Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/4/20

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 3/4/20


Episode #11813 ~ Jack and Ashley settle unfinished business. Chloe traps Kevin. Lauren and Michael weather a storm.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Lola: You and I have made our peace, and now I need to accept what I should have known. Instead, it was always going to be you and summer.

Theo: After you come up for air, I hope you let me take you out. Don't answer now.

Amanda: I think the time for you to listen was weeks ago. You never would have met ripley. Last night never would have happened, and ripley never would have stabbed victoria thinking that she was me.

Chance: There's an audio file that contains an illegally recorded conversation. I'm presuming that they are stored on both a laptop and a thumb drive. Once I gain access to where they're being kept, I'm gonna sweep the location, detect and destroy any and all copies.

Abby: It was a dark and stormy night, and suddenly...

[ Cork pops ]

Chance: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: ...A shot rang out.

Chance: Wait. What?

Abby: Mm. Just go with it.

Chance: Oh. You say there was a shot? That sounds dangerous.

Abby: Mm.

Chance: You'd better get in here so I can protect you. Mmm.

Jack: I told mrs. Martinez not to make dinner. With this storm, there's no telling when we'll get home.

Ashley: I know. Those roads look pretty bad out there.

Jack: Yeah, we may be here for a while, but at least we're together, huh? Thank you for making such a quick turnaround from paris. I know you were just here for victor's gala.

Ashley: Come on, jack. After hearing the tone of your voice, nothing could stop me.

[ Sighs ] I knew this day was gonna come for mother.

Jack: Yeah. So did I. Doesn't make it easier.

Amanda: [ Sighs ]

[ Knock on door ]

[ Gasps ]

Billy: Amanda, it's me. Look, I know you told me to go. Just tell me you're okay, please?

Amanda: [ Sighs ] You're right. I did ask you to leave me alone.

Billy: I know, and --

Amanda: Nothing has changed.

Lauren: Dinner was lovely, but I think we should get on the road before the storm gets worse.

Michael: Come on. Dine and dash? That would be rude.

Kevin: No, it wouldn'T.

Lauren: You know what's rude? Overstaying our welcome.

[ Wind gusts ] Ohh, my goodness. Okay. We really should go. And I think chloe's having a little indigestion.

Kevin: Ohh. That's been happening a lot lately. I should go check on her.

Lauren: Okay.

Chloe: Explain this. You've been cheating on me?

Theo: Hey! I won't be able to see how much is left in my drink.

Lola: What are you doing here? We're closed.

Theo: Because of the storm? The hostess told me on her way out the door.

Lola: And let me guess -- you sweet-talked her into letting you stay?

Theo: I told her I was waiting for you.

Lola: Theo, the roads are a wreck, which is why I wanted my staff and customers to get out of here.

Theo: What about you?

Lola: I'll be fine. I live close by. But you don'T. And now I have to worry about you getting home.

Theo: Well, I could always hole up and wait it out here.

Lola: Ha, ha. I'm not locking up and leaving you here. Wait a second. You weren't hoping that I would invite you to stay over at my place?

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Chance: Don't you have a hotel to run?

Abby: This place? It practically runs itself. And besides, it's a dark and stormy night, and I have a mystery to solve.

Chance: Do you think a crime has been committed?

Abby: Mm, that's what I'm here to find out. And I will leave no stone unturned in my investigation.

Chance: You sound thorough.

Abby: Mmm, you have no idea. Everyone is a suspect, and i need to make sure you're not hiding anything on your person.

Chance: You do know that this would be an illegal search. I mean, if you're going by the book.

Abby: I'm definitely not going by the book.

Chance: Oh. Mmm.

[ Belt clatters ]

[ Knock on door ]

Marta: Ms. Newman, we need you. It's an emergency.

Chance: [ Sighs ]

Lola: You are so easy to read.

Theo: And you are making a lot of assumptions. If you ask me, it's a little conceited, a teensy bit full of yourself.

