Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/16/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/16/20


Episode #11781 ~ Phyllis turns on the charm with Chance; Mariah learns interesting news from Tessa; Billy reconnects with an old friend.

Provided By and Proofread by Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Sharon: Tanner Watts, the big rock star?

Mariah: Yeah. He wants Tessa to go on tour with him. They had met before. They were married.

Mariah: This is what you were born to do. You can't pass this up. And you are not allowed to come back...

Tessa: [ Chuckles ]

Mariah: ...Until you are a super megastar.

Sharon: The radiologist told me I need to have a biopsy, which I did. It's a malignant tumor.

Faith: I think Mom is sick. I found this.

Nick: Dr. Cheryl Blakely, breast cancer center.

Nick: [ Sighs ] You should eat something.

Faith: Not hungry.

Nick: Faith, you need to eat your breakfast.

Faith: [ Sighs ] You're not eating, either, Dad. You're just as worried about Mom as I am.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah, well, this could all be about nothing, you know? We don't know why your mom had that information about a doctor from a breast cancer center. It could be related to her work as a therapist, you know? Maybe she's gonna [Sighs] counsel one of the doctor's patients.

Faith: Is that what you really believe?

Nick: I don't know. I just know we shouldn't assume the worst.

Faith: But it could be the worst. Mom could be that patient. That's what you really think, isn't it, Dad?

Sharon: Rey, I-I need you to take notes because I'm not sure I'm gonna hear anything she says.

Rey: Don't you worry. I got this.

Sharon: Thank you.

[ Door opens ]

Dr. Blakely: Hi. I'm so sorry I'm late. Traffic. Dr. Cheryl Blakely.

Sharon: Sharon Newman.

Rey: I'm Rey Rosales. We're, um...

Sharon: We're together.

Rey: Yeah.

Dr. Blakely: Before we begin, do you have any questions?

Sharon: Yes, I do. Um, you come very highly recommended, Dr. Blakely, but this is cancer. It's my cancer, so I'm gonna need to know that you will be completely honest with me. No matter what it is, I want the truth.

Dr. Blakely: That I can promise you. So, what do you want to know first?

Sharon: Can I beat this?

Tessa: Oh, ohh So, what do you think?

Mariah:  It's -- It's different.

Tessa: Different good, or different "it completely sucks?"

Mariah: No, No, no. I--I love it. It's, uh... it's great. It's just -- It's a lot edgier than your usual stuff.

Tessa: Oh, yeah. That's Tanner's influences.

Mariah: Oh. Okay.

Tessa: Yeah, well, we've been writing, and this one just kind of poured out of us.

Mariah: You and Tanner.

Tessa: Yeah. Can you believe it?

Mariah: No, that's, uh -- that's awesome.

Phyllis: Hey, neighbor. What's your hurry?

Chance: Just headed back to my room.

Phyllis: Oh. Well, do you have time for a neighborly hello?

Chance: Is this your new office?

Phyllis: Yeah, I like to think it's, uh, my front porch in our cul-de-sac.

Chance: Where you can watch the world go by.

Phyllis: Only the part that interests me.

Chance: Hopefully there won't be much gossip about the neighbors. You hear how sensitive they can be.

Phyllis: All the neighbors here know that I'm not someone to be taken lightly.

Chance: Duly noted.  So what's on your mind, Phyllis?

Phyllis: I have another proposition for you.

[Footsteps approaching]

Billy: Ohh! What a pleasant surprise!

Lily: [Chuckles] Thanks!

Billy: What are you doing in town?

Lily:  Oh, you know, I was in the neighborhood.

Billy: Really? Just in the neighborhood?

Lily:  Mm-hmm.

Billy: Is everything all right?

Lily: Yeah. Everything's fine. Mattie and Charlie are visiting Cane on their winter break, and I had some time off work, so I thought I would come home.

Billy: I'm surprised you still think of Genoa City that way.

Lily: Oh, come on. Where else would home be? I mean, this is where my family is, and it makes me think of my parents.

Billy: Yeah.

Lily: And lots of memories here, happy and sad.

Billy: Am I part of the sad memories?

Lily: No.

Billy: Are you sure? I did kind of blow up your marriage.

Lily: Uh, I think Cane and I did a pretty good job of that on your own.

Billy: Yeah, true, but I did help it along.

Lily: Okay, do you want me to blame you? I can blame you.

Billy:  No, I just think that we have enough history and enough time has passed that we can be honest with each other, right?

