Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/5/20

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 2/5/20


Episode #11793 ~ Victor teaches an important lesson; Kyle and Lola dissect their marriage; tempers flare between Victoria and Billy.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Amanda: The relationship deteriorated to the point where I had put out an order of protection on him, and he did the same to me.

Victor: It seems that billy and amanda sinclair did not only meet in that excuse for a bar but they visited a motel repeatedly.

Summer: This isn't just a game to you. This isn't just about getting one up on kyle. No. Somewhere along the way, you formed actual feelings for kyle's wife.

Lola: If that's all that truly happened on this business trip, you would've told me right away. Kyle, I need you to tell me the truth. What are you holding back?

Kyle: The good news is we got a big win in san francisco. Jabot now officially owns bay street cosmetics. That means I'm counting on you guys to make sure it's a smooth transition. That means going over valuations and profit projections, inventory, the works. Um, if you have any questions or issues of any kind, take them to lola. She's gonna be your point person on this. Um... I mean summer is the point person.

[ Chuckles softly ] You know it's been a long day when you're confusing your employees with your wife. Not recommend.

[ Chuckles ]

Lola: Hi, theo.

Theo: Hey. I just thought I'd drop in, see how you're doing.

Lola: I'm okay.

Theo: Good to hear. But if, for any reason, you do feel like talking, I promise to make it all about me.

Lola: [ Chuckles ] I guess I do have some time before the dinner rush. Let's go grab a table.

Summer: Okay. So, this is why I think it's okay for me to tell kyle how I feel.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Billy: I was, uh, beginning to think you forgot.

Victoria: I've been busy.

Billy: Okay. Well, just a reminder -- you asked me to meet now. I don't know if your making me wait is punishment or --

Victoria: Oh, poor billy. Am I being mean to you?

Billy: Alright. I guess we're not over the hostility, so why don't we just cut to it?

Victoria: You are such a liar.

Billy: What did I do now?

Victoria: It's not what

you did [Voice breaking] It's

who you did. Can you heal dry skin in a day?

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provided by... my cholesterol is borderline.

Billy: What the hell are you talking about?

Victoria: Your so-called friendship with amanda clearly went a lot further. Went all the way to the bedroom.

Amanda: You're seriously --

Victoria: I wasn't speaking to you.

Amanda: Victoria, please. Whatever it is that you think --

Billy: Okay. Hold on a second. Hold -- please. Um, nothing happened between us, okay? We're friends. We talked. That's all.

Victoria: Billy, why don't you stop pretending? Our relationship is over. It's not like you can make it any worse. It must feel really good being her hero.

Billy: I'm only trying to be reasonable, victoria.

Victoria: Well, it's too late for that.

Billy: Where are you going?

Victoria: It's none of your business anymore, is it?

Billy: No. We came here to talk about our schedule with the kids.

Victoria: I came here to tell you that you're not fooling me anymore. I have proof.

Billy: Proof of what?

Victoria: You're gonna find out soon enough.

Billy: Victoria, hey.

Amanda: What is she talking about?

Billy: I have no idea. Uh, nate, do you mind if I talk to amanda on the patio, please?

Nate: Will you be okay?

Amanda: Yeah. I'll be fine. Thank you.

Kyle: Yeah. Could you have theo come to my office? Gone for the day? Uh, no. No, no, no. No message. I think I know where he is.

[ Sighs ]

Theo: So, on my way over, I see this group of kids sledding on a hill near the high school, and I'm thinking, "yeah," you know, "I used to do that. I was pretty good, too." So I got this kid to lend me his sled... and then, of course, I went too fast and crashed into a snow bank. The sled broke, and I ended up having to buy the kid a new one.

Lola: Were you hurt?

Theo: Just my ego.

Lola: [ Laughs ] Thank you for making me laugh.

Theo: Yeah. Ah. You saw them come in. You know, if I...move my chair to the left and lean, you won't have to look at her.

Lola: Or I could walk over there and ask her what the hell she's doing macking on my husband.

Theo: Uh, not a good idea.

