Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/23/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/23/20


Episode #11786 ~ Kyle and Summer settle unfinished business; Summer makes a bold move; Amanda sets boundaries with Billy.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Amanda: If you can't be honest with victoria about what's going on between us, and you have to lie about seeing me, maybe it's time that you ask yourself why.

Victoria: Now I'm learning that you didn't love me enough to be honest with me because now you have a new friend.

Billy: I love you. You know that.

Victoria: Oh, I don't know what I know anymore. I don't know who you are.

Faith: I don't think I should go back to boarding school.

Sharon: Oh, faith.

Faith: My place is here with you.

[ Knock on door ]

Rey: Good morning.

Sharon: Hi. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?

Rey: Well, after you told me that mariah was taking faith to breakfast, I decided to change my schedule and treat you to your favorite chocolate croissants, as well as my incredible company.

Sharon: You didn't have to go out of your way like that.

Rey: It's just croissants. It's not a big deal. Something else on your mind?

Sharon: Yeah, I was just talking to nick about faith leaving boarding school. It's all handled.

Rey: Oh, I'm glad he took care of that. I mean, that's what you and faith agreed to. Am I right?

Sharon: [ Sighs ] Yes, we did. I just hate the reason why.

Faith: Dad?

Nick: Yeah, in here. Good morning, girls.

Faith: Hey, dad.

Mariah: Came as soon as I got your message.

Nick: I appreciate that. Thank you.

Faith: So, you wanted to talk to me?

Nick: Yes. I put in a call to your headmaster at your boarding school and told him you would not be returning. And I called the principal at walnut grove and asked if you could transfer back in.

Faith: And?

Nick: They said they'd be thrilled to get you back, and you can start when the next semester begins.

Faith: Oh, thank you so much.

Nick: No problem.

Faith: I just couldn't stand being away at school with mom sick.

Nick: Well, for what it's worth, I think you're making the right call.

Mariah: Yeah. She's gonna have all of us here for her, and that's what matters.

Nick: Amen.

Faith: I do need to go back to school one last time to say goodbye to everyone and get my stuff.

Nick: Well, we can do that today. I'll take you.

Mariah: Hold on. I don't think that's such a great idea.

Nate: Hey, there.

Elena: Hey, you're right on time. Thanks for meeting me before my shift.

Nate: Sure thing.

Elena: And there is a double espresso with your name on it coming right up on me.

Nate: The royal treatment, huh?

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Nate: Thanks. What did I do to deserve this?

Elena: Oh, you know, for being brilliant and creative and an incredibly helpful human being.

Nate: Okay. So, now I know you're about to hit me up for a favor.

Elena: Did I mention perceptive, dr. Hastings?

Nate: So, is it one of those "no big deal, glad to help a pal" kind of favors, or the kind I'll agree to and wish i hadn't?

Nikki: Whatever you're reading, put it down, please.

Victor: Come here.

Nikki: What I have to say is far more important.

Victor: Really? You mean, more important than the fluctuations in the global copper market?

Nikki: Oh! Much.

Victor: Really? Well, then, you have my attention.

Nikki: Good, because my news is about you and newman enterprises, and I think it's going to make you very happy.

Billy: You had a late night last night, and now you're back at it first thing in the morning?

Victoria: Well, I helped the kids get out the door, but i have a lot to do today.

Billy: Last night you said that you weren't sure if I loved you, and I know that you were angry and upset when you said that. So, let me just say it again, and I'll say it as many times as I need to. I love you. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here wanting to fight for us, wanting to do whatever it takes to make it right.

Victoria: I have a meeting that I have to be --

Billy: Vic, please, don't turn your back and walk out on me, please.

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Nick: Why don't you want me to take faith back to her boarding school?

Mariah: Because I would like to take her.

Nick: Oh, okay. Can I ask why?

Mariah: Yeah. You have christian to look after, and with tessa gone at the moment, I have a lot of time on my hands, and I figure after we pack up her room, I could maybe take her and her friends out to dinner, and then we could spend the night at a fancy hotel before bringing her back in the morning.

Nick: Okay. Girls' trip. I can see why I don't qualify for that. Are you cool with that?

Faith: Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I'd actually rather have you be here for christian and mom in case she needs anything.

Nick: Alright. Girls' trip it is. Let's just, uh, work out some details and some rules, though.

Mariah: Ah...

[ Whispering ] Rules.

