Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/11/20
Episode #11818 ~ Victor questions Adam's motives; Chelsea plans for her future.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Abby: Yeah.
Chance: You just fried the computer. Phyllis is definitely gonna know that someone broke in.
Adam: Nick just now decided he wanted to become ceo.
Victor: I had offered this job to nicholas in the first place.
Adam: You played me.
Chelsea: You're gonna want to pay him back for that, aren't you?
Adam: Yes. But I have a feeling that you wouldn't be on board for that.
Chelsea: You're wrong, adam. I am in this with you all the way.
Adam: Victor is gonna expect me to make a move.
Chelsea: Without a doubt. He practically dared you.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Look, about nick...
Chelsea: For years he's refused to work at newman for a reason. He's wanted to separate himself from his father and everything he stood for. He doesn't want to get involved in victor's machinations. It's why he created dark horse. It's why he ran for city council. I actually admire him for that.
Adam: Mm. But now he has put himself squarely in the middle of it. He doesn't want the ceo position. He took it just so I wouldn't get it.
> Chelsea: You're right. Nick chose this and everything that comes along with it.
Victor: Now, I'm sure that your predecessor has told you how I run a press campaign. But this is going to be different. I want you to listen carefully. And I want you to give this campaign all the weight and importance that it deserves. When victoria became ceo, it was to be expected. And now something has happened that I did not expect. So I want you to announce to the world that the new interim ceo of newman enterprises will be my brilliant son nicholas. Yeah.
Nick: Hey.
Victoria: Hi. What are you doing here?
Nick: Well, I brought you this smoothie. It's filled with vitamins...
Victoria: Mwah!
Nick: ...And vegetables, and I want you to drink every bit of it.
Victoria: Okay. Thank you. Um, I'll have it later.
[ Groans ]
Nick: Are you okay? Can I do anything?
Victoria: No, I'm good. I'm really good. I'm -- I'm getting stronger every day.
Nick: Okay. Well, I need you to hurry back before I screw up newman forever.-
Victoria: Well, I know you have spent most of your time being a super dad and saving the world at new hope for quite some time now.
Nick: Yeah, well, I'm gonna do my best to try not to lose track of an entire division.
Victoria: Nicholas, running newman enterprise is not a joke. You know that. You're gonna have to dedicate all of your time and energy into keeping it on track.
Nick: I know, vick. I know.
Victoria: Do you? Are you absolutely sure that you're ready for this?
Adam: Mm, you never cease to amaze me.
Chelsea: Mm. Well, nick's been out of the game for a while, but he's not naive.
Adam: Mm.
Chelsea: He knows what he's taken on, you know? This is the last thing he wants to do, but I'm sure he knows what's expected of him, and he's going to rise to the occasion.
Adam: Mm. And do you think he's ready for that?
Chelsea: I don't know. Since he walked away from dark horse, he's been in the nonprofit world, so I'm sure his corporate skills are a little rusty.
Adam: Yeah, but now he's gonna have victor overseeing his every move, making sure there's no missteps, watching his back for the sake of the company.
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ] I see you. I know how your mind works. You're spinning, thinking about every possibility, always 10 moves ahead in this chess game.
Adam: This -- it might get ugly.
Chelsea: Well, I'm not going anywhere. So, you'll wait, you'll watch, and when the opportunity presents itself, you'll make your move.
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Adam: [ Groans ]
Chelsea: You might want to get that.
Adam: Mm.
Chelsea: Mmm. Or maybe not.
[ Laughs ]
Adam: [ Sighs ] This better be good.
Chance: Sorry to disappoint you. It's about that situation we discussed, the sensitive information that fell into the wrong hands.
Phyllis: Oh, wait, wait, wait. If you're here to conduct some business, I suggest you go into a far-away corner. I don't want the guests here to think that this is the kind of clientele that frequents my hotel.
Billy: "Your" hotel? That's pushing it a little bit, isn't it? You forget about your partners?
