Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/12/20
Episode #11819 ~ Sparks fly between Nick and Phyllis; Jill surprises Billy.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Adam: Three tickets to kansas?
Chelsea: You and connor and i are going to hope's farm for a little pre-wedding scouting expedition.
Jared: My name's jared. I came out of my room and just found my gramps lying there, just passed out on the floor.
Abby: Phyllis.
Chance: What did you learn?
Abby: That she was too smart not to make a copy of whatever was on that thumb drive. She's keeping it in a safe deposit box. I think I might have the perfect plan.
Billy: So, that's it... isn't it?
Amanda: Yeah.
Jill: I've been wanting to start this division for over a year now. I want to keep chancellor competitive, and you would be division president.
Billy: Well, I know a dozen people that would love that opportunity. I'm just not one of 'em.
[ Knock on door ]
Jill: Knock, knock!
Jack: To what do I owe the pleasure, jill? Is this corporate espionage? You're here to ask a favor? Whichever it is, could we make it kind of quick? I am working on a very important meeting.
Jill: Mm. More important than your brother?
Jack: What has billy done now?
Jill: Nothing, which is the problem.
Jack: Come again?
Jill: I offered him a job at chancellor right up his alley. Very senior, lots of responsibility.
Jack: And?
Jill: Well, my darling son was -- how shall I put it? -- Less than enthusiastic, and since then, crickets.
Jack: I seem to recall billy talking about you putting on a big show about how you needed him when you didn't really.
Jill: That is not true. It's very important for me to get the chancellor media division off the ground, and billy is the perfect person to do it. This would be a new project for him, give him a sense of purpose, get his life straightened out. And I, for one, refuse to give up on him.
Billy: Mm. Hey there.
Amanda: Good morning.
Billy: You look -- you look good. You look good this morning.
Amanda: Thank you. Um, so do you.
Billy: Thank you. So, uh, how's -- how's life?
Amanda: Um, pretty good, you know, all things considered. How 'bout you?
Billy: Same.
Amanda: That's really good. Um... I was just -- I was heading out, so...
Billy: Yeah. Amanda, please? Uh, one second. There's something I need to know.
[ Door opens, closes ]
Chelsea: [ Gasps ] Alright!
Adam: Ooh.
Chelsea: Whoo!
Adam: Ohh. Alright. Here we are, back in kansas. Oh, it is good to be home. It has been way too long.
Chelsea: Yeah. You know, sweetheart, this bed and breakfast is a very special place for your dad and me.
Connor: Why?
Chelsea: Well, this is where we stayed when we got married.
Adam: That was the day your mother made me the happiest man on earth.
Chelsea: What do you think of the place?
Connor: It's nice. I just wish we were staying at the farm where dad grew up.
Adam: Yeah, so do I, buddy. But we're just gonna have to make the best of it.
Nick: Yeah, just send me over those projections in a separate e-mail and then copy the -- no -- the, uh -- the C.F.O. And the rest of the finance heads. Yeah, cool. Appreciate it, greg. You heard the news.
Phyllis: I heard that you took my amazing advice.
Nick: I should have told you myself, considering you are the one who finally convinced me to step in for victoria.
Phyllis: Well, you're busy. You're really busy being interim C.E.O., So... and I saw the press coverage. It's fine.
Nick: Yeah. Dad kind of overdid it on that.
Phyllis: That's what your dad does. Anyway, I wanted to come here personally and congratulate you.
Nick: Thank you.
Phyllis: You're welcome. I would've brought champagne, but...
Nick: Ah. The gig is temporary.
Phyllis: Yeah, but, still... I think it's really great that you're coming in and you're protecting victoria's position. You're also stopping adam from worming his way in. You made the right call.
Nick: Yeah. I, uh -- I think I did.
Phyllis: Do you want to say that again... like you mean it?
Abby: I have everything i need for my starring role. How 'bout you?
Chance: All set.
Abby: Operation faux phyllis is officially under way.
Chance: Abby, are you absolutely sure that you want to go through with this?
Abby: You bet I am.
Chance: But if a bank employee recognizes you or if something goes wrong, we're talking felony fraud here.
