Y&R Transcript Monday 2/17/20

Y&R Transcript Monday 2/17/20


Episode #11801 ~ Phyllis toys with Adam; Devon chases a lead to reclaim his cash.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Lola: Was any of it real?

Kyle: It was real. It just...wasn't forever.

Kyle: I do love you.

[ Door opens ]

Jack: So much for taking my advice.

Adam: You are not going to change my mind about this.

Chance: You're going to vegas, and I'm going to tag along, just in case.

Adam: How much could a million get us? Is that enough to make her stop asking questions about her missing husband?

Chance: If my cover hadn't been blown, then none of this would have been happening. And now you're gonna pay a fortune to keep it quiet?

Adam: That's what it costs to make all of this go away. I would have paid twice as much to keep myself out of prison.

[ Knock on door ]

Chance: One second. I just need to throw some clothes on.

Abby: No need for that!

Chance: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: Mmm.

Chance: Hi.

Abby: Heard you were back in town.

[ Door slams ] Love the outfit.

Chance: Hey, you. Mmm.

[ Sighs ]

[ Dishware clattering ]

[ Both chuckle ]

Summer: Uh, so, tonight's my grandpa's big celebration.

Kyle: Oh, yeah?

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: I think I heard something about that.

Summer: Mm, really? Were you invited?

Kyle: Yep. So was dad. I think victor wants the whole world to honor him.

Summer: Ahh.

Kyle: Should be quite a show.

Summer: Mm-hmm. We can go separately if you want.

Kyle: Why would I want that?

Summer: Well, that way it doesn't give people a chance to get all worked up about us being together. So, we could just arrive in separate cars and hang out when we get there.

Kyle: Mm. Like spies.

Summer: Kyle --

Kyle: I appreciate your sensitivity. And god knows I don't want to steal any of victor's thunder. But I don't think keeping a low profile is the way to go.

Devon: Hey. I got to run. We can talk about this later, okay? Alright. Hey, honey.

Elena: Hey. Everything okay?

Devon: Yeah, everything's fine. What's with these dresses here?

Elena: So, I am trying to decide which one I want to wear to the newman party tonight.

Devon: Really? I think whichever one you pick, you're gonna be the most beautiful woman there, so...

Elena: Thank you, but I'd still like your opinion.

Devon: Okay. I...like that one.

Elena: Oh. So you don't like this one?

Devon: I didn't say that.

Elena: Okay, but I think this one fits me better.

Devon: Then you should wear the one that fits you better.

Elena: But you just said you like this one.

Devon: Honey...

Elena: Alright. Sorry. Sorry. I know. I'm driving you crazy. Honestly, I'm driving myself crazy. I think I'm just nervous.

Devon: What are you nervous for? You're gonna know everybody at the party.

Elena: I'm not gonna to know everyone. And there are gonna be potential backers for the clinic, and i just want to make a good impression.

Devon: Honey -- hey. Hey, hey, hey. You're gonna make a great impression just by showing up.

Elena: Well, they don't all love me like you do, and I need them to write some pretty big checks to help us get started, so...

Devon: That's fine. I will make all the introductions you need, and then you're gonna do the rest.

Elena: So, what are you gonna wear tonight?

Devon: What am I gonna wear? I was thinking maybe some pajamas? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter 'cause no one's gonna be looking at me with you on my arm.

Elena: Ooh.

Chloe: So, you're not moving to paris?

Chelsea: As beautiful and wonderful as it is, the timing just wasn't right.

Chloe: Well, I'm not going to pretend to be unhappy about that. I would have missed you like crazy.

Chelsea: I know. I would have missed you, too.

Chloe: Well, please tell me you got some amazing clothes out of it?

Chelsea: Uh, of course. I picked up some great stuff. And I got the most adorable little outfit for bella.

Chloe: Aww, that's so sweet.

Chelsea: Yeah. And I managed to grab a purse that you've been lusting after.

