Y&R Transcript Friday 3/6/20
Episode #11815 ~ Victor and Adam find common ground. Phyllis comes clean.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Chance: I'm assuming that the recording is on her laptop. She probably has a backup on a thumb drive. I wanted to get into her place to find it.
Phyllis: Ice everywhere, on every twig and every branch of every tree. You don't want to drive in it, so go ahead and throw a log in the fire because I'm not going anywhere.
Lola: So you crashed your car and then you came here?
Kyle: We saw the lights. The whole street is shut down.
Lola: It had to be those two, didn't it?
Theo: Whatever I can do to make it better... you name it.
Summer: All right. Okay, you put the 10 on the jack.
Kyle: I got it.
Summer: Okay. Uh, six on the seven.
Kyle: I see it.
Summer: What? I'm helping!
Kyle: You're more than helping.
Summer: Sorry! I play on my computer, so my reflex is I've just gotten really fast.
Kyle: Whoa, whoa. Wait.
Kyle: Do you play solitaire at work?
Summer: Um... no?
Kyle: Uh, I may have to report you for slacking.
Summer: Oh, really? Well, I am the hardest worker at jabot, and you would be lost without me.
Kyle: Mm-hmm. Maybe.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Theo: Ah, you missed the seven on the eight.
Kyle: We're good. Thanks.
Theo: Fine got it.
Kyle: Can you back off, man? I can feel your breath on my neck.
Theo: Okay, someone's touchy. We're all stuck in here together with nothing to do.
Kyle: Yeah, I suggest you find somewhere else to entertain yourself.
Lola: What did I say about keeping things civil?
Chelsea: What are you doing?
Adam: I'm checking the forecast, hoping for a break in the storm.
Chelsea: Mm. Well, it doesn't matter if the storm stops. We're still gonna be stuck here because of that fallen tree.
Adam: Yeah. I guess you're right.
Chelsea: Mm. Of all places to be trapped for the night... we were so close to making it out the door.
Adam: Yeah. So close.
Chelsea: Well, at least all the kids are asleep.
Adam: Where's dad and nikki?
Chelsea: I think they're with victoria. So maybe maybe we should call it a night to, you know, slip off before....
Adam: Before what?
Chelsea: Before you and victor can get into it again. Maybe you should just get some rest, talk things out in the morning.
Adam: You mean put off a confrontation?
Victor: That doesn't sound like adam... nor does it sound like me.
Abby: Hey! No sleeping in the lobby!
[ Screams ] God! It's just me!
[ Laughs ] Oh, my gosh, you scared me!
Chance: You tried to scare me first.
Abby: Ooh, true.
Chance: Unfortunately for you... I sleep with one eye open.
Abby: Mm.
Phyllis: Ta-da.
Nick: Seriously?
Phyllis: Look at this. You should be happy that i turned your bachelor pad into a zen-like experience. Come enjoy the spa with me.
Nick: You keep the zen. I'll do the popcorn.
Phyllis: Mm. We're supposed to share that.
Nick: Well...
Phyllis: It's ours.
Nick: But, technically... it's mine, right? I mean, just like the grapes and the cheese and all that other stuff, and the wine.
Phyllis: Wait a second. Are these the kind of manners that you teach christian?
Nick: Hey, you believe in sharing when what's mine is yours.
Phyllis: And what's mine is yours.
Nick: Okay. What are you bringing to the table?
Phyllis: Oh, well, I bring my sparkling personality and I bring companionship. It's not my fault that I'm stuck here for the night.
Nick: "The night." Looks like you're moving in.
Phyllis: Been there, done that.
Nick: Let's just put it out there right now. Can we agree that going there again would be a terrible idea?
Phyllis: That never crossed my mind.
Nick: Me neither.
Phyllis: Me neither.
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Chance: Mm.
Abby: You slipped out of the room while I was sleeping.
Chance: I wanted to let you rest. Thought I'd come down here and scout the lobby, see if there's any other issues, and... it's so quiet, I guess I fell asleep.
Abby: I wore you out.
Chance: Mm.
Abby: But you have done more than enough to help out. And hopefully by morning, all the power issues will be resolved, and the new shift will make it in. So there's really nothing left to do tonight. So I really think that you should come back to bed.
Chance: Really?
Abby: And then tomorrow, I will dump the rest of the issues onto phyllis if she decides to show up.
Chance: Actually, there's one more thing that I need to take care of.
Abby: What?
Chance: It's not a big deal. I'll meet you upstairs, okay?
Abby: You're not going out in the storm, are you?
Chance: No, ma'am, I am not.