Lily: [Chuckles] Okay.  Sure.  Could I have gone without knowing that Cane kissed Victoria while I was in the middle of a prison sentence?  Maybe.

Billy: My bad. I should not have said anything to you in that time.

Lily:  It's fine. I was not angry with you.  I was angry with Cane.

Billy:  Yeah, the truth is, you have a right to be furious with both of us.

Lily: Honestly, I'm not furious with anyone.  I mean, the minute you start keeping score in life, you've already lost.  So, no more grudges for me. It is way too exhausting.

Billy: Sounds like you've been doing a lot of thinking about this.

Lily: Yeah, well, if there's one thing they gave you lots of in prison, it's time to think. [Chuckles] I don't know. Just being there really helped me. It grounded me, made me think about things differently and about helping other people instead of being the center of the universe.

Billy: I heard that you've been working with other inmates.

Lily: Those women are my heroes.  A lot of them have had fewer advantages of me, and yet, they are determined to get an education and turn their lives around. It's really inspiring.

Billy: Well, listen to you.

Lily: Yeah, I'm the new and improved Lily.

[Both laugh]

Billy: I can't say the same about my time in Myanmar.  Yeah, there was nothing enlightening about my stretch in prison there, except for wanting to get the hell out.

Lily: And here we are. Back to where it all started.

Billy: Here we are. New beginnings.

Lily: So, what's the matter?

Billy: With me? No, nothing.

Lily: Oh, come on. It'll stay between us.

Billy: Mm-hmm. Well, the truth is, I wish you could pass on some of your hard-earned wisdom to me, without my having to go to jail to get it.

Faith: [Sighs] This would explain why she's been acting so weird, like she really isn't there when you talk to her or ask her something, like she's thinking of something else, something bad.

Nick: We don't know that.

Faith: Could you find out?

Nick: Faith...

Faith: Dad, please.  If I tell Mom what I found, she'll know I was snooping, and she'll get mad at me.  I don't want to make her upset.  I just want to know what's going on.  So could you please talk to her?

Nick: Well, I don't feel comfortable leaving you here alone while you're this upset.

Faith: You can drop me off at Gram and Grandpa's.

Nick: Okay. I'll take you to the ranch.

Faith: Talk to Mom.

Nick: I will find out what's going on.

Faith: [Sighs] Thank you, Dad. Thank you so much.

Nick: Faith, you know that your mom is gonna know that you found that note.

Faith: I don't care if I get in tons of trouble.  I just want to know if she's gonna be okay.

Nick: I really hope that I can bring you that good news.

Faith: So do I. But if Mom's really sick...

Nick: [Sighs]

Dr. Blakely: I appreciate your candor, Sharon, and I'll be as honest with you as I can.

Sharon: Thank you.

Dr. Blakely: Obviously, there are no guarantees. But, yes, I think you have a strong chance of beating this.

Rey: That's good news, right?

Sharon: [Sighs] So, what does that mean?  I mean, what kind of cancer do I have, exactly? Is it Stage II, Stage III?

Dr. Blakely: The biopsy was negative for HER2-positive hormone-negative cancer.  Your cancer measures 2.3 centimeters and is in clinical stage II.

Sharon: What does that mean?

Dr. Blakely: Stage II means the breast cancer is growing, but it's still contained in the breast, and may involve the nearby lymph nodes.  We won't know about the lymph nodes until we have a look during surgery.

Sharon: What are my treatment options?

Dr. Blakely: You asked me to be frank with you, Sharon.  So, based on what we know, I would recommend chemotherapy and surgery.

Sharon: You definitely think I need surgery?

Dr. Blakely:  That would be my recommendation, yes.

Sharon: Um... Uh, would it be a lumpectomy or a mastectomy?

Dr. Blakely: It's premature to speculate.  I think we should begin start with some neoadjuvant chemotherapy, meaning it would happen prior to surgery.

Sharon: Why would you do that/

Dr. Blakely: Well, the goal of doing the chemo first is to reduce the size of the lesion, which hopefully would make you eligible for a less invasive procedure.

Sharon: The lumpectomy.

Dr. Blakely: It will also give us a pretty good signal of your prognosis.

Rey: I'm still not understanding what the chemotherapy has to do with Sharon's prognosis.

Dr. Blakely: Complete response to the chemo is excellent, partial response is trouble, and no response or progression is problematic.  But then we always have the option of mastectomy and reconstruction.

Sharon: [Sighs] What about, um, a prophylactic mastectomy or double mastectomy?

