Y&R Transcript Friday 2/28/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/28/20


Episode #11810 ~ Jack shares disturbing news; Victoria wants answers.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on  "the young and the restless"...

Phyllis: Ever since you and chelsea ripped this hotel out from under me, you have had one disaster after another. It's like this hotel is cursed. You should just give up and give me the hotel outright, I'm just saying.

Adam: I just wanted to scare the guy off. I never imagined he'd come at me like that.

Chance: Look, it was an accident.

Adam: Except nobody is ever going to see it that way.

Phyllis: Boom.

Adam: I want to help out at newman. I want to step up. I want to take charge while victoria recovers.

Victor: I'm gonna have to think about it.

Billy: You're just waking up from a coma. You're in the hospital. Do you know what happened?

Victoria: Don't touch me.

Billy: Vick --

Victor: Good morning, my sweetheart.

Victoria: Is it morning already?

Nikki: Well, darling, you've been sleeping quite a bit since you woke up yesterday.

Nick: You look... not great.

Victor: Sweetheart, you look wonderful.

Victoria: Shut up, nick.

Victor: Okay? We are so happy that you're back with us now.

Victoria: When can I go home?

Nikki: Soon. The doctors will let us know.

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Nikki: You know, I-I think we ought to let her rest, huh?

Nick: Yeah. Let's go get some tea.

Victor: I'll catch up with you later. You go ahead.

Abby: Uncle jack?

Jack: Hey. Did you see victoria?

Abby: Uh, yeah. She was sleeping when I left the hospital earlier, but everything's looking good.

Jack: Oh, thank god for some good news.

Abby: Is everything okay?

Jack: No, it's not, abby. It's not good at all.

Abby: What's wrong?

Jack: It's dina. Your grandmother's not doing well.

Abby: The last time I saw dina, she was better. She was more alert.

Jack: Yeah, the doctors say patients can rally sometimes. We've seen dina do that before. All of us were fooled into believing that there was a chance she could last, but... honey, she's lost her appetite. She's asleep more than she's awake, and when she's awake, there's so much anxiety, and... I think it's only gonna get worse.

Abby: I knew -- I knew this day would come, but I -- i thought it would be months or -- or years from now.

Jack: I did, too. All we can do now is rally around her and keep her as comfortable as we can.

Abby: Does mom know?

Jack: I was gonna tell her in a few minutes, but I wanted you to know first so that you could prepare yourself.

Abby: Mom and dina have had their issues, but there is a fierce love there. They can say terrible things to each other, but god forbid anyone else did.

Jack: I've been on the receiving end of some of that. Anyway, I just wanted you to know.

Abby: Uncle jack, um... this is gonna be tough for all of us, but it's gonna be really difficult for you, so, um, i just -- I want you to know that whenever you need me, I'm here.

Jack: Thanks, kid. Love you.

Abby: Love you.

[ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Why so grim, abby?

Abby: Good morning to you, too, phyllis.

Phyllis: I thought you'd be happier. I heard about victoria's news. That's good.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Oh! Yeah, it's probably that pesky lawsuit.

Abby: Don't you mean


Phyllis: Oh, my goodness, no! You mean more people are suing you for pain and suffering of staying at your hotel? Oh! Wow. That's a headache.

Abby: Well, I'm looking at my biggest headache right now.

Phyllis: And I'm not going anywhere.

Abby: I know what you're doing, phyllis. You think you got it all figured out. Try to make my life miserable so I'll just buckle under the pressure.

Phyllis: It's interesting. I don't need to lift a finger. It seems like the universe is doing that all for me.

Abby: Well, I got news for you and the universe. I'm not going anywhere, either.

Adam: So, what brings you by this early in the morning?

Chance: Do you remember that conversation that we had about the ax that phyllis is holding over our heads?

Adam: Yeah, if you're talking about the recording she has of us talking about vegas, of course I remember.

Chance: Look, phyllis is a loose cannon. Worse than that, she's a loose cannon with an agenda and a target. That target is us. I plan on eliminating that threat immediately.

