Y&R Transcript Friday 2/14/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 2/14/20


Episode #11800 ~ Adam and Chance hit the road; Sharon adjusts to her new normal.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Kyle: I got into my relationship with lola for all the wrong reasons. I'd never gotten summer out of my system.

Chance: We're talking about our missing friend, unless you forgot what we'd done in vegas.

Adam: It's my problem.

Chance: No, you did this for me, so this is our problem. I don't need you run around vegas without backup. I have to fly to vegas. I've got some unfinished business I have to wrap up.

Nick: Don't tell me you're going to vegas to try and dig up the supposed dirt on chance now.

Phyllis: Okay, I will not tell you that. What can I say? I'm a gambler.

Nick: You're a gambler who's gonna lose -- big.

Nick: You know, when i texted, the last thing i expected was for you to respond in person.

Phyllis: Well, when nick newman wants advice, I put everything else on hold.

Nick: Even your trip to vegas.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah, that. Well...

Nick: Last time we talked, you were rushing off to catch a flight to sin city to try and solve the adam-chance riddle. The most I expected was a text from the strip.

Phyllis: This is your fault.

Nick: Mine? Why? What'd I do?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Well, all the grief that you gave me for going, it was next-level.

Nick: Really?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: I thought I was losing my touch.

Phyllis: No. Oh, my gosh, you stepped up your game, so I am heeding your advice.

Nick: Okay. So that's it. It's that's simple?

Phyllis: You don't believe me?

Nick: No, I don't believe you. What part of the story you leaving out?

Adam: Oh. [ Exhales sharply ] For the love of god, chance.

Chance: Almost looks like you're not happy to see me.

Adam: I told you to stay out of this.

Chance: And miss out on all the fun?

Adam: Okay. This is the last place in the world that you should be. I told you, you're not needed.

Chance: Go ahead. Break my heart.

Adam: You know, if the wrong people see us together...

Chance: What time are we meeting riza?

Adam: I'm meeting her alone. Okay? I know what I'm doing.

Chance: Look, I hate to break this to you, but --

Adam: Your hands are clean. You weren't there. You still have deniability.

Chance: Adam, that is not my priority.

Adam: Yeah. This is just a really boneheaded move, coming here, chance.

Chance: I've been called worse.

Adam: You know, there's still time to walk away from this with your boy scout rep intact.

Chance: First thing you should know about boy scouts, we don't walk away from fire. I can'T. Not now. And you know damn well why.

Sharon: Should I pretend like I don't see you there?

Rey: Oh. You caught me.

Sharon: Come to spy?

Rey: Uh, no. As a matter of fact, I am here for one of those delicious fudgy brownies.

Sharon: Well, I'm feeling fine, in case you were concerned.

Rey: Oh, I'm glad to hear it.

Sharon: I know it's just my first day post-chemo, but, as you can see, I'm looking and feeling my very best.

Rey: So no nausea, no fatigue.

Sharon: Mnh-mnh, cross my heart. But they said

Rey: But they said there could be a delayed reaction.

Sharon: Maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones, and I'll get through this portion of my treatment unscathed.

Rey: Don't feel like a failure if you aren'T.

Sharon: Now that you've got what you really came here for, you still want that brownie, detective?

Kyle: I'll make sure you get those estimates by tomorrow. Yeah. Would you mind if we discuss this later? Someone just walked into my office. Count on it. We'll talk soon.

Summer: Um, I just wanted to show you the latest for our summer like.

Kyle: Mm. Terrific.

Summer: Mm. Um, so this is our swimwear, and these are the colors that we're going with. They are soft and shiny and sensuous. What do you think?

Kyle: I love.

Summer: Well, this one right here is great. It's really flattering, and the colors will look great on anybody's skin tone.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Mm. Nice.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: Are you wearing perfume?

Summer: I might have stopped by the lab. Cooking up something special. Mm-hmm.

Kyle: Oh. [ Sniffs ] It smells...like the beach, and grass. You.

Summer: Are you paying attention?

Kyle: Mm. More closely than I ever have before.

Summer: Mm-hmm. You should probably get back to work.

Kyle: Mm. Mm-hmm.

Summer: Responsibilities and...

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Summer: ...Meetings and things like that.