Chloe: Shut up.

Chelsea: I did. I did. Oh, I was gonna get you these shoes that I know you would have found fabulous, but I know a woman's feet -- they swell when they're pregnant, so...

Chloe: Yeah, yeah. Well, you're the best. What's the matter?

Chelsea: I miss it, chloe.

Chloe: Paris.

Chelsea: Paris, the fashion business, all of it.

Chloe: Well, being a designer has always been your dream.

Chelsea: Yeah, it was. But, you know, dreams -- they can change. Connor's happy right now. And that's all that matters. Oh, and he has gotten sneaky, too. You wouldn't believe it. With adam out of town, he's trying to renegotiate his bed--

Chloe: Wait. Adam's out of town. Why?

Chelsea: Business.

Chloe: What kind of business? Murder? Mayhem? What is adam up to now?

Adam: When I realized you were in danger, I did what I had to do. And, yes, things got out of hand. I only wanted to scare the guy off. I never imagined he'd come at me like that.

Chance: It was an accident.

Adam: Except nobody's ever going to see it that way, least of all the people you work for -- or worked for.

Adam: Hello, phyllis. Goodbye, phyllis.

Phyllis: Wait up, hot shot.

Adam: I'm gonna do what i came here to do and then I'm gonna leave and we -- we're not having a conversation.

Phyllis: Well, I think you're gonna want to hear I have to say.

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: You're busted. Can you heal dry skin in a day?

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Chelsea: No, chloe, adam hasn't murdered anyone today.

Chloe: As far as you know.

Chelsea: Nor has he taken over any tiny mountain countries or proclaimed himself the king of wisconsin.

Chloe: Okay, mock me all you want, but you're still not answering my question. What is adam up to?

Chelsea: I told you -- business.

Chloe: But what kind of business?

Chelsea: I don't know. He didn't say.

Chloe: And you don't find that suspicious at all?

Chelsea: Oh, my god. Enough of the questions. You're giving me a headache.

Chloe: Okay, well, I don't think that my questions are unreasonable, given who adam is.

Chelsea: "Was."

Chloe: I'll believe that when I see it.

Chelsea: Okay, chloe, listen to me. I understand that you still have issues with adam, okay? I do. But I'm not gonna sit here and let you bash him. I'm just not, okay? And I'm not gonna leave him.

Chloe: Okay, but I just --

Chelsea: And I'm not leaving you, either, so just deal with it. Figure it out.

Chloe: Okay. Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you because with adam out there in the wild, it is just a recipe for disaster. And that's all I'll say.

Chelsea: I doubt that.

Adam: Exactly how am i busted?

Phyllis: I could sum it up in one word -- vegas.

Adam: Ah, so, we are back to that again.

Phyllis: Well, I don't think we ever left it.

Adam: Phyllis, this horse -- it's been dead for so long that the flies surrounding it are starting to have grandchildren. You got to let this thing go. You're -- you're starting to embarrass yourself.

Phyllis: Hey, you just got back from sin city, didn't you? Welcome home. I guess all that talk about putting vegas in your rearview mirror -- I guess that was...

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: ...Talk and lies.

Adam: Of course you would know I was there. I mean, I'm surprised you didn't pop up in a casino pulling the handle on a slot machine, pretending it was some crazy coincidence.

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Well, I was there in spirit. I was. Did I bring you good luck?

Adam: Good luck. Um, well, let's see. Do you bring anyone good luck?

Phyllis: That is so mean. That's so mean to say to your ex-partner in crime.

Adam: It is always a thrill to see you.

Phyllis: Back at ya.

Adam: You know, next time, why don't you throw me a $20? I'll let it all ride on red.

Phyllis: Hey! I'll do that! Absolutely. And you know what they say about vegas -- whatever happens in vegas dies in vegas.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] I believe you've got that saying wrong.

Phyllis: Do I?

