Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/11/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/11/20


Episode #11797 ~ Victor helps Victoria plot her next move; Nick and Phyllis worry about Summer.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victoria: I haven't made a decision about how to handle the kids yet. I don't know why you're being so defensive.

Billy: I was really hoping that we could handle this in a friendly manner.

Victoria: Well, I had a lot of hopes for us, too. And you just gave up on them.

Amanda: I said get out.

Billy: It's time to go, man. You heard the woman.

Amanda: That was ripley turner, my ex.

Billy: That's the guy you have the restraining order against?

Chance: I'm talking about our missing friend, unless you forgot what went down in vegas.

Adam: She'll resurface soon enough. She has a check to cash.

Chance: What check?

Adam: The one that I take care of every month.

Chelsea: Moving to paris permanently?

Adam: You and connor are my life, and wherever you are, that is my home.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Adam: Is connor down for the count?

Chelsea: He fell asleep the second his head hit the pillow.

Adam: How's his mom?

Chelsea: Tired. And a little sad.

Adam: Mm.

Chelsea: I miss paris already.

Adam: Yeah. Me too. You know, I thought when we came back here, it would just be long enough to settle things before moving to france permanently.

Chelsea: It was a sweet dream, but now we have to let it go...move on. And you know what? I'm okay with that...'cause as long as the three of us are together, it doesn't matter where we live.

Abby: Well, this newman enterprises anniversary party has really taken on a life of its own.

Nick: Well, dad's packed a lot of life in those 50 years, so it's got to be larger than life.

Abby: Just like he is.

Nick: Just like he is.

Abby: So, what's nikki doing in london? She sounded very mysterious when she called.

Nick: She wouldn't tell me.

Abby: That's not fair.

Nick: She said whatever it is she's up to, if she can pull it off, it's gonna be amazing. And she will because she always does.

Abby: Well, when I texted her, I wanted to know if there was anything else I could do, especially with victoria, you know?

Nick: Yeah.

Abby: I was really sad to hear that she and billy split up. I can't believe he let her down again.

Nick: It's tough. But so is vick. And she knows that if she needs us, we'll be there for her.

Abby: Yeah. Well, I just hope dad isn't giving her the "I told you so" speech.

Victoria: Good morning, daddy.

Victor: Hi, my sweetheart. Hi, my sweetheart.

Victoria: Hi!

Victor: So, I was on the way to a meeting.

Victoria: I know. I made some plans knowing that you wouldn't be here.

Victor: What plans?

Victoria: I invited billy to come over.

Victor: Oh.

Victoria: I know. I know that you made it clear that you don't want him coming by the ranch, but I just thought that this would be the best place for us to speak to the kids.

Victor: Yeah, well... if that's what you want, my darling, then, uh, you know, that's alright. I mean...the meeting is here, so you'll be in control in case he tries anything.

Victoria: He won'T.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Dad, this is all about us helping johnny and katie deal with everything that's happened.

Victor: [ Sighs ] Sweetheart. My heart breaks for the kids, you know? They never want their parents to separate. It will cause a lot of emotion and maybe some regret on your part.

Victoria: I know wha you're thinking. It's not gonna happen.

Victor: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: It doesn't matter how difficult or emotional today gets.

[ Sighs ] I'm not changing my mind about billy. This relationship is over.

Victor: Then I have nothing to worry about, do I?

Victoria: No, you don'T.

[ Cellphone dings ]

Abby: Oh! It's you. Mm. Nick's over there.

Phyllis: Mm. I see. Thank you. Why the attitude, abby? I'm not competition for your captain fantastic anymore.

Abby: You were never any competition for chance.

Phyllis: Underestimate me at your own peril.

Abby: Better not keep nick waiting. He's one of the only few people in town who can actually stand your company.

Phyllis: Hey. Thanks for meeting me.

Nick: Of course. Sit down.

Phyllis: Alright.

Nick: What's up?

Phyllis: I would like to talk to you about our daughter.

Billy: Where are the kids?

Victoria: They're playing upstairs.

Billy: Did you tell them that I was coming by?

Victoria: Yeah, I did. They're very excited to see you.

Billy: [ Sighs ] I still don't understand why we can't just do this at the house.

Victoria: Just -- the kids are comfortable here, billy, and the distractions are good for them. And they don't expect that you're gonna be --

Billy: Walking through the door at any minute?

