Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/28/20
Episode #11787 ~ Nick lays down the law; Phyllis suffers a setback.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Kyle: Whatever issues lola and I are having, we're gonna work through them.
Summer: So, we're just gonna forget that this happened?
Chance: I don't suppose your new year's resolution would be to stop harassing me about vegas.
Phyllis: Not a chance, chance.
Phyllis: You two crazy kids planning another hot date like before?
Chance: No. Work has her busy the rest of the week.
Phyllis: I, on the other hand, am totally free.
Chance: Are you asking me out on a date?
Sharon: I have cancer.
[ Door opens ]
Nikki: And this is the living room, where we entertain our friends and family or just relax. Oh, but before I forget, my name is nikki. My kids call me mom. Perhaps you've met my son nicholas. You bear a striking resemblance.
Nick: This is all very funny.
Nikki: Well, you haven't come by to pay us a visit for so long. I was worried you may have forgotten the lay of the land. Thank you for coming.
Nick: Mom, what are you talking about? I'm here all the time.
Nikki: Oh, well, yes, you are at the ranch frequently. And I know that because I see your car parked outside. But you haven't been knocking down my door to visit, so unless you're hanging out with the horses or the ranch hands, I have to assume that you're spending a lot of time at sharon'S.
Nick: And there it is.
Nikki: And you're lucky I'm not the inquisitive type, or i would be wondering exactly what is going on with the two of you.
Abby: Big date, huh?
Phyllis: Indeed.
Abby: Don't be so disappointed. I know that's why you're loitering, trying to rub it in my face.
Phyllis: Who told you?
Abby: Chance
Phyllis: Look at you. That's a pretty big smile for someone who's about to get their heart broken.
Abby: Well, I am just smiling because I'm surprised that you haven't learned that it never pays to give a guy the opportunity to get to know you better. You know, if you want my advice...
Phyllis: Like the plague.
Abby: ...You should, uh, suggest going to a movie or a loud concert, someplace where the opportunity to have deep conversation is limited 'cause once you start talking and he realizes just how shallow you are --
Phyllis: Oh, you know, there's probably going to be very little talking. Just saying.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: Well, I better tone down my irresistibility, uh, before the fireworks start.
Abby: [ Scoffs ]
Chance: Wow.
Abby: Tell me about it.
[ Chuckles ]
Chance: Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. The two of you seemed like you were enjoying that little jousting session.
Abby: Every second of it.
Chance: Then I think it's time I take myself out of this equation.
[ Keys clacking ]
Theo: Hi. This is a surprise. Welcome back to the grind.
Summer: Well, you were cc'd on the memo with my itinerary. So, are you admitting that you don't read office memos? Because dna will only get you so far.
Theo: Oh, I read alright, even upside down and between the lines.
Summer: What do you want, theo?
Theo: I want to hear the unofficial version of your trip, you and kyle taking care of business in san francisco. People leave their hearts there, you know. What did you leave -- your dignity, your inhibitions? I thought you and kyle might stay a few extra nights.
Summer: Really? And why would we do that, theo? What, you have this twisted fantasy that kyle and I would give into our feelings for each other, run away together?
Theo: What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic.
Summer: Yeah, you get the first part of that right.
