Y&R Transcript Monday 1/20/20

Y&R Transcript Monday 1/20/20


Episode #11783 ~ Phyllis sounds an alarm; tensions rise between Summer and Lola; Mariah makes a painful decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Lola: I think, as usual, when it comes to theo, you're blowing things out of proportion.

Kyle: I have every right to be pissed off. Theo goes out of his way to get under my skin, and you give him a pass.

Summer: Are you happy? You got what you wanted.

Theo: Oh, please. Don't act all judgy. If you had your way, kyle and lola would be fighting over you.

Sharon: It's real.

Mariah: Cancer?

Chance: You are always looking for trouble.

Phyllis: Maybe I'm just looking for someone to get into trouble with.

Chance: I was thinking of going on a date, and I don't feel like waiting. Are you free tonight?

Abby: [ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Wow! A little overdressed, aren't you?

Abby: I'm off duty because I have a date -- with chance.

Phyllis: Oh! You're going to a costume party dressed up as a spoiled rich kid?

Abby: Careful, phyllis. Your insecurity is showing.

Phyllis: I am many things, abby, but insecure is not one of them.

Abby: Okay. Well, then let's try "obvious" and "desperate." I've noticed the way you've been trailing chance like a little puppy.

Phyllis: Oh, watch out, abby. Your insecurity is showing.

Abby: I'm not threatened by you, phyllis. In fact, I told chance that if he wants to go for it with you, if he wants to jump into that fire, then he's more than welcome.

[ Chuckles ] Hi.

Chance: Wow. Hi.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: You guys look like you should be on the top of a cake. Have a good evening.

Chance: What was happening there -- girls exchanging blows?

Abby: Nothing worth talking about. I don't want to waste another breath or minute of this evening that you have planned.

Chance: I was thinking we go to a little exclusive place downtown. I had to use my well-honed diplomatic skills to score us a reservation.

Abby: Mm. You mean you talked your way in?

Chance: Yeah.

Abby: [ Laughs ]

Chance: That, too. And then after dinner, I was thinking we'd go listen to some live music, have a couple cocktails, and see where this evening takes us.

Abby: Sounds perfect. I am ready for whatever this night has in store.

Summer: Jack put me in charge of the party for our marketing team, so I need this to be the best party that jabot has ever thrown.

Lola: Don't worry. It will.

Summer: Okay. So, cocktail hour is at 6:00, and then wine service starts right at 7:00.

Lola: Hold on. I thought jack would want cocktail service throughout the entire night.

Summer: No, he doesn't like to overserve people.

Lola: Oh. So, are you implying that we overserve here at society? Because I assure you we d--

Summer: You know what? I really don't have time for this, so wine service starts at 7:00, okay? And don't you have to be going back to the kitchen soon anyway?

Lola: Excuse me?

Theo: I like the energy of this party tonight. Two strong, beautiful women in charge? I feel lucky to be a jabot employee.

Summer: Wow. You're laying it on a little thick, there, theo, huh?

Lola: Like hollandaise.

Summer: Oh, that could be your new nickname.

Lola: "Theo hollandaise."

Theo: [ Chuckles ] That's okay. Laugh it up. I'm not above a joke at my expense, 'cause I don't take myself too seriously.

Lola: [ Laughs ]

Summer: Jack, kyle, hey.

Jack: Hey, guys.

Lola: How are you?

Theo: Good evening, gentlemen. Great party. On behalf of the social-media department, thank you.

Lola: Well, I must say the abbott men are looking incredibly dashing tonight.

Jack: Well, thank you, lola.

Lola: Well, I better get back to plating hors d'oeuvres, but I'll come back out later, okay?

Kyle: Yeah.

Lola: Excuse me.

Jack: Summer, everything looks wonderful. Thank you for making all of the arrangements.

Summer: Oh, well, thank you for trusting me.

Theo: Summer's been cracking the whip.

Summer: Okay. Yeah, maybe a little, just because I want everything to be perfect.

Jack: I'm sure it will be. Hey. I am hoping that you will say a few words to rally the troops later.

