Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/30/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/30/20


Episode #11789 ~ Victor teaches a valuable lesson; Phyllis manages her priorities.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victoria: I'm begging you, get help, 'cause if you don't, I guarantee you we're not gonna make it.

Billy: I guess what I'm trying to say is, no, you are not the problem.

Amanda: If victoria thinks that you are making excuses about turning to another woman, then that is a problem.

Sharon: I have cancer. I just wanted to be able to tell people in my own time.

Nick: You need to be with him, so I got to let you go.

Adam: I'm going to protect you with everything that I have, and we are going to build a life that we never thought was possible.

Chelsea: I take it from your smile connor's first meeting with the new sitter went well.

Adam: Oh, connor and oliver.

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: No, it couldn't have gone better. Jenny found an easter egg in his "legends 4" video game that he hadn't seen, and -- boom -- instant adoration.

Chelsea: Oh. What a coincidence. Connor's new sitter knows how to play his favorite game.

Adam: Well, I may have encouraged her to do a little research so they got along well tonight. I just didn't want you to be stressing out about anything on our date. I'm looking forward to this like you wouldn't believe.

Chelsea: It'll be fun.

Adam: Okay. Once more with feeling.

Chelsea: No, I'm sorry. I just -- I can't help but worry a little bit.

Adam: About who we might run into?

Chelsea: Nick's family, friends -- we all travel in the same circle. Somebody could see us and let him know -- I mean, not that i regret my decision, because i don't, and we have nothing to be ashamed of.

Adam: Right. You don't want to be insensitive.

Chelsea: Exactly.

Adam: Well, nick was the one that cut you loose. He accepted the situation, so i do not see any reason why i cannot take you out tonight... and show you a terrific time.

Chelsea: Well, I plan to hold you to that.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chelsea: Shall we?

Adam: We shall.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Thank you. Mmm! This is great! Chili passion. Thank you for turning to me on to this. It sets the tone for my date tonight.

Victoria: I hope you weren't too busy.

Nikki: No, not at all.

Victoria: Is dad around?

Nikki: No, he's having dinner with an old friend. Did you want to talk to me alone?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Billy and I had a fight -- the worst one yet.

Nikki: Oh, honey, I am so sorry to hear that. Did he finally tell you the truth about what was going on at that bar where he said he was having a business meeting?

Victoria: Turns out those meetings, plural, were with just a friend, or at least he claims that she is just a friend.

Nikki: She?!

Victoria: Amanda sinclair.

Nikki: She's the lawyer that was representing nate for his hearing with the medical board.

Victoria: Right.

Nikki: Well, do you think he's telling the truth about them being just friends?

Victoria: I don't know. For billy to turn to another woman for sympathy and support -- it's not a very good sign, wouldn't you say you?

Nikki: Well, you two have been having problems for a while.

Victoria: He's been pulling away and shutting down on me... pretends that everything's fine when it's not.

Nikki: Yeah. That's 'cause he doesn't want his behavior to be scrutinized.

Victoria: It's just becoming a vicious cycle [Sighs] Wondering and worrying when he's gonna blow up our lives, and then -- and [Sighs] That makes billy think that I don't trust him and that I don't accept him as the real billy abbott, but, given all of the times that he's lost control, I mean, what am i supposed to do -- just forget about what he's done and just wait for him to blindside me again?

Nikki: Darling, just as i said the last time we talked about this... you're the only one who can make the decision if you want to continue down this path with him. And if you want to, you really only have two choices. You can continue to react when he does something, become hypervigilant, always on guard, or you could...

Victoria: [ Voice breaking ] Can find a way to detach... which... isn't exactly easy, having found out about this woman that he's been sneaking around with for weeks, not to mention... what he said to me.

Nikki: What, when you were arguing?

Victoria: We were going around and around about trust and amanda and how he would never cheat on me because he's past that. He wants me to give him the benefit of the doubt and accept him for who he is... like I do for dad.

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Nikki: How can billy say such a thing? Like you would ever give your father a free pass. It's not like billy hasn't had a front-row seat to all the conflicts that you have had with your father.

Victoria: But the bottom line is that I love dad and... I accept him despite all of his flaws. I think that's what billy was getting at.

Nikki: So, how did you respond to that?

Victoria: I explained to billy that [Sighs] That what i can forgive of my father and what I expect from my life partner are two different standards -- no offense, of course.