Lola: Oh, I'm -- I'm full of myself?

Theo: Well, all I was trying to do was be a gentleman and make sure you got home alright.

[ Sarcastically ] Sorrrry. What? You don't believe I can be a gentleman?

Lola: Uh, it's hard to believe that it doesn't come with a motive attached. See, here's how I imagine you thought this would go on. You tell me you would never forgive yourself if you let me drive home alone and something happened to me. So you offer to give me a ride home, and I can pick up my car at the restaurant tomorrow. It really does sound reasonable.

Theo: Mm.

Lola: So I agree. And then we pull up at my place, and then your car...stalls.

Theo: Oh?

Lola: Yeah, and then you don't let me check it because you're faking it, of course. Mm-hmm. So then you ask if you can wait for help at my place. Or, you know, you can just wait in your car. It's really no problem.

Theo: Yeah.

Lola: But then you flash those big puppy-dog eyes at me.

[ Snaps fingers ] And bam. You're in.

Theo: I think I resent that depiction of me.

Lola: Why, because it's so spot-on?

Theo: [ Chuckles ]

Lola: Why don't you help me finish the story? Come on, theo. You're in my apartment. What's next?

Theo: We decide to watch a movie to kill the time.

Lola: Mm.

Theo: But then the power goes out. So we light some candles, and we're forced to huddle up for warmth.

Lola: Did you blow the fuse on purpose?

Theo: Oh, that's just mean. So, we're huddled up by candlelight with nothing to do.

Lola: And...?

Theo: Is this a test?

Lola: It's just a game. What? You scared?

Theo: No.

Lola: You love games, don't you?

Theo: Sometimes. Hey, if I play, I play to win.

Lola: Oh. You're on.

[ Door bangs ]

Billy: Look, I know it's a sensitive time. I'm not trying to be intrusive.

Amanda: Yet here you are, after I asked you to leave me alone.

Billy: I'm not that guy, amanda.

Amanda: I know.

Billy: Look, it's a crappy night out there. It's been a crappy week for you. I'm just trying to, you know, check up on you and see how you're handling things. That's all. So...how are you? What are you up to?

Amanda: Well, pretty much what you see here. I am stewing over everything that happened, going over every detail in a loop, assigning blame, mostly to myself.

Billy: When was last time you ate?

Amanda: Ate? I --

Billy: Have you eaten anything? Okay, we shouldn't go outside because that would be just a little bit nuts, but we can go downstairs and get you some food.

Amanda: Is this really what you came to dish out -- pity?

Billy: No, that's not --

Amanda: I am not some delicate flower that is about to fall apart. And the fact that everyone keeps treating me that way just proves that they don't know me at all.

Kevin: Y-you think I'm cheating on you? I would never, like, ever.

Chloe: Look at that receipt.

Kevin: This is from lunch today.

Chloe: Exactly.

Michael: It was just the two of us. Kevin paid.

Kevin: I always pay. You're cheap.

Michael: That's not true. That --

Lauren: Okay, guys. Really?

Michael: I promise you, there was nobody else there.

Chloe: This -- this is not about another woman, michael. What did you eat today? And where did you have lunch?

Kevin: Oh.

Michael: What?

Kevin: We had sushi at chloe's favorite sushi spot.

Chloe: Betrayal.

Kevin: I'm cheating on chloe with her favorite food.

Chloe: Which I cannot enjoy until this baby exits my body.

Kevin: Do I get any credit for not doing it in front of you?

Chloe: You think he gets a pass on that?

Lauren: Hell, no.

Chloe: The stuff that I can eat gives me heartburn. But then there's this long list of things that I cannot eat. Wine? Wherefore art thou? Caffeine? Oh, how I miss you in the morning. But sushi? Sushi, you are the cruelest mistress of them all, and you just get to enjoy her whenever you want.

Kevin: Well, I-I suppose i could give up the foods that you can't have in solidarity.