Phyllis: I don't have partners. I bought them out.
Billy: Wow. That's huge. Can't imagine chelsea and abby went without a fight.
Phyllis: This was not a passion project for chelsea. She was just looking for a place to stash her money that she inherited from her dead husband. As for abby, she stole it out from under me with the urging of victor, of course. I just got back what was rightfully mine.
Billy: And knowing you, it wasn't pretty.
Phyllis: Wow. And who are you to judge my life after you pulled amanda into your mess of a life? Really, billy?
Billy: [ Clears throat ]
Phyllis: She deserves so much better than you, and so does victoria. And look at victoria. She ends up with a knife literally in her back. Well, that was mean. Damn it. I apologize.
Billy: Pardon me, phyllis? Did you just apologize? Humira patients...
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Nick: Is this a job interview? Do you want to hear that I have no interest in the ceo gig becoming a permanent thing? Look, I'm here. I'm gonna do the best I can, and I'll do it for as long as you need me to.
Victoria: I need to know that you're ready for this.
Nick: You sure you're okay with me pinch-hitting for you?
Victoria: I'm sure. You're my best option.
Nick: [ Laughs ] That's not exactly a resounding "yes."
Victoria: I have only had this job for a couple of months. It's frustrating having to take a step back before I've even been able to implement most of my initiatives.
Nick: Yeah, come on. You're gonna accomplish everything that you planned and more.
Victoria: The staff has just gotten used to me being in control, and now they're gonna -- they're gonna have to face a new adjustment?
Nick: I'm sure every day that I'm there, they're gonna miss you even more.
Victoria: Maybe so, but, i mean, it's just not fair. I've wanted this since I was little girl, and then fate steps in and takes it away from me.
Nick: Hey, come on. I'm just keeping your seat warm for you.
Victoria: No, nicholas, that's the wrong attitude to have. This is an important job. You're gonna have to make some tough decisions. You're gonna have to be a leader.
Nick: Alright, look. You know I chaperoned 20 kids on an all-day trip to the natural history museum. I threw a birthday party for 10 little boys myself, along with a superhero magician. I think I can handle running a multibillion-dollar corporation.
Victoria: This is not a joke.
Nick: I know. Sorry. I'm just...
Victoria: Look, if your heart's not in it, then you need to walk away.
Nick: My head's in it.
Victoria: Don't do it for me.
Nick: I'm doing it for all of us.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Well, look, if you're taking this on for the wrong reasons...
Nick: I'm not. I swear.
Victoria: It's just that you're gonna have to make so many sacrifices. It could own you. It could take over your life.
Nick: Hey, why are you talking like this? You okay?
Victoria: I'm just so sorry. I'm tired. Can we just -- can we talk about this later?
Nick: Yeah, of course. Don't worry about anything. Everything's under control.
[ Smooches ]
Adam: So, did you find anything interesting on your last excursion?
Chance: The device worked. The thumb drive with the recording's been locate.
Adam: Okay. And what about phyllis's computer?
Chance: That met with an unfortunate accident.
Adam: Okay, which destroys any physical evidence that can back up her threat?
Chance: As far as we know.
Adam: Well, you put your special-agent skills to good use.
Chance: We don't have to worry about phyllis anymore.
Adam: We should order some champagne. We can celebrate.
Chance: Adam, I still owe you. And this won't be over until I've tied up all of the loose ends.
Phyllis: You know I'm not an unredeemable monster. At one time, we meant a lot to each other. We would have done anything for each other.
Billy: What do you want?
Phyllis: I just wanted to tell you I feel bad. I feel bad about victoria and amanda. And don't tell anyone i apologized, please.
Billy: Okay. How about a little mutually assured destruction? I apologize, too. The hotel -- you're right, you know? It's good. If I had an opportunity to right a wrong, I would do whatever it takes, and you are clearly willing to do whatever it takes. So, congrats.
Phyllis: Thank you. Thank you for apologizing. And, yes, nobody gets ahead in business when they're meek.