Kyle: Yeah.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: We will. Eventually.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Summer: You should probably stop looking at me like that.

Kyle: Oh. How can I be expected to work when it's so tempting not to work?

Summer: Well, you know what they say about temptations.

Kyle: Mm.

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provided by... my cholesterol is borderline.

Rey: You know, it's getting so a guy can't just drop by for his daily sugar fix without being accused of spying and prying.

Sharon: Is this the hill you're willing to die on? Say that to me again. Look me right in the eye and say it.

Rey: I am here for the brownies.

Sharon: You were looking at my nose.

Rey: [ Sighs ]

Sharon: You know, I don't do this too often, but I'm going to have to suggest you get an attorney.

Rey: Okay. All right, fine. You win. Are you happy?

Sharon: Yes! And, next time, don't even try hiding your true intentions, okay?

Rey: You know, that's why we make such a good couple, because we can tell what's going on in each other's head and heart when we can't even find the words.

Sharon: Yeah, I'm damn good at it, too.

Rey: Oh, yeah? Tell me what I'm thinking right now.

Sharon: You're thinking... that you're scared and you don't want me to know how much. That you love me, but you're worried. And you're trying to hide that you're hovering, but you're not doing a very good job of it.

Rey: Rey! My customers...

Rey: Good. Let them look. They'll see what you saw when you looked into my eyes. How much I love you.

Sharon: Yeah, me and my brownies.

Rey: Mm.

Summer: Mnh, mnh, mnh. We cannot do this.

Kyle: Mm. Mm-hmm.

Summer: We are at work. We have to be all business, and... and think business-y things and stuff like that.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. You -- you can't expect me to be business as usual when you're standing three inches looking at me like that.

Summer: Okay, then I guess I'll have to be the levelheaded one and give you some space.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Summer: Uh-huh. Is it hot here?

Kyle: Mm.

Summer: Because it feels hot.

Kyle: Well, you better get used to it because when we're together, it feels like the temperature rises five degrees,

Summer: Oh. So I'm not the only one, huh?

Kyle: Mm. I remember the last time I let myself admit how I really felt about you.

Summer: And when was that?

Kyle: We made that bet about you and billy.

Summer: Oh, that's a buzzkill, so... thank you.

Kyle: Well, and, if you'd lost, I got to sleep with you.

Summer: Yeah, and if I won, I got your car.

Kyle: And you lost.

Summer: Did I? Because I don't really remember it like.

Kyle: Oh, you remember, all right. I never collected on that bet.

Summer: Well, that's because someone pretended to be passed out on the bed when I came out of the bathroom.

Kyle: Oh, you weren't interested, and I was... too much of a gentleman to press the issue.

Summer: Mm. Mm-hmm. Well, I'm glad that we didn'T.

Kyle: Ouch. Thanks.

Summer: [ Chuckles ] No, because if we had slept together that night, then you would known how much I wanted you. And I was not ready to be that vulnerable with anybody. I was too messed up, focusing on burning down my life, and sleeping with you would have meant too much to me. And, to be honest, I didn't really want a one-night thing because I want a forever kind of love with you. 'Cause I've loved you forever.

Kyle: Come here.

Summer: You know, I don't think I've ever been this happy.

Kyle: Oh! [ Chuckles ]

Summer: I just wish we could stay like this forever.

Kyle: Mm. So do I.

Summer: Mm, but, eventually, this bubble will burst, and we will have to go back to real life.

Kyle: I know. I know.

Summer: We should probably talk so we can be on the same page.

Kyle: Mm.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: Shoot.

Summer: Okay, well, um... I think we are a very formidable team at work, so I think we should try to carry that into our personal lives.

Kyle: Great idea.

Summer: Mm-hmm. Okay, and, uh, what do we do about lola?

Kyle: What do you mean?

Summer: Well, um, how long do we have to walk on eggshells before we admit to the world that we are together, which I am not trying to rush the situation?

Kyle: She e-mailed me, telling me to double check that all my stuff was out of the apartment while she was in miami with her mom. I don't want her to be any more hurt than she already has been.

Kyle: I know. I feel awful for what I put her through.

Summer: You know, I think we have to find a relatively painless way of being happy when we're together, and even when we're in public, I don't think we should be flaunting our happiness.