Nikki: Oh, none taken. As your father's life partner, I have learned to love and accept him despite some of his difficult character traits. I mean, that's not to say that i don't challenge him if he gets out of line, and he would do the same thing for me. He does. That's just what love is about. I mean, you lift each other up. We're both better people for it.

Victoria: I know. And I think that, deep down, billy knows that, too. He's just scared of how he's feeling and... trying to rationalize confiding in another woman instead of me.

Nikki: Oh, that had to hurt.

Victoria: It -- it hurt very deeply. I don't think that billy's contemplating anything self-destructive. I just think that he wants to let loose a little. I mean, I want to believe that.

Nikki: Where will it all end?

Victoria: That's what I'm worried about.

Sharon: This seat taken?

Phyllis: Is that a serious question?

Sharon: I'll have a, um... sparkling water with wine, please.

Phyllis: Oh, whoopin' it up. You only live once.

Sharon: That's true. Thank you.

Phyllis: So, I guess you're not...meeting a date here. I mean, you can tell by the way you're dressed.

Sharon: And I can tell by that...knockout dress that you do have a date.

Phyllis: Um, yeah. I'm going out with chance chancellor this evening.

Sharon: Ooh. Good for you. You know, he's a really lovely guy -- nice manners... good tipper.

Phyllis: Oh, yeah. At the coffeehouse. Right.

Sharon: All the baristas love him. Well, I hope you have a nice time.

Phyllis: Thank you. Um... did you come here for fun? Or, uh, are you going right back home and hanging out with mr. Excitement? Or did you guys split up?

Sharon: Are you...okay?

Phyllis: I'm great. Why?

Sharon: You just keep trying to pick a fight with me, and, oftentimes, people do that to distract themselves when there's something bothering them.

Phyllis: Uh, okay, freud. Thanks, um, but I don't need any psychoanalyzing. Go talk to someone who cares.

Sharon: Well, if you want to talk, I'm ready to listen.

Adam: I still want to show connor the farm.

Chelsea: Mm.

Adam: But, you know, maybe we should wait till the spring, when things are blooming and there's lambs and baby goats.

Chelsea: I love that idea. We could take connor over his spring break.

Adam: Then, uh, maybe when school's out in june, we could plan a real family vacation. I mean, I'm assuming that you're okay talking about things this far in advance.

Chelsea: Yeah. I am.

Adam: You know... I have been thinking... about paris.

Chelsea: Paris? Yeah. We could go together. Connor would love that. He would learn so much.

Adam: Oh, yeah, yeah. He is old enough to, uh, appreciate what he'd be seeing now.

Chelsea: We could find him a french immersion class -- that would be fun -- or get him a tutor.

Adam: Yeah. That would come in handy... if you like my next idea. What if we looked for apartments there -- we made it our second home... and we use it as base to go exploring all over europe?

Chelsea: I think that sounds incredible.

Adam: Mm. Do you happen to know exactly when the academic year ends at connor's school?

Chelsea: Not off the top of my head, but I have the calendar in my phone.

Adam: Mm.

Phyllis: Thank you, sharon, for offering to let me unburden myself on you, but, um, sorry to disappoint you -- I don't need it.& I'm sure I'd make you feel great if I told you my life was a mess, but it's not. I'm doing great.

Sharon: Tell me more about that. Seem to be... pretty excited about your evening with chance. This your first date?

Phyllis: You want to do girl talk?

Sharon: Why not?

Phyllis: Why not? Because it's us. We don't do girl talk. We're not warm and fuzzy. We have grudges... that go back years. Is this ringing a bell to you?

Sharon: None of it matters, phyllis. I really don't want to spend another moment wasting time thinking about it. It's much better to focus on the positive.

Phyllis: Who are you?

Chelsea: Where is it? Oh, I found it. Okay. I'm sending you the link so you'll be able to find connor's calendar. Okay?

Adam: Hmm? Yeah. Yeah. Thanks.

Chelsea: What is it?

Adam: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: Has he seen us?

Adam: Um...mm-hmm. Seems to be handling it well. Going about his business. You know, we do all live in the same town.

Chelsea: I know. I know. And nick knew this was gonna happen at some point. We all did.

Adam: Well, I hope this doesn'T...ruin date night.

