Y&R Transcript Thursday 3/5/20
Episode #11814 ~ Billy comforts Amanda. Devon makes a confession.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Rey: You know, they're saying that this could be the worst ice storm the last 10 years. You think you'll be okay here alone with your mom?
Sharon: She's taken care of me every minute of my life. I'm pretty sure I can handle a few hours repaying the favor.
Nate: We get to find out if this building can withstand a full-on act-of-god weather crisis.
Lauren: We barely made it out of the driveway. The roads are impassable.
Chloe: Oof, I think I just had a contraction.
Billy: I found a lot of answers that I was looking for when I was with you. And I thought maybe you were my answer.
Billy: Why were we so damn drawn to each other at the bar that night? I wasn't looking for anyone or anything. I just came in to get a drink, a little peace and quiet in a crowded room, just like you. And yet we kept coming back. It wasn't because of the ambience. That's for sure. I'm not gonna speak for you, but I came back because of you. I am more than the sum of my mistakes. And you are not my enabler. You made me happy. You make me happy. And I really hope that you don't blame yourself for anything that happened. You deserve to be happy, amanda.
Amanda: How on earth can I be your answer to anything, billy?
Kevin: Contractions?
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: Like -- like an actual contractions? L-like going into labor, water-breaking, baby-on-the-way kind of contractions?
Chloe: Yeah.
Lauren: Okay, okay, okay. Maybe it's just indigestion, right? Right?
Michael: Or you could be dehydrated, right?
Kevin: Water. Let's get some water.
Lauren: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Honey, maybe you're just doing too much. Why don't you go sit down?
Michael: Yeah, have her sit down, kevin.
Kevin: Okay, okay, okay. Here. Sit. Sit. Sit. Let's put your feet up. Okay. I mean, it could be anything. It could be anything, but it can't be contractions because --
Chloe: Because he's too small. His lungs aren't developed yet, and the storm's -- yeah, not indigestion.
[ Inhales sharply ]
Kevin: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Listen up, you nameless little miracle. There is no need to rush this, okay? You have weeks and weeks to just kick back in there and relax. And -- and my advice would be to just take advantage of the downtime, okay?
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: I know that you're eager to to meet your mom and me and -- and your and your uncle, but -- but we're not ready. We -- we -- we have to get your room in order. We have to figure out what we're gonna call you, so, um... so, no contractions, no labor, not tonight.
Chloe: [ Breathing deeply ]
Nate: Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope that it stays quiet. Take care.
[ Exhales heavily ] Everything's holding steady on the hospital front.
Elena: Oh, don't jinx it.
Devon: We found the thermostat.
Nate: And we'll have heat any minute?
Devon: No, we will not because the property-management company put a lockbox over it.
Elena: Yeah, and the temperature's just warm enough to keep the pipes of our new clinic from freezing.
Nate: Great for the pipes, not so great for us.
Elena: Exactly. So, what should we do?
Nate: [ Exhales sharply ] Try to get some rest. They're gonna need us at the hospital in the morning.
Elena: Yeah, I guess we could dig in and make the best of it. It's not like the storm's gonna last forever.
Nate: Bad night for anyone to find themselves out there in this storm.
Mariah: Tessa's probably on tanner's private jet, on her way far, far away from me by now.
Sharon: No planes can fly in this weather.
Mariah: That's true. So she's probably stuck somewhere, unable to return my calls or my texts.
Faith: I'm sure tessa is fine. She's probably hunkered down somewhere cozy, writing a song about all of this.
Sharon: Faith's right.
Faith: So I suggest we pop some corn, make some hot cocoa, and watch a movie.
Sharon: That sounds good. Okay. Here. Let me just, um --
Mariah: Wait. Hey, mom. Mom?
Sharon: I'm fine.
Mariah: No, no. Let me help you.
Sharon: No, it's okay. I'll just, um -- I'll call. If I need anything, I'll call down.
Faith: I love you.
Sharon: Oh, I love you, too, baby.
Faith: Rey left me in charge. And mom's looking worse. What should we do?
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Lauren: Just keep breathing.