Lola: Why not? It might help get some of this anger out of my system.

Theo: Yes, it might. But then you and summer will get into it. There will be angry words, raised voices, accusations, and who would that hurt in the long run?

Lola: Me.

Theo: You run this place. Summer's just visiting.

Lola: It's nice that you look out for me.

Theo: Well, I mean, I do have an ulterior motive. If abby ever fired you, where would I go to eat?

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Theo: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: Do you want to keep watching this, or...? Let's go to another restaurant. There are a lot in town.

Summer: No. No, no. I never want this to end. I just wish I knew what they were talking about. I told theo what happened in san francisco.

Phyllis: Ohh. Why'd you do that?

Summer: I don't know. I thought maybe it would... hurry things along a little, and I thought that that was a good way to do it, but... theo saw right through me. I mean, he called me out.

Phyllis: Summer, you're very, very smart. But depending on theo for anything -- it's not a good move.

Summer: Well, I thought that maybe he'd be too tempted to keep it to himself.

Phyllis: Yeah? Well, I don't think he said anything to her. Otherwise, you'd know it. And need I remind you... she works with very sharp knives?

Summer: [ Chuckles ] Do you think I'm being foolish?

Phyllis: No. I just think you want something so bad, you're trying to rush it. It's gonna backfire on you. Just sit back. Let the show come to you. Take it from someone who has done what you're doing many, many times. Let the show come to you. In the meantime, find somewhere else to hang out.

Lindsay: [ Gasps ] That was amazing!

Mariah: Yeah. It's -- it's great. Tessa wrote a killer song.

Lola: But not just the song -- the whole package. Did you really shoot and edit that video?

Mariah: Yeah. It wasn't that complicated.

Lindsay: Are you kidding? Do you think everybody can do that? Humility is fine, mariah, but not when you're out of work.

Mariah: [ Scoffs ]

Lindsay: You've got some serious skills, girl. Plus you ran an entire P.R. Outfit, so come on -- sell yourself. I guarantee you won't be out of work for very long. Look, I have a big mouth, so if I said anything out of line, just tell me to shut up.

Mariah: No. No, no, no. I'm so sorry. I've just been...looking over at these two groups, waiting for world war iii to break out.

Phyllis: Oh, no. I'm late for a meeting. I have to go.

Summer: Okay. I'll see you later.

Phyllis: You're gonna stay?

Summer: Yeah. I want to see what happens.

Phyllis: Ohh. Remember what I told you, okay?

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Phyllis: Remember.

Summer: Yeah. Love you.

Mariah: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you're going?

Summer: Uh, why is that any of your business?

Lola: Are you sure there isn't anything else that you want to drink?

Theo: Uh, I'm good. I should pace myself.

Lola: Okay.

Kyle: I think we should talk.

Lola: Yeah, we probably should.

Theo: [ Sighs ]

Amanda: Why does victoria think that we slept together?

Billy: I have no idea.

Amanda: She must have gotten that idea from somewhere.

Billy: Well, the only person that I know that would say something like that is victor. Right? And it is right out of his playbook.

Amanda: But we didn't, billy.

Billy: I know that, but he's not gonna care, okay? He's always hated me, and he's gonna fill his daughter's head up with lies. It's part of his character. Look, I'm -- I'm really sorry that you are put in the middle of all this.

Amanda: It's not like I'm an innocent bystander.

Billy: Yes, you are. You did nothing wrong. We did nothing wrong.

Amanda: If my partner were pouring his heart out to another woman, I wouldn't like it, either.

Billy: [ Sighs ] Amanda, we're friends, okay? That's it. We are still friends, right?

Amanda: Yes. Yes, we are still friends.

Billy: Okay, good. And, look, if victoria or any other newman comes after you in any other way, you please -- you let me know, and I will handle it.

Amanda: Thank you. But I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself.

Billy: I know you can.

[ Sighs ] I'll see you later.

Amanda: Mm-hmm.

Nate: Everything okay?

Amanda: Actually, no. No, it's not.

Victoria: I saw billy.

Victor: Couldn't have been easy.

