Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/25/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/25/20


Episode #11807 ~ Jill announces a new business venture; Phyllis receives a tempting offer.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Devon: I am afraid that i have some bad news. I'm closing down power communications.

Mariah: I was just looking at a text.

Lindsay: From tessa?

Mariah: No, from tanner.

Lindsay: As in tanner watts? That's who she's on tour with?

Mariah: Yep.

Billy: What are you doing?

Paul: Who was it?

Amanda: His name's robby turner. He was my ex. I have a restraining order against him.

Paul: Why would you want to hurt victoria?

Amanda: Because he thought that she was me.

Nate: She's made it through surgery.

But I'm afraid that, for now, all we can do is wait and hope for the best.

Chance: Chelsea is selling you her shares at this hotel.

Phyllis: I don't do things halfway. I don't want half of this hotel. I want the whole damn thing.

Abby: Still no change, huh? Well, I'm just glad that you were able to stay with dad and nikki for so long. Were you able to get them to eat something? I'm gonna stop by memorial tonight after I'm done with some some things here, okay? No, go home, get some rest, and I will see you tomorrow.

[ Sighs ]

Chance: Victoria is the same?

Abby: Nick is just leaving the hospital. The poor guy is exhausted.

Chance: Is that why you didn't mention the meeting with phyllis that you're about to have? How she's pressuring you so hard to give up your interest in this hotel?

Abby: I don't need to get my brother tangled up in all of that, okay? He has enough to worry about.

Abby: And so do you. Especially with victoria's a attacker still on the loose.

Abby: You mean amanda's attacker. That's who he was really going after. With her living here and all the security measures that you put in place, I feel a lot better about things.

Chance: I'm happy to hear that.

Abby: The front desk is on high alert. There's a police officer outside amanda's door. So if that guy dares to show his face here, he's gonna be arrested.

Chance: And in the midst of all this turmoil... we've got phyllis being more obnoxious than usual. I hate that she won't back off, especially your family's going through this crisis.

Abby: Well, what do you expect from an opportunist like her? But I am thrilled that you're riled up on my behalf.

Chance: It is only because she was able to dig up dirt on adam and me, and I didn't take it serious. She's exploiting it to make your life hell.

Abby: Chance. I don't blame you for any of this. I had an epiphany, a way to neutralize phyllis in the short-term by handing her a win.

Chance: You're going to give her the grand phoenix?

Abby: I didn't say that.

Phyllis: You need to take a stand. You were harmed and you were hurt emotionally. Well, they need to take responsibility for that, for their own negligence. No, it's not being greedy. Listen, you have an obligation to call them out on their recklessness and their irresponsibility. You have that obligation. How else are we all going to bring about change in the world? Ah. You know what? I understand. I wish there were more people like you in the world, people who are willing to fight the good fight. No, no, no, no. Thank you.

Lindsay: So... how's the job search going?

Mariah: [ Sighs ] It's going. Devon referred me an executive recruiter.

Lindsay: A headhunter?

Mariah: Yeah.

And I appreciate the help, but... I'm looking at their website, and this company is used to placing executives with way more experience than I have who are, let's see... oh, "thought leaders in their industry."

Lindsay: [ Chuckles ] Well, devon wouldn't have referred you if he didn't think they'd see potential in you like he does.

Mariah: Thank you for the positive vibes.

Lindsay: On the house.

Theo: Hey, lindsay. My usual, please.

Lindsay: You got it.

Theo: No luck finding a new gig? I'd be glad to put in a good word for you with my boss, for old time's sake.

Mariah: Summer? You're actually suggesting that I -- I work for... no. No, thank you.

Theo: Just trying to be helpful. I remember how supportive you were when devon fired me, which is to say, not at all.

Mariah: You have a very short memory, my friend.

Theo: Do I?

Mariah: Yeah, devon fired you because you kept trying to undermine me.

Theo: Oh.

Mariah: Yeah.

Theo: Yeah, he seemed like he really had your back at the time. But the situation's changed, and, hey, beggars can't be choosers.

Mariah: Hey, theo.

Theo: Yeah.

Mariah: Piss off.

Theo: Okay.

Rey: Any new thoughts on ripley, where he might have gone off to hide?

Amanda: I don't know what to tell you, detective.

Rey: So you haven't heard from him.

Amanda: No, thank god. I feel so sick about how badly I misjudged the situation. I had no idea that ripley wanted me dead, and now victoria is paying the price.

Rey: Look, I meant what i said last night, okay? You are the victim here, too. You are not accountable for your stalker's behavior.