Kyle: Mm. That's what I was thinking.

Summer: But you do have to remember that your happiness means an open door for lola to find someone to make her dreams come true, too.

Kyle: Yeah, well, she's not interested. She has her work. That's -- that's all she's ever wanted.

Summer: Okay, but I do think that you need to be prepared to see her start a life with someone else.

Kyle: She deserves everything I couldn't give her.

Summer: This won't be easy, you know? People are taking sides. They're going to be very open about what you think about us.

Kyle: Yeah, well... lola's brother already chewed me up and spit me out.

Summer: Yeah. My dad has already warned me that you're just gonna break my heart again.

Kyle: He really said that?

Summer: Are you that surprised?

Kyle: No, because my father said the same thing.

Summer: Oh, wow. Do you think they had a meeting?

Kyle: I wouldn't put it past them. Truth is... what if they're right?

Phyllis: You know, it's no big deal. I just figured I should be here for summer because she ran to kyle, what, like, five minutes after he broke things off with lola?

Nick: Yeah. What the hell is up with that? I mean, kyle breaks her heart. It took me months to put summer back together, finally get her where she's standing on her own two feet, and...

Phyllis: Right back in the fire, I know. She's a glutton for punishment. She gets that from you. So I just figure, I have to be here because when kyle lets her down, once again, and he will, I'll be here to pick up the pieces.

Nick: Well, what can we do about it? Can we stage an intervention? Can we get some deprogrammers to just wipe kyle from her brain?

Phyllis: She's very stubborn. She gets that from you, too. No, I think that we just have to wait for her to ask for help.

Nick: Well, I'm glad you stayed.

Phyllis: Thank you. Feel free to nominate me for mother of the year. I'm here to talk to you about your little girl.

Nick: It's a similar struggle. You know, I'm just trying to figure out a way to help faith through this, you know, incredibly life-changing stuff.

Phyllis: Yeah. What's happening?

Nick: Well, today, she sent me a whole slew of texts from school when her phone's supposed to off, you know, when she's supposed to be studying.

Phyllis: Right.

Nick: Just asking me, you know, how's her mom, is she getting any better? Is there anything she can do?

Phyllis: What do you say? "It's okay. Everything's going to be all right."

Nick: She's too smart for that. If I try and gloss over anything, she knows she can just go on the internet and get the unvarnished truth.

Phyllis: Oh. Yeah. Don't you long for the days where we could lie to our children?

[ Chuckles ]

Nick: I just want to protect her, you know? I even considered pulling her out of school, but I can't do that. I mean, the last thing she needs is more time to worry and stress and research. I mean, she needs something productive to do. Like enter the science fair or get on the soccer team. Something to make sharon proud, but she's not doing that. She's terrified about losing her mother. And I'm scared for both of us because there isn't anything i can do to make this better for her. I feel like I'm failing her, and I can't go to sharon with this, you know, because she's got enough on her plate. She's expecting me to handle things. I can't tell her her daughter struggling with this. You know, you can jump in anytime you want.

Phyllis: Oh, can I -- I can speak?

Nick: Yeah. Floor is yours.

Phyllis: Okay. All right. Um... I will tell you precisely what i think.

Can I get a vodka rocks down here?

Chance: If you thought I was the kind of guy let you handle the situation alone...

Adam: I am the one who created this problem.

Chance: Saving my ass, which makes it my problem.

Adam: Has anybody ever told you what a pain in the ass you are?

Chance: Almost daily.

Hi. Can I get you guys something?

Chance: We're good. Thank you.

Mm. Tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean?

Phyllis: You don't need advice. You never needed advice. You just need someone to listen to you withhold judgment, that's all. Someone who's in the loop about sharon's situation. So, go ahead, scream and yell, and do whatever you want. Tell bad jokes.

[ Groans ] I can take it. [ Laughs ]

Nick: Even the jokes?

Phyllis: [ Laughing ] Yes. Even the jokes. Now, you go back to being a rock star dad that you always are to faith.

Nick: [ Sighs ] She's freaking out.

Phyllis: Of course. Of course she is. You must accept that. This situation... she's a teenager. That's what they do. They freak out. So if she was freaking out over mom, she'd be now over something at school, for sure, and even though she knows the facts about sharon's situation and she knows her mother will survive... and she will survive. I think she's just freaking out now, faith is, about the world being a very scary, unpredictable place. But there is one thing that will make everything all right.