Dr. Blakely: With your particular type of cancer, there's no evidence to warrant a single mastectomy at this point.  And there's also no outcome advantage to a double mastectomy.  I realize this is a lot to process.

Sharon: No, no. Dr. Blakely, this is what I asked for, and this is what I need right now.

Dr. Blakely: When we reach the surgery stage of your treatment, we'll remove the tumor and, if necessary, do reconstructive surgery.  Then there will be more decisions to make.  We'll take it one step at a time.  This is a book I recommend you read that will help you in the process.

Sharon: Thank you.

Dr. Blakely: Since you strike me as someone who likes having a lot of information, I urge you to do all the research you can.  Ask questions. Get a second opinion if you like.  I want all of my patients to be the captains of their own healthcare.  Having said all that, time is a factor.

Sharon: I understand.

Dr. Blakely: Any other questions?

Sharon: Yes.  When do we start?

Mariah: Do you even realize what a big deal you are?

Tessa: I am not a big deal yet.

Mariah: Oh, come on. You are writing songs with a superstar.  That one that you just played me - that is gonna be a monster hit.  Just make sure that you don't ever charge me for an autograph, you know.

Tessa:  Ha, ha, ha.

Mariah: So, what is it like?

Tessa: It's crazy. It's so weird to me that Tanner gets treated like royalty. I mean, when we were together, no one noticed him. And now you can buy a watch with his face on it.

Mariah: Well, no offense to Tanner, but I'm gonna wait till they come out with a watch with your beautiful face on it.

Tessa: Mmm. [Chuckles]

Mariah: So, uh, why are you on Tanner's jet? You don't have a show tomorrow, do you?

Tessa: This is what I mean by crazy.  Tanner got invited to a huge party on a jumbo yacht, and he insisted that we all got invitations, too.

Mariah: What kind of party?

Tessa: It's like a charity concert, and there's gonna be a lot of celebrities there, including some of my idols.  I just really hope I don't say anything stupid.

Mariah:  You won't. And I can't wait to hear all about it.

Tessa: Oh, you will. I promise.  And the only thing that would make it absolutely perfect is if you were there.

Mariah: I wish I could be there,  too. I --

Tessa: Sorry, the plane's about to take off.  I have to go. Sorry.

Mariah:  Oh, yeah.  It's okay.

Tessa:  I love you. [Smooches]

Mariah:  I love you, too.  Hey, Summer.  What's up?  Summer, where are your matching poodles?  I almost didn't recognize you with Kyle on one side and Kyle on the other.

Chance: I can't wait to hear what it is.

Phyllis: So you shall.

Chance: I'm all ears.

Phyllis: All right.  Um, you turned me down when I wanted to hire you, but I have a better idea. Why don't you hire me?

Chance: You want me to hire you.

Phyllis: Yeah. You know, suddenly I have a lot of time on my hands, since I was relieved of my duties here, and I would be a great asset to this new business of yours.

Chance: Explain how.

Phyllis: Ah, there are so many ways. I can't even count the ways.

Chance: Try.

Phyllis: Um, okay. Well, I could build a website.  I'm very good at self-promotion, if I don't say so myself.

Chance: No need to. It's obvious.

Phyllis: And I could brand your company and put you first among your equals.  I'm very good at getting people to sign on the dotted line. And -- oh, gosh, I mean, it's limitless, what I could do for your fledgling business venture.

Chance: So that's it? That's your pitch?

Phyllis: I am the pitch.

Chance: Let me think a bit.

Phyllis:  Oh, wait. One second. Hang on. [Chuckles] They won't leave me alone. It's crazy.

Chance: Mm.

Phyllis:  Alright. [Sighs] What were you saying?

Chance: I was just leaving.

Phyllis:  Oh, I'm leaving, too. Pardon me. Pardon me.

Chance: [Sighs]

Abby: [Laughs]

Chance: What's so funny?

Abby: Well, I don't see any fang marks.  You and Phyllis. Don't you know you're dancing with a cobra?

Billy: You know, you could write a book, like a self-help book.

Lily: Uh, no. I don't think so.

Billy: Why not? I mean, you've been through a lot.  You've clearly come out the other side.  Think of all the help you could give us poor lost souls.

Lily: Okay. I know you're teasing me.

Billy: Well, maybe, but maybe not.

Lily: No, the only thing I have figured out, is that even though I'm headed in the right direction, I am definitely not there yet.

Billy: Where is there?

