Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/15/20
Episode #13780 ~ Rey comforts Sharon; Theo surprises Lola; Nick receives a distress call.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Kyle: Theo does things deliberately to pull my chain.
Lola: And it works every time.
Summer: I just think it's nice when two people can show each other affection.
Theo: Except you wish Kyle's affection was coming your way.
Summer: What are you, Lola's pet?
Adam: Just because he hasn't been talking to us lately about that night at the hotel doesn't mean he's still not feeling the effects from it.
Chelsea: I wonder if he's worried about me going to work every single day since it happened, and he just didn't say anything.
Sharon: Yes, doctor. Have my biopsy results come back? There's something that I need to tell you.
Sharon: This isn't easy.
Rey: Sharon, you know you can tell me anything.
Sharon: Yeah, I know, I know. And I'm really glad because, um, I'm gonna need you.
Rey: Well, I'm here, baby. I'm not going anywhere.
Sharon: [ Sighs ] I-I never thought I'd be saying these words.
Rey: Sharon, that's okay. Whatever it is, you can tell me.
Sharon: I... I have breast cancer.
Chance: Nick.
Nick: Hey, chance. Thanks for meeting me.
Chance: I was curious why you wanted to see me.
Nick: I understand you are now working as a security consultant.
Chance: Guilty.
Nick: Well, it makes sense, considering your background in the government and military intelligence.
Chance: I learned a few tricks of the trade while serving my country.
Nick: Well, it shows. The way you handled that hostage situation at the grand phoenix was very impressive. Let's -- let's sit down.
Chance: I was, uh, just doing my job.
Nick: Well, it makes me want to hire you.
Chance: Yeah? What did you have in mind?
Nick: First, I want to ask you some questions.
Chance: About what?
Nick: Your relationship with my brother.
Chelsea: We're booked solid for the e-sports event. So, we're gonna need extra staff at the front desk and more housekeeping.
Abby: Did you do a cost analysis on that?
Chelsea: I sure did. I sent it to you this morning.
Abby: Oh. Got it. Thank you. Anything else?
Chelsea: Yes, actually. There's something we haven't discussed, and I think we should.
Abby: What's that?
Chelsea: Adam.
Abby: Yeah, you know, I don't have anything to say on that subject.
Chelsea: It obviously bothers you that I got back together with him.
Abby: You know what? Pick a brother, any brother. Why should I care which one?
Chelsea: Hate to see how you'd react if you did care.
Abby: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so, um...
Chelsea: Bitchy? Uh, honest?
Abby: [ Sighs ] Just because I happen to think that one of my brothers is much better for you than the other, it doesn't mean that I'm right.
Chelsea: Adam and I were cheated out of a life together. And now we're finally getting our second chance. But I hate that our happiness is coming at nick's expense.
Abby: Well, someone was bound to get hurt. I'm just -- I'm sorry that it was nick, but I don't want there to be any tension between us.
Chelsea: Neither do I.
Abby: So, I'm going to try really hard to keep my opinions to myself.
Chelsea: I appreciate that because right now I have a far more pressing issue on my mind... and it's about to walk through that door.
Theo: Can I get a table for dinner? Uh...I'll wait at the bar. Hey.
Lola: I wasn't expecting to see you tonight.
Theo: You know I can't stay away from my favorite restaurant.
Lola: Well, it's your lucky night.
Theo: Oh?
Lola: Mm-hmm. I have some new appetizers that I think you're going to love -- baked artichokes and sun-dried tomatoes and...
Theo: It sounds great, but, uh, would you excuse me?
Lola: Yeah.
Theo: Hey.
Kyle: Do we have enough media coverage for jabot collective's new line?
Summer: Yeah, I blanketed social media with ads for the next six weeks, leading up to the launch.
Kyle: Hmm. What about the launch --
Summer: Launch party? Yes, I have over 100 influencers committed.
Kyle: Okay, smarty-pants, what am I thinking now?
Summer: Oh, you are thinking that you are so lucky to have someone as amazing as me working for you.
Kyle: Oh-oh-oh!
Summer: Uh-huh.
Kyle: You're right.
