Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/27/20
Episode #11809 ~ Nikki gives Billy a reality check; Kevin helps Devon crack a code.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Devon: I am happy that colin's close to being caught, that I might get some of the inheritance back. With what victoria and amanda are dealing with, it reminds me that there's a lot more important things in life than money.
Billy: Generous, kind family --
Victoria: Billy, please.
Billy: What are you doing? Vick? Vick! You okay?
Amanda: If I had let rey take ripley to prison, where he belonged --
Billy: No, no, this is on me. Amanda, this was on me. This was careless. I should have never gone to that party. If I didn't go to that party, none of this would have happened.
Amanda: No, no!
Billy: You know that you could have been you.
Amanda: Or you!
Billy: Chloe.
Chloe: Billy. Hi.
Billy: Hey.
Chloe: Hey, I -- I heard about victoria. I'm so sorry.
Billy: Yeah. Thank you.
Chloe: Are you -- are you okay?
Billy: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just honestly tired of talking about it.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Okay, yeah, I understand.
Billy: Is jill here?
Chloe: Uh, no. It's -- it's just me.
[ Chuckles ] I'm, uh -- I'm going through bella's old clothes, setting up the nursery. Mm!
Billy: Wow!
Chloe: [ Laughs ]
Billy: Look at you.
Chloe: Yeah. Is this weird?
Billy: [ Laughs ] No. No, I think it's wonderful.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] It was a lifetime ago when I was walking around telling the world that... I wasn't pregnant with your baby.
Billy: Well, for good reason. I'm kind of unreliable, I'm unfaithful, and unapologetic about it.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Well, I'm not gonna argue with you on that one.
Billy: There you go.
Chloe: Yeah, but I was a jerk for not telling you. I mean, I think, in my mind, i thought that I was the only functioning parent, and... well, it turns out I wasn't any better equipped than you were.
[ Giggles ]
Billy: Ancient history.
Chloe: We pulled it together when we needed to.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Chloe: And delia was as loved as any kind can be.
Billy: Yeah, and she gave me what she got. Well... pregnancy suits you. You look great.
Chloe: Thank you.
Billy: I'm gonna let you get back to nursing, okay?
Chloe: Okay. I'll tell jill that you stopped by.
Billy: Thank you.
Chloe: And, hey, billy, um...
Billy: Yeah?
Chloe: Listen, I know that you don't want to talk about it, but... I know you're going through hell over what happened with victoria, and the man I know would do anything to take her pain away, and if anyone is saying otherwise... then they don't know you.
Billy: Thank you.
Chloe: Bye.
Billy: Bye.
Nikki: The medication that's been keeping you in a coma is going to be wearing off soon. That means you're going to wake up, and I'm gonna be right here with you when you do. I took a break from the hospital with sharon, of all people. She's going through something herself, and... we had a nice talk, which I know is very unusual for us. But I think she is sincerely worried about you. Darling, I hope you can feel all the people who are thinking about you. We love you, and we want you to come back to us.
Devon: No, nick, I can definitely handle that meeting myself. You've got to focus on victoria right now. Your family needs you, man. Yeah. We're all praying for her recovery. All right. Keep in touch. See ya.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Nate: I liked the first place we looked at. It needs some renovations, but it has room to grow.
Elena: True, but the second place is already a doctor's office, so we'd have most of what we needed, and we'd be able to get started soon.
Nate: Yeah. We could save time and money, but, uh, it might not be big enough.
Elena: We should think about the third option.
Nate: No, right?
Elena: Definitely not.
Nate: On the same page. What?
Elena: Nothing. It's just sinking in. This is all really happening.
Abby: For the last time. No comment. If you call me again, you'll be hearing from my lawyer.
Chance: Wow. That didn't sound good.
Abby: I keep getting constant calls from reporters about this stupid lawsuit. And I know in my gut that phyllis is behind it. My partner from hell is trying to make my life miserable so I will just walk away, and it all seems so petty and ludicrous when victoria is lying in a hospital bed in a medically induced coma. And phyllis's is using this time to make a shady business deal? It is infuriating.