Michael: Yeah. You're doing great. Here.
Lauren: Yeah. You're doing wonderful. Everything's gonna be okay.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah. I-I'm still here. She thinks that she's having contractions.
Lauren: Okay. I know.
Kevin: Okay, I'll ask. Um, the doctor wants to know where it hurts.
Chloe: What do you mean, where does it hurt? It hurts where it's supposed to hurt.
Kevin: She says it hurts in her whole baby area.
Lauren: Okay. Is that contraction over?
Kevin: Um, he wants to know if it's just in your abdomen or if it's also in your legs and your lower back.
Chloe: No, it's just -- just in the front area.
Kevin: Just in the front. Uh, okay. Um, how far apart are the contractions?
Lauren: There's no pattern.
Kevin: Um, did you hear that?
[ Sighs ] Braxton who? Braxton hicks?
Lauren: [ Sighs ] Yes.
Kevin: So, what do we do? Okay, wait and -- wait and see. Do not leave the house. And keep a watchful eye.
[ Sighs ] Okay. Thank you.
Michael: Oh.
Lauren: [ Sighs ]
Kevin: The doctor says the contractions should end soon.
Chloe: The sooner, the better.
Kevin: You hear that, little guy?
Chloe: [ Sighs heavily ]
Kevin: Because as eager as we are to see your gorgeous little face, we have got to wait until you are fully baked.
Chloe: Yes.
Kevin: So you just kick back and relax and know that we love you...all of us. And we'll see you soon, but not too soon.
Amanda: With everything that's going on, I mean, how can you even think of any kind of future for us, billy?
Billy: Well, I'm selfish, and I'm impatient. But you know that about me already. Let's just put all that aside, okay? It's been a terrible day.
Amanda: Well, that storm outside does not compare to what is going on inside my head right now.
Billy: Especially on an empty stomach. Okay, I'm not trying to pity you. I just think you should eat. And I may not be able to fix your heart, but I can feed your face.
Amanda: [ Laughs ] No, I couldn't --
Billy: Great. What do you want? Hmm? What can I get you? Maybe you want -- you want a hamburger, maybe some fries? How about some flatbread pizza or something?
Amanda: No, I -- I can't ask you to do that.&
Billy: That's a good idea. We'll just order the whole menu, and then you can have whatever you want, right?
Amanda: [ Sighs ]
Billy: [ Sighs ] Except, uh, it sounds like we might be moving to plan B. No answer at room service.
Amanda: Yeah, with this weather, I'm sure there was a lot of people who couldn't make it in for their shifts.
Billy: Well, never fear. When the kitchen doesn't come to billy, billy goes to the kitchen.
Amanda: How are you gonna do that? The elevator's out.
Billy: Is that a challenge? It sounded like a challenge.
Amanda: No, I am just saying --
Billy: Oh, I know what you're saying, you doubter.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] I don't need food, really.
Billy: You don't have to be afraid anymore. For the first time in a long time, you are free. Embrace it.
[ Door closes ]
Amanda: [ Sighs ]
Devon: It's pretty cold.
Elena: Yeah, maybe picture something warm.
Devon: Hmm. Sitting in front of the fireplace, drinking brandy and listening to charlie parker.
Elena: Ooh, is there room for two?
Devon: Always.
Elena: Mm. No third wheels, nate. You find your own happy place.
Nate: Don't mind me. I am at my stove making some turkey chili, major heat in it.
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Nate: Got some jalapeņo cornbread baking in the oven.
Elena: [ Laughs ]
Nate: Mmm, 10 more minutes, and I will be perfectly heated inside and out.
Devon: Well, thanks a lot for bringing up food 'cause now we're all hungry. That sounds good, man.
Nate: Right?
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: Yeah, we need some food.
Nate: You know what? The store might be open down the street.
Elena: You gonna go ice-skate over there?
Nate: Man has been hunting for millions of years, going out into the great unknown, slaying beasts, bringing back food for his family.
Devon: Slaying beasts? The only weapon you know how to wield is your credit card, man.
[ Laughter ]
Nate: Got to -- got to use what you know, okay?