Abby: Then why are you being so mysterious?
Chance: Look, it's not really that big of a deal, so...
Abby: Does this have something to do with phyllis?
Phyllis: Oh! That's how it's going to be?
Nick: That's how it's gonna be because I'm the man of the house.
Phyllis: The man of the house. My goodness. Here, I'll leave you that. You sound like your dad when you say that.
Nick: I'm not taking that bait. If I was like my dad, I would have taken the gig at newman.
Phyllis: What gig at newman?
Nick: He offered me the ceo job while vick gets better. Wanted me to step in to keep adam out.
Phyllis: Wow. I never thought I'd agree with your dad, but... you've got to take that ceo seat. You have to take it, at least to keep adam out.
Nick: I'm sorry I brought it up.
Phyllis: I'm sorry you brought it up, too. Listen. You're gonna get your food back and your place back after I leave. You know, when dawn breaks.
Nick: If there's any food left.
Phyllis: To my credit, I tried to leave.
Nick: Hey, have you heard from our daughter? I texted her like hours ago and I haven't heard back from her.
Phyllis: Um, yeah. We were texting back and forth.
Phyllis: That's how I knew to get, you know, the sweat pants.
Nick: Oh.
Phyllis: "Oh," what?
Nick: Why is she getting back to you but ignoring me?
Phyllis: Uh, she likes me better.
Nick: I mean, look at you. You're a slob.
Phyllis: What?
Nick: How do you do it? By day, you're so put-together. You're trying to take the world over, and, at night... you turn into an 18-year-old frat boy.
Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] You are charming. Charming. I'm surprised you don't have a line of gals waiting outside the front door.
Adam: It is late, but not that late. Maybe we can go another round before calling it a night.
Victor: If you're up to it, so am I.
Adam: It's gonna be a lot more chaotic in the morning with the kids and workers trying to haul that tree off the driveway. Right now, it's quiet, peaceful.
Chelsea: Yeah. Let's try to keep it that way. I'll see you both in the morning.
Victor: Good night, chelsea. Well, I guess that tree came in handy, didn't it? I mean, it prevented you from walking out for no reason.
Adam: Well, I had plenty of reasons. I mean, you all but said I wasn't qualified to run the company. You questioned my competence and my maturity.
Victor: And you proved my point. Your first instinct was to flee.
Adam: Well, sometimes disengaging is a way to control the dialog.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Adam: Puts you in a more powerful position. But you already know that.
Victor: Yeah, well. So, adam... we're back where we started.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Victor: I still need someone to run newman enterprises while victoria is recovering.
Adam: Right. And I have made that clear that I am that person.
Victor: Mm-hmm. You know, adam, I have no doubt that you're a strong leader. You went to harvard business school, my goodness. You're business savvy. But there's still one other qualification that I'm looking.
Adam: Which is?
Victor: I need to be able to trust you.
[ Crash ] My goodness.
Adam: Well, it sounds like another tree fell.
Victor: Yeah, maybe the heavens are trying to tell us something.
Chance: What makes you think that this has anything to do with phyllis?
Abby: I was just guessing. But when I mentioned her name, your expression changed.
Chance: No, it didn'T.
Abby: Ever so slightly, it did.
Chance: Look, abby, I want you and I have going forward to be based on trust and honesty. So that's why I'm not going to say anything more.
Abby: Mm. As you pointed out earlier, I am still technically the owner of this hotel. So if you're doing something under this roof, it affects me. So you really should fill me in.
Chance: That's exactly why i shouldn'T. I'm saving you from being implicated in case something does go wrong.
Abby: Wow. This is getting more intriguing by the minute.
Chance: Abby, this isn't a game. Everything is a game in its own way. I mean, you're talking to the woman who created a fake jewelry heist to frame phyllis, so...
Chance: I'm sorry, but i can'T.
Abby: You are no fun.
Chance: So I've been told. I need you to do me a favor.
Abby: You're asking me for a favor now.
Chance: I need you to log into the computer system. Do anything that leaves a timed digital trail.
Abby: To give me plausible deniability.
Chance: I'm saving you from having to lie.
Abby: I don't mind lying if it's to the right people.
Chance: Sweetheart, you would probably win this argument, but I don't have time to argue with you.
Lola: Why do you constantly have to stir the pot?
Theo: Because it's so tempting. And, admit it, a part of you enjoys it, too.
Lola: We have to keep the peace tonight.
Theo: All right. You're right. So I'm lucky I have you to keep me on the straight and narrow
Lola: Theo.
Theo: Well, it is hilarious. It takes two of them to play solitaire, though.