Abby: Look, I know we both have a lot at stake here, but it was my idea. I wouldn't have suggested it if I wasn't 100% sure I could pull it off.
Chance: Impersonating phyllis to get access to her safe deposit box is no small feat, but if you get caught --
Abby: I'm not gonna get caught. And I am sick of phyllis gloating about damning evidence that she has on you and adam, tossing around blackmail threats. She thinks she can pull our strings whenever she wants. That woman needs to be stopped, and I'm gonna be the one to do that -- today.
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Nate: Thanks. Jared. How's it going?
Jared: Not so great.
Nate: [ Sighs ] One of the nurses told me you spent all of last night outside the icu.
Jared: Yeah. Yeah. I'm just really worried about grandpa. I got to talk to him a few times during the night, but mostly he's just sleeping. He's so weak.
Nate: I'm not gonna lie to you. His condition is tenuous. But we're monitoring him closely, doing everything we can.
Jared: I know you are, doc, and I appreciate it.
Nate: I just ordered some breakfast. Want to join me? My treat.
Jared: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, thanks, but I-I can buy my own stuff.
Nate: Fair enough. Would you mind sitting with me, though? Since we're both here, I would love to talk to you some more.
Jared: Wh-why? I-I'm not your patient. My grandfather is.
Nate: I just want to understand your situation a little better. That's all.
Jared: Yeah. Yeah, okay.
Nate: [ Sighs ]
Amanda: Billy, I thought we came to an understanding.
Billy: Oh, we have. We have. Trust me. I'm not even going to mention the "r" word.
Amanda: "Relationship"?
Billy: Hey, don't even say it. I'm just saying that when you say that you're good, I-I hope that you're telling me the truth and you're not just trying to get rid of me in a very polite way.
Amanda: I told you the truth. Okay? I am holding my own. I just woke up this morning after another great night's sleep, and I am feeling hopeful about the future.
Billy: That's great.
Amanda: I also got some more really great news.
Billy: Mm-hmm?
Amanda: Ripley -- he, um -- he pled guilty at his arraignment, so I won't have to worry about testifying, about him being acquitted and coming after me again. It's --
Billy: That's wonderful news.
Amanda: [ Sighs ]
Billy: That probably came as a surprise.
Amanda: Well, I assume that he realized with all the evidence against him, there was no way that he would be acquitted.
Billy: Yeah. No.
Amanda: Yeah.
Billy: That's true.
Amanda: I was actually gonna go to his arraignment. Yeah. But a friend helped me realize that spending any more time or energy on ripley was just a win for him, and there's no way that I'm giving him that satisfaction.
Billy: Yeah, that's -- that's really good advice. I'm glad you have someone to talk to.
Amanda: So now I am free. I am truly free.
[ Both chuckle ] And it is exhilarating, but it's gonna take some getting used to.
Billy: Yeah, no. Of course it will.
Amanda: I wish I could say that I'm completely over everything that happened, but... time.
Billy: I feel that.
Amanda: Yeah.
Billy: Hmm.
Amanda: So, um, have you -- have you seen victoria?
Billy: Uh, yeah, I did, and she is pretty upset with me, which is understandable, really. But she's at the ranch, and she's surrounded by people who love her and taking care of her, so that's good.
Amanda: Well, I hope she gets stronger with every day.
Billy: She will. Victoria is tough. She's a fighter. And she is not one to look back.
Amanda: What about you? You know, when you look forward, what do you see ahead for you?
Jack: If you are somehow suggesting that I have given up on billy, you could not be more wrong. My entire family, including me, has assured billy we have his back.
Jill: Oh, calm down. I believe you. But has he listened to you? Has he reached out to you?
Jack: I'm afraid our conversations are too few and far between these days.
Jill: Luckily for you, I've had a brilliant idea which will nudge billy in the right direction. It's all part of my plan to get him to come to chancellor, which I am determined to make happen.
Jack: I'm all for billy coming to chancellor. Precisely what do you have up your sleeve?
Jill: [ Chuckles ] What's your haircare made of?
Nick: I am not second-guessing my decision, if that's what you're implying.
Phyllis: I'm not implying anything. It just doesn't seem, you know, like you're very excited about this job.
