Y&R Transcript Friday 1/24/20

Y&R Transcript Friday 1/24/20


Episode #11787 ~ Nick lays down the law; Phyllis suffers a setback.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Lola: What if I threw a fit every single time summer was fawning all over you?

Kyle: So, you admit it. Theo has a thing for you.

Lola: Maybe he does, babe, the same way that summer has a thing for you.

Fen: I needed to be in rehab. I just kind of wanted to make sure I was ready to face the world without drugs because i vowed to myself that when i left, it was gonna be for the last time.

Chance: I'm not here to make your life any harder. You helped me out of a jam in vegas, and I won't forget that.

Adam: What would you say if i told you I was thinking about resurrecting dark horse?

Chelsea: Devoting all of your energies toward something positive, making your son and i really, really proud?

Chelsea: Hello.

Adam: Hi.

Chelsea: Uh, did somebody forget to tell me it's "bring your significant other to work" day?

Adam: [ Laughs ] Very funny.

Chelsea: Well, seriously, what are you doing? Are you just gonna hang around all day?

Adam: Uh, what if I told you that I was planning our future?

Chelsea: Here, at the grand phoenix?

Adam: No. Here. Look what I just bought.

Kyle: We've been trying to acquire these guys for a while.

Summer: Yeah, and they kept resisting because they were thinking, "hey, we sell cosmetics, too. So, why can't we be as big as jabot?"

Kyle: Until I ran the numbers to show them how much capital that would take.

Summer: Mm-hmm. And I put together a marketing package that laid out all of the advantages of their brand being a subsidiary of jabot instead of a competitor.

Kyle: So, now they're ready to talk, and I think we can close the deal. So, what do you think?

Jack: What do I think? Well, when I walked in here, i thought I'd give you an inspirational speech about how important this deal is to jabot and how critical it is that you get all your ducks in line. But after hearing this, I'm the one who's inspired. I clearly picked the right team for this trip. Go get 'em!

Lola: It's nice to see you, fen.

Fen: Yeah, it's good to see you, too.

Lola: Enjoy.

Devon: Thank you. I got to say, man, really is great to have you back healthy and alert. Warms my heart.

Fen: Yeah. Yeah, I really appreciate that. It's super generous, actually, considering I screwed up the tour that lp bankrolled. Look -- I'm, I'm really sorry. I'll figure out a way to make it up to you.

Devon: No, you already have by getting treatment. And I mean that. I really do. You don't have to beat yourself up over your addiction.

Fen: Thank you.

Devon: Yeah. And when you're back on the road, gonna make sure to get you everything that you need -- counseling, a sobriety coach, just whatever it takes to help you make music again.

Fen: Yeah, the whole time i was in rehab, that's literally all I dreamed about.

Devon: Doesn't have to be a dream anymore, right? We got club dates lined up for you, and if it goes well, there's a promoter out west that's interested, also.

Fen: Look -- I really appreciate this. I mean, you have no idea, but I'm going to have to pass.

Phyllis: Hey, chance chancellor, man of mystery.

Chance: Phyllis! What a surprise seeing you here.

Phyllis: Oh, you're so funny.

Chance: You coming or going?

Phyllis: I am staying. You?

Chance: I just got here.

Phyllis: Hmm. Obviously, you are here to see the effervescent abby. You two crazy kids planning another hot date like before?

Chance: Unfortunately, no. Work has her busy the rest of the week.

Phyllis: Ooh, you know, i think that's the modern-day equivalent to, "sorry, I have to wash my hair tonight." I, on the other hand, am totally free.

Chance: Congratulations.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I have no plans at all.

Chance: I'm sure that's a lie, but good for you, phyllis. Leisure time can be very important.

Phyllis: Depends who you spend it with.

Chance: Indeed it does.

Phyllis: And I don't spend it with just anyone.

Chance: Are you asking me out on a date?

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provided by... my cholesterol is borderline.

Chelsea: You are just full of surprises, aren't you?

Adam: What's the surprise? I told you that I was thinking about getting back into business.

