Y&R Transcript Friday 2/7/20
Episode #11795 ~ Sharon faces her fears and receives a surprise visitor.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Faith: You have...cancer?
I think we should begin with some neoadjuvant chemotherapy, meaning it would happen prior to the surgery, which hopefully would make you eligible for a less invasive procedure.
Sharon: How lucky am I? I look around this room, and i can't imagine a better group of people to get me through this.
Mariah: Team sharon
Nick: Team sharon.
Rey: Team sharon.
Faith: Team mom.
Sharon: [ Giggles ]
Rey: What is cooking in the kitchen? Smells spectacular.
Sharon: It's chicken soup, mac-and-cheese, and lasagna.
Rey: Are we having an after-dinner feast that I didn't know about? Because you've got enough food in there to feed the whole town. I could barely find room for the ice cream.
Sharon: I just didn't know if I would feel much like cooking after I start chemo tomorrow morning, so I did it in advance. And, that way, if some days, the best I can do is push a button on the microwave, none of us are going to starve.
Rey: Well, you have me and nick and mariah to do your bidding. You won't even have to lift a finger.
Sharon: You guys have your own lives. You don't have to take care of me.
Rey: We want to, but I -- I won't push.
Sharon: Actually, cooking was the perfect distraction. It just kept my mind from going into overdrive.
Rey: Good.
Sharon: Yeah. I'm not even sure if I made the right things. You know, a lot of ladies in my online support group say to stay away from your favorite foods because the drugs can affect your sense of taste and then ruin certain foods for you. And there are a lot of articles that say to eat salty things, and then there's other articles, and they say to stay away from salty and eat sweet. I -- I don't know. I just -- I would have done more research, but everything's happening so fast. I didn't have time. There's just so much more i wanted to do.
Rey: I know. I know.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Sharon: Let me turn this off.
Rey: No. It's okay. Anything that makes you smile like that is worth having around. Who's blowing up your phone, faith?
Sharon: It's the women from my online support group. They know tomorrow is the big day.
Rey: So every time it pings...
Sharon: It's someone sending me their best wishes.
Rey: Oh, that's fantastic. That's great.
Sharon: "You can do this." "You're stronger than you think." "When your body tries to kill you, you have to fight back, so bring warm socks."
Rey: [ Chuckles ] Tell me more about them. I want to hear about your cheerleaders.
Sharon: Well, a lot of them have been through the same procedures that I'm gonna go through, so they just share their experiences and little tips on staying healthy, and a few of them said that chemo isn't as bad as I might imagine. Though, my mileage might vary.
Rey: That's great.
Sharon: Yeah. And, you know, there are medications to alleviate a lot of the side effects before they get out of hand. I mean, no one's saying it's going to be a fun time but, you know, it can be managed.
Rey: Right, and, if i remember correctly, your doctor said you might not feel anything right away.
Sharon: Yeah. There were a lot of women who said that it took days before they noticed any changes at all, and, even then, it wasn't severe.
Rey: Hmm. So between your online crew and your real-life family, we got you covered.
Sharon: Yep.
Rey: Are you sleepy?
Sharon: I think I could manage to find a little room for ice cream, if you'd like to join me.
Rey: Oh! I thought you'd never ask. I'll be right back. Hey there people eligible for medicare.
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asthma symptoms
can attack anywhere.
Sharon: So enough about me. Let's talk about you. What's going on at the station? Anything new?
Rey: Oh. No, not much.
Sharon: But there is this one case.
Rey: Well... there was someone who gave me a call, someone who needed help, but I -- I'm hamstrung what to do, you know? It's like this simple situation could turn into something complicated and serious, like -- like you know when something bad is coming down the pike and you're like powerless to stop it?
Sharon: No. I have no idea what that feels like.
Rey: Oh... I am sorry.
Sharon: No, it's okay. Stop. I wanted to hear about something other than myself.
Rey: You know what I want?
