Y&R Transcript Friday 2/21/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/21/20


Episode #11805 ~ Party crashers cause chaos at the Newman Enterprises gala.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Adam: Will you marry me?

Chelsea: In my heart, I've always felt like your wife. So, yes, adam newman, I will marry you.

Amanda: If you go to victor's party, it is not going to end well.

Billy: Well, lucky for me, i have a great attorney to bail me out.

Amanda: What exactly are you trying to accomplish here, billy?

Billy: I don't know. I don't know. You have any good ideas? Oh, come --

Victoria: Michael told me you were here. Billy, I want you to leave right now.

Billy: Oh, no, I'm gonna stick around and, you know, celebrate the great man, honors the accolades, the accomplishments, of course, and then all the parts about him lying and cheating and destroying peoples' live. Doesn't exactly fit the narrative, though, right? Of a generous, kind family --

Victoria: Please.

Billy: What are you doing? Vick? Vick. Victoria. You okay?

Adam: You said yes.

Chelsea: I said yes.

Adam: I can't believe it.

Chelsea: Neither can you.

Adam: Oh, you have no idea how much this means to me. You're gonna be my wife.

Chelsea: Again.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: I can't wait to see the look on his face when we tell him his mom and dad are getting married.

Adam: Oh, just so you know, I don't have a ring.

Chelsea: I don't care. I don't care. I don't need a ring.

Adam: You said yes. You know, all I thought I'd do tonight is celebrate my father with the rest of the world and have a drink. But one word from you changed everything. Changed my life.

Chelsea: Our lives.

[ Giggles ]

Victor: Thank you all for joining us this evening. It was so nice.

Nate: I'm sorry I missed all the speeches. I was finishing up a shift at work.

Victor: And, nate, I may as well say this in front of all of you here. Without your expertise, I might not be here.

Devon: Yeah.

Elena: Oh, be sure to check out the amazing artwork.

Devon: Yeah, it is one-of-a-kind.

Nikki: Just like its inspiration.

Amanda: What the hell are you doing here?

Billy: Victoria. Oh, my god. Hey, hey, hey.

Victor: [ Gasps ]

Billy: Hold on. Oh! Oh, my god.

Victoria: [ Panting ]

Billy: Okay, hey. What happened here? What the hell happened? Hey, keep -- hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. No. You need to keep breathing. Stay with me. Look at me.

Victoria: [ Panting ] Billy. Help! I need some help in here! Somebody call 911!

Victoria: It hurts. Okay, that's it. Keep your eyes open. Keep breathing. Just look at me.

Billy: It's okay. Paul!

Paul: What the hell?

Billy: I don't know.

Christine: Oh, my god, victoria. We have a medical emergency at the top of the tower. Please send an ambulance.

Billy: I'm just trying to help putting pressure on the wound.

Paul: You can help by getting out of the way. Billy, now! Now.

Victoria: [ Gasping ]

Paul: Okay, victoria. What's the problem, okay? Look at me. Look at me.

Victoria: I'm okay.

Paul: Focus on me, okay? We're gonna get you some help right away, right, chris?

Christine: They're on their way.

Paul: They're on their way. You know, they're gonna be here sooner than you know it. We'll get you to the hospital.

Billy: I don't know what happened. I don't -- how did this happen?

Paul: It's a hell of a good question. Number one on my list when we get down to the station.

Victoria: [ Gasps ]

Paul: Look, look, look! Look, look, look. Back to me. Yeah, yeah. Okay?

Summer: Aunt victoria, what happened?

Christine: We're trying to figure that out now. Kyle, I need you to do something.

Kyle: Yeah, anything.

Christine: Look for a doctor. Get napkins, towels, anything. Okay? Go. Paramedics are on the way.

Paul: Right here.

Victoria: [ Panting ]

Kyle: [ Whispering ] Get nate, I need your help.

Elena: Hey, come with me.

Phyllis: Did you hear that, too?

Paul: Look at me. Look at me. Nate's here.

Nate: What are we looking at?