Kyle: No problem. I'm happy to offer praise where it's due and let everyone know how I feel about their work.

Lola: Psst!

Summer: What's wrong?

Lola: We have a problem.

[ Clattering ]

Sharon: Are you okay in there?

Rey: Yeah, it's all good.

Sharon: It doesn't sound good.

Rey: Well, how hard can it be to make popcorn? I got this under control.

Sharon: If you say so.

Rey: Voilā.

Sharon: Oh, my god. You made enough popcorn to feed all of genoa city.

Rey: Well, it didn't look like that before the kernels popped.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ]

Rey: Is faith coming? She could eat her weight in this stuff.

Sharon: No. She's staying at nick's, so it's just the two of us.

Rey: Oh,no.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ]

[ Laughs ]

Rey: This is perfect. Now all you have to do is pick a movie. What do you want to watch -- action, sci-fi?

Sharon: Mm... how 'bout rom-com?

Rey: I'm sure we can find something like that on cable. Let's see.

Sharon: I don't really care what we watch. I'm just glad to be here with you. I'm not thinking about everything else.

Mariah: Come on, tessa. Pick up. I really need to talk to you.

[ Cellphone chimes ] I just called you. Why didn't you pick up?

[ Doorbell rings ]

Tessa: It's a special delivery.

Mariah: Oh, my god.

Tessa: Hi.

Mariah: Oh, my god.

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asthma symptoms

can attack anywhere.

Lola: We had a faulty wire that energized almost the entire kitchen.

Summer: "Energized"?

Lola: You know, like "bzzt!"? Of course, we have ground-fault circuit interrupters, but I -- summer, I had no choice but to...

Summer: Do what?

Lola: Shut off the electricity. Okay? We have the lights on a generator, but we are not at full strength.

Summer: Okay. Meaning what?

Lola: The oven doesn't work.

Summer: And?

Lola: I can't cook.

Summer: Okay. Okay. Um...oh. Don't panic. Um... I'm not panicking. Uh, we -- we just -- we just need to get a repair person out here, like, right now.

Lola: Yeah. There's no way we can get someone here that quick.

Summer: Okay. Well, that's not acceptable.

Lola: But it'S...the only way, summer, so we need to think about something else.

Summer: Okay. Okay. Um, I-I don't know. Uh...

Lola: We need a kitchen.

Summer: Yeah. I mean, we could -- we could cook the food somewhere else and bring it back here.

Lola: Or we can bring the kitchen to us.

Summer: How are we gonna move a whole kitchen, lola?

Lola: My food truck.

Summer: Okay. Wait. No, no. That's a -- that's a really good idea. Where is it?

Lola: It's not far.

Summer: And does the oven work?

Lola: Of course. Everything works. I have kept it in impeccable running order. And I even rebuilt the transmission myself, so...

Summer: Okay. Well, that's weird.

Lola: 'Cause she's my baby.

Summer: Well, that's also weird, but I'm very happy that she is your baby right now.

Lola: Alright. Well, look, i can park the food truck outside and cook from there. No one will ever know.

Summer: Wait. Or -- or we could -- I mean, we could really spin this to our advantage, right? I mean, maybe we could, um... could you prepare desserts out of your food truck, as well?

Lola: Yeah. I was planning to do churros with ancho chili sauce.

Summer: Okay. Perfect. Um... what if I get some heat lamps, you know, a little bonfire? People can have their desserts with the warm cider out there and we can call it, um -- I don't know -- the la vida lola's dessert lounge.

Lola: I love that!

Summer: We can get a bunch of pictures. We can put them on jabot's site, even.

Lola: Okay. I'll make some calls.

Summer: Perfect! Um, I guess I should make an announcement about our post-dinner perk. I don't know.

Lola: Okay.

Summer: Okay.

Lola: Good luck.

Summer: Okay.

[ Sighs ]

Kyle: Hey, hey, guys. Nice to see you outside the office -- for one night, anyway. Back to the grindstone tomorrow.