Adam: [ Exhales heavily ]

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Nick: How you doing, mom?

Nikki: [ Sighs ] I want to relax, but I can'T. I'm too afraid. We came so close to losing her.

Nick: But we didn't lose her. Vick came back, just like I knew she would. So we're gonna focus on moving forward and not looking back.

Nikki: I know you're right. I'm just being...

[ Sighs ]

Nick: A mom?

Nikki: [ Chuckles ] Guilty as charged.

Nick: I'm just glad your face was the first one she saw when she woke up.

Nikki: Actually, it wasn'T. It was billy'S.

Nick: What the hell was he doing here?

Nikki: He couldn't stay away. He should have, but he didn'T.

Victor: Can I get you anything now?

Victoria: No. Thank you.

Victor: If you want to close your eyes and rest, I'll let you.

Victoria: Dad, I want to... I want to talk about billy.

Victor: [ Sighs ] I heard he was here and you told him to -- to leave. He's not gonna come back here. I promise you. I will see to it.

Victoria: No, dad. No, no, not about that. I remember being at the party and arguing with billy, but i can't remember what happened after that.

Victor: I don't want you to worry about that right now, okay? We can discuss that once you are back home again, but not now. I want you to rest now.

Victoria: I just -- I want to know...

Victor: What, sweet darling?

Victoria: ...Who would do this, who would hurt me like this.

Phyllis: Mm, wow. Standing your ground, eh?

Abby: Yes, this is still my ground to stand on, no matter how many bogus lawsuits you come up with.

Phyllis: Oh, now you're accusing me.

Abby: The only thing I can't figure out is what you have to gain from all the negative publicity. That affects your shares of the grand phoenix as much as it does mine. The difference is, is that i have a nest egg to fall back on and you have nothing. Yeah, all the more reason for you to just go ahead and sign your shares over to me.

Phyllis: Okay, go ahead and wave your bank account in front of me, rich girl. I don't care. Honestly, you are the face of a hotel that might as well have a skull and crossbones on the marquee. You have no credibility, abby. I, on the other hand, can make these lawsuits disappear, you know, like that, which is why you should sell your shares to me. Listen, I have a document outlined with my offer to you for your shares. I figured that I would put a sum of money into your bank account, and then we could figure out a payment plan over the next 20 years and you would be a very, very, very silent partner.

Abby: [ Scoffs ] That's hilarious. You expect me to believe that you can commit to anything for two decades? No. 20 years? You'll have blown your life up multiple times before then. So you can take this envelope and put it back in your purse 'cause the answer is still no.

Phyllis: Okay.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] You are just delaying the inevitable.

Abby: Right back at you, phyllis.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Adam: So, what exactly do you mean by eliminating phyllis as a threat?

Chance: I'm not planning on doing away with her, if that's what you're worried about.

Adam: For a minute there...

Chance: You thought I was going to?

Adam: I've imagined a world without phyllis in it more than once.

Chance: Relax. No one's gonna get hurt... although her feelings may get bruised.

Adam: Okay. So, then what is the plan?

Chance: I'm assuming that the recording is on her laptop. And she probably has a backup on a thumb drive. I'm gonna need to get into her place to find it.

Adam: And you need my help to do that?

Chance: No. I don't think so. I've got that part covered.

Adam: So, what, you want me to distract her? Do you want to keep her miles away while you're doing the deed?

Chance: No. That won't be necessary.

Adam: So -- so, where exactly do I come in in this caper of yours, chance?

Chance: You don'T.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] Excuse me?

Chance: Look, adam, you did more than enough when you saved my ass in vegas. I just need you to be okay with what I'm about to do.

Adam: In other words, you -- you want my blessing?

Chance: Sure. Why not?

Abby: So basically, you're telling me that you can't get these lawsuits tossed? No. Listen to me. I don't want to go to court. I hired you to keep it out of court. No. No. You know what? I think I need a new lawyer. Yeah. Okay. Goodbye.