[ Blows raspberry ]

[ Laughs ]

Sharon: Part of me is thrilled that faith is staying home from school. I missed her so much. But she loved her new school and all the friends she made, the independence of being away from home. She should be going back there without a care in the world. But she can't do that because of me.

Rey: Now, sharon, you have nothing to feel guilty about.

Sharon: I hate that she has to give this up.

Rey: Faith doesn't feel like she's making a sacrifice. She's not coming back home out of obligation. She needs to be close to her mother and wants to support her, just like the rest of us do.

Sharon: You know, it's really been amazing how you've all rallied around me, but it's a little overwhelming, also. You know, I was just diagnosed with breast cancer two days ago, and already I feel like my life has been divided into two different parts -- before i picked up the phone and got those biopsy results and now. Everything just seems to revolve around me having this disease.

Rey: Think of it this way. All that love you've put out over the years is coming right back at you.

Sharon: Oh, rey!

Rey: Yesterday, you said that you would lean on us, and that's what we want you to do. And in case I haven't made it clear, you are my number-one priority. Nothing and no one is more important to me right now.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Sharon: Oh, looks like someone didn't get your memo.

Rey: Whoever it is has incredibly bad timing.

Sharon: It's okay. Just take it. You know what? It's the universe's way of telling us all that life goes on.

Nikki: The location is set, the menu has been selected, the invitations will be out shortly, and if I do say so myself, i think I have done an excellent job coordinating so far.

Victor: Well, my darling, of that I have no doubt.

Nikki: The 50th anniversary of newman enterprises is going to be a magnificent celebration.

Victor: You know, actually means more to me than I thought it would.

Nikki: I know it. That's why we're going to go all-out. This is a major milestone. The company that you grew from nothing into a worldwide empire?

Victor: Not without a few bumps along the way. A lot of people thought that we wouldn't survive.

Nikki: And yet you did.

Victor: Yeah. And we're stronger than ever now. Can you imagine that? And we will be for many more years to come.

Nikki: Well, darling, I can understand you wanting to focus on the company's success...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: ...But I would rather the attention that evening be more on you.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Nikki: You're more than a legendary business leader, darling. You're a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, and I want to pay tribute to the man who created this legacy and the family who adores him because to me that's your greatest achievement.

Victoria: No, billy, we're not doing this. Now is not the time.

Billy: Actually, now is exactly the time because what we're going through should take precedence over everything else.

Victoria: Well, I have a meeting. I have to get to the office. I have a schedule. I need to go.

Billy: So, you're gonna go bury yourself in work? Do you think that's going to actually help anything, vic?

Victoria: Okay, fine! You feel so strongly about it, let's do it. Let's just get it all out in the open!

Elena: Maybe "favor" is too strong a word. I really just wanted to pick your brain.

Nate: Okay. What's the topic?

Elena: Okay, so you know the medical clinic we've been talking about for new hope?

Nate: Mm-hmm.

Elena: Well, it's gonna be a while before it's up on its feet. What do you think about a mobile medical unit to fill in the gap? Fully outfitted for routine wellness care, immunizations, physicals for work and school, walk-in treatments for the most common types of injuries and illnesses.

Nate: Outstanding idea.

Elena: Really?

Nate: Yeah. I'm sure nick and devon will be all over it. And the medical folks who've committed to volunteering? They'd be thrilled to get things off the ground.

Elena: Cool. Okay, I'm gonna do a little more research, and then I'm gonna write a formal proposal.

Nate: It sounds like a plan. What made you come up with this?

Elena: You know, believe it or not, I thought about it in the shower. It's where I do all my brainstorming.

Nate: Ah, same with me and a lot of other people. Folks who run or meditate or do yoga take time out every day to clear their minds. It creates space for other things to come to the fore.

Elena: Yeah, and for those of us who don't make the time, we do all of our brainstorming in the bath.

[ Both laugh ]

Amanda: Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Just wanted to say hi.

Nate: Hey, you're not interrupting.

Elena: Yeah, if, um, you're not meeting anyone, feel free to join us.

Amanda: Seriously?

Elena: Sure. You and nate are friends, and i told you I wanted us to be cordial, regardless of the whole will debacle. So, have a seat...or not. Choice is yours.

Rey: You really can't handle this? I-I told you I'm not coming in until later. Okay, fine. I will handle it, mm-hmm.

Sharon: Problem?

