Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/4/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 2/4/20


Episode #11792 ~ Victor puts Billy on notice; Sharon confides in an unlikely person; Devon makes a tough decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Mariah: Lindsay? What are you doing here?

Lindsay: Hey you. Small world.

Abby: I like you.

Chance: I like you, too.

Nikki: Apparently billy got into a free-for-all at that charming drinking establishment he's been frequenting.

Victoria: Billy got into a bar fight?

Jack: You're walking away from your family. It was just last summer we were all at society, cheering you on as you said your vows of undying love.

Billy: Well, I'm always gonna love victoria and my children, but what I'm not gonna do is pretend to be someone who I'm not or apologize for who I am.

Amanda: I have no romantic interest in billy. I'm actually hoping that you two can work things out.

Victoria: [ Scoffs ] Yeah, right.

Amanda: Victoria, I am serious.

Nick: You know, I think I've changed my mind about a parade in dad's honor for newman's 50th. Yeah. We could have, like, uh, dancing horses and dad up on a float and get adam a nice little clown car so he can drive it in.

Victoria: Wait. What?

Nick: We're talking about the gala, the 50th celebration.

Victoria: I-I'm sorry.

Nick: It's alright. Obviously you are thinking about other things.

Victoria: Yes, but they are things that I can do nothing about. So let's continue planning the gala. You were kidding about the parade, I hope?

Nick: You know, I'm probably the perfect person to talk about what's really on your mind because I know what the pain of a breakup looks like.

[ Glass thuds ]

Billy: I'm here to see victoria and the kids.

Victor: Mm. That won't be happening.

Devon: Well, why didn't you wake me up before you left this morning then? Yeah, that is true. I probably would made you very late for work, but it would have been worth it, though. Ahh. Well, I hope you're having a better day than I am 'cause I'm about to head to a board meeting at hamilton-winters, and I'm really not looking forward to it at all. No, it's just 'cause certain divisions have been underwater and I'm trying to keep them afloat. But I think I'm gonna have to make some really tough decisions today.

Chance: I've been thinking about you.

Abby: Nice thoughts or naughty?

Chance: A little bit of both. I want to plan our next date.

Amanda: I like the sound of that.

Chance: I'm free the next few evenings.

Abby: I don't know if I can wait that long. How about right now?

Chance: You want to go on a date with me right now?

Abby: Why not? Does that work for you?

Chance: I am my own boss. Now it's doable. But it's a little early for dinner or even a jazz bar.

Abby: Mm. Have you ever triple-lutzed on a date before?

Chance: I can't say I have. I've cross-checked a few guys playing hockey.

Abby: So, you know how to skate.

Chance: Do I know how to skate? I'm from wisconsin. Of course I know how to skate.

Abby: Then what do you say?

Chance: I say yes. Sounds like fun.

Abby: Are you sure you don't have to check with phyllis?

Chance: Phyllis who?

Amanda: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: Hello. Can I get a latte with skim milk, please?

Sharon: Sure.

Phyllis: Smells amazing. Is that the dark roast that you had me try yesterday?

Sharon: Uh, could be.

Phyllis: Yeah. The holidays good for business?

Sharon: Yeah, they -- they usually are. People like some coffee, you know, get out of the cold.

Phyllis: Yeah. That must give you peace of mind.

Sharon: Peace of mind?

Phyllis: Yes, yes, because business is good and it's consistent.

Sharon: Okay. What is this?

Phyllis: What is what?

Sharon: You being polite, you making small talk. It better not be pity.

Phyllis: Why would I pity you?

Sharon: You know.

Phyllis: Know what?

Sharon: That I have...

[Whispering] Breast cancer.

Phyllis: Oh.

Sharon: What? Y-you didn't know?

Phyllis: No. Uh, no, I-I knew something was going on, but I didn't know that until now.

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Mariah: So, tell me everything.

Tessa: Last night was insane. The place was packed to the gills. I went out for the encore with tanner and I look out and there's just a sea of phones pointed at me.

Mariah: That's amazing. That's awesome.

Tessa: Well, tell me about you. How is everything in your world?

Mariah: Uh, well, um, nothing as exciting as that. But, uh, you know, everything's fine.

Tessa: Is it?

Mariah: Yeah, totally. Just...same old, same old.

Tessa: Okay, you don't say "same old, same old," so will you tell me what's really going on?

Nick: Look, it hurts right now, vick. I know it does. But it will get better. I mean, it has to, right?