Paul: A stabbing, as far as i can tell.

Nate: Okay, I got it.

Paul: Got it?

Victoria: [ Groans ]

Elena: Victoria, nate and i are gonna take good care of you.

Nate: Do we have an eta on the emt?

Christine: I called a couple of minutes ago. It shouldn't be too much longer.

Summer: Who would do this to her?

Elena: Victoria, can you try to keep your eyes open?

Victoria: Yes.

Elena: Are you able to tell me what happened?

Nate: I'm worried she has a punctured lung and tension pneumothorax.

Summer: What does that mean?

Nate: Her heart and lungs are forced to operate in a smaller area. Heart can't pump the way it needs to, lungs can't expand as much as they should.

Elena: We need to get a seal on her wound and get her covered up.

Paul: Let's talk, the two of us.

Billy: Yeah, yeah. Whatever you need.

Paul: You can start by telling me how the hell this happened.

Billy: [ Scoffs ] Hey there people eligible for medicare.

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provided by... my cholesterol is borderline.

Noah: I made you some tea,

Sharon: Oh, you didn't have to do that, but I'm glad you did.

Noah: I'm sorry. I keep on staring.

Sharon: Yep.

Noah: [ Exhales sharply ] Is there anything else I can do for you?

Sharon: Yes. Go back to the party, spend some time with victor. Soak up the spotlight because you've earned it. I mean, that installation you did for your grandfather, that was -- have I told you how proud I am of you?

Noah: About a dozen times.

Sharon: Okay, well, get used to it. I'm glad you came.

Noah: You know I didn't just come because of the art installation.

Sharon: Oh, you don't say.

Noah: Look, I know you told me not to come running back to gc just because of the chemo,

Sharon: So glad my children listen to me.

Noah: Dad gives me daily updates, but I needed to see you.

Sharon: It's good to see you, too, noah.

Noah: What's chemo like?

Sharon: Well, it's not as much fun as the brochures would have you believe.

Noah: Seriously.

Sharon: What can I say? You know? It sucks. And the anticipation of it was hell, but the reality of it... it's not as exciting as watching grass grow.

Noah: What about the side effects?

Sharon: Well, they say those will get worse over time, but... I got through my first round of chemo, I was fine, and then -- bam! I got hit with nausea and exhaustion and became irritated, but... nights like that, you know, when that happens, like tonight, I just relax, you know, just take it down a bit and do a little cocooning. But, you know what, I'm really glad I went tonight. It was very memorable, and mostly because of you. Tonight was a lesson for all of us.

Noah: How do you mean?

Sharon: Well... I think it was a reminder. Sometimes you're sitting astride the prettiest horse on the carousel, reaching for that brass ring, and then, other times, you're standing beside the ride, watching everyone else& spinning, and you realize no matter what fate throws you, the world just keeps twirling.

Nate: How's her heart rate?

Elena: Rising.

Nate: Where the hell is the ambulance?

Elena: Okay, just hold on.

Victoria: Tell me the truth. I need to know.

Nate: We're doing everything we can. I know it hurts, but just keep breathing.

Victoria: I'm breathing.

Nate: Okay.

Paul: Okay. You want to tell me why you were here tonight?

Billy: Paul, we were -- we were just talking, and then I --

Paul: Right, and maybe something got out of hand.

Billy: No!

Paul: Really?

Billy: No, nothing.

Paul: Well, then explain it to me, billy. How the hell she end up with a stab wound? You know, perhaps you might want to call your attorney.

Billy: Paul. I did not do this, okay? You swear -- you honestly think that I would do that?

Victor: Will somebody please tell me what's going on here?

Nate: Victor, the paramedics are on the way.

Victor: What's going on?

Nikki: Oh, victoria! My god! What happened?

Nate: Just give us space. We're taking care of her.

Victor: Who did this to her?

Billy: I don't know! I was turned around, and when I turned back to her, she was bleeding. She told me that somebody bumped into her.

Nick: Vick?

Victor: Who was this mysterious intruder?

