Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/20/20
Episode #11804 ~ Nikki pulls out all the stops for Victor; Victoria and Nick reveal their own surprise for their father.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Amanda: I told rey to stop filing the paperwork for your violation of the restraining order.
So you have come to your senses.
Amanda: But you are going to leave town right now and you're going to forget that I exist. But if you ever come near me again, your life will be over, too.
She's not as strong as she think she is.
Victor: So welcome one and all to the celebration of 50 years of newman enterprises.
Nikki: And the man behind it.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Noah: We wanted to do something a little more creative than an album. So...
Oh, whoa!
Chance: Abby? There's something that I need to tell you. Something I should've told you a while ago.
Abby: Hmm. Sounds serious.
Chance: I'm afraid that it is.
Abby: Damn. I was hoping I had my fill of bad news for one day. Okay, let's hear it.
Chance: It involves adam... and phyllis.
Abby: Well, that's never a good combination.
Nikki: Oh!
Victoria: This is for you.
Victor: Sweetheart, you shouldn't have.
Victoria: Well, we did.
Victor: You did. Well, what do we got in here?
Nick: It's for a live well-lived, and a car well-driven.
Victor: Wow. How did you know?
Nick: Vick did some research.
Victor: This is perfect. I absolutely love it. Oh, my god.
Nikki: I'm sorry, am I the only one missing the significance here?
Victor: This is the car.
Nikki: It is a car, yes.
Victor: No, it is the car. Sweetheart, this is an old jalopy that I drove all the way through the midwest selling industrial soap out of the trunk.
Nikki: What?
Victor: Yeah!
Nikki: Oh! In all these years, it never occurred to me to ask the make and model.
Victor: This was my companion for the early years of my life. My goodness. Look at this.
Nikki: Oh...
Victor: And, you know, in a way, it is... the car that brought me here. Huh. This is so nice. I am surrounded by people i love and the woman I cherish.
Nikki: Oh.
Victor: I'm so lucky. I'm a lucky man.
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: I can't believe this. Look at this. Where did you find this?
Noah: So, you guys are officially back together?
Summer: Well, we didn't take out an ad, but...
Kyle: Yes. We are.
Noah: And your folks reacted how?
Summer: Um, they think it's a little too soon...
Noah: Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Summer: But they also realize that we're adults and that they have to accept it.
Noah: Just my two cents. I'm never gonna think he's good enough for you. But if he makes you happy, I'm happy for you.
Rey: You know, there's a lot I could say right now, but... out of respect for you, jack, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut.
Jack: If it's any consolation, I'm not too thrilled about this myself.
Sharon: But look how happy they are. Yes, I know the timing couldn't be worse, and I'm sorry that lola got hurt, but... they're in love. They have their whole lives to look forward to. We've all been where they are now, and would we have behaved any differently? Just let them be happy. Life's too short.
Jack: Phyllis, you've been kind of quiet. What's your take on all this?
Phyllis: Uh, I agree with sharon, 100%.
Jack: Now, that's a sentence I never expected to hear out of your mouth.
Phyllis: No, she's right. She is right. Um... some people never find their one true love, ever. You know that? When you find it, you hold on tight because it -- it can be gone in a heartbeat.
Amanda: Hi.
Billy: Hi yourself.
Amanda: It's quiet in here.
Billy: Yeah, that's because half of the town is off kissing victor's ring, if you know what I mean.
Amanda: Ah. I guess our invitation got lost in the mail.
Billy: Mm. Would you have gone?
Amanda: Under these circumstances, no. The newmans think that I am a homewrecker who conspired with you to break victoria's heart.
Billy: We're quite the pair, aren't we? You know what really gets me, though? The hypocrisy of it all. I mean, everybody's there celebrating victor for living the life on his own terms. No compromises, no apologies. I mean, that's all I'm trying to do. Just doesn't seem fair, does it?
Chelsea: You want to go over and join them?
Adam: Nah, I've already had one successful moment with pops. I, uh -- better not push it.
Chelsea: Are you sure?
Adam: You know, this whole parade has been about victor. But the rest of the night, I am gonna make it about you.
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Jill: Boy, they really are throwing snowballs in hell, aren't they?