Chelsea: Yes, but I didn't know that you'd be buying a tech company that specializes in video games.

Adam: Well, it sounded like fun.

Chelsea: Do you even know anything about video games?

Adam: [ Laughs ] Just the ones I play with connor.

Chelsea: Ah.

Adam: Hey, this is a brilliant idea. We can -- we can put him on the payroll, and he can be our little game tester. Do you approve of this? Look -- I'm not going all-in on this. I'm just dipping my toe back in the business world until something better comes along.

Chelsea: You know what? Why not video games?

Adam: Exactly.

Chelsea: Except you didn't have to camp out here to make this big announcement.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, I know. Um, part of the other reason is because it's connor's first day at the new school.

Chelsea: Oh. You wanted to be close by in case there was a problem.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Have you heard anything?

Chelsea: Uh, no. Not yet, but that's a good sign. It means he's almost gotten through his first day, and we've yet to hear from the principal.

Adam: Oh, when are we not going to have to worry about that again?

Chelsea: Soon. I hope.

Adam: I just want him to be a happy, normal kid.

Chelsea: I know you do. So do I.

Adam: Yeah.

Chelsea: Mmm. Oh, which reminds me. Actually, um, I have to go get him soon.

Adam: Ah! Will you let me know how it went?

Chelsea: Yeah. Of course I will.

Adam: Yeah?

Chelsea: I got to go.

Adam: What?

Chelsea: [ Laughing ] I'll... I'll see you later okay.

Adam: Okay, fine.

Chelsea: Okay. Bye.

[ Chuckles ] Hey, did you get my notes on the new press release?

Chloe: Yeah, I just e-mailed you the revisions.

Chelsea: Perfect. Thank you.

Chloe: Do you think I could& say something?

Chelsea: Of course.

Chloe: Not to my boss -- to my best friend.

Chelsea: What is it, chloe?

Chloe: I just think it's absolutely insane that you're back together with adam.

Chelsea: I don't want to hear it.

Chloe: Just please listen to me. I really --

Chelsea: Chloe, stop it. I'm about to go pick up connor from his new school. I promised him hot chocolate. Why don't you come along? You can bring bella. The kids haven't seen each other in a while. It'll be fun.

Chloe: That is so not fair.

Chelsea: What?!

Chloe: You proposing this play date to preempt me from reminding you that adam is the devil.

Chelsea: Are we doing this, or what?

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: You're taking a long time to say yes.

Chance: What makes you think that I'm agreeing to go on a date with you?

Phyllis: Oh, you're playing hard to get.

Chance: No, I'm considering my options.

Phyllis: Do you have a problem with woman doing the asking?

Chance: Women have asked me out before.

Phyllis: Oh, okay, stud. Maybe you have a problem with the word "date." It's just a dinner, unless your mind is going other places.

Chance: It isn'T.

Phyllis: It isn'T.

Chance: On my honor.

Phyllis: Okay, well, being the last honorable man, maybe you feel loyalty to abby, and that is stopping you from having a succulent, delicious meal with me.

Chance: What do you think abby would say?

Phyllis: Well, she encouraged it. I mean, she told me -- what were her words exactly? -- That she said to you, "satisfy your curiosity."

Chance: She said that?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Chance: To you?

Phyllis: Yes, I think so, unless I have it wrong.

Chance: No, that -- that about sums it up.

Phyllis: Are you curious?

Chance: I think that abby might be confusing curiosity with interest.

Phyllis: It's all the same to me. Why don't you pick me up at my place at 7:00 tomorrow?

Chance: Make it 8:00.

Phyllis: Okay. See you then.

Adam: What was all that about?

Chance: You do not want to know. We have a problem.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Oh, god, please tell me it is not about phyllis because I am in too good a mood right now.

Chance: It's not about phyllis.

Adam: Thank god.

Chance: Adam, she's missing. She's completely fallen off the radar. Copd makes it hard to breathe

Devon: Um...I got to say, fen. I did not expect this from you at all. Are you sure this is what you want?