Nick: And what's that?

Phyllis: You. You'll make everything right. You will talk to her and hold her and hug her. And when she's freaking out, you'll bring her back down to earth. Like I just did with you.

Nick: Yeah, I guess you did.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Thanks.

Phyllis: You're welcome.

[ Sighs ] We're so mature.

[ Groans ]

Nick: Me more than you,

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Always. Oh, wow. I mean, I just helped you, and then you talked me out of chasing after chance and adam.

Nick: Best decision you ever made.

Phyllis: Yeah, I think so.

[ Cellphone chimes ] And I am a genius.

Adam: See, this whole thing went down before I even got my memory back. It's spiders fault we're even in this mess.

Chance: All the more reason for me to stay involved.

Adam: Why is that?

Chance: Spider had a level of restraint that adam newman historically lacks. So I think I will stick around, make sure that this doesn't go south.


Adam: It's adam.

Forgive me. Old habits, you know? You're looking well.

Adam: Likewise.

That, uh, midwestern weather's put some color into your cheeks.

Adam: And how has life been treating you?

Not too shabby. But nothing's the same around here without you.

Adam: Meaning...? No one's bringing in as much money for you as I was when i was playing poker?

And with the magic touch.

Adam: So, what is new?

Brinks in town, asking about you?

Well, that is spider. It's not me.

Chance: Right now, we're here for information.

I'm speaking with adam, not you.

Chance: That's too bad, 'cause I'm not going anywhere. Neither is he till we find out what's going on with the situation. What has she been saying?

Summer: What are you saying, are you telling me to dump you?

Kyle: That's the last thing i want. But a few friends, family, and strangers are gonna suggest it. I mean, come on. After everything I put you through -- I married you so you'd literally sacrifice a piece of yourself to save someone else, and then left you a few weeks later.

Summer: I knew what I was getting myself into, and i survived it.

Kyle: Yeah, they're gonna question you could ever trust me again. How do you know I won't hurt you?

Summer: You're part of my life, kyle. You're part of me. You always have been. When I was younger, I used to imagine that we had been together in a past life, and, uh, that god or a higher power were trying to keep us apart. But now look at us. We're together, and nothing can keep us apart. Because you love me.

Kyle: I do love you.

Summer: And that is why I'm going into this with no fear. And no worries. Because we are meant for each other, kyle, and I love you so much, and I've never been more certain of anything in my entire life.

Jack: So much for taking my advice.

Sharon: Really?

Nick: What'd I do?

Sharon: Just -- if you're here to hover, the position's already been filled. Rey's doing his very best.

Nick: I don't know you're talking about, lady. I just came for some coffee, like I always do.

Sharon: Just like I am here for these brownies.

Sharon: You two. You're both impossible. Sit. While I am very thankful for the attention and the business, as you can see, perfectly fine I'm happy, energetic, and I can take care of myself. Okay? All clear?

Nick: Sure is good coffee, rey.

Rey: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Okay, good. What don't you two talk to each other instead of focusing on me?

Nick: There is something we should talk about.

Rey: You're leaving?

Sharon: Yeah, uh... my baristas can handle everything here, so I'll -- I'll see you at home.

Rey: Okay.

Sharon: And if you break anything, you have to clean it up, so keep it civil, gentlemen.

Rey: [ Sighs ]

Nick: So... my daughter...

Rey: And my sister's husband.

Jack: Why is it so difficult to heed my advice? All I asked was --

Summer: Jack -- jack, I know you are just trying to look out for me.

Jack: Need I remind you why? I had a front row seat the last time around. It wasn't pretty. I don't want to see you get hurt again.

Summer: I know, but this time is different.

Jack: All I asked if you just slow things down. There's no reason to rush into anything.

Summer: We're not rushing, jack. We've known each other our entire lives. I mean, I loved kyle since before I even really knew what that word meant. He's been a part of my history, my dreams, my everything. And, if anything, I think that this moment has been in the making since the day that we met. Kyle knows my scars. He knows my triumphs and my failures, and -- and I know his.