[ Both exhale heavily ]

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: God. [ Smooches ] With a reception like that, i should plan on leaving town more often.

Abby: Mnh, no. I want you to stick around so i can keep an eye on you.

Chance: Oh, do you now?

Abby: Mm-hmm. [ Chuckles ]

Chance: [ Inhales deeply ] Mmm.

Abby: Well, at least you weren't gone that long.

Chance: Like I said, just wrapping up a few loose ends.

Abby: Was it dangerous?

Chance: What would make you ask that?

Abby: I don't know. Your last job put you at risk, so as a girl who's grown fond of you, I can't help worrying.

Chance: Well, I promise this wasn't one of those moments where I'm dropping from an air duct or going one on one against gangsters.

Abby: Okay.

Chance: What?

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Chance: You act like you don't believe me.

Abby: [ Laughs ] I just... I know that you can't give me details about things that you've done in the past or the things that you're doing right now, but can you tell me one thing?

Chance: Anything.

Abby: Now that you've left the feds, can they just pull you back in?

Chance: [ Sighs ] Not if I say no. Look, I hope this is the last time that I ever lay eyes on las vegas. That's part of my past. That's where I want to leave it...especially when the present... is looking so tempting.

Abby: I like the sound of that.

Chance: So...you're growing fond of me, huh?

Abby: Oh, well, I might even say extremely fond of you.

Chance: Oh. A promotion.

Abby: Mm-hmm. You deserve it.

Chance: Yeah? Mmm.

Devon: You know, pretty soon this clinic is gonna be up and running, honey, and you're gonna be saving even more lives than you already do.

Elena: I know. I can't believe it's actually happening.

Devon: It's all 'cause of you. Before you came downstairs, i was feeling pretty bad about having to pull the plug on power and what that means for mariah and everybody that put their hearts and souls into it, you know?

Elena: It was hard on you, too. I just wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.

Devon: Well, that's the thing. You've already done something 'cause you starting this clinic has made me feel better and you being so supportive of me and always so positive just means the world. After losing so much over these last couple years, I really didn't there'd be any joy left in my life. And you brought it back. You changed my whole life, honey. You are my life, actually.

[ Chuckles ]

Elena: Mm!

Kyle: Lola, I -- [ Sighs ] I hope you don't think we're trying to rub this in your face.

Summer: No, really, that's the last thing that we want to do.

Kyle: And I thought you were still in miami with your mom.

Lola: I got back this morning.

Kyle: How is celeste doing?

Lola: She's alright. Thank you for asking.

Kyle: I imagine the two of you talked about...

Lola: Oh, yes. There were several very long conversations about our marriage. But I got to give it to mom. I think there are only one or two "I told you sos."

Summer: Um, I should probably get going.

Lola: No. I want you both to stay. We have some unfinished business. I've always been fascinated by what's next.

Chance: What are your plans this evening?

Abby: Celebrating dad.

Chance: Oh. That's right. Tonight's the big bash for newman enterprises.

Abby: Mm. Do you want to be my date?

Chance: You know what? I'd love to.

Abby: I do have to warn you that newman family events can get combustible.

Chance: I'll make sure that i bring my fire extinguisher.

Abby: And you might be interrogated by the man of the hour.

Chance: I think I can handle victor.

Abby: You know, you are one of the few men that I've known that I actually think could stand up to him.

Chance: Oh, take it easy now. Tonight's a tribute to the man vanquishing his enemies for 50 years. I'm not looking to become one of them.

Abby: [ Laughs ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

[ Sighs ] I, uh -- I need to take this. Yeah? Are you sure? Yeah. Okay. Stay in touch.

Abby: More loose ends?

Chance: Uh, just a few.

Abby: I'm not gonna ask any details, but I do want to point out that it is very sexy when you get that determined look on your face. Just sayin'.

Chance: Thought you weren't going to ask.

Abby: I wasn'T. I'm not.