Rey: I really don't want to leave, but...

Sharon: Duty calls.

Rey: Next time I am turning my phone off.

Sharon: It's okay. Supporting me and doing your job don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Rey: I know, but it's --

Sharon: No, no "buts." There might be days where you need to take time off to be with me, but today is not one of them. And besides, this way I can eat your croissant, too.

Rey: Oh, so, that's your real motive for wanting me out of here, huh?

Sharon: Well, that's a pretty good one, don't you think?

Rey: After my shift's over, I'll be back. Tonight, the sky is supposed to be crystal clear. We can go out for a walk, look at the stars and then warm up by the fire, if that appeals to you.

Sharon: You are too wonderful. You know that?

Rey: Right back at you, beautiful.

Victor: Everyone have a seat. So, what brings you by?

Mariah: Well, we have some big news.

Nick: Yes. Faith has decided to transfer to walnut grove this semester.

Nikki: You are kidding. She's gonna stay in genoa city?

Victor: She never mentioned that to me.

Nikki: No. I-I thought she was very happy at boarding school.

Victor: Huh! Why the change of heart?

Nick: She just wants to stay in genoa city, closer to her family.

Mariah: Nobody was going to argue with that.

Nikki: Oh, no. I mean, selfishly speaking, I'm thrilled to hear it.

Victor: Yeah, wonderful news.

Nick: Which brings me to the other reason why I'm here. Faith really needs to get to her boarding school to get all of her things and say goodbye, and they're expecting her today.

Victor: So, in other words, you are suggesting that it would be more comfortable and more expeditious to perhaps use the newman jet, right? You got it, my boy.

Nick: Thanks, dad.

Victor: You're welcome.

Nikki: Well, I would love to go along. In fact, son, if you're busy, i could take her. She and I are overdue for a little one-on-one time.

Mariah: Uh, actually, I was going to take her. Yeah, faith was telling me that her friends know me from my "gc buzz" days, and they would really like to meet me.

Victor: Oh, well, wait a minute. Why does that preclude nikki from going? I mean, she is known the world over.

Mariah: Oh, no! Absolutely, of course. Um, it's just faith and i were really into this idea of a sister trip. No offense, nikki.

Nikki: Oh, please. I'm just happy that she's gonna be home.

Nick: Agreed. This is where she needs to be right now.

Elena: Devon has really been throwing himself into his work with nick and new hope. Even though he runs a corporation, he still finds the time. Regardless of any adversity he's going through in his own life, he still knows how fortunate he I in so many other ways. For him, giving back is as natural as breathing.

Amanda: I do have a great deal of admiration for what devon's been doing. The character that he's shown as he's moved on from what happened -- it's amazing.

Elena: Well, I should get going. I have some errands to run before my shift.

Nate: Okay, I'll see you at the hospital later.

Elena: Yeah. See you. Amanda.

Amanda: Have a good one.

Elena: You too.

Nate: Do you have somewhere you need to be, too?

Amanda: Not at the moment.

Nate: Would you like some coffee?

Amanda: I'll grab some in a minute. Right now I am curious about something.

Nate: What's that?

Amanda: I'm not usually a nosy person.

Nate: That's what people say right before they ask something completely nosy.

Amanda: I suppose it is.

Nate: Go ahead. Ask away. Doesn't mean I'll answer.

Victoria: Billy, I know you say that you're not having an affair.

Billy: Because I'm not.

Victoria: But hearing that you confided in amanda instead of me -- do you know how much that hurt? It hurt more than I can put into words. It opened all of these old wounds.

Billy: There is nothing physical or romantic going on with amanda and me, okay? And I told you that I would never do that to you again.

Victoria: Intimacy is about a lot more than sex. I'm not accusing you of having an affair, but to be going around, meeting with this woman for weeks in secret? I mean, to me -- to me it's like an ominous sign.

Billy: Of what?

Victoria: Of a disconnect! Between us and it goes way beyond that. You say that you can't talk to me because you think I'm going to judge you. Then you need to tell me that. You need to tell me, not sneaking around with some other woman.

Billy: See, that's not exactly --

Victoria: You know, I think that you get some sort of thrill out of this, this secret relationship. There's a part of you that's not content with a stable, normal life. You love drama. So, you have to create drama. Is that what you're doing?

Billy: Well, that's your perspective, isn't it?

Victoria: Listen to me! I'm not finished! You say that you want to fight for us. Then you need to get help.

