Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/3/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 3/3/20


Episode #11812 ~ Victor makes a tough call. Victoria reunites with Reed. Mariah's plan backfires.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Devon: You want to open up a new hope clinic.

Adam: I want to help out at newman. I want to step up. I want to take charge while victoria recovers.

Lindsay: Is it possible that maybe tessa has a performance tonight, and she just, you know, didn't have time to get back to you?

Mariah: I checked, which doesn't mean that she's not with tanner.

Lindsay: I don't think you should be alone.

Tessa: What's going on here?

Mariah: Tessa. What are you doing here?

Tessa: I live here, last I checked.

Mariah: No, I mean -- I mean tonight.

Tessa: Well, I thought I'd surprise you. Surprise! It's pretty late to be entertaining, isn't it?

Mariah: Well, you know me? I'm always entertaining.

Tessa: What are you doing here?

Mariah: Hey! Lindsay doesn't owe you any explanations.

Tessa: True. True. Yeah.

[ Clears throat ] But you do.

Victoria: You know, I don't think that I've experienced ever a more rousing welcome.

Nikki: It was like christmas morning for johnny and katie having you home again.

Victoria: Yeah, johnny and katie, you know, they tried to talk me through a recipe for, unicorn toast.

Victoria: Oh, no.

Nikki: Oh, yes. Well, I convince them that it would be better to greet you with a cup of hot chocolate on a night like this. I hope they didn't wear you out.

Victoria: No, not at all. When I was in the hospital, all I could picture were their sweet little faces. That's the best medicine that I could ever ask for.

Victor: Now, if that was a warm welcome, just get ready for the next one.

Reed: Hi, mom.

Victoria: Reed! How did you get here?

Reed: You think anything could keep me away?

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Reed: You must be sore. Can you hug?

Victoria: Oh! You think I'm gonna say no to that? It's just like -- it's an answer to my prayers.

Rey: You know, they're saying that this could be the worst ice storm the last 10 years. Lucky for you, you have a fridge full of ginger ale and an assortment of crackers that's gonna last you till spring.

Sharon: If I last that long. Hey, look, you -- you hit a minor setback. All right? You'll get some rest, some vitamin-rich smoothies, a few good movies, and you're gonna rally.

Sharon: I feel like I got hit by a truck. I am just so exhausted. I wonder if someone at victor's party had a cold.

Rey: I wish there was something more I could do.

Sharon: No matter how much i mentally prepare myself for this or tell myself that this is going to pass and I'll feel better, it just gets worse. And I want my body back.

Rey: You do look a little stronger than you did earlier.

Sharon: But if the doctors check my numbers and they're not where they need to be, they might cancel my next chemo session.

Rey: They can do that?

Sharon: And as bad as it makes me feel, I need it.

Phyllis: You look tired.

Amanda: Come in. And thank you for noticing. They arrested ripley.

Phyllis: Well, that's great news.

Amanda: Yeah, I -- I mean, I'm glad that they caught him, but he was on his way back to genoa city because even though he knew that everyone was looking for him, he was determined to murder me. So, you know, that's a little unsettling.

Phyllis: Oh, god. That's one hell of an understatement.

Amanda: So now I am -- I am vacillating between... relief and fear and anger and...

Phyllis: Listen, um... he's behind bars, and... you are okay. That's all that matters, right?

Devon: Hey. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long.

Elena: Oh, you know I'd wait a lifetime for you, darling.

Devon: Oh, that's very, very sweet of you, honey. It's almost sweet enough to melt the ice patches on the road out there.

Elena: Is it that bad?

Devon: Yeah, it's horrible. But I would go through whatever weather threw at me to find out with this cryptic message means.

Elena: Cryptic? You must mean tantalizing.

Devon: Well, that depends on the surprise. If it's good, it's tantalizing. If it's bad....

Elena: What does my smile say?

Devon: That you love me.

Elena: And do you know how hard it is to surprise you?

Devon: I do. Yeah.

Elena: And what do you get the man who has everything he's ever wanted?

Devon: What is that?

Elena: This is the key that could unlock thousands of dreams.

Chelsea: To friendship.

Adam: All right. Whose friendship? Because you and I, we are a little more than friends.

Chelsea: I am toasting our son's new friend at school because, without him, we would be having dinner for three at home.

Adam: Well, I will definitely drink to that. Good thing he inherited his mother's charm.

Chelsea: Hmm. I wonder if he also inherited his mother's expert intuition.