Chelsea: I won't let it.

[ Cellphone rings ]

Adam: Oh.

[ Sighs ] I'm sorry. I have to take us.

Chelsea: Go. Go for it. It's fine.

Adam: Okay. Adam newman. Yes. Yes. I've been expecting your call.

Victoria: [ Gasps ]

Billy: Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you.

Victoria: I didn't hear you come in. How long have you been home?

Billy: Not long.

Victoria: You didn't -- never mind. You didn't realize that I was home?

Billy: Yeah. I saw your car.

Victoria: Oh. You didn't want to call out and let me know you were here? Were you afraid that you would wake the kids?

Billy: Sure. Yeah.

Victoria: Actually, they're not home. I sent them out with hannah. They don't realize that you're not here when they're not.

Billy: I am here.

Victoria: Yeah. I'm glad. But it's not a given. I mean, you might have decided to spend your evening somewhere else, with someone else.

Billy: Yeah, I guess I could have. And you could, too. You know, people are allowed to have friends.

Victoria: Is that where you were now -- with your friend?

Billy: No. I went for a drink -- one drink. I didn't gamble. I didn't get into a brawl. I didn't flirt with anyone, and amanda wasn't there.

Victoria: You're being awfully defensive.

Billy: Whatever.

Victoria: Amanda wasn't at the bar, but you went there hoping that she would be. Am I right? Dental insurance. Many employers don't offer it. Medicare doesn't include it. And people who work for themselves often don't consider it. But with humana, you can still have it. Starting at just $17 a month. That's less than sixty cents a day. Call today for a free quote. With a humana dental plan, you'll get 100% coverage for in-network preventive care such as oral exams, cleanings and x-rays. Plus, you'll save on fillings, crowns and other dental procedures. And you can't be turned down because of age or pre-existing conditions. With a large network of dentists and specialists, and a variety of affordable plans, you're sure to find one to fit your family's needs and budget. Plus humana has vision plans, too, with coverage for exams, eye glasses and more. How much could you save? There's a quick, easy way to find out. Call humana now at number on your screen for a free quote, and discover the coverage you need, at a price that will make you smile.

Chelsea: Hi. How are you?

Nick: I'm good. Thanks.

Chelsea: Christian doing well?

Nick: Yeah. He is. We both are.

Chelsea: Good.

Nick: How's connor?

Chelsea: Better. He started at genoa city academy. He seems to be liking it. So, he's feeling pretty good about things.

Nick: I'm sure it helps having his parents back together.

Chelsea: Yeah. He's happy.

Nick: Well, I guess you made the right call.

Chelsea: Nick... I didn't come over here to rub anything in your face. I just thought maybe we could get past this terribly awkward stage by talking to each other like adults.

Nick: Well, consider that box checked.

Chelsea: I've been checking lots of the boxes lately. I mean, abby weighed in. Phyllis weighed in. Adam and I actually had dinner with your parents.

Nick: I mean, you had to know how people were gonna react if you went back over to the dark side.

Chelsea: Yeah. I guess I'm just hoping in time, they'll allrealize that whahahat you dididididididididididididididididididididididididididive was the best thing for all of us. And if not, adam and I could always just flee the country.

[ Chuckles ] I mean, we were just talking about paris.

Nick: May not be the worst idea.

Chelsea: Y-y-you would actually want us to go? Would that make this easier for you?

Nick: Look, chelsea, I can handle you being happy with adam. But what I couldn't handle is if he breaks your heart...again.

Chelsea: He won'T. And I don't believe you really think that, or else you wouldn't have suggested in the first place that I get back together with him.

Nick: Well, I really hope he lives up to your expectations.

Adam: Everything okay?

Victoria: I think it's pretty telling, don't you?

Billy: What is?

Victoria: That you went back to that bar after I asked you to look for a new therapist. It feels like you're sending me a message that this is the way that it's gonna be -- take it or leave it.

Billy: You seem to think that therapy is some sort of miracle cure, that I'm gonna magically turn into the person that you want me to be?

Victoria: The person you promised you would be! Look, I'm not looking for magic. It's gonna take work -- really, really hard work -- on both of our parts, and that's your whole issue with therapy, isn't it, billy?

Billy: Is that what you think of me? I'm some sort of slacker?

Victoria: I believe that you wanted to do the right thing for our family!