Billy: Because I'm broken and that I need to be fixed, that kind of help?

Victoria: You don't want to see dr. Clay anymore? That's fine. That's fine. You can go see another counselor. Maybe we could go to a couples counselor together. Did you think about that? Or maybe -- maybe you ought to go to some gamblers anonymous meetings. Anything, billy, to just get you back on track.

Billy: See, here's the thing, vic. I'm not off track. And I keep trying to explain that to you, but it's not soaking in. And so, I had to go figure it out on my own.

Victoria: Oh. With amanda?

Billy: What I need most from you is to just believe in me. And if you can do that, you're going to see that there's nothing to be afraid of. Can you just give me a chance to try and prove that to you?

Sharon: Once mariah gets here, you won't have much time before you leave. You want me to help you pack your overnight bag?

Faith: No. No, I can do it. I just want to talk to you first.

Sharon: Okay. What about?

Faith: I've been doing a lot of thinking since I found out about your diagnosis, and...

[ Sighs ] ...Just want to say I'm so sorry for what I did.

Sharon: What are you talking about?

Faith: I never should have gone away to school, because when I was gone you were here, getting sick, even if you didn't know it at the time.

Sharon: Oh, sweetie.

Faith: And I'm sorry for all the times I waited to call you back or the stupid, stupid things I said when I was frustrated.

Sharon: Okay, I'm going to stop you right there. You have nothing to be sorry about. You were living your life. You were being a regular teenage girl. Hey, I know this is hard, but i don't want you to have any regrets.

Faith: How can I not?

Sharon: Remember what the doctor told me? They caught my cancer early. So, I'm going to fight this with everything in me for you and mariah and noah. You know, being your mom has made me a lot stronger than i thought I would be. And I don't know what this journey ahead is going to look like exactly, but I do know that we're going to find our way together. Come here.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Amanda: I hope you don't consider this prying, but i just wanted to get a handle on how everyone is related to everyone else.

Nate: What do you want to know?

Amanda: Well, for instance, i know that you and devon are cousins, but I don't know how.

Nate: Mm. Devon and lily's mom is my mother's sister, my aunt drucilla. And their dad, neil winters, and my stepfather, malcolm winters, were brothers.

Amanda: Wow.

[ Chuckles ] The more you learn, it sounds like every family in this town has a very complicated story.

Nate: [ Laughs ] Yeah, it keeps things interesting.

Amanda: Mm. What about you and elena? You two go way back, too?

Nate: We only met last year.

Amanda: But you've dated, though, right?

Nate: No. Why would you think that?

Amanda: It was just something about the way that you two act with each other. I thought you had history.

Nate: You thought wrong.

Amanda: Okay. If you say so.

Faith: Okay, that's everything.

Mariah: Well, I guess we're ready to go, then.

Faith: Okay. Well, I'll text you as soon as we land, and our phones will be on the entire time after that. And dad and rey will both be here if you need anything.

Sharon: Good to know, but you don't have to worry. Nothing's going to go wrong between now and tomorrow. Just have a good time with mariah and your friends.

Faith: I will.

Sharon: Okay.

Mariah: And we'll be back in the morning.

Sharon: Yeah.

Nick: If any last-minute details need to be worked out with the headmaster, just --

Mariah: I will call you, yes.

Nick: Okay. Well, you guys have fun. Give me a hug.

Faith: Bye.

Nick: Bye. Love you.

Faith: Alright.

Sharon: See you in the morning.

Faith: Yep.

Sharon: Alright.

Mariah: Behave yourself.

Sharon: Oh, we'll see.

[ Both laugh ]

Mariah: Alright, squirt. Let's hit the road.

Faith: Alright.

Elena: Take-out orders are taking a really long time today.

Rey: Huh. Must be my fault. I persuaded the whole station to order from society. Cops have serious appetites.

Elena: Ah. Well, as long as I get my order in time to make it to my shift at the hospital.

Rey: On your way to the emergency room, huh?

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Rey: You must get a lot of interesting cases.

Elena: Never a dull moment.

Rey: You must see it all -- pneumonia, broken bones, cancer.

Elena: Yeah, sometimes all three within the span of an hour.

Rey: So, how does that actually work? I mean, say you're treating a patient who has cancer, and that cancer has a 75% survival rate. What does that actually mean? Like, how do you know your patient will be amongst the 75 that actually make it?