Sharon: All of this ice cream? Okay, I will spoon-fight you for it if I have to.
Rey: I want to know what's in your heart.
Sharon: No.
Rey: Come on. Why not?
Sharon: Because.
Rey: You're not ready?
Sharon: I'm fine.
Rey: You know, one day, it's all going to come spilling out, and it's -- it's not gonna be pretty.
Sharon: I can'T.
Rey: Why?
Sharon: Because some things just hurt too much to talk about. And I'm afraid if I open my mouth, I will scream, and then I won't be able to stop. Now, I know I have the best doctors, and I'm lucky because i have good insurance and I caught the tumor early, but -- you know what... damn it, rey, you know? This the kind of thing that happens to someone else, and you call, or you send a card and visit. I mean, I don't want to say "why me?" Because why anybody? I know this sounds a little bit crazy, but I -- I just keep expecting I'm gonna get a phone call, and someone's going to tell me that this is all just some big mistake because I feel fine. I'm the same sharon that I was last month and the month before that, and, I mean, I know I have this thing growing inside of me, but... thank god I caught it early because... what if I hadn't? And I know that I'm supposed to be strong. I know that that's what everybody is expecting, but I just...can'T.
Rey: Sharon.
Sharon: No. You know what? No, no, no. I-I know that you're trying to be my rock and you're trying to be everything that I need you to be, and that -- that's great. It really is, but... if you touch me, I am going to fall apart, and nothing will be able to put me back together again.
Rey: Okay. Tell me what to do. I will do it, anything. I want to make all this go away, sharon.
Sharon: I know! But you can't! The only way out is through step by step, and my first step is to finish packing.
Rey: [ Sighs ] Well, it looks like you're off to a good start. What do you need to take?
Sharon: Anything to kill the boredom while the chemo kills the cancer. I've got my laptop, and it's loaded with movies, thanks to mariah, and a book.
Rey: Nice.
Sharon: And I heard it can get cold the infusion room, so i took a shawl and sweater and a blankie from faith. I've just got, you know, snacks, water, bottle of lotion. It's kind of like, um....
Rey: Come on. Don't do that. Tell me.
Sharon: It's kind of like when pack a bag to go to the hospital when you're having a baby. You know, you're so excited, and... you have this little life growing inside of you, and your life's about to change in all of these unexpected ways. Only, this is the opposite. I'm going to the hospital to kill this thing that's inside of me, and my life is going to change in ways that I never wanted it to. I mean, I'm terrified and scared. And, you know, my body's something that I just don't even recognize or understand anymore.
[ Sighs ] You know, things are going to change, and that's okay. I'm -- I'm good with change, I am. But these are not going to be changes for the better. You know, I just wish I could freeze this moment in time. I mean, not this moment, but all the other moments.
[ Sobs ] I wish I could go back and do it all over again, and I would do it this time without -- without taking anything for granted. I -- listen, I know this is a lot. It is. It's -- you know, if you want to bail, now's your chance.
Rey: Yeah. You're trying to push me away, and it is not working, at all. And since we're speaking from the heart... I have one small request I need to make.
Rey: I know you said you wanted to be alone tonight. You didn't want anybody hanging around, even me. But I was also hoping that you'd had some second thoughts.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] Trust me, you -- you're going to get a much more restful night of sleep if you just go back to your place.
Rey: I -- I know. I know you're the one undergoing these treatments, and I know that your mind is taking to you to some dark places, okay? But you also need to know that you are not alone. So I am asking you... let me just sleep on the couch, at least.
Sharon: No! No. That would be weird.
Rey: Why?
Sharon: Because I would feel like we're fighting.
Rey: Sharon, this is where I need to be. What -- what if you need something? What if you need a cup of tea, hmm?
Sharon: [ Giggles ] What'd I do to deserve you?
Rey: All the good things. Besides, I'm the lucky one.
Sharon: I'm not so sure about that.