Adam: Oh, you're not using your mind-reading technique on me, are you?

Chelsea: Mm. Right now, you are.... upset that victor didn't immediately take you up on your offer to run newman.

Adam: I mean, who else is he going to get? I am the best candidate. No, I am the only candidate. I mean, abby's got her own thing going on. Nick doesn't even want it. And he's never gonna put anybody in charge whose last name isn't newman. I'm sorry.

Chelsea: No, it's -- it's okay.

Adam: No, I just -- I know. I shouldn't let this get to me. But if my father wants to let his company fall to pieces rather than put me in charge... let the chips fall where they may.

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Victoria: I can't believe that you're actually here. It's so good to see you in person.

Reed: I missed you so much.

Victoria: I missed you.

Reed: I missed all of you.

Nikki: I was worried that you might not make it with that ice storm that's coming.

Reed: Yeah, well, uncle nick fill me in on most of what's going on, but...

Victoria: Oh, that's good. I -- I really don't feel like talking about it.

Reed: So, how are you doing? Really?

Victoria: I'm fine. I'm much better now that I'm out of the hospital and I've got my family around me.

Reed: Not your whole family.

Nick: We don't need to talk about that right now.

Reed: Please. I mean, dad hurt you, and you tried to keep me in the dark, and now billy's running -- he's running around behind your back.

Nick: Reed. It's not the time.

Reed: I just want to know how the hell billy let this happen.

Victoria: I can't talk about it.

Reed: His new girlfriend has a violent ex, and this happens? He was supposed to protect you, but instead he put you in danger.

Victor: Reed, please. No more talk of billy boy abbott. No more talk of amanda sinclair. All right? Your mother is here to recuperate, and we don't want to open fresh wounds, all right? You agree? Okay. I'm sorry.

Victoria: It's okay.

Amanda: I think I want to deal with this on my own.

Phyllis: Okay. I'm sorry. I come on strong. I know I do.

[ Sighs deeply ] Sorry. You're a lone wolf. I get it. I also want you to know that you are not the first woman to suffer at the hands of a very controlling man.

Amanda: Yes, I -- I read all about your involvement in the J.T. Hellstrom case.

Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, i didn't go through what victoria did or what you have... but I do know abuse.

Amanda: What happened to victoria because of me.... what ripley did to her -- trust me, it was way more than he'd ever done to --

Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're not saying that, are you? No, no, no. Just because you weren't injured does not mean that you weren't a victim. You were traumatized by this man.

Amanda: I am fine.

Phyllis: No, you're not.

Amanda: Yes, I am.

Phyllis: No, you're not. Listen, I understand what you're doing, but this guy's behind bars and you are safe, and you don't have to look over your shoulder anymore. Be thankful for that.

Amanda: Trust me, I am.

Phyllis: Good. And you have worked way too hard. You've worked way too hard to build an amazing life for yourself. Please, please don't let this guy bring you down.

Amanda: No. It's been a lot for me to process, but I will bounce back. That's what I do.

Phyllis: I know you will. All right. Hey, listen, I'm walking out the door, but I don't walk out on my friends, an I want you to know that, and I will be back.

Amanda: Is that a warning?

Phyllis: That is a promise.

Rey: Look, what you need is a good movie and a little rest, and you'll feel better in the morning.

Sharon: It's not that easy, rey. I'm trying my best to fight this, but, no matter what I do. My body just keeps betraying me.

Rey: Hey, look. You hit a roadblock. We just need to figure a way around it, okay?

Sharon: I'm not in control of this. If my blood cell counts are not where they need to be, the doctors may force me to take a break from chemo, and I want this cancer out of me. I want to be happy again. I want to know what to expect from my body, and I don't want to see any more doctors, and I'm not a baby, so just stop it.

Faith: Mom? Rey. What's wrong? Somebody say something.

Sharon: Um, I just -- I had a little tantrum.

Faith: Scale from 1 to 10.

Sharon: It was a 10, but it's falling. I'm sorry. Sometimes I'm not myself.

Rey: There's -- there's no need to apologize.

[ Cellphone rings ] It's work. I got to take it.

Sharon: That's fine.

Rey: Rosales. Uh, yeah, man. Tonight's -- tonight's no good. I wish I could help out. Yeah, you be careful out there.

Sharon: What did you just say no to?

Rey: They want me to come in tonight. Storm's rolling in, and it looks like things might get bad.

Sharon: Well, you should go. They need you.

Rey: What about you?