Theo: Hey, um... how about we, uh, choose a game all four of us can play?
Kyle: Go fish?
Theo: Mm. Or, uh, maybe poker?
Kyle: Eh, we don't have any chips.
Summer: Mm.
Lola: Um, I have a can of bar nuts. Cashews for a dollar and walnuts for five?
Theo: Uh, money makes it more interesting. Strip poker might be even more interesting.
Summer: Oh, my gosh, theo, you are so predictable.
Lola: Yeah. Not happening, vanderway.
Summer: What I think we need is a reduction in testosterone in this immediate area. So, um... I have heard through the grapevine that you're a pretty good mixologist.
Theo: I can vouch for that. She's a beethoven behind the bar.
Lola: Good god. Yeah, I mean, I think drinks are necessary for all of us. So... you want to come with me? I'll give you some bartending basics?
Summer: Sure. Yeah. I mean, I'm usually on the consumption side of the bartender, tendee relationship. Lola: Okay, well, uh, those are our top shelf, of course, herbs, bitters, fruit, and this is a muddler. It's going to be your best friend.
And yeah, there are a million possibilities, so... let's go nuts.
Summer: Sounds a little naughty.
[ Chuckles ]
Theo: They found a way to pass the time.
Kyle: Yep.
Theo: Guess we should probably do the same.
Kyle: Yeah, I'm not playing cards with you.
Theo: I've got another idea. If you're up to it.
Chance: What the hell?
Abby: I wanted to see if i was right. Clearly, I was.
How did you beat me here to phyllis' room?
Abby: I know my way around the hotel better than you.
Chance: Okay, you've proven your point, but you really should go and let me take care of this.
Abby: I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. So whatever's going on, I want in.
Nick: You don't got to worry about that. I do just fine with the ladies.
Phyllis: Oh! I'm sure you do.
Nick: Well, what about you? Doesn't seem like you're chasing a lot of guys away right now.
Phyllis: Um... that's rude.
Nick: I'm just kidding.
Phyllis: Oh! I was kidding, too. And, by the way, if I wanted a dude -- if I wanted a man in my life, I could get one, okay? It's completely my choice that I don't have one right now. I mean, because, seriously, look at me.
Nick: You know what? I guess, considering the way you look and with those...assets...
Phyllis: [ Giggles ]
Nick: You do get to choose when and who.
Phyllis: Yeah, and where. Exactly.
Nick: So... when you put a kiss on someone like that...
Phyllis: Oh, my god. Seriously? We're talking about that again? That was spontaneous. It didn't even mean anything.
Nick: Right. But when the kiss happened and then you were inquiring about my love life and then you found this convenient reason to stay over...
Phyllis: Convenient reason? It's the weather. I control the weather? Seriously? Like I have a gadget. I should patent that.
Nick: You know what I mean.
Phyllis: If I was trying to seduce you, you'd know it.
Nick: Oh, would I?
Phyllis: You would.
Nick: You seem pretty confident I'd be powerless to your charms.
Phyllis: Uh, yeah.
Nick: Then I guess, lucky for me, you are not trying to seduce me.
Phyllis: Yeah. Lucky for you.
Nick: Good. Glad we cleared that up.
Phyllis: We are better as friends. You were right. Do you remember our fights?
Nick: I remember.
Phyllis: Yeah, and all of those break-ups... they almost destroyed me.
Nick: Yeah, we hurt each other too many times.
Phyllis: I like where we are now. I like where we are. I like our friendship.
Nick: Yeah, I mean, we'd fall back into those old habits, and... it never ended up well, so we can't let that happen.
Phyllis: I agree.
Summer: All right. How is it?
Lola: Uh, wow. It's delicious. You're a natural.
Summer: Ah! Well, it was my dream once, so...
Lola: Being a bartender?
Summer: Yeah, I was like 14 and I watched the movie "coyote ugly." And, at that point, I decided that that is what I wanted to be when I grew up.
Lola: Oh, my god.
Summer: Okay, it was 14-year-old me, not now me.
Lola: No, I -- I love that movie.
Summer: Do you really?
Lola: Yeah. I was inspired by it. I mean, it's a bar run by women.
Summer: Yeah, I know, and they're like totally badass. They breathed fire and they spun bottles and everything. What was the tagline again?
Both: "They call the shots."
Summer: Yes. Hey, um... I'm sorry that there was nowhere else for us to wait out the storm. I know that having us here, it can't be easy.
Lola: Yeah. It wouldn't have been my first choice.
Summer: Well thank you for being so cool. You are handling it much better than I would have, so...
Lola: Yeah, but I don't want to always be the girl who's handling it well, you know?