Billy: I-I... I don't know what happened.

Paul: So you're telling me some stranger came in here, bumped into her, and just took off?

Victor: I look around, and i only see one person with the motive and blood on his hands, and that is you, billy boy. If anything happens to her, I'll hold you responsible, you understand that?

Billy: I did not do this. I did not do this. I didn't do this to her, okay? It wasn't me!

Amanda: He's right! He didn't do this.

Victoria: [ Gasping ]

Amanda: It wasn't billy.

Amanda: Billy's innocent.

Victor: How the hell do you know that?

Amanda: Because I know who hurt victoria.

Paul: Who was it?

Amanda: His name's ripley turner.

Billy: Is ripley here?

Amanda: Yeah, I saw him. I just saw him leave.

Victor: Why does that name sound familiar to me?

Amanda: He was my ex. I have a restraining order against him.

Paul: Why would he want to hurt victoria?

Amanda: Because he thought that she was me.

Chelsea: Is there anything we can do?

Elena: Just give them some room.

Paul: I need a description.

Nate: Female stab wound to upper abdomen. Probable blood in there. And a thoracic cavity. Rapid heartbeat.

She's tachycardic.

Nate: Lost a lot of blood. Suspect a tension pneumothorax.

Elena: She's running out of time. We need to get her to the hospital, stat.

Nikki: We will take care of you.

Victoria: Okay.

Victor: My baby...

Sharon: That was at crimson lights.

Noah: Oh, my gosh. Look at his hair.

Sharon: I know! [ Laughs ] Aww. So cute.

Noah: Oh, you guys...

Sharon: So, what else have you been up to in london? Or is that all a secret, I'll have to find out from somebody else?

Noah: No. No. The photography was never a secret. It was always a passion of mine. Although, it did take me a while to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

Sharon: Victor telling you since you were a baby that you were destined to work at newman enterprises probably didn't help.

Noah: Well, when I was in london, I connected with some people in the arts. I decided to get back into it. I did a show in a gallery.

Sharon: Oh, and you didn't even tell your own mother.

Noah: I know, I know. I'm the worst, right? Somebody even commissioned me to do another installation like the one I did for granddad.

Sharon: Mm. Well, since you've been keeping me out of the loop, do I have any grandkids I don't know about?

Noah: No, of course not.

Sharon: Just joking.

Noah: I did meet somebody, though. We're taking it slow.

Sharon: Well, I'd love to hear all about her. When you're ready to share.

Noah: You know, um...

[ Clears throat ] In case you were worried about this, and you're probably not, but... you know you're as beautiful as you've ever been.

Sharon: Who paid you to say that?

Noah: You should let me take your picture. You can see yourself through my eyes.

Sharon: Hey. Promise me something.

Noah: Anything.

Sharon: Go back to london. Stay there and do the work that you were meant to do, build a name for yourself. And don't come back until all of your dreams have come true.

Noah: Can I even visit?

Sharon: Uh, don't push it. You're happy there. You know, if you put your plans on hold, you might not ever get back to them.

Noah: Look, I can always go back to london.

Sharon: Well, I need you to do this. You know how happy it makes me to know that you found what you love to do in life?

Noah: I want to be here.

Sharon: For my surgery. Okay. And then when I'm back up on my feet again, you are on a flight over the atlantic. And don't argue with me about this, noah. I'm your mom.

Noah: [ Sighs deeply ] Fine. You win.

Sharon: Good. So... tell me about this young lady. I want to hear all the details.

Nate: We're bringing her in right now. She's lost a lot of blood. Possible tension pneumothorax, eta of about 10 minutes or less. Have somebody take you home and stay with you. Do not be alone tonight. No, I'm still here. Fingers and toes cold to the touch. We're a few minutes from the ambulance.

Chance: Are you okay? Tell me what I can do.

Abby: Look, I know that you aren't working for the government anymore... but I need you to find the bastard who did this to my sister and make him pay.

Summer: Okay, well, what should we do? I mean, should I go to the hospital?