Victoria: You know it's gonna be hard for them being at home without their dad being there.

Billy: Well, this makes it feel real, doesn't it?

Victoria: There's no going back.

Amanda: [ Exhales sharply ]

Ripley: I know it says that I'm in madison, but as you can see... I told you I had found the tracking device you put on my car. You didn't honestly expect me to leave it there, did you?

Amanda: I expected you to go home.

Ripley: I couldn't do that, amanda, not until we had talked about everything that happened. There's still so much I need to say. That's why I reached out to you in the first place.

Amanda: By breaking into my hotel room? By following me here? Is that what you call reaching out?

Ripley: All I want to do is talk to you.

Amanda: Well, that is too bad because I don't want to talk to you ever again.

Ripley: Amanda --

Amanda: What do you want, ripley? Okay? What? What will make you go away?

Ripley: I want to make amends, say I'm sorry. Is that too much to ask? This is hal.

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Amanda: I don't want or need your apologies.

Ripley: Please just give me a chance.

[ Sighs ]

Amanda: Fine. Make it quick.

Ripley: [ Sighs ] I know I unnerved you when i showed up to your hotel suite like I did, which is why i wanted to meet you here in public, where you can be comfortable and where we can put everything on the table. I still have so much to say, amanda.

Amanda: No, ripley. There is nothing left to say. I don't want you. Whatever it is that we had is long gone, and nothing that you say or do is ever gonna change that.

Adam: Boy, connor really loved paris, didn't he?

Chelsea: Yeah, about as much as he loves beets.

Adam: It wasn't quite that bad. He thought the eiffel tower was pretty cool.

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: And he liked the french fries.

Chelsea: You mean pommes frites.

Adam: Mm.

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: No, it was too much for him. It was too much change. It was a different language, different culture.

Chelsea: Yeah. Exactly. What we thought of as a fresh start he thought of as, "oh, god, are we really moving here?"

Adam: You know, we still could, you know?

Chelsea: Adam, no.

Adam: Come on. Connor's the kid. He does not get to decide these things.

Chelsea: Yeah, and we're the adults and we have to make sure that he's happy and he's more comfortable in genoa city.

Adam: For now.

Chelsea: For now.

Adam: Are you disappointed?

Chelsea: No. Like I said, home is where we are.

Adam: Yes, but I remember the look on your face when we got off the plane. You were so excited. And you had this sparkle in your eye the entire time. I just -- I would really hate to see you lose that.

Chelsea: Paris is pretty fabulous. Oh, and the fashion! Walking along the rue saint-honoré -- it just reminded me of all of my years working in the fashion industry.

Adam: Well, you could design clothes in genoa city. I mean, you've done it before.

Chelsea: No. I mean, I enjoy my job at the hotel.

Adam: Okay. Okay, but just remember -- never say never.

Chelsea: I will remember that. But for now, I am excited to just get back to business.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

[ Sighs ] Which means dealing with my family.

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: You know, now that we're back, we could go to the newman enterprises anniversary gala.

Chelsea: You're thinking about going?

Adam: I'm considering it.

Chelsea: You really think showing up there is a good idea?

Jack: Daddy!

Katie: Daddy!

Billy: Hey! There you are. Come here. Ahh! Ohh. How are you? Are you having a good time?

Johnny: We go sledding every guy.

Billy: Every day you go sledding?

Katie: Can we all go right now?

Billy: Oh, my goodness. You know what? That -- that sounds like a blast. It really does, but... right now, your mommy and I -- we need to talk to you about something, okay? Why don't we -- come on. Come and sit on the couch. Okay, first of all, um... you both need to know that we love you very much.

Victoria: We love you guys, and nothing's ever gonna change that.

Billy: Uh, well, we've been talking, and, um, we think it's best that we live in separate places, like we did before.

Katie: No, daddy, I don't want you to!

Johnny: Why do you have to leave us, daddy?

Billy: I'm gonna see you every day. Every day I'll pick you up from school, and I'll always be there for you, no matter what, whenever you need me.

Victoria: And we're still gonna go to all of your recitals and your games together. None of that's gonna change. We're just gonna, um -- we're just gonna be living in different houses.

Billy: Look, I know this is gonna be tough, okay? It's gonna be tough for us, too.