Nate: Hey, be my guest. You can -- you can use your hunting magic to get us some snacks from the store. That'd be great.
Elena: Yeah. I could use some string cheese or some almonds or coffee or tea. And, oh, here, in case it's a cash-only establish-- hmm. Mints.
Nate: Mints? You've been holding out on us.
Elena: I had no idea I had them on me.
Devon: Well, why don't we split them up?
Nate: How many do you have?
Elena: Seven.
Devon: Seven? Okay? We can -- we can -- two apiece, and then we can split one three ways.
Elena: No, we need actual food, even if it's in a bag and it's been on a shelf for months.
[ Bang ]
Devon: Was that the storm?
Nate: Sounded like somebody trying to get in.
Elena: Devon, wait.
Nate: I can't let him go out there and face whatever it is on his own.
Elena: Well, maybe you should go and try to convince him to come back. I know you both think that you're heroes, but it could be dangerous out there.
Nate: Okay. He won't do anything crazy.
Elena: Well, I'm trusting you to make sure he doesn'T.
Nate: Okay. Stay here.
Elena: Okay.
Devon: Hey.
[ Door closes ]
Elena: Oh, my god.
Devon: Hey.
Elena: What happened?
Devon: These two other guys ran in the other direction when they saw me, but they do this to you?
Elena: Hey. You're safe now. We'll take care of you. We just need to know what happened so we can help you.
Elena: What's your name?
Devon: I think we should give him some space.
Elena: That looks like a pretty bad injury. You want to tell us what happened?
Nate: You're probably in a decent amount of pain right now. You can tell us what happened later. Right now, let us take a look at this?
Elena: I promise we will not hurt you.
Devon: Yeah, you're very lucky right now, man. You're in the hands of two of the best doctors you could find. I promise.
Elena: I bet you're wondering what we're doing here.
Devon: We're turning this place into a medical clinic.
Elena: Yeah. Believe it or not, we were checking out this location when the storm hit.
Nate: And lucky for us, you're our first patient. We've got a lot of work to do and we're short on supplies, but we're here to help.
Elena: So, you gonna let us take a look?
Devon: Otherwise, we're gonna have to take you to the E.R., And they're gonna ask you a lot more questions that you're probably not gonna want to answer. So, I know it's not that warm in here, but you're safe, and we just want to help you, if that's okay with you.
Jared: [ Sighs ]
Nate: Come on. Have a seat. Have a seat. I need to see it a little bit better than this. Can you take off your jacket?
Jared: [ Groans ]
Nate: Okay, um... it's gonna hurt a little bit. I'm so sorry.
Jared: Ow! Hey, my coat!
Nate: It's alright. It's alright, man. We'll take care of it.
Elena: That looks pretty bad.
Nate: At least it didn't hit any arteries.
Elena: Yeah, but it's pretty deep. Can you move your fingers for me?
Jared: Mnh.
Elena: Good job. I'm gonna have to apply pressure to your wound. Hey, nate, we got to get this cleaned, closed, and bandaged.
Nate: Alright, I'll go to my car and grab my bag.
Elena: Actually, our car's closer, and I have a spare in his trunk.
Devon: It's good that you're prepared, honey. I'll be right back.
[ Door closes ]
Elena: So, it looks like we have our first patient. If only we knew what his name was.
Jared: It's jared. My name's jared.
[ Knock on door ]
Amanda: Yes?
Billy: It's me. I come bearing gifts.
Amanda: What in the world?
Billy: The kitchen was a wasteland, so I went to every vending machine on almost every floor, struck gold when I went to the club level fridge. Yes, it's fool's gold, but it'll keep us fed while we ride out the storm. You okay? Something happen while I was gone?
Amanda: No, I'm fine, um...
Billy: You don't look fine. What's wrong?
Amanda: I was just reading an article about ripley. And I still can't believe it. The man who claimed to love me, who wanted to build a life with me, tried to kill me. And it makes me sick every time I think about it. And I...
[ Exhales heavily ] I hate him. I hate him for what he put me through, for what he put victoria through, and I can't face him. I can't tell him what I think about him, so I have been taking it all out on you.