Chance: You know what? It actually is a very big break. And if it pans out, I promise I'll tell you all about it. I'll pick you up tonight? See you then.

Abby: Mm-hmm.

[ Door opens ]

Chance: Mmm.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

[ Door closes ]

Adam: You think you know something?

Phyllis: I know a lot of things. What do you want to discuss first?

Adam: You're trying to get in my head, and I'm not gonna let you.

Phyllis: I'm doing nothing of the kind.

Adam: Sure you are... because that's what you do. You take a germ of truth and you mix it up with some lies and some fantasies and -- boom -- you have a story. I mean, it's not gonna be true, but who cares, right? You stirred the pot.

Phyllis: You know what? You...are absolutely right.

Adam: Phyllis... what angle's this?

Phyllis: No angle at all. None at all. In fact, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, and it's gonna blow your mind.

Kyle: Lola, I get it. You have a lot to say, and i am happy to listen, but summer had nothing --

Lola: Relax, kyle. I didn't bring my knives. I'm fine. I don't want to spend another minute feeling angry or vindictive. What's done is done. You and I have made our peace. And now I need to accept what i should have known a long time ago. It's that I was always gonna be you and summer and that you and I were just a brief...interlude.

Summer: Um, that's really generous of you, lola.

Kyle: It is, lola.

Lola: I'm not fishing for compliments. And I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for me. It's time to move forward and leave the past where it belongs.

Kyle: I don't know what to say. I just want to say...

Lola: That you're sorry? I know. I know you're sorry, and I know you didn't mean to cause me any pain. So, kyle, think of this as your chance to make it right, just like it's my chance. Let's not blow it.

Elena: [ Sighs ] Thank you.

Devon: For what?

Elena: Oh, for being the kind of man who isn't afraid to talk about his feelings.

Devon: Oh.

Elena: You know, I feel very blessed. And it's kind of sexy.

Devon: Really?

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Devon: That's nice. Mmm.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Elena: I wasn't expecting anyone. Were you?

Devon: No, I was not. Hang on a second. Hey.

Chance: I've got news about colin.

Chance: The feds tracked him to a hotel in buenos aires, and by the time they got there, he had checked out.

Devon: So, what's new? They get close, and then they lose him again.

Chance: They've never been this close. Devon, my guys missed him by less than an hour, which means that wherever he's at, it can't be far.

Devon: Alright. What difference does that make if they don't know where he is, though?

Chance: The noose is tightening. There's only so many places left for him to hide. He will make a mistake, and when he does, we're going to nail him.

Abby: I am so glad that you're back.

Lola: Me too.

Abby: I know you're probably sick of this question, but I'm gonna ask it anyway. How are you feeling?

Lola: Better than I probably should right now.

Abby: That's a good sign, right?

Lola: Yeah. In fact, I can't believe how well I handled it when I saw kyle and summer together today.

Abby: You're joking, right?

Lola: I wish I were.

Abby: Oh, my god. I am going to throttle my cousin. What is he thinking?

Lola: Abby, it's okay.

Abby: He and summer? They're back together already? I mean, what, he couldn't even give it a week?

Lola: A week, a month, a year. It was going to happen sooner or later. I'm just happy I found out sooner.

Abby: You're a much better person than I am.

Lola: I doubt that very much.

Abby: You're really okay with this?

Lola: You know, I decided i was either going to wallow in it or move on. So I decided to move on.

Abby: Well, I'm starting to get a little worried that you're going to move on all the way back to miami.

Lola: Being home did give me a lot of time to think about my life.

Abby: What'd you figure out?

Lola: Abby, I want you to know how much I value you, not only as my boss, but as my friend.

Abby: Okay, okay. Yeah, you -- you are going back to miami, not that I blame you. But, look, can I -- can I please make a gigantic pitch for you to stay? Please? Right now.

Lola: I want to open up my own restaurant.

Abby: Huh?