Victoria: You know, dad and I -- we -- we don't agree on a lot of things, but the one thing that we really do agree on this is -- is that we want to be the best mom and dad that you could ever want.

Johnny: Don't you love each other anymore?

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Yes. The first word

to any adventure.

Adam: Why don't you want to go to the newman anniversary bash?

Chelsea: I never said that.

Adam: Is this -- is this about nick?

Chelsea: No. Nick and I are fine. We can pull it together for a family event.

Adam: Then why the hesitation?

Chelsea: Adam, think about it. This party is gonna be victor on steroids, 50 years of all of his accomplishments and achievements. There are going to be speeches to him and and toasts, everything except for a life-sized statue pretty much.

Adam: Okay, well, I would not rule out the statue.

Chelsea: Seriously. Are you gonna be able to sit through all that painlessly?

Adam: Yes.

Chelsea: Really?

Adam: Absolutely.

Chelsea: I know you and victor have made progress, adam, but come on.

Adam: You know, I can sit through anything if you're by my side. I mean that.

Chelsea: I believe you. That's very sweet. Excuse me.

Adam: Uh-oh. How's that jet lag working for you?

Chelsea: I think I'm starting to hit a wall.

[ Clears throat, laughs ]

Adam: Alright, well, it's naptime then.

Chelsea: Okay. You want to join me?

Adam: Uh, nah. I'm gonna power through it, take care of a few things.

Chelsea: Alright. Thank you for considering paris. Thank you for -- [Yawning] For everything.

Adam: You're cute when you're groggy.

Chelsea: [ Laughs ]

Adam: Alright, go. Rest.

Chelsea: See you later.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Nick: Alright. What do you got?

Phyllis: Um...well, you know lola and kyle have been having issues in their marriage, and last night they broke up.

Nick: Well, that is sad to hear, but I don't know what that has to do... no.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: No.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'm afraid so.

Nick: [ Groans ] I mean, I guess this makes sense. Summer didn't come home last night. She must have been with him.

Phyllis: Oh, god. Yeah. I'm sure she was with him.

Nick: Did you talk to her?

Phyllis: Yeah, I spoke to her on the phone. She sounded fine, but I could hear the hope in her voice.

Nick: Oh, damn it!

Phyllis: I know.

Nick: I mean, look, kyle broke my little girl's heart so he could go off and be with lola, and then a couple minutes after his marriage ends, she's rushing off to be by his side. This has disaster written all over it.

Phyllis: Well, I don't know about that.

Nick: What do you mean, you don't know about it? Our daughter's about to make a huge mistake.

Phyllis: But you know summer never got over kyle, and she thinks that kyle feels the same.

Nick: Even though he married someone else?

Phyllis: Okay. Well, kyle and lola knew each other, and, you know, five minutes after they met, they got married. And summer and kyle have known each other longer. I mean, they could have chosen to not be in the same proximity, but they didn'T. They chose to work together. Doesn't that tell you something?

Nick: Yeah, it tells me she needs to work somewhere else.

Phyllis: Okay.

Nick: Look, I know our daughter is a grown woman and she is gonna live her own life and make her own mistakes. But I just cannot stand the idea that she would ever be a consolation prize for someone.

Phyllis: I don't know how it's gonna end. Right? I mean, who knows? The cynic in me says stop, and the romantic in me says go for it. I-I'm her mom, and I'm gonna support her either way.

Nick: I will, too.

Victoria: Your father and I -- we still love each other. It's just a different -- it's a different kind of love.

Victoria: Right. And -- and that's why -- that's why we're gonna live in separate houses.

Katie: I'm gonna miss you, daddy.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] Well, I meant what I said, little girl, okay? I'm always gonna be there for you, and I'm gonna see you all the time. In fact, I'm gonna see you so much, you're probably gonna get sick of me.

Johnny: That will never happen.

Billy: No? Never happen? Hmm? Well, I know one thing that'll happen -- you'll get tired of tickle time! Tickle time!

[ Kids laughing ] Come here. We're always gonna be a family, okay? That's never gonna change, no matter what.

Chance: I thought you were in paris.

Adam: Well, we came back early.

Chance: And I'm your first stop. I guess I should be flattered.

Adam: We have a problem. The situation in vegas has taken an unexpected turn, and I need to do something about it.