Rey: No. If you saw yourself the way that I see you...
Sharon: Are you trying to butter me up?
Rey: Uh, maybe just a little. And there's just one last thing I need you to agree to.
Sharon: I can't remember the last time someone tucked me in.
Rey: Well, don't get used to it. This is for special occasions only because the rest of the time, I am going to be right here by your side. You know how much I love you?
Sharon: I know that this is not the romance you signed up for.
Rey: I signed up for you. And this is just... part of our story. It doesn't define it.
Sharon: Thank you. Now, here's your phone. I'm gonna leave it right here on your night stand. So if you want to text me in the middle of the night, i will be up here as fast as lightning. I love you.
Sharon: Love you, too.
Sharon: Mariah? What are you doing?
You must be so tired.
Sharon: Mariah?
No. It's me.
Sharon: [ Gasps ] Cassie. Sweetheart, I've -- I've been thinking about you so much.
I know.
Sharon: You always know when I need you, and you come.
And now... I need you to come with me.
Sharon: Cassie, what are you -- why are you here?
I'm here for you.
Sharon: No. No. There must be a mistake.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
I can't -- I can't -- my children, they need me. Faith is still so young. And she's putting on a brave face but... I know she's scared. She needs me. There's still so much I want to do. I need to be here.
Faith is stronger than you think. And so are you. Let me show you.
Sharon: No. No, I won'T.
You have to listen to me.
Sharon: No. Please. Just go away, okay? I'm not ready for this. Rey! Rey, where are you? You said you would stay with me! You promised! Where did you go? Rey!
Mariah: Let me top that off for you, and your dessert is coming right out.
Sharon: Mariah? Is that you?
Mariah: Mom. What are you doing here?
Sharon: I don't know.
Mariah: Well, you should be at home resting. Tomorrow is a big day. It's your first day of chemo.
Sharon: Oh, I was in bed, and rey was sleeping on the couch, but now he's gone. Have you seen him?
Mariah: Rey...
Sharon: Yeah. He said that he wanted to look after me every step of the way. He -- he promised.
Mariah: Well, that was before.
Sharon: No, he said he wanted to take care of me.
Mariah: Freud would call that wish fulfillment, where you want so badly for something to be true that you..dream it up, but the reality is... rey is gone.
Sharon: He can't be.
Mariah: Do you want a cup of coffee? Maybe it'll make you feel better. It's just as we predicted -- rey moved back to miami.
Sharon: But rey's life is here now, with me.
Phyllis: Poor sharon. Living in the past. Rey's gone. The sooner you accept the truth....
Sharon: That's a lie.
Phyllis: No, it's the truth. No man wants to be with...this.
Sharon: Nobody wants your opinion.
Phyllis: Well, somebody should listen to my opinion because no man wants to be with a woman who's riddled with cancer. Rey, of all men, is not going to stand there and hold your hair back while you puke up your guts.
Sharon: Rey -- rey loves me.
Phyllis: The old you, but... not this.
Sharon: He would never leave without saying goodbye. He wouldn'T.
Phyllis: Yet, here we are.
Sharon: He'll be back. He will, and I'm not alone. I have mariah.
Mariah: Oh, this might be a bad time to tell you this, but I am going on tour.
Sharon: Tour?
Mariah: Yeah. With tessa. She missed me so much that she just begged me to go on tour with her. It's the chance of a lifetime.
Sharon: So you're leaving me, too?
Mariah: You've been pushing me away ever since you got diagnosed. I thought that you would be happy for me.
Phyllis: Everything is about sharon, isn't it?
Sharon: No, that's not true. None of it. I -- I want you to stay.
Mariah: Yeah, but there are some things that you can't control, mom. I'd say that I'd call but... I have my whole life ahead of me. So you've got this, right?
Sharon: No, I don'T. I need you. Please don't go!