Billy: I did the right thing for our family. I went and saw dr. Clay. And I went to the deepest, darkest places of my psyche, and it wasn't fun. I could do it for the rest of my life, victoria, and it's not gonna matter. It's not gonna be enough for you, and I don't think I need to keep going back again and again.

Victoria: It's not all about what you need. Look, the other day... you -- you talked about how i loved your playful side. Do you want to know why? It's because I got to be playful, too. I got to relax and think about something besides work... forget about responsibilities for a little while. But now you've -- you've put me in this position where I'm constantly on guard.

Billy: I put you in that position?

Victoria: You've abdicated all responsibility, billy.

Billy: No, I am responsible for my actions. You are not, and that is the point. I know where I stand, okay? I know what's at stake.

Victoria: Oh, really? You do?

Billy: Don't say that. I love you. I love our kids. I love all of it except for one thing -- the judgment. I can't do it anymore, and i shouldn't have to.

Victoria: Did amanda teach you that?

Billy: You know, you're wrong about... amanda and me and what we talk about.

Victoria: Oh, am I?

Billy: Yeah, you are. I'm trying to work things out, and you know what? She was actually a really good listener.

Victoria: Unlike me.

Billy: And this theory that you have that I'm kind of getting off on getting away with something or feeling naughty -- honestly, it's insulting. I reached out to somebody -- maybe not the right person, but I needed to make sense of this disconnect that I feel with the world.

Victoria: Why, billy? I don't understand. What is it that you need? Why are you so frustrated?

Billy: Because who I am is not enough. And I am not going to conform to what everybody else wants me to be or what they expect.

Victoria: Who expects? Society? Your family? Me? Who?

Billy: Yes, yes, yes. All of the above.

Victoria: I don't know where this is coming from, that you're not enough. I've never said anything like that to you before.

Billy: Oh, my god. Every time that you tell me that I need help, it's just another person to smother me, another person to stop me from screwing up, and I don't need that kind of help, okay? I don't need fixing because I'm not broken, and I'm so sick and tired of feeling ashamed and I'm so sick and tired of pretending that this is working for me.

I'm leah and that's

me long before

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Chelsea: Everything's fine. I was just telling nick about our dinner with victor and nikki.

Adam: Oh.

Nick: Yeah. I should get going. I'm sure you'd like to get back to your evening.

Adam: We would. Have a good one.

Chelsea: Actually, I think I'm ready to go home.

Adam: But we haven't had dessert yet, honey.

Chelsea: I know, but it's the sitter's first time at our place, and I don't want to leave connor with her alone for too long, so I'll just meet you in the car, okay?

Adam: I'll get the check, and I'll be right out.

Chelsea: Bye.

Adam: What the hell did you say to her, nick?

Nick: I told her I wanted her to be happy... and the odds of that happening would be a lot higher if you were somewhere far away from here.

Adam: You would like that, wouldn't you, if we left town?

Nick: Chelsea's the one who brought it up, slick.

Adam: Oh.

Nick: Now, I know it probably doesn't come naturally to you to think about what is best for someone else, but perhaps in this instance... you could make an exception.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] My go-- you are so self-righteous. Do you know that?

Nick: You got a hell of a rep in G.C. Chelsea and connor shouldn't have to overcome that, on top of everything else, when you know you could just go where nobody knows who you are. Start fresh. Something to think about.

Victor: Hi, my sweetheart.

Nikki: Well, for heaven's sake!

Victor: Hi, sweetheart.

Nikki: I didn't think you'd be home until later.

Victor: Are you disappointed?

Nikki: Oh, terribly. How was dinner?

Victor: Good. Hadn't seen brett for a while. It was long overdue. It was nice.

Nikki: Good! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Victor: How is traci's novel? That is traci's novel, right?

Nikki: Oh, my gosh.

Victor: Really?

Nikki: Very intriguing. Quite a departure for her. I'm not very far into it, though. Victoria came by. We talked for a while.

Victor: Look at this. How nice. What did you and victoria talk about -- that useless man she's living with?

[ Breathes deeply ] You know I'm right.

Nikki: I'm not saying a word.

Victor: Okay. I just am very happy that she has you to lean on and ask for advice, okay? And I hope you told her to throw that punk to the curb.