Chance: Come on. You will handle phyllis...
Abby: [ Sighs deeply ]
Chance: ...The way that you handle everything else.
Abby: And how's that?
Chance: With aplomb.
Abby: Aplomb, huh?
Chance: Yeah.
Abby: Well, thank you for letting me vent without treating me like I'm being hysterical or trying to fix everything.
Chance: I must admit, that's how I would've reacted in the past. But now I'm trying to curb my inner caveman. With you, things feel different.
Abby: Different how? Like we're moving past the casual game-playing phase?
[ Cellphone rings ] Go ahead.
Chance: [ Sighs ] Hey, devon.
Devon: Hey, chance. I just got this anonymous text, and my gut's telling me it's from colin. I was wondering if you had a minute to come by and try to make some sense of it for me.
Chance: Forward it over to me. I'll come meet you, and we'll put our heads together.
Devon: Sounds good. I'm at the coffeehouse.
Chance: I'll meet you there.
Abby: Well, things were about to get serious before you were saved by the bell. Or the ringtone.
Chance: I wasn't trying to avoid your question. In fact, I want to answer.
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Chance: I'm not exactly sure that we had a game-playing phase.
Abby: Ah! You and phyllis?
Chance: That was her. And, even then, I think that you and I were very upfront with one another.
Abby: That's true.
Chance: When I decided to stay here in gc and realized that this -- you and I -- could be a thing... I thought I made myself pretty clear. But in case I didn'T... you're an exceptional person. You're smart, talented, you're funny, you're stunningly beautiful. You've got legs for days. I find myself wanting to spend time with you as much as possible.
Abby: Wow. Okay, yeah. I feel the same.
Chance: Oh. You think I'm stunningly beautiful?
Abby: Oh, well, in your own way.
Chance: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: It's just -- it feels right.
Chance: It does.
Abby: Easy, when my life has been anything but that lately.
Chance: Mm.
[ Cellphone chimes ] You're amazing. I'm sorry, but I do have to go meet devon. I've got to decipher some mysterious text, but you and I... we'll pick this up later?
Abby: We will.
Chance: We will.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Mm.
[ Sighs ]
Abby: [ Giggles ]
Nikki: You've overcome so much, my darling. And I know you're going to overcome this, too, because you are the strongest, most determined person I know. So open your eyes. Please. It's time. You know, I saw some beautiful calla lilies down in the gift shop. I want them to be here for you when you wake up. I'll be right back.
Chance: Hey.
Devon: Hey, man.
Chance: Did you get anything else from the person that texted you to the numbers?
Devon: Nope. Nothing. And I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what this means.
Chance: It's not a phone number.
Chance: What makes you think it was colin that texted you?
Devon: Oh, because this is his style.
Chance: Just messing with you?
Devon: Yeah. Maybe it's what's left of my inheritance.
Chance: What if these numbers are directions, like latitude-longitude, coordinates?
Devon: I mean, I think that'd be a bold move for him to give you any kind of clue to where he is, considering how close you guys are to finding him.
Chance: Well, you said messing with you and taunting you is his M.O., So... they're not directions.
Devon: Maybe it's some different type of code.
Chance: What if we switch the numbers to letters as if he's sending you a message?
Devon: It's not much of a message if I can't figure it out, is it?
Chance: What if we were to enlist some help?
Devon: From whom?
Chance: Hey, kevin. I was wanting to see if you can give me a hand with something.
Kevin: Me? What? Why?
Chance: Well, I've got this series of numbers here, and since you're a numbers guy...
Kevin: Oh, right. I'm a numbers guy. That's your way of saying that I'm a nerd and you are... what you are.
Chance: No, that's that's not what I'm saying at all. You're a genius when it comes this kind of stuff, I was just wanting to see if you'd give it a look.
Kevin: Chloe doesn't want james bond, okay? She wants Q.
Chance: Chloe. Right. Look, what happened between chloe and me, that was a long, long time ago.
Kevin: That's right. So why am I bringing it up?
Chance: I hear you guys are doing great, that you got a kid.