Theo: [ Sighs ]
Lola: [ Sighs ]
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This is a cbs news special report, I'm nora o'donnell in washington. President trump is about to unveil his administration's long aawaited middle east peace plaN. Beside him, benjamin netanyahu. The plan was released whout any input from the palestinians. Have already rejected it. Many gathered in the room therE. Interesting to see, of course, prime minister netanyahu has been indicted back at home, his political future in doubt and president trump who has been impeached and facing trial in the U.S. Senate. Let's listen in. (Applause) (cheering and applause)
Thank you very much, thank you. Today israel takes a big step towards peace. (Applause)
Young people across the middle east are ready for a more hopeful future. And governments throughout region are realizing that terrorism and islamic extremism are everyone's common enemy. Enemy.Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting with both the prime minister of israel and a man that's working very hard to become the prime minister of israel in the longest running election of all timE. (Laughter)
And against of the blue and white party. And both leaders join me to express their support for this effort. Proving that the state of israel looking for peace, and that peace transcends politics. By any measure. Unmeasurable. That's what they want. (Applause)
On my first trip overseas as president I visited the holy land of israel, i was deeply moved and amazed by what this small country had achieved in the face of overwhelming odds and never-ending threats. The state of israel comprises only aminuscule amount of land in the middle east and yet it has become a thriving center of democracy, innovation, culture and commerce. Israel is a light unto the world. The hearts and history of our people are woven together. The land of israel is an ancient home, a sacred place of worship, and a solemn promise to the jewish people this we will never again repeat history's darkest hour. (Applause)
During my trip to israel i also met with palestinian president abbas in bethlehem. I was saddened by the fate of the palestinian people. They deserve a far better life. They deserve the chance to achieve their extraordinary potential, palestinians have been trapped in a cycle of terrorism, poverty and violence exploited by those seeking to use them as pawns to advance terrorism and extremism. I returned if my visit determined to find a construct path -- constructive path and it's got to be a very strong path, to further this effort. I also met with president abbas, at the white housE. Forging a plan between the israelis and palestinians may be the most difficult of all, presidents have tried and bitterly failed but I was not elected to do small things or shy away from big problems. (Applause)
It's been a long and very arduous process to arrive at this moment. On sunday, i delivered to prime minister netanyahu my vision for peace, prosperity, and a brighter future for israelis and palestinians. This vision for peace with was fundamentally different from past proposals. In the past teen most well intentioned plans were light on factual details and heavy on conceptual frameworks. By contrast, my plan is 80 pages and the most detailed proposal ever put forward by far. As i have seen throughout my long career as a deal-maker, complex problems require nuanced fact-based remedies. That's why our proposal provides precise technical conclusions to make israelis, palestinians much more safer and much more prosperous. My plan provides a win-win opportunity for both sides, a realistic two-state solution that resolution the risk of palestinian statehood to israel's security. Today israel has taken a giant step towards peace. Yesterday, prime minister netanyahu informed me that he is willing to endorse the vision as the basis for direct negotiations, and I will say the general, also, endorsed and very strongly, with the palestinians, a historic break through. And likewise, we have really a situation, having to do with a race that is taking place right now, it will end, and we have the support, and it's very important to say this, of both parties and almost all people in israel. They want peace and they want peace badly. (Applause)
This is the first time israel has authorized the release of a conceptual map, illustrating the territorial compromises it's willing to make for cause of peace, and they've gone a long way. This is an unprecedented and highly significant development. Mr. Prime minister, thank you for having the courage to take this bold step forward. (Applause)
Thank you, thank you. (Applause)
B we have a lot of powerful people in the room, a lot of people that ask help make it work so that's quite a thunderous applause. Thank you. We will form a joint committee with israel to convert the conceptual map into a more detailed and calibrated rendering, so that recognition can be immediately achieved. (Applause) we will also work to create a contiguous territory within the future palestinian state. Because when the conditions for statehood are met including the firm rejection of terrorism. (Applause)
Under this vision, jerm will remain israel -- jerusalem will remain l israel's undivided, very important, undivided capital. (Cheering and applause)
But that's no big deal. Because I've already done that for you, right? We've already done that, but that's okay. Going to remain that way. And the united states will recognize israel sovereignty over the territory that my vision provides to be part of the state of israel. Very important. And crucially, the proposed transition to a two-state solution will present no incremental security risk to the state of israel whatsoever. (Applause)
We will not allow a return to the days of bloodshed, bus bombings, night club attacks and relentless terror. It won't be allowed. Peace requires compromise but we will never ask israel to compromise its security. Can't do that. (Applause)
As everyone knows, I have done a lot for israel. Moving the united states embassy to jerusalem. Recognizing -- (applause)
Recognizing the golan heights. (Applause)
And frankly, perhaps, most importantly, getting out of the terrible iran nuclear deal. (Applause) (cheering and applause)