Jack: You're looking lovely as ever.
Jill: [ Laughs ] As are you. Can you believe that we climbed into our glad rags to honor victor newman?
Jack: Yeah, the champagne toast did taste a little bitter, but your spirited speech certainly made up for it.
Jack: Well, you got to give the devil his due, you know? We may have hated the son of a bitch, but you had to admire what he's built here.
Jack: Yeah.
Jill: He's made his mark, hasn't he?
Jack: Yeah, he left some of those marks on two of us, if you'll recall.
Jill: Oh, come on. We got our licks in.
Jack: Yeah, I guess. Frankly, he's not the only one I'm thinking of right now.
Jill: Let me guess. You're as worried about billy as I am.
Jack: Billy has made a series of bad choices lately.
Jill: [ Sighs ] I know, and he's barely returning my calls these days.
Jack: Yeah, same here.
Jill: Whenever he isolates, it's not a good thing.
Jack: Well, what are we gonna do about it? He's a grown man. He makes his own choices. Did he ever really listen to anyone?
Jill: Periodically, yes, he did.
Jack: Well, apparently now isn't one of those times.
Jill: [ Sighs ] So is it really over between him and victoria?
Jack: I think she's had enough.
Jill: My god, she's said that before.
Jack: It isn't like she isn't trying.. billy keeps changing the rules.
Jill: I know.
Jack: And I think she's just done.
Jill: I'm not blaming her, jack. I just adore her. I -- I thought she was perfect for him.
Jack: Yeah, so did I. So did everyone else, except billy, apparently.
Jill: I think he needs a purpose, you know? I think he needs something to get him off this treadmill of self-destruction he's on.
Jack: If you have any thoughts, now is the time to speak up. I am fresh out of ideas.
Amanda: How are you feeling?
Billy: Halfway to no pain at all.
Amanda: I was talking about your accident.
Billy: Yeah, no, I'm fine. I'm fine. Just like dr. Nate said I was.
Amanda: Okay, well, I am glad you're okay.
Billy: Thank you.
Amanda: You have a good evening.
Billy: Amanda. Amanda. It seems like you're a little distant.
Amanda: I'm just busy.
Billy: Which would make sense why it kind of feels like you're trying to end the conversation as soon as possible. And I just can't help but think maybe your good friend nate had something to do with that. His disapproval was very clear when he examined me after my accident.
Amanda: I make my own decisions about who I choose to spend time with. Just like you do.
Billy: I meant no offense.
Amanda: No offense taken.
Billy: Well, it's probably a good thing that you steer clear of me, anyway, you know, because maybe everybody's right.
[ Exhales sharply ] Maybe I am like a ticking time bomb. Boom!
Paul: You know, this is really quite a piece of work.
Christine: Noah's got real talent.
[ Sighs ] Well, victor does have the gift of a loving family.
Paul: [ Chuckles ] Well, families can be a lot more forgiving than the rest of us.
Christine: Well, I've pretty much forgiven him.
Paul: Really? Even after the lawsuit that led to your stepping down as district attorney?
Christine: Yeah, I had to let it go, all right? More for me than for him because I love my life now. I get to be a private person again, out of the fishbowl, out of the line of fire. Let victor have his glory. It means far more to him than it ever would to me.
Paul: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: So, I'm sorry, adam saved your life?
Chance: My cover was about to be blown. Thanks to adam, the guy that was gonna expose me, he... he suddenly fell off the radar.
Abby: "Off the radar," meaning... you know what, I don't need to know.
Chance: You're learning.
Abby: So that's the information that phyllis used to get chelsea to sell her shares in the grand phoenix.
Chance: That's right. Only she's not stopping there. Phyllis is coming after your shares, too.
Abby: She wants the entire hotel?
Chance: She even tried to persuade me to persuade you. I, of course, told her no, but...
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Chance: I thought you needed to know.
Abby: That miserable, conniving bitch.
Phyllis: [ Laughs ]
Chance: Abby, no. Abby!
Abby: I need to make a few things very, very clear.
Sharon: Thank you.
Nikki: Sharon.
Sharon: Nikki.
Nikki: How are you?