Kevin: And another one on the way.
Chance: Congratulations. I'm happy for you.
Kevin: Thank you.
Devon: Hey, kev. Hey. The favor that chance is asking for is for me because I got this random text, and I think it's from colin.
Chance: Any chance you'd take a look at it for us?
Kevin: Well, I'd be happy to help bring colin down. Let me see what we're dealing with.
Devon: Thank you.
Kevin: Oh, I think I know what this is.
Chance: Any chance you want to let us in on it?
Kevin: Give me a minute. Let me see if I'm right. I have to get through a couple of firewalls. Yep. Huh. Maybe i am a genius.
Chance: Well, what is it?
Kevin: Bank account, offshore. Holy crap. Where can a healthier heart lead you?
Nate: The clinic is definitely happening because you are making it happen.
Elena: We are making it happen. And devon and nick. But, you know, I really do owe you a huge thank-you for encouraging me to get back into my medical career. It's been life-changing for me.
Nate: It's obviously what& you're supposed to be doing. You're a natural.
Elena: Well, I don't know, I think I was a little lost before, but I think I found my purpose again. I know we've had a couple of bumps in the road lately, but I want you to know I really do appreciate our friendship.
Nate: Same here.
Elena: Let's get a list compiled for devon with options because I think he will be just as excited as we are that this is starting to come to life.
Nate: What if he likes option three?
Elena: Ugh. You know, when devon and I first had a conversation about opening the clinic, he was so engaged and passionate. As much as he loves hamilton-winters, he loves lifting people up. And when he's able to focus his energy on something like new hope and the clinic, he lights up. It's like he's feeling his purpose. I guess that's why this whole situation with colin so disheartening because it brought him down, and it 00 it with his head.
Nate: In his defense, losing that much money would be hard on anyone.
Elena: Yeah, but he didn't lose it. He gave it up.
Nate: Mm, because he tried to do the right thing.
Elena: Because that's who he is. And don't get me wrong, it's not like he isn't angry about getting conned out of his money, but... I think he feels guilty about letting katherine down. I mean, she left her legacy to him, and he feels responsible. I just hope this whole situation resolves itself one way or another, for his sake.
Kevin: The offshore bank account has $2.4754 billion in it. That's billions with a "B." I mean, you could knock off that little 4 off the end of that 2.4754, and would anyone even notice? That one little four could send both my kids to college.
Chance: I'm sure that whoever's bank account this is would notice the money's gone.
Kevin: Right. Devon.
Devon: What?
Kevin: Well, the account is in your name.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Devon: "Money can make a person crazy. All apologies, mate." I don't understand this.
Chance: Colin gave back the money.
Devon: Why would he do that after everything he put me through?
Chance: He's feeling the heat. He knows he can be captured soon. He figures if he gives you the money back that we're just gonna let him go.
Kevin: Better to live free and poor than locked up... and also poor because the feds would seize the money anyway.
Chance: I'm telling you one thing -- I'm not going to let this guy walk.
Devon: Well, yeah, but what's with the riddle, though? Why not just give me the money directly?
Chance: Plausible deniability. Or he's just messing with you.
Devon: Or both.
Kevin: Uh, sorry, dudes, but... who gives a rat's ass why he did it? There is a bank account with $2.47 billion in it. You know that means? You're back in the billionaire's club. I am friends with a billionaire! Which is of less importance right now.
Billy: I couldn't stay away. It should be me in this bed. I'm never gonna forgive myself for this, all the pain that I've caused you. You've been so kind, patient, even been forgiving. And you've saved my life more than once. And most people would have given up. But you didn'T. I so desperately wanted to be that person for you, vick. But the truth is, you know, you've always been the rock in our relationship. You've always been the strong one. And so I'm going to need you to do that right now again, okay? I'm going to need you to muster up all the strength that you have and get out of this right now. There's too many people that need you, okay? Your family and the kids. And I know we're not together, but I need you to get out of this right now. I love you. I will always love you. Vick. Hey. Hey. Vicki, hey. Hey, I'm here, okay? You're safe.
