Y&R Transcript Friday 1/31/20
Episode #11790 ~ Rey looks to Paul for help; Mariah struggles with her new normal.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Mariah: Part of me wants to hate tanner for being this super-rich, talented, gorgeous rock star who swooped in and took tessa away from me. But part of me is really grateful that he's giving her such a huge career-making break.
Stage 2 means the breast cancer is growing, but it's still contained in the breast.
Sharon: What are my treatment options?
I would recommend chemotherapy and surgery.
Sharon: How lucky am I? I look around this room, and i can't imagine a better group of people to get me through this.
Rey: Oh, hey.
Mariah: Thank you.
Sharon: So today's the day I get my port installed.
Faith: That's the funnel thingy with the tube attached to it, right?
Sharon: Yep. They attach a tube to one of my veins, and that just makes it easier for them to administer the medicine I need to take.
Faith: The chemo drugs?
Sharon: Exactly.
Faith: Will it hurt?
Sharon: Not at all.
Faith: It won't take long, right? You'll be back by the time I get home from school?
Sharon: Yep. And you know what I need you to do, just to make this whole process easier for me?
Faith: Yes, anything.
Sharon: Have a good day at school. Focus on your work. Have fun reconnecting with your friends, okay?
Faith: Will do.
Nick: All right. Get you stuff. It's time to go.
Faith: All right. I'm almost ready.
Mariah: Okay, so the pantry is stocked, the fridge just filled, your car's all gassed up, and I did everything on your to-do list. So is there anything else you need me to do?
Sharon: There was one thing I left off the list because I wasn't sure if you were up to it.
Mariah: Of course I am. Go. What?
Sharon: All right. Have a good day at work. Focus on your job. Take a meeting. Have your hair done. Have a spa day.
Mariah: But I was gonna go with you today.
Rey: No, no, no. That's my job. I took the morning off so I could be with her.
Sharon: It's a super simple procedure. I'll be awake the whole time. I'm in good hands.
Mariah: Okay, well, if you need anything...
Rey: I have your number.
Mariah: I'll check in with you later.
Sharon: Okay.
Mariah: I love you.
Sharon: Love you.
Mariah: Bye, guys.
Nick: Bye.
Nick: How do you feel?
Sharon: Like I'm about to take a trip that I never wanted to take. But at least I've got you guys.
Nick: Whatever you need.
Sharon: Hey, I want to thank you for letting me handle this my own way, for allowing me to just tell people when I'm ready for them to know. That really means a lot to me.
Chance: I'll take another look at your resume. Once I contact your references, I'll be in touch. Thanks for coming by, rafael.
Abby: Still looking for an applicant whose foot will fill the glass slipper?
Chance: It's hard work putting together a surveillance team. I mean, you need your tech experts, people who live to go undercover, your basic defense types who never back down from a complex situation...
Abby: Mm, sounds to me what you really need is an army of clones.
Chance: Are you flirting with me?
Abby: I'm just saying, you're looking for some dangerous nerds who can hack into a mainframe and set fire to your life in three easy steps.
Chance: Something like that.
Abby: [ Chuckles ] You've gone from being a one-man security consultant to having a whole squadron of highly skilled professionals.
Chance: I like to think big.
Abby: And I would to hear more.
[ Giggles ]
Chance: I'm sure you have more pressing things to do than to listen to my new and evolving business model.
Abby: I'm all yours.
Chance: That's hard to resist. And since it won't be a secret for much longer, I'm just going to come out and tell you. Your brother has hired me to set up the security system for new hope, so my team and I will provide security for vips and other events as needed, not to mention good old-fashioned sleuthing for both the internet and real world.
Abby: Mm. Busy boy.
Chance: Yeah.
Abby: Well, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, but I hope that doesn't mean you'll be too busy for... extra curricular activities.
Phyllis: Just the man I was looking for.
Chance: Phyllis! Abby and I were just, uh...
Phyllis: I was gonna text you, but then I realized that some things have to be said face to face.
Chance: I... you didn't need to go through the trouble.
Phyllis: Last night was amazing. I'm sorry about the interruption.
Chance: Completely understandable.
Phyllis: I hope I managed to make it worth your while.
Chance: [ Chuckles ] Um...
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Chance: How's your daughter?
Phyllis: She's okay. She'll get through this. We always do.