Amanda: I gave him a chance. You could have gotten him off the streets when he violated that restraining order.

Rey: Yeah, maybe. Maybe not. Even if I put him in lock up and booked him, a judge still could have granted him bail, anyway.

Amanda: I know. I know. I know you're right. I just -- I can't help feeling responsible for this. Victoria should be home right now with her kids. I remember thinking about things I did and wondering

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Theo: Hey, um...

Mariah: Are you still here?

Theo: Look, I was just giving you a hard time before. I didn't mean anything by it,

Mariah: Really?

Theo: Look, you're bright with a great track record. You're gonna land on your feet.

Mariah: Well, thank you. I appreciate the pep talk, but it is really not necessary. Something will turn up.

Theo: You know what you should do?

Mariah: I don't really remember asking for your advice.

Theo: Mm. Use your connection to tessa. Get in with tanner watts' people. They run a first-class outfit. You could put all your skills to good use.

Mariah: They're based in new york. I really have no interest in pulling up stakes.

Theo: Why not? Nothing tying you here, is there?

Mariah: Well, theo, family is very, very important to me, and I lost so many years with my mom as it is.

Theo: Well, I get that. I've been trying to build my own long-lost family connections. But, still, you ought to at least look into it. You can tell they know what they're doing from the way they run tanner's social media. The content schedule has a good balance between promotion and engagement, and every so often, they throw out a little catnip. Like they did today with that photo of tanner and tessa.

Mariah: What photo?

Theo: Oh, you haven't seen it? It's a brilliant strategy. You know, I'm going to the rumor mill pumping, everybody guessing is this kind of, what, some secret romance? You know, I guarantee you, their next move will be to concoct some fake feud between tessa and tanner's actual girlfriend. The fans will fall for it, like they always do, and get all worked up and download more of tessa's songs. It's genius, right?

Mariah: Yeah. It's genius.

Rey: Hang in there, and if you do hear from ripley...

Amanda: I will let you know immediately.

Rey: That goes for you, too, billy. Don't try and chase this guy down on your own or play the hero.

Billy: Yeah, uh, trust me, the last thing I'm feeling right now is heroic.

Rey: Yeah. Sharon mentioned that you had to tell your kids that their mother was in the hospital. How'd that goo?

Billy: Uh, it was tough. When you see sharon, please tell her the place looks great.

Rey: I'll do that.

Amanda: So, um... how did katie and johnny take the news?

Billy: They're okay. You know, I gave them the bare minimum, that their mom was in the hospital and the doctors are gonna make her feel better. I'll let victor explain to them that I'm the reason why it happened.

Amanda: The reason it happened is because ripley mistook victoria for me.

Billy: And I am not going to let you blame yourself for this. You've been trying to escape ripley for months now.

Amanda: And, last night, i led him straight to you and victoria.

Billy: You didn't lead him anywhere. You didn'T. You tried to stop a friend from going to a place that he shouldn't have been at, that he wasn't welcome to at all. And I really wish that I listened to you.

Amanda: I think the time for you to listen was weeks ago when I told you that we needed to stay away from each other, that what we were doing was wrong.

Billy: We didn't do anything.

Amanda: No, you might still be with victoria right now working things out, you never would have met ripley. Last night never would have happened, and ripley never would have stabbed victoria thinking that she was me.

Billy: I don't regret being there.

Amanda: It's reckless, billy. Okay? All of it. We are playing with fire. And I know -- I know you love that. You like just taking chances and standing on ledges and screaming out to the wind. But this is where it gets you, people getting hurt, maybe even -- I'm gonna do what I said I was going to do weeks ago. I'm keeping my distance.

Billy: Amanda.

Amanda: No. No, billy. No more.

Devon: Hey. I was hoping we'd run into you. Do you have a chance?

Amanda: I can't, devon. Not right now. (Clucking noises)

Abby: So... what do you think of my plan?

Chance: I hate that my problem became your problem.

Abby: The way I see it, my problem became your problem.

Chance: How do you figure that?

Abby: Phyllis and I have been butting heads for months. She's obsessed with besting me. And until she wins, she's not going to let it go. That's what this is about. It's not about the hotel. The grand phoenix is just a symbol. Phyllis is dying to come out on top, and so, fine, I will surrender.

Chance: By giving up the hotel.

Abby: I'm giving phyllis something that means a lot to her, but it doesn't mean much to me. Bragging rights. She's gonna make a big production about how she outfoxed me, and hopefully that will be enough to make her go away.