Lola: I did a lot of thinking... and eating while I was in miami. My marriage is over, so that's one dream that ended. But opening up my own restaurant -- abby, that has been my dream ever since I was a little girl. So that's what I want. And that's what I came here to tell you.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: So, we're agreed on adam? No more bad-mouthing?

Chloe: I will keep it all to myself.

Chelsea: Thank you.

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Chloe: Hey, um, isn't that the guy -- wait, no. Don't look now. He did the pr for the opening of the grand phoenix.

Chelsea: Can I look now?

Chloe: Oh, yeah, yeah. Look now. Look now.

Chelsea: Yes! That's that theo guy. Remember? He brought the crazy girl to the party who spiked all the drinks.

Chloe: Oh, yeah. Yeah. He is a bad boy for sure.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Ah. Hello. Can you believe we used to be attracted to guys like that?

Chelsea: Back in the day.

Chloe: Way back in the day.

Chelsea: Were we really that stupid?

Chloe: Like a bag of hammers.

Chelsea: Huh. Well, thank god that era of our lives is over.

Chloe: Maybe not so over. The men that are in our lives now don't exactly play by the rules, either.

Adam: I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but what secret are you talking about?

Phyllis: Ahh. Well, uh, I'm going to be turning over a new leaf.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Sure you are.

Phyllis: It's the truth.

Adam: Mm. And exactly who or what is this new leaf going to look like?

Phyllis: Well, I'm no longer going to get bogged down by the negativity of others.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Is this a joke?

Phyllis: No. I'm dead serious.

Adam: Phyllis, you are the cause of other people's negativity. Do you not see that? You're a living rain cloud.

Phyllis: Oh, come on, adam. I'm more fun than a rain cloud.

Adam: Well, not to me, you're not. And you know what? I think I could gather a pretty good crowd of people who would agree with me.

Phyllis: Well, you do that. You gather away. I plan to pursue my own goals, and they are very grand plans. And you know what? I have you to thank for pushing me in the right direction.

Adam: Oh, I'm -- I'm sure i don't have that much influence, phyllis.

Phyllis: Oh, you do. It's really incredible

[Exhales heavily] The new life that you've created with chelsea and connor. It is downright inspiring. Chelsea loves you so much. She would do absolutely anything for you. And that is a gift. I hope you know how lucky you are.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Abby: Okay, lola, I don't want you to take the wrong way, but is now really the right time to be making such a big decision?

Lola: I think it's the perfect time.

Abby: Your marriage just ended. You're heartbroken. You're sad. Trust me, I have been there before.

Lola: I know you have.

Abby: But maybe you should let some time pass before you take such a big step. And if this is about not wanting to cook for kyle and summer, trust me, I will ban them from society forever.

Lola: [ Laughs ] You don't need to ban kyle or summer. And this isn't some crazy emotional response to the split, either. My mom really helped me make this decision.

Abby: Okay, no disrespect, but celeste -- she's not an expert in the restaurant biz.

Lola: I used to think about my mom as a warning, a cautionary tale. Don't marry a man like she did. Don't be like her, alone and with three kids to support and no one to back her up. But then I start thinking, "wait a minute. She raised three kids. She was working two to three jobs to put food on the table and a roof over our heads." She made a good life for us and for her." And that's what I want, too, abby. I want to build my own good life.

Abby: In miami?

Lola: That's where I want the restaurant to be. But I'll be going back and forth from there and here, if that's okay with you.

Abby: So you're not quitting society?

Lola: No, I love working at society.

Abby: You're staying in genoa city?

Lola: Yes.

Abby: Ahh! Come here! Oh, my gosh! Why didn't you say that in the first place? I was starting to think that this was goodbye.

Lola: No, no, it's just me expanding my horizons and going back to my roots.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Lola: But I have roots now here, too, and friends that i really care about.

Abby: Okay, this calls for a toast.

Lola: But we have nothing to toast with.