Sharon: Well, I'm not pregnant, but that could always change. The night is still young. No, um... that's not what I wanted to say.
Nikki: Good, because, frankly, I'm tired of trading barbs with you.
Sharon: What I wanted to tell you is... I have cancer, nikki. Breast cancer.
Amanda: Where are you going?
Billy: Out.
Amanda: I can see that. Out where?
Billy: Oh, no, you don't have to worry about that. There won't be any accidents. I, uh, got myself a car.
Amanda: You didn't answer my question.
Billy: Where am I going? To pay tribute to the man himself.
Victor: By the way, I had no idea that you had returned to photography.
Noah: Well, it is my first love. I feel like it's where I have the most to contribute. I know that you wanted me to come back to newman enterprises. I hope you're not disappointed.
Victor: We'll never mention that. I'm not disappointed at all. I mean, look at us, three generations of newmans. We all have forged our own way. And, by the way, that installation in there? That moved me a lot. Looks fantastic. I love it. You have talent, son. Use it wisely, okay?
Nick: If I were you, I would take that advice to the bank.
Noah: I will.
Victor: That's right.
Noah: Thank you, grandpa. That means a lot to me.
Victor: And now that you've paid homage to your grandfather, I think someone else would like to see you, right?
Noah: There is, yeah.
Victor: Okay. You say hello to your mother, okay?
Noah: I will.
Victor: All right.
Noah: Thank you, grandpa. I love you.
Nick: That was cool, dad.
Abby: I need to make something very, very clear.
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh, abby, it's a party, relax.
Abby: No, you -- you don't get to tell me to relax. You don't get to tell me anything.
Phyllis: Oh, my goodness. There is a bee in your bonnet. Clearly.
Abby: Let's talk about how you're blackmailing chelsea into selling her shares of the hotel.
Phyllis: I find "blackmail" to be a very harsh word.
Chelsea: It fits you.
Phyllis: Okay, well, why don't talk about how chelsea put everybody in danger with that hostage crisis? You're lucky that I got her out.
Abby: I want you out.
Phyllis: Okay, listen, love, that's not going to happen. We're 50/50 partners right now unless you want to sell me your shares.
Chelsea: Oh, my god.
Abby: You know, chance told me that you were going to try to strong-arm me into selling my shares. Well, that's not going to happen, love.
Phyllis: Aww, did he tell you that? Interesting.
Abby: Yeah, he did, and he also told me what happened in vegas. Adam didn't act alone. Yeah, I know.
Chelsea: You know about that?
Abby: Don't worry. I'll keep it quiet.
Phyllis: Seriously? You're going to stand by chance, even though you know that he committed a crime without adam.
Abby: Blackmail is also a crime, phyllis. You should know, you went to prison for it.
Phyllis: Okay, well, this partnership clearly is not going to work out.
Abby: No, probably not.
Phyllis: Well, why don't you just put yourself out of misery and sell me your shares of the hotel?
Abby: No way in hell.
Chance: Well, I guess I don't need to ask what this little skirmish is about.
Chance: I was careless. Now phyllis knows everything.
Adam: Well, don't beat yourself up. You're not the first person phyllis got the drop on, present company included.
Chance: Adam, she knows what happened. She's got us on tape talking about it, and you're telling me you're not worried?
Adam: Not particularly, no.
Chance: Well, maybe you should be. She can use this tape as a weapon against us for as long as she wants. Don't think for a minute that she's going to stop at this hotel. You've tried so many moisturizers...
Adam: Let me give you a little insight into phyllis, okay? She's tough, she's smart,& she's tenacious. I mean, seriously, how many times did she dog us to try to find out information about las vegas? We got outplayed. She won this round.
Chance: It almost sounds like you admire her.
Adam: She's as cutthroat as they come.
Chance: And now she's got enough to put both of our heads on the chopping block.
Adam: She's got what she wanted. She owns half the hotel now. She'll be happy for a while. We'll be off her radar, okay?
Chance: For now.
Adam: Chance. She will overreach, like she always does. She'll bend the rules. She'll cross the line, and eventually give us enough dirt to turn around on her, okay? Check. Checkmate.
Chance: I don't know if you're right, adam.