Billy: No. Look, I know you've always wanted something of your own ever since you lost the top job at jabot. I know that wasn't easy for you. So...good on you.
Phyllis: Thank you, billy.
Billy: Grand phoenix -- a great place for a new beginning.
Phyllis: Yeah. That's the plan. And I know your life is going through changes now.
Billy: Well, move forward or die, right?
Phyllis: Right. I hope you get the fresh start you're looking for.
Billy: Me too.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
Billy: And to you.
Phyllis: Hey! There's been a coup, and you are no longer needed, nor are you wanted here, so allow me to get somebody to escort you out, um, on the curb next, to the trash.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
With advil,
Abby: If it weren't for my hard work and dedication, you wouldn't have a hotel to run.
Phyllis: Give me a break.
Abby: Who was here to make sure the grand phoenix survived the most recent crisis?
Phyllis: The most recent crisis, the ice storm -- that was an act of god, unlike all the other incidents that afflicted this hotel. Would you like me to put a plaque outside?
Abby: Your name might be on the deed, but I still have a not-so-small fortune invested here.
Phyllis: Here we go.
Abby: And it take you decades to buy me out. So in the interest of peaceful coexistence, can we just pretend to be civil with each other?
Phyllis: You know, we can do that, but why don't you do that from afar, like, uh, say, society? You own that.
Abby: Oh, but my office here is in just such a better location for me to oversee my latest venture right across the street. In fact, I am meeting my structural engineer right here, and we're gonna discuss just how tall to make my new hotel. I'm thinking, mm, maybe 50 stories should be high enough to cast a permanent shadow over the second-rate grand phoenix.
Phyllis: Wow. Is this where I should be shaking in my boots? Because if you think I'm afraid of competition, you don't know me at all.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
[ Inhales deeply ]
Nikki: I know you're worried. I can see it in your eyes.
Nick: Well, aren't you?
Nikki: Of course. She's been through a horrible ordeal. Some people take longer to recover.
Nick: Well, how much longer is it gonna take?
Nikki: I don't know. I mean, there is no timetable for this. But that's why it was very important that you step in at newman till she she's ready to return.
Nick: I don't know. The way she was talking about what I was taking on...
Nikki: Nicholas, she loves newman almost as much as her children.
Nick: I know, mom, but this time -- I'm telling you -- it seemed different.
Nikki: Maybe you're expecting too much from her.
Nick: When's the last time she saw a doctor?
Nikki: Nate is on his way right now.
Nick: Alright, you call me when he leaves. I want to know what he has to say.
Nikki: Are you asking as her brother or as the new ceo?
Nick: Both, I guess. I got to get to work and start running the world.
Nikki: Alright, darling. Well, thank you for coming. She'll be fine.
Nick: Yeah. I love you.
Nikki: I love you.
Billy: William foster abbott...
Ashley: Hi.
Billy: ...Reporting for his compulsory tongue lashing and castigation.
Ashley: Is that really why you think I asked you to come by?
Billy: Well, it's part of the process, isn't it? My only request is that you keep it short. I screwed up. You chewed me out. People avoid me like the plague. Yada yada yada.
Ashley: Right. Well, anyway, I'm gonna leave the airing of grievances to jack and anybody else who wants to chime in. Would you like some coffee?
Billy: Yeah.
Ashley: Okay.
Billy: Thank you.
Ashley: However, I didn't ask you to come by just for some caffeine and chitchat.
Billy: Okay. Here we go.
Ashley: I want to know what's going on with you after everything that happened.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Ashley --
Ashley: How are you doing, billy?
Billy: You're actually the first person to ask me that.
Ashley: Ohh. (Vo) do you push through four or more migraine days a month?
Chelsea: [ Shivers ] Hi.
Chloe: Oh, hi!
Chelsea: You just -- you look so beautiful. You're glowing.
Chloe: Stop.