Victoria: Get away from me. Your dry skin story changes
Billy: Hey. It's me. You're okay.
Victoria: You heard what i said, get away from me.
Billy: Vick, I think you're confused. You're -- you're just waking up from a coma. You're in the hospital.
Victoria: [ Panting ]
Billy: Hey. Look, I -- vick, I didn't do anything to you, okay? I would -- I would never do something like that. Do you know what happened.
Victoria: Don't touch me.
Billy: Vick.
Nikki: Victoria! Sweetheart.
Victoria: Mom.
Nikki: Are you all right? You're fine, darling.
Victoria: [ Groaning ]
Nikki: Honey.
Abby: Someone filed a second lawsuit against the hotel?
[ Chuckles ] Wow, simon black is the gift that keeps on giving. Listen, we need to talk strategy because I'm even more convinced that phyllis is behind this. And I am not going to let her damage the reputation of the hotel to gain leverage against me.
Chloe: Oh! Hey, guys.
Chance: Hi.
Chloe: Hey, how are you?
Chance: Wow, look at you. It's been longer than I thought since seeing you at the hotel.
Chloe: Yeah, I guess so.
Chance: Kevin told me the good news. Congratulations.
Chloe: Thank you.
Kevin: Hi. They're here to see jill.
Chloe: Hi. Yeah.
Jill: My ears must be burning. Hi, honey.
Chance: Hey, grandma.
Jill: I'll bet I know what this is all about.
Chance: We wanted to talk to you about colin.
Jill: Yep. What a coincidence. I just got a text from him. "Traveling the world without you isn't the same. Can you find it in your heart to make your grandson back off?" You want to fill me in?
Devon: Well, he sent me a text with a bunch of numbers.
Kevin: And I figured out it was an offshore bank account.
Chance: Short of it, devon got his inheritance back.
Jill: What?
Devon: Mm-hmm. He put it all in an account with my name on it.
Jill: Are you kidding me? With everything that's happened?
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Well, it doesn't matter. I don't give a flying fig. Why we are where we are. The money is back where it belongs. Oh, you must be thrilled.
Devon: Yeah. Yeah.
Jill: So, what happens to colin?
Chance: It seems like he's looking for forgiveness from you.
Jill: Well, that's not gonna happen. He's gonna pay for what he did.
Chance: Yeah. Sounds good to me.
Chloe: Well, it's not like colin returned the money for the right reasons, but... at least he did it.
Devon: This is true.
Jill: Yeah, unless there's more to it. You never know with him.
Chloe: Can he undo what he did?
Kevin: No. As far as I can tell, the money is in the devon's account and I'm pretty sure that it is secure. Although, if I were you, I would transfer it into one of your own bank accounts as soon as possible.
Devon: That's probably a really good idea. Thank you for figuring all this out, too, kevin.
Kevin: Hey, all in a day's work. I'm just a father trying to provide for his family.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ]
Kevin: So if you have any other work you need done, I'm your man.
Chloe: He needs it.
Devon: Hey. I just might. I'll think about it.
Jill: So, how should i respond to his text?K you should at all.
Jill: Why not?
Devon: Well, because, like you said, the money is back where it belongs, and katherine's wishes have been honored, so let's let him go.
Chance: After everything that he's done, not to mention the laws that he's broken... I mean, this is a police matter now, and they're not just gonna drop it.
Jill: Maybe you're just still processing all this good news. Maybe you need a little time.
Devon: No. I don't need any time. I'm fine. Chance, you've done everything that I've asked, and I really appreciate it, but you can take your men off the case.
Chance: Devon, at the end of the day, this is your call, but... look, I've got to ask you why. Why are you just going to let colin get away with everything that he's done?
Devon: Well, because what has he actually gotten away with? He's cut off everyone he cares about. Jill, his grandkids, his son. And now he's broke and alone. So I think he suffered enough.
Jill: Well, you know him. He won't stay down for long.
Chance: He made your life hell.
Devon: That's the thing. My life isn't hell. It's better than it's been in a long time, and that's what i want to focus on.