Victoria: Are you trying to convince me or yourself?

Nick: [ Sighs ] It's been hard watching adam and chelsea parade around town as a couple...but I guess I've gotten a reprieve while they've been in paris.

Victoria: Paris?

Nick: Yeah. According to the their rsvp, they may not make it back in time for the gala.

Victoria: Mm. They've only been reunited for five minutes, and they're already off on some romantic vacation.

Nick: According to chelsea, they are actually considering moving there full time.

Victoria: Oh, well, good for them. I'm all for it, not just for your sake, but for all of genoa city.

Nick: A genoa city without adam and chelsea. Mnh. Hey, maybe billy's wild side will take him someplace far away from here, too.

Billy: Victoria?

Victor: Save your breath, billy boy. She's not here.

Billy: Security said she was.

Victor: I know what security said to you. They are the ones who let you in here because I told them to. For your information, this is the last time you set foot on this property -- is that clear? -- If you want to see my grandchildren again.

Billy: Oh, no, no, you don't get to do that. Those are my children --

Victor: If you want to see my grandchildren again, it'll not be at my home.

Billy: Stop gloating, victor. This is between me and victoria.

Victor: Do you honestly think I'm gloating because you broke my daughter's heart again? The likes of you?! The only solace I take in this -- this time, she doesn't have to divorce you because she's smart enough that you will not meet her or your children's expectations. Now, let me take a close look at you. Did someone have a fight with you, huh? Get hit? Did you come for some more?

Billy: You don't get to talk about my kids.

Victor: Did you come for some more?! I'm happy to oblige you!

Billy: Johnny and katie are my kids. I will always be their father. I'm always gonna be in their life, and grandpa victor's just gonna have to deal with that.

Victor: Listen to me. Don't you ever set foot on this property again. Now show yourself out. You know where the door is, right?

Mariah: I promise I'm fine. I just miss you. That's all.

Tessa: I just hate that I'm not there in person. But if you need me, please don't hesitate, and I'll fly home.

Mariah: No. It's okay. Um... I mean --

Tanner: What's up, girl?!

Mariah: Hey, tanner.

Tanner: I'm sure tess is telling you all about last night. She killed it!

Mariah: Yes, she told me.

Tanner: And she misses the hell out of you, too.

Mariah: I miss her, too.

Tanner: Oh, god. Did I just intrude on y'all's private call and mansplain y'all's relationship?

Mariah: No, not at all.

Tanner: Sorry about that. Carry on.

Tessa: [ Chuckles ] Sorry.

Mariah: It's okay.

Tessa: He is right. I do miss the hell out of you.

Mariah: Well, I -- [ Sighs ] I wish I didn't, but I have a meeting, so I gotta run.

Tessa: Oh. Okay.

Mariah: Alright. But I'll, uh -- I'll call you later tonight, yeah?

Tessa: Yeah. Uh, I should be back to the hotel around midnight?

Mariah: I love you.

Tessa: Love you, too.

Tanner: Everything alright?

Tessa: Yeah. Uh... being so far away for so long -- it's -- it's hard. And I think it's getting to mariah. And I feel the same way, of course.

Tanner: That's the downside about being on tour.

Tessa: Yeah.

Tanner: I think I might have something that'll cheer you up.

Lindsay: Uh, looks like you could use one of these.

Mariah: I miss tessa. And I can't tell her about that friend that I mentioned to you the other day, but not being able to talk about it is getting harder and harder.

Sharon: You can't tell anyone about this.

Phyllis: No. Of course. Of course I won'T.

Sharon: No, phyllis, I mean it. I'm serious.

Phyllis: I-I-I know. I know. Listen, we've had our differences, but I would never -- I'm not gonna tell anybody about -- it's none of my business.

Sharon: Exactly. Don't even say the word.

Phyllis: Whatever you want.

Sharon: Okay, what I want is for you to just treat me normally.

Phyllis: Okay. Alright. So... well, it's great that faith is in town and mariah's here. They're both great girls, and despite our differences, I think you're an amazing mom.

Sharon: Phyllis, this is exactly what I don't want.

Phyllis: Right. Right. Okay. Good. Anywhere, well, why don't you get me my latte? It's not rocket science, sharon.

[ Sighs ]

Sharon: What?

Phyllis: I mean, I could get a better, faster cup of coffee at the gas station down the street. If you're not careful, I may have to pick another coffeehouse.

Sharon: Promise?