Victoria: You said that you loved our life together. But you've only been pretending? Is that what you're claiming right now?

Billy: No, that's not what I'm saying.

[ Sighs ] We just fall into this pattern... all the time, and I know that when you're trying to -- I don't know -- reach out to me, you're trying to help me, I get that, and... when I keep certain things from you, it's like me trying to protect you.

Victoria: Those are two different things.

Billy: I know, but we need to try a different approach, clearly. I mean, we're in this right now, and both of us have made mistakes, whether you want admit that or not.

Victoria: So... what you're telling me is that you want me to stay quiet whenever I see you heading for trouble?

Billy: No. I want you to consider -- just consider -- that you might be wrong.

Victoria: I think maybe you're forgetting how many times we've been in this place. I remember phyllis coming to me when you were with her and telling me that you had started gambling again, but not to worry because you were in control of it this time. It wasn't controlling you. Well, we all know how that ended, don't we, billy?

Billy: Yeah, we do. That was a really hard time in my life, and I'm not gambling anymore.

Victoria: You're not just addicted to poker. You're addicted to risk, to taking chances. You're addicted to playing with fire. The signs that you're headed for relapse -- they're all there.

Billy: Signs? Really?

Victoria: Yeah, quitting therapy, sneaking around with amanda, your mood swings, your defensiveness. You're not looking after your health. You're not hardly sleeping. You're avoiding your family. You're keeping secrets. You're telling lies all the time.

Billy: Those aren't signs, victoria. Those are my choices that you don't like. I'm not proud of all of them, but to say that they're a symptom of some sort of disease? Give me a break.

Victoria: Well, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that i don't see what I see.

Billy: And I'm not gonna continue to walk on eggshells, worried about every single step I take, you're gonna overreact.

Victoria: Fine, then. Where does that leave us?

Nikki: Now, victor, don't forget we have two young grandchildren who would be devastated if billy and victoria don't work out their differences.

Victor: Sweetheart, I'm so well aware of that. But I also know it's just a question of time before he will let them down, too.

Nikki: Will you feel vindicated then?

Victor: No. In that case, I'd feel no joy about having been right, okay? But I think our daughter deserves better than what that punk is giving her.

Nikki: I'm holding out hope that she'll be able to get through to him and eventually he'll come around.

Victor: Our brilliant, successful daughter having to ask this middle-aged... punk... this juvenile delinquent, to treat her with respect -- I mean, that absolutely pisses me off!

Nikki: Alright, darling. I know you feel very strongly about this, but please don't say things like that the next time you speak to victoria, because no matter what we think of billy, she loves him. Okay. I am gonna go make some herbal tea. Do you want some?

Victor: No, sweetheart. Very kind of you. Thank you.

Victoria: Please think about our family. If you can't do this for my sake, if you can't get help for me and do -- do it for yourself, then do it for the kids, please.

Billy: Get help, right? 'Cause, clearly, you think something is wrong. You know, what's really pissing me off now is that you're implying that I'm not gonna be there for the kids, and I will always be there for the kids, no matter what happens between me and you.

Victoria: What is that supposed to mean?

Billy: It just means that we're running out of options. You can't accept me for who i am, and I can't fit into the mold that you want me to be.

Victoria: I'm not trying to fix you or change you.

Billy: [ Scoffs ]

Victoria: I'm not. I just -- I really can't bear to watch you go down this rabbit hole again, and I want to catch you before you fall. I do. But I can't do it all by myself. You have to be in it with me. Y-you have to -- you have to want it. But maybe that's it. I mean... maybe you don't want me to help you. Maybe -- maybe you just don't want me.

Billy: What I wanted more than anything was to make you happy. But I-I made promises that i really believed at the time, but I can't be the superhero.

Victoria: I don't need heroics. Billy, I just need you to keep trying.

Billy: Trying to what? Trying to be something that I'm not. I mean, we just keep doing the same thing over and over. We find ourselves in the exact same position. Clearly, somebody is trying to tell us something. Look, vick, I could promise you everything. I could say everything that you want me to say, but in the end... are you going to believe me?

Chelsea: Connor's sound asleep already. You were right. I didn't have to be worried.

Adam: Mm. Sit down, will you? I want to...ask you something.

Chelsea: I thought you wanted decaf first.

Adam: No, no. Coffee can wait. This can'T.