Faith: Well, I'm sorry to break it to you, but I'm going to be fine tonight for a few hours without you.

Rey: Sharon.

Sharon: No. You know what? They need you more than I do. So call them back and tell them that you changed your mind.

Rey: I really don't want to leave you.

Sharon: This music's really relaxing.

Rey: I need to ask you a question, and you've got to give me an honest answer.

Faith: Shoot.

Rey: You think you'll be okay here alone with your mom?

Sharon: She's taken care of me every minute of my life. I'm pretty sure I can handle a few hours repaying the favor.

Mariah: What are you even doing here? Why aren't you on the road with your rock star boyfriend making beautiful music together?

Tessa: Is that what you think?

Mariah: He answers the phone every time I call. And when we video chat, he's -- he's shirtless in the background!

Tessa: Who do you think I am?

Mariah: I don't know! That's always been the problem!

Tessa: You want to know something? Then ask! Don't act like a jealous brat!

Lindsay: I think that I --

Tessa: I think perhaps you should stay out of this!

Mariah: Did you sleep with him?

Tessa: No. No. Never. Your turn.

Mariah: I didn't sleep with her, either.

Tessa: All evidence to the contrary. Not ready for invasive procedures?

Elena: This key unlocks the door... to what might be... our new clinic.

Devon: Really?

Elena: Yes!

Devon: Nice!

Elena: I got the key from the property manager. We can go check it out tonight, and I cannot wait for you to see it because it is 10 times better than the last place we looked at.

Devon: Oh, man, that's great to hear. Sounds like you already love it.

Elena: I do, but I kept it cool with the real estate agent. I don't know, though. I -- there's something great about this place.

Devon: Nice. Well, I -- I can't wait to see it, honey. This is exciting.

Elena: I know.

Amanda: Hi. Coffee to go, please.

Devon: Hey, amanda.

Amanda: Hello.

Devon: Hi. We just wanted to tell you that we heard what happened with ripley getting arrested.

Elena: Yeah. We had no idea what you were going through, and we hope you didn't cause you any burden.

Devon: Yeah. I'm sorry.

Elena: We both are.

Nick: All right, I'm gonna go spend some time with christian before he goes to sleep.

Victor: Son, before you go, um, I have made up my mind as to who will run newman enterprises.

Nick: I get the feeling I'm not going to like this.

Victor: Adam is my only option, you know that.

Nick: I respectfully disagree.

Victor: Well, I know you disagree. You've made your feelings very clear. So let's just agree to disagree, how's that?

Nick: What does vick think about this?

Victor: I'm not gonna bother her with that right now, not while she's convalescing.

Nikki: I really don't think she would want anybody filling in for her, least of all, adam.

Nick: You know what, dad, it's your decision to make. Good luck with that, uh... tell vick I love her. I'll check in with her in the morning. Good night.

Nikki: Good night, sweet.

Victor: Good night, son.

Nick: Good night, dad.

Nikki: Victor, I realize you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but can you really trust adam with newman?

Chelsea: I know you don't really want to see your father's company fail, and it's victor's loss if he's not smart enough to give you a chance to prove yourself.

Adam: Oh, just when I thought I couldn't love you any more. How much time do we have?

Chelsea: Uh, about 15 minutes before we're supposed to pick up connor.

Adam: [ Sighs ] All right. I should grab the check. We should hit the road before the ice moves in.

Chelsea: Yeah.

[ Cellphone rings ] Is that connor?

Adam: Victor.

Chelsea: Well, answer it.

Adam: No. Let him see how much fun it is to wait. Victor?

Victor: I would like you to come to the house right now.

Adam: Right now?

Victor: Now. The answer to your question as to the future of newman enterprises... ...and as to your future.

Mariah: That did not just happen. Please tell me that did not just happen. Tessa saw us together. What -- what have I done?

Lindsay: "No offense, lindsay..."

Mariah: No. What we did was what we did, and I'm not gonna say anything correctly right now, so would you please pretend I'm saying something sophisticated and -- and appropriate other than the drivel that is coming out of my mouth right now?

Lindsay: Listen, I'm a big girl. I'm fine, okay?

Mariah: Are you?

Lindsay: Absolutely. I never thought that this was anything more than what it was. Look, you needed a friend, you know, someone to make you feel special, needed, wanted. Because I thought I lost tessa. I was so wrong.

Lindsay: Look, you made a mistake. You can fix it.

Mariah: Not this one.