[ Sighs ]

Amanda: Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I just wanted to ask about victoria.

Abby: Um, she's awake now. So, yeah, she's doing better. Thanks.

Amanda: Oh, thank god.

Abby: Um, do the police have any leads on your, um -- well, on ripley?

Amanda: No, no, not yet. Abby, I want you to know how much I appreciate all of this extra security. You have been so gracious, especially under the circumstances.

Abby: I just don't want anyone else to get hurt.

Amanda: Well, still, I would like to figure out a way to repay you. You seem dissatisfied with your attorney.

Abby: Look, amanda --

Amanda: Not that I'm suggesting that I represent you, but you could use me as a resource.

Abby: Actually, no, I can'T. And this doesn't have anything to do with me thinking you're responsible for what happened to victoria. I know you were the intended victim.

Amanda: Then what is it?

Abby: It's phyllis. I mean, you're still friends with her, right?

Amanda: Yeah. We're still friends.

Abby: Well, phyllis is the one engineering all of these lawsuits. She's trying to get me to sell my shares of the hotel.

Amanda: What? I thought she moved on from this.

Abby: Yeah, she had for a while and then she got the bug again and she started running with it. That's why chelsea no longer works here, and she's trying to get me out, too.

Amanda: Abby, I am so sorry. I had no idea.

Abby: Phyllis turns on people. Yeah, she -- she uses them, and then when she's done, she just tosses them.

Amanda: You trying to tell me to watch my back?

Abby: I'm trying to tell you to run for the hills. But it is none of my business. I just -- I want you to be careful.

Amanda: I think that you'll handle these lawsuits the same way that you've handled everything else around here. You have kept these doors open, one crisis after another. Why should this be any different?

Abby: Thank you. I just -- I'm -- I am so tired of fighting. I'm especially tired of fighting with phyllis.

Amanda: But I guess when you love something as much as you obviously love this place, you'll do whatever it takes to keep it, right? That is why you're fighting so hard, isn't it, abby?

Nick: What was billy thinking? He couldn't possibly believe that vick would be happy to see him.

Nikki: Well, he shouldn't have come, but I think i understand why he did.

Nick: Yeah, to beg for forgiveness?

Nikki: I'm sure he feels horrible about what happened.

Nick: Well, I don't give a damn how billy feels. We warned him to stay away, and he's ignoring us. You know what?

Nikki: What?

Nick: Yesterday morning, i was visiting vick, and I found two small pictures of katie and johnny in her blankets. I'd just assumed you and dad put them there.

Nikki: No, we didn'T.

Nick: Then it's got to be billy. I bet you he's been hanging around, waiting for us to leave so he could be alone with her.

Victor: And by the way, that will never happen again, alright? I'll take out a restraining order if I have to or take care of that bastard myself.

Nikki: Oh, victor, please. One family member in the hospital is enough. You were in there quite some time. Did she wake up?

Victor: Well, she wanted to know what happened to her. She remembered arguing with billy, but nothing about the attack.

Nikki: You didn't say anything, did you?

Victor: No, of course not, especially since that psychopath who stabbed her is still on the loose.

Nick: When vick finds that out, it's gonna hit her hard.

Victor: Yeah. We're gonna have to give her all the support we can.

Nate: So, I just finished consulting with the rest of the team treating victoria. There have been some new developments.

Jack: Hi, ash. It's me. You got a minute? No, it's not about victoria. Last I heard, she's awake and on the mend. No. I'm calling about mom. No, it's -- it's not good news. Ash, I think you need to come home. Ok everyone!

Abby: You know what? I'm proud of what I've accomplished here at the grand phoenix.

Amanda: You should be. You're good at this.

Abby: I am. Thank you. Yeah, and it's taken a long time for me to admit that to myself.

Amanda: Why's that?