Adam: I've done this dance with her before, okay? I'm pretty confident how it's going to turn out.
Chance: It didn't turn out too well for chelsea.
Adam: Losing her shares of the hotel was a blow, okay? I won't deny that. But now she's free.
Chance: And now abby gets to be in phyllis's crosshairs.
Adam: She doesn't have to be. She wants to hang onto the grand albatross, that's on her, chance.
Phyllis: I'm gonna make you a good offer for your shares, more than what they're worth. How about that? Just to be nice.
Abby: My answer will still be no.
Phyllis: Mm, your choice.
Abby: My choice right now is to go get a drink.
Chelsea: That's a great idea.
Abby: Why don't you go mingle with your friends, phyllis, if you can find any here.
Phyllis: Hey.
Nick: You know... you have a unique talent for ticking people off.
Phyllis: Oh, well. You know, got to do what I got to do.
Nick: Yeah, but that means you're stirring up trouble. I thought you'd gotten past that.
Phyllis: Well, you know, sometimes, a girl has got to put on her crown just so people know what they're dealing with.
Nikki: It's stage ii?
Sharon: Yes, which is good -- I mean, comparatively speaking. Um... the chemotherapy has been rough, but, so far, I'm getting through it.
Nikki: I remember when my sister casey was fighting cancer, the nausea and the fatigue...
Sharon: Yeah. That comes and goes. I know that the next few months are going to be tough, but nicholas has been great through the whole process.
Nikki: Oh. So he's known for a while?
Sharon: Yes. After rey, he was one of the first people I told.
Nikki: That explains why he's been visiting you so much lately.
Sharon: It would be great if you could be there for him and noah and faith. I think sometimes it can be almost as hard on families as it is on the patient.
Nikki: Of course. I'll do anything I can to help.
Sharon: Thank you. So if I have any more wobbly moments like before, now you'll why.
Nikki: Sharon. I just want to say, if you can get past all of our battles the last several years, you can beat this, too.
Sharon: Thank you.
Victoria: Isn't it spectacular?
Christine: Incredibly. You have a very talented nephew.
Victoria: Oh, thank you. You know, I'm really glad you both are here. I know that things have been tense between you and my father in recent years.
Paul: Oh, you know, we've all had our disagreements. But, you know what, no one -- no can deny victor's accomplishments. Just take a look around the room.
Victoria: That's true.
Christine: I haven't seen billy around. Where is he hiding?
Victor: Billy abbott will never come to a newman event again.
Amanda: This isn't a good idea, billy.
Billy: That's the story of my life.
Amanda: If you go to victor's party, it is not going to end well.
Billy: Well, lucky for me, I have a great attorney to bail me out.
Amanda: Uh, no. No, not this time. Not if you go there deliberately looking for trouble.
Billy: Uh... ding, ding. That's my car. Hey, don't worry. I promise you, I'm gonna behave myself.
"The young and the restless" will continue.
Rey: What was going on just now with you and nikki?
Sharon: Um... I told her about the cancer.
Rey: Why?
Sharon: Because the longer this goes on, the more I'm realizing it's not just about me anymore. This is affecting everyone close to me, and I don't want to sound them with the additional burden of having to keep my secret.
Rey: You know, I'm with you, no matter what.
Sharon: I do. And I'm so grateful.
Noah: Mom. How you feeling?
Sharon: Um, well, to be honest, it's been a long night. And I was just going to ask rey to take me home.
Noah: I can take you. Uh, if that's all right with you.
Rey: You two go on ahead. Bye. Mwah.
Sharon: Bye.
Jill: Victoria.
Victoria: Hi, jill.
Jill: How are you?
Victoria: I'm okay, but if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not discuss my breakup with billy tonight.
Jill: No, no, no, no, no. I wasn't going to ask you about that. Well, okay, maybe I was going to ask you about that. Listen to me. I know how terribly frustrating he can be, all right? There are times that I've wanted to throttle him. I've been there. But, honey, he is such a good man. Deep down, he is. You know he is.
Victoria: I don't really care anymore.
Jill: You don't care?
Victoria: Billy wants more out of life than I have to offer. That's the beginning, the middle, and the end. So the sooner that we can all accept that, the better.
