Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/6/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 2/6/20


Episode #11794 ~ Jack questions Theo's motives; Amanda confronts her past.

Provided By Suzanne

(Soe of this is missing due to Senate impeachment trial; we'll get it later from On Demand)

Previously on"the young and the restless"...

Lola: [ Crying ] But it's over...isn't it? I mean, if we're being honest here...

Kyle: I guess I should... go to a hotel room.

Amanda: Why does victoria think that we slept together?

Billy: I have no idea.

Amanda: She must have gotten that idea from somewhere.

Billy: Well, the only person that I know that would say something like that is victor.

Amanda: Have you ever had to put out a restraining order on your ex? He was a textbook stalker, and i was his obsession.

Nate: Where's this guy at now?

Amanda: Ripley.

Ripley: Hello, amanda. It's been a while.

Ripley: You look good, amanda.

Amanda: Thank you. You look the same.

Ripley: Do I?

[ Inhales sharply ] It's been awhile.

Amanda: There's a reason for that.

Ripley: Right. You have a restraining order on me, and I have a restraining order on you, but two wrongs don't make a right, do they?

Amanda: What are you doing here, ripley?

Ripley: I was hoping we could have a time-out.

Amanda: That's what the restraining order's for.

Ripley: Okay. A time-out from the time-out. I was wondering if we could forget everything that happened back in madison for a few minutes and have a conversation.

Amanda: I think it's a little too late for that. You know, I'm not -- I'm not sure what we would talk about.

Ripley: I've missed you.

Amanda: Okay, I don't know how you got in here, but you need to leave now. I am calling the police.

Ripley: Hold on. Wait.

Amanda: No. No.

Ripley: Please, okay? I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just want to talk. Mandy, it's me. You know I would never hurt you. Even in our worst moments, i would never do anything like that.

Amanda: You want credit for not -- not hitting me? Okay, fine. But you're just -- you broke into my hotel room.

Ripley: I didn't break in. But I knew this was the only way to -- to get you to talk to me. I'm asking for 10 minutes. What do you say?

Billy: Hey. Did amanda take off?

Nate: Yeah.

Billy: So, she's all right?

Nate: I didn't say that.

Billy: Okay. Well, she insisted she was earlier.

Nate: What else was she supposed to say? After your ex blamed her for the two of you breaking up.

Billy: Yeah. Victoria was out of line.

Nate: But it was you who put amanda in the line of fire to begin with. And she deserves better.

Theo: Can I get you something? Water? Tea?

Lola: I'm fine. I can't really think about eating or drinking right now.

Theo: Do you want to talk about it?

Lola: Can we just sit here a little longer?

Theo: Yeah. Of course.

Summer: Well, do you feel like talking?

Kyle: I don't know. I don't know what to say.

Summer: Um... well, you could start with talking about happened between you and lola.

Kyle: I'm -- I'm sitting in a hotel lobby because I came to get a room.

Summer: That must have been some fight.

Kyle: It wasn't a fight. It was a breakup.

Summer: Wait. You mean...

Kyle: A divorce.

[ Chuckles ] I can't believe I'm actually saying that out loud.

Summer: Yeah, it's a scary word.

Kyle: Yeah. But I mean it. Lola and I -- we -- we -- we talked, and -- and we laid everything out there, what we were thinking and feeling. We didn't want to hurt each other, but we both knew the truth.

Summer: Which is what?

Kyle: That we don't belong together... because there's someone else I've never gotten over.

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Amanda: How did you get in here, ripley?

Ripley: Housekeeping let me in. I told them you forgot your scarf, and they let me in to get it. Only reason that worked is 'cause I know you so well, amanda. I know you like your coffee with two sugars. I know you're always cold, even in the summertime. I know that if you sleep on your back, you snore like a sawmill.

Amanda: Okay, that's enough. You have nine and a half minutes, so you should get to the point.

Ripley: That is the point. You and I used to be so in love. I don't know how we got to this place.

Amanda: You know exactly how we got here. You just don't want to admit it.

Ripley: Okay, I need to understand why you felt you had to leave your firm and the city because of me, why you felt like you had to disappear, why you felt like you needed to put a gps tracker under my car. I'm not mad about it. I'm sad. And I want to know your side of the story, what happened from your perspective. And don't leave anything out.

Amanda: You want me to read you the riot act so you can play the victim?

Ripley: No. I want to listen. That's all.

Amanda: You don't listen, ripley. You pretend to listen. You want to hear things from my perspective, then go and read the restraining order.

Ripley: I have. And I don't recognize the man that you describe in there.

Amanda: That man is you, ripley. You did every single thing in that report, okay? You -- you stalked me. You're stalking me now.

Ripley: Okay, I knew by me coming here it would make you angry.

Amanda: [ Scoffs ]

Ripley: But I also know that if you're still getting this upset... you must still care... on some level.

Amanda: I am upset because you have invaded my privacy and my personal space, not to mention breaking the law.

Ripley: I apologize for going to this extreme, okay? But you and I have unfinished business. I'm convinced that if we can talk this through, hash this out, it'll be helpful for both of us.

Amanda: Not for me. I've been done with this and with you for a very long time.

Ripley: Then why haven't you dialed that phone?

Theo: You okay?

Lola: [ Sighs ] I don't know, but I can't sit like this all night.

Theo: I don't mind.

Lola: Thank you for your shoulder. Really. You know, I didn't think I was gonna walk into work leaving a single woman. I mean, technically I'm not single, but...now I have to think about a life without kyle. And...I'm gonna go home to an empty apartment. And I -- I don't even know. But I have to figure it out, uh, and I can't do that until I get off of this couch and start putting one foot in front of the other.

Theo: Sounds like a plan. Can I, uh, give you a ride home?

Lola: That's sweet, but, um, my car is parked out back, so...

Theo: So...?

Lola: Good night. Thank you for being such a good friend.

Theo: Well, it's not like i had anything else to do tonight. But can I ask you to do me a favor?

Lola: Depends on what it is.

Theo: If you can't sleep or decide you want talk...

Lola: I've got your number.

[ Both chuckle ]

Jack: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Kyle: Lola knew where we were headed before I could admit it myself, and she tried to take some of the blame, but... it was me. And when you said those things to me in san francisco, I tried hard not to listen. I-I was in denial, but it got to a point where...I couldn't do it anymore. And I'm not gonna let theo off the hook for all the crap he's pulled, but in the end, it's -- it's about my feelings and where my heart is.

Summer: I kissed you in san francisco, so I'm sure that that can help things.

Kyle: Maybe lola knew earlier than I did. Maybe she suspected it all along. The truth is... I've never gotten over you.

Summer: Um...what can I do to make this easier for you?&

Kyle: It's getting late.

[ Inhales sharply ] I need to get a room.

Summer: Yeah.

Kyle: We'll talk tomorrow.

Summer: Yeah.

Kyle: Okay?

Summer: Yeah. Good night.

Kyle: Night.

Summer: Okay.

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