Chloe: Mm.
Kevin: I understand that.
Chloe: Yeah. Me, too.
Devon: Thank you. And, kevin, you will definitely be well-compensated.
Kevin: The kids college funds thank you.
[ Laughter ]
Jill: Bye. Oh, where you going?
Devon: I'm going home. As a struggling actor,
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Elena: Hey.
Devon: Hey, guys.
Nate: Hey.
Devon: Glad you both are still here. I have some news.
Nate: What's going on?
Elena: Yeah. What happened?
Devon: It's about colin. He gave me my money back.
Nate: All of it.
Elena: What?
Devon: All of it. $2.4 billion.
Elena: Baby!
Devon: Yeah.
Elena: That's amazing!
Devon: Yes. Right?
Nate: Yes, that is great news, man!
Devon: Yeah.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Can you believe it?
Nate: Hey, I got to get to the hospital. I will catch up with you guys later.
Devon: See ya.
Elena: So... what's really going on?
Nikki: Oh, my darling, I'm so glad you're awake. What happened?
Billy: She just woke up right before you walked in. I was just, uh, seeing if she remembered what happened.
Victoria: [ Groans ]
Nikki: You don't have to worry. I'm right here. You're safe and sound.
Nate: Hey. I'm glad to see you're awake.
Nikki: Yeah.
Nate: Thanks for texting me.
Nikki: Yeah.
Nate: I need to do a quick exam, if I could ask you to step out?
Nikki: Oh! Of course. Yes. I'm stepping right outside, just a few feet away, darling.
Billy: I'm not sure what you heard before you walked in.
Nikki: I heard her tell you not to touch her. I saw her pull away from you.
Billy: Well, she's waking up from a medically induced coma, so... I mean, she's confused. I was just trying --
Nikki: Victor told you you were not welcome here.
Billy: Yeah, I realize it.
Nikki: Well, and that was clearly the right decision.
Billy: We got two very frightened children at home. Okay? I have a right to be here. And she heard my voice, and she woke up. She opened her eyes.
Nikki: And then...
Billy: And then her expression changed, she -- I think she thinks that I'm the one that did this to her, and... you know, it was dark, and she couldn't see ripley...
Nikki: Well, obviously, you did not inflict this particular wound...
Billy: Mm.
Nikki: ...But you have hurt victoria many times.
Billy: Yeah, well, you know, whatever I'm going through personally, I'm always going to love victoria, okay? That's never going to change. And I just want to be there for her. So can you let me do that?
Nikki: I think victoria will always love you, too, in her own way.
Billy: Thank you. I appreciate that.
Nikki: But that doesn't mean I think you should be anywhere around my daughter right now. When it comes to beautiful hair,
Kevin: I get that devon wants to move on with his life and put the past behind him. But if I discovered a bank account with my name on it and a 10-figure balance, I'd be a little happier about it.
Chloe: Well, maybe because he had money before, he knows that money can't buy you happiness.
Kevin: You're kidding, right?
Chloe: Uh, yeah. I want $2 billion. Buy my happiness, please.
Kevin: [ Laughing ] Me, too. And the way he was talking about colin, right? After months of trying to track on a platter, suddenly, it sounded like he felt bad for the guy.
Jill: I just chalk it up to the emotions of the moment, you know? Devon had been preparing himself for the worst-case scenario where the money was gone forever. I think he just needs a little time to let it sink in.
Kevin: Hmm. Wouldn't take me long to figure out how to spend it.
Chloe: I can think of many ways to spend our nonexistent billions, but, um, I think we need a nap. So how about we go upstairs and I can tell you all about it?
Kevin: Ooh! That is idea of heaven.
Jill: [ Chuckles ]
Chance: Those two seem really happy.
Jill: They sure are. Chloe has found the perfect person for herself. I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong.
Chance: Don't tell me you've given up on love.
Jill: Oh, never. Never. But I have made some mistakes, honey. Some worse than others.
Chance: You know, I have to say, I'm not really sure what you ever saw in colin.
Jill: Hmm.