Abby: Who cares? To new dreams.

Lola: To new dreams.

Abby: Ching! Come here.

Lola: [ Laughs ]

Elena: Well, that was pretty good news. At least they're getting close to catching colin.

Devon: Yeah, he's still out there giving away katherine's money.

Elena: I know. I'm sorry. I almost wish chance hadn't said anything at all.

Devon: No. It's my fault. I told him we wanted to know what's going on.

[ Elevator doors open ] Hey, adam.

Adam: Morning, devon.

Elena: Hey.

Adam: Elena.

Devon: Hey, are we gonna see you at victor's party?

Adam: Oh, so you're coming, too?

Devon: Yeah, we'll be there.

Adam: Well, all the more people who will get a chance to kiss his ring, praise the glory that is victor newman. Hmm.

Elena: Let's go.

Devon: Okay. Hang on a second.

Elena: Devon --

Devon: Adam, we get that you don't like your dad. And that's your life and it's your business, but we don't need to hear about it.

Adam: Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I know the two of you go way back. I didn't realize you were a charter member of the victor newman fan club.

Devon: You don't get it, huh?

Adam: What am I not getting?

Adam: You're not getting how good you have it, how lucky you are. You have no clue, huh?

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: So, what we're really saying is our current bad boys are better than our former bad boys.

Chloe: Well, mine is. The jury's still out on yours.

Chelsea: Chloe.

Chloe: Sorry. [ Chuckles ] You know what? I'll just give you a dollar every time I bash adam.

Chelsea: Great. I'll be rich.

Chloe: Yeah. [ Chuckles ]

Chelsea: Oh, sorry, we didn't order these.

Chloe: Yeah. Oh.

Chelsea: Is he hitting on us?

Chloe: I-I-I think so. I should probably, um... thanks, but...

[ Both laughing ] Prego, I still got it.

Chelsea: We still got it.

Chloe: Yeah, right!

Chelsea: [ Laughs ] Ah, isn't it nice that we don't have to bother with the theos of the world anymore? We have the men that we want.

Chloe: Well, I do, at least. And I suppose you do, too.

Chelsea: That almost cost you a dollar.

Chloe: Damn it.

Chelsea: Speaking of my bad boy, he's really gonna be tested tonight.

Chloe: Oh, yeah. Victor's "hurray for me" celebration.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: Just stay home.

Chelsea: I suggested that, but adam wants to go.

Chloe: Well, I can tell that you really want to go.

Chelsea: The newmans all together in one room? It's never pretty.

Chloe: No.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

[ Pen clicking ]

[ Sighs ] What?

Summer: How can lola be okay with this?

Kyle: You mean with us?

Summer: With everything. I mean, I would be in a fetal position, lost in a gallon of ice cream, but she just walked right in the coffee house like she owned the place.

Kyle: Could be she's putting on a brave face for our benefit.

Summer: Yeah. Maybe.

Kyle: It could also be that she's an incredible woman.

Summer: Yeah, I'm not gonna argue with that.

Kyle: I think she meant what she said about moving on -- for her and for us. And for the record, I don't think you'd be drowning yourself in a gallon of ice cream. Maybe once upon a time. But you've come a long way, summer. We both have. [ Chuckles ] Hey. No more hiding, no more tiptoeing. This is our time now.

Adam: Okay, you were right the first time. My attendance at victor's vanity bash -- it's none of your business.

Devon: That's totally fine, adam. We just don't need to hear all the negative stuff about him.

Adam: Okay, well, dear old dad has earned every harsh word.

Devon: Nobody's perfect. But he's your father. And one day he's not gonna be around anymore. And I guarantee you're gonna grieve him and you're gonna regret not making things right. I'd give anything in the world to have neil back in my life, and we put each other through hell, but we made sure things were cool before the end. And now you have an opportunity to do that. So, whatever you do with that opportunity is up to you.

Adam: Whew. [ Sighs ]

Abby: You're an incredible woman.