Chelsea: Okay. What's up?

Adam: [ Sighs ] Did you mean it when you told nick that we should leave town?

Chelsea: That -- that's not what I said.

Adam: What did you say?

Chelsea: It started as, like, a joke first, you know, like if people don't treat us right, we could just leave town.

Adam: But nick took you seriously?

Chelsea: Apparently. I mean, I have thought about it. It doesn't sound like the worst idea in the world.

Adam: Well, I think -- I think it would be amazing. And if you're on board, it's totally doable.

Chelsea: Moving to paris permanently?

Adam: Well, it's not the first time that we've considered it. We can make it happen by valentine's day. We can stay in a hotel while we look for apartments on the rive gauche.

Chelsea: Adam, that's three weeks away.

Adam: Well, you know me. I like to work fast.

Chelsea: What about your big return to the business world?

Adam: There's no reason i can't do that in france just as easy as I can do that here.

Chelsea: Adam, I -- you have to slow down. You're making my head spin.

Adam: St. Paddy's day?

Chelsea: You can't make a big, life-changing decision like this on a whim. We have a son to think about -- a son who just started at a new school.

Adam: Okay. Okay. They have fine schools in paris. I think it would be a stellar experience. But, okay, draw up a list of pros and cons and let me know where we're headed. Personally, I'm partial to the saint-germain-des-prés, although the trocadéro does have its charms. Or we could just be more efficient and we can book a flight and a hotel right now and we can just figure out the rest when we get there.

Chelsea: You would really upend your life like that on my say-so?

Adam: [ Exhales sharply ] You and connor are my life, and wherever you are, that is my home.

Phyllis: Hey!

Nick: Hey.

Phyllis: Uh, if you're looking for sharon, she's in the ladies' room. What is going on with her?

Nick: What do you mean?

Phyllis: She's acting weird.

Nick: How so?

Phyllis: She's being kind, generous, sincere.

Nick: Sharon's always like that.

Phyllis: Not to me. I don't understand it. I mean, we despise each other. She's acting like this evolved human being. It's freaking me out.

Nick: Well, hopefully, uh, sharon will go back to giving you crap soon and it'll put your mind at ease.

Phyllis: Oh, hey!

Sharon: You looking for me?

Nick: Yeah. I have something in the car for you. I was gonna take it out to the ranch and drop it off, but rey said you were here, so...

Sharon: Oh. Well, I'll get it from you. It's time for me to head home anyway. Um, I'll grab my coat. Thanks for keeping me company, and...take care.

Nick: See ya. What does help for heart failure look like?

Rey: That was nice of nick to get takeout for us.

Sharon: Yeah. I told him how thoughtful that was and thanked him profusely.

Rey: Well, I'm sure he appreciated that. But maybe he should have done it another night since you said you wanted to go out.

Sharon: Oh, it's fine. No. That was just more about... not wanting to be alone.

Rey: Want to tell me about it?

Sharon: I made the mistake of going online.

Rey: Ah.

Sharon: Yeah. All of the wonderful, helpful things that are on the internet for cancer patients are there -- you know, support groups, lots of information -- but... I made the mistake of going a little deeper into the various treatments, and, anyway...

Rey: Yeah. It was a little much.

Sharon: Yeah. You could say that, you know, so I-I just needed to get out. I needed to get away from it. But, of course, I can'T. Those images are now in my mind just like the cancer is in my body. It goes where I go. I can't just set it aside for an hour and take a break. But... you know, I-it was good to get out and be around people who are just living their lives, blissfully unaware... going on dates and, you know...

Rey: Hey.

Sharon: ...Excited about their futures, and...

Rey: That's gonna be you, too.

Sharon: Yeah, I hope so.

Adam: Chance. It's me. You got a second? My guy finally heard from her. But she is starting to ask questions, so I just wanted to give you a heads up.

Victor: So, what is so urgent that you had to see me this time of night?

I recently gained access to amanda sinclair's text messages.

Victor: Oh. Anything interesting?

Turns out she's involved with someone in your family.

Victor: With who? When was this taken?

Last night.

Victor: How long has this been going on?

Since before christmas.

Victor: Now, I know I can count on your discretion.

There's something else you'll want to know about miss sinclair.

Billy: [ Sighs ]

Victoria: Wait. Wait.

Billy: [ Sniffles ]

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