Mariah: Hey, tessa. It's me, again. I'm just here at society about to get a quick bite with that singer that I told you about, but, other than that, nothing really going on. It's hard to get to sleep without you stealing the covers, and, uh, nobody leaves empty food containers in the -- in the fridge. I just miss you, and I really... really need to stop spilling my guts out on voicemail. Um, anyway, have fun. I love you and, uh, I'll see you soon. I'm you number-one fan. Lindsay? What the -- what are you doing here?
Lindsay: Hey you. Small world.
Tanner: Something's turning
it's twisting me I feel it burnin'
consuming me
Tessa: That sounds nice.
Tanner: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.
Tessa: I just took the best nap of my life. I'm on your private jet flying to another gig where I open up for one of the hottest singers in the country. And you're sorry for what? Making my dreams come true? Actually, scratch that, because the life that I'm living right now is better than any fantasy I ever could have dreamed up.
Sharon: Noah. How many times do I have to tell you? You are not coming home. I have a small army of people here ready to do my bidding. I love you, to. Me, too. Bye.
Nick: You're okay?
Sharon: Try convincing noah. You know, five calls inside of one week.
Nick: He loves you.
Faith: Add my name to that list.
Rey: Oh, it's a long, long list.
Sharon: Well, I'm the luckiest lady in the world, and you cannot be late for your first day back at walnut grove.
Nick: Well my girl.
Faith: Okay.
Nick: Let's do it.
Sharon: Have a good day.
Faith: Bye.
Sharon: Bye. Mm, how'd I do?
Rey: You handled it like a champion.
Sharon: Poor noah. He's really feeling left out of the loop.
Rey: Yeah, but this is your show, you get to call the shots. Let people know what you need.
Sharon: I'm ready to get this over with. Let's get this show on the road.
Rey: Let's do it. Mwah! Come on.
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Mariah: What are you doing here?
Lindsay: I could ask you the same thing. My best friend's wife is the chef, and I'm absolutely crazy about her paella.
Lindsay: Oh! I got to try that.
Mariah: Did you stop tending bar at the match box?
Lindsay: Oh, this place pays way more. You know, classier clientele, I'm hoping it'll translate into better tips.
Mariah: Definitely. Wow, I can't believe it.
Lindsay: I know, right? I thought maybe you'd moved out of town, or something. I haven't seen you in a long time.
Mariah: Nope. I'm still around.
Lindsay: Just hanging out in nicer establishments?
Mariah: Well, that's, uh -- that's kind of tessa's fault. You know.
Lindsay: Oh.
Mariah: We spend most of our time at home binge-watching everything. Until she went on tour.
Lindsay: Mm. Nice. Well, what can I get you?
Mariah: An iced coffee, please. I have a meeting with a potential client soon. Daytime mariah is very different than hanging-out-at-the-match-box mariah.
Lindsay: I have a lot to learn about you. Iced coffee it is. Renegade.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Tanner: Big sky, small hands
I've got no plans
I've been holding on to the glass so hard that it could break
to ice the ache
Big sky, sad eyes
mirrors in mine
secrets leaking out of my lips
'cause you got the kind of energy
like a '70s movie
downtown background
give me somewhere to go
give me someone to be
we're both tired of living on life's leash
somewhere to go
give me someone to be
if you're not busy
do you want to orbit me?
If you're not busy
Tessa: Orbit me
Tanner: If you're not busy
Tessa: Orbit me
If you're not busy
Tessa: Orbit me
If you're not busy
Rey: Don't you think it would be a good idea to let somebody else look after this place?
Sharon: No, I'm fine.
Rey: Well, the doctor said you might be sore and need some rest.
Sharon: Do I look like I'm going to break if I pour a couple of pots of coffee?
Rey: You're one of the toughest people I know, but...
Lindsay: Listen. I have a business to run, okay? I'm fine. Brownies need to be baked. I have bills to pay.
Rey: Okay, fine. I'll stay and help.
Sharon: No. You will go. The procedure really wasn't all that big of a deal, okay? I love that you love me enough to want to know that I'm okay, but we both have jobs that we love. So you go and do yours, and I'll just stay here and do mine.
Rey: If you promise me one thing....
Sharon: I promise that I will not bench press any heavy furniture while you're gone. Okay? Talk to you later?