Phyllis: Um... I'd love to stay, too, but i don't want to be the last one at a funeral so I'm going to go and -- congratulate me. I have a hot date and a great future and a hot body that will never betray me, and you have, um --- ooh, wow. You have this.
Sharon: [ Gasps ] What? Wait. No. I'm not ready. No, I can't get my chemo in here. Not like this. Oh, nick! Tell them. I can't do this.
Nick: You look incredible.
Phyllis: I know. Don't I?
Nick: Are you ready for our night on the town?
Phyllis: Yes. I've been counting the seconds.
Sharon: Nick, wait!
Nick: Oh, I didn't see you there.
Phyllis: I know. She's invisible. Poor thing.
Sharon: Nick, don't go with her. Please, don't go. Please, stay here. Everybody's leaving me.
Nick: Oh, you don't need me. I mean, I would probably move a mountain or go overboard, and I know that's the last thing you want. You got this, right?
Sharon: No! No!
Nick: Are you ready? I'm gonna give you the night of your dreams. Dinner, dancing...
Sharon: Nick, wait! Please, don't go. I didn't mean it. Just stay for a while. I -- I can't go through this alone.
Mom. Look at me.
Sharon: Cassie.
You don't have to be afraid. You will never be alone.
Sharon: [ Gasps ]
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
[ Door unlocks ]
Mariah: Whoever that is, I have pepper spray, and I know how to use it.
Rey: Yeah, because I taught you how to. Hey, mariah.
Mariah: Rey... I'm so sorry about that.
Rey: Well, it's all right. I'm just glad you're prepared.
Mariah: [ Scoffs ] What are you doing here on the couch? Is everything okay? Is there something I should know about? Are you and my mom fighting?
Rey: No. No, nothing like that. This was, uh -- this was sharon's choice.
Mariah: But why? I mean, tonight of all nights, I would want a million arms around me.
Rey: Oh, you know, she was afraid she'd keep me awake all night.
Mariah: Oh, and I woke you up anyway.
Rey: Don't worry about it. Couldn't sleep if I tried.
Mariah: How is she doing? Haven't seen her since she went up to go to bed.
Mariah: That's good, right? I, mean hopefully she's fast asleep and having the best dreams ever.
Rey: I hope you're right.
[ Monitor beeping ]
Sharon: What's -- what is this? What's happening?
Mariah: Picture a woman who had everything in the world -- a job that fulfilled her, children that cherished her, and a man that would lay down his life for her. But this is the day that sharon newman's life changed forever. How could anyone have guessed that it would go so terribly, terribly wrong?
Sharon: That's me? No, no. It -- it can't be. I'm not even scheduled for surgery yet.
Mariah: Thank you. Thank you. Riveting story. I'm here today with the people who knew sharon best.
Sharon: Why are you talking in the past-tense?
Mariah: I think it's safe to say that the operation was a dividing line in sharon's life. You know, there was the sharon before surgery, and then there was the sharon after surgery.
Phyllis: Undoubtedly so.
Rey: Definitely.
Nick: Absolutely. It, uh, definitely changed her.
Phyllis: I mean, she should have known that would happen -- all the time spent on the internet, all the hours of searches and connecting up with strangers. Really, somebody should have warned her.
Nick: What's done is done.
Phyllis: But, you know what, it was her choice. It was her own choice to let a doctor butcher her body like that.
Sharon: Choice? I didn't have a choice. No. It was surgery or death. I didn't want to die. Don't you understand that? I had to. There were still things I wanted to do, people who need me. And this is the way that i fight. What else was I supposed to do?
Rey: It took so much out of her.
Mariah: And yet you made the difficult and tough decision to leave her.
Phyllis: But that' understandable. Honestly, those scars are like something out of a nightmare.
Rey: She was just so different afterwards -- sad and detached. She didn't want to be touched. She stopped taking care of herself. I had to sleep on the couch.
Phyllis: That's horrible. You're a good man. You didn't deserve that.