Fen: Yeah, no, I'M... I'm sure. I mean, it'd be easy to pick back up where I left off except, you know, where I left off was trying to kill myself with drugs. So, I just don't think I'm ready to put myself back in that scene. You know, maybe someday but not now.

Devon: Sure.

Fen: I don't know. Does that make any sense?

Devon: Yeah, of course it does.

Fen: And I-I want you to know how grateful I am for you just even taking a chance on me. But, you know, at the end of the day my sobriety has to come first.

Devon: I completely understand, and, to be honest, I'm proud of you.

Fen: Thanks.

Devon: Yeah. Even though it means that, uh, that lp will temporarily be losing the services of a very talented artist.

Fen: [ Laughs ] "Temporarily," huh?

Devon: Yeah, man, I... I have a feeling that we haven't heard the last of fen baldwin, and when the time is right and you're ready, there will always be a place for you at lp.

Michael: Ah! What are we celebrating?

Fen: Hey, uh, I was just telling devon that I'm not going to be touring anymore.

Lauren: Wow. That took a lot of courage, honey. Oh.

Devon: I'm going to go ahead and let you guys catch up. We'll be in touch, alright?

Michael: Good seeing you.

Devon: It was good to see you, too.

Lauren: Good seeing you.

Michael: Well... I think that was the right call.

Fen: Yeah, so do I.

Michael: And it's like, you know, you're not giving up performing. There are venues right here in genoa city.

Lauren: Right! Look at all the places that tessa's performing, and look what's happening with her career.

Fen: Yeah, no, she's, uh, she's rocking it, alright.

Michael: And selfishly i think it's great that you would be close by so that we could check on our son day and night.

Lauren: [ Laughs ] Your dad's just kidding. Aren't you?

Michael: Of course.

Lauren: It'll just be nice to see you more often. That's all.

Fen: That would've been nice, but...

Lauren: Would have been? Fen?

Michael: He's not staying.

Lauren: Wha...? Is that true?

Fen: I'm moving to nashville.

Kyle: Thanks, dad, for everything. I promise we won't let you down.

Jack: The idea never crossed my mind.

Summer: Well, plus, he's going to have me there to keep an eye on him.

Kyle: Right! Summer's the real closer. I'm just her wing man.

Summer: [ Laughs ]

Jack: Look at you two. I still remember when you were kids. Now here you are, out representing the company, working so well together. I am so proud of you, and i say that not just as a ceo, but as someone who loves you both very much. Go ahead. Be on your way. Good luck -- not that you need it.

Summer: Thank you, jack.

Kyle: Thanks, dad.

Jack: You bet.

Kyle: I'll text you as soon as we find out.

Theo: Hey, you guys ready for your big trip?

Kyle: Yeah.

Theo: Fingers crossed for a big score.

Kyle: I have a good feeling about it.

Theo: Excellent.

Summer: We should probably get going.

Theo: Well, don't let me hold you up. And don't worry about anything here on the home front. I will hold down the fort until you get back.

Kyle: Alright. Thanks, man. I'll be counting on you to do just that.

Chance: Do you know something that I don't?

Adam: Odds are, I know a lot of things that --

Chance: I'm talking about our missing friend, unless you forgot what went down in vegas.

Adam: Look -- I haven't forgotten.

Chance: You don't seem bothered with the fact that she's completely fallen off the grid.

Adam: Everything is under control

Chance: Why? Because you say it is?

Adam: Everything is under control. So, would you just take it down a notch?

Chance: Really, adam? You want me to practice discretion? I have run more undercover ops than you have suits in your closet.

Adam: Point taken.

Chance: What is going on?

Adam: Look -- she might be missing, but she's not lost.

Chance: [ Sighs ]

Adam: She'll resurface soon enough. She has a check to cash.

Chance: What check?

Adam: The one that I take care of every month.

Inside out

Chance: Why am I just now hearing about you paying her?

Adam: I covered my tracks. Okay? Checks cannot get traced back to me.

Chance: That wasn't my question.

Adam: I didn't tell you because you worry too much, chance, just like you're doing right now.

Chance: You and I have a lot at stake here.

