

Nikki: Oh, I just thought I'd stop by and see how things were going.

Nick: About as well as can be expected.

Victor: I think better. I think this is gonna work out.

Nikki: That's great. So, um, can we talk about victoria?

Nick: Why? What's going on? She okay?

Nikki: She's resting. I'm worried about her mindset.

Victor: What about it?

Nikki: Well, I know her injury and the surgery afterwards took a lot out of her, but she seems despondent, like she's emotionally exhausted as well as physically.

Nick: She does seem to be a little withdrawn.

Nikki: Yeah. She may need more than what we can give her right now.

Victor: What do you think there might be?

Nikki: Someone whose objective that she can share everything with, you know, who has the skills to help her cope with it all.

Nick: I'm all for it, if you think it'll help.

Nikki: I really do. And I know this may seem out of the box, but I was thinking maybe that person could be sharon.

Victor: What? Absolutely not. It's ridiculous. Oh sarah, can you remind me to give baxter

Chance: No. You're not gonna release that tape. You wouldn't come over here to announce it first.

Phyllis: I came to see you squirm.

Chance: Is that what you want, to torture me?

Phyllis: You and abby.

Chance: You leave her out of this.

Phyllis: That's very noble. She doesn't deserve it.

Chance: She deserves everything that I have to give her, and more.

Phyllis: You could do better.

Chance: Phyllis...

Phyllis: Uh, I'm not talking about me, stud. I am saying that abby will bring you down. So you should dump her and get somebody worthy of you. Do you understand?

Chance: Abby is smart and beautiful. She doesn't get out of bed obsessing over perceived slights and hell-bent on revenge.

Phyllis: No, she gets up out of bed worrying whether or not people like her. That is a fault. All right. Well, I'm going to go, and I'm just gonna leave you with this. Um... I'm wondering whether or not you're gonna open the paper tomorrow and see this headline "hero investigator caught in a cover-up scam."

Chance: Wait.

Billy: Okay, I don't know how we got from zero to 60 so quickly, but let's slow down a little bit. Why don't we start over?

Lily: Yeah. Sounds good to me.

Billy: Look, we have known each other for a long time.

Lily: Yes. Since walnut grove.

Billy: A lot of water under the bridge since then.

Lily: Mm-hmm. Sometimes it feels like yesterday, and sometimes it feels like a million years ago.

Billy: So I misread the situation, and you do want this gig?

Lily: Yeah, you did, and I do. And like I said before, I love what I'm doing upstate, but I'm ready for a change.

Billy: Okay.

Lily: I'm starting to think that you feel like the kid on the playground who has been told he has to share all of his marbles.

Billy: No, it's not that, exactly. Look, ever since I left jabot, I've been trying to figure out what's next for me. I did not think that this was it. And then I started to think about all the opportunity that I see there, what I could do with a division like this. Be my own boss, a new endeavor, be able to spread my wings...

Lily: And now you've been told you have to share all your marbles.

Billy: Yeah, maybe.

Lily: Listen, I will admit it, okay? I feel the same way. You know? Yes, my work at the prison scale-wise is much smaller, but it's been my baby, and I have a lot of ideas about what I can do with the media division. I can spread the word on prison reform and I can help ex-inmates get jobs in media. And to be honest with you, I started the modeling division at hamilton-winters, and I've also worked at jabot and newman, and I ran the athletic club. So I think I'm more than qualified for this job.

Billy: Well, jill said we either both take it or we're both out.

Lily: So... what do you think? Can we make this work?

Billy: I honestly don't know.

Lily: Um, okay, well, for me, starting a division means getting all the essential pieces into place.

Billy: Yeah, or we overplan it and we paint ourselves into a corner. I think it's best to keep things loose and let the company grow organically.

Lily: That sounds like a very fancy way of saying chaotic and disorganized, which is a recipe for disaster.

Billy: Or success.

Lily: If the division became a success that way, it would be by accident, not by design.

Billy: I'm starting to wonder what made my mother think that we would be good partners.

Lily: Yeah. I have no idea.

Traci: Billy and lily?

Jack: Together again. Maybe, if jill gets her way.

Traci: Well, she has a way of getting what she wants when she puts her mind to it.

Jack: We're also talking about our brother billy, who could just be self-sabotaging. Say no, just to be contrarian.

Traci: And I'm sure that that assessment of our brother was said with the utmost love.