Nick: I made the commitment to step back in and lead the company until my sister can return.
Phyllis: It seems like you want that to happen in five minutes.
Nick: Well, of course I do, 'cause that would mean my sister has fully recovered from her injuries.
Phyllis: And that would also mean that you don't have your dad micromanaging you and you're not at the top of adam's hit list.
Nick: You know, I kind of hope adam sees me as a weak link, tries to exploit that, 'cause I'll be ready.
Phyllis: I have no doubt that you can handle anything thrown at you -- no doubt. But, listen, I mean, if you're not excited about this, you could tell me honestly. My lips are sealed.
Nick: You know, if you were so convinced I would be so unhappy in this job, why did you lobby so hard for me to take it?
Phyllis: It was for the greater good. I also shudder at the idea of adam running this company.
Nick: Oh, okay. So, you wanting to thwart adam means more to you than my well-being.
Phyllis: No, that's not true. I know you were noble enough to make the sacrifice. And I also know that it's very important to you to protect your family's company... even if it makes you crazy for a short time.
Nick: So, if I'm ever here... at, like, midnight... or I'm at odds with [Sighs] With my dad over some deal... I can call you to vent... talk about it, and then you won't tell anyone?
Phyllis: I'll have a good secret.
Nick: I'll take that as a "yes."
Phyllis: Please take it as a "yes."
Abby: I bought the perfect dress to get me into character, along with the perfect shoes, accessories, and wig.
Chance: Perfect. [ Sighs ] My contacts were able to track down the bank that phyllis has her safe deposit box.
Abby: Including the box number?
Chance: Really? I was also able to procure a very impressive forgery of her passport from an old colleague of mine.
Abby: Whoa. This thing is a work of art.
Chance: I'll tell him you said so.
Abby: Passport photos aren't typically glamour shots, so, with the provocative outfit, the overdone makeup, and the expression I'll be wearing, I doubt anyone will question whether this picture is of the real phyllis summers.
Chance: I'm not worried about the passport, and you've already proven you can do a spot-on impersonation of phyllis, but what about the signature? It has to match.
Abby: I was up half the night writing it over and over and over again. I have it down.
Chance: Okay. It's time to put you through the paces. You up for a little role play?
Abby: Always.
Billy: There's no need to worry about me moving forward, okay? If anything in all this, I was able to take a long, hard look in the mirror, and... well, I woke up this morning and had an epiphany.
Amanda: Oh.
Billy: Yeah.
Amanda: Hmm.
Billy: I finally realized what I'm supposed to do, what I'm gonna do next... what's right for me. Okay? So, don't worry about me. I'm gonna be fine. And I have taken enough of your time, so...
Amanda: Alright.
Billy: Okay.
Amanda: Mm. Billy...
Billy: Mm-hmm?
Amanda: ...Um... we can't go back -- okay? -- To where we were... but your friendship means a lot to me, so, as friends, how would you feel about us grabbing a cup of coffee sometime?
Billy: When you say, "coffee," do you mean like...? I'm kidding.
Amanda: [ Laughs sarcastically ]
Billy: I'm kidding. Yes. No. Coffee would be -- coffee would be great.
Amanda: Good.
Billy: Have a good day.
Amanda: You, too.
Jack: I have to admit, it is a brilliant idea. I am impressed.
Jill: I thought you would be.
Jack: It not only helps billy, it helps everyone involved. I have to remind you, though, a lot of things have to fall into place.
Jill: Yes, but all I ask is that if billy comes to you about this, you put your legendary powers of persuasion into play and get him to agree to it.
Jack: You have my word.
Jill: [ Chuckles ] Thank you. I mean it, jack.
Jack: You are welcome.
Jill: [ Chuckles ] By the way, there is another reason that this will bring me such satisfaction.
Jack: Which is?
Jill: Well, I know how much you hate coming in second.
Jack: Ohh.
Jill: No. You'll have to accept that I'm the one that got billy to channel his energy into a positive, productive place.
Billy: Sweetheart, you pull this off, I will gladly sing your praises.
Jill: I so look forward to that. And now it's time for me to put phase number two of my plan into action. Little theo's nose had cause for alarm.