Ripley: Everything you said about me is right. I just wanted you to know that I am not that same man anymore.

Amanda: I don't care who you are. I don't care who've you become. It is irrelevant to me. Do you get that? You are relevant to me.

Ripley: I was hoping that you could find a way to forgive me, hoping that we could find some peace and closure. We were once really close to each other, weren't we?

Amanda: Yeah, we were, and you destroyed that, ripley. But, see, I've moved on. And you should, too.

Ripley: Yeah. I see that you've built a whole new life for yourself here.

Amanda: Yeah.

Ripley: New law practice, perhaps even a new relationship.

Amanda: Why would you presume that?

Ripley: The man who showed up at your hotel. Is he someone that's important to you? Is that who you were referring to when you said that you moved on?

Amanda: My life here is none of your business.

Ripley: You're right. I apologize if I overstepped my bounds. I wish nothing but the best for you, amanda.

Rey: Everything alright?

Amanda: It is now.

Rey: I'm placing you under arrest for violating an order of protection. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Billy: That was...tough.

Victoria: I know. But you were good with the kids, and that helped.

Billy: So were you.

Victoria: This is gonna be really hard on them.

Billy: Yeah. We'll just have to reassure them.

Victoria: Yes, well, it's not like they haven't been through this before.

Billy: No, which makes it worse. But they're strong, resilient.

Victoria: They shouldn't have to be. They're children. They should be happy and carefree.

Billy: And you're blaming that on me?

Victoria: No, billy, I am -- I am just saying that over the years, we have both made choices that have impacted the kids.

Billy: Yeah. Believe me, I wish that we could end this without affecting them.

Victoria: Well, it's very unfortunate that your actions have all of these consequences.

Billy: So you are blaming me.

Victoria: I think it's really a waste of time to keep score. I'd just like to move on with my life the same way that you've started moving on with yours.

Billy: Good. Let's talk logistics.

Victoria: Logistics?

Billy: Yeah, you know, visitation, picking them up from school on what days, vacation, everything, but I will say this -- I'm not gonna go a couple days without seeing my kids like I just did, okay? Your father is not running the show.

Victoria: Well, that's fine. Then I suggest we continue co-parenting as we have.

Billy: Okay with me.

Victoria: I have one condition, though. I want you to keep the kids away from amanda.

Chance: She went to the cops?

Adam: That's what riza told me.

Chance: So you're just gonna fly to vegas solo and track her down?

Adam: Mm-hmm. That is the plan.

Chance: No. No, that's a bad idea.

Adam: It's my doing. It's my problem.

Chance: No, you did this for me, so this is our problem. I don't need you running around vegas without backup.

Adam: Listen. I can handle myself.

Chance: Most of the time.

Adam: What does that mean -- "most of the time"?

Chance: In case you forgot, adam, that little episode with your father -- that didn't turn out so well.

Adam: Chance, you are not going to change my mind about this. I have got this.

Chance: You're going to vegas, and I'm going to tag along, just in case.

Listen moms, hot pockets are

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Amanda: Thank you, rey.

Ripley: Can I say one more thing?

Rey: It's your call.

Amanda: What is it?

Ripley: I knew I risked being arrested coming here, but it was worth it just to see you again. I regret that you didn't think i was sincere with my apology or that I really just wanted to be your friend.

Amanda: You're a sociopath, ripley. You will do or say whatever it is you think the other person wants to hear. You don't scare me anymore. Whatever control you thought you had over me is gone. So go. Live your life. Do whatever it is that you want to do, as long as it doesn't involve coming anywhere near me. We're done here.

Ripley: [ Sighs ]

Amanda: [ Exhales heavily ]

Billy: What does amanda have to do with me seeing my kids?

Victoria: If they see you with another woman right away, it's gonna upset them and confuse them.

Billy: Okay, first of all, i think it's insulting that you would think I would do anything to hurt my children.

Victoria: Not intentionally, billy, but there's an awful lot of you coming first going around lately.

Billy: Not when it comes to johnny and katie, victoria.

Victoria: Well, I'm just expressing my concern.

Billy: Concern about an affair that never happened.

Victoria: So you keep saying.

Billy: Okay, we talked, alright? She didn't judge me, which a hell of a lot more than I can say about you.