Chloe: Wine?

Kevin: Yeah.

Chloe: Caffeine?

Kevin: I think so.

Chloe: Spicy tuna rolls?

Kevin: Maybe one a month.

Chloe: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Kevin: Okay, fine, if it makes you happy.

Chloe: Yes, it does.

Kevin: So we can both be miserable.

Chloe: Exactly.

Kevin: Can we revisit caffeine, though? Because dark roast is in my dna.

Chloe: [ Laughing ] Ohh! Oh, so is the child that I am carrying for you.

Kevin: Okay, I know you're physically carrying him, but we are in this together.

Chloe: Oh. Really?

Kevin: Okay, no, let me rephrase that.

Chloe: Please do not go there.

Lauren: I really think we should get going. The storm is getting worse.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] You want to leave now?

Lauren: Yes.

Michael: We're getting dinner and a show. Kevin is digging himself deeper by the second.

Chloe: And they you can deal with all of that.

Ashley: Jack, I'm starting to wonder if we're even gonna make it home tonight.

Jack: You know, if we're stuck here for a while, we'll make the most of it. Are you hungry? I'm sure there's some food in the break room.

Ashley: Eh...no. Kind of lost my appetite after you told me the news about dina. You know, as soon as it's safe to leave, we have to go by and see her.

Jack: I know that feeling -- that time is precious. I -- I want to be around her as much as I can, even if she doesn't know who I am.

Ashley: When was the last lucid moment you had with her?

Jack: Oh, that depends on your definition of "lucid." The truth is, there hasn't been much in the way of lucidity of late. I went by this morning, and i spent some time with her, held her hand, all very peaceful, and then suddenly there was this wave of fear across her face. She was frightened to death, and there was nothing I could to lm her down. Eventually they had to call the staff and I had to leave and...

[ Sighs ] Grateful as I am that those people can look after her the way they do, I... that she is terrified of me, her son, is pretty devastating.

Ashley: I'm sorry.

Jack: God, I'm glad you're here.

Ashley: Oh, boy. You know, I think I will go freshen up after that flight.

Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do what you need to do. I think we've got some time.

Ashley: Alright. Thanks.

Jack: Hey. Thank you.

Dina: Jackie. I've been waiting for you. Take a seat.

Lola: So, what happened exactly?

Kyle: We were driving when we hit a patch of ice, slid into a snowbank.

Summer: We, um, tried to get the car free, but it's really stuck, and we just got pretty wet trying to get it out.

Lola: So, you crashed your car, and then you came here?

Kyle: We saw the lights. The whole street is shut down.

Theo: Any port in a storm, huh?

Kyle: Uh, I didn't plan this, if that's what you're implying. That's something you would do. I assumed there'd be some busboys here cleaning up, not that we'd walk in on... whatever... yeah. Never mind.

Lola: You know, well, you're here now, so might as well settle in.

Summer: Um, roadside assistance is swamped, so it could be a couple of hours.

Lola: It's fine. Uh, why don't you come on back with me? And maybe there's something in the lost and found that you can borrow and it can warm you up?

Summer: Are you sure?

Lola: Yeah.

Summer: Okay.

Theo: Awesome timing, dude.

Kyle: Sorry to interrupt your sleazy plan to seduce lola.

Theo: Oh, we were just having some laughs. God knows she deserves some.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Look, this is the last place on earth I want to be right now.

Theo: Maybe try harder next time to find a place to wait out the storm, hmm?

Dina: I asked you to sit. What are you waiting for?

Jack: How are you?

Dina: How are you? Now, that's the question.

Jack: It hasn't exactly been an easy time.

Dina: Mm. And you look exhausted.

Jack: You look wonderful.

Dina: Oh! Thank you.

Jack: Even though you've been going through such a terrible time, just indescribable. I can't imagine what this is like for you.

Dina: You don't need to think about that.