Jack: Then we're all just going to forget that in the last year you married summer, divorced her, married lola, and now, while you're in the process of bringing an end to that, the two of -- kyle, is this how you want to live your life?

Kyle: I'm trying to live it in the most truthful way I can.

Jack: I accept that. But if this thing between the two of you is meant to be, taking some time is not going to make a difference.

Kyle: We don't need time. You know I respect your opinions and I understand your concerns, but you're not saying anything I haven't already thought. I'm not proud of how I handled things with summer or what I put her through, and I'm deeply ashamed and so sorry for hurting you. But our path was never smooth or easy. We connected, and things kept getting in our way. Life was pulling us in different directions, into different relationships. But whatever we had between us, it never disappeared, and it won't be ignored. Summer's one of the few constants in my life.

Summer: And kyle's always been a part of mine.

Kyle: But we kept missing each other. It was never our time. Until now.

The woman is beginning to ask questions about her husband,

Chance: About the cover story.

She no longer believes he's in witness protection until a certain case goes to trial.

Adam: And what are we supposed to do about that?

At least there's no love lost between them. She doesn't care about the man. Her real affection is for the substantial amount of money she thinks he stashed before he disappeared. And she'll stop at nothing to find it.

Chance: [ Sighs ] Which is why she's been digging around. Adam, this is bigger than we thought.

Adam: I don't give a damn how we do it, but we need to end all of her questions now. I'm truly amazed at the effect that it has on people.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Adam: How much can a million get us? Is that enough to make her stop asking questions about her missing husband?


Chance: Wait. Adam, what are you doing?

Adam: Transferring the money. You know what to do.

Chance: Look, if my cover hadn't been blown, then none of this would've been happening, and now you're going to pay a fortune to keep quiet.

Adam: That's what it all cost to make all of this go away. I would have paid twice as much to keep myself out of prison.

Jack: This is a lot to take in. Just a few short months ago, you stood before all our family and friends and professed your undying devotion to lola.

Kyle: I was convinced we could go the distance.

Jack: I love you. I love you both very much. But you're gonna have to be ready for other people's reactions. They're gonna say you're capricious, that you leap before you look, that you have no sense of loyalty, and that you, who have been given so much in life, have taken two hearts, two lives and squandered everything.

Kyle: I never intended that.

Jack: I know that. The rest of the world doesn'T. They will judge you. They will doubt you. They will use your past against you as evidence that you can't be trusted.

Kyle: The most important thing to me is what you think.

Jack: You have my support. Of course you have my support. I'm 100% behind you, but... do the right thing. Learn from your mistakes. Learn from the relationships that didn't last. Be good to each other. Try to live lives of honesty and kindness.

Summer: We will.

Rey: You don't just marry someone and then toss them to the side like -- like some shirt that's gone out of style. He never deserved my sister. I never trusted him. She would never betray him like that. You know, marriage actually means something to her and to me.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah, um... look, I hate it that my daughter's involved in this, but she is not gonna listen to a word I have to say. I'm not proud of what she's done.

Rey: Listen, as far as I'm concerned, summer is as much as a victim here as lola is. And I will never forget that she saved my sister's life, so I got nothing but love for her. But kyle -- that guy has gone too far on his name and his looks. He thinks he can just skate through life with no consequences. No -- no integrity. No -- no empathy.

Nick: Look, I'm no fan of his, either. I'm not going to make excuses for kyle or my daughter. I wish she would make better and smarter choices. But, like I said, I genuinely feel terrible for lola. I know what it's like to be the guy who's who's left behind, you know, and you have to run into the happy couple. Every time I turn around.

Rey: I guess you do. Lucky for me, my brother and mia moved 1,000 miles away so, you know... time and distance does make life easier, but I -- I don't want kyle and summer rubbing this in lola's face while she's nursing a broken heart.

Nick: I get it. I got it, trust me. And I'm glad we're talking about this, and we see eye to eye on it. Because there's something else we should talk about.

Rey: Yeah? Should -- should I order another brownie?

Nick: Probably couldn't hurt.

Nick: So, here's the thing. You can count on one hand the number of people who know that sharon is going through treatment right now. You know, we lean on each other, we rely on each other to share information, to do everything we can to keep her spirits up and help her through this. But you two have to keep things moving in the right direction, and you need the support of all of us.