Nate: [ Sighs ] So, elena tells me you're no longer in school.
Jared: Yeah, that's right.
Nate: When you graduate?
Jared: I-I didn'T. I dropped out of school when i was 16 and tracked down my grandfather.
Nate: Mm-hmm.
Jared: Yeah. He took me in. Got me out of foster care.
Nate: And now you're 18 and you live with him in his apartment?
Jared: Yeah.
Nate: And you work at your grandfather's store?
Jared: Yeah.
Nate: Does he own the storefront?
Jared: No. No. He rents that, too. He couldn't afford to buy anything like that.
Nate: Do either of you have a car?
Jared: Look, I-I don't mean to be rude, but I don't understand the point in these questions. A rich doctor like you is not gonna understand where I'm coming from.
Amanda: I know where you're coming from, jared... because I've been there. No, I didn't mention it the last time we spoke, but... I grew up in the system, too.
Jared: You were a foster kid?
Nate: I had no idea. Guess I still have a lot to learn about you.
Amanda: I guess you do.
Chance: Hello. How may I help you?
Abby: I seem to be in a bit of a quandary. I need to get into my safe deposit box, and I lost the key. 5071.
Chance: That's the box number?
Abby: What's the procedure?
Chance: Well, miss...
Abby: Summers, phyllis.
Chance: We'll have to drill the box open, miss summers, for a fee, of course.
Abby: Not a problem.
Chance: May I see an I.D., Please?
Abby: Of course. I so appreciate this.
Chance: Mm. We'll need you to sign the appropriate paperwork -- permission to drill the box open -- and we'll just deduct the feet from your checking account.
Abby: You know what? I can pay cash. How much?
Chance: That'll be $200.
Abby: Oh. Wow. Geez. That'll teach me, right? Here you go.
Chance: Thank you. Now, if you would, please sign here. Now let's go see about getting that box drilled open.
Abby: Thanks. You've been a big help.
Nick: Look, you want to bring this guy on board, then you're gonna have to consolidate other positions. Because, marty, the budget's the budget and I'm not gonna second-guess my sister. That is the way it's gonna be. If you want those cuts, you got to find 'em somewhere else. No, no, no. Uh, I'm here -- stay. I'm here. If you want to talk about anything else, then come find me. You don't need to do that again.
Phyllis: Do what?
Nick: Just run out of here without us getting a chance to talk.
Phyllis: Oh. Well, I just wanted to give you your privacy. You're running an empire.
Nick: I've been here since sunup. I could use a break.
Phyllis: Oh, okay. Well... what would you like to talk about?
Nick: Before christian ran into the room the other day, we were gonna talk about... what happened.
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, what happened. I thought I explained myself.
Nick: Well, what did happen takes us comfortably out of the friend zone.
Phyllis: Oh. Really? It does? Huh. Well, it was spectacular. It was. But, honestly, I don't think it would have happened if there wasn't an ice storm and I wasn't stuck at your house.
Nick: Okay. So that's what we're doing? We'll just blame it on the weather?
Phyllis: Well, no. I'm -- I mean, you have to admit, uh, it was a good way to keep warm.
[ Chuckling ] And it's over. We -- we can go back to what we were -- you know, friends, buddies, pals, you know? Is it not that simple for you, nick?
Nick: [ Sighs ] This is ava.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Connor is down for the count.
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Oh, I'm not surprised. We were up so early for the flight. And the sledding -- we must have hiked that hill like 50 times.
Chelsea: It was so much fun, though. I think as a kid, I went sledding like twice, tops. I mean, I wasn't really big on wholesome family activities, you know?
Adam: Come join me, will you?
Chelsea: Ohh. Mmm. This feels good.
Adam: Mm. A little down time before we head out again?
Chelsea: Mm. So, do you want to talk about what's bothering you?
Adam: [ Sighs ] Mom's house.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: Wow.
Chelsea: It's gotten so run down since the last time we saw it.
Adam: Yep. I just hope connor didn't see how shocked I was.
Chelsea: No, I don't think he noticed.
Adam: It's like the furnace is on its last leg. I'm surprised the place didn't freeze over and flood the place during the winter.