Theo: Hey, guys! I don't even think I've ever even seen your legs, you're always behind those desks! How we doing? Hey, why don't you go over to the bar? I'll be there in a minute, and we'll throw a few back on the jabot tab, huh?

Kyle: Really?

Theo: What? Oh, I'm sorry. I should've gone with "back to the grindstone tomorrow."

Kyle: I'm not their buddy. I'm their boss. And, technically, you are, too.

Theo: We have a different approach to management. I like to connect to people on a human level. You know, they respond to that.

Kyle: Do they?

Theo: They do.

Jack: So glad you could make it.

Jill: [ Laughs ] Have you ever known me to miss a good party?

Jack: Well, you won't be disappointed tonight. As a matter of fact, come here. There's someone I want you to meet.

Jill: Oh.

Jack: This is theo vanderway. He is, uh, stuart's grandson.

Jill: Oh!

Theo: It is such a pleasure to meet you.

Jill: Oh, I'm afraid I'm a hugger.

[ Laughter ] It's lovely to meet you, too. I was very...fond of your grandfather. He was a good man.

Theo: That's what I've heard. I'd love to learn more about him if you ever have the time.

Jill: Oh, I have a lot of stories about stuart brooks, believe me -- although I don't think any quite as scandalous as the existence of you.

Theo: I'm not gonna lie. It did come as quite a shock for all of us.

Kyle: You got that right.

Jill: As a matter of fact, if you have a few minutes right now, I could tell you a few things about your grandfather as a younger man.

Theo: I'd love it.

Jill: [ Chuckles ] Great. Thanks. Excuse us.

Kyle: Mm. The new darling of the family.

Jack: Theo is family. He has a deep and meaningful connection to our past. I thought you had accepted this. If you haven't, it's high time.

Mariah: How long has it been, exactly -- a year, 10 years?

Tessa: Um, a few days.

Mariah: No. That's not possible, because it feels like an eternity.

Tessa: Yep. It's been forever.

[ Both chuckle ]

Mariah: I miss you so much.

Tessa: Me, too.

Mariah: So... how long can you stay?

Tessa: Um, you know what> Let's just -- let's not think about that right now.

Mariah: Tess, I have to know so I can prepare.

Tessa: A couple hours.

Mariah: Oof. Well, then... we should make the most of it.

Abby: Well, it might not have been the most exclusive restaurant, but it could've been one of the best.

Chance: I honestly don't know what happened, but thank you for rolling with the punches.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: Wow. Back so soon? I guess your date was a bust.

Abby: On the contrary.

Chance: It, uh, turns out our restaurant reservations were accidentally canceled.

Abby: Mm.

Phyllis: Oh, that's too bad. I bet you gave 'em hell, didn't you?

Abby: No, because tonight's not about the restaurant. It's about the company. And this turned out way better.

Chance: We found a little burger joint. It's the best-kept secret in town.

Phyllis: Oh. Where?

Abby: Well, if we told you, then it wouldn't be a secret.

Phyllis: Um, well, you definitely want to keep that information close to the vest. I could ask any 3rd-grader where they go after school.

Abby: Well, I found it surprisingly romantic.

Phyllis: You need to get out more.

Abby: Well, we're actually on our way back out right now.

Chance: We're just gonna grab a quick drink. Then we're gonna go to a club, listen some love music.

Phyllis: Oh, great. Well, have a good time. See you later.

Abby: [ Sighs ]

Chance: What is it?

Abby: Nothing. I'm just excited for the rest of the evening.

Chance: Me, too.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Inside out

Rey: Well, I am sorry we couldn't find a good movie to watch.

Sharon: It's okay. I was being indecisive.

Rey: Mm.

Sharon: And, besides, I'm just -- I'm enjoying the quiet.

Rey: [ Sighs ] Well, I can see your mind working overtime. Want to talk about it?

Sharon: Mm, I'm not sure.

Rey: Mm. Or how 'bout a game of cards instead?

Sharon: Mm, that could be a good distraction. Gin rummy?

Rey: [ Chuckling ] Oh. Well, I should warn you. I am a gin rummy shark.