Mariah: [ Sighs ] Tessa isn't picking up, and she hasn't answered any of my texts.

Lindsay: I'm so sorry.

Mariah: No, this isn't your fault?

Lindsay: No, I mean, it really is. I mean, look at me. I'm -- I'm irresistible.

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

Lindsay: Look, I'm sorry, I can't just stand here and watch you punish yourself.

Mariah: Well, then you better leave because there's gonna be quite a bit of that.

Lindsay: You're not the first person to do this.

Mariah: That's just it. This isn't me. I don't cheat, and I have very strong opinions about people that do.

Lindsay: Look, you're hurting because you have a conscience, because you love tessa.

Mariah: How could she ever trust me again?

Lindsay: I don't know,

Mariah: Oh, my god, I'm so stupid.

Lindsay: But I do know that you need to be kinder to yourself and maybe to others, too. I mean, especially now that you see how easy it is...

Mariah: To make a selfish, idiotic mistake.

Lindsay: I was gonna go with something a little less harsh, but sure, okay.

Mariah: What do I do now?

Lindsay: [ Sighs ] Wrap yourself in your nearest and dearest friends. Talk to your family. They'll help remind you who you are, help you get back on track. And, uh, hey, if you ever -- if you ever want to talk, you know how to find me.

Mariah: Thank you. Thank you, lindsay.

Lindsay: It's gonna be okay.

Victor: You know, I'm going to tell the nurse to take you to bed, okay?

Victoria: Thank you.

Reed: I love you.

Victoria: I love you. I'm so glad to see you.

Reed: Grandpa. Is she --

Victor: Well, she'll be all right. Okay? Just needs a little rest, and then she'll be as good as new, all right? It's good that you're here. I'm glad you're here.

Rey: All right, sweetheart. I'm gonna take off.

Sharon: All right. Be safe.

Rey: I'm gonna check in later, okay? Even though I know I'm leaving you in very good hands.

Sharon: Thanks. Love you.

Rey: I'll be back.

Sharon: So, how's school?

Faith: It was great until lunch. Marcy brought this tuna salad nightmare with gobs of mayo, and she didn't drain it properly, so it was leaking everywhere, leaving the stench of rancid fish. Mom! Mom, are you okay?

Phyllis: So I'm glad you took a break from victoria's vigil at the hospital.

Nick: She got released.

Phyllis: Oh! Already?

Nick: Yeah. You know the newmans. We're a resilient bunch. She's at the ranch on the road to a full recovery.

Phyllis: That is great.

Nick: What's in the bag?

Phyllis: Dinner.

Nick: Dinner?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Uh, is there anyone else coming? That is a lot of food.

Phyllis: You know me. I mean...

Nick: Yeah, I do.

Phyllis: Oh! Here's an idea. Don't order dinner on an empty stomach. Is summer here because she could put a dent in this.

Nick: No, I think she's working late.

Phyllis: Oh. Or something.

Nick: We're not talking about the something?

Phyllis: No, we won't do that. Okay, well, let's dig in. I'll get plates.

Nick: Or you could slow down and answer some questions.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. I mean, I'll do that while we eat.

Nick: No. Let's do it now. It's time we talked about that kiss. I'm phil mickelson.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Phyllis: Uh, there's nothing to explain.

Nick: I beg to differ.

Phyllis: Really? Oh, okay, well... uh, we just kissed. I mean, do we have to label it?

Nick: Look, uh... listen... you've been amazing since vick got hurt, and, uh... I really appreciate it.

Phyllis: You're welcome.

Nick: But this... it can't happen.

Phyllis: Uh, okay. I don't think you're sleeping well because this -- this was never on the table, ever. I mean, I was at a party and i was drinking and I was wearing a pretty dress, and it was an adrenaline rush, and I kissed you. I moved on. I don't even remember it, really. I mean, do you want to move on? The air is better over here.

Nick: Uh, then what's the, uh, chinese food about then?

Phyllis: It's just dinner. It's dinner with a friend, with a pal. Get over yourself. Sometimes an egg roll is just egg roll.

Devon: Hey, if we would have known what you were going through and what happened with your ex....

Elena: Yeah, we would have completely understood, and we would have done anything we could to help you.

Amanda: Well, that is very nice of you, but I appreciate my privacy, so...

Devon: And we understand. If there's anything, though, you need...

Amanda: That won't be necessary, but, um, I really do need to go, so I'm sorry.

Devon: Well, real quick. Real quick, before you go, I have some good news that you probably want to hear. Colin -- he gave up his offshore account, and the money is back where belongs.