Jack: You're slipping away from us.

Dina: Because you miss me... who I used to be.

Jack: Yeah.

Dina: But, jackie, you've gone on without me before.

Jack: No, it's different this time. You were in paris living the high life, and I could always hold onto the hope that we'd be reunited. Now you're losing your memories, your personality, everything that made you the special woman that you are.

Dina: And it reminds you of when you lost your father.

Jack: Only this time, you're -- you're still here.

Dina: Mm-hmm.

Jack: Part of you is gone, but... and it's all in slow motion, which makes it all the worse. And I want to protect you. You know what my worst nightmare is? That you'll be afraid and that you won't know what's happening to you and I won't be able to help you through it.

Dina: No matter what, jackie, I will feel you by my side.

Jack: I don't know how I'm gonna handle this.

Dina: Ohh. You'll handle it... because you're my son.

Jack: Yes, I am.

Dina: And if you need guidance, look to john.

Jack: I do... still to this day.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Summer: Uh, where's kyle?

Theo: Oh, he went out to try and get the car out of the snowbank again.

Lola: And you let him?

Summer: The storm is just getting worse, theo.

Theo: I guess he really wanted to get out of here.

[ Door bangs ]

Kyle: [ Shivering ]

Summer: Hey, hey, hey. Are you okay?

Kyle: Hey. Uh, yeah, I'm -- I'm fine. Um, the car's not -- no, it's not going anywhere.

Summer: I guess we aren't, either. Here, um, take this. You need this more than I do.

Kyle: Yeah. Thanks.

Lola: You couldn't have stopped him from going out there?

Theo: I'm not his mother.

Lola: Here. Drink this.

Kyle: If I'd known you were gonna be here, I would have gone anywhere else.

Lola: I know.

Abby: The power is still on in most of the city, but for some reason it's spotty here, which means no elevators, the kitchen is worthless, and the heat is hit or miss.

I want a refund.

Me, too. This is not what I paid for.

Abby: Look, I understand your frustration. I do. But please understand that the circumstances are out of my control. This is an act of god.

That's not my problem.

Abby: Well, your attitude certainly is. Um, look, hopefully we will get back to full power soon. And I guarantee you, our crack staff is on it.

[ Sighs ]

Marta: Yeah. One more problem.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Marta: Our crack staff is mostly absent.

Abby: Right, because the storm hit right when shifts were changing, so we are shorthanded.

Marta: Yeah.

Abby: Great.

[ Indistinct conversations ] Have you seen phyllis?

Chance: No. I'm guessing she's probably stuck somewhere in the storm.

Abby: Oh, how convenient. People are cold and hungry and they're blaming me and she's off holed up somewhere, drinking a hot toddy. And the best part is, is that my letter of intent is in place, so this place really is hers now.

Chance: Technically, if the shares haven't exchanged hands, I'm pretty sure you're still in charge.

Abby: Oh, please, please be on my side right now.

Chance: I'm always on your side.

Abby: [ Sighs ] Phyllis, it's abby. There's a crisis at your hotel, so I don't care what you have to do, I don't care if you have to rent a snowmobile, you need to get here right now.

[ Sighs ] This place really is cursed. Where'd chance go? Great.

Amanda: Devon apologized to me tonight, told me how sorry he was, how he wished that he had known about ripley before. Don't get me wrong. I've been waiting for that apology for a very long time. But it wasn't satisfying under these circumstances. It was suffocating because it was all wrapped up in how badly he felt for me. And phyllis, you know -- when she came by, I guess she was a little better, but she couldn't help pitying me, either. And here you are, checking in on me for the second time tonight. Let's get something straight. Ripley never defined me before. He doesn't define me now. Got it?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Amanda: Good.

Billy: I get it. And for the record, I don't pity you. I'm not here to save you or protect you. I'm here to support you. And I know you may not see me as a friend anymore, but I see you that way still.