Victoria: You know, I'm really sick and tired of having an argument over your so-called friend -- amanda.

Billy: Are you sure? Because you keep bringing it up.

Victoria: Would you keep your voice down? The kids are just in the kitchen.

Billy: Right. That's exactly what you wanted, right? You drop a bomb like that, i react, and I become crazy billy, like I can't contain myself.

Victoria: Well, the shoe seems to fit, doesn't it?

Billy: Let me ask you something. Where did you hear about this supposed affair that I had with amanda?

Victoria: It doesn't matter.

Billy: Your father, wasn't it, who has done so many shady, underhanded things to interfere with our relationship.

Victoria: No, billy. It wasn't him this time. You're the one that said I was holding you back from being your authentic self. That was on you.

Billy: So he fabricates a story to make it look like I'm having an affair?

Victoria: I do not have to explain myself to you.

Billy: Okay, I'm gonna take that as a "yes," right? And as usual with you, daddy knows best. Daddy's always right. You know his M.O. You know that you can't trust everything he says.

Victoria: We were broken up. So, if your world view is correct, then my father had already gotten what he wanted. What motivation would he have to lie, billy?

Billy: An insurance policy just in case we ever got back together?

Victoria: Trust me -- there was no danger of that.

Billy: Oh come on. Look at our track record. It's not like he wouldn't think it's a possibility, except now you think I had an affair, which means you're not gonna trust me or give me the benefit of the doubt.

Victoria: So, all of your lying and your betrayals -- that's all my father's fault?

Billy: Oh, he's loving this, isn't he?

Victoria: No, billy, he's not. My father doesn't want to see someone that he loves in pain.

Billy: [ Scoffs ]

Victoria: Imagine that.

Billy: Imagine that. Yeah. Victor's perfect. Yeah, they broke the mold with him, didn't they?

Victoria: You know, I'm sick of you making this about him.

Billy: It's always about him with you, every single time. It's like we're in a -- we're in a relationship with another person. And like every other time, you choose him over me.

Victoria: Well, maybe if you were half the man he is, I wouldn't have to.

Billy: Well, that about says it, doesn't it.

Victoria: Billy --

Billy: Okay, listen. You don't get to choose when or where I see my kids or how i spend my time or with who.

Nick: So, thank you for the heads-up about summer.

Phyllis: Sure. You gonna talk to her?

Nick: Oh, I'm gonna talk to her.

Phyllis: Keep an open mind?

Nick: I'm gonna do some listening. Will that work?

Phyllis: Good. That's good.

Nick: I make no promises about me being able to keep my opinions to myself. You know I have many reservations about kyle abbott.

Phyllis: As do I. But we'll be on the same page, right?

Nick: Same page.

Chance: Hello there.

Abby: Hi. I was just thinking about our date. Funny. I've been thinking about the exact same thing. In fact, it's been running through my head in one long, endless, sexy loop.

Abby: Mmm. So many highlights.

Chance: I couldn't even begin to count all them all.

Abby: I think that we could top it if we put our minds to it.

Chance: Just our mind?

Abby: What night's good for you?

[ Footsteps approaching ]

Chance: I think I might have to get back to you on that one.

Abby: Oh?

Chance: I have to fly to vegas. I've got some unfinished business I have to wrap up.

Abby: I am assuming that "unfinished business" means top-secret?

Chance: If I told you, I'd have to kidnap you.

Abby: Mmm. I could live with that.

Chance: Yeah? I'm just tying a few loose ends. I'll be back before you know it.

Abby: Well, what should we do when you get back?

Chance: There's always the old reliable dinner for two, candlelit dinner overlooking the lake.

Abby: Mmm. I like the sound of that.

Chance: Yeah? I knew this was meant to be.

Abby: So, when does your plane leave?

Chance: Couple of hours.

Abby: That doesn't give us much time. We better make the most of it.

Chance: Yeah?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Chance: Are we going where i think we're going?

Abby: We are. Why are we still discussing this?

Chance: I have no idea.

Abby: Yeah. Uh-huh.

[ Both laugh ]

Chelsea: Hey.

Adam: What happened to your nap?

Chelsea: Well, I fell asleep for a little while. Then I woke up, and I thought it was tomorrow, then yesterday. So then not only was I tired and exhausted -- I was irritated. Anyway, long story. Doesn't matter. You happy to see me?