Amanda: Wow. Well, I am glad that it worked out for you.

Devon: Thanks. I'm sure you must be relieved yourself, right?

Amanda: To learn that the criminal that I inadvertently helped didn't get away with his crime? Yeah, I guess there is some measure of comfort in that.

Devon: Well... well, hey, amanda? We mean it. If there's anything that you need, just... you know where to find us.

Amanda: Thank you. Okay? But --

Devon: Sure. Also, if you haven't changed your mind about staying in genoa city, I imagine you're gonna need some office space, so I can contact some real estate people if you want --

Amanda: That is very generous of you, devon, it is, but I'm -- I'm not gonna be making any huge life decisions just yet, okay? So...

Elena: We understand.

Amanda: Good night.

Devon: Good night.

Faith: Oh, mom. Mom, I'm so sorry for talking about gross food.

Sharon: No, I -- I'm fine.

Faith: Should I -- should I call dad or grandma?

Sharon: I'm sure the worst is over for tonight.

Faith: Yeah?

Sharon: Hey. If you're nervous, we can call someone.

Faith: I-I'm fine, if you're fine. It's just -- you're always taking care of me, I've never had to take care of you.

Sharon: Yeah, it's weird now the e tables were turned.

Faith: Right. I'm glad you trust me.

Sharon: With my life. Hey. Don't be scared.

Faith: I'm not. Are you scared?

Sharon: Not one bit.

[ Door opens ]

Faith: Mariah!

Sharon: What are you doing here?

Mariah: Hey, uh, faith. I thought that you would be, uh, upstairs, you know, getting ready for bed, doing homework.

Faith: Thanks for the reminder, mariah. Unless you need anything...

Sharon: Homework.

Mariah: So, uh... how are you? What's new?

Sharon: You drove all the way out here just to check up on me? Nice try. What's wrong?

Mariah: [ Sighs ] My entire life is one enormous dumpster fire, and I lit the match.

Victor: Did I hear someone at the door?

Nikki: Adam and chelsea.

Victor: Oh! Hope they brought connor.

Nikki: Yeah, they're getting him set up to play with johnny and katie so you and adam can speak privately.

Victor: That's a very good idea. Thank you for doing that. Thank you, sweetheart.

Nikki: You still haven't told me if you plan on letting adam take charge at newman.

Victor: Well... well, speak of the devil. Adam and chelsea. How are you?

Adam: Whatever you have decided, I know nothing from you comes without strings attached, so, please, enlighten me. What must I do to prove my loyalty?

Victor: [ Chuckles ]

Elena: So I'm thinking we can have the patients area over here, and the receptionist area, we can have over here. And we can have children's books and toys and child-sized furniture to keep them at ease, and you're not saying anything. Why are you so quiet?

Devon: I'm just listening to you go, honey.

Elena: Okay. Well, give it to my straight. What do you think?

Devon: What do I -- I think that this place has great bones and a lot of potential.

Elena: Right? I want to give our patients something special. Give them a place where they can feel heard and seen and know that they're being taken care of.

Devon: Absolutely.

Elena: Yeah. And, this way, we can cut down on emergency room visits for minor issues that can be handled in a doctor's office. And we can follow up on cases better and make referrals and focus on keeping people healthy. So what do you think? Why are you smiling at me like that?

Devon: Because. Yes, to everything you just said, honey. This is your vision. This is your dream.

Elena: Yes?

Devon: Yes.

[ Both chuckle ]

Nate: [ Exhales sharply ] Hey, sorry I'm late.

Elena: No, you're right on time.

Nate: I don't know about that. Did you give him the grand tour?

Elena: I sure did. So, what do you think? Should we pop open a bottle of champagne and celebrate our new clinic?

Devon: I think we should take one step at a time.

Elena: I think we should take devon outside and show the exterior so I can see how well constructed this building is.

Nate: Back out there? Oh, no, thank you.

Elena: The storm got worse, huh?

Nate: Mm, that might be the understatement of the year.

Devon: Really?

Elena: Really?

Nick: So, this innocent act might work on somebody who doesn't know you, but I'm not buying it.

Phyllis: Mm!

Nick: So out with it.

Phyllis: All right. Yeah, I have a hidden agenda. You were right. I do. And... it, um... you're the man -- the only man who can help me.

Nick: Here we go.