Sharon: You are? Because I am a gin rummy shark.

Rey: How did we not know this about each other?

Sharon: I don't know, but i play no holds barred, so if losing is gonna hurt your ego, I suggest you pick another game.

Rey: Oh. Is this -- is this gin rummy trash talk?

Sharon: I think it is.

Rey: Well, then I'd better get a pad so we can keep score, because you are so on.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: So lola brought the food truck here? Great response. Really brilliant. She saved the day.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Theo: Lola is very talented and resourceful.

Jack: Yes, she is. Hey. Just don'T. I think theo is making an effort. I'd like you to do the same.

Kyle: Sure. I will try to match theo's sincerity level.

Jack: Try to match mine.

Jill: Oh-ho-ho-ho.

Jack: So, how was your chat with theo?

Jill: Ha! That one is trouble.

Jack: Wait. Why would you say that?

Jill: Well, he's young, hungry, self-assured, and with charm to spare.

Jack: I would agree he is all of those things.

Jill: Yes. I didn't even mention his looks, either. You mark my words. The kid's dangerous, jack.

Jack: In a good way.

Jill: Oh, absolutely. He makes quite the interesting addition to the family.

Abby: Okay, what are the chances that the lead singer would get laryngitis?

[ Chuckles ]

Chance: I have no idea. Do you think the dating gods are trying to tell us something?

Abby: Well, if they are, the joke is on them, because I am having a wonderful time.

Chance: Me, too. It may not be live music, but... it'll do the trick.

Abby: Where did you come from? I mean, you're gone for years, and then, out of nowhere, you drop out of the ceiling of my hotel.

Chance: The lengths one will go to impress a dynamic woman.

Abby: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: I'm really glad that you're back in town... but I'm surprised that you stayed.

Chance: Genoa city is always a special place for me, even though I left as a kid and life... took me all over the world.

Abby: I get that. I spent a big chunk of my childhood in europe with my mom, but... something always drew me back here.

[ Chuckles ] Hi, you made it!

Rey: You sure you want to discard that one?

Sharon: I'm sure.

Rey: Okay.

[ Sighs ]

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Rey: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Yeah, I don't believe you.

Rey: You know, my grandfather was a gin rummy king. He taught me to play.

Sharon: Mm. Those sound like very nice memories.

Rey: He used to work the night shifts, and I knew he had to sleep during the day, but instead of sleeping, I would pester him, so he played cards with me.

Sharon: Sounds like a good grandpa.

Rey: He was best.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] Oooooh!

Rey: No. Unh-unh.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Rey: Mnh-mnh.

Sharon: Mm-hmm. Gin.

Rey: Not again.

Sharon: Yeah. Read 'em and weep.

Rey: [ Groaning ] Oh.

Sharon: Should we check the scores.

Rey: Probably not.

Sharon: I think we should. Let's see. What do we have here? Oh, 96-21.

Rey: Oh, I'm winning?

Sharon: [ Chuckles ] I did warn ya. Ha ha!

Rey: Okay. Okay. Alright. You are the gin rummy queen.

Sharon: Yeah, I know it.

[ Chuckles ]

Rey: God, I love you.

Sharon: I love you, too. You know... not all the days are going to be like this.

Rey: I know. I know. Eventually, I will win a hand.

Sharon: [ Laughs ] Thank you for making me laugh.

Abby: Thank you. Well, it has been a lovely evening.

Chance: Yes. It has.

Abby: I hate to see it end.

Chance: It doesn't have to. Would you like to come upstairs to my suite... have a nightcap?

Abby: I think I would.

Chance: Good.

Mariah: I wish I could stay in this spot forever.

Tessa: Well, we might have to get up and eat at some point.

Mariah: [ Gasps ] No. Food is overrated.

Tessa: [ Chuckles ] So... good surprise?

Mariah: It was the best surprise. But, hey, why didn't you answer my calls?

Tessa: Well, I figured if i talked to you, I wouldn't be able to keep a secret.

Mariah: This is true. Yeah, you probably would have blown it.