Amanda: I did see you as a friend. For a while, you were the only person in this town that didn't judge me. You were using me, billy, as an escape, as a way to hide from your life. So I wasn't your friend. I was your enabler. And I watched you. I watched you go on this downward spiral, and any advice that I gave you -- it led to your relationship falling apart. And victoria almost died because of you and me, because of our little friendship.

Billy: That's not true.

Amanda: No, it is. And I don't know -- I don't know how that makes you feel, billy, but it makes me feel awful. Look, this isn't my first rodeo...

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Abby: Here is a list of rooms with no heat. We can move a few people, but we don't have enough empty rooms to accommodate everyone. We can't just ship them out to another hotel in this weather. You know, I-I really can't believe he just disappeared.

Marta: My last boyfriend ditched me while we were grocery shopping.

Abby: Okay, well -- no. No, that's not like chance. He's usually good in a crisis.

Chance: Who wants sandwiches?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Abby: What's this?

Chance: Kitchen appliances may be down, but that's no reason for people to go hungry.

Who wants sandwiches?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Chance: I've always gone by the notion if you solve one problem, it makes all the others that much easier. Making a few pb&js -- that's easy enough. Hey, look, folks, we're all in the same boat here, so let's please just try and make the best of it. I mean, we've got food, fireplaces working... can you please take this?

Oh, sure.

Chance: Thank you.

[ Sighs ]

Abby: I thought you disappeared.

Chance: You seemed tied up, so I was just looking to see what I could do to help.

Abby: I got that now.

Chance: And if you think I'm the type of guy to bail on you, you best think again.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Chloe: I-I know, mom. Yeah. No, I-I agree.

Kevin: What's wrong?

Chloe: How about you ask kevin what he thinks? I can'T. I can'T.

Kevin: What's the matter, esther?

Esther: What's the matter? It's the storm. I don't feel comfortable driving in this weather, especially with bella in the car.

Kevin: Well, then you should stay where you are.

Chloe: Yeah.

Kevin: Nobody wants you on the road, especially if you& don't feel safe.

Esther: Yeah, but I don't want to impose on bella's friend's parents.

Kevin: I'm sure it'll be fine.

Esther: I don't know. Isn't it rude to ask them?

Kevin: Take it.

Lauren: Oh... hi, esther. I'm sure they'll understand.

Esther: Oh, hi, lauren. Well, I -- yeah, you're probably right, but -- but I don't have any snacks.

Michael: Ha! No!

Lauren: Your mother. Your mother.

Chloe: Ohh. Mom, um, I am going to hang up and I'm going to send a text to bella's friend's mom and I'm sure everything's gonna be all good.

Kevin: Mm-hmm.

Lauren: Okay, look, I am putting my foot down. Chloe is fading, and bella's not coming home. There's no reason for us to stay. Come on. The night is over, mr. Fish. Let's go.

Theo: It was the company car that you crashed into the snowbank?

Kyle: Don't worry about it. It's insured.

Theo: Hey, I thought people who grew up in wisconsin were supposed to have phds in driving on ice, hmm?

Lola: It's going to be a very long night if you two keep this up.

Kyle: Yeah, she's right. We're just grateful to have a roof over our heads right now.

Lola: Yeah. Is anyone hungry?

Summer: Um, actually, yeah. We were on our way to the grand phoenix when --

Lola: Oh. The competition. Terrific. How's the food over there?

Kyle: Abby owns both places, so it's not --

Summer: Good?

Kyle: We're fine. We don't want to put you out.

Lola: Well, you're here, and I offered, so...

Theo: [ Sighs ] You crash her restaurant, and now she's cooking for you.

Kyle: She's a kind person.

Theo: With a huge capacity for forgiveness, lucky for you.

Kyle: Lucky for you, too. I can see it's only a matter of time until you use that to your advantage.

Summer: Okay, come on, you guys.

Kyle: You're right. We should just try to keep the peace.