Elena: So... how are you feeling?
Devon: I don't know. I don't know, really. I have a lot of different emotions going on at the same time.
Elena: That's understandable.
Devon: I think I've been so focused on trying to get this money back that now that I have it, I don't know to feel.
Elena: But, all in all, it's a good thing, right?
Devon: It is a good thing. Yeah, it's good. I got this text from colin, though, that I can't get out of my head.
Elena: What's it say?
Devon: It says, "money can make a person crazy."
Elena: Well, that certainly applies to colin.
Devon: Yeah, but something about it just -- I don't know, it struck a chord with me.
Elena: Money has never made you crazy. And now that this whole thing is over, you don't have to think about any of that ever again if you don't want to.
Devon: I know. But the thing is, maybe i haven't thought about it enough.
Nikki: Okay, I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. You're definitely going through something. And, take it from me, one addict to another, you're kidding yourself if you think you can handle this on your own. You need therapy. You need a meeting, or at least an honest conversation with your sponsor. I know. I know you think you've had a great epiphany, but, trust me, you are not in some new enlightened phase of your life. You are in denial. You're engaging in dangerous behaviors. You're flirting with disaster, and you are inviting the worst possible consequences. Now, what happened to victoria was one of those consequences. She could have died. So you can spin this any way you want, but I can see the truth. And I think a lot of other people can, too.
Billy: Well, I know you mean well, uh... but you're wrong in this particular case, okay? I'm just trying to live my life honestly and be myself.
Nikki: Mm-hmm. Oh, I agree. I agree that you have been behaving in such a way that is exactly you. Look where that led before. Look what that's leading you now. Is that really who you want to be? Because we all have a choice. And if that's yours, I feel very sorry for you and all the people around you. But I'll tell you this much -- I will not allow victoria to be one of them.
Nate: We're done with the exam.
Billy: Uh, how is she?
Nate: I won't discuss my patient's condition without her permission. Victoria's asking for you, nikki.
Nikki: Thank you.
Feel the clarity of new
Devon: I'm obviously older and smarter than I was when I first got the inheritance. I think I can really do some good things with it. I just need to be strategic and efficient with how I help people and who I help.
Elena: Wow. I am so proud of you. A man who dreams big and has a heart of gold to back it up.
Devon: Well, I want to do it together with you.
Elena: I'm all-in, but... I need you to know that I will love you whether you have a dollar in your pocket or $2 billion in an offshore account.
Devon: I know that, honey. I know.
Elena: Okay. So let's make this happen.
Abby: Wait. It's the same doctor who's testifying about pain and suffering in both cases? We got to be able to use that to our advantage. Well, try harder. You're my lawyer, you're supposed to make things like this go away.
[ Sighs, scoffs ] This hotel really is cursed.
Jill: Colin was fire. Colin swallowed life whole, responsibilities be damned. He thought of life as one big, wild adventure, and I loved the ride. The only problem was, I could never trust him. So what was his hold on me? Why did I invest so much time in a man who would lie to my face? That's not an easy question to answer, except -- except...
[ Chuckles ] I never, never felt more alive than when I was with him. And, the truth is, no matter how much of a cad he turned out to be... lord, I would never change one moment of it. We had a hell of a time.
Chance: I'm sorry, I -- I didn't mean to poke my nose in your business.
Jill: Oh, no. Don't apologize. My life is an open book.
Chance: All I know is that colin was lucky to even be a small part of your life.
Chance: Oh, sweetie.
Chance: I love you, grandma.
Jill: Mwah. Don't call me that!
Chance: I love you regardless.
Jill: [ Laughs ]
Chance: Thank you for the tea.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
[ Doorbell rings ] Oh! Thank you. Hmm.
Nikki: Thank god you've come back to us. The color is returning to your cheeks.
Victoria: What happened?
Nikki: We'll talk about that later. Right now, you need to regain your strength.
Victoria: Where's billy?
Nikki: He's not ever going to be allowed in this room again. So don't you worry about anything, okay? You just focus on getting better, and I'll be right here looking after you.
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