Phyllis: You'd miss me if i was gone.

Sharon: I'd be happy to test that theory.

Phyllis: Face it. Your life would be boring without me.

Chance: Ohh!

Abby: Ohh, I guess we should have checked the wind-chill factor before we decided to go ice-skating.

[ Exhales heavily ]

Chance: I guess the upside of us freezing our butts off is now we get to warm each other up.

Abby: Mmm.

Chance: Oh, god, I wish we had a fireplace I could cozy up next to you with.

Abby: Well, who needs a fireplace when we have each other? The law of friction. You are so cold.

Chance: I'm warming up by the second. Mmm.

[ Breathing heavily ] Mmm.

[ Both breathing heavily ]

Abby: [ Giggles ]

Chance: Mmm. Ocean spray farmers harvest goodness every day.

Victoria: I have to admit that, with everything going on, I'm lacking enthusiasm for this anniversary gala.

Nick: Vick, you can't let billy rob you of the positive things in your life. The same goes for me with chelsea and any work setbacks. You got to cherish every moment 'cause you just never know --

Victoria: Never know what?

Nick: You never know what life has in store, you know? And I, for one, am tired of wasting time and energy on things that, frankly, just don't matter in the end.

[ Door opens ]

Nick: What are you doing here?

Billy: I came to see victoria.

Nick: You want me to stay?

Victoria: No, it's okay.

Nick: You're on notice.

Billy: Well, get in line behind your old man.

Nick: Call me if you need me.

Victoria: Look at your face.

Billy: Yeah, I know.

Victoria: Is this a part of the new life that you were so anxious to live?

Billy: Well, I guess that's an upside to us breaking up. You don't have to worry about me anymore, right?

Victoria: Oh, no, no, I don't because you have amanda there to pick up the pieces and bail you out of your bar fights.

Billy: You having me followed?

Victoria: Of course not.

Billy: Right. So, it's dear old dad again. You got the whole family on "billy's a screw-up" bandwagon.

Victoria: I do not have to defend my family to you, and i don't know why you care what they think anyway. You got amanda. Her opinion is the only one that matters, I guess. Did she tell you about our little talk? She put up a really good front for a -- for a wannabe home-wrecker.

Billy: She didn't wreck our home, victoria, okay? She's been a friend of mine. And you know what? I don't want to talk about this. I came here to talk about the kids. I want to see them.

Lindsay: Here. Try this.

Mariah: Uh...thank you. But I'm gonna have to pass. It's a little early for me, and I'm meeting my boss.

Lindsay: That's okay. There's no alcohol in there. It's all natural, just soda, juice, and a kick of ginseng.

Mariah: Hmm. Wow. Wow. Usually my body reacts adversely to anything healthy, but i didn't gag, so that's a very good sign.

Lindsay: [ Chuckles ] You have a really, really nice smile. You should show it more often. Not to be pushy, but if you ever need anyone to confide in, I'm a bartender, so, you know, it's in the job description.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Thank you.

Devon: Hey, mariah.

Mariah: Hey.

Devon: Hey.

Mariah: Mwah. Sorry. Maybe next time. But I gotta go talk shop. I am very excited to update you on everything that's happening at power. Got some great things going on.

Devon: Yeah. [ Sighs ] Yeah. I am afraid that I have some bad news, and I'm not really sure how to say it to you.

Mariah: Okay. Well, judging from your face, it's major, so maybe it's just better to rip off the band-aid?

Devon: Yeah. I'm closing down power communications.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Billy: You are not gonna use johnny and katie to punish me. We both mutually agreed to go separate ways.

Victoria: I know that. And I resent that you think i would use my children as pawns.

Billy: Our children, victoria.

Victoria: Billy, I haven't made a decision about how to handle the kids yet. I don't know why you're being so defensive.

Billy: You have made a decision. They're staying at the ranch, correct?

Victoria: I took them out of the house for their own good, so they could be surrounded by family and it would be less jarring when they find out that their father's not gonna be around as much.

Billy: Yeah, well, speaking of family, I went to go see the kids, and I ran into the warden instead. You know your dad told me i wasn't allowed on the property, I wasn't allowed to see my own children?

Victoria: Well, he was just trying to protect them.

Billy: I am their father, okay? I have a right to see my kids.

Victoria: Do you really think that's a good idea right now, with your eye all black and blue?

Billy: Okay. I'll wait till my eye heals. But I am gonna see the kids. I have a right to see the kids.