Victoria: No, it wasn'T.

Victor: Come here, sweetheart. Follow me. (Cat 1) friskies world...

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Wow! Look at you! You're a busy guy.

Billy: Okay. Whatever this is, it's gonna have to wait until after I'm dead.

Phyllis: You and amanda.

Billy: Where did you hear that?

Phyllis: [ Scoffs ] When you have a fight with victoria about who you're sleeping with, don't have it at the coffeehouse. People have friends. They text.

Billy: Okay. First of all, nothing's going on. You know what? I don't have to explain anything to you.

Phyllis: Wow. That's not denial, is it?

Billy: It's none of your business, phyllis.

Phyllis: I don't care about you. You're not the one I'm concerned about.

Billy: Oh, give me a break. Don't pretend you're concerned about victoria.

Phyllis: I don't care about victoria. I care about my friend amanda.

Billy: Since when?

Phyllis: You know what? If you want to blow up your life for the one-millionth time, you go ahead. But don't take my friend down with you.

Victoria: [ Groans ] Dad, would you please explain to me why we're doing this again?

Victor: Because, my darling, boxing is the best workout in the world.

Victoria: Okay. That's great. But I do a lot of other things to stay in shape.

Victor: You do?

Victoria: Yeah!

Victor: Wow.

Victoria: I have a trainer. I do pilates and circuit training and barre and yoga.

Victor: I am so impressed. My goodness. You know, all of that is very impressive. But there's nothing like boxing, the best workout of the world. You know why? Makes you a force to be reckoned with.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Dad.

Victor: I'm serious.

Victoria: [ Chuckles softly ] Okay, fine. I will do this for you.

Victor: No, you don't have to do it for me. You do it for yourself, alright? And then you thank me later. So, let's put on the right one first.

Victoria: Oh. Ohh.

Victor: Yeah, I think so. No, the left one. And press into it. Press down hard. Good. Okay. And next time, wear something without those damn laces, okay?

[ Both chuckle ]

Mariah: Okay. It's time to go. Nothing to see here.

Summer: What is that supposed to mean?

Mariah: It means that kyle and lola need their privacy, so we should all leave now.

Theo: You know what? Mariah's right.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Well, that'll be the day.

Theo: We don't need to hang around here. Whatever happens, we will find out soon enough. I am out of here. Hmm? You know, if you hurry up, you can catch him.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

Lindsay: Looks like you just averted world war iii.

Mariah: Yeah, for now.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] I have to say this, lola. I don't know how you're gonna react, but I'm gonna say it anyways. I came here to see you tonight, not theo. But I can't say I was surprised that he was here.

Lola: So now it becomes about me.

Kyle: I didn't say that. But you can't tell me he's not part of this.

Lola: What's summer's part?

Kyle: I was only trying to make a point.

Lola: Yeah, that I was betraying your trust by being theo's friend, but it was okay for you and summer to do whatever it is.

Kyle: Stop, okay? I didn't want to go this way.

Lola: Me, either.

Kyle: Can we start over?

Lola: Fine.

Kyle: But first you have to tell me the ground rules. You... can be jealous of summer but I-i can't say anything about theo hanging around all the time?

Lola: Is it the same thing, kyle?

[ Voice breaking ] 'Cause i think I know the answer, but i need to hear it from you.

Kyle: I don't know.

Lola: Right. Where are we, then? Because I don't know. And maybe the real question is, "what are we?"

Kyle: We're married. That's what we are.

[ Voice breaking ] We chose each other. We pushed through a lot of obstacles to be together.

Lola: A marriage is about two people, kyle -- two. And right now it doesn't feel like there are two people fighting for this marriage.

Kyle: I am fighting for this. I wouldn't be here otherwise.

Lola: Then just please explain to me what you said the other day... about summer being in your head, because I don't know what that means. And I think you do. I think you know exactly what that means.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Amanda: I came to genoa city to do a job -- that's all -- and now I am cast in this role as an evil doppelganger who is out to steal devon's inheritance.

Nate: That's died down now.