Adam: Mm. I'm very aware of that.

Chance: Anything that you do, I need to know about it five minutes ago.

Adam: Okay. All you need to know is everything is under control.

Chance: In my line of work, that usually means you're already in trouble.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Do you see what I mean? You're literally getting bent out of shape about nothing. So, she got off the grid. She will get back on when she needs the money.

Chance: Why did you decide to pay her, anyway? Out of the kindness of your heart? To keep tabs on her?

Adam: I-I don't see the two as mutually exclusive. Okay, bottom line is, we want to know where she is at all times, right?

Chance: Alright, now we don't!

Adam: It's a temporary condition.

Chance: Adam, you had better be right.

Theo: It's nice to know you're confident I can handle things while you're gone.

Kyle: I'm sure you'll meet every expectation.

Theo: Good to know.

Kyle: So, is there anything else?

Theo: I hope you guys crush the meeting in san francisco.

Kyle: That's the plan. And thanks for the support, theo.

Theo: Yeah.

Kyle: I mean it.

Theo: Hey, try and squeeze in some fun while you're out there, too, okay? Huh?

Summer: Okay, okay. Who are you, and what have you done with kyle?

Kyle: Well, I finally decided to take your advice, lola's advice, everyone's advice, and not go nuts every time theo tries to bait me.

Summer: Wow! That's a really great strategy, boss.

Kyle: Oh, well, thanks.

Summer: Mm-hmm. He's not going to stop, you know.

Kyle: I don't expect him to, but I'll kill him with kindness until it drives him crazy.

Summer: Well, it sounds like another suggestion that I might have passed along to you.

Kyle: I'm a slow learner.

Summer: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: But eventually I get there. I'm sorry it took so long.

Summer: Ah. You know, I kind of like this new kyle. Maybe we can keep him around for a while, huh?

Chloe: So, do you remember your friend connor when we used to live here?

[ Gasps ] There they are!

Chelsea: Hi, bella.

Bella: Hi.

Chelsea: What do you say?

Connor: Hey, bella.

Chelsea: Oh, I have an idea. Why don't you guys go choose some music from the jukebox? Hmm? What do you think about that idea?

Bella: Okay.

Chelsea: They're holding hands!

Chloe: I can'T. I can't! Okay, so, when do we start planning the wedding? And don't tell me you weren't thinking the same thing.

Chelsea: Wouldn't that be something? Connor and bella.

Chloe: Well, we could dream, right?

Chelsea: Mm-hmm. Ooh, and we're gonna have another playmate on the way. Do we know if it's a boy or girl?

Chloe: We don'T. No, I -- I kind of want to keep it that way, but I secretly want another girl.

Chelsea: Really?

Chloe: Yeah, I think, you know, just for bella to have a little sister to play dress-up with. I always wanted a little sister.

Chelsea: Yeah, I always wanted a sister, too.

Chloe: Well, maybe our wishes will come true. Hey, um... does...does connor know about his eyes?

Chelsea: Uh, no, we haven't told him yet about the cornea transplant, but we have this ritual. Every time he seems anxious or has a bad dream, we ask him, "what do you see with your magic eyes?" Because with those eyes he can only see good things.

Chloe: Yeah, they are magic. This whole moment to me is magic. To be so close to delia, knowing that connor is looking at bella through her sister's eyes?

[ Sighs ] I'm not being dramatic, right? It's -- it's pretty special.

Chelsea: Yeah, it's very special.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Phyllis: So, you are trotting out the enchanted necklace. This must be a very important trip.

Summer: Well, it is my lucky jewelry.

Phyllis: Well, it wasn't lucky for me. I'm still unemployed. But hey, when did you become superstitious?

Summer: I'm not, really. I don't know. Just makes me feel good when i wear it.

Phyllis: You're nervous.

Summer: Yeah, maybe a little, okay?

Phyllis: Well, you've been on other business trips. What's so special about this?

Summer: Can I trust you not to say anything?

Phyllis: Of course.

Summer: I mean it, mom.

Phyllis: Of course! I swear.