Lily: I don't know. So I think that's the great mystery of the unknown.  But now that Mattie and Charlie are in college, they don't need me as much, so I need to figure out a purpose for myself very quickly.

Billy: Sounds like we're on the same track.

Lily: Yeah, I heard that you left Jabot.

Billy: Yeah, it was time. To be honest, it was past time.  You know? I was ready.  How about you?

Lily: Yeah, I feel ready, too.  I got my strength back, and my focus. So, you know -- I don't know -- I can look forward instead of backwards.  I know it sounds hokey, but I feel like I've finally become the person I'm supposed to be.

Billy: That doesn't sound hokey at all. No, it doesn't.  I mean, you're living your life, scars and all.  You're not waiting around for someone to fix you, 'cause you don't need to be fixed, only accepted. I wish everyone thought that way, to be honest. [Sighs]

Lily: Billy...

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Lily: [Chuckles] I know I asked you before, and you didn't give me a straight answer.  Are you okay?

Phyllis: So, I saw you from across the room, and I wanted to say hi.

Amanda: [Laughs] What are you up to, Phyllis?

Phyllis: Who, me?

Amanda: Mm. You remember our agreement. I am your friend. I am not your lawyer, so I hope you're not trying to change my mind about representing you in that wrongful termination lawsuit.

Phyllis: I gave up on that.

Amanda: Okay.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Amanda: Good.

Phyllis: Well, I had a plan to take over the entire hotel

Amanda: You had a plan?

Phyllis: Mm-hmm. It consumed me for weeks.

Amanda: But you've reconsidered?

Phyllis: Yeah. I mean, I had a plan, and it would have worked, but it would have involved crushing souls and alienating the only friends and relatives I haven't already driven away, so I gave up on it.

Amanda: Well, I'm impressed.

Phyllis: You're impressed? Really?

Amanda: Yes. You made a conscious decision to walk off the battlefield. I am-- I'm proud of you.

Phyllis: Oh, I'm not walking off the battlefield. [Laughs] I'm not doing that. I'm just changing my focus. That's all.

Amanda: [Laughs]

Chance: I can handle Phyllis.

Abby: There's a whole emotional graveyard filled with men who thought that exact same thing. Your brother Ronan included, if I'm not mistaken.

Chance: You are not.

Abby: Fair warning.  That's all.

Chance: I appreciate that, but it's completely unnecessary.  I know exactly who Phyllis is.

Abby: Okay.

Chance: You don't think so.

Abby: I think that you are a grown man capable of handling his own business. I am just trying to be a good friend.

Chance: Abby, you and I are more than friends.

Abby: [Laughs] Chance, we are dating, and we're having a good time, but that doesn't mean we're remotely serious or exclusive.

Chance: Hmm.

Rey: I really like Dr. Blakely.

Sharon: Yeah. So did I. She was...very, um, honest, thorough.

Rey: That's all we can ask for, right?

Sharon: Yeah, just... it's all still a little overwhelming right now.

Rey: Listen, anything you need, all you have to do is ask me.

Sharon: Actually, would you mind doing me a favor?

Rey: Yeah. Name it.

Sharon: Could you run out and get that book the doctor recommended?

Rey: Yeah, sure. But you want me to leave right now? I mean, I could just order the book online.

Sharon: Um, actually, I'd just like to start reading it today, if you don't mind.

Rey: No. No, of course not.

Sharon: I'll be fine.

Rey: I know.

[ Smooches ] I'll see you soon.

Sharon: Okay.

Rey: Okay.

[ Door closes ]

Sharon: [ Cries ]

[ Knock on door ]

Sharon: [ Sighs heavily ] [ Sniffles ] Who is it?

Nick: Sharon, it's Nick.

Sharon: Oh, uh... hi.

Nick: Can I come in?

Sharon: Nick, no. Right now is just not a good time. I -- I have a really bad cold.

Nick: I know it's not a cold, Sharon. Open the door.

Sharon: [ Sighs ]

Summer: You know, Mariah, I could say something really snide to you right now, but I won't.

Mariah: Making you who? The bigger person?

Summer: No. Making me an adult.

Mariah: I don't think I said anything hostile. Well, not any more hostile than usual.

Summer: [ Sighs ] I just do not feel like sparring with you today, okay?

Mariah: Why? Did they cut off your free makeup perks at Jabot? Okay. Okay, fine. That was -- that was slightly childish.

Summer: Yeah, you think?

Mariah: So, then, what is bugging you?

Summer: [ Sighs ]

[ Chair legs scrape ]

Summer: Okay, even though you are a royal pain to me, you and Kyle are pretty good friends, right?