Amanda: Yeah, maybe. But I still feel like everyone is looking at me and they're waiting for me to open my purse and reveal all of devon's money. And now look -- as an added attraction, I am now the woman who has broken up victoria and billy. Watch out, everyone. She's radioactive.

Nate: [ Sighs ]

Amanda: Okay. Alright. What do you want to ask me about all of this? Because, contrary to what other people believe, I am actually an honest person.

Nate: You don't have to explain anything to me, amanda.

Amanda: I think what I am trying to say is that... I would value your opinion.

Nate: Okay. Um [Clears throat] First of all, whatever did or didn't happen between you and billy is your business, nobody else'S. From what you told me, you were a friend to him, and it sounds like that's what he needed. That's the beginning, middle, and end of it as far as I'm concerned. What's so funny?

Amanda: How on earth are you still single, nate?

Nate: [ Laughing ] Where did that come from?

Amanda: I mean, you are just -- look at you. You're so -- you're so nice. You're so sweet. You never judge anyone. You're funny. You're gorgeous.

Nate: Oh, come on, now.

Amanda: Oh, and you're a doctor. I mean -- oh, come on -- boom. Package. I'm sure that every one of your exes, maybe with the exception of abby, are just kicking themselves because they let you go, huh?

Nate: You'd have to ask them.

Amanda: Not like my ex, ripley. That was his name.

Nate: Ah.

Amanda: He was not a nice person.

Nate: Yeah, we've all been there.

Amanda: Have you ever had to put out a restraining order on your ex? Yeah. I didn't think so.

Nate: What happened? What did he do to you?

Amanda: It's not... what you're thinking. He never, ever got physical with me. It was...everything else. It was the calls, the texts, the threats -- the works. He was a textbook stalker.

Nate: Where's this guy at now?

Amanda: He's back in madison. That's one of the reasons why i took the job out here, so i could just get away from him and I can start over. Now, look. I have to do it all over again in a new town because victor newman's money -- it can go a very long way towards making someone's life miserable.

Nate: I think you'd be making a mistake.

Amanda: Really? I actually think that a lot of people would be very happy.

Nate: You don't need to run anymore -- not from your ex, not from victor newman, not from anybody. You're too strong for that, alright? So stick around. You have more people in your corner than you think.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Theo: Oh. You actually left.

Summer: [ Chuckles softly ] Yeah. Well, mariah's allowed to have one good idea in a lifetime.

Theo: And now here we are, waiting.

Summer: Mm-hmm, and hoping for the same thing, which probably doesn't say much about either one of us.

Theo: Speak for yourself.

Summer: Okay, theo. We both know what we're waiting for.

Theo: Oh, wait. Do you really think you and kyle are gonna be doing the happily-ever-after thing? Didn't you already play that tune? How'd it work out for you?

Summer: Okay, mr. Hot shot. I know you're interested in lola. What? What is it? You're just gonna connect with lola and you're gonna get bored and be back on the prowl, though? Is it just about the chase?

Theo: You know, you don't know me at all.

Summer: Likewise.

Theo: I'm gonna get some air. It suddenly got real stuffy in here.

Summer: Theo, just wait. You're right. I don't really know you. I only know the smart-ass that felt he had to prove himself to everybody, and I don't know what's gonna happen back there, either, between lola and kyle. They could kiss and make up, for all we know. But what I do know... I do know that I love kyle. Those are the stakes for me. Do you feel the same way about lola? If you care more about lola's well-being than you do about stealing kyle's wife away from him, then you're right. I did misjudge you.

Theo: [ Chuckles softly ]

Kyle: I can't pretend summer doesn't exist. We've known each other forever. We work together.

Lola: And she wants you back.

Kyle: Doesn't theo want you?

Lola: Theo hasn't tried to kiss me, kyle. Theo hasn't tried to do anything except to be my friend.

Kyle: Don't be so naive about him.

Lola: I'm not naive, kyle, but I do have my morals. If theo tried anything -- tried to pull anything close to what summer did with you, I would have shut him down so quick. Do you know why? Because I am married to you.