There is a lot of spirit in this room, it's truE. You don't see it often, you don't see it often. Therefore, it is only reasonable that i have to do a lot for the palestinians, or it just wouldn't be faiR. Now don't clap for that okay, but it's truE. It wouldn't be fair. I want this deal to be a great deal nor palestinians. It has to be. Today's agreement is a historic opportunity for the palestinians to finally achieve an independent state of their very own. After 70 years of little progress, this could be the last opportunity they will ever havE. And that's for a lot of reasons. We'll never have a team like we have right now. We have a team of people that love the united states, and they love israel, and they're very smart, and very, very committed, from your ambassador david freedman. (Applause)
To jason and avi and jarrod. (Applause)
And they're all great deal makers and they also understand the other sidE. And they want the other side to do welL. Because that's the sign of a great deaL. And they understand that. And i just appreciate all of the hard work you put in and so many of your other friends. And of course our great secretary of state, mike pompeo. (Cheering and applause)
Go! (Applause)
That's impressive! That was very impressive, mike! (Laughter)
That reporter couldn't have done too good a job on you yesterday, hmm? Think did you a good job on her, actually. That's good, thank you mike, great. Are you running for senate? I guess the answer's no after that, hmm? They all want him to! Kansas great state they want him to but you're doing a great job, don't move. The palestinian people have grown distrustful after years of unfulfilled promises so true. I know they're ready to escape their tragic past and realize a great destiny but we must break tbree of yesterday's failed approaches, this map will double the palestinian territory and provide an a palestinian exap in eastern jerusalem where with the united states will proudly open an embassy. (Applause)
No palestinians or israelis will be uprooted from their homes. (Applause) israel will work closely with a wonderful person, a wonderful man, the king of jordan, to ensure that the status quo of the temple mount is preserved and strong measures are taken to ensure that all muslims who wish to visit peacefully and pray at the al aqwa mosque will be able to do so. This is a major statement, this is of major importance and at the same time, our vision will deliver massive commercial investment of $50 billion into the new palestinian statE. You have many, many countries that want to partake in thiS. And many of them are all surrounding. They all want this to happen. Virtually all of them want this to happen. I think bb you know this as well, you're going to have tremendous support from your neighbors and beyond your neighbors. In the next ten years if executed well 1 million great new palestinian jobs will be created. Their poverty rate will be cut in half and their poverty rate is unacceptable now and only getting worse. Their gdp will double and triple and under much needed hope joy opportunity and prosperity will finally arrive for palestinian people. Our vision will end the cycle of palestinian dependency upon clirt and foreign -- charity and foreign aid. They will be doing phenomenally all by themselves. They are a very, very capable people. (Applause)
And we will help, by empowering the palestinians to 35 on their own. Palestinians will be able to seize the new future with dignity, self sufficiency, and national pridE. To ensure successful palestinian state. We are asking the palestinians to meet the challenges of peaceful co-existence. (Applause)
This includes adopting basic laws enshrining human rights, protecting against financial and political corruption. Stopping the maligned activities ofhamof hamas, permanently halting the financial compensation to terrorists. (Applause)
And perhaps most importantly, my vision gives palestine the opportunity to rise up and face the challenge of state him. I explained to the president that the territory allocated for his new state will remain open and undeveloped for a period of four yearS. During this time, palestinians can use all profit deliberation to study -- appropriate deliberation to negotiate with israel, achieve a statehood and become a truly independent and wonderful state. President abbas, I want you to know that if you choose the path to peace, america and many other countries, we will be there, we will be there to help you in so many different wayS. And we will be there every step of the way. We will be there to helP. (Applause)
In other words, for the first time in many, many decades, i can say, it will work. It's going to work. If they do this, it will work. Your response to this historic opportunity will show the world, to what extent you are ready to lead the palestinian people to statehood. If middle east is changing rapidly. On my first trip abroad as president I traveled osaudi arabia to discuss our shared priorities, with the 54 leaders of the muslim and arab countries. I made clear that all civilized nations share the same goals, stamping out extremism, creating opportunity for region's youth and we have to take care of the region's youtH. The region's youth is growing up with no hope. We have to take care of the region's youth. And existing in harmony with one's neighbors. Since that time, immense progress has been made. A growing number of nations have taken strong stands against terrorism, around radicalization. You see it. Thanks to the courage of ition forces -- U.S. Forces, the I.S.I.S. Territorial caliphate, 100%, not 95%, not 99 or any other percent, 100%, of their caliphate, I.S.I.S, is destroyed. And its salvage leader, al baghdadi is now dead. (Applause)
And i want to thank -- we have some of our great senators and congressmen and people here, thank you very much jim to add everybody, our leader, leader, thank you. Mark, thank you. Great people, these are great people, they work so hard and they love this country. The iranian regime is isolated and weakened greatly. We eliminated soulemeni, the world's top terrorisT. (Applause)
As you know, hez with thehead of hezbollah. I don't think they were up to going gooD. I dont think so. He ran an organization called jerusalem liberation forces, and used his hatred, total severe hatred of israel, as a rally cry to deter attention from the shortcomings of his government. He falsely promoted a sinister notion that a free jerusalem, we must really be at war with israel. So to have it free, we have to be at war with israeL. And he said it very, very powerfully. In fact, it's been in this false war that israel really the enemies of peace have used-- they just used it as an excuse to divide and totally oppress the middle east. In truth, jerusalem is liberated.