Nick: No, there's gonna be a million people there. I'll call you if I learn anything. You'll take care of her?

Kyle: Yeah, sure.

Summer: Okay, love you. Sweetheart can you please finish your breakfast

Nate: I've got a team standing by for the or once get her stabilized. We need to find out what we're up against, now.

Phyllis: Hey. Amanda, are you okay? You need to sit down?

Amanda: No, I -- I just -- I never -- I never dreamed that he could...

Phyllis: Oh, my god, have you been dealing with this all this time?

Amanda: No, no. No, no. Not like this. He's never like this with me.

Billy: Am I under arrest?

Paul: No, you're not.

Billy: Okay, then I'd like to get to the hospital, please.

Paul: Hold on.

Rey: We're just trying to gather information about the incident while it's still fresh in your mind.

Billy: Well, I told you a dozen times. Victoria said that someone bumped into her.

Rey: Okay, did you see his face?

Billy: I did not see his face because I was turned around at that time.

Rey: Okay, then what happened?

Billy: She was bleeding. I laid her down on the ground and I called for help. You -- you know who the suspect is, correct? You know the motive. So if you don't have any other questions for me, you know where to find me.

Rey: Phyllis, can I have a moment?

Phyllis: Um, yeah. You okay?

Amanda: Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Rey: When's the last time you saw the suspect?

Amanda: Um, when you brought him to the coffeehouse... I told him that he'd better leave town, or I would make his life hell. He said that he would go away. He promised me.

Rey: Yeah, listen. Sometimes we trust the wrong people. It doesn't mean their actions are our fault.

Amanda: But if I had only let you --

Rey: Listen, do you have any idea where he might be, people he might have run to for help?

Amanda: No. No, I don't -- I don't know. I don't -- I don't know who that man really is. I didn't -- I didn't know that he was capable of something like this. But when he saw me and he looked in my eyes when he ran past me, I know that he realized that he hurt the wrong person.

Rey: Listen, we have cops all over the street, and we are going to find him. And, when we do, he is going to get what he deserves. Okay, um... do you -- do you need anything else?

Rey: No, not tonight.

Amanda: Okay.

Rey: We know how to get touch with you, and if you think of anything, even the smallest detail, please...

Amanda: Yeah.

Rey: You should go home. Get some rest.

Amanda: [ Scoffs ] How am I supposed to do that?

Rey: Well, I'm gonna post a cop outside your door. Someone will be there day and night.

Amanda: Rey, I swear... if I had known, I would have made sure that he spent time behind bars for violating that restraining order.

Rey: I know. There's no way you could have known. These things are unpredictable. But listen to me. This is not your fault. Do not blame yourself. None of this is your fault.

Nick: Here, mom.

Nikki: Thank you.

Abby: It just doesn't make any sense. Who would do this?

Victor: As the last thing i do, I promise you, I'll find out who is responsible for this, and why?

Nick: Doesn't matter right now, all right? We just need to concentrate on vick.

Victor: Thank god she is stubborn.

Nick: She's going to make it.

Abby: How much longer do you think?

Nikki: It feels like it's been forever.

Nick: We haven't heard anything yet. No, they're, uh, still running tests. Yeah I'll call you if they hear anything. No, katie and johnny are okay. The nanny's gonna stay the night with them. I will, sweetheart. I love you, too. Try and get some sleep. Good night.

Chelsea: If anyone would like some coffee...

Nick: Thanks.

Victor: Thank you.

Chelsea: Any word yet?

Adam: Nothing.

Nick: How you holding up?

Victor: What now?

Nate: Ct scan revealed severe injuries to a liver and lung.

Victor: So, what now?

Nate: She's finally stable enough for surgery. She's being transported to the or right now.

Victor: You save our daughter, okay?

Nate: That is the plan.

Victor: And I have great confidence in you.

Nikki: Oh, god. I wish I could see her.

Victor: My sweetheart, once she gets out of surgery, you will many more chances. Please, sit down, my darling. Get some rest, okay?