Theo: Whatever you say, boss.

Kyle: [ Breathes deeply ]

Lola: I said it wasn't a problem to whip something up, kyle.

Theo: It's not kyle.

Lola: It had to be those two, didn't it?

Theo: [ Chuckles ]

Lola: I mean, how fun, theo? We get to be their plus-twos for date night.

Theo: Eh. Yeah. Honestly, we could always make them leave.

Lola: I know I shouldn't care about what summer and kyle are doing, not anymore, but, I mean, really?

Theo: Ah.

Lola: I am making food for my soon-to-be ex-husband and for his new-slash-old-slash-eternal girlfriend.

Theo: Whatever I can do to make it better, you name it. Ok everyone!

Chloe: I'm so sorry that you missed out on seeing bella tonight.

Lauren: Aw, me too. But we'll see her next time. And you and I need a girls' day. Let's go to lunch somewhere fancy.

Chloe: Yes, let's do that.

Lauren: Yeah, and I promise you a place with a menu with no indigestion.

Chloe: [ Laughing ] Oh, yeah, perfect.

Lauren: [ Laughing ] Okay. Let's do that soon.

Chloe: Okay.

Lauren: Alright, baby. Come on, honey. Let's go.

Michael: Alright.

Kevin: You two be careful out there.

Lauren: Oh, yeah, absolutely.

Michael: Whoa!

Lauren: Wow!

Kevin: Alright.

Lauren: Okay.

Michael: We'll run!

Lauren: Wow!

Michael: Alright, see you guys!

Kevin: Alright! Yep!

[ Door closes ] Ooh!

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Kevin: Well, that was fun.

Chloe: Yeah. Um... don't hate me. I kind of wanted them to leave.

Kevin: Oh, I'm always ready for my brother to leave the second after he gets here.

Chloe: [ Chuckles ] I'm just really tired. Can we go to bed?

Kevin: You bet.

Chloe: Okay.

Kevin: But how tired are you? And has that antacid kicked in yet? Because somehow we ended up in this huge house all by ourselves.

Chloe: Mm. So romantic.

Kevin: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: But not gonna happen tonight. Yeah.

Billy: Mnh. I guess if you were trying to make me feel bad, mission accomplished.

Amanda: I was just trying to be honest.

Billy: Yeah, no, I get that. And so am I. I really believed that you were the one person that wasn't judging me or that didn't think I was in a downward spiral.

Amanda: Well, I didn't know what was happening, billy, because I didn't have all of the facts.

Billy: And I value your advice because I do think that you're honest. You're not my enabler. In fact, I thought maybe you were my...

Amanda: I was your what?

Billy: I found a lot of answers that I was looking for when I was with you. And I thought maybe you were my answer.

Dina: Hello, ashley.

Ashley: Hi. I'm so sorry. I wanted to stop by your place on my way home from the airport, but the storm had different ideas.

Dina: Well, there's plenty of time for visits, dear.

Ashley: Is there?

Dina: Mm-hmm.

Ashley: I don't know what to say. We were just starting to work through our problems, and then this horrible disease took you away from me.

Dina: I'm here now.

Ashley: I don't know where to start.

[ Chuckles ]

Dina: Oh, I know. I know that I'm the source of your greatest disappointment.

Ashley: I don't want you to feel guilty about that anymore.

Dina: In spite of who your father is, you, my darling, are an abbott. Never forget it.

Ashley: I won'T.

Dina: Lean on your brother and sister.

Ashley: You know, it's funny 'cause that's a lot harder than it sounds, but I guess it really is -- it's simple, isn't it?

Dina: Mm-hmm. It is.

Jack: Ash? I know you said you weren't hungry, but I found this in the break room.

Chance: Ahh, if knew the effect that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches had on you...

Abby: Mmm. It's not the sandwiches.

Chance: No?

Abby: Mnh-mnh. It's you. The sandwiches had too much jelly.