( Applause )
O'donnell: And there you heard the president of the united states unveiling his long-awaited peace plan, developed in part by his son-in-law, jared kushner, and they're standing next to the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu. I want to bring in major garrett, our chief washington correspondent. The president called this a big step toward peace, allowing-- saying jerusalem will remain undivided, but they will double the palestinian materiality and allow a capital in --
Reporter: Notice who will be absent, the palestinians. This is the president of the united states taking america out of its traditional role as an honest broker allowing the palestinians and israelis to negotiate many of these details themselves. No, this is the united states putting a marker down that is decidedly proisrael. Not only does benjamin netanyahu support it, but benny gantz also supports it. This is the united states siding with israel, telling the palestinians, this is your last chance. The deal's not going to get any better. If you want to achieve peace and any kind of economic development in the future, this is your only pathway, taking america distinctly out of honest broker to the brokeR.
O'donnell: I want to turn to seath don't in dell avef, and as major noted, notably absent the palestinians who are rejecting this plan, correct?
Reporter: That's right, norah. And that is something that bee have been hearing all through this weeK. We were in ramalaearlier in the week, speaking with his son, the former chief representative to the U.S. For the palestinians, and he said, we do not believe this is a deal nor a plan nor will it bring peace. And we saw palestinian leaders calling for protests, calling for a day of rage, even before they heard the deaL. They have been critical, really, of how the U.S., As major pointed out, has been seen as siding with israel, and a number of major foreign policy wins which the president also lifted just now, including recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel, moving, of course, the U.S. Embassy there, recognizing israeli sovereignty over the golan heights. Those are all seen as major foreign policy wins for israel, and really has frustrated the palestinians. The diplomat we spoke with earlier in the week, said mr. Trump cannot treat this like a real estate deaL. He said this is not a new york real estate deal where you offer some money for some lanD. The palestinians, of course, having an ancestral connection to this lanD. President trump, as you just heard, was very clear. They are making what they see as major conceptions or steps towards peace and offering some things to palestinians-- notably, saying there would be a capital in eastern jerusalem, where the U.S. Would open an embassy. He talked about a $50 billion investment. He talked about a million new jobs and trying to half the property rate. But as we know, we're already seeing protests in gaza and tonight, along the west bank, so palestinians telling us, we feel simply this is not our time.
O'donnell: All right, even the president of the united states admitting that every administration since L.B.J. Has tried to craft a middle east peace plan, but has faileD. We'll continue to watch this, and we will back at the top of the hour for senate impeachment trial. More coverage continues on our 24-hour streaming network, cbsn. You can watch it at cbsnews.Com, or on our cbs news app. We'll have much more on your local news, on this cbs station, and of course tonight, the "cbs evening newS." This has been a cbs news special report. I'm norah o'donnell, cbs news, washington. And all he wants to do is help.
Sharon: So much.
Mariah: Mom, it's an embarrassment of riches. You are lucky to have so many people around you that care about you.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] I'm not his patient, you know? I just want to be me. I don't want to be something that needs to be tended to. Okay?