Phyllis: Uh, so, you know, I have the grand phoenix now, and, um... that's going great. But, uh, I want to expand, and i have so many great ideas, and i just wanted to know if you still have those dark horse properties that I returned to you.

Nick: Yeah, I heard something about abby and chelsea having to walk away from that, but I didn't any of the specifics. How exactly did that happen?

Phyllis: Well, it was a mutual understanding. Everybody's okay with it.

Nick: So you're just leaving out the part about how you probably did something underhanded or borderline unethical to make them walk away.

Phyllis: Huh. Oh, wow. Thank you for your confidence.

Nick: I can't condone this. That's my sister.

Phyllis: Yeah, your sister and your ex-girlfriend, and i totally understand. They're fantastic. And guess what? I don't need your approval or your praise. And so I did what I came here to do, to feed you and here's some moo shu pork and some vegetables. And definitely -- oh, you want the fortune cookies. And I will take -- no, I'll just leave it al. There you go. That's it. I'll see you later. Um... bye. I'll talk to you soon.

Sharon: Wow. Was that thunder?

Mariah: It's the perfect backdrop to the hell my life just became. I thought tessa was busy hooking up with tanner. She almost never answered my calls, and I thought she was moving on with her life. And I was so wrong. And I was selfish, which apparently is a pattern because here I am laying all of this on you when you already have so much to deal with.

Sharon: Hey, you know, I'm still your mother, and i care very much about you.

Mariah: No, I know, but...

Sharon: You know, I think that tessa should have been very clear about what was or was not going on between her and tanner. Especially considering everything that you're having to handle here with me.

Mariah: Uh... yeah, uh, about that.

Sharon: You never told her about my cancer?

Mariah: I tried. I wanted to, I did, but every time I -- I wanted a moment alone with tessa, tanner kept popping up. Be honest with me. How badly did I screw up? Okay, next question. How do I fix this? What do I do?

Sharon: You already know the answer to that one, too.

Adam: Let's hear it. What hoops are you gonna make me jump through this time?

Victor: Victoria cannot go back to work unless she has fully recovered, you know, so...

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Victor: We need to discuss what's next for the company, what's best.

Adam: What is there to discuss?

Victor: We need to talk about the necessary steps that we have to take in order to protect my company.

Adam: Okay, I came here to negotiate, so why don't we just put all the cards out on the table? I knew about the tremors.

Elena: So we're stuck here?

Nate: Well, look on the bright side -- we get to find out if this building can withstand a full-on act-of-god weather crisis. Strap yourselves in, kids. It's gonna be a bumpy night.

[ Sighs deeply ]

Phyllis: Oh, wow. Okay. Change of plans.

Nick: Are you ever going to give me back my spare key?

Phyllis: Uh, no, I keep it for emergencies, and this is the biggest one of them all.

Nick: Is it that bad outside?

Phyllis: Yeah, it's horrible. I mean, it's ice everywhere and every twig on every branch of every tree. It's beautiful, but... you don't want to drive in it, so, uh, all right, go ahead and throw a log on the fire because I'm not going anywhere.

Mariah: You're right. I love tessa, and it's up to me to try to save our relationship. She flew all of this way to see me because she loves me, or at least she used to.

Sharon: Stay positive.

Adam: Why -- why do I get the feeling like you're stalling?

Adam: I think we should get connor and we should go home --

Victor: Please. Please. Have a seat. Have a seat.

Victor: This is the part where I'm supposed to beg you to stay, is that it? You know damn well that, in victoria's absence while she's recuperating, I need someone to run the company. So who's playing games now?

Adam: Okay, I'm not --

[ Boom! ]

Nikki: [ Gasps ] What was that?

Chelsea: I'll go check on the kids.

Sharon: That sounded like the sky broke apart.

Faith: Oh, my god. What was that? What happened?

Victor: Yeah, kindly check it out. Uh-huh.

Victoria: Adam. What was that noise?

Adam: I have no idea.

Nikki: The kids are all right.

Victor: So, wait a minute, you're talk-- okay. Thank you. That was security. Apparently, the largest tree on the ranch came down.

Nikki: The cedar?

Victor: Yeah, the cedar, indeed.

Nikki: Oh, my god.

Chelsea: All that noise from a tree?

Victor: Well, that must be a hell of a storm to bring a tree down of that size.

Victoria: Yeah, I guess so. I can only imagine what's happened to the other houses and power lines and trees around town.

Adam: Well, it's too dangerous to go out now. All we can do is hunker down. I guess we have all night to hash things out.

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