Tessa: Mm. [ Chuckles ] It worked out well, don't you think?

Mariah: [ Sighs ] Yeah. That was exactly what I needed.

Tessa: Are you okay? What's going on?

Sharon: Tonight was really nice. You helped me take my mind off of things.

Rey: But?

Sharon: But... I can only keep the thoughts at bay for so long.

Rey: Yeah. It's a lot to process.

Sharon: My mind is racing. You know, it goes from hopeful to defiant to total despair. I just can't stop.

Rey: So -- so don't even try.

Sharon: I can't drag you through this with me. It's not fair.

Rey: Don't -- don't do that... ever... because we are in this together. You know, I just thought of something.

Sharon: No. No. You -- you've already done so much.

Rey: Oh, just let me do this one more thing.

Sharon: I-I'm really just tired.

Rey: Oh. Well, you don't even have to lift a finger. I'll be right back.

Sharon: Um...okay. Can you heal dry skin in a day?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Tessa: Mariah, what's ever on your mind, you can tell me.

Mariah: I know. I just, um --

Tessa: We promised -- no more secrets between us.

Mariah: It's not a secret -- not in the way that you're thinking. I just...don't know if this... particular information is -- is mine to share.

Tessa: Okay. Well, whatever it is, it's clearly worrying you, and it's my job to worry alongside of you. I'm not gonna be able to go back on the road if I'm just worried that you're just stewing alone. Okay, I was -- I was just kidding.

Mariah: [ Chuckles softly ]

Tessa: But is it serious?

No. No, it's, uh -- it's fine. It's nothing you need to be worried about. We can just talk about it the next time you're home.

Tessa: Okay.

Mariah: Do you know when that's gonna be?

Tessa: I'm not sure.

Mariah: Can I confess something?

Tessa: Of course.

Mariah: When you walked out that door to go on tour... part of me was worried that you wouldn't come back.

Tessa: Well, okay. How did that even cross your mind?

Mariah: Life happens, you know? People change. People leave.

Tessa: Okay. Well, I don'T. I don't leave. I love you too much for that.

Mariah: I know. But sometimes people who love you leave, too.

Tessa: Look. Hey. That's not gonna happen. That's crazy talk.

Mariah: Well, I'm -- I'm crazy.

[ Laughs ] You knew that when you met me. So, I have it on record.

Tessa: [ Chuckles ] Well, we're both crazy, in our own ways.

Mariah: Look, you don't have much time, and I don't want to spend it... blotchy and blubbery. I want you to remember me... hot...and sexy.

Tessa: Well, I always remember you that way.

Mariah: [ Chuckles ]

Tessa: [ Chuckles ] Even in the morning?

Tessa: Oh, yeah.

Mariah: Well, what about when I have a cold?

Tessa: I'm a sucker for a red button nose.

Mariah: [ Laughing ] You're so weird.

Tessa: Yeah, I am. I'm also starving.

Mariah: I know! I was totally lying when I said that food was overrated. Ooh. Okay. So... tell me all about tour. How are the crowds?

Tessa: Uh, huge. Uh -- oh, yes. Yes. Ah. It's just like a sea of faces, and I'm not gonna lie. Having adoring fans -- it's pretty great.

[ Chuckles ]

Mariah: Yeah? And are you getting along with everybody?

Tessa: Oh, yeah. I mean, the band and the roadies -- it's honestly like a big family, although occasionally I could do with a few less sweaty men in a small space.

Mariah: Eww. Enough said.

Tessa: Yeah, and one bathroom.

Mariah: Yikes.

Tessa: Mm.

Mariah: [ Chortles ]

[ Cellphone chimes ] What is it?

Tessa: It's tanner. The jet's leaving soon.

Summer: Oh, gosh. These people have no idea how close tonight came to being a total disaster.

Lola: But we saved it.

Summer: We did. We did.

Lola: It's a good feeling.

Summer: Yeah. By the way, um, the food was perfection.

Lola: Thank you.

Summer: Like, I'm not even kidding. I saw a guy licking his plate.