Abby: You don't say. Well, how long is that gonna take? No. I -- I will let her know. Thank you so much for your help.
Phyllis: What did they say?
Abby: Oh, I wish I had better news, but the maintenance department is dealing with a million things right now. There's elevator inspections. There's a problem with a freezer in the kitchen.
Phyllis: Wow.
Abby: They are having quite the day.
Phyllis: This is crazy. All of this and my water problem. You should really hire an outside contractor.
Abby: Oh, they're gonna get to you as soon as they can. In the meantime, can I get you a bottle of champagne, compliments of the grand phoenix? I will have it sent right to your room.
Phyllis: I'd rather sit here with you.
Abby: In the lobby? Wearing that?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Abby: Mm. Well, don't you think you'd feel a little bit more comfortable in the privacy of your own suite?
Phyllis: Mm...nope. I've worn less...and rocked it.
[ Chuckles ] Wow. These are extraordinary. You have amazing hands. I bet you're really good with a wrench. You want to come up and check out my plumbing?
Chance: Um...
[ Sighs ] I think I'm gonna have to sit this one out. I have a phone call to make. Oh, wow. But I do hope we're still on for later.
Phyllis: I wouldn't miss it for the world. There is one question that i have to ask you and I haven't figured out.
Abby: Uh, how to conduct yourself in public?
Phyllis: No. Why is it that my room is the only room with a water problem?
Abby: You know what? This is actually the maintenance guy right now, and he is telling me that the cold water is fully operational.
Phyllis: That would be great if that's what I needed. But I don'T.
Abby: Oh, you will... after chance realizes what a disaster area you are during your date.
[ Clicks tongue ] Tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Chance: There is still no sign of the target from my people there. How about yours? Please tell me you have something. Okay. [ Sighs ] Keep looking. Phyllis. Was there something you wanted ask me?
Mariah: Hey, stranger.
Nick: What are you doing? Following me?
Mariah: Ah. Busted. I had a hunch, so I chased you down.
Nick: Sit down. I'll buy you a drink.
Mariah: Thank you.
Nick: Sharon seemed like she was in pretty good spirits today.
Mariah: Uh, yeah, she was. But I didn't want to overstay my welcome, so... you know, it sounds crazy now that I think about it, but I was toying with the idea of moving back in for the duration, you know, if she needed any help.
Nick: That's a pretty good idea.
Mariah: Actually, I think it's the worst idea. Who needs a helicopter kid? Sharon is completely capable of handling this situation and asking for help when she can'T. I would just be a nuisance, right?
Nick: Yeah, I guess.
Mariah: Maybe that's something that we all need to keep in mind. Sharon is one of the most independent women I know. And she doesn't want to be seen as a victim or weak.
Nick: Yeah. No, I think sharon should definitely feel like the heroine in this story.
Mariah: Exactly. So I think we should all focus on, you know, giving her some space, not trying to solve anything for her. If she needs help, trust me -- she's -- she's gonna ask for it. You know, that means less wear and tear for us, freedom for everyone.
Nick: Okay. What's going on here? Why don't you just come out with it and be honest? Did sharon say I'm, uh, going overboard?
[ Footsteps approaching ]
Summer: [ Gasps ] Oh, my god.
[ Laughs ] Sorry. You scared me.
Kyle: What are you doing here?
Summer: Uh, well, I could ask you the same thing.
Kyle: It's my office.
Summer: Right. Right. You just weren't in here earlier. Um, no, I just -- I was finishing up some notes from our trip. Um, I figured you'd be with lola.
Kyle: Something came up.
Summer: What?
Kyle: I don't know. I went to see her at society. It was tense, awkward. Things weren't great before we took off to san francisco, and we were on our way back to the apartment to straighten things out, make things right again.
Summer: So, what happened?
Kyle: She got some news from home about her mom. It threw her for a loop. So, what could I do?
[ Sighs ] I backed off, told her we'd talk about everything later, clear the air.
Summer: Clearing the air. I -- how clear are you gonna make things, kyle? Were you gonna tell her that I kissed you? New fructis treats
Phyllis: Where were we?