Summer: Yeah, I guess we've both been in that position with kyle, huh?
Lola: Another thing I just wish we did not have in common.
Summer: Well, I just hope that the hurt feelings can be put further and further behind us.
Lola: I'm not there. Yet.
Summer: Look, I know you're not going to believe this, but, um... lola, I want you to be happy. We both deserve that. Whatever that looks like for each of us.
[ Chair falls ]
Kyle: Play by the rules, or don't play at all!!
Lola: What the hell is going on?
Kyle: Theo's cheating again.
Theo: Kyle's losing again.
Summer: What are you even doing?
Theo: Round 2?
Kyle: Bring it.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Victor: Keep me updated, okay?
Adam: Well, that tree did have interesting timing, but so did the one that fell across the driveway. There's obviously something keeping us here talking.
Victor: Well, son, talking is always better than not.
Adam: Especially about the important things.
Victor: Aside from family, my boy, ensuring that my company's run properly is the most important thing to me.
Adam: Yes. And you will kill two birds with one stone...
Victor: Uh-huh.
Adam: ...By putting me in charge.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Adam: Hey, buddy, what is wrong?
Connor: That was so loud.
Chelsea: The tree fell right outside his window.
Victor: Oh!
Adam: Hey. It's okay. It was just the wind. We are perfectly safe in here.
Connor: What if the tree came through my window?
Adam: But it didn'T. Why don't I come up and I will sit with you for a while? We'll read some stories, huh?
Chelsea: Sounds like a great idea.
Victor: Connor, come here. Listen carefully. There's nothing wrong with being scared. Nothing. When I heard that noise, I went "whoa! What's going on?" It's an old tree, you know? The wind was so strong that -- boom! -- It fell down. But whenever you're scared about anything else just look it back and say, "I will not be scared, I'm going to fight you, whoever it is." You know what I'm saying? Okay?
Connor: Yes, grandpa.
Victor: [ Chuckles ] There we go. Okay. Go with your mom.
Chelsea: All right, I'll leave you two to finish your conversation.& You want some ice cream?
Connor: [ Gasps ] Yeah.
Chelsea: Okay. [ Chuckles ]
Abby: Never mind. You don't need to tell because i already have it figured out.
Chance: Really?
Abby: You told me what happened in vegas between you and adam, and phyllis has proof, proof that she is using to get chelsea to sell her shares in the hotel. So you're searching her room trying to find whatever it is that she's using to blackmail you guys. Am I close?
Chance: Closer than I'd like you to be.
Abby: So you're snooping around the room with whatever this is that you have in your hand.
Chance: This device detects audio digital files. My guess is that she has a copy of the recording on her laptop, most likely a digital file hidden somewhere in this room.
Abby: Perfect. You search the laptop, and i will search the room with this little thingamajig. If you tell me how to use it.
Chance: This thingamajig will vibrate when it detects an audio file.
Abby: Easy peasy.
Chance: Yeah.
Abby: Are you worried phyllis is gonna be angry when she finds out what happened?
Chance: Oh, I'm counting on it.
Phyllis: See, I'm not a slob.
[ Giggles ] I do clean up after myself. Okay? So you can't call me a slob.
Nick: We're okay, right?
Phyllis: Yeah. Are we okay? And I'm sorry about the kiss. I really am. We both know I have a weakness when it comes to you. It might not be for the reasons you think.
Nick: So what are they?
Phyllis: I respect you. I don't respect many people. I don't even like many people.
[ Chuckles ] I find people, oh, amusing and infuriating and attractive. And when you put all those things together, yeah, that makes for really great sex, but you're different.
Nick: I mean, not in the sex part. You're amazing. Uh... you're a good man. Such a good man. And you're a great father. You know, yeah, you've been a tool. You have, and made mistakes, but it's so incredible how you get back up again and you try to be a good person. And I find that really impressive and really sexy. So you seduce me without even trying.
Seresto, seresto, seresto.
[ Kyle and theo grunting ]
Lola: Come on, guys.
Summer: This is ridiculous.
Theo: Oh, you gonna call foul on that one, too?
Kyle: Yeah, you use the table for leverage.
Theo: Oh, could someone pour him a glass of whine with an "h?"
Kyle: Forget it. You win, fair and square. Congrats.
Theo: Oh, don't do that.
Kyle: Do what? Be gracious? Is that a foreign concept to you?
Theo: Yeah. Right. I'm the bad guy, the immature one.
Kyle: You heard it here. Last.
Theo: You're clearly superior to me, even though you're the one with two ex-wives in the room.