Abby: I hate the waiting, the not knowing.

Nick: She's going to make it through this.

Paul: Any news on her condition yet?

Victor: She's in surgery.

Nick: She's got damage to her liver and lung.

Victor: What about the police?

Pal: Finding that guy is our top priority. Until then, we will post an officer outside her hospital room.

Nikki: Thank you, paul.

Victor: I will not thank you until you find that son of a bitch.

Paul: I wouldn't expect anything less. By the way, paul... billy boy abbott is much to blame for this as that other fellow, all right? And I'm going to get my hands on that bastard.

Nick: Dad, don'T. Listen, it just -- just let rey and paul deal with this. We got to focus on vick.

Victor: Son, you have your plan, I have mine, all right? I'm gonna get that bastard. Well, now, if it is the devil himself.

"The young and the restless"

will continue. Here's the scary truth...

Victor: You should know by now. You heard any one of us, you have to deal with all of us.

Billy: I didn't do anything.

Victor: Oh, really? Is that what you tell yourself to go to sleep at night?

Nick: Hey, if you keep this up, they're gonna throw us all out of here.&

Adam: Yeah, I thought you agreed to let paul --

Victor: I didn't agree to a damn thing.

Billy: Okay, fine. I'll leave. I'll leave. Just somebody tell me how she is.

Victor: Well, I'll tell you how she is. She's in critical condition. You know what that means? She's close to death.

Adam: If you know what's good for you, you'll leave, billy,

Nikki: For victoria's sake. If you ever loved her, leave us in peace.

Adam: Okay? Before this gets ugly.

Billy: She's the mother of my children. Does that mean anything to you?

Victor: Does it mean anything to you?

Chelsea: You know what, billy, I'll walk you out, okay? I'll walk you out, and I'll fill you in on what we know.

Billy: I --

Chelsea: Billy, billy. Come on.

Nick: Dad. Dad. No. No. No.

Victor: That son of a bitch.

Nick: It's okay. It's okay. Come on. Come on.

Sharon: Thank you for letting us know. Okay. You, too. Be careful, rey.

Faith: I just read online that something happened at grandpa's party. There was an ambulance to top of the tower. Someone was rushed to the hospital.

Noah: What? When?

Sharon: Um, come here. Yeah. Ray just now call to let us know.

Faith: Well, who got hurt?

Sharon: It was -- it was your aunt victoria.

Faith: Well, what happened?

Sharon: She was stabbed, and all we know right now is the police are in pursuit of a suspect, and victoria needs our prayers.

Noah: What -- did they, uh, at least figure out who did it and why?

Sharon: They have identified someone, and they're searching for him. As to why, it seems that it's a case of mistaken identity.

Noah: So someone meant to stab some other person. Just some random attack?

Sharon: It seems so.

Amanda: Thank you.

Phyllis: Here you go. Thanks. All right. Everything's okay.

Amanda: Yeah. I'm -- I'm fine. Thank you.

Phyllis: All right. You don't look fine. No disrespect. All right, um... I want you to make sure that this door is always locked and then always have this bar over like that, got it?

Amanda: There is an officer stationed outside.

Phyllis: Yes, I know, but, uh, ripley's still out there, and he tried to kill you. He meant to kill you, and... you're the only friend I have, so I need you alive.

Amanda: I'll lock the door.

Phyllis: All right. And if he calls...

Amanda: I'm -- I'm not answering the phone.

Phyllis: Good. Okay, so you're safe. Wait, you're -- you're leaving? Already?

Phyllis: Uh, yeah, um... I wanted to go to the hospital, check on victoria, and I wanted to get news on ripley.

Amanda: Well, can't you call someone? I mean, do you have to be there?

Phyllis: Well, no, I don't, but I -- no.

Amanda: But nick.

Phyllis: But nick? No. Listen, do you need me here?

Amanda: No, I'm okay.

Phyllis: Okay. Are you sure?