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: I was thinking that. I was also thinking it's time for me to head to society unless there's something we forgot to cover.
Summer: No, that's it.
Kyle: Great. See you tomorrow, then.
Summer: Okay. Uh, have a good night.
Kyle: You too.
Summer: Hey, uh, Kyle? Wait. Hey, I lied. That wasn't everything.
Kyle: You need me to stay?
Summer: Um, we're not quite through with each other yet.
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Kyle: Is there something on the agenda that we skipped?
Summer: Uh, yeah, it's our trip to San Francisco next week.
Kyle: Oh, right. The boutique brand we're trying to acquire.
Summer: Yeah, we got to lock in dates and flights and meeting times, but we can really just do that tomorrow if you want.
Kyle: No, we really should get it done now.
Summer: Uh, you know, actually I could go with you to society, and we can just discuss it there, unless you already have plans with Lola.
Kyle: She's working late. I was hoping she would be able to sneak off with me for a few minutes, but she'll probably be busy.
Summer: Oh, please. Come on. Your wife always manages to find time for you.
Kyle: Mm.
Summer: I'm sure that tonight will be no different.
And if you have trouble with wine pairing, just speak to Henry.
[ Sighs ]
Leann: You were right about this place. It's a really good vibe.
Theo: How about we order another round?
Leann: I should really eat something.
Theo: We can order appetizers with our drinks, and the chef? She makes a mean spicy malanga fritter.
Leann: You're a hard guy to say no to, Theo.
Chelsea: They were playing a game. Connor was laughing. He was having a blast, and then I mentioned I had to go to work, and the look of fear on his face.
Abby: Well, has he ever reacted that way before?
Chelsea: I mean, he's struggled since the hostage situation, of course, but he never mentioned the hotel. And now he admitted to me that the thought of even coming here terrifies him. And he doesn't want me coming here, either.
Abby: What are you going to do?
Chelsea: [ Sighing ] I don't know. I mean, Adam suggested I get another job.
Abby: Wait. You're not considering that, are you?
Chelsea: No, I don't think that that's the solution. I need to help Connor, you know, face his fears, figure out how to deal with what happened.
Abby: Have you spoken to a professional?
Chelsea: Yeah, we met with his psychologist this morning, and it was a really great session. Dr. Strassman actually convinced Connor to come here later today with Adam to pick me up from work. So...
Abby: That's great.
Chelsea: Yeah, it's a really big step for him, but I have to admit I'm a little bit nervous.
Abby: Well, if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know.
Chelsea: Thank you.
Abby: Oh. Chelsea? Ready?
Sharon: I, uh, do regular self-examinations on my breasts. I found the lump on new year's day. Not exactly the way that I was hoping to start off the year.
Rey: I'm sure.
Sharon: So, um, I didn't want to waste any time figuring out what it was. I called my doctor. Luckily, she was able to see me right away, and once she had confirmed that it was indeed a lump, I scheduled a mammogram, which I went in for last week. It was inconclusive. So, the tech immediately did an ultrasound, and the radiologist told me I need to have a biopsy, which I did. And just before you got here, I got the results. It's a malignant tumor. Just the sound of those words.
Rey: Okay. What can I do?
Sharon: You're doing it.
Rey: This is why you were so distracted before?
Sharon: I thought I was doing a good job of covering.
Rey: Wish you would have told me.
Sharon: I didn't want to worry you. You know, I kept telling myself that it's probably nothing. I really wanted to believe that. And then I got the call.
Rey: Um...
Sharon: It's not the first time in my life that I found my whole life change in an instant. But I just wasn't ready for this. I guess no one is.
Rey: I'm so glad that you shared this with me now.
Sharon: Me too. But I really don't -- I don't want anyone else to know -- not yet. I just need some time to figure out what I'm facing and process this.
Rey: I will not say a word, not until you're ready.
Sharon: Thank you.
Rey: So, what can I do? What's -- what's next?
Chance: I hear you and your brother aren't exactly close.
Nick: The better question is, are you?
Chance: What would make you ask that?
Nick: Look -- I heard before you came back to Genoa city that you and Adam crossed paths in Vegas, that you may have been involved in some shady dealings.