Billy: Maybe a little.
Amanda: A lot. Forgive me?
Amanda: I have to admit, I am impressed.
Billy: When I make a promise, I keep it.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] You didn't have to do this.
Billy: Well... what are friends for? You know what I said earlier? I really did come here as a friend. You were there for me when i needed you most, and I'm just trying to repay the favor.
Amanda: Thank you. You know, I thought that you were my answer, too. Mm-hmm.
Billy: Hmm?
Amanda: But I think we were both wrong.
[ Both laugh ] I think we just met when we were at the same place in our lives.
Billy: And by some miracle, the world brought us together.
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Billy: The one person who understood and who didn't judge. Safe place to land. Someone to laugh with.
Amanda: Talk to.
Billy: Without constantly being questioned. You know, we're in a different place now.
Amanda: Yeah. The good, the bad, the hellish.
[ Laughs ]
Billy: We could try this differently, without all the excess baggage. Fresh start.
[ Footsteps approaching ]
Mariah: Hi.
Faith: [ Sniffles ] Hey. Oh, hot cocoa?
Mariah: From scratch.
Faith: Mmm.
Mariah: You have room for one more?
Faith: Yeah.
Mariah: Ohh, it's cozy.
Faith: The best.
Mariah: It's the perfect time for full disclosure.
Faith: You or me?
Mariah: You. How's it going?
Faith: Great. Everything's great.
Mariah: Come on. The truth. And I promise nothing that you say is gonna go any further.
Faith: Okay.
[ Breathes deeply ] When mom first told me she had cancer, it was the worst thing ever. It was like somebody telling me that there's a tornado on the way. But when you look outside, it's still sunny and the birds are singing and -- and everything looks the same as it did before you heard the news. But now...
Mariah: The tornado's outside your door.
Faith: She looks so sick lately and gets tired so fast. Sometimes when I look at her, I just get so scared.
Mariah: I know.
Faith: And don't tell me not to worry because it's all I do. I'm becoming an expert at it. I -- [ Breathes deeply ] I do these marathon searches on the internet, text dad while I'm at school begging for updates. When I'm laying in bed at night trying to fall asleep, all I can think about are the what-ifs. What if the chemo doesn't work? What if the cancer spreads? What if, in 20 years or so, it comes for you or for me?
Mariah: Then we're gonna fight, just like mom.
Faith: I can't even hear the word without wanting to hide. Every time I hear it, everything inside me just falls apart. And I know you're gonna say i should talk to somebody about it, but no.
Mariah: What do you want?
Faith: I want everything to just go back to normal. I want mom to wake up and go to work. I want to not be afraid I'm losing her. I want back the life I used to have...where everything would suck for a while, but I knew that everything was gonna work out in the end. You know?
Mariah: Yeah. I know. Come here.
Faith: [ Sniffles ]
[ Breathes deeply ]
Chloe: Ohh, ohh, ohh.
Lauren: Ooh.
Chloe: Oy, he just...
Lauren: Another contraction?
Michael: How do you feel?
Chloe: Well, I-I feel -- I feel like I'm in a zoo 'cause there's just a little too much staring going on.
Lauren: Oh. Okay. Alright. Back away. Let's back away.
Michael: Huh?
Lauren: No.
Michael: Huh?
Lauren: Give her some space. Just feast your eyes on this. The last thing she needs is more stress.
Michael: Ah. Braxton hicks, huh?
Lauren: Yeah.
Michael: You sure about this?
Lauren: Yeah. It's perfectly normal. Women's bodies and capable of amazing things.
Chloe: Do they say what causes it? So I can make sure that this never happens again?
Lauren: You know, pretty much anything can bring it on -- someone touching your belly, you being too active, the baby being too active, or... having sex.
Michael: Ahh.
Kevin: Are you asking if we had a quickie before dinner?
Michael: Well, we're all adults here.
Chloe: Are we?
Michael: The question is, how do we end chloe's suffering?
Kevin: Well, the doctors said to drink plenty of water, herbal tea, and keep changing positions...