Mariah: Yeah, I would like to think.

Summer: Okay, then I need you to be aware of something. Kyle is letting Theo get to him in a huge way, and if he's not careful, his whole life is going to blow up.

Sharon: God, that was so stupid of me to leave that note about the breast cancer center in a place where Faith could find it.

Nick: She's just worried. That's all.

Sharon: Of course she would be.

Nick: Just so you know, she feels awful about going behind your back.

Sharon: She shouldn't. And I will let her know it's okay as soon as she comes home.

Nick: Is it okay? Because if it's not and you're keeping this to yourself or trying to fight it on your own, there's no need for that. There's a lot of people who care about you and want to know what's going on.

Sharon: [ Sniffles ] [ Breathes deeply ] I have cancer.

Amanda: So you shifted your focus, huh?

Abby: [ Laughing ]

Phyllis: Yeah. I don't like it when things start to get stale, and the hotel was starting to turn. You know.

Amanda: So, what's next? You planning to take over a small mountain country? [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: I like that. Prime Minister Summers -- it sounds good.

Amanda: Seriously. What is it? What do you have your eyes on?

Phyllis: I've become interested in a security business.

Billy: Am I okay? What is okay? You know, it's such a vanilla word. I hope everyone's striving to be more than okay. I mean, I am.

Lily: That's good. What about you? Where are you on the okay scale?

Lily: [ Laughs ] I think it's really funny how you keep turning my questions around on me.

Billy: Oh, Lily, you're just so much more interesting than me.

Lily: Oh, I doubt that very much.

Billy: Come on. How is it out there in the big, bad world for you?

Lily: Well, I have to face the fact that I have a felony conviction and that anytime someone puts my name in a search engine, vehicular homicide comes up.

Billy: What happened to Hilary was an accident. And anyone who doesn't understand that, to hell with them.

Lily: I know that the crash was my responsibility. It's a part of me, you know? I'm not gonna hide that. But I'm also not gonna let it define me 'cause if I do, then I stop living. I have to keep moving forward, right?

Billy: Mm. Here's to moving forward.

Lily: Moving forward. [ Chuckles ]

Billy: You got somewhere you need to be?

Lily: I'm supposed to be meeting your mom here, but apparently she's late.

Billy: Yeah, well, that sounds like my mother.

Lily: Why don't you stay and join us?

Billy: No, thank you.

Lily: Oh, come on. If she knew that you were here and I let you leave, she would be very, very upset.

Billy: Well, she's gonna have to deal with that. Plus, she likes you more than she likes me.

Lily: Well, that's true.

Billy: Yeah.

Lily: Alright, well, to be continued?

Billy: Yes. Yes, I hope so. So good to see you.

Lily: Yeah. You too.

Billy: Come here.

[ Both smooch ]

Lily: Bye.

Billy: Okay.

Lily: [ Chuckles ]

Billy: [ Sighs ] [ Sighs ] Hey. I'm, uh -- I'm glad you picked up. You feel like taking a break and meeting? Okay, great. I'll see you there.

Mariah: I swear to god, Summer, you are the world's biggest drama queen.

Summer: I'm really not. I work with both of them, so I've seen it. I mean, I just saw it last night.

Mariah: Saw what?

Summer: Kyle obsessing over Theo wanting Lola.

Mariah: Theo does want Lola. That's been obvious for weeks.

Summer: Okay, you're really not helping right now.

Mariah: What is there to help? They're two big boys. Let them handle their own business.

Summer: Okay, and that's exactly what I'm afraid of -- that they're gonna handle their business with their fists.

Mariah: Oh, come on.

Summer: No, Theo knows how to push Kyle's buttons. I mean, Kyle and Lola just got in an argument over this.

Mariah: And how does that involve you? Lola loves Kyle. Kyle loves Lola. Who cares what Theo wants, unless you still want him? Or is it Kyle that you want? Or do you just want them both to be fighting over you instead of Lola? So, I'm confused.

Summer: I really should've known that you were gonna be of no help to me.

Mariah: Okay, wait, wait, wait. Say that you are being entirely selfless in this situation, which I highly doubt. But let's say that you are. What are you trying to accomplish?

Summer: I am trying to be a good friend to both of them, and if they keep going in the direction that they're going right now, there is going to be an explosion.

Amanda: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Are you leaving?

Amanda: Yeah. I have an appointment that i have to get to.