Phyllis: To live in the shadow of a legend. Calling this iconic man "dad."
[ Chuckles ]
Nick: I, uh... I guess in your mind he's more infamous than he is iconic. Be honest. You want to smash this installation into 1,000 pieces?
Phyllis: He raised you. And groomed you to follow his footsteps in business, and you didn't want to, and you disappointed him, and... and you betrayed him and he forgave you. He never stopped loving you, and vice versa. You're reflecting on all of that now, right?
Nick: [ Chuckles ] You know, you are amazing. One minute, you are driving my little sister crazy... the next, you're digging deep into my soul and figuring out exactly how I'm feeling at this moment.
Phyllis: One of my many talents and gifts.
Nick: Oh, okay. How do you do it? How do you just turn it on and off like that?
Phyllis: What? You haven't figured me out by now?
Nick: I've been trying for years.
Phyllis: [ Giggles ]
Nick: Every time I think I've figured it out, you throw me another curve ball.
Phyllis: What? Seriously? I guess that's why every time i make you angry, you can't cut ties with me.
Nick: Our daughter may have something to do with it.
Phyllis: Oh. Yeah, yeah. That's not why. I think it drives you crazy to leave things unfinished, and I'm like a puzzle piece that you just have to figure out where it goes, right?
Nick: You, uh, want to give me a hint?
Phyllis: I'm the same woman I've always been. You see me. You know I am. I am...deeply flawed... with quirks... ...and a heart.
Nick: You have a huge heart. Sometimes I think it's so big that it scares you, so you do all this crazy stuff to try and protect it.
Phyllis: Stop acting like you're not the one person in the world who knows me better than anyone else.
Jill: Good to see you.
Lauren: Okay. Bye.
Michael: See you!
Jack: You're leaving so soon?
Jill: I'm not much in a partying mood after my little talk with victoria.
Jack: Was I right?
Jill: Yeah. You were right. This looks like it really is it for them.
Jack: Here.
Billy: Hey.
Lauren: Hey!
Billy: Uh... do you know where victoria is?
Michael: I haven't seen her for a while.
Lauren: You know, I think maybe she's in the art installation...
Michael: Oh!
Lauren: Right through those doors, straight --
Billy: Thank you. Yep.
Lauren: Okay.
Billy: Hey. A double tequila, please?
Elena: Hey, they're pretty chummy.
Devon: Yeah, they are, huh?
Elena: Yeah, I'm confused. Where's lola? Are kyle and summer back together?
Devon: I have no idea. I have a better question, though -- what is she doing here?
Chance: So... how did it go with phyllis?
Abby: Mm. Great. Yeah. She apologize for everything. Now we're best friends.
Chance: How did it really go?
Abby: I want to crush her. I just -- I need to figure out how.
Adam: I am sorry.
Chelsea: What are you sorry for? I'm having a decent time, aren't you?
Adam: No, that's not what I meant. I meant... I'm sorry that you had to give up your shares of the hotel to phyllis.
Chelsea: You've already apologized. It's not necessary. I'm over it. Time to move on.
Adam: I know. I just -- I just hate that you have to pay for one of my mistakes.
Chelsea: Haven't you had to pay for plenty of mine?
Adam: Mm.
Chelsea: Besides, I almost think phyllis did me a favor.
Adam: What do you mean?
Chloe: As much as I loved working with chloe and abby, of course, the grand phoenix was never my passion. You know, it was just something fun, new, a challenge.
Adam: Yeah, but it was not like your design business.
Chelsea: Exactly.
Adam: Okay, so... why don't you just go back to it? I mean, there's definitely nothing standing in your way now.
Chelsea: I will, when the time is right, but connor needs a lot of extra tlc right now. Plus, we lost so much time together, adam. I'm gonna do everything I can to make up for it.
Adam: I want that, too. You know, I regret every second that I lost with you and connor.
Chelsea: Well, now you have us both back.
Adam: It's not enough. I lost my family, chelsea, and I want to make sure that that never happens again.
Chelsea: It won'T. Connor and I are gonna make sure of it.
Adam: I am going to make sure of that, okay?