Rey: You will.
Phyllis: Hey!
Rey: Pleasure seeing you, too, phyllis.
Phyllis: Oh, my pleasure.
[ Clears throat ] What does a girl have to do to get a cup of coffee around here?
Sharon: Uh, just ask.
Phyllis: Well, consider this a request.
Rey: Hey. It's me. Any chance that you're free? There's something I need to talk to you about. It's -- it's important.
Abby: I am dying to know what phyllis did on your date to make it worth your while.
Chance: Phyllis is... 90% flash and glitter. The rest is... the unexpected.
Abby: Mm. Is that a good thing or bad?
Chance: She'S...complicated.
Abby: Look, I know she was just trying to be provocative, making it seem like the two of you...
Chance: We didn'T. What's that smile for?
Abby: No, I -- I like the view from up here. Taking the high road, the catbird seat. It gives me a shiny new perspective.
Chance: You're really enjoying this.
Abby: Aren't you?
Chance: I'm just curious. How far are you willing to take this?
Lindsay: Hey! How'd that meeting go?
Mariah: Sort and sweet, just the way I like it. It was with a singer-songwriter who's been following tessa's career and wants my company to give her the same backing and exposure.
Lindsay: It sounds exciting.
Mariah: It is, but... I don't know, tessa -- she's one of a kind, you know? Her sound, her look... her everything. She went from writing songs on our fire escape to playing small clubs around town, and now she's taking her talents across the country. I mean, this is the kind of tour that could really help her catch fire, you know?
Lindsay: There's -- there's something you're leaving out.
Mariah: I am?
Lindsay: You haven't said one word about you, and it's written all over your face. I mean, it's in your body language. You're hiding something. You can tell me. Or I'll just promise to keep digging until I figure it out.
Mariah: It's complicated.
Lindsay: Okay. Spill.
Phyllis: Oh, what is that?
This is a new dark roast that I think you're gonna love, especially on a day like today.
Phyllis: Great. I think.
Sharon: So, how's summer?
Phyllis: Uh, good. Taking life by the horns.
Sharon: Mm. It's funny, you know? One minute, they're building sand castles, and the next, they're working 12-hour shifts. It's just amazing, isn't it?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Sharon: Mm.
Phyllis: What? Wait. What hap-- what is that?
Sharon: What? What?
Phyllis: Um...the bandage. Did you get a tattoo?
Sharon: Yeah. Yep. Um... rey's badge number. It just hurt like hell, but, you know, the things we do for love, right?
Rey: So thanks for meeting me here.
Paul: Well, you said it was important.
Rey: It is.
Paul: Okay. It's not about that armed robbery case you just closed, is it?
Rey: No.
Paul: Good, 'cause that was some, uh -- some solid police work.
Rey: Yeah, well, I couldn't have done it without peterson and jimmy and the rest of the guys.
Paul: I'm just glad you're back on the force. You have proven yourself to be, uh, quite a leader. Good work ethic, principle. It's rubbing off on everybody.
Rey: [ Chuckles ] Well, maybe I should be asking for a raise instead of the real reason I asked you here.
Paul: Okay. So, what's up?
Rey: I'm hoping to... lighten the load. Maybe hand off some of my cases to the other detectives.
Paul: Okay. I mean, if you feel like you're hitting a wall or you're getting burned out, we do have people you could talk to.
Rey: Thanks, chief, but this is, um...
Paul: I'm barking up the wrong tree? Okay. You need a break. I get that. So... are you at least going to tell me what it's about? Discomfort back there?
Tanner: What you doing?
Tessa: Uh, I am teaching myself how to crochet a scarf for mariah.
Tanner: [ Chuckles ] Oh, man.
Tessa: Uh, laugh all you want, but once I'm finished, you're gonna be amazed.
Tanner: I'm not laughing. I'm just thinking about my girlfriend.
Tessa: About how you'll be in the doghouse when she sees this gorgeous scarf? And you didn't make her one? Well, lucky for you, I always travel with an extra crochet hook.
Tanner: She's, um... more the designer label type. She's nothing like you.
Tessa: What, did I break your heart when we got divorced, so you had to find the opposite of me?
Tanner: No, she's just, uh... regular.
Tessa: Well, you're probably offbeat enough both of you.