[ Chuckles ]

Adam: Always.

Chelsea: So, where'd you go?

Adam: I just had a run a few errands.

Chelsea: Is everything okay?

Adam: Mm-hmm. It's all good. It's just, um, something came up, and I have to take off again.

Chelsea: "Take off" as in run more errands?

Adam: Leave town.

Chelsea: Now? You just got home. Why do you have to leave so suddenly?

Phyllis: Sorry it took me so long. There's always in line at the ladies room.

Nick: Oh, yeah?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Did you happen to pick up, uh, any exciting gossip on your way?

Phyllis: What does that mean?

Nick: You know, why you were over there listening to chance and abby, trying to look like a potted plant?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. That. Um...

Nick: What are you doing?

Phyllis: Huh?

Nick: I thought you were done chasing after chance. Did something happen to change your mind?

Phyllis: Well, I'm -- I'm done flirting with him. I am, however, not done pursuing him.

Nick: Would you care to elaborate on that?

Phyllis: There's something going on with adam and chance.

Nick: Like what?

Phyllis: I haven't figured it all out yet. It's something big. I know that for sure. And every time I bring up certain subjects to chance, his charm evaporates.

Nick: Well, I hope you're wrong about that. I just went to chance asking him to do some work for me because i was under the impression his affiliation with adam was something that was in the past.

Phyllis: So you're curious, too.

Nick: I don't think anyone in the world is as curious as you, phyllis, but... keep me in the loop.

Phyllis: I will.

Nick: You know what? Actually, yeah, don't worry about it. You don't have to do that.

Phyllis: Why not?

Nick: Because life's too short. I have more important things to worry about than what adam's up to, and, frankly, I just don't care about him.

Phyllis: Well, I do.

Nick: Alright, let's just say there is some deep, dark secret between chance and adam and you find out that information. What are you gonna do with it? Are you gonna blackmail adam? Maybe chance? Maybe both of them? Have you asked yourself, "is it really worth the trouble?"

Has asthma pushed you

into a smaller life?

Victoria: No, no, this is not a merger. We stripped the company of its parts, and we sell the assets for a maximum profit. There is no other way. Look, you know what I want, and what I want is what's best for newman, nothing less.

Amanda: Hold the door!

Billy: Hey.

Amanda: Hey.

[ Both breathing heavily ]

Chance: Mmm. God. Mmm. Mmm. Oh, my.

Abby: Mmm.

Adam: Chelsea, this is going to be one of those times where it's best if you do not know all the details.

Chelsea: I understand.

Adam: Okay.

Chelsea: I just want to know -- does this have anything to do with something I heard before we left for paris?

Adam: What -- what did you hear?

Chelsea: You were on the phone with someone. You were talking about some -- some woman who has started to ask questions.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Well, why didn't you say anything?

Chelsea: I figure you'll tell me if I need to know. That's our deal, right? So, does this trip you're going on have something to do with her?

Adam: It does, okay? And I promise that I will tell you everything when the time's right.

Chelsea: I trust you.

Adam: And I love you for trusting me. Okay. I won't be gone long.

Chelsea: Do I also have to say...be careful?

Phyllis: Let's just say I'll know what to do once I get the answers I'm looking for.

Nick: What if there aren't any answers? What if there isn't anything going on? Now, I wouldn't put that past adam, but chance is a completely different story.

Phyllis: Oh, is he? Really? Chance the boy scout? We'll see about that. In the meantime, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, so...

Nick: [ Laughs ]

Phyllis: You love this about me. You love this part about me.

Nick: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, sure. Can you remind me again what part that is?

Phyllis: The phyllis that follows her instincts and doesn't back down from a challenge.

Nick: Yeah, well, I also really dig the phyllis who has her priorities in order.

Phyllis: I like her, too. I like her, too. Can't I be all of those phyllises?

Nick: I got to go.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ]

Nick: Thank you for the talk and the beer. Try and look out for yourself.

Phyllis: I will.

Nick: Thanks for paying for all this.

Phyllis: [ Laughs ] Hi. This is phyllis summers. Listen, I need to cancel my appointment tomorrow. Yeah, I know. I'm going out of town. I'm going to las vegas. Yeah. Oh, I will have fun. I plan to hit the jackpot.

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