Rey: Well, you mean sharon does. She's the one who needs everyone to rally around her.

Nick: I mean you and sharon.

Rey: No. I'm -- I'm fine.

Nick: Rey, look, you're in love with a woman who was diagnosed with cancer. All those fears, the unknown. You're facing that, too. But you are her rock. You are that strong, steady presence that she's gonna need to get through this. Now, there are going to be times when you feel like you've got to shoulder the whole load, but you can't do that. You're just gonna have to stand there beside her and watch her slog through it. But you have to be the guy she can depend on no matter what.

Rey: It comes with the territory.

Nick: Well, there may be times when it seems like it's too much, you know. And if that happens, maybe you need a different outlet. You know? If you ever get tired of banging on that heavy bag or something, I'm here. We can, uh, hang out. Whatever.

Rey: What -- what are you trying to say?

Nick: I'm just saying, if you need anything, somebody to talk to, I'm here.

Rey: I -- I may take you up on that.

Nick: All right.

Rey: All right. I got to bounce.

[ Clears throat ] I'll see you around.

Nick: Yeah.

Chance: I'm not going to let you go to jail for this.

Adam: You weren't involved. You saw nothing. You used to work for the government. What could you do to protect me?

Chance: I still have my connections.

Adam: This just would have been a whole lot easier if you never found out.

Chance: That you stopped me from being killed in the line of duty? That guy would have done it without blinking if it hadn't been for you.

Adam: Yeah, well, live and learn.

Chance: I don't even understand why you got involved in the first place.

Adam: Because, besides riza, you were spider's only friend.

Chance: Some friend.

Adam: No, you knew who I was. You knew who I was, and you didn't go and tell victor that i was alive. You let me live my life.

Chance: I wish I had ratted you out.

Adam: And when I realized that you were in danger, I did what I had to do. And, yes, things got out of control. I just wanted to scare the guy off, I never imagined he'd come at me like that.

Chance: Look, it was an accident.

Adam: Except nobody is ever gonna see it that way. Least of all the people that you work for. Or worked for.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Boom.

Rey: Look, I know you think I'm following -- sharon? Hey. Hey, hey, hey. You okay? I got you. I got you. I'm here. Just focus. Focus. Look into my eyes. Deep breaths.

Sharon: [ Breathes deeply ]

Rey: There you go. There you go.

Jack: If you're looking for sage advice, here's mine. Study my life and do the opposite. Do better.

Kyle: Trust us. We know how lucky we are. We have a second chance to do things right.

Jack: And do right by lola.

Summer: We will. We hate that she's suffering because of our mistakes.

Kyle: And we will take your advice to heart.

Jack: Prove that you're worthy of the second chance. And look at each other like lovesick fools somewhere else.

Summer: I think we can manage that. You're the best. Thank you, jack.

Rey: You looking like yourself again. What happened?

Sharon: I don't know. I was feeling fine after you left, and I then I decided to go shopping, and, when I came home, it just hit me.

Rey: How'd you feel?

Sharon: Tired at first, but then my stomach went all floppy.

Rey: Well, can I -- can I get you anything else? Do something?

Sharon: I'm fine. I'm better. It was like this wave that just hit me, and it was pulling me under. You know, it wasn't as bad as I expected. After some time and some deep breaths, I just came back out on top.

Rey: What do you want to do now? You want to -- you want me to call your doctor?

Sharon: Well, if it gets any worse, but, for now, I can handle it.

Rey: You sure?

Sharon: Promise. I'll just take it as it comes. I can do this.

Rey: I never doubted you for a minute.

Phyllis: Hey. You look serious.

Nick: Oh, it's just faith.

Phyllis: Okay. Are you putting out a fire or starting one?

Nick: [ Chuckles ] No. She and her friends want to go to the movies after school, so she was hitting me up for some cash.

Phyllis: Oh! Okay! Good. I mean, you know, it sounds like everything's back to normal, and you look better.

Nick: I think that's thanks to you.

Phyllis: Really? Me? Why? What'd I do?

Nick: That talk we had. It got me on the right track again. I'm back. So I'm glad you stuck around.

Adam: This is my problem now more than it ever was yours. So I'm doing what I have to do to make it go away so I never have to deal with it again. You got me?

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