Chelsea: Well, were you able to get ahold of george?
Adam: Well, I left him a voicemail. You know, he's a sweet guy, and it was decent of victor to keep him on as caretaker, but a farm that size is a lot to look after for anyone, especially someone who's getting on in his years. It's like, obviously, we can get him more help. It's just... I mean, it's connor's first visit, and I just wanted him to see the farm at its best... and to experience just the way I did.
Chelsea: I know you did.
Adam: I pictured reading him stories... watching him drift off in my old bedroom... and waking up to something delicious cooking for breakfast and all of us hanging out in the kitchen, making plans. Oh, I can see my mother in every corner of that house.
[ Chuckles softly ] We shared so many wonderful memories. I just really wish connor was able to know his grandmother.
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
Jill: I am so glad you agreed to come over, billy, 'cause there's so much I want to say to you.
Billy: Uh, well, to be honest, I had planned on coming by before you reached out. I think you would agree our last conversation didn't really go as planned.
Jill: Yeah. Yeah. I realize that I caught you off guard with my proposal. But, darling, now that you've had a chance to mull it over, please, please reconsider. This opportunity, I'm telling you, any executive would give their --
Billy: Mom, stop. You can save your breath... 'cause I decided to accept...
Jill: Ohh!
Billy: ...Your offer.
Jill: [ Laughs ] Oh. [ Chuckles ]
Chance: So... that time you hesitated when the banker asked you for a driver's license instead. Look, abby, you have to be ready with the truth. You have to stay loose. You can't make it seem like you're caught off guard or thinking on your feet or else...
Abby: Game over. I could -- I could feel myself tensing up in that one, but, in my defense, that teller was a lot testier than the others.
Chance: You may get a banker who's having a bad day or a branch manager who's gonna scrutinize you much more closely than a teller would. I mean, they may instruct you to come back later, after they get an outside locksmith.
Abby: And then they call phyllis and tell her that her lock has been drilled and ask her when she wants to come back.
Chance: We have to avoid that at all costs.
Abby: Agreed.
Chance: Aside from that, I think you've done a great job preparing. I think you're as ready as you'll ever be.
Abby: All that's left is for me to put on my costume -- become phyllis long enough for us to get that last thumb drive out of her possession.
[ Inhales deeply ]
[ Exhales sharply ]
Nick: That's hilarious. Like anything that ever has to do with you is simple.
Phyllis: Okay. Um...
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: ...Are you saying that you're changing your mind?
Nick: What I'm saying is what happened... it's not easy to ignore.
Phyllis: No, it's not. It was very memorable.
Nick: It really was.
Phyllis: I myself flashing back to the more intense moments.
Nick: Like how we barely made it out of the den?
Phyllis: How we finally made it into the bedroom and...
Nick: Yeah. A few other times.
Phyllis: Uh, so, I guess we're both having a hard time with the concept of leaving this in the rearview mirror, aren't we? Wow. [ Clicks tongue ] Well, how do you want want to resolve that? Itio n
Amanda: I understand what it's like... growing up always feeling like the ground is shifting under your feet... never knowing what kind of people you're dealing with, and even if you're lucky enough to be placed in a family who cares, people that you get along with, you never know how long you're gonna be staying, right?
Jared: Yeah, so you'd best not get too attached.
Amanda: And sometimes social workers -- they want you to leave in the middle of a school year, so there goes any friends you made.
Jared: Yeah, right?
Amanda: But you go, you know, and you go to a new family, go to a new town that you never even heard of you, and you start all over -- new caseworker, new teachers, a bunch of people that you don't trust. So you put up walls. And it does. It takes a long time for those walls to come down.
Jared: Yeah. I was so grateful when I found my grandfather and he agreed to take me in -- like, actual family who wanted me, you know, just, like, someone that I could rely on.
Amanda: Now, I know that nate and devon and elena and I -- I know we're all strangers at this point. But I promise you, jared, we are people that you can trust, too. All we want to do is help. We want to help you and your grandfather any way that we can.
Nate: This is dr. Hastings. Hold on. It's your grandfather. We need to get to the hospital now.