Summer: Okay. Well, we're actually in negotiations to buy this cosmetic company in san francisco, and kyle has the chance to close this deal. So, it's a really big opportunity for him.

Phyllis: Oh, that's great.

Summer: Yeah.

Phyllis: But I hope that you're not putting kyle's success ahead of your own.

Summer: Absolutely not, no.

Phyllis: Or getting some ideas about, you know...

Summer: About what?

Phyllis: Never mind.

Summer: Okay, I'm well aware that he is a married man. So, I'm not stupid.

Phyllis: I didn't say you was stupid. But even the smartest people can be very foolish when it comes to love. I know this.

Summer: Okay, well, I'm not one of those people.

Phyllis: Okay. Just trying to protect you. That's all.

Summer: Okay. Well, I appreciate it, mom.

Phyllis: Okay, subject closed.

Summer: Thank you.

Phyllis: On the other hand...

Summer: Oh, god, I knew it.

Phyllis: ...If you decided to go for kyle -- I'm not suggesting you do -- but if you decided to go for him, you could get him back like that.

[ Chuckles ]

Devon: Hey. Lola?

Lola: Oh, hi. Uh, sorry.

Devon: It's okay. Is everything alright?

Lola: Sure. Everything's fine.

Devon: Doesn't sound like everything's fine.

Lola: Kyle and I got into a fight.

Devon: And?

Lola: And it was pretty bad.

Devon: How bad we talking?

Lola: Loud and ugly.

Devon: I'm sorry.

Lola: Yeah. Me too.

Devon: You know, from my personal experience, it's pretty normal for married couples to fight from time to time and get loud and ugly.

Lola: I know, but kyle and i haven't fought like this before, and it really scared me.

Devon: I understand. Well, you're gonna get past it. You want to know how? Go make up with him.

Kyle: You have some time to talk before I go on my trip?

Lola: Of course I have time to talk. Why would you think that i wouldn't?

Fen: Truth is, I decided to move to nashville because some sober friends of mine rented an apartment out there, and they just asked if I wanted to tag along with them.

Lauren: And that was it?

Fen: Pretty much.

Michael: I'm sure your mother is hoping that you would stay in genoa city for a while. You've got family here, friends, all the support you could ask for.

Fen: I know. I know, and I'm I'm so grateful, mom and dad. I really am, but I just -- i needed a change, you know, a fresh start, and nashville has a great music scene. I've already got a job set up at a recording studio. I mean, this is gonna be good for me. I can feel it.

Chloe: Did you invite him?

Chelsea: No.

Chloe: Then what is he doing here?

Chelsea: He probably wanted to see connor after his first day of school. Chloe, this is not a setup. I promise.

Chloe: Well, I believe you, but I wouldn't put it past him.

Chelsea: Oh, hey, guys.

Chloe: Adam.

Adam: Chloe. Hi, bud! How was your first day of school?

Connor: It was good.

Adam: Good! Well, I just came by to join you for some hot chocolate. Didn't realize there was gonna be a crowd.

Chloe: Bella, this is connor's dad. This is adam.

Adam: Hi. It is so nice to meet you. That is a really, really pretty jacket. Anyway, um, I can get the hot chocolate. Where --

Chelsea: We were actually all about to go get some --

Adam: Oh, no, I can get it.

Chloe: Actually, I'll join you.

Chelsea: You know, why don't we all go?

Adam: No, no. It's fine. Chloe and I can handle this.

Adam: Okay, let's hear it. Just say whatever it is you need to say.

Chloe: Chelsea may have fallen for your act, but I never will.

Adam: Mm. Hmph. Well, then, I guess the hot chocolate is gonna be on me, then.

Chloe: This isn't funny. You are a heartless bastard who brings pain to everything you touch, and I cannot believe that I have to stand by and watch it.

Adam: Well, I have a suggestion for you. Don't watch it.

Chloe: Oh, I should have left you to die in the street.

Adam: What was that?

Chloe: Nothing, nothing.

Adam: You did leave me to die in the street, chloe. Matter of fact, you left me to die in a few other places, too. So, what did you mean by that?