Elena: Rey, why are asking me so many questions about cancer?

Victoria: I can't do this, billy. I can'T. I just can'T. I can't do what you're asking. I can't take that leap of faith again. I've done it too many times. I just -- I end up getting crushed.

Billy: And you're afraid that I'm gonna go to that deep, dark place again, where I was consumed with my revenge for adam.

Victoria: Frankly? Yes, I do.

Billy: And I told you that that part of my life was done, right? I'm never going back to that person again. Victoria, I am the same man that you fell in love with, the one that balanced you out because i was spontaneous and unpredictable and playful. I mean, you used to actually embrace that side of me.

Victoria: Well, I didn't know then that this is where it would lead you to...

Billy: This?

Victoria: ...To too much drinking when things don't go your way, to driving a car and crashing it, to a return to a gambling problem so severe that -- that I got kidnapped because somebody that you owed money to --

Billy: Okay, how long ago was that? How many years ago was that?

Victoria: It wasn't long enough ago for me to not remember how scared I was that they might kill me! Billy! You know, long before adam came back into our lives, you broke my heart so many times, and i forgave you, not realizing that you had no way of stopping your self-destructive behavior. And I didn't know when that was ever gonna be fixed, or if you could fix it. But then, this past year, I saw this profound shift in you. And when I was going through my crisis with J.T., And when I was questioning everything about myself, you were there for me. You were my rock. That's the billy that i fell in love with. That's the person I committed myself to. That's the person that I trust to have by my side. I'm not asking you to be perfect. I'm not perfect. I'm not. But I try every day to be a better person, to be the best person I can be, and all I hear from you, all I'm hearing right now is you talking about going backwards.

Billy: So, you're just twisting my words up, okay? You're mischaracterizing everything that I'm saying.

Victoria: I'm just trying to put it into context. I'm not trying to wound you.

Billy: Well, you're right about one thing. There is a communication breakdown. And there's a wall between us, and you just want it your way. And I don't get a say in that.

Victoria: I would never do --

Billy: Look, vic. The bottom line is here, i don't want to repeat the same mistakes that I've made, okay? And all I'm looking for from you is a level of acceptance. That's it. Like, the amount that you give your father. Is it too much to ask that you would allow the same consideration to me?

Sharon: You want something to drink? Faith and I are having tea. I could heat up some more water.

Nick: I'm good, thanks.

Sharon: Is something wrong?

Nick: Well, you did a pretty good job of covering, but i could tell when mariah and i came back from the main house. You and faith seemed pretty emotional.

Sharon: It's just hard to see your girl so anxious and upset. And the way she tried to take care of me because she's going away. I'm supposed to take care of my child, not the other way around.

Nick: We raised our daughter to put family first. That's what she's doing.

Sharon: I would just do anything to take away her fear, but I can't -- I can't control that. I can't control any of this. It's what's so frustrating. Has she talked to you about how she's feeling?

Nick: She's scared. She can't get cancer out of her head.

Sharon: I know the feeling.

Nick: Sharon, we are going to help her deal with whatever comes up. Don't forget. She's tough, like her mother. And she's determined to help you through this.

Sharon: [ Sighs ]

Nick: And there's proof right there.

Elena: In my experience, when someone brings up a medical issue, especially something as serious as cancer, it's either affecting them or someone they care about. I hate to pry, rey, but is everything okay with you?

Rey: No, I'm fi-- I'm fine. I know someone who was recently diagnosed.

Elena: Oh. Is it one of the cops you're ordering lunch for?

Rey: I don't want to violate that person's trust.

Elena: Totally understand.

Rey: They are determined to beat it, though. And I know that even if they discover the cancer early, nothing's guaranteed. So, what's the difference between the people that make it and the people that don't?

Elena: Listen -- I don't have much experience with oncology.

Rey: You know more than I do.

Elena: Sometimes a person's prior medical history can make the difference. But, honestly, more times than not, there's no way to explain why one patient responds to treatment and another doesn'T.

Rey: So, what are you telling me? It's all a crapshoot? That even if the patient follows the doctor's orders to a "t," even if they eat all the right foods, have a positive attitude, that might not even matter?

Elena: Unfortunately, cancer can be relentless, but in my experience an optimistic patient who has a strong support system does have an advantage.

Rey: I want to do whatever i can to help them.