Jack: Of course it was. Look, we can acknowledge his flaws and still be there to support him, to back him up. I just -- I hope things go right this time.

Traci: Well, as wonderful as lily is, I just don't see billy agreeing to partner with her.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Jack: Oh! We may find out sooner than later. Billy wants to know if I have time to talk.

Traci: And here's lily wanting to talk to me.

Nikki: Sharon has her credentials now. She helped connor when he was struggling. Adam and chelsea said she did a great job.

Victor: Victoria doesn't suffer from night terrors. And we have the best doctors that money can buy.

Nikki: I know it sounds strange, especially coming from me, but victoria and sharon have a history, and I just think victoria would rather talk to somebody like that instead of a stranger. And, if I'm not mistaken, didn't you use her when you wanted to jog adam's memory?

Victor: That's an entirely different situation. I don't think victoria will be up to this.

Nikki: Well, we won't know until we ask her.

Victor: What do you think?

Nick: I am concerned about sharon overextending herself, but I think mom's right. This makes sense. I say we ask her.

Victor: I don't think it makes any sense at all. I'm against it.

Nikki: I guess I'm the tiebreaker, then.

Nikki: Sorry, darling.

Victor: You haven't won yet. We still don't know what victoria thinks about all that, do we?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

When he was around, I always felt like someone had my back.

Amanda: That's a good feeling.

Yeah, it just he -- he never let me down, so... I guess I just felt like nothing could ever take him down either.

Nate: Hey, we just wanted to say, if it wasn't clear, we're here to help in any way we can.

Devon: Even though it's still fresh, we were just talking about the next steps.

What? Steps?

Nate: Like you're going to need a place to live.

Yeah, I already have a place to live, above the store.

Devon: Yeah, you're right. That place and the apartment are in your grandpa's name, though, right?

Yeah. So what?

Devon: We just don't know if you have the money to keep paying it.

Yeah, okay, but I'll figure it out.

Nate: Yeah, we know. It's just a lot to handle, and we don't want you to get overwhelmed with everything else you got to deal with.

Okay, I won'T. I'm 18 so I can keep the store going. That'll pay the rent.

Nate: I'm just saying, if you need a place to stay while you say some cash, you can crash at my place for a while.

No. No. You're not listening. Look, I don't need to stay at someone's place that I barely know, okay? I have been there and done that.

Devon: Jered, it's cool. We understand that. We really do. I just might be a little harder than you think to keep the store afloat, that's all.

Amanda: Okay, guys --

You're not listening!

Amanda: Can you just give him a little bit of time to absorb all of this? And I need to run something by you guys on the patio anyway, so, please, can you just come with me?

Elena: How about something to eat?

Yeah, just -- a sandwich.

Elena: Sure thing.

Amanda: I know you guys are just trying to help this kid, but you're being completely tone-deaf.

Devon: We're just trying to be practical about what he's facing.

Nate: Trying to give him a way out of this.

Amanda: No doubt this is a rough situation, and I get that it is your instinct to make a checklist and start solving problems. But you need to understand where this kid is coming from. Look, why don't you think about what it was like for you when you were in a similar situation?

Devon: Yeah, okay. Yeah, you're right.

Amanda: His grandfather just died. He's angry. He's scared and he's overwhelmed. And if we come on too strong, it's not going to end well.

Chance: You don't want to go public with what you know.

Phyllis: Why not?

Chance: Because you wouldn't get anything out of it, other than maybe some sadistic satisfaction.

Phyllis: Sometimes that's enough.

Chance: Not for you. Aren't you the woman that always wants more?

Phyllis: Go on.

Chance: You went through all of the trouble to gather the evidence to blackmail us. Now you're just gonna use it because you're ticked off and you can't get anything in return? That doesn't sound like you.

Phyllis: So you're telling me I should hold off on what I know because there's something bigger and more worthwhile on you and adam? Mm. That is an interesting tactic. It's a bit counterintuitive. You're trying to save your butt. You're fighting for another day. I will keep this nugget that i have in the palm of my hand because... I like you. And, by the way, I really mean what I say about abby. Change your dating profile, get someone who deserves you.

Abby: That woman is beyond obnoxious.

Chance: Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Abby: What, what, what?

Chance: She's going to hear you.

Abby: Oh, she can yell about me from the rooftops, but I have to stay quiet?

Chance: This will be over.

Abby: Soon enough.

Abby: Oh, no, not soon enough.

Chance: Are you ready?