Abby: Well, growing up in this town being a newman and an abbott, everyone thinks that things are just handed to you. And I will be the first person to admit that I was given a head start in life. And I am grateful. But when it is all said and done, I want my name to be associated with success and accomplishment, not just my family'S. Does that sound arrogant?

Amanda: No, that sounds pretty real. And it also sounds like you're looking beyond society and the grand phoenix.

Abby: Yeah. I mean, that's -- that's the long-term goal.

Amanda: A hospitality empire?

Abby: Why not? And that's why I'm fighting so hard. I mean, I can't let phyllis beat me. It's not just about the hotel or hating her. It's the test. It's -- it's the challenge. If I cave now, if I let phyllis win, then I am gonna be doing what everyone thought the poor little rich girl would do. When things got tough, she took the easy way out. So, no, I -- I am not gonna let people think that phyllis summers beat me.

Amanda: I understand where you're coming from. And, believe me, I know all about a girl having something to prove. But people are gonna think what they want to think, abby. You have to decide what winning looks like to you -- just you.

Chance: Hey. It's chance. I was wondering if we could meet. I've got another job for you.

Adam: Jack.

Jack: Adam. Hello.

Adam: May I join you?

Jack: Uh, yeah. Help yourself.

Adam: Looks like you could use a friend. I mean, assuming we are still friends?

Jack: To be honest, it's not always easy to be your friend.

Adam: So I've been told. No, I've had to make a lot of amends lately to people. And you -- you were at the top of that list.

Jack: I've seen your efforts to make things right again, and I hope it's sincere.

Adam: It is.

Jack: Well, good. If victor can forgive you enough to invite you to his big celebration, we can certainly break bread together.

Adam: Well, thank you, jack. I assume you heard the news about victoria?

Jack: That she's awake and -- yeah. Yeah, I did. Thank god for good news.

Adam: So, what's going on with you? You look a little lost.

Jack: It's dina.

Adam: Ah.

Jack: My mother's not doing well at all.

Adam: Oh, I'm sorry, jack.

Jack: I thought I was prepared for this. I-I really did. I... somehow, no matter how old you are, no matter how old your parents are, it's just awful watching them slip away.

Adam: I do know the feeling. You think you don't need them, yet...

Jack: They loom over your life like a shadow.

Adam: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: I guess you know something thing about that. You had victor's shadow over you for a long time.

Adam: Well, I've actually been doing a lot of soul-searching about him lately.

Jack: And?

Adam: It's complicated.

Jack: When has it not been complicated?

Adam: I don't know, jack. I'm just -- I'm trying to figure out where I fit in with him now.

Jack: Where do you want to fit in?

Adam: I'm not sure.

Jack: Oh, come on. You don't have to tiptoe around me. You want to prove yourself to victor, and the only way to do that is to return to the family fold. That's the problem, right?

Adam: How do you know these things, jack?

Jack: Oh, I think you tipped your hand with your speech at victor's celebration.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I guess I did. It's just, I-I know victor heard the words. What I don't know is if he took them to heart.

Victor: So, where do things stand?

Nikki: Victoria's gonna be alright, isn't she? I mean, she's gonna make a full recovery?

Nate: All signs are positive. And, yes, we feel confident of a full recovery.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Thank god.

Nick: Thank you, nate.

Nate: Glad to give some good news.

Nikki: When will she be released?

Nate: Hopefully soon, maybe even tonight.

Victor: Tonight?

Nikki: Oh!

Victor: Well, that's wonderful.

Nate: But I do want to caution all of you that victoria needs to take it easy, especially these first few days. Her immune system has been badly compromised, and she could be susceptible to a lung infection if we are not careful.

Nikki: We will follow every instruction to the letter.

Victor: Now, doctor, let me ask you -- how long will it take until she can resume her normal duties?

Nikki: Oh, victor, now, you're not asking how soon she can go back to work, are you?

Victor: Sweetheart, I simply want to know how long it will take for victoria to recover completely.