Kyle: I did shut her down.

Lola: Right. Fine. If you say you did, you did.

Kyle: Wait. I-it's the truth, lola.

Lola: But she felt free to do so. Kyle, don't you see what that says about us? And now you're telling me that she's in your head and that you can't stop thinking about her. So, please... stop trying to make this about theo... and let's just face what's right in front of us.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

Lola: I think... there are things that you really want to say to me... things that you are trying really hard not to say because you love me and because you care about me.

Kyle: I'm -- I'm [Sniffles] I'm just trying to be honest.

Lola: [ Crying ] Try harder.

Kyle: Lola, I am trying.

Lola: Kyle... you need to tell me the truth. Okay? I need you to tell me how you feel. This is not a fight. Okay? This is just two people who love each other... being honest.

Kyle: I do love you... so much.

Lola: That's not what I'm asking.

Kyle: You are so different. You are independent and smart and...

Lola: Kyle...

Kyle: ...Beautiful.

Lola: ...That is still not what I'm asking. Please.

Kyle: Summer. Summer -- summer -- summer said things in san francisco, things I... didn't want to hear. She wondered why I found theo such a threat. Was it because I was really jealous of him, or was I... using the situation to try and bring... more passion into my relationship with you... to... get more stakes, I guess -- stakes that wouldn't have been there otherwise?

Lola: And was summer right? Kyle, talk to me. Was summer right? Is that why she's been in your head... asking you questions you don't know how to answer?

Kyle: Yeah. The thing is...

[ Inhales deeply ] Summer....

[ Exhales sharply ] Is not just in my head. If that's all it was, then maybe this...wouldn't matter so much. Summer is... in my heart, too, lola.

Lola: Oh.

Kyle: I thought I could get over her. For the longest time, I thought I had. But...I...don't believe that anymore. I'm sorry, lola.

Lola: [ Crying ] When their sensitive skin runs into messy stains,

Phyllis: No. Amanda doesn't need your trouble, billy.

Billy: I didn't give her any, phyllis.

Phyllis: Seriously? Victoria newman, daughter of victor newman, thinks that amanda is the other woman? Seriously, that's not trouble?

Billy: First of all -- and, again, this is none of your business. Second of all, who the hell are you to decide what amanda needs?

Phyllis: Amanda is my friend.

Billy: Oh, give me a break. You don't have friends. You're up to something like you always are.

Phyllis: I am trying to prevent amanda from being yet another woman who gets caught up in your messed-up life.

Billy: Here we are. Thought we mended fences.

Phyllis: Yeah, sure. We did. We did. I'm a great friend to you, which is shocking, considering the history that we have.

Billy: It is shocking, phyllis. What do you want from me?

Phyllis: I want you to get your life together, billy.

Billy: I have my life together, phyllis.

Phyllis: Not from where i sit.

Billy: Well, then go sit somewhere else. Look, I think it's wonderful that you're taking care of your friend, but I didn't do anything wrong. Now, you can believe me, or don't believe me. I don't care.

Amanda: Hey.

Phyllis: Hey. You okay?

Amanda: Uh, yeah. Am I not supposed to be?

Phyllis: You and billy and victoria.

Amanda: Okay, phyllis. Not right now, please.

Phyllis: No, no, no. No. Listen. This is what I want to say.

Amanda: Look, I have been through the wringer with this already, and I don't want to have to explain it to anyone else.

Phyllis: You don't explain anything. When people have miserable lives, they want to make less of yours, okay? When they do that, you kick 'em to the curb. And if that doesn't work, you send 'em to me.

Amanda: [ Chuckles softly ] Well, that's badass, phyllis.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. That's right.

Amanda: Well, thank you, but I-I think I can handle it.

Phyllis: I'm sure you can.

Victor: Good. That's good. You know what? You learned the right way. You're turning it over. That's exactly what you should do. Let's go. Good. Good. Good. Oh, that's a right cross. I haven't said that yet. Left jab. Left jab. Now keep your hands up. You know why? If you have them down, I counter with a left hook. No good. So always keep it up here. Let's go. Jab. Good. Good. Right cross. Right. Good. Good. Good. Good. Put your hip into it. Bom! Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh! Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Good girl. One more time. Come on. Ohh!