Chance: You were about to tell me why you were hovering during my conversation.
Phyllis: Oh, well, I wanted to invite you to -- to enjoy a flute of champagne with me, and you were in a conversation. I wanted to give you privacy. I didn't want to be accused of eavesdropping.
Chance: Mm. Of course.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I heard some interesting details.
Chance: Yeah? Like what?
Phyllis: Well, you said that your people were on it. What does that mean? Does it have to do with devon's inheritance or an international manhunt or maybe something simple and domestic, like vegas?
Chance: You hear what curiosity did to the cat.
Phyllis: Then satisfaction revived her. Satisfy me.
Chance: You don't wanna talk about boring old work stuff, do you?
Phyllis: No, I don'T. I'm sure we can think of something a lot more interesting to do.
Kyle: I was a complete mess. I was actually terrified to see my own wife.
Summer: What happened? What'd you say?
Kyle: Lola asked about the trip. All I could think about was how it ended...in that hotel room, with you...saying all those things you said.
Summer: Look, we don't have to rehash everything, okay?
Kyle: And that kiss... which is the last thing I wanted to mention, so I started going on and on about business, stupid details, nothing of real consequence, and then I realized I was leaving you totally out of the story. So I did nothing but talk about you, which made everything so much worse, and I was all over the place, until we finally decided to talk about everything once we got home.
Summer: Okay, well, you still haven't told me how honest you're gonna be with lola. Are you gonna tell her what we did?
Kyle: What good would it do? It would hurt lola. She'd hate you forever. She'd never trust me again, which she probably shouldn't because I am the worst person in the world.
Summer: Maybe the second worst.
Kyle: I love lola.
Summer: Oh, of course you do.
Kyle: And I just want to get my marriage back on track. She is everything to me. You said everything you needed to say to me. Nothing's changed...not for me. I fought like hell to marry that woman, summer.
Summer: I know 'cause I was the one that you were fighting.
Kyle: Look, it's best for all of us if we forget about what happened in san francisco. Living with opioid addiction can be a struggle.
Mariah: Mnh-mnh. Stop twisting everything around.
Nick: Well, if sharon is saying I'm coming on too strong by trying to help, I want to know.
Mariah: The opinions expressed are solely mine and do not express the opinions of my mother.
Nick: Alright. It's not entirely crazy. I do tend to overcompensate if i feel like there's something I'm not in control of.
Mariah: And it comes from a good place.
Nick: I just wish I could make this all go away.
Mariah: Well, you don't need to give up or stop. We just have to trust that sharon is gonna let us know when she needs us, no mind-reading necessary.
Nick: Well, why don't you finish this drink? 'Cause I'm gonna buy you another onE.
Mariah: What?! What did I do to deserve this?
Nick: You stopped me from making a very big mistake. The last thing I want to do is add to sharon's burden, you know?
Mariah: I do.
Nick: Yeah. She's got enough to worry about.
Mariah: That's why we're also lucky to have each other. I'm checking in with faith to make sure she's handling everything as best she can, but I do have room for one more.
Nick: Really? Would you do that? Would you try to keep me in line?
Mariah: I would be honored. Team sharon.
Nick: Team sharon.
[ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: You know, drinking champagne is like drinking stars. I wish you could have joined me.
Chance: I'm going to have to keep my wits when hanging out with you.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Yeah, for sure. So, I wonder if abby's plumbers have my water working. I don't want to be late for our date.
Chance: Don't worry. You're worth the wait.
Phyllis: You're very charming. And you're right. I am worth the wait... just so you know.
[ Footsteps approaching ]
Chance: Try and stay out of trouble.
Phyllis: Not tonight. All bets are off.
Summer: I owe you an apology.
Kyle: It's okay.
Summer: No, kyle, I put you in an awkward position with lola, and that wasn't fair.
Kyle: Who said life was fair?
Summer: [ Chuckles ] Okay, but you were right about everything. We should just pretend that nothing happened in san francisco... just put it in the vault, lose the combination, throw away the key, just never think about it again.
Kyle: Thanks.
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