Tanner: Yeah, um, I guess you're right. We make it work.
Lindsay: So... this friend of yours...
Mariah: She has a secret. She is very intent on keeping it from the world and hates when anyone helps her. And I feel like my hands are tied.
Lindsay: Well, it's a good thing you came to me because bartenders know the secret to life.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Okay, so what do I do?
Lindsay: We can't control who we are or what the narrative will be when we reveal our secrets, right? I mean, there's people that will accept you no matter what, but then there's people who will make assumptions, you know, they know the first five minutes of your story, and they think they know how your movie's gonna end. So this person you're protecting, is she good?
Mariah: To the core.
Lindsay: Is this ride-or-die situation?
Mariah: Absolutely.
Lindsay: Then it's easy. You cover for her because you know she do the same thing for you. What she needs to know is that she can depend on you, trust you. So keep her safe until she feels strong enough to face the world alone.
Mariah: Wow. That's some very good advice.
Lindsay: Well, it sounds like you're being a really great friend, which is pretty cool. Everyone could use someone like you in their corner. It's a tough job, but... you're a bad-ass. You can handle it.
Sharon: School's out already? How was your first day back?
Faith: Well, the best part was my last class was a free periods, so I got to leave early.
Sharon: Lucky you.
Faith: So I ran over here to find out how...
Sharon: Um, shh, shh.
Phyllis: Hey, faith!
Faith: ...See when those brownies are gonna be ready.
Sharon: Um, any minute now. You have impeccable timing.
[ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: Good to see you. I thought you'd be back at boarding school.
Faith: Oh, well, change of plans.
Phyllis: Oh! I'm surprised that nick didn't say anything to me when I saw him last.
Faith: It was kind of a last-minute thing, right, mom?
Sharon: Yeah, you know, i missed her. Empty nest syndrome, you know? It's rough, so I figured I'd keep her close by till she goes off to college.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
Sharon: Can I get you anything?
Phyllis: Yes, a refill.
Sharon: That would be my pleasure.
Phyllis: Thank you. There you go. Now, I can bring you a whole carafe, if you'd like.
Phyllis: Oh, no, that's unnecessary.
Sharon: All right. If there's anything else you need... if you'd like a fresh brownie from the oven, just let me know.
Phyllis: Okay. Will do. Good to see you.
Sharon: Oh!
Nick: Hey. You okay?
Sharon: Yeah. I'm fine.
Nick: Yeah? Okay, good.
Sharon: Yeah.
Faith: I'm gonna go get started on my homework.
Nick: Okay. Excuse me. Hey.
Phyllis: Hey yourself.
Nick: I didn't know you were here.
Phyllis: Well, you clearly only had eyes for sharon. What's going on?
Nick: Nothing. We're just excited faith's back. We're, you know, busy trying to get her settled back into walnut grove.
Phyllis: Uh, it's okay. I know.
Nick: You know what?
Phyllis: I know what's going on with sharon.
Nick: I don't know what you're talking about.
Phyllis: Yes, you do. I mean, the way you guys are hovering all over her. Obviously that... it means she's going through something -- a major health crisis -- and she doesn't want anyone to know. Oh, my god. I'm right. You too, have a great day. Bye,bye.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nick: Whatever you think you know, you don'T. Sharon is fine.
Sharon: She doesn't want anyone to know.
Nick: There's nothing to know.
Phyllis: Oh, wow, this is serious.
Nick: You're wrong about this, phyllis.
Phyllis: Don't lie to me. The three of you were over there acting like mourners at a funeral, and please don't tell me it's because she burned the brownies. Who else knows?
Nick: There's nothing to know.
Phyllis: What can I do?
Nick: You want to help?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Nick: Get up. Keep your mouth shut and walk out of here because you don't know anything.
Sharon: You told her.
Paul: You know, if something's going on with you, you can feel free to talk to me about it.
Rey: Mm. You know, it's a personal matter.
Paul: Okay. You know, I don't -- I don't mean to pry, but... you're okay, right? I mean, health-wise.
Rey: No, I'm good. I'm good. It's just -- it's something I got to put all my attention to.
Paul: But you don't want to share the details.
Rey: Uh, not for now, at least.
Paul: Family comes first, always.
[ Laughs ] You think I got this job because of my good looks? Listen, whatever you need -- you need of a change of shift, you want me to spread the workload around. It's done.