Chelsea: I'm serious. You are. Hi! Hello!
Chloe: I know how you can get a glow just like this.
Chelsea: Oh, very funny. No, I have my hands full with connor these days, but thanks.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ]
Chelsea: I don't know. I just look at you, and I think, "no matter how crazy the world can get, babies."
[ Both laugh ] And their beautiful mothers. It's just a reminder that, you know, life goes on and miracles do happen. I don't know. I'm rambling. I just -- I'm just so happy for you.
Chloe: Oh, well, enough about me. What kind of fires are you lighting around town these days?
Chelsea: Um... well, actually, I do have some news. I have some really good news to share.
Chloe: Oh, great.& Lay it on me.
Chelsea: Adam and I are engaged.
Chloe: And what's the good news?
Adam: Did you run into any problems when you were recovering the thumb drive from phyllis's room?
Chance: The less you know, the better. What I am curious about is -- you mentioned something about having new plans in the works.
Adam: Mm. Oh, it's just a little something to keep me occupied.
Chance: Is there any chance it has something to do with nick taking over at newman?
Adam: How do you know about that?
Chance: Read the press release. Looks like victor's trying to reassure his friends and competitors that there's a strong, steady hand at the wheel until victoria is all better.
Adam: Interesting.
Phyllis: You know, I wanted to give you a warning of my own.
Abby: Oh, really? What's that?
Phyllis: Well, it seems that I was the victim of a burglary.
Abby: Oh, my gosh. How unfortunate. What happened?
Phyllis: I know. I know. Well, it seems that somebody broke into my place, ruined my laptop, and stole something very valuable to me.
Abby: Ohh.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Abby: Have you alerted security?
Phyllis: No, no. I'm altering you.
Abby: Oh.
Phyllis: Your play dates with your adrenaline-junkie boyfriend are going to end up very dangerous for you.
Abby: I can take care of myself.
Phyllis: I don't think you can. You don't know what he's capable of.
Abby: And you do?
Phyllis: I do.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: I have seen things, and I have heard things. I mean, I created that state-of-the art security system for my own hotel. You don't think I wouldn't do the same thing in my personal life?
Abby: Mm. Well, then you must have proof who broke into your room. Have you filed a report with the police?
Phyllis: No. I'm gonna deal with this on my own, with my own personal touch.
Abby: Mm. Nice bluff. See, I think if you had any real evidence, you wouldn't be standing here fishing for information. Besides, I don't know why you're telling me any of this.
Phyllis: Well, what you don't know could fill a library.
Abby: You're the local genius. Right.
Phyllis: Okay, well, I am smart enough to have a backup plan, so why don't you tell this little tidbit to whoever broke into my room and stole my thumb drive that, um, there's nothing afer than a safe deposit box, okay? So, run along. Run along. You're with the big girls now in the deep end.
Abby: This isn't over, not by a long shot.
Phyllis: No, it is not over. Bring it.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] This is a shout-out to all those going the extra mile.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Ashley: So, the man that attacked victoria pled guilty. There won't be a trial.
Billy: True. Which is a good thing. It would have been horrible for victoria to have to testify... or amanda or anyone else who witnessed the attack.
Ashley: But you're not gonna have the chance to express your point of view, your side of the story. People are gonna assume the worst.
Billy: It's not a big deal, ash. I'm not really worried about that.
Ashley: It's a big deal to me, billy. I want to know what happened. Why did you decide to crash victor's party?
Billy: [ Chuckles ] Well, for a few reasons, most importantly the hypocrisy of it all, people celebrating victor like he's some kind of hero after all the crimes he's committed, the people he's stepped on, the lives that he's destroyed.
Ashley: Yeah, well, he's a complicated human.
Billy: Yeah. And people judge me. Things went lopsided between me and vick, but I'm always going to love her. And she was trying to get me to leave that night, to not disrupt the party. I should have listened to her. It was dark, and, uh, somebody bumped into her. Before I knew it, she was in my arms and I had blood all over my hand. She started to lose color in her face, and I start to freak out. I was screaming for help, yelling at her to stay with me.