Lola: Mm. Well, that's -- it's gross.

Summer: Very gross, yeah.

Lola: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Wow. Society is getting tagged in a bunch of photos that people posted from the dessert lounge.

Summer: Oh, wow. Jabot, too.

Lola: It was a really good idea, summer.

Summer: Well, I mean, it was your dessert that attracted the people, so...

Lola: [ Chuckles softly ]

Summer: Okay, fine. I'm gonna say it. It's official. You are a badass.

Jack: Good evening, everyone. Thank you all for being here. We're thrilled to have you, and we hope you're enjoying this little thank you we've presented for, uh, all of your hard work. With that, I will pass things along to my co-C.E.O.

[ Applause ]

Kyle: Thanks, dad.

Summer: Alright. I got to run. Got to show my team spirit.

Kyle: Tonight is about showing appreciation for our marketing team. The new strategies we've been employing have been paying off in big ways. Our sales numbers are up again this quarter.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Chuckles ] And we have some major announcements to make soon. So, that being said, I'd like to thank summer newman.

[ Applause ] I'd like to thank her for her help and for leading our marketing department. She is taking us to the next level and raising the bar. Speaking of bars, I'd like to single out theo vanderway, our new head of social media. He hasn't been here long, but he's made quite the impression, and I expect him to continue to show us what he's capable of. So, here's to the whole team. To another year... and many more to come.

Hear, hear!

Hear, hear!


Jill: Cheers.

Jack: Hey. Nice words.

Kyle: Thanks. I'm learning from the master.

Jack: I'd like to set up a meeting to discuss next steps in this acquisition.

Kyle: Yeah. We'll, uh, get it on the books for next week.

Jack: Good job. Good job.

Kyle: Thanks.

Theo: What are you doing back here? You should be out there taking a bow.

Lola: Mm, it's not really my style.

Theo: You should make it your style. You may not want the credit, but you definitely deserve it. You're an amazing woman. You know that? Ugh! Whoa.

[ Groaning ]

Lola: Theo, are you okay?

Theo: Oh, never better! Hell of a right hook, abbott. I'm impressed.

Lola: What the hell is wrong with you?

Kyle: Nothing. I'm fine now.

Theo: You want to toy with the other side now?

Kyle: Ah, don't tempt me.

Lola: Stop! This is insane!

Theo: [ Chuckles ] Are we done here?

Kyle: Yeah. You tell me.

Theo: Hmm.

Lola: Theo.

Kyle: Mnh.

Summer: Oh, hey, hey. What happened in there?

Theo: Nothing. Everything's fine. Kyle lost it for no reason again.

Summer: Well, I'm sure that kyle had plenty of reasons.

Theo: Like what?

Summer: I don't know -- like you coming on to his wife.

Theo: How many times do i have to say this? Lola and I are friends.

Summer: Say it a thousand times. Make it your mantra. I don't care. The problem is is that your actions aren't matching up with your words.

Theo: I haven't crossed any lines.

Summer: Not yet. How far are you willing to take this, theo, hmm?

Theo: Hey, jack, I think I'm gonna call it a night. Got to get into the office tomorrow bright and early.

Jack: I like that work ethic.

Theo: It was such a pleasure to meet you.

Jill: Mm.

Theo: I look forward to getting to know you better.

Jill: Me, too. Bye.

Kyle: Just say whatever you want to say.

Lola: This was a big night for you, and you could have ruined it. Kyle, you might still have ruined it. What if theo is outside right now telling jack what happened?

Kyle: He's not. His ego's too big to admit that I knocked him down.

Lola: What you did was wrong.

Kyle: It didn't feel wrong.

Lola: Well, it may have felt good in the moment, but you know what? All that proves is that he got into your head again, kyle, which is what he likes!

Kyle: How...can you be so astute at the way he's manipulating me yet oblivious to the way he's manipulating you?

Lola: He is not manipulating me.

Kyle: What he's doing is so obvious -- showing up when he knows you'll be alone, pretending to be the poor, misunderstood guy.