Abby: If I wasn't before, I sure as hell am now.

Lily: Oh, my gosh! I missed you so much!

Traci: [ Chuckles ]

Lily: That's been one of my biggest regrets of moving upstate, is not having you close by.

Traci: Oh!

Lily: But now that my living situation might change...

Traci: It might?

Lily: Yeah. That's why I reached out to you. I had this, uh, opportunity crop up out of the blue, and... I don't know. I've been grappling with it.

Traci: I think I might know about this already, honey. Jack told me about jill's offer.

Lily: Oh!

Traci: And if I am to be honest, I think it's just great, especially if it brings you back home.

Lily: Yeah, it's a big pro. But there are a lot of cons.

Traci: Like billy?

[ Laughs ] As much as I love my brother, and I do, even I find him difficult at times.

Lily: Yeah. I mean, billy's a good friend, you know, but I've worked with him before. And as much as cane was to blame for, you know, a lot of what went wrong with brash & sassy, billy's desire to just take risks and fly by the seat of his pants, I mean... it did a lot of damage.

Traci: But some of his crazy ideas were wildly successful.

Lily: Yeah, some are wildly successful, and then some are a massive defeat.

Traci: Yes, but but you have the ability to keep everything on an even keel. I mean, that is a very underappreciated talent. Obviously jill finds the value.

Lily: Yeah, well, does billy?

Traci: Billy trusts you and he respects you. And maybe that's more important.

Lily: Yeah, billy trust and respects me as a friend, not a business partner. I mean, it's very clear that we're approaching this venture at two very different angles. And I don't know, I mean, what if it doesn't work, you know? Should I just stay where I am and be safe?

Traci: That's the kind of thinking that stops great ideas right in their tracks.

Sharon: Oh, I'm just glad i didn't get turned away a second time. But I am so tired.

Rey: Okay. Let's sit over here.

Sharon: [ Sighs ]

Rey: [ Sighs ] You know, I am always so impressed by what it takes for you to go down there, let them pump that bag full of nasty stuff into you.

Sharon: Well, don't be impressed. It's entirely selfish. I want to stick around for a while.

Rey: Mm. I'll get you some tea?

Nikki: Knock, knock. Is this a bad time?

Rey: Uh... actually, it is. You mind coming back a little later?

Nikki: Well, I'm sorry. This is important. Victoria needs you, sharon. As a struggling actor,

Nikki: We're just asking you to sit down with her a few times to start.

Sharon: Honestly, nikki, I'm not sure it's a good idea. I mean -- thank you. I understand that victoria is struggling right now. In fact, I'd be shocked if she weren't, but it just got my credentials. She might benefit more from seeing someone with more experience.

Nikki: I understand. It's just that I think she might prefer to work with somebody with whom she has a certain level of comfort.

Sharon: Familiarity. Maybe not comfort.

Nikki: All right. Maybe you two will never be best friends, but you have been through a lot together. Everything with J.T.

Sharon: Those were extraordinary circumstances.

Nikki: Yes, but it gives you a foundation.

Sharon: I'm just not sure. My plate's pretty full these& days. The best I can do is tell you I'll think about it, okay?

Nikki: Okay. That's all I can ask. Thank you, sharon.

Rey: So, what do you think?

Sharon: I don't know. What do you think?

Rey: You know, I think it could give you something to focus on. Take your mind off the cancer for an hour or two a day. It could be a godsend, actually.

Sharon: You're a godsend.

Rey: Oh.

Billy: Hey.

Jack: Hold on a second.

Billy: If you're too busy, I can come back.

Jack: No, no, no, no. I have time, I'm just a little swamped this morning. We're gonna have to make this pretty short. So... this is about jill's offer and partnering with lily, right?

Billy: You talked to jill.

Jack: And you're turning the job down, right?

Billy: How did you know?

Jack: Well, I mean, if you were interested, you would've jumped all over it by now. Instead, you called me to find someone who will agree with you that it's the wrong idea. Am I in the ballpark?

Billy: No. No, not exactly. No. I came to talk to you because -- because it's a big decision. And, yeah, I spoke to lily about it. I'm not sure if it's the right fit. So I wanted your take on it. But clearly you're too busy, so... thanks for your time.

Jack: Billy, you're right. You should turn the job down. I'm sure when jill first mentioned it, it seemed like a great idea. But with the addition of lily, it feels like the ground has shifted. Walk away while you can.

Billy: Yeah, that's what i was thinking.