Rey: And this will stay just between us?
Paul: That goes without saying.
Abby: Well, I am sorry for that interruption. Back to our conversation. You were saying?
Chance: You're interested in me. There's a certain chemistry here. Am I right?
Abby: You're not wrong.
Chance: Yet you encouraged me to go on a date with another woman. That's very adult and sophisticated of you.
Abby: Well, some things need to be experienced firsthand. Phyllis is one of them.
Chance: Well, I must admit, I did have a good time with her.
Abby: Glad to hear it.
Chance: Surprisingly good, considering the fact that she's always trying to work an angle.
Abby: Well, that's what you get with phyllis.
Chance: But what I want to know... is what you think about all this. And, before you answer, you should know that I am fully willing and capable to administer a polygraph. So be honest.
Abby: Why would I lie?
Chance: Oh, I don't know. You've been hurt before. Maybe you -- maybe you're happy when you're with me. You just don't trust it. It's too...risky. Maybe you would lie to protect yourself. But I just want you to know that... you don't have to do that with me.
Abby: Honestly? I like you.
Chance: Good. Because I like you, too.
Abby: But if you're interested in phyllis...
Chance: I am right here, right now, putting it all on the line for you, abby newman. Look, I appreciate your level of sophistication, wanting me to get phyllis out of my system. I'm done. Since I've decided to stay here in genoa city, there is so much that I want to do and see. All I want to do it all... with you. Look, I'm happy the way that my evening ended with phyllis, and when it did. It let me know exactly what it is that I want. I want you, abby. Are you gonna say something, or do I have to draw you a picture?
Abby: Crystal-clear.
Chance: Wow.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Abby: Um... I'm sorry, you should probably get that.
Chance: Yeah. I probably should. I'm -- I'm sorry.
Abby: Don't be. I'll make sure we pick up right where we left off.
[ Ringing continues ]
Chance: I'm sorry. Hello? She's asking questions, huh? Keep tailing her. I want to know every move that she makes and everyone she's in contact with, you got me? Good. Be in touch.
Abby: Hey! I was just thinking about you. It shouldn't come as a shock that the more time chance spent with you, the less interested he was, just as I predicted.
Phyllis: Uh... yeah, congratulations. Excuse me.
Abby: Chance made his choice. You're looking at her.
Phyllis: I hope you're very happy together. I got to go.
Abby: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You don't just walk away. This isn't you. So what kind of tricks do you have up your sleeve this time?
Lindsay: Hey. You done with business for the day?
Mariah: Uh, yeah, just phone calls and e-mails left.
Lindsay: Then let me make you my newest masterpiece. I call it..."freedom." Just a couple of sips, and you'll be breaking down your walls, speaking from your heart, and doing things you'd never imagine.
Mariah: Mm, I probably shouldn'T.
Lindsay: You should try it sometime. I'll be right back.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Lindsay: Hey!
Mariah: What?
Lindsay: What the heck happened? I leave for two seconds, and your whole world goes lopsided? And don't tell me you're okay because you're far from okay right now. What's up?
Abby: You're just admitting defeat without a fight, throwing in the towel.
Phyllis: Okay, sure. If that's what you want to call it, great. Yeah.
Abby: What are you up to?
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I'm not up to anything, abby. I'm not planning a sneak attack. Okay?
Abby: Which is exactly what you would say if you were trying to throw me off the scent.
Phyllis: The only thing that stinks here is that you don't believe me. You won, okay? It's over. The game's over. You won. Take your toys and go, okay?
Abby: Wait a second. Are you the one that called chance a few minutes ago?
Phyllis: No, I am not.
Abby: Then did you get someone else to call him, pretend there was some sort of emergency that he had to deal with? That way, he had to leave?
Phyllis: Chance is the last thing on my mind right now. But you did text him when I was sitting next to him --
Phyllis: Oh, my god! I am not interested in him. I am not interested in your boy scout. Why don't you get that?
Abby: Because it's not like you to just give up.
Phyllis: It's over! You won, abby! Okay? I'm taking myself out of the game. It's just --
Abby: It's just what?
Phyllis: There are more important things in the world, more important things and people than you! And me.
Nick: I did not say a word to phyllis.
Sharon: Then how did she find out?