Rey: You know, it wasn't the physical changes that bothered me so much. See, when I first met sharon, she was this breath of fresh air. Her smile could light up the world. Playful, fun-loving, independent.
Mariah: But afterwards...
Rey: Yeah. She was so, uh... what's the word? Uh...
Phyllis: Needy.
Rey: Yeah. Insecure and sad.
Nick: Listen, I'm sure you did what you could.
Rey: I tried, you know?
Nick: Yeah. She didn't give any of us space. We were all suffering.
Mariah: Nick newman, former husband, longtime love, co-parent. You've known sharon your entire adult life, and this isn't her first health challenge. Would you mind telling our audience about that story?
Nick: Yeah. You are talking about when she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Well, that was different. You know, that treatment, it, uh -- it made her optimistic about her future. It made her unstoppable but the cancer treatment, it... man, it really changed her, so much that we just didn't recognize her anymore.
Mariah: Would you mind telling our audience what that was like and what that means?
Nick: It hit our kids the hardest. Faith, in particular. I just hope she has good memories of who her mother used to be. We don't talk about her much anymore. The wounds are still too fresh and deep.
Mariah: Well, it sounds like she was a very good mom.
Nick: She was, before.
Phyllis: I don't know why she chose to put her family through this, put herself through this just for a little extra time.
Sharon: A little extra time? How much time do I have?
Mariah: I agree. It is all so tragic.
Nick: Poor faith. She is in therapy now, but i have fingers crossed that it's all gonna work out for the best.
Sharon: No! No. I just saw her. She's fine. Please, don't say that.
Rey: If she'd only known then what we know now, I'm sure she -- she would have made a different choice.
Nick: Yeah, if we could go back, you know, change things.
Sharon: How can I change this? Did the treatment fail? Did I make a mistake?
Nick: I just wish...
Phyllis: Let this be a lesson to us all.
Mariah: Wonderful words of wisdom from phyllis. Thank you all for being here, and I wish you luck on closing the chapter of this heart-wrenching story of failure and defeat. I hope you all can move on with your lives.
[ Monitor beeping ]
[ Monitor flatlines ]
Sharon: What are you doing? What -- what -- do something! Save me! No! You said you would fight this damn thing. Now, fight, damn it! I need more time! I just need more time. Please. Another chance! I will do things differently this time. Don't! Don't leave me here alone! I've always loved seeing what's next.
Phyllis: Welcome to the grand phoenix. How could I be of service to you?
Sharon: I'm -- I'm not sure why I'm here.
Phyllis: Oh, let me see what I can find out. Okay. Sharon newman, you have an appointment.
Sharon: With whom? I'm meeting someone?
Phyllis: The radiologist. You have radiation therapy.
Sharon: No. No, no. That -- that's not how radiation works, and I don't need it. I'm healthy and strong.
Rey: Yeah, sure you are. The strongest woman I know. Here, take these.
Sharon: Why?
Rey: For the pain.
Sharon: But I'm not in any pain.
Mariah: Mom.
Sharon: Why are you using a cane?
Mariah: Well, it's for you.
Sharon: But I don't need it.
Mariah: The doctors told us you would say that, but the chemo has made your bones brittle, and if you fall in your weakened state...
Sharon: Why are you all treating me like this? Why are you treating me like I'm on death's door?
Mariah: Well, see for yourself.
Sharon: [ Gasps ]
Faith: [ Crying ] Mommy. I love you! I'll always love you.
Sharon: I love you, too, faith. Please don't cry. Everything will be fine.
Faith: How? How is any of this going to be fine?
Sharon: Oh, my baby...
Mom. Mom, it's time.
Sharon: But I'm supposed to win. They told me I could beat this. They told me I was stronger than anything that was trying to kill me. Are you telling me that, despite everything -- the medications, the treatments, the prayers...
It's time to go home. You're not alone. Please don't be afraid. You have us. We're all here for you, and we're standing by you. Come and see.