Lola: I think he is misunderstood in some ways, and I think you choose to see the worst in him on purpose!

Kyle: I see him for who he is. Haven't you seen him pull enough crap for you to believe that, too?

Lola: Well, you can never see things from his point of view.

Kyle: Why would I? I don't care.

Lola: Exactly! You don't care because he's not like you, as much as that poor guy tries or wants to be!

Kyle: What's that supposed to mean?

Lola: It means that you grew up differently, okay? And he's never gonna be a blueblood, even if he is dina's grandson.

Kyle: No, no, no, no, no. This has nothing to do with money. What are you talking about?

Lola: I'm saying that there are certain things that you are forced to endure when you don't come from a trust fund, kyle. He has a point of view that you could never see.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. But you can.

Lola: [ Exhales sharply ]

Chance: Wait. They're not sure there was an actual fire?

Abby: Firefighters are scouring the building, but they haven't found one yet.

Chance: So they think someone pulled the alarm?

Abby: Or it was a malfunction.

Phyllis: Oh, my god. I can't get away from the guys tonight.

Abby: Ohh. Lucky us.

Phyllis: What happened? The grand phoenix is burning to the ground? That would be ironic.

Abby: Except the firefighters haven't found a fire yet. Looks like pulling the alarm might have been someone's idea of a juvenile prank.

Phyllis: Oh. Well -- well, if you hadn't dismantled my amazing security system, you would have found out who did this.

Abby: If you'll excuse me for a second...

Chance: If someone did pull the alarm... they'd be in for quite the surprise right now.

Phyllis: Oh?

Chance: With my new and improved security system, they'd be covered in a blue dye right about now.

Phyllis: Satisfied? Or do you need to see a little more? Copd makes it hard to breathe

Phyllis: The look on your face almost makes it worth leaving my warm bed for this nonsense.

Chance: I don't get "looks," phyllis.

Phyllis: I know a look when i see one. I hope your night with abby wasn't spoiled.

Abby: Well... we got the all-clear. Looks like some idiot pulled the alarm.

Phyllis: Oh, wow. Well, that's better than an actual fire. I'm gonna have a nightcap, if you want to join me. Okay. I'll take that as a "no." Have a good evening.

Abby: I, um -- I have to deal with all of this, and... it might take awhile.

Chance: I understand. I'm just gonna call it a night. I did have a great time.

Abby: Me, too.

Chance: To be continued.

[ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Ohh.

Lola: Theo and I talk. Why is that a problem?

Kyle: You know why! Ugh! I can't keep having this conversation, lola.

Lola: What if I threw a fit every single time summer was fawning all over you?

Kyle: So, you admit it. Theo has a thing for you.

Lola: Maybe he does, babe, the same way that summer has a thing for you -- something that I have to deal with every single day, but I don't blame you for it. Okay? I don't tell you that you can't work with her, because I trust you.

Kyle: You cannot compare me and summer and you and theo.

Lola: Why not?

Kyle: First off, theo's playing you.

Lola: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: And you're doing nothing to discourage him. That's not in my head, lola. It's the truth.

[ Scoffs ] I've got to go.

Lola: Kyle, please.

Kyle: No, no, no, no, no. I can'T.

Mariah: Ohh.

Tessa: I miss you so much.

Mariah: Oh, I miss you. Remember, though, this is... not goodbye...

Tessa: Mnh-mnh.

Mariah: ...Because we're gonna text and talk, video-chat.

Tessa: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: And I am going to come to one of your shows because I cannot wait to be one of those adoring fans.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Tessa: [ Groans ]

[ Sighs ] It's the car.

[ Chuckles softly ]

Mariah: Go do what you love and come back a star.

Tessa: I love you.

Mariah: I love you, too.

[ Chuckles, sniffles ]

Tessa: [ Sighs ] Bye.

Mariah: Bye.

[ Door opens ]

Rey: I brought you something. Thought it might cheer you up.

Faith: I heard it was movie night. I'll watch anything but a rom-com.

Sharon: Oh. Those are my favorite.

Faith: Fine. Maybe this one time.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ]

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