Chance: What?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Chance: That was the perfect pb-to-j ratio.

Abby: [ Laughs ] Thank you for being there for me when I needed you.

Chance: I feel lucky being that man that gets to be there. Mmm. Mmm.

Abby: I want to show you how grateful I am for the way you pitched in.

Chance: You're not gonna get an argument from me.

Abby: Mmm. Better not waste any time. You never know when something else will go wrong in this crazy hotel.

Chance: Mmm.

Theo: Uh-oh.

Lola: What?

Theo: This is getting to be kind of a weird habit with you. Not that I'm complaining.

Lola: Well, yeah, I just needed to release some tension.

Theo: And you're using me to do it?

Lola: [ Inhales sharply ] Yes.

Theo: Okay. Ah.

Lola: But now the tension is released, and, um, it's over.

Theo: Well, that's too bad.

Lola: Are you okay?

Theo: I think I'll survive. Although I think we would have gotten there on our own if those two hadn't shown up.

Lola: Yeah, but they are here, and we promised them food.

Theo: Right.

Lola: So job number one is getting through the night.

Theo: Well, if you're feeling tense again, you just let me know, hmm?

[ Door closes ] Well, I hope everyone's hungry. Lola is working on a big spread, and it looks like we are gonna be stuck with each other for a while.

Amanda: I know you're looking for an answer, but I'm not it. You can't put that on me.

Billy: I'm not putting anything on you.

Amanda: It's too much pressure. You come here in the middle of a storm. You're spewing stuff that i doubt that you even mean. That's not fair.

Billy: Okay, just don't -- just don't dismiss me because you're venting and you're frustrated. I get that. I'm just being honest. And I meant what I said.

Ashley: I think this storm has been a gift to us.

Jack: How so?

Ashley: It gave us a chance to be alone and absorb what's happening with our mother.

Jack: You know, sometimes i feel like she's still here, like we can talk to her, like... well, I know that's not true, but...

Ashley: I have to say something. You know, caring for an alzheimer patient -- it tears families apart. We've already been through so much, jack. I just don't want that to happen to us.

Jack: That will not happen to us. We have an insurance policy -- traci.

Ashley: And I'm glad that the two of you have had each other to lean on. I apologize that you've had to do it on your own.

Jack: No, what -- no. Don't apologize.

Ashley: Well...

Jack: We all have our lives to live. We're all doing what we need to do.

Ashley: It's strange, but being in paris has made me feel closer to mother. I miss you guys, though. It's hard not having my family around.

Jack: Well, there's always a more permanent solution to that problem.

Chloe: Ohh, indigestion. Yeah. I'm better. Let's just -- let's go to bed.

Kevin: You know, before we head upstairs, I haven't had a chance to tell you that I was able to pocket some extra freelance money in addition to the finder's fee I got from devon.

Chloe: What kind of freelance money? Like, the legal kind?

Kevin: Yeah. I think so.

Chloe: Kevin?

Kevin: It's nothing to worry about, and there may be more where it came from.

Chloe: Okay. Well, I like the sound of that.

Kevin: Yeah. And I am sorry that I had sushi today.

Chloe: [ Chuckles ]

Kevin: I will take the extra money, and I will put it into the college funds of bella and baby boy fisher.

Chloe: You are a very good husband. You're -- ohh. Whoa.

Kevin: Are you okay?

Chloe: Whoa. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.

Michael: Wow!

[ Door slams ]

Lauren: Whew!

Kevin: What are you doing back here?

Lauren: We barely made it out of the driveway. The roads are impassable.

Michael: Well, my better half was right about leaving sooner, so [Chuckles] We're stuck here now.

Chloe: Oof.

Michael: I know it's annoying, but we're family. I mean, you don't have a choice.

Chloe: Uh, no, th-that wasn't "oof, you're annoying." That was "oof, I think I just had a contraction." Ohh. Ahh. [ Inhales sharply ]

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