Lola: Come on.

Abby: I mean it. You fall, you get back up again. You know what you want. You go after it. You're a winner, lola rosales, and I will be in your corner, whatever you decide to do.

Lola: "Lola rosales." Lola abbott didn't last very long, did she?

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Lola: Anyway, time to get back to work. The kitchen at society awaits.

Abby: Well, it's great having you back and even greater knowing that you're staying.

Lola: [ Chuckles ] Bye.

Abby: Bye. Hi.

Chance: Hi. How's she doing?

Abby: Better than anyone could expect.

Chance: That's good to hear. Oh! I got you a surprise.

Abby: Ooh. What kind of surprise?

Chance: Well, if I tell you, it's not a surprise, is it?

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Phyllis: [ Gasps ] Don't stop on my account.

Abby: What do you want, phyllis?

Phyllis: You two are so... adorable. You make an excellent match.

Abby: So now I know you're really up to something.

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. No, truly. I mean no ill will.

Chance: Turning over a new leaf. Is that it?

Phyllis: Um, I said that earlier -- "turning over a new leaf. You guys really deserve an idyllic, satisfying courtship -- and peaceful, too. I mean, this must be very gratifying to you, abby. After kissing so many frogs, you found your prince charming. And you, chance, after a lif danger.This must feel so good for both of you.

Chance: I appreciate the goodwill, phyllis. Thanks.

Phyllis: Hey.

Chance: Shall we?

Abby: Please.

Phyllis: I hope I don't spoil anything. Okay, I -- [ Groans ] I just hope the rumors aren't true.

Abby: What rumors, phyllis? What are you trying to stir up now?

Phyllis: [ Clicks tongue ]

Summer: Hey, you know what this means, don't you?

Kyle: No. What?

Summer: It means that we get to go to the party with semi-clean consciences.

Kyle: Semi-clean?

Summer: Mm-hmm. Because if lola's okay with us being the other then, really, what is anyone else gonna say about it?

Kyle: You know, you are absolutely right.

Summer: I think there's still gonna be some questions and a few judgey looks, but I think I can handle it.

Kyle: Mnh-mnh.

We can handle anything. Besides, I wouldn't be very convincing going to the party pretending to just be your friend. Everyone would know in a matter of seconds just how much I love you.

[ Breathes deeply ]

Theo: Hey. Welcome back.

Lola: Thanks.

Theo: So, how you doing?

Lola: I'm good.

Theo: Seriously? Are you really okay? Do you want to talk about -- I don't know -- anything?

Lola: What I really want to do right now is cook.

Theo: Okay.

Lola: Thanks for asking, though.

Chance: Sweetheart, can i please make a suggestion?

Abby: Go ahead.

Chance: Let's get out of here. I'm sure whatever phyllis is trying to spin -- it can wait till later.

Phyllis: Yes, yes, that's true. This unfortunate news can wait till later.

Abby: What unfortunate news?

Phyllis: [ Groans ] A potential lawsuit against the grand phoenix.

Abby: What lawsuit?

Phyllis: Well, uh, apparently it originated with some guests who were affected by the whole simon black situation. Apparently being sequestered in their room during a hostage situation doesn't make for a really great vacation. And you can think your friend chelsea for that.

Chance: Hey, don't let her get to you.

Abby: I'm not.

Chance: Yes, you are. Tell you what -- how about we go upstairs? I'll give you your present.

Phyllis: A present?! Ooh! God, you are so cute! Cute!

Abby: Go to hell, phyllis.

Chloe: [ Giggling ]

Chelsea: That's my secret.

Phyllis: Hey, chloe, can i borrow chelsea for a minute?

Chloe: Oh, yeah, sure.

Phyllis: Great.

Chelsea: What is it?

Phyllis: I have a proposition for you.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Not interested.

Phyllis: Well, you should be interested... unless you want adam going to prison.

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