Chance: Adam had a similar attitude -- give her enough to make her happy, and then she'll leave us alone.

Abby: Great minds think alike.

Chance: Only it didn't work, abby. She took it as a sign that we had more to hide.

Abby: I'm confident that my approach will work.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Chance: I need to take this.

Abby: No problem.

Chance: Yeah, can you hold on one second? Thanks.

Abby: I have to go meet phyllis. Wish me luck?

Chance: You know that I do.

Abby: Mwah!

[ Sighs ]

Chance: What's the latest?

Devon: You and I both knew that amanda and ripley had taken restraining orders out against each other, but we really jumped to the wrong conclusion about what that meant. If only we had known what she was really going through.

Elena: She didn't want anyone to know. Ripley was her past, and she wanted to leave him behind and have a fresh start in a new city.

Devon: Yeah, I just wish she would have been upfront about the kind of danger she was in. I wouldn't have been so suspicious of her.

Elena: Yeah, but sometimes victims of abuse feel shame, and they'd rather keep it to themselves than enlist someone to help them.

Devon: [ Sighs ] Now that I think about it, when she heard everything about herself wiped off the internet, it probably nothing to do with colin at all. It was about hiding from ripley.

Elena: You're probably right, and I will bet that she only took on the case involving katherine's will because she needed to get out of town in a hurry.

Devon: Explains why she didn't vet her new client as thoroughly as she should have. And why she hasn't gone back to madison yet because the threat's too big.

Elena: Ripley turner is certainly a sick man -- attacking victoria so viciously. That knife wound was not superficial. He meant for her to die.

Devon: Which means as long as someone like that is out there, amanda's in jeopardy.

Billy: Well, I'm here. You ready for my command performance?

Jill: I was afraid you wouldn't show up.

Billy: To be honest, I didn't once I got in the car. I almost kept driving. Take the road wherever it led.

Jill: I don't like to hear that, billy.

Billy: Well, I wouldn't leave my kids, mom. And now that I'm here, why don't we just get on with it?

Jill: Why do you think I wanted to see you?

Billy: Because you want to know what happened between me and victoria. Because you are our biggest supporter. Because you were thrilled that we were back together.

Jill: You were thrilled, too, or so you said.

Billy: I was. And I thought it was a miracle that she gave me another chance.

Jill: So what happened?

Billy: What always happens? I let her down. I mean, I talked a good game, and I believed every word and I couldn't live up to it. So I freed us both of our unrealistic expectations,

Jill: Oh, billy...

Billy: Okay, look, I know you're disappointed in me, or you're disgusted at me. Whatever --

Jill: Stop. Stop, stop. Do not put words in my mouth.

Billy: I don't actually have to put words in your mouth because you've always told me that I am so much like john abbott, except I don't think I am, and I think it's probably best that we both acknowledge that because it's not true. It never was true.

Jill: Well, there's a lot of him in you.

Billy: Okay.

Jill: No, stop. Stop. Billy, we're not done.

Billy: What do you want me to say? What are you gonna do? You're going to ground me? Are you gonna take away my tv privileges? Okay? There's nothing you can say to me that I haven't heard 1,000 times. I am your son. Here I am. Billy foster abbott, okay? And this is as good as it gets. And I'm sorry.

Tessa: Hey, you!

Mariah: Hey! I finally got you.

Tessa: Man, is it good to hear your voice.

Mariah: Yeah. Yours, too.

Tessa: Sorry I didn't call you back right away. We had sound check and then we we've been working on the new song, so...

Mariah: No, I -- I understand you're totally crazed. It's just great to finally be able to talk to you.

Tessa: I know. It seems like forever.

Mariah: Well, how are things going? You and tanner must still be getting along if you're still writing songs together.

Tessa: Well, I can't say anything bad about him now because he's right here.

Tanner: Hey, mariah.

Abby: You are right on time. Please, have a seat.

Phyllis: All right. This is a conversation that should have happened months ago, but I'm fine, whatever.

Abby: Well, I think you'll find that your patience has paid off. I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I've decided that you're right about a lot of things.

Phyllis: What "things?"

Abby: What you've been saying all along. You invested a lot in this hotel, creatively, and I've been reaping the benefits in a way that I haven't acknowledged. I let our personal conflict blind me to what you're entitled to, and I would like to make it up to you.

Phyllis: Oh! Okay. Well, how do you plan to do that, abby?

Abby: Mm.

Phyllis: What is that?

Abby: My offer to buy your shares in the grand phoenix.