Ashley: I'm so sorry. That's horrible. Then I got to the hospital, and of course nobody would let me see her. Newman started to close ranks. I snuck into a room. I was hoping if I could just apologize to her... I brought her a picture of the kids, hoping that it would help her. I don't know. Maybe I thought it was gonna help me assuage my own guilty conscience.
Ashley: Well, she is recovering well, isn't she? So maybe you being there made a difference.
Billy: I don't know about that. I, uh, just left her, and she's pretty clearly blaming me for everything, the look in her eye had a level of disgust that i haven't seen, almost hate.
Ashley: Oh, billy, I don't think victoria could ever truly hate you.
Billy: I don't know about that, ash. I mean, in her mind, she's linked what's happened with us and the heartbreak with the stabbing.
Ashley: Well, she's gonna have to come to terms with what happened to her, isn't she?
Billy: I don't know. Maybe you're right.
Ashley: Well, I think you need something new and exciting in your life, something that makes you want to wake up in the morning.
Billy: Yeah, well, you know, my mom did offer me a job at chancellor heading up the new media division.
Ashley: Take it.
Billy: I don't know.
Ashley: Why not?
Billy: Give me a second. I'll think of something.
Ashley: Do you always have to make everything so damn difficult for yourself?!
Billy: Some people would say yes.
Ashley: Okay, this could be the greatest gamble of your entire lifetime. And you, of all people -- you're just gonna walk away from the table without playing one single hand?
[ Door opens ]
Abby: Hey. Uh, do you have a minute?
Chance: For you? Always. What's up?
Abby: Um...phyllis -- yeah, she, uh -- she got in my face about someone breaking into her room, damaging her computer, and stealing something important to her.
Chance: And so it begins. How did it go?
Abby: She tried to rile me, but I handled her.
Chance: Our secret's still safe?
Abby: She got nothing from me, but I did get a interesting tidbit of information from her.
Chance: What'd you learn?
Abby: That she was too smart not to make a copy of whatever was on that thumb drive.
Chance: Son of A...
Abby: No. She's keeping it in a safe deposit box.
Chance: We need to figure out where and find a way in.
Abby: It's funny you should say that because I think I might have the perfect plan.
Chloe: I'm sorry that I said your engagement to adam wasn't good news, and I really wish that I could be that friend who's going to squeal and plan your bachelorette party and post happy pictures of the happy couple all over my social media, but come on. It's adam.
Chelsea: It's adam, the man i love.
Chloe: You guys just got back together like two months ago.
Chelsea: Chloe, come on. We're hardly new.
Chloe: And you really think that he's your end game, even though you haven't been able to make it work, like, the last several times?
Chelsea: What adam and I have is...
[ Sighs ] I-I can't even put it into words.
Chloe: Oh, I can. Kill it with fire.
Chelsea: He's made mistakes -- adam. He has. Horrible mistakes. And I'm not gonna blame them on circumstance or victor or -- or anything like that. Adam wouldn't, either. He owns his past. And, listen, I'd be lying if i said I didn't worry about some of his choices. I'd be lying. But we don't judge each other on the worst things that we've ever done. I know his heart. He knows mine. And when he got that second chance at life and victor found him alive in las vegas, that was a second chance for the both of us. That was a second chance for us as a couple and as a family. The way he adores me, the way he -- the way he values me...
[Sighs] The way that he loves our son. I am so lucky to have him as the father of my child. Is he perfect? No. Hardly. But I'm not perfect, either. We're just perfect for each other.
Chloe: [ Sighs ] You know, I really hate you for making me cry.
Chelsea: Sorry.
Chloe: He makes you happy.
Chelsea: Yeah, he does.
Chloe: Then I'm happy for you. But he better take darn good care of you.
Chelsea: He will. Always.
[ Velcro tears]
Nate: How's your appetite?