Victoria: We'll hash this out next week. But I will call you about it. Don't come to my office. Understood?

Billy: I was really hoping that we could handle this in a friendly manner.

Victoria: Well, I had a lot of hopes for us, too. And you just gave up on them.

Billy: That's not fair, victoria.

Victoria: No. I know. I know. None of this is really fair. And now we have to deal with the fallout.

Abby: Can you let them know that I'm not gonna be in for a while? I had an emergency dentist appointment. Yes. It couldn't be helped. Thank you.

Chance: [ Chuckles, sighs ]

Abby: Now you have me playing hooky.

Chance: Me?

Abby: You are a bad influence on me.

Chance: You were hiding out at your place of work, and I'm the bad influence? You are a terrible criminal.

[ Laughs ]

Abby: [ Gasps ] Are you complaining?

Chance: No, ma'am. I am not.

[ Both laugh ] What's this scar from?

Abby: How can you even see that?

Chance: I am looking rather closely.

Abby: [ Laughs ] I got it from hiding out in a car trunk.

Chance: What? Okay, there's got to be a story there.

Abby: I faked my own kidnapping. Yes, you were right. I am a terrible criminal.

Chance: Oh, god, abby. Well, see that one? I got it from preventing a kidnapping.

Abby: It's like we've lived parallel lives.

Chance: Mmm.

Tessa: Okay, so, what kind of proposition are you talking about?

Tanner: I think you should meet with my people.

Tessa: Your people?

Tanner: My manager, label, publicist.

Tessa: Oh, but, um, I'm happy with everything in my career.

Tanner: I know that you're loyal to the people who got you here.

Tessa: Especially since one of those people is my girlfriend.

Tanner: Right. Yeah. I get that. I was just thinking, you know, it's -- sometimes it's difficult when you mix business with pleasure, you know, and if you guys separated your personal lives from your professional lives, it might take the pressure off you two.

Tessa: Yeah, but that's not really a problem for us.

Tanner: Right. Um, okay. Let me come totally clean.

[ Sighs ] My reps are clamoring for me to get you a meeting with them. They would like the opportunity to represent you, and it would get them off my back if you sat down with them maybe over just dinner or drinks? Look, and worst-case scenario, you're gonna have a bunch of suits just wining and dining you and fawning all over you.

Tessa: Ugh, but I hate when people fawn all over me.

Tanner: [ Chuckles ] Look, we don't have to do it. Like, I can just pretend i didn't say anything.

Tessa: No, I -- honestly, I'm just surprised that they want to meet with me. I'm so grateful for everything you've done for me.

Tanner: I think you're super talented. I always have. And I love working with you.

Tessa: Okay, um... I just have to ask. And I'm obviously so grateful for all the faith that you have in me. But you're not hoping that we... reconnect?

Mariah: I don't understand. Why would power fold? I thought we were doing really well.

Devon: Let me start by saying that you have been doing a great job, okay? I've been very happy with everything you've accomplished.

Mariah: Thank you. So, I-I don't -- I don't get it. I mean, before you broke this news, I was about to tell you that we've been steadily building our client base and we're getting amazing buzz on every level.

Devon: I know. That's not the problem.

Mariah: Then what is it?

Devon: It's the big picture. It's -- you know, the -- the small successes and the incremental increases in revenue have been great for us, but the company as a whole -- it's just not bringing in enough to sustain itself long term.

Mariah: So, why didn't you give me a heads-up before this?

Devon: Because I thought i could move some money around between hamilton-winters' divisions to keep it going, but ultimately the numbers just didn't work out.

Mariah: I'm really sorry if i let you down.

Devon: You did not let me down at all, and I don't want you to think that.

Mariah: Alright, well... I guess it was fun while it lasted, you know? It's a job. Jobs come and they go, and... mine is gone. So I guess it's time to move on.

Phyllis: I brought this for summer. Is she here?

Nick: She is at work.

Phyllis: Oh. It's the middle of the day. Of course she's at work.

Nick: Yep.

Phyllis: Yeah.

[ Sighs ] What are you up to?

Nick: Uh, just, uh, you know, doing some new hope stuff.

Phyllis: Ooh, wow. Wow.

Nick: Do you want to save us both some time and get to the real reason why you're here?

Phyllis: I can't just stop by and want to talk to you?

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: I know about sharon. Everything. The truth. All of it.

Nick: [ Sighs ] She didn't want that getting out. Is she okay? Did you, uh, make things worse for her?