Phyllis: Oh, god. Please, this is three times what they're worth.

Devon: So colin was spotted again where?

Chance: In europe?

Elena: Whereabouts?

Chance: Luxembourg.

Devon: Luxembourg. It's one of the wealthiest countries in the world. I imagine he felt like he'd fit right in.

Chance: Yeah. He stopped there briefly. Then he took off again.

Devon: All right. Well, thanks for the update.

Chance: I wish I could say he was captured, but at least now we have a solid lead. I'll keep you posted.

Devon: Thank you. Are your former colleagues on the lookout for this ripley turner guy?

Chance: Affirmative.

Devon: Good, because with someone like that running around, I don't think anybody's safe until he's in custody.

Jill: Can I get you some water, sweetie? Maybe something stronger?

Billy: No, no. That'll just knock me out. I didn't sleep very well last night.

Jill: Yeah. I don't think any of us did. Um... there is one thing that I want to make very clear to you. Your family is here for you. We love you. There is nothing we wouldn't do to help you and johnny and katie get through this. As a matter of fact, I would be happy to come and stay with you at victoria's house, help with the kids until she gets out of the hospital.

Billy: Ah, well, johnny and katie are actually staying at the ranch with nikki and victor.

Jill: Is that a good idea? I mean, victor's not going to let you stay there.

Billy: No, but I think it's the best thing for them. You know, it gives me some time to clear my head. The kids need some stability right now, and the cops haven't caught ripley yet, so it's probably the safest place in town.

Jill: Well, I'm really glad that you're putting the kids' needs first, okay? But I'd say that it's time we discussed what you need, and number one on that list is a job.

Billy: You're funny.

Jill: No, no, no, no, no. I know you, and the worst thing you can do is let yourself get bored. That's when the trouble starts. And that's the way it's been since she started crawling.

Billy: Well, the last thing on my mind is job hunting.

Jill: Well, lucky for you, you don't have to hunt because the right job has just found you. Your mission:

"The young and the restless"

will continue. Now, we know the trump strategy-

Billy: I don't need you to run my life, mom. I don't need you to step in and take over and fix it.

Jill: No, no. Getting back to work would be the perfect thing for you, something that you're good at, that you can control. It would counterbalance all the chaos.

Billy: Well, the firm in chicago said they got work for me when I need it, so...

Jill: That's part-time, plus, it's not nearly challenging enough, and there's too much travel involved.

Billy: Okay. What do you want me to do? You want to go back to jabot, right, where it's safe.

Jill: Oh, no, not jabot. No, no, no, no, no. You get too involved in family politics there.

Billy: Well, newman isn't exactly an option.

Jill: Nope.

Billy: [ Clears throat ] The only place left is...

Jill: Bingo! Chancellor industries.

Billy: What would you want me to do there?

Jill: I am starting up a media division, and you would be the perfect person to run it.

Phyllis: Abby. What kind of game are you playing with this very generous offer?

Abby: It's no game. Actually, I think the correct thing to say would be the game is over. You won. You played your cards exactly right, and you hit the jackpot. Here are your earnings.

Phyllis: Why do I think that this has more to do with the intel that it picked up in vegas and less to do with your newfound respect about my contributions to the grand phoenix?

Abby: Phyllis, I don't know what you're referring to, but I do know with this simple transaction, you and I can dissolve our partnership amicably, and we can both be on our merry way.

Phyllis: Okay, well, I could be merry with this kind of money.

Abby: Do we have a deal?

Phyllis: Eh... I'm gonna need a little more time.

Abby: Amanda. Hey. I was hoping I was going to see you. How are you doing?

Amanda: I'm hanging in there. That's a lie. I am -- I'm a mess.

Abby: Well, we've added some plainclothes security people and additional monitoring equipment. Between that and your police detail, I'm hoping that I'll give you some peace of mind.

Amanda: Thank you. You're you're being so kind and thorough. I know that it's a lot of added trouble and expense.

Abby: It's worth it. Our guest safety is our top priority.

Amanda: And I hope your first priority as victoria's sister is getting off of work and spending some time with her and your family.

Abby: I was at the hospital earlier, and I will be going back shortly.

Amanda: Is there any news on her condition that you can share?

Abby: She's critical. She's in a medically induced coma. There's not much we can do right now except for wait and pray.

Amanda: I've been doing a lot of that, so...

Abby: Well, keep 'em coming because victoria needs all of our prayers. Nate. Hey. How's victoria? Any word?