Nate: Well, that's impossible to say right now. It usually depends on if there are complications and the will of the patient. And I'm not just talking physically, either. Victoria's experienced an emotional trauma, as well. That can take even longer to heal.

Nikki: We understand.

Nick: We will give her as much support as she needs.

Nate: I'm sure you will. Excuse me. I have other patients to tend to.

Victor: Thank you, nate. Thank you very much.

Nate: You're welcome.

Victor: Okay.

Nick: Thanks so much.

Nate: You're welcome.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Victor: Alright. Now that we know where things stand, we have to decide which way we want to go.

Nick: What does that mean?

Victor: Sit down, son. Let's talk.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Chance: Kevin. Thanks for seeing me.

Kevin: No problem. Unless, you know, there is a problem with the colin-devon money thing I helped you with?

Chance: No. That's all settled. Your special skills helped make that happen.

Kevin: Great. Thanks.

Chance: Which is what made me think of you for another little side job. That is, if you're interested, of course.

Kevin: Uh, I'm interested.

Chance: Good.

Kevin: Just one question. Is it legal?

[ Door slams ]

Amanda: Are you looking for abby? She's not here.

Phyllis: Hey.

Amanda: Hey.

Phyllis: Um, did she say where she was going?

Amanda: No. Is there a problem?

Phyllis: No. We just have some unfinished business to discuss.

Amanda: Yeah, I heard.

Phyllis: You heard? What did abby tell you?

Amanda: Well, she told me about the lawsuits and you wanting to take over the hotel.

Phyllis: She told you that?

Amanda: I'm a little offended that you didn't give me a heads-up.

Phyllis: With everything you're going through right now? I'm not gonna burden you with my problems.

Amanda: Phyllis, I don't really get this, though. I thought you moved on from all of this.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I thought I had, too.

Amanda: Then what changed?

Phyllis: I don't know. I think ambition met opportunity.

Amanda: Well, in the meantime, you're creating more chaos. And you and I both know that regular life throws enough of that at us as it is. Is this hotel really worth all of this?

Phyllis: Absolutely. Damn right it is.

Victor: We're gonna have to discuss what will happen to newman during victoria's absence.

Nick: Okay.

Victor: I mean, I've been taking over the ceo responsibilities for a few days, but as you suggested earlier, there's my health to consider, you know?

Nikki: We don't know how long victoria will be out of commission.

Victor: Right.

Nikki: It could be just a few weeks, or it could be longer than that.

Victor: Exactly. So we're gonna have to find a more permanent solution.

Nick: And you want me to do it. That's what this conversation's about.

Victor: No, no, no, no, no. I'm not having the conversation for that reason. I know that you want to devote your time and energy to new hope, and I understand that. But there are other options.

Nick: Is one of those options adam?

Victor: Yeah. He said he was willing to step up to the plate while victoria's recovering.

Nick: Oh, I bet he is. What'd you tell him?

Victor: I'd think about it.

Nick: So you haven't made up your mind yet?

Victor: Mnh-mnh, not yet.

Nick: Good, because it can't be adam.

Jack: I was under the assumption that you and victor had made some progress in mending fences.

Adam: Well, we have. I mean, to a point.

Jack: And what point is that?

Adam: Trusting me, I suppose.

Jack: Well, that's understandable. It is. You have to prove yourself again.

Adam: I am trying. I already told him that I was willing to step up and run newman while victoria -- now, before you say anything, I already made it clear this was not a power play. I sincerely just want to step up. I want to help my family.

Jack: Atoning for past sins. Is that it?

Adam: Yeah, something like that, I guess.

Jack: And how did victor react?

Adam: Oh, you know, he gave me the old "I'll get back to you."

Jack: And you're surprised by that?

Adam: Yeah, I was a little surprised by that.

Jack: After everything the two of you have been through?

Adam: Okay, so I was right. You do think I'm being an opportunist.

Jack: Don't put words in my mouth. I was actually saying I think it was absolutely the right choice for you to make and I would continue to pursue it.

Adam: Well, thank you, jack.