Nick: I don't know. Maybe she saw that -- your port bandage.
Sharon: Yeah, she did see it, and I made a joke about it and then changed the subject.
Nick: What kind of joke?
Sharon: I said I got a new tattoo.
Nick: All right, and you expected her to believe that? Look, I know you don't like phyllis, but she's not a complete idiot. All right? Maybe she overheard you. Maybe she picked up on something else that helped her put it together.
Sharon: What she does is run her mouth.
Nick: Well, it doesn't really matter how she found out, right?
Sharon: It matters to me. You can't go around telling people.
Nick: I didn't say anything.
Faith: What's wrong? What happened?
Nick: Nothing. It's all good.
Faith: Mom?
Sharon: We were just talking about whether you're old enough to babysit.
Nick: Oh, well.... yeah, yeah. I totally am. That's not the point. Mom, you can't be getting worked up about things. It's our job to make sure she's completely zen. No troubles. No worries. Just deep breaths, both of you.
Sharon: [ Breathes deeply ]
Nick: [ Exhales sharply ]
Faith: See how easy that was? Forgive, forget, and move on.
Sharon: What would I do without you?
Faith: So everything's fine?
Sharon: It will be. Right, nick? Because that is what you promised.
Nick: Yep. It's fine. What's up with tammy?
Mariah: Everything is fine.
Lindsay: Look, I'm the best bartender in town, if I do say so myself. So I can make you a drink that'll help you forget or maybe make it seem better. Or I could just listen. So... tell me what's broken, and how can we fix it? You and your girl?
Mariah: We're fine.
Lindsay: She's just being distant?
Mariah: Well, she is distant. She's in a completely different time zone, but... we're stronger than we ever have been, and I fully support the new journey she's on.
Lindsay: So then explain why you were looking at your phone like it was threatening to destroy your life.
Mariah: That's very funny. I wasn'T. I was just looking at a text
Lindsay: Mm-hmm. From tessa?
Mariah: No, from tanner.
Lindsay: Tanner? As it tanner watts? Wait, that's who she's on tour with?
Mariah: Yep. She's his new opening act.
Lindsay: That's incredible.
Mariah: Yeah. It's great, you know? She gets to fly all around on his private jet, and she's playing to thousands of fans every night, and... it's great.
Lindsay: Hell, yeah. It's just we keep... missing each other.
Lindsay: Yeah, I mean, I know -- I know how crazy it can be on the road. I was a roadie for a little bit, and the stories I could tell you... I mean, it would curl your hair. The parties, the pranks, the -- the one-night stands...
Mariah: I'm sorry, what?
Lindsay: You know, going into one town and playing for one night, and then picking up and leaving, and then there's also the other kind, obviously, with all those creative people being stuck together all day, and, you know, all night. The hookups that you would never, ever expect, that -- but that was a long time ago. That was -- I mean, it was a -- it was a different music scene, you know? We were like crammed into these little tour buses. It's way different than, you know, jetting around on some cushy private plane. That -- that sounds downright civilized.
Mariah: Yeah.
Lindsay: I'm sure you have nothing to worry about.
Mariah: I'm not worried. I'm not worried. I just miss her so much, and it's hard being apart this long, that's all.
Lindsay: Well you got to love with an open hand. And stop checking your phone every five minutes. She's out there living her life. Live yours.
Phyllis: Just let me be, please. Please. I don't want to talk about this.
Abby: What are the more important things that you're focused on right now?
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I can't talk about it. Wow, you -- you are keeping your mouth shut. I thought you were genetically incapable.
Phyllis: What you don't know about me could fill a book, abby. Several books. I really want to do the right thing. What I do know is that something's up. You don't have to tell me now but it'll come out eventually. It always does.
Nick: I would never tell phyllis what you're up against.
Sharon: Okay, she didn't know, and then after a few minutes of commiserating with you, she seemed pretty up to speed. All right, look, I don't want to argue about this.
Nick: I'm sorry.
Sharon: Well, what's done is done.
Nick: She's not going to say a word.
Sharon: Why is that? Because she's so into preserving other people's privacy? Or is it because she respects me that much?
Nick: Look, I know she has put you through hell and there's no love lost between the two of you, but, deep down, I believe she's a good person, and she's not going to say anything.
Sharon: Make sure that she doesn'T.
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