Nick: Yeah, vick had this little gadget installed here under the desk. You hit that button and the door closes.
Phyllis: Mm.
Nick: I guess I accidentally hit it. Whoops.
Phyllis: Wow. Whoops. Um, hmm. Well, accidents happen. The timing was interesting.
Nick: Yeah. Um, maybe this is the universe telling us not to overthink everything and throw caution to the wind... maybe one more time.
Nick: One more time... just to get it out of our systems.
Jill: I am so happy you're gonna take the job! I couldn't be more thrilled!
Billy: I am pleased myself. Thank you.
Jill: Oh, darling. So, what made you change your mind?
Billy: Well, I had A... nice conversation with ashley. She didn't talk at me. She, uh...
Jill: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: She really understood where I was coming from and got me to see this opportunity from a different angle.
Jill: Well, remind me to send her a thank-you note.
Billy: Once I stopped being so defensive about the reason why you asked me to run the division, I realized that this is exactly what I want -- a true creative outlet, something I can put my own stamp on, something new. Naturally, the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it. And, you know, if I said no to this opportunity, I would've regretted it for the rest of my life.
Jill: Welcome aboard, my son.
Billy: Thank you for having me, mom. When do we get started?
Jill: It's great to see you this fired up.
Billy: What's the budget we're working with? I've got a lot of ideas. I want to start implementing them as soon as I can.
Jill: Darling, I love your enthusiasm -- I really do -- but I'm afraid it's my turn to stop you. You are not the only one to have a say in this.
Billy: Oh, no, I get that. You will have the final say. I understand that.
Jill: That's not what I mean.
Billy: Then what do you mean?
Jill: Mm.
[ Singing indistinctly ]
Adam: Hope had such a big heart. She was -- she was strong and brave... and tough. She was everything a person would aspire to be. You know, back then I lived to make her proud. Needless to say, I've done a lot of things she would not be proud of.
[ Sighs ] You know, sometimes I just -- I can't help but wonder what my life would be like now if she was still alive... or if I never learned that victor newman was my dad. You know, would I -- would -- would I still be on wall street? Would I be content with my success? Would I become a better man? Or would I just become the same kind of person that I already am? You know, is that darker side just a part of me, a trait that victor passed down to me?
Chelsea: I'll tell you who you are, adam newman. You're the man I love. You are the father connor absolutely adores. You're...the son that victor just didn't appreciate enough. I hate it. I hate the fact that you reach out to him in good faith, trying to help victoria, and he just... he strung you along... and ultimately rejected you. Well, he doesn't get to jerk you around anymore. If you want that chair as C.E.O., I am gonna do whatever it takes to help you get there.
Adam: [ Chuckles softly ]
Phyllis: That was...
[ Chuckles softly ]
Nick: I am crushing this job.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Alright. Well, that was amazing. We got that out of our system, right?
Nick: Yep.
Phyllis: Yeah, totally. And we can go back to being friends like we were before, right? 'Cause [Sighs] We're completely done, right?
Nick: Completely.
Chance: How's the disguise coming along?
Abby: I'm ready. Prepare to feast your eyes.
Chance: You really have to sell this so we both don't go to prison.
[ Footsteps approach ]
[ Gasps ]
Abby: I'm not too worried about that.
Chance: Wow.
Billy: I am still running the division, correct?
Jill: Yes. Yes. And no.
Billy: Mom.
Jill: Do not -- please allow me to explain.
Billy: Oh, go ahead. Explain.
Jill: You are a smart businessman, okay.? You're talented. You're creative. You have verve and energy. And you are a natural-born salesman.
Billy: I know all these things. I'm waiting for the "but."
Jill: There's no "but." I mean, you have this "go big or go home" attitude that can lead to tremendous success.
Billy: Thank you, I think.
Jill: However...
Billy: There it is. See? I told you.
Jill: ...Darling... leadership demands that you weigh all your options before you make a decision. You have to know when to take a risk and when to pull back. Billy, it's a matter of balance, okay? So, listen. This is why I would really like you to work alongside someone.
Billy: Who?
[ Door opens and closes in distance, footsteps approach ]
Jill: Meet your new partner.
Lily: Hi, billy.
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