Jack: For what it's worth, my support is conditional. My gums are irritated.

Victor: I put whoever i please in charge of newman enterprises.

Nikki: Darling, nicholas is just voicing his opinion.

Victor: I understand.

Nick: No, no. How -- how can you even consider adam? You have several vps, many division heads who have a lot of experience and can totally do this job.

Victor: And none of them are called newman.

Nick: Is that the only thing that matters?

Victor: You bet it is.

Nikki: Well, I suppose I can see that point.

Nick: [ Sighs ] You know what's gonna happen, right, if adam gets his foot back in the door? He's never gonna leave, not even when vick is well enough to come back.

Victor: Son, that is my call to make, not his.

Nick: And you think he's just gonna go along with this?

Victor: You bet he will.

Nick: [ Scoffs ]

Nick: Well, I mean, you are the one who brought him back into our lives.& You have this special insight into adam that I just don't get. I mean, why are we even talking about this? Dad, he tried to kill you. He's done horrible things. He's tried to destroy this family multiple times. Now, I'll admit, it does seem like he's on his best behavior. But how can you trust him again?

Victor: I have a dilemma. I explained that to you. I'm weighing the options.

Nick: See, I don't think so. I think you know I'm right. You know that giving the keys to adam is a terrible idea. Otherwise, we wouldn't be talking about this. You would have just hired him already.

Adam: What sort of conditions are we talking about?

Jack: I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you are being up front with me about all of this.

Adam: I am. I genuinely want to help the family.

Jack: And you just confessed to me that you want to prove yourself to victor.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Yes. So?

Jack: So, what does that look& like, adam? In the past, proving yourself has been showing the old man that you're every bit as ruthless and tough and successful as he is. That's how you were gonna win his respect, or so you believed.

Adam: I won't deny any of that. But do I at least get a little credit from learning from my mistakes?

Jack: If victor gives you another chance, you cannot let him push your buttons. You get in there. You do what you have to do. As soon as victoria is ready to return, you step down with grace, no ulterior motives, no games. You do that, you'll prove to me you have learned from your mistakes. More important, you'll prove that to victor. If, on the other hand, you take another one of your shortcuts, there will be no recovering from that this time. No, you will have severed your relationship with victor and your family for good.

Chance: There's an audio file that contains an illegally recorded conversation.

Kevin: Is there any other kind?

[ Chuckles ] Go ahead. Chance: I'm presuming that they are stored on both a laptop and a thumb drive. Once I gain access to where they're being kept, I'm gonna sweep the location, detect and destroy any and all copies. You with me so far?

Kevin: I'm with you, chance, but I'm wondering why you need me for this. You're a federal agent. You must know dozens of people who could do this job.

Chance: I used to be a federal agent.

Kevin: I know, but come on. Once you're in the club, you never really leave, right? Wait a minute. This isn't a setup, is it?

Chance: Why would I want to do that?

Kevin: I work for the police department. Maybe somebody there hired you to see if I'm willing to cross the line between good and not so good.

Chance: Kevin, I would never do that to you.

Kevin: Can't be too careful.

Chance: Or your family. Look, this is a private matter. It needs to be handled quickly and discreetly. As a matter of fact, no one needs to know that you were ever involved.

Kevin: So this conversation never even happened, then, right?

Chance: What conversation?

Phyllis: You want to know why I'm doing this? Why I don't want to let the trust-fund baby get the best of me? Really? It's very simple.

Amanda: Nothing about you is simple, phyllis.

Phyllis: No, it's very simple, amanda. This is my hotel. This is mine. I put my heart and soul and blood into this hotel. I even named it after something I was going through at the time. I was like the phoenix rising from the ashes of my old life. I was being reborn again. And then they all took it away from me.

Amanda: Who? Who took it away from you?