Nate: She's holding her own. I'm on my way there now. Just, uh, wanted to stop by, see how amanda was doing.

Abby: I'll give you guys some privacy.

Amanda: You didn't need to come. I'm okay. I'm as okay as you can be.

Nate: Under the circumstances, I understand.

Amanda: I know that victoria is in excellent hands...

Nate: But you can't help being concerned. Victoria's getting the best care available. You needn't worry yourself about that.

Amanda: So, do you think she'll make a full recovery?

Nate: There's every reason to hope for that.

Amanda: But you can't be sure.

Nate: No guarantees in medicine, or law, for that matter.

Amanda: Nate, please, I just -- I need to know that she's gonna pull through this.

Tanner: Your girlfriend is blowing up the internet. Did you see the picture?

Mariah: Yeah, I saw it.

Tessa: What picture?

Tanner: All right. You love it?

Tessa: Oh! Oh, this is the one that bruce took at the after party.

Tanner: Yeah.

Tessa: Who posted it?

Tanner: No clue. Someone in the office, probably. But they knew the fans were gonna go nuts over this. Look, it's already over 20,000 comments so far.

Mariah: What are they saying?

Tanner: "Rock's new power couple." "Hot!" Well, they're right about that one.

Tessa: Okay, well, she was talking about you, so...

Tanner: I don't know. They love you. This is gold for you, babe.

Mariah: Well, congratulations.

Tessa: Okay, well, are you just gonna hang up our call, or?

Tanner: Okay. I can -- I can take a hint. I'll give you girls some alone time. Later, mariah.

Tessa: Bye.

Tessa: Okay, well, that probably looked weird on your end.

Mariah: Tessa, why was tanner half-dressed?

Tessa: Oh, he's such a klutz. He spilt food all down his shirt.

Tessa: And I'm -- I'm supposed to believe that?

Tessa: Well, why wouldn't you?

Mariah: Have you two slept together?

Tessa: I can't -- I can't believe you would ask me that.

Mariah: I notice that you still haven't answered the question.

Tessa: I shouldn't have to. You know I love you. You're the only person on earth I would --

Mariah: I need a drink.

Lindsay: I can see that.

Theo: Hey. So I saw you were on a video call. I assume with tessa. How's life on the road?

Mariah: Please tell me what i did to make you think that we're friends so I can stop it immediately.

Summer: Hey, uh, my shift just ended, so.. maybe you want to go get a drink somewhere else?

Billy: Now I know where I get my reckless streak.

Jill: Oh, you're damn right.

Billy: Yeah. Don't worry, mom, I'm not going to hold you to the offer, okay?

Jill: Oh, billy, you misunderstand. That was not an offer. That was an order, and I expect you to follow through with it.

Billy: Mom, I'm not gonna --

Jill: No, I've been wanting to start this division for over a year now. I want to keep chancellor competitive.

Billy: In what?

Jill: In all aspects -- streaming, news, websites, publishing, you name it. And you would be division president. You would bring in all your own people. You could structure it anyway you'd like.

Billy: Well, I know a dozen people that would love that opportunity. I'm just not one of them.

Jill: Billy. Billy, you are relentlessly creative, and that's what i need. Come on. You come up with bold new ideas. You rethink the possible.

Billy: I left jabot a while ago, and you haven't brought this up before. This is the first time I'm hearing about it.

Jill: So what?

Billy: So what? It's not a real job offer. Not really. I mean, this is you throwing a life preserver to somebody that you think is drowning.

Jill: No, it's not. I didn't offer it to because i didn't think you'd be interested. You seemed really happy at jabot. All right? And then when you finally left, I thought you were just getting kind of cramped by the corporate structure.

Billy: Which I am still, by the way.

Jill: Billy, I keep hearing how you want adventure, okay? This could be it. This could be a new challenge for you. This could be a way to channel all you need for excitement into a positive, profitable way. Plus, you could make chancellor relevant in a way that it hasn't been for ages. Hey, you could go head to head with newman. Now, don't you tell me you don't love the sound of that.

Abby: Time's up. I need to the hospital, so let's get this thing resolved.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness, I've barely had time to consider your offer.

Abby: Take a look at all those zeros. It might help you decide.

Phyllis: Well, I mean, i can't possibly sell my shares without an independent appraisal or -- or three. And what if you're off on the value and you're actually ripping me off by your offer?

Abby: Phyllis, you know exactly how much this hotel is worth down to the penny.

Phyllis: Well, then there are the tax implications.