Jill: I mean, you quit jabot, you quit victoria because you wanted autonomy. Even if this job seems like it's a perfect fit in so many ways, unless it's 100% of what you want... well, you should just let it go.

Billy: Nobody really gets 100% of what they want, right?

Jill: Well, not if you're living in the real world, no.

Billy: Are you using some sort of reverse psychology, jack?

Jack: Yeah.

Billy: That's what I thought. I don't know why I even bother.

Jack: Well, don't ask me. Ask yourself.

Traci: Let me be clear. I love the idea of you and billy working together. And I can't even imagine how much this would have meant to colleen. Yeah, I mean, we've been friends for a very long time, but working together? We're very different people with very different philosophies.

Traci: Well, that sounds like balance to me. I mean, you bring something really special to the table that billy lacks and vice versa.

Billy: Can you stop with the riddles and just actually tell me what you think?

Jack: Oh, I think you came here to use me as a shield for your choice, when I think what you want to be doing is making a choice that you can defend on your own.

Traci: Plenty of companies are run by people with competing vision. Now, that isn't proof that it's gonna work out for you and billy, but it's proof that it happens and sometimes with spectacular results.

Lily: Chancellor yeah, it's going to create a lot of conflict.

Traci: Well, then you just have to decide if you're up for that kind of challenge. Really, all that's important to me is your well-being. And billy'S. And I have a hunch that you're just the kind of person he needs in his life right now.

Lily: Like what? Like a babysitter?

Traci: Like someone he can deal with and respect. And it might be good for you to be challenged in a different way, too. I often am a little too optimistic, but I really wish that you would stop focusing so much on the negative and start thinking about the possibilities. So yeah, depression.

Amanda: We are all strangers to jered. So pressuring him to trust us is not going to work.

Nate: I don't feel like we're pressuring him.

Amanda: We need to let him get there on his own. You grew up like this kid, you don't trust anyone.

Devon: All right. We hear you. Maybe we did come on too strong. How did you know I was in the foster care system?

Amanda: I did my due diligence before I came to town. Besides, game recognizes game.

Devon: So you were in foster care?

Amanda: You go to enough homes, you learn to put up walls.

Devon: Well, I mean, I feel dumb now that I didn't see the signs because I was him.

Amanda: No. No. Don't beat yourself up. It's been a long time since you were that kid.

Devon: Yeah, but you never forget that. You know that.

Elena: Hey.

Devon: Hey.

Elena: You guys coming back inside?

Devon: Yeah. We're going to. Listen, I hear what you're saying, but I really think that we still need to talk to him because if people gave up on trying to get through to me after I pushed them away over and over again, I -- I don't know where I'd be right now, all right? Jered!

Abby: We were so good.

Chance: You were so good. It was scary.

Abby: I cannot wait to ditch this wig. Blondes really do have more fun.

Chance: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for going out on a limb for me.

Abby: I hate the risk that you took.

Abby: Don'T. It's done. And you're safe now.

Chance: Thanks.

Abby: But... if you really want to make it up to me, I have an idea.

Chance: Yeah?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Chance: Mmm.

Billy: You just get here?

Lily: Yeah. Good timing.

Billy: Well, at least we're in sync on something. We should probably talk to jill. She's going to want to hear what we think.

Jill: You bet I am. So, what's the verdict?

Lily: Uh, well, I have reservations.

Jill: You do?

Lily: Yes. But I think that billy and I are smart and mature enough to make a partnership like this work.

Jill: That is wonderful. And you, my son?

Billy: Well, I came here to accept a job, only to find out that it was more like a forced partnership. So I'm not sure that's the best way to start a new venture.

Jill: So that's a no.

Billy: Lily and I are not going to agree on everything, but I don't mind that because I like a good battle as long as we stay on the same side. Starting this division is going to be like going to war. And I can't think of anyone that I'd rather be in the trenches with other than lily.

Sharon: Well, I'm going to go upstairs and lie down and think about what to do about victoria.

Rey: Okay. Let me know if you need anything.

Sharon: Okay. Thank you.

Rey: Mm-hmm.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Rey: Hello?

Nick: Hey. It's nick.

Rey: Hey! Sharon just went upstairs to take a nap.

Nick: No, that's okay. I want to talk to you anyway. I got to jet off to chicago for some business, but a problem came up, and I don't want to bother sharon with it.

Rey: Okay. What is it?

Nick: It's about faith. I need your help.

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