Chloe: Okay.
Kevin: ...All of which she's been doing, apparently.
Lauren: Right. So keep up the good work.
Kevin: She paced the well-appointed living room, each step bringing her closer to her fate. Soon there would be no turning back. Her eyes flashed dangerously, ever watchful of anyone who would try and stop her. Her hauntingly serene exterior belied a dark, dangerous storm raging inside her. Um...
Michael: Uh... ice pelted the windows like jewels thrown by a petulant heiress.
Kevin: The jewels that she had come to reclaim, passed down through generations of overwhelming self-indulgence, strife, triumph, and tragedies!
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Michael: Uh... she was -- she was fiercely courageous...
Lauren: Yes!
Michael: ...This hungarian princess with royal blood flowing through her veins.
Kevin: She -- she would move the stars and the heavens for this child she was carrying inside of her, the rightful heir to the throne. Oh, the stories I am going to tell this baby!
Chloe: Oh, that's if I let you live.
[ Laughter ]
Kevin: Oh, she's lying. She's crazy about me.
Chloe: [ Laughs ]
Kevin: Any contractions?
Chloe: Oh, actually, no. I don't think I felt a thing.
Kevin: Hey, what do you know? Your daddy's magic.
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Chloe: [ Sighs ]
Kevin: [ Laughs ] Look, this isn't my first rodeo...
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Michael: Are you headed to bed?
Chloe: I think this little guy could get some rest. I think we've had enough excitement for the evening.
Lauren: [ Laughs ] Well, thank you so much for putting us up for tonight.
Chloe: Oh, it's our pleasure.
Kevin: Yeah, it's not like we done have the room.
Michael: Oh, which one do you want us to take?
Kevin: Whichever one you want.
Chloe: Yeah.
Michael: Oh, well, this could be fun.
Lauren: Yeah. But let's hang down here for a little bit. Why waste the fire?
Chloe: Well, nighty night.
Kevin: Don't stay up too late, kids.
[ Laughter ]
Michael: Nighty night.
Lauren: Sweet dreams. Ooh. Why, mr. Baldwin... are you trying to seduce me?
Michael: That depends. Is it working?
Lauren: [ Laughs ] Mmm.
Nate: There we go. Almost as good as new.
Jared: Except for my coat.
Elena: Okay, here. Take one of these for the pain. And don't worry about the coat. We'll take care of it for you. First, why don't you tell me a little bit about what brought you here?
Jared: Ah...I was locking up my grandfather's shop.
Devon: The one around the corner?
Jared: Yeah. A guy came in, said he was homeless and needed some cardboard to help keep him warm. I told him to sit tight while i looked 'cause, you know, it was bad out there. I wanted to help him out, you know?
Devon: Sure. But it was a setup.
Jared: Yeah. Two other guys pushed past me into the store and started grabbing everything that they could reach, like smokes, beer, food.
Elena: Oh, my god.
Jared: So I grabbed the bat we keep by the register and managed to chase them out, but they shoved me into a security gate, and, uh, I got cut on a jagged piece of metal.
Nate: Sounds like you got lucky.
Jared: This is luck? No, no, count me out.
Nate: Hey, hey.
Elena: Hey, jared, when's the last time you had a tetanus shot?
Jared: I don't know. It's been a while, I guess, but it's gonna have to wait a while longer, okay? I really appreciate you guys patching it up, but I need to get home.
Devon: Well, wait a minute. Why don't you just hang out here until the storm passes?
Jared: No, listen. My grandfather's expecting me. He's got diabetes, and sometimes he goes out. You know, with his circulation, no, forget it.
Nate: You sound like a good grandson.
Elena: Yeah, it sounds like you take care of him, but who's taking care of you?
Jared: Me...I guess.
Elena: Why don't you stop by the hospital tomorrow?
Jared: No, I-I can'T.
Nate: Without that tetanus shot, that cut can get bad real fast.
Elena: Yeah. Why don't you stop by, ask for dr. Hastings or dr. Dawson -- that's me -- and we'll take good care of you, okay?