Amanda: Yeah. No. Yeah. I will be fine. I have an officer stationed outside my door. I have a mini bar filled of anything that a girl could need in a situation like this. Not that I am planning on getting drunk. That is the last thing that i need. And somebody tried to -- no, not somebody... ripley tried to kill me, and I think that I am in shock. I...

Phyllis: Who wouldn't be?

Amanda: I was so naive, phyllis. I mean, I -- I thought he was gonna leave town. I gave him a chance. I trusted him. I trusted myself. I thought I was doing the right thing. I swear to god, if I knew that he was going to be dangerous like this, I would never --

Phyllis: Listen. Shh, shh. I-I understand. I want you to repeat after me. "It was not my fault." Repeat after me. It is not your fault, amanda. You did not hurt victoria.

Amanda: I know that. I can't say that...yet. I will try again tomorrow. I promise. But, um, you know, you should -- just go and find -- go and find nick, okay? And let me know if you hear anything, and... thank you. Okay? Thank you so much.

Phyllis: All right. What are friends for? And... listen, under no circumstances are you opening that door or answering your phone. And if ripley calls...

Amanda: I will tell the officer outside. Okay?

Phyllis: Okay.

Amanda: It's okay. I'm fine. Okay? Really.

Phyllis: All right.

Amanda: Go.

Phyllis: I want you to lock this door behind me.

Amanda: Okay.

Phyllis: I don't hear you locking the door. Thank you. We'll talk later. In america we all count. No matter where we call home,

Billy: You know I got a right to find out how victoria is.

Chelsea: You do. You're right. And, I promise you, I will make sure you're kept in the loop. But, billy, come on. I mean, you know how they feel about you. You can't add to their burden by making demands, especially not right now. It'll just antagonize them, and then they will look at you as the enemy, and then you're never going to get what you want. Just try to try to take a deep breath and take a step back and let me do this for you. Okay?

Billy: You know you could write a book on being a newman outsider.

Chelsea: Yeah, well, I mean, they're barely at the point of tolerating me after I broke things off with nick to get back together with adam, so... who know? Maybe another decade or two.

Billy: Good luck with that.

Chelsea: I have to get back, but just try to get some rest. Okay?

Billy: Yeah. Thank you.

Chelsea: And don't do anything crazy.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Adam: Well, I... I wish I knew what to say.

Victor: Times like this, there's nothing to say, adam. But look around you, you know? We're all here. We're all where we belong. Times like this, you realize that... that is all that matters -- not the money, not the accolades, not the settling of scores. What matters is family.

Adam: I know that now. You know, it's taken me some time... but I finally understand.

Victor: I appreciate that.

[ Knocking on door ]

Amanda: Yes?

It's officer durbin. Someone here wants to see you.

Billy: Amanda, it's -- it's billy. I, uh, just want to make sure that you're okay. I know this was a rough night for you, too. Look, I -- I just don't think that you should be alone. If you want me to go away, I understand.

Billy: Thanks.

[ Door opens ] Before nexium 24hr,

Amanda: Thank you, officer. This is all my fault.

Billy: It's not your fault.

Amanda: If I had let rey take ripley to prison, where he belonged, none of --

Billy: No, this is on me. Amanda, this was on me. This was careless. I should have never gone to that party. If I didn't go to that party, none of this would have happened.

Amanda: No! No!

Billy: You know that could have been you? Now, you know, that could have been you.

Amanda: Or you!

Billy: But it's victoria, which is so unfair because she's got nothing to do with this.

Chelsea: How's victoria? Anything?

Adam: No. No word yet. And thank you for handling billy.

Chelsea: Yeah.

Victor: How's she doing?

Nate: She's made it through surgery, but we'll have to monitor her very carefully. I'll talk you through the details later.

Nick: Is she awake? Can we see her?

Nikki: We've put her in a medically induced coma for the time being.

Abby: That sounds extreme. Why?

Nate: To give her the best possible chance at recovery.

Elena: But you can sit with her, you can talk to her.

Nate: But I'm afraid that, for now, all we can do is wait and hope for the best.

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