Victoria: It comes and goes.
Nate: What's your favorite meal?
Victoria: I don't know. I haven't really been focused on food. They cook for me, and I -- I try to eat what I can.
Nate: So, uh, what have you been doing to keep yourself busy while you recuperate?
Victoria: I didn't realize that I was supposed to be busy.
Nate: Oh, it's not a requirement. I just thought you'd be looking forward to getting back to work.
Victoria: Do you mind if we talk about this later?
Nate: Of course. The only job you need to do right now is heal, okay?
Victoria: Okay.
[ Exhales heavily ]
Billy: That's an interesting choice of words.
Ashley: What? Comparing taking the job at chancellor to gambling?
Billy: Most people would be afraid to even mention the word "gambling," that fear of me running to the nearest table.
Ashley: Well, that's kind of ridiculous, isn't it? Besides, I think we've already established that I'm not like other people in your life, so stop being so sensitive.
Billy: Okay, just because I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean that people aren't out to get me.
Ashley: [ Laughs ] Touché. Billy, I just want you to have the happiness that you deserve.
Billy: You think I deserve to be happy?
Ashley: Of course.
Billy: Okay. Thank you. I'll talk to my mom, see what happens.
Ashley: Good. Thank you.
Billy: Enough about me, okay? How are you? How are you dealing with your mom's decline? I know jack is having a hard time.
Ashley: Yeah. Confusing.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: It really is. I mean, she's declining. She has been for a long time now. All we can do is, you know, our best to keep her comfortable, and thank god we've got the money and the resources to do that for her, but... she's leaving us inch by inch. I mean, we can't really grieve for her because she's still with us, right? And thank god for that, but... she doesn't really know where she is anymore. She doesn't really know who she is anymore and... it gets worse. It gets very complicated 'cause my relationship with my mother has been very difficult. You know, I spent so much of my life resenting her, so much of my life hating her. But at the end of it all, she is my mother and she held me in her arms and she sang to me and she taught me how to talk and she taught me how to walk. And one day, she left us, and... she taught me how to let go. I don't think I'm very good at that, though, because I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to say goodbye to somebody who's had such a huge impact on my life.
Nikki: How's my little girl?
Nate: [ Sighs ] Her sutures are healing nicely, no fever, no signs of infection. Just make sure she continues to rest as much as she needs to. She should spend most of her time inside since it's still flu season.
Nikki: Nate, um, you and i have known each other for a while now.
Nate: Yeah, we have.
Nikki: So there shouldn't be any secrets between us. I don't know what is going on, but that is not my daughter over there. Even nicholas has mentioned she is not behaving like herself.
Nate: Perhaps we should just wait and see.
Nikki: No, we don't have time to wait and see. Victoria is a strong woman with two small children who need their mother and a company she has waited half her life to run. Now, I may not have an "M.D." After my name, but I know her behavior is not normal, and you know it, too. So please just tell me exactly what is going on with her.
Nick: Hey, dad.
Victor: Hello, boy.
Nick: I was just with vick. She assured me she is cool with me stepping in for her.
Victor: The news that you are the new interim ceo of newman enterprises is everywhere, you know? They're expecting great things. No pressure.
Nick: You did impress upon the pr team that this move is temporary, right? I've read a few articles online that are suggesting this could be a permanent thing.
Victor: Since when do I give a damn what the press get right or wrong?
Nick: Vick just needs to know that you still believe in her and that this job is hers when she's ready.
Victor: Of course I still believe in her, and the job will be hers once she has recovered from all of her wounds, okay? But you must not convey the idea that you're just a seat warmer.
Nick: Agreed.
Victor: We must tell the world that newman enterprises is going full steam ahead no matter who's at the helm, alright?
Nick: If we show any weakness, then we are dead in the water.
Victor: You got that right.
Nick: So let's talk about adam.
Victor: What about him?
Nick: I know he wanted the interim job. I'm sure he feels like he deserved it.