Phyllis: I don't think so. Listen, I know that we have a very, um, complicated relationship. But this is different.

Nick: Yeah, it is.

Phyllis: Yeah. It must be incredibly scary for her...and her kids and everyone who loves her. I will completely respect her situation and honor her wishes.

Nick: Well, I'm sure she appreciates that.

Phyllis: I don't know how to wrap my head around this, honestly. It has been my job to, um, be the thorn in sharon's side and vice versa, and now... all of that seems very small and petty and beneath us.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Sharon: Hello?

[ Gasps ] Oh, my gosh. I completely forgot about my hair appointment. Um...I am so sorry. It just slipped my mind. I have so much going on. Um... I guess we should reschedule? Because it's those moments that yeah, I guess I need to floss

Amanda: You know what? I am so sorry, but this dentist appointment is taking a lot longer than expected. No, I-I know. I know. Yeah, I guess I need to floss more. Alright. Thank you. Bye. Okay. Now, where were we?

Chance: We were telling our most embarrassing moments.

Abby: Mnh. Why are we doing that?

Chance: [ Chuckles ] Because it's those moments that reveal a person's true character.

Abby: Oh.

Chance: So, you were riding a horse naked.

Abby: [ Laughs ] Okay, that actually isn't one of my most embarrassing moments.

Chance: No?

Abby: No. No. I do have -- I have some regrets, but I was standing up for a cause that I believed in. And for that, I will never apologize.

Chance: You see? I just learned something about you.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: You stick to your principles.

Abby: And you find that very sexy?

Chance: Damn right I do. And the thought of you riding naked on a horse -- that -- that doesn't hurt, either.

Abby: [ Laughs ]

[ Knock on door ]

Chance: [ Groaning ] Mnh.

Abby: Who could that be?

Chance: I ordered room service while you were in the bathroom.

Abby: What? Are you trying to get us caught?

Chance: Woman, I'm gonna have to refuel at some point before i die of exhaustion.

Abby: Oh, my gosh!

Chance: [ Groans ]

Abby: Ah! I'm hiding.

Chance: [ Chuckles ]

[ Door opens ] Uh, yeah.

Devon: Listen, I want you to know that I'm gonna do everything I can tohelp you get another job, alright? I'll make phone calls. I'll set up meetings with other pr firms.

Mariah: You know, really i should be thanking you for being crazy enough to give me this opportunity in the first place.

Devon: Oh, come on now. It wasn't crazy. It was smart 'cause I believe in you 100%.

Mariah: Well, I can't say this isn't extremely disappointing. And I really wasn't expecting to lose my job today, but -- I don't know -- the more that i think about it, maybe there's a reason for all of this. In some ways, the timing couldn't be better.

Devon: I appreciate you understanding and for taking it so well. But know that I am here for you. Alright? And let's -- let's keep in touch and talk about some potential next steps.

Mariah: Yeah.

Devon: Alright?

Mariah: Yeah.

Devon: Talk soon, okay?

Mariah: Alright. See you soon.

[ Sighs heavily ] You know, I think I will have that stiff drink, now that i think about it.

Tanner: Okay, you're totally misunderstanding. I am not trying to hook up with you or rekindle the past in any way. You have a girlfriend, and so do I.

Tessa: Yeah, I know. But I also know what it's like to be a musician on the road, and we've made that mistake once before.

Tanner: A million years ago. But we've learned since then, and we're different people now. And I know it can get wild on some tours, but that's not me anymore.

Tessa: Yeah, it's not me, either.

Tanner: And I respect your relationship with mariah, and i respect our friendship.

Tessa: Even though it's just so one-sided? I mean, after everything you've done for me, I --

Tanner: I've got the benefit of your talent and your advice. And to be honest, I appreciate having someone around who knew me as just tanner and not "tanner watts."

[ Both laugh ]

Tessa: If I'm being honest, I have had a hard timegetting used to the whole "tanner watts" thing, too.

Tanner: Well, you probably should 'cause it's not gonna be long before you're "tessa porter."

Tanner: Life could be worse.

[ Both laugh ] Hey, you know, I'm glad we could clear the air. Just so you know, I will never fire mariah and devon. But it wouldn't hurt to just hear your people out.

Tanner: Really?

Tessa: Yeah, let's do it.

Victor: Johnny and katie had a riding lesson while you were gone. Sit down, my darling. You should have seen their faces. They were so -- my god, so proud and felt so great being on top of the horse.