Phyllis: Everyone, all of them. When I was working for adam, he gave it to me. It was my property. It was mine. And then he took it out from under me and sold it to abby. And then abby and chelsea partnered up, and then they tried to get me out, but then they couldn'T. And chelsea -- it was just an investment to her. It was nothing, just an investment, something to play with while she was figuring out, you know, which newman man she wanted to sleep with. And for abby, it just represents some shiny little toy that she wants to play with. But for me? For me, it's my life. It's everything to me. And I will spend every single waking hour making abby's life miserable until I get it back. She's behind me, right?

Amanda: Yeah, she is.

Abby: No need to apologize, phyllis.

Phyllis: I wasn't gonna apologize, abby.

Abby: Thank you so much.

Phyllis: Is that your lawyer?

Abby: No, she's not my lawyer.

Phyllis: Who is that?

Abby: You don't need to worry about her right now. But there is something that i need to tell you.

Chance: Are we good?

Kevin: Almost good.

Chance: What else do you need to know?& 'Cause I'm gonna need an answer from you one way or another before I walk out that door.

Kevin: Promise me this isn't gonna come back and bite me.

Chance: You have my word.

Kevin: Well, then all that leaves is the compensation. Devon sent me a very generous payment for helping track down his money, but with another baby on the way, you know, you can never have enough cash, so...

Chance: So you need me to make this worth your while.

Kevin: You read my mind.

Chance: Deal?

Kevin: Deal.

Abby: Do you care to join me?

Phyllis: What are we celebrating?

Abby: Oh, well, you know. Here you go. One for you.

Amanda: Uh, okay.

Abby: And first of all, well, I would like to thank you for the conversation we had earlier. It was very eye-opening.

Phyllis: What did you say?

Amanda: I just --

Abby: Amanda asked me if fighting with you was worth all of my time and energy, and i decided that it wasn'T. So I'm gonna take you up on your offer.

Phyllis: Are you?

Abby: Mm-hmm. I'm going to sell you all of my shares. This place, this hotel -- it's all yours. You can do whatever you want with it. I'm done.

Phyllis: I'm gonna need a little more than your word, abby.

Abby: Okay, well... here you go. It's my letter of intent to sell. I know it'll take a while befor the transaction is officially complete, but that's my intent and my guarantee to sell my shares. Once you sign it, we are finished.

Phyllis: Yes.

Abby: [ Chuckles ] Are you happy?

Phyllis: Well, I'm just getting back what watft with.

Abby: Congratulations. Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Actually, I wanted to tell you something else. Um, that lady you saw me with earlier -- she wasn't my lawyer. She's my realtor. And the property across the street -- I bought it.

[ Chuckling ] Yeah. So, I'm gonna build a bigger, better, grander hotel that'll make this place look like a shack on the beach.

Phyllis: You did not do that.

Abby: Oh, yes, I did. I did do that. Imagine it -- I get a fresh start without the baggage of drugged guests and a hostage crisis and the ever-present walking nightmare that is you, phyllis. And I just want to apologize in advance for the construction noise. It'll just take a year or two.

Phyllis: Let me tell you something. Excuse me. Excuse me. Let me tell you something.

Abby: Mm. Mm-hmm?

Phyllis: I got what I wanted. That's all that matters. You could build a virtual utopia across the street, and I will still beat you.

Abby: Okay. We'll see about that.

Phyllis: I have two words for you -- bring it.

Abby: It's been brought.

Victor: I didn't respond to adam's offer because I needed time to think about it.

Nikki: I'm sure you realize adam wouldn't have been my first choice, either.

Nick: I know, mom. And I know what you both want me to say here, but I'm sorry. I will do anything for this family, but I can't get sucked back into that job. You have other alternatives, dad. Choose one of them. It's not me.

Victor: He'll come around.

Nikki: I'm not so sure about that.

Adam: I am fully aware of what is at risk here, jack. I don't have any ulterior motives. If I am given the opportunity to lend a hand at newman, I intend to do right by the company and the family.

Jack: Good. I'm glad to hear that. Now, one more thing. You made your offer. Now leave it alone. Let victor come to you. Allow him to make the next move.

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