Victoria: [ Laughing ] Okay, dad.

Victor: My goodness.

Victoria: I think we should call it a night.

Victor: [ Laughing ] Should we call it a night?

Victoria: Yes.

Victor: Come here. Come here.

Victoria: I don't want to hurt you.

Victor: Come here.

[ Laughs ] I love you. I adore you. My god.

Theo: [ Shudders ]

Kyle: What are you thinking?

Lola: Actually, I was thinking about my mother.

Kyle: Your mom?

Lola: Yeah, and adrian.

Kyle: Oh. Right.

Lola: I was thinking about how devastated she must've felt to wake up one morning knowing that... her husband didn't love her... at least not the way that she needed him to.

Kyle: [ Inhales deeply ]

Lola: I hated him... for doing that to her. And I swore I would never let anything like that happen to me. That's why I resisted you in the beginning. But you were this cocky charmer. And all the alarm bells were ringing. But you wore down my resistance... and you made me believe.

Kyle: That we were meant for each other?

[ Crying] Look, I... I hate that I've hurt you like this.

Lola: [ Sighs ] Maybe it would make us... feel better if we screamed at each other and broke some plates. But where would that get us? You told me that summer knows you. And since we're telling... each other the truth... theo knows me, too... in ways you probably never could. But I wouldn't let him in. I only opened the door for a friendship.

Kyle: Because you were married...

Lola: Yeah.

Kyle: ...And that meant something.

Lola: Joke's on me, I guess.

Kyle: No, don't say that, lola. It wasn't a joke. We weren't a joke.

Lola: No, you're right. We weren't a joke. But it's over...isn't it? I mean, if we're being honest here... if we love and respect each other enough to be this honest?

[ Sobs ] You know, I had convinced myself

[Sniffles] That our differences were what made us so special... what made our love so strong. I didn't think I'd want anything more than what we had. But I guess I never really had all of you, kyle. And maybe you never had all of me. Don't we deserve so much more than that?

Kyle: I guess I should... go to a hotel room.

Lola: You probably should. Hy-a-lur-onic acid.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Dad. Dad!

Victor: Yes?

Victoria: Here.

Victor: Yes?

Victoria: Have some water.

Victor: Oh, that feels good.

Victoria: Okay. Are we done now? Is that it?

Victor: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: [ Exhales sharply ] What?

Victor: Don't you feel better? Now, one more lesson. Don't ever be afraid of being afraid, alright? A man of courage is afraid just as a coward is afraid. The difference between the two is how they deal with it. Alright? Enough lessons for today. More tomorrow.

Victoria: Thank you. I know I gave you a hard time about doing this, but I actually feel better now.

Victor: I'm so happy to hear that.

Victoria: Yeah. I feel like I'm -- I'm never gonna let my guard down and I'm never gonna let anyone ever hurt me again.

Victor: Never. And if it ever comes to that, go "pop!" Quickly. Quickly, okay? Don't spill the water in the process.

[ Laughs ]

Victoria: I love you, dad.

Victor: I love you, my darling, okay? We'll continue tomorrow.

Victoria: Alright.

Amanda: Ripley.

Ripley: Hello, amanda. It's been a while.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

Theo: Lola... you alright? Is there anything I can do?

Lola: Not unless you know how to fix marriages.

Theo: Huh.

Lola: Kyle's moving out. It's over.

Theo: I'm sorry. You know, I hate seeing you like this... especially over that guy. I mean, kyle never appreciated you.

Lola: Theo, please stop talking. Just...don't leave.

Theo: Hey. Don't worry, alright? I'm right here. What's the matter?

Lola: [ Sighs ] I just...got out of a marriage that have could have used a little bit more truth. And... I want to be honest with you. I can't mislead you, and I don't want to mislead you in any way, but I just... really need a friend right now.

Theo: Well, you got one... right here.

Kyle: [ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

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