Jared: Yeah, sure. Hey, thanks for everything. I've really got to go now, okay? Later.
[ Door closes ]
Elena: We're not gonna see that kid again, are we?
Devon: You know what? Hang on one second.
Elena: What are you going?
Devon: Be right back.
[ Door closes ]
Billy: Let me ask you something. Why did you start going to that bar?
Amanda: I don't know. I think I was trying to escape from everything. What about you?
Billy: Yeah. Same. I mean, 9 times out of 10, I go to the same haunt and run into someone that I knew that wanted something, end up in some conversation I didn't really care anything about. But you were different.
Amanda: Well, that's just because we were strangers.
Billy: Well, then we weren'T. I mean, you were the one person in a very long time that I was really honest with. I told you things that i wouldn't dare tell anyone.
Amanda: And you... oh, you. [ Laughs ]
Billy: Made you feel free?
Amanda: Maybe.
Billy: Well, that's how you made me feel. You still do. Even after all the secrets and the complicated messes that we call our lives, you still do. You know, a place of truth and honesty, starting from there -- that's not a bad thing.
Amanda: Billy --
Billy: We don't have to make any big decisions. And you're probably exhausted.
Amanda: Mm. To my bones.
Billy: Okay. I'm gonna get out of here.
Amanda: Um, well, why don't -- why don't you stay? On the couch, like before.
Billy: That couch over there?
Amanda: Mm-hmm.
Billy: I know that couch. We're good friends. You want me to give you some privacy so you can get changed?
Amanda: Oh, no. I am too exhausted. Bedtime.
Billy: Alright.
[ Clears throat ] Good night.
Amanda: Night. What's your haircare made of?
Chloe: Oh, my god!
Lauren: Ohh! Ahh.
Chloe: Oh, my god.
Kevin: What happened? I heard you scream.
Chloe: You scared me half to death!
Kevin: Oh, come on!
Lauren: Ahh!
Michael: Hey! You said enjoy the fire.
Kevin: Oh, no, no, no. I didn't mean to enjoy the fire.
Chloe: Yeah.
Michael: Hey, we're all adults here.
Chloe: Ugh.
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Elena: Oy.
[ Door closes ] Hey. Where did you go?
Devon: Hey. I went to get jared's address, and I took a picture.
Elena: How?
Devon: I just followed him.
Nate: Good work.
Devon: Thanks. And on my way back, I stopped by the store to make sure he locked up tight. He did a good job.
Nate: Yeah, he was outnumbered, but he protected that place with his life. Luckily, he only walked away with a wound.
Elena: Yeah, well, he's not gonna be so lucky if he doesn't get that tetanus shot.
Devon: I don't think he's gonna go to the hospital.
Elena: Well, then I'm gonna have to go to him. I'll bring a tetanus booster, and hopefully he'll let me look at his grandpa and check his blood sugar and make sure his levels are okay. And I'll see to it that he has the right meds.
Devon: And some heat, too, 'cause I can get him a space heater.
Nate: And I owe the kid a coat, one that'll last him the rest of the winter and next.
Elena: Guys...this is it.
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Elena: This is day one of our new clinic.
Devon: It's the right time, the right place, and the right people.
Elena: Yeah.
Nate: We're really doing this.
Elena: Yeah, we're really doing this. Oh, my gosh, I need a pen and a paper. I have so many thoughts and plans buzzing around my head.
Nate: Now?
Elena: Yes. I think we need to hit the ground running. There are people who obviously need us, and they need to be in a place where they can get better and feel safe and feel seen and know that they're being taken care of. And, look, I know it's gonna take a lot of our time and our talent and our resources, but it felt really good helping jared. Am I right?
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: And there are a thousand other jareds out there that need us, and we need to be there for them.
Nate: Mm-hmm.
Elena: I think we should start planning tonight.
Mariah: Have you ever heard of the grief cycle -- shock, anger, denial, et cetera?
Faith: Yeah.
Mariah: Well, mine kind of goes pasta, ice cream, binge-watching guilty pleasures, and all under the dome of --
Faith: Major snark? Oh, sorry. Should I pretend I didn't notice?