Mariah: I can't imagine what she's going through. Ever since she found out about the tumor, she's handled herself with such grace. I don't know if that's something that skips a generation because there is no way but I would be that cool.
Rey: She's a strong woman.
Mariah: I just wish she would stop shutting us out sometimes.
Sharon: Wish granted.
Mariah: Oh, no, mom. I'm so sorry. Did we wake you up?
Sharon: No. No, I just -- I had the strangest dream.
Rey: Well, that doesn't sound good.
Sharon: Um, it was eye-opening and terrifying. Both of you were there, and -- and nick and faith and... cassie.
Mariah: Oh, my god. Wait. Sit down. Tell me everything. So... what did -- what did she look like?
Sharon: Beautiful. She looked exactly like you, and she was your age. That's how I always pictured her.
Mariah: And what happened in this dream?
Sharon: She told me that she was here to take me home.
Mariah: Oh. That that doesn't sound too reassuring. What "home?"
Sharon: This one. Right here, with you, with everyone I love. She -- she knew that was what I needed, and she was right. I'm so glad you stayed.
Rey: You couldn't get rid of me if you tried.
Sharon: And I'm really, really glad you're here.
Mariah: I know you asked me to stay away, but...
Sharon: No, I'm glad you ignored me, and I... I wish that I hadn't told nick to take faith for the night.
Rey: Well, you needed your rest.
Sharon: You know, cancer has really made me feel isolated and separate from everyone. You know, one day, I had a life full of endless possibilities, and then the next one, I had cancer and blood tests and scans and biopsies and chemo and... you know, while everyone else's life got to go on without me.
Mariah: Do you know what you also have? You have us.
Rey: Yeah. Team sharon. We're with you every step of the way. Does cleansing drain the life out of your skin?
Rey: You need to practice asking us what you want.
Mariah: I agree. When else are you gonna have your family at your beck and call?
Sharon: Well, once I start, I might never stop. So are you sure you want me to become a diva?
Mariah: Hmm. After all the work that you do for us all the time, yes. Yes, I do.
Rey: And the more you ask of us, the happier we will be.
Mariah: It's true.
Sharon: Okay. Then I'll try.
Rey: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: You know, now that you mention it... I am kind of hungry.
Rey: Ah! Say no more.
Sharon: Okay. Who's the math genius? You set the table for five.
[ Door opens ]
Faith: Is that bacon I smell?
Sharon: Oh, my goodness.
[ Sighs ] You have no idea how happy I am to see you guys.
Nick: Hope you made enough for everyone.
Rey: Come on in! You're just in time. Grab a plate, get it while it's hot. Let's do this.
Faith: Mmm!
Mariah: This looks so good.
Faith: Oh!
Mariah: I need some orange juice right away.
Nick: Yeah, I do, too.
Rey: I need bacon.
[ Laughter ]
Nick: Bacon. Pass the sausage.
Rey: Here. Oh, yeah, plenty of bacon.
Mariah: This looks delicious.
Nick: Mm-hmm.
Rey: Yeah?
Sharon: Yeah.
Rey: All right. Here you go, brother.
Nick: All right.
Sharon: I may not know what tomorrow will bring, but I do know one thing for sure. I'm the luckiest woman in the world. Now, let's dig in.
Rey: Mm!
Nick: All right.
Rey: Hear, hear.
Faith: All right.
Rey: Oj?
Sharon: Yes, please.
Nick: You made more sausage, right? I'm probably gonna crush this.
[ Laughter ]
Faith: Remind me why we have to do the dishes again.
Nick: They cooked. We clean, kid.
Mariah: Hey. You still got a few hours before you're due at the hospital.
Rey: You think you can catch a few winks?
Sharon: I might. With the right ingredients.
Faith: What did I do?
Sharon: Would you be willing to do something for your mom?
Faith: Yeah, yeah. Of course. Anything.
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