Chelsea: I'm not going anywhere, adam. I promise.
Adam: I want, like, the perfect life, okay? Like, the perfect future that we both deserve.
Chelsea: Nobody has the perfect life.
Adam: Look, I... I may not be able to protect you from the outside world. I mean, I won't be able to protect you from natural disasters or bad movies or traffic jams, but, uh... our relationship, our family, that I do have say in.
Chelsea: Everything right now, it -- it just feel so... right.
Adam: Well, I'm gonna make sure it stays that way. I'm ready to take the vow o make it official.
Chelsea: What are you saying?
Adam: [ Exhales sharply ]
Chelsea: [ Giggles ] Oh, my god.
Adam: Chelsea lawson... will you marry me?
Billy: [ Scoffs ]
[ Laughs ] Oh, it's like a shrine to the newman patriarch. Are you kidding me? Billy: Hey! I'm glad you decided to join the party, I'm happy about that. Now we can mock this tribute to victor's ego together.
Amanda: I need you to leave with me right now.
Billy: Come on, I just got here. I haven't even seen the royal family yet.
Amanda: Oh, that's good. That means that we can sneak out without making a scene --
Billy: That's not gonna happen.
Amanda: Billy, you are drunk.
Billy: I'm getting there.
Amanda: If you're not going to leave to save yourself, can you please just think about me having to run into that family that thinks that I ruined victoria's relationship?
Billy: They have no right to judge you. No right at all.
Amanda: Billy, calm down.
Billy: After everything they've done, they have no right to judge. A bastard -- this guy's a lying bastard.
Amanda: Can we let this go? Billy, billy, billy.
Billy: What? Hills, you crush them...
Adam: Uh... chelsea, if -- if you're having some doubts, I -- I -- I completely understand. I just -- I wanted -- I just -- I wanted you to know.
Chelsea: No, I -- no, I'm not having doubts, adam. I'm just... I'm just trying to take in this moment. The moment we realized we could have it all back again. Because, in my heart, I've always felt like your wife, and... part of me always still was your wife. So, yeah. Yes. Yes, adam newman, I will marry you.
Adam: [ Chuckles ]
Chelsea: [ Giggles ]
Nikki: Well, I hope you enjoyed the party. It would be such a shame for you to go to all the trouble of crashing it and not have a good time.
Phyllis: Mm, thank you, nikki. It was definitely worth my while, although, I'm sure I'm the last person you want to see.
Victor: Not even you could spoil this occasion for me.
Phyllis: Back at ya. So it was a great evening for both of us. Good night.
Victor: Did she upset you?
Nikki: Who, phyllis?
Victor: Mm.
Nikki: No. She's like an annoying mosquito that just won't go away, no matter how many times you try to swat at her.
Victor: [ Laughs ] Yes.
Nikki: Listen, um... I just found out that sharon has cancer. Did you know that?
Victor: Yeah, I knew.
Nikki: Why didn't you tell me?
Victor: Well, nicholas asked me not to say anything.
Nikki: Oh. Hearing something like that just makes me appreciate how very lucky we are, you know? I mean, after all these years and the difficult roads we've traveled, our own illnesses.
Victor: I know.
Nikki: We're still here together tonight.
Victor: I know.
Nikki: Happy and healthy and... that means something, doesn't it?
Victor: Of course it means something. It means everything, my sweetheart. We take so much for granted, you know? Mm.
Amanda: What exactly are you trying to accomplish here, billy?
Billy: I don't know. I don't know. Do you have any good ideas?
Kyle: Oh! Sorry. Sorry.
Billy: Oh, come --
Victoria: Michael told me you were here. Billy, I want you to leave right now.
Billy: Uh, no, I'm gonna stick around and, you know, celebrate the great man.
Victoria: I'm warning you, billy.
Billy: Because it's a hell of a story -- I mean, the honors, the accolades, the accomplishments. Of course, they left out all the parts about him lying and cheating and destroying people's lives. Doesn't exactly fit the narrative, though, right? Of a generous, kind family.
Victoria: Please.
Billy: What are you doing? Vick? Vick! Victoria. You okay? Vick? Oh! Vick.
Victoria: [ Gasping ]
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