Chloe: You know what? There really is no difference because you're standing here now.

Adam: Wait a minute. Unless... I should have known. I should have known. Billy. Billy. Someone pushed me out of the way when he tried to run me down. Was that you?

Chloe: Why would I lift a finger to save you?

Adam: I don't know. But you did, didn't you? Didn't you?

Chloe: Yes. Yes. It was me who saved your sorry ass that night. And now you owe me.

Get ready for

the insurance-themed experience

Jack: Come on in. Sit down.

Theo: Great! So, uh, what's on the agenda? Any new work you want to throw at me?

Jack: That is not what I want to talk to you about.

Theo: Oh, okay. Is it something about the job that I'm doing, because if --

Jack: I'm perfectly happy with your performance. You bring drive and energy. Your ideas are well-thought-out. No, I have no issues where that's concerned.

Theo: Then, why do I feel like I've been called into the principal's office?

Jack: I am aware of a certain friction between you and kyle.

Theo: I'm sorry about that. I wish we could go back in time to being best buds, but, I don't know. There's something about me that seems to rub kyle the wrong way.

Jack: And this is totally kyle's issue.

Theo: No, no. We just play by a different set of rules sometimes. Kyle has his way of doing things, and I have mine, and maybe my way is a little too unorthodox for him.

Jack: A clash of styles, then.

Theo: Something like that.

Jack: I'm reminded of your grandmother dina. She was always very proud to tell people they broke the mold when they made her.

Theo: From what she told me, she told me she was quite the force, alright.

Jack: She was, but she wasn't perfect, and this set of rules she made for herself didn't always benefit her and everyone else. Look -- all I'm saying is, even if kyle has issues with you, you're not making it any easier. I see the way you goad him to get a reaction out of him, all the sarcastic asides, all the lack of respect.

Theo: It goes both ways, jack.

Jack: I am well aware of that. I've spoken to kyle about this. Now I'm speaking to you. You keep poking someone with a sharp stick, what reaction do you expect? I don't want to have this conversation again. Are we clear on that?

Theo: You won't, jack. I heard you.

Kyle: I'm sorry if it came across like I was still mad at you. I'm not.

Lola: I'm not mad, either.

Kyle: Then why is it so hard to get this tension to go away? Why is it suddenly so hard to just move on?

Lola: I don't know, but i just want to get through this. And I know that you want to get through it, too. It just seems like we're so out of sync, and it's driving me crazy.

Kyle: We just need time to sort it out.

Lola: And we will. We definitely will.

Kyle: But now I have to get on a plane.

Lola: I know.

[ Sighs ]

Kyle: I hate having to leave when things are so unsettled between us.

Lola: Me too. But it's work. I understand. When you get back, we'll talk everything out and make it better, okay?

Kyle: We have to make it better. Call you when I get to san francisco?

Lola: Okay. I love you.

Summer: Um, I am not, and i repeat, not looking to get back together with kyle.

Phyllis: 'Kay. If you say so.

Summer: Well, yeah, I do keep saying so, and you keep not believing me.

Phyllis: No, all I said is if you want kyle back, you can get him back like that.

Summer: Yeah. That's spoken like a true mom, but fine. I'll play your game. How, mom?

Phyllis: Alright. Let's go back a few years. Kyle was madly in love with you all the way up to the point that he met someone who is the polar opposite of you.

Summer: Lola?

Phyllis: Lola, yes. It's like blonde versus brunette, ferrari vs. Food truck, and then, bam, he's married within a year? Come on. Please.

Summer: Okay. Well, did it ever occur to you that they fell in love?

Phyllis: [ Snorts ] In love? I'm sure kyle's trying to

convince himself that he's in love. Those feelings he had for you, those aren't going to go away. They couldn'T.

Summer: Well, mom, I don't know. He chose her, okay? So, I had to accept that.

Phyllis: Who are you trying to kid? Who are you trying to kid?

Summer: I'm just stating the facts, okay?

Phyllis: I'll tell you some facts. You are 10 times the woman...