Mariah: Yeah, actually. Wait. Hold on. Is that why you offer me a brownie or a cookie every time i come over?
Faith: We all have our coping mechanisms. I go overboard with wanting to help people, and you... brownie?
Mariah: Mmm. Don't mind if I do. Look, my point is, everyone on team sharon is worried about her. And we're all handling it in very, very different ways. I...lash out at people who don't deserve it, push away people I love the most when all i really want to do is...
Faith: Pull them close and scream till you can scream anymore.
Mariah: Yeah, basically.
Faith: Well, you can be as sarcastic with me as you want because if I got anything from boarding school, it made me snark-proof.
Mariah: That's awful.
[ Chuckles ] Now, when it comes to handling meltdowns, I'm nationally ranked. So if you ever feel like you're on the brink, I'm your girl.
Faith: You're the best.
Mariah: Yeah. What are sisters for, huh?
[ Laughs ]
Faith: Mom, what's wrong? Hey, let us help you. Come on.
Mariah: Hey, here.
Faith: We've got -- we've got you. You can lean on us.
Mariah: Alright, sit her down on the couch. Slowly, slowly. Here.
You wouldn't accept
an incomplete job
Kevin: I told you two to get a room. Geez! There are half a dozen to choose from!
Michael: Don't be so uptight, bro.
Kevin: Because we're all adults here, right?
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Well, some of us, anyway.
Lauren: Ooh.
Chloe: We all just need to get some sleep.
Kevin: Yeah, and for pete's sake, put out that fire!
Michael: Nothing's putting this fire out!
Chloe: Oh, god. Nighty night, kids.
Michael: Mmm!
Lauren: Good night!
Chloe: Ugh!
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Michael: Best storm ever.
Lauren: I know, right?
Michael: Best storm ever!
[ Both laugh ]
Devon: I don't know how he sleeps with it being so cold.
Elena: [ Laughs ]
Devon: Mnh.
Elena: Yeah, well, he's a doctor. We sleep when and where we can.
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Elena: What else is on your mind?
Devon: I was thinking about jared, just the life that that kid has and having to take care of his grandfather and protect the store all on his own, just what it takes to -- to raise a kid like that.
Elena: Whole lot of love.
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: Did I lose you?
Devon: No. I'm just thinking about the, uh -- the baby that I would have had. He would have been a toddler right now.
Elena: Probably a hell-raiser.
Devon: [ Chuckles ] It's -- it's insane how much you could miss someone that you've never met before. Do you think I'd be a good dad?
Elena: With a heart like yours? Best dad ever.
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: Definitely.
Mariah: Mom, you don't look so good.
Sharon: Believe me -- I look better than I feel.
Mariah: What's going on?
Sharon: I'm freezing.
Faith: It's really warm in here.
Sharon: And I feel nauseated.
Mariah: She's shivering.
Sharon: [ Breathes deeply ] I can't get sick.
Mariah: But what if you are?
Sharon: Then I'm gonna have to skip tomorrow's chemo session, and -- and it will set me back.
Faith: But if it's making you sick...
Sharon: It's also making the tumors smaller.
Mariah: Alright. What if you have a fever?
Sharon: Then we're -- we're gonna have to get in touch with someone from my care team.
Mariah: But this weather. What if we can't reach them?
Sharon: Then we're gonna have to find a way to get me to the E.R.
Faith: I'll go get the thermometer.
Mariah: Hey, shh, shh, shh.
Sharon: [ Breathing heavily ] It's okay.
Amanda: No. No. No! No! No! Ahh!
Billy: Hey, hey, hey, amanda. Hey. Hey. It's okay. Hey, it's alright. Okay? That was just a bad dream.
Amanda: Oh, my god. Oh, my god, it was something, and -- he was after me.
Billy: Well, hey, you're in -- you're in your hotel room. Okay? I'm the only one here. You're okay.
Amanda: Really?
Billy: You're safe.
Amanda: Am I... am I okay?
Billy: You're okay. Just lie down. Try and relax. I'm gonna stay here, if that's okay with you. Okay.
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