Victoria: Yeah. Well, thank you for keeping them busy. I'm glad they could have a little fun before we have to tell them.

Victor: [ Sighs ] I know this going to be tough, you know? But in the long run, I think it's for the best.

Victoria: I don't know, dad. I wish I could be as sure as you.

Victoria: Want me to help you break the news?

Victoria: No, that's -- it's okay. I'm thinking about putting it off for a little while.

Victoria: Please, sweetheart, don't do that, okay? I hope you're not having second thoughts. He has done so much damage to you. He's not worthy of forgiveness. He really isn'T.

Victoria: Daddy, I know how you feel, but can we just table this for a while?

Victor: [ Sighs ] Sweetheart... there's something I'm gonna have to tell you. I was hoping I didn't have to. But what billy has done goes beyond what, um... you thought.

Phyllis: Well, I'm glad sharon has the support from you and rey and the rest of her family.

Nick: Is this compassion I'm hearing for sharon?

Phyllis: She has cancer. I'm not gonna kick a woman when she's down.

Nick: That's big of you.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] It's a wake-up call. It is. You sort of put things in perspective, you know? Like...I don't know what I've been doing. I've been at such a crossroads in my life, going after chance and...

Nick: Wait. So, you and chance?

Phyllis: No, not me and chance. I just went after him to get under abby's skin. That's the truth. I'm not interested in him. You know, it was a way for me to distract myself so I don't have to look at my own life. Life can change on a dime, can't it? We know that. I know that. I mean, I was in a coma for a year. I can't even bring up sharon causing that, right, because I wouldn'T. It's very serious.

Nick: It's pretty overwhelming.

Phyllis: She's gonna beat this, right? She'll beat it? Another cleaning tip from mr. Clean.

Nick: Well, sharon's got great doctors and a positive attitude. And they caught the cancer relatively early, so...

Phyllis: That's great to hear.

Nick: Yeah. She just has to take things one step at a time.

Phyllis: Yep, yep, one step at a time. Okay. Well, then I will be looking forward to the day where I can be the thorn in sharon's side again.

Nick: That will be a great day 'cause that means sharon's in the clear.

Phyllis: Right. Right. Well, thank you for talking about this. And like I said, I'll keep my mouth shut and, um... sorry to barge in on you.

Nick: I've gotten used to that.

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Okay.

Nick: It's times like this that remind you who your true friends really are.

Abby: Is it safe?

Chance: It's all clear.

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Chance: Actually, we've been busted.

Abby: Why do you say that?

Chance: Your staff just brought us our dinner, a bottle of champagne, and they were even kind enough to...

Abby: Ahh. [ Laughs ]

Chance: ...Send you up a toothbrush.

Abby: I thought we had gotten away with it.

Chance: I think this means we're both terrible criminals.

Abby: Oh, yeah. Should I be embarrassed? Because I'm not.

Chance: No?

Abby: No. Mnh-mnh.

Chance: I can see why your employees adore you. I get it.

Abby: [ Smooching ]

Chance: It's hard not to.

Abby: Are you hungry?

Chance: I was. But food can wait. Mmm.

Victor: My private investigators uncovered something about billy that I was hoping to spare you.

Victoria: No, I -- I don't want you to. I don't want you to protect me. I-I want to know everything. I need to know.

Victor: It seems that billy and amanda sinclair did not only meet in that excuse for a bar, but they visited a motel repeatedly.

Victoria: Are you sure?

Victor: I have the receipts to prove it.

Victoria: Well, I mean, obviously I suspected that. But I wanted to believe billy. I mean...

Victor: [ Exhales sharply ]

Victoria: ...He did swear up and down that they were just friends and that there was no affair. I guess I was just in denial... or too naive or...

Victor: Come here. I am so sorry, sweetheart. Okay?

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Billy: [ Sighs ]

[ Cellphone ringing ] Victoria?

Victoria: Listen, I shouldn't have put off talking about the kids earlier. You were right. You deserve to know what's gonna happen with them moving forward, so I think we should meet now.

[ Cellphone clatters ]

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Next week on "the young and the restless"...

Lola: A marriage is about two people, kyle, two. And right now it doesn't feel like there are two people fighting for this marriage.

Kyle: I am fighting for this. I wouldn't be here otherwise.

Victor: Ohh! Oh, my god! Oh, my god!

Cassie: It's me. [ Chuckles ]

Sharon: Cassie.

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