[ Voice breaking ] That lola is. Ten times, okay? And kyle knows that. And you are still in love with him. I don't care how many times you want to deny it. You are still in love with him. My fear as a mother is that you are going to wait around for kyle to wise up. And what if he doesn't? And you will be second-best. Don't you ever be second-best. Don't you dare be second-best.

Lauren: Okay. Well, seeing that you're moving all the way to nashville, I hope you'll at least let us help you get settled in.

Fen: Yeah, I wouldn't mind that.

Michael: You think you could rustle up a little more enthusiasm there, fen?

Fen: [ Laughs ] I would love for you guys to come. I think you'll actually feel a lot better once you see where I'm going to be living.

Michael: Who knows? Maybe I'll put some country in my regular music rotation.

Fen: Yeah, there you go. Mom, you alright?

Michael: I think she's tearing up at the thought of me singing country music around the house.

Lauren: [ Laughs ] Stop it!

[ Voice breaking ] I'm just sad to say goodbye to my son that I'm so very proud of.

Michael: That sounds like a country-music song right there.

Lauren: [ Laughs ]

Fen: I love you guys.

Lauren: I love you.

Michael: Love you, too.

Chloe: What?

Adam: I'm just -- I'm still trying to wrap my head around you saving my life.

Chloe: Oh, wait. I -- I did not save you. I was saving billy from making a horrible mistake, and you were just an afterthought.

Adam: Okay. Well, still, it's just -- it's really nice to know that you don't want me dead anymore.

Chloe: The jury is still out on that because if you hurt chelsea again, I swear --

Adam: No. I won'T.

Chloe: Oh! Okay. Yeah.

Adam: Look -- what you gave me that night was a gift. And I'm gonna use that gift to make chelsea and connor feel safe and happy. And I know that you don't believe that now. But it's the truth. Hey. I mean, look at those kids. I can't even imagine seeing them together, how that makes you feel.

Chloe: They will always be connected, and they might not know that now, but it will always be there.

Adam: Yeah, well, I think we're all connected, for better or worse, whether we want it or don'T. We just are.

Chloe: Please stop, adam. Stop trying to pretend like you're human. And you can carry your own damn hot chocolate yourself.

[ Sighs ]

Chelsea: Well, no bruises, no scratches. Any broken bones?

Adam: No, not one.

Chelsea: So?

Adam: Chloe and I have reached a tentative understanding.

Chelsea: Okay. I don't know what that means exactly, but I'll take it. Um, I do have one more question for you, though.

Adam: Okay. What's that?

Chelsea: Back at the hotel, what were you and chance up to?

Adam: Chance and I, we were just talking.

Chelsea: It looked intense.

Adam: Oh, I wouldn't -- i wouldn't say that.

Chelsea: Is there anything you want to tell me?

Adam: Is there anything that I want to tell you? Um...

Chelsea: Let me -- let me rephrase that. Um, is there anything you need to tell me?

Adam: No. No. There is nothing that you need to know. I would tell you if there was.

Chelsea: Okay.

Adam: Is that all?

Chelsea: Yeah. You answered my question.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Chloe: I don't know, bella. It looks like you both have the same amount of marshmallows.

Bella: That's not true. He has one more.

Chloe: Oh!

Connor: I'll give her one of mine if she wants.

Chloe: Connor, thank you so much for sharing. You know, you guys are going to be friends for a long time, so there's gonna be a lot of that. You'd better get used to it.

[ Sighs ]

Lola: Oh, I will take this for you. Yeah.

Summer: Thank you for looking out for me.

Phyllis: It's my job as a mom. Don't be second choice, especially to kyle.

Summer: Okay. I heard you. So, thank you.

Phyllis: Look --

Summer: You don't need to worry, though.

Phyllis: Well, it's part of the job. You'll find out one day.

Kyle: All set?

Summer: Yeah, I think I am ready.

Kyle: My bag's in the car. Let me get this.

Summer: Okay. Bye, mom.

Phyllis: Goodbye.

Kyle: Ready to go conquer the world?

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