Victor: Yeah, I'm sure he does. But, son, you've always been my first choice.
Nick: I'll bet he was infuriated. And we both know an angry adam is a dangerous adam. I'll bet you anything he's preparing to make his move as we speak.
Victor: I wouldn't be surprised.
Nick: So, what do we do about it? If we wait too long, it could be too late.
Victor: Son, I don't give a damn.
Nick: Dad, he's gonna come gunning after this company. As your son, as your ceo, we have to fight him with everything we have.
Chance: Okay, I'm dying to hear how you think you can get access to phyllis's thumb drive. What's your big idea?
Abby: You want to know my big idea, big boy? I'll outsmart them all, the same way I've done since day one. You see, the only thing hotter than my figure and my sultry voice is my superior intelligence. You see, my perfect manicure and my dangerously sharp nails come in handy when I'm clawing my way out of the lower depths and I am stabbing my multitude of enemies in the back. No one has ever handed me anything. I -- i have had to fight for everything I have in this life. So, you see that phoenix when you walk through the doors of
my hotel? You're looking at her, rising from the flames of all the bridges that I've burned.
[ Scoffs ] And you can all kiss my...ash.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] How? How did you just do that?
Abby: It's pretty good, right?
Chance: Abby, that was so good that it's scary.
Abby: Ahh.
Chance: But do you really think impersonating her will get you access to her safe deposit box?
Abby: Mm. Heaven help whoever tries to stop me.
Victor: I understand your concern. But I also understand your brother, okay? After he has licked his wounds, he will come at us with everything he's got.
Nick: Which is why we can't waste a minute.
Victor: And he will fail. There's a certain pattern to what he does. He will spew all the venom he feels toward me against me. And then he will try to get into my good graces again. I've seen him play this game many times.
Nick: I don't need to remind you the last time he played this game, he messed with your medication. You could've been killed, dad.
Victor: I know. But I have to tell you that he felt remorse.
Nick: [ Scoffs ] So, that's it? You just forgive and forget?
Victor: No, son. I may forgive, but I never forget. My focus is on protecting my legacy. And I've chosen you to do that.
Nick: For now.
Victor: It's a good choice for everyone concerned.
Nick: Adam's not gonna see it that way.
Victor: I don't give a damn how adam sees it. What's done is done.
[ Door closes ]
Adam: Anybody home?
[ Footsteps approaching ]
Chelsea: I have a surprise.
Adam: What is it? Did you find a way to oust nick from the ceo position?
Chelsea: Not yet, but this does concern our future.
Adam: Three tickets to kansas?
Chelsea: Yeah. Well, it was your idea. You and connor and I are going to hope's farm for a little pre-wedding scouting expedition. We need to find a venue, a florist. We need to eat some cake. Um, let's see. What else?
Adam: God, I -- I just -- I love you.
Chelsea: I love you, too. We need this to plan what's next because I promise you, you will get everything you want.
Nate: You know I would do whatever I can help victoria, but she needs to heal beyond the stitches, and that's gonna take some time.
Nikki: I don't understand.
Nate: [ Sighs ] The ptsd she suffered as a result of jt's abuse, the trauma she endured when she thought she witnessed his death -- all of that took a toll on her.
Nikki: But she survived it.
Nate: True. She's strong, bounced back.
Nikki: And you helped her with that. I mean, you gave her martial-arts lessons. You helped her cope with everything she had to go through.
Nate: But she suffered a serious setback when she was stabbed. That was a deeply traumatic experience that she literally never saw coming. She probably feels helpless, hopeless. And while that's normal, if it goes on for too long, if those feelings persist...
Nikki: Alright, well, what can I do? I want her back. Just tell us what to do.
Nate: For now, nothing. When she's ready to talk, be there to listen. Keep an eye on her. Make her feel safe. Don't minimize what she went through.
Nikki: But if things get worse, if there's no improvement?
Nate: Just give her time and hope for the best.
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