Lola: Okay, you, me, kitchen. Now.
Theo: Hey, I'm gathering that you're upset.
Lola: Are you einstein?
Theo: Look, if you need to take your anger out on me like before.... I'll understand.
Lola: What makes you think that -- why do I put up with you?
Theo: I don't know, but... please, don't stop.
Lola: Just tell me.
Theo: Anything.
Lola: Our date. If I were to say yes, tell me the plan.
Abby: A-ha!
Chance: What?
Abby: Voilā! A thumb drive.
Chance: Wow. Nice work. Where was it? Phyllis created a fake bottom in the drawer. I am so charging her for that. Have you found anything.
Chance: No. Not yet. Trying to hack my way past the protections that she put on the computer, but the system is quite complicated.
Abby: Mm. So you're stuck.
Chance: For now. I'll get past it.
Abby: So maybe when high tech doesn't work... go low.
Chance: I'm afraid that's not going to work with this system.
Abby: Ooh! Oopsies.
Chance: [ Scoffs ] You just fried the computer.
Abby: I did, yeah. Looks like we're all done.
Chance: Yeah, but phyllis is definitely gonna know that someone broke in.
Abby: You said you weren't worried about phyllis. And neither am I, so, uh... but there is one more thing I think we need to do.
Chance: Yeah? There's no reason to clean up after ourselves now.
Abby: But maybe we need to clean ourselves up. You're gonna want to take off those clothes.
Nick: I don't know what to say.
Phyllis: You don't have to say anything. You were right to bring up how incredibly bad things had gone for us. You were right, that you and I are wrong. How can two people who love each other so much... ...hurt each other so incredibly?
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I can't get hurt again. Maybe that's why I have a take-no-prisoners attitude these days. It's a cover. A shield. To keep people away. People think it's just me being me. But it's a lot deeper than that. I'm a lot more wounded than people would know.
[ Sighs deeply ] That makes sense to you, right?
Nick: It makes sense. (Pirate girl) ahoy!!!!!
Lola: You said you wanted to take me out, so I assume you've given it some thought.
Theo: Oh, well, when it comes to that stuff, I'm not really a plan-ahead kind of guy. Also, I don't do big romantic gestures.
Lola: That's fine with me. I have had enough of those.
Theo: Okay, so... maybe we'd start with a movie at the old arthouse theater downtown. I think there's a kung fu marathon going on. Or not.
Lola: I love that theater, but I'm more of a south korean horror film fan. I think they're playing one right now. "Nightmare at the asylum."
Lola: Yes.
Theo: You continue to surprise me.
Lola: Same.
Theo: Okay, so... horror flick followed by ramen at this noodle shop around the corner. And there's this little bakery that starts baking the next day's macaroons around 1:00 am and sometimes if I swing by, they'll let me taste-test the first batch.
Lola: It sounds pretty good. And then what?
Theo: And then I would walk you to the door. I wouldn't ask to come in. I wouldn't make up an excuse for you and invite me inside. I wouldn't even ask for a kiss because we both know what that would mean.
Lola: Uh, what? What would it mean?
Theo: Well, it wouldn't be our first kiss or our second. But it would be an important one, because it's our first real one. What do you think?
Lola: Uh, yeah, that was pretty -- pretty good, so... so...
Theo: So...
Lola: Kyle and summer are probably wondering what's going on in here.
Theo: Who cares?
Lola: We should probably get back out.
Theo: You tired?
Lola: Yeah.
Theo: I could use some shut-eye, as well. Uh...
Chelsea: Oh, I -- I thought adam would still be in here.
Victor: I think he's in the kitchen.
Chelsea: Oh. Okay. Victor?
Victor: Adam already said what I think you're about to.
Chelsea: I was just going to say, I hope the two of you can figure this out because... adam deserves to run newman enterprises.
Victor: In your opinion, right?
Chelsea: Yeah, but I think, deep down, you know I'm right. Not just because he obviously has the skill set but because... he loves you. He wants to help solidify your legacy. And even though he would never admit it, your approval means the world to him.
Victor: And I would like to give that to him, more than either of you realize.
Chance: This might be the best mission I have ever completed.
Abby: Oh! The best?
Chance: Maybe the best.
Abby: Mm-hmm. Maybe... well, I almost feel bad for phyllis.
Chance: Yeah.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Me, too. Almost.
Nick: You and I understand each other in a way a lot of people don'T. And I think we're on the same page. We're friends. Nothing more.
Phyllis: That's right.
Nick: It's getting late.
Phyllis: Yeah. Um, I'm going to go... I'm gonna sleep on the sofa.
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