Elena: Sometimes something as simple as running an errand for them can go a long way.

Rey: Thank you. And thank you for the advice.

Elena: Your friend is lucky to have you. And just remember -- he or she is the same person they were before. And they're more than their diagnosis.

Rey: So much more.

Victor: Thank you for letting me know. Alright. Have a good flight. Yep. Well, it seems mariah and faith just arrived at the airport, and once they board, our plane will take off.

Nikki: Very good. Thank you for that update.

Victor: Yeah, I still wish you had been with them.

Nikki: Oh, that's alright. I'm just glad we'll have plenty of time with faith now. And nicholas, too. I'm sure he's feeling at loose ends without chelsea. Having faith and christian and new hope to focus on will be a blessing for him.

Victor: Yeah, I think you're right.

Nikki: Well, I had so hoped this year would get off to a good start for our kids.

Victor: What do you mean?

Nikki: Never mind.

Victor: What do you mean? You're talking about nicholas. Well, we haven't talked about victoria. Is there something you're not telling me?

Victoria: You leave my father out of this.

Billy: Look -- I've pulled some stunts in my life, but nothing compared to your dad, okay? He's in a whole other league.

Victoria: I mean it, billy!

Billy: And yet you still accept him for who he is. It doesn't matter what he does. Why not just meet me halfway?

Victoria: It's not the same. My father's my father. You're my partner. We have a life together. We've built a home for our kids. We have to rely on each other. God, I can't even believe I have to talk to you about this.

Billy: Victoria, we're --

Victoria: I've been going around and around in circles. I mean, this isn't a discussion. This is like an exercise in frustration, and I'm -- I'm done with it.

Sharon: You knew about this?

Nick: I was with faith last night before rey brought her over. She insisted I take her shopping. I guess she wanted to give you something to remind you to never give up because she's never gonna give up on you.

Sharon: [ Sniffles ] Our little girl.

Nick: She's something else.

Sharon: Why did she leave it here for me to find rather than just giving it to me herself?

Nick: I don't know. Maybe she was just waiting for the right moment? Maybe she thought it would help you while she was away, even though she's only going to be gone a little while.

Sharon: It's perfect. I'm glad you stayed. But I know you're busy.

Nick: Yeah. Uh, anything I can do before i take off?

Sharon: I have everything i need right now.

Nate: Look -- about elena and me.

Amanda: I thought there was no elena and you.

Nate: There isn't, and there never has been. But I can tell you're still curious, so allow me to put any lingering questions you might have to rest.

Amanda: By all means.

Nate: Elena and I are friends, good friends. We're colleagues at memorial.

Amanda: Now, that I knew.

Nate: We both care very deeply about devon. In that regard, I suppose you're right about us sharing some kind of history, just not in the way you assumed.

Amanda: I hear you, nate, and I will drop it. Even if you were interested in the pretty doctor, I know you'll never go there because you and devon are family.

Nate: It's not just about family. I would never pursue anyone who was already in a relationship.

Amanda: Never?

Nate: No, ma'am. It's not who I am.

Amanda: You make it sound like this rule that you decided to follow, but you can't help who you're attracted to.

Nate: True, but you can control your actions. Any grown man or woman with any kind of moral code should know better than to cross that line.

Victor: What are you keeping from me?

Nikki: Nothing!

Victor: Sweetheart, you said "our kids" -- plural form.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Victoria and billy are having some issues.

Victor: [ Sighs ] Mm! What else is new? I knew it was too good to be true to last. You know, the moment he left jabot, I-I smelled there was trouble.

Nikki: Now, victor.

Victor: Sweetheart, all this nonsense that he claimed that he had finally put things together, all things were going well for him -- it's a cover.

Nikki: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. There's no need to jump to the worst-case scenario.

Victor: But, baby, what's going on with him?

Nikki: Victoria confided in me, so I'm not going to get into details, but she's hoping that they can work everything out.

Victor: I don't need any details. I know that he is nothing but trouble for her. I mean, how often has he hurt her? He'll continue to do so! Nothing new about that.

Billy: Vic? Will you look at me, please? Vic? What do I have to do to prove to you that I don't have some dangerous internal battle raging inside of me? I am a flawed human. I accept that. And if you can accept that, and if you can have faith in me, then we're gonna be okay.

Victoria: I told you what i need you to do, billy. I'm begging you. Get help, because if you don't, I guarantee you we're not going to make it.

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