Abby: Well, you can have a nice little sit-down with your accountant after the millions are in your hot little hands.

Phyllis: What's your hurry?

Abby: Why are you stalling? This is a limited-time offer. The clock is ticking. If you make me wait, I might change my mind.

Phyllis: No, you won'T.

Abby: Try me.

Phyllis: Can we help you?

Yeah, I'm looking for abby newman.

Phyllis: This is abby newman.

Abby: What's this?

You been served.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. What could that be?

Nate: Victoria is doing about as well as we could hope for right now. And she's surrounded by loved ones, whereas you're trying to deal with what happened on your own.

Amanda: And I'm dealing with it. You don't have to worry about that.

Nate: Come on, don't do that.

Amanda: Don't do what?

Nate: Pretend you're not traumatized. How could you not be? A man who you used to love tried to kill you last night. You can't sit there and tell me you're fine.

Amanda: I swear, I did not have an inkling that ripley was violent like that. God, you must think I'm a fool, thinking that I had the whole situation under control, that I regained my power.

Nate: Nothing like that has ever occurred to me. Not for one second. What ripley did was insane. No one could have predicted it.

Amanda: Well, that's no longer true. Now we know exactly what he would do if he got the chance, and to anyone who is unfortunate enough to be close to me. I need to leave. I need to go into hiding because while I am here, you're all in danger.

Lindsay: You ready?

Mariah: Yeah.

Elena: I think it's amazing that the feds were able to track down colin again. I mean, I can't imagine he's had any piece of mind since you took your money. He's had to watch his back. Everywhere he goes. I bet he's a nervous wreck.

Devon: Yeah. Yeah. And you saying that makes me think of how amanda's probably had to live, always watching over her shoulder and being afraid of being found.

Elena: Yeah. Imagine living with all that stress.

Devon: I just wish we would have known what she was going through, and we would have if we would have asked her about the restraining orders instead of just assuming the worst.

Elena: Well, you had enough on your plate, then taking on amanda's problems, too...

Devon: I know. I know. I was just -- I was focused on not getting played again, but... I am happy. That colin's close to being caught, that I might get some of the inheritance back. But with what victoria and amanda are dealing with, it reminds me that there's a lot more important things in life than money.

Abby: Oh, my god, I'm being sued.

Phyllis: Oh, my god. For what?

A former guest of the hotel is claiming that he has post-traumatic stress after the simon black hostage incident. Migraines, panic attacks, the loss of workdays.

Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. That's horrible. This is the last thing you need.

Abby: Especially with victoria in such bad shape.

Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, no. You know, ever since you and chelsea ripped this hotel out from under me, you have had one disaster after another. It's like this hotel is cursed. I'm not one to hand out advice, but instead of trying to hurl money at me, you should just... give up and give me the hotel outright, I'm just saying.

Nate: You can't leave. You're building a new practice here, a new life. You have friends who support you.

Amanda: And I don't want to see any of them get hurt. What happened to victoria, because of me...

Nate: Not because of you.

Amanda: Well, tell that to her little girl and her little boy who are wondering why mommy didn't come home last night.

Nate: The authorities are going to catch ripley. His photo has been plastered all over the news. Everyone's on the lookout for him. Not to mention, the man has made a sworn enemy of victor newman. He's doomed. Look, if you want to hide from ripley without leaving town, you can stay at my place. I have a spare room, security system, and you'd have your police entourage.

Amanda: Nate, that is very sweet of you, but I cannot take you up on that offer.

Nate: Why not?

Amanda: Because I'm not putting anyone else in danger. This hotel right here, this is the safest place for me.

I hope that means you'll stay put, not leave genoa city.

Amanda: It does. For now.

Jill: Why are you fighting me on this? This position was tailor-made for you.

Billy: When I walked in here tonight, I told you I was this close to driving o o abandoning all my responsibilities.

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Billy: I am not the person that you want at the helm of your brand-new expensive division.

Jill: Wrong. You are the best man for the job.

Billy: Mom. Everybody that trusts me lives to regret it.

Jill: God! I don't care that you've made mistakes, okay? I don't care that you're probably gonna keep on making them. Welcome to my world. I love you and I don't want to lose you.

Billy: Which is exactly what this job offer really is.

Jill: So what if it is? I own the company, and I know the best when I see them.

Billy: Okay. I can't do this right now. I got to go, and, um, I really can't take on anything else in my life right now.

Jill: Okay.

Billy: I just have to function for the kids.

Jill: Okay. Just know this. I'm here if you need me for anything.

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