Phyllis: Ah, I haven't finished telling you how I'm gonna take over the world or genoa city.

Amanda: Next time, please.

Phyllis: Do you have a date? Oh, my god, you have a date.

Amanda: No, it is not a date.

Phyllis: Is it someone i know? [ Laughs ] Why won't you tell me anything? Is he... why are you being so quiet?

Chance: So, let me see if i have my facts straight regarding Phyllis. According to you, I would either be dancing with a cobra or sticking my toe in a piranha-tank?

Abby: That about covers it, yeah.

Chance: Huh.

Abby: Is it giving you pause?

Chance: Oh, it does sound dangerous.

Amanda: Oh, but, hey, you are the original danger boy, so maybe you see it as a challenge.

Chance: I have a better idea.

Abby: What's that?

Chance: It might be a little more romantic than having my toe bitten off by a razor-toothed fish, but I was thinking of going on a date -- and not with Phyllis. And I don't feel like waiting. Are you free tonight?

Abby: Mnh. Sorry. Work calls.

Chance: What about our date?

Abby: Can I get back to you?

Chance: Yes. [ Sighs ]

Sharon: [ Sniffles ] I don't know that I've even processed all of this yet.

Nick: But your doctor was encouraging?

Sharon: Yes, she was very optimistic. But there's only so much they can tell you until you start treatment.

Nick: Sharon, I, um...

Sharon: I know. [ Voice breaking ] I know. I know. This really sucks, doesn't it? [ Sniffles ]

Nick: It's not fair.

Sharon: No, cancer's never fair. It just sneaks up on you when you're least expecting it. [ Sighs ] Damn it. Nick, why -- why does this have to happen now, just when things seemed to be working out?

Nick: Hey, this is gonna work out, too. I know it.

Sharon: I love you for saying that. But we both know there are no guarantees. [ Clears throat ] How was Faith when you dropped her off at Victor's?

Nick: She's scared.

Sharon: I'm dreading telling her.

Nick: Well, she already suspects. So I think you should tell her. I think she'll handle the news better than you think. She's a strong kid.

Sharon: Yeah. She is.

Nick: Her mom's strong, too.

Sharon: [ Sighs heavily ] I don't feel so strong right now. I'm sorry.

Nick: For what?

Sharon: You know, it's not your job to give me a pep talk. We -- we haven't been together in a long time.

Nick: Come on. That doesn't mean we don't care about each other.

Sharon: You know, for a moment, I -- I had decided that I wasn't gonna tell anybody. I just... I didn't want anybody pitying me or worrying about me.

Nick: Well, I'm glad you changed your mind.

Sharon: Would you do me a favor, though?

Nick: Anything.

Sharon: I don't want anyone else to know about this, not right now. Of course Rey knows the truth, and I'm going to tell Mariah and Faith and Noah. But...just right now, I don't want anyone else to know. Could you keep this to yourself, please?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: Where's your friend?

Chance: If you're talking about Abby, she had some work to do. You know, you should try it sometime. You hear what they say about idle hands.

Phyllis: My hands are never idle.

Chance: So, you gonna sit here on your porch all day, keeping an eye on me and all your other neighbors?

Phyllis: I've seen all I need to see. Excuse me. Excuse me.

Billy: Glad you could make it.

Amanda: Well, my schedule isn't exactly brimming with clients these days.

Billy: Well, then I should be glad these aren't billable hours because I have a lot to tell you.

Summer: Alright, well, this has been a pleasure like always.

Mariah: Back at ya. I'll talk to him.

Summer: Um...talk to who?

Mariah: Kyle. If you think it'll do some good, I will try to pound some sense into him.

Summer: Okay. Thanks.

Nick: You know I will do whatever you want. But I don't think it's a good idea for you to keep this to yourself.

Sharon: Well, I just wanted to be able to tell people in my own time, my own way, without wondering if they already know or if they're secretly feeling sorry for me.

Nick: Well, it's your news to tell.

Sharon: Thank you.

Nick: I really think you should tell Noah and Mariah sooner rather than later.

Sharon: Yeah. Yeah, I will. Um, Faith is going to need Mariah's support to deal with this.

Nick: Well, if you need me to...I can tell Faith.

Sharon: That's so sweet of you to offer, but I just think she needs to hear it from me.

Nick: Yeah. Just know you don't have to handle everything on your own.

Sharon: [ Voice breaking ] I just didn't want the people that I love to worry about me.

[ Door opens ]

[ Door closes ]

Sharon: Nick knows.

Rey: Good.

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