Chance: You don't seem like the type of guy to believe in rumors.
Nick: I found it extremely hard to believe that somebody like you could be lured to the dark side by my psychopathic brother.
Chance: And now you know the truth.
Nick: Yeah, that you were there, working undercover on the money-laundering case involving Simon black and Colin Atkinson.
Chance: Admittedly some pretty shady stuff.
Nick: How was my brother involved in that?
Chance: He wasn't. He just happened to be in the same place, same time. We crossed paths a few times, developed a bit of a friendship. He went by the name "spider," said he didn't know who Adam Newman was. I didn't argue. I can understand why he wouldn't want to remember.
Nick: And since you've come back to G.C.?
Chance: I've seen him around.
Nick: That's it?
Chance: We're not best friends, if that's what you're asking.
Nick: Alright, well, that's good to know, especially since you are seeing my little sister now.
Chance: Yeah. Abby's lucky to have a protective big brother. But I want you to know you have nothing to worry about. We're just hanging out, having fun.
Nick: Good to know. Abby's a good girl. She doesn't deserve to have her heart broken again.
Chance: Man-to-man? You have nothing to worry about.
Nick: Alright. Well, now that that's done, let's get down to business. Chance, I want you to oversee the development of a high-tech security system that will be installed in all of my buildings for new hope.
Chance: What kind of budget are we looking at?
Nick: Don't worry about money. I just want it to be good. I want my residents to feel safe, and I don't want them to feel like big brother is watching.
Chance: I can handle that. Nick, I want you to know I really admire what you're doing at new hope, and I would be happy and be proud to be a part of it.
Nick: Well, you've been fighting the good fight a lot longer than I have, chance.&
Chance: I'll write you up a proposal and get it to you ASAP.
Nick: Cool. Looking forward to working with you.
Chance: Me too, man. Me too.
Chelsea: I know it wasn't easy for you to come here, but I'm really glad you did. I wanted you to see that everything is back to normal, and I'm okay.
Connor: Are you sure it's safe?
Adam: Hey, your mom wouldn't come here every day if she didn't think it was, and neither would your aunt Abby.
Abby: Your dad's right. I have done everything I can think of to make sure everyone is comfortable.
Chelsea: And do you remember agent chancellor?
Connor: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: Well, he helped us put in a new security system that protects everybody.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Connor: In case the man who tried to hurt us comes back?
Adam: Hey, that man? He's locked up in prison, and he's gonna be there for a really long time. Okay? So, you don't have to worry about him hurting you or any of us ever again.
Abby: Connor, how would you like it if I had the bartender make you a special drink? Something kid-friendly, of course.
Chelsea: Ooh. Would you like that?
Connor: Sure.
Abby: Great! Why don't you guys grab a seat, and I'll bring it over to you.
Chelsea: [ Inaudibly ] Thank you.
Adam: Coat.
Phyllis: What's going on down there?
Abby: [ Sighs ] It's Connor's first time back here since he was held hostage.
Phyllis: Mm. Poor kid.
Abby: And he was terrified to come back. So, Adam and Chelsea are trying to ease his fears. Now, if you could just hang back, keep the drama to a minimum, that'd be really helpful. Thanks.
Phyllis: He's been through a lot in his short life. I'm sure it hasn't been easy on him.
Abby: No, it hasn't.
Phyllis: I hope he's okay.
Abby: You know, that may be the one thing we all actually agree on.
Sharon: My doctor recommended this specialist at the breast cancer treatment center near her office.
Rey: Dr. Cheryl Blakely.
Sharon: I'm seeing her tomorrow.
Rey: I would like to be there. I mean, if that's okay.
Sharon: Yeah. I-I want you to be there. I mean, not just for support, but I think I'm gonna have a hard time just taking all of this in and remembering.
Rey: Of course, of course. I will write everything down, and we can go over it when you're ready, okay?
Sharon: When I'm ready.
Rey: Hey, hey. I'm here.
Sharon: I'm just realizing how much there is to learn and process before I even begin to take a step forward.
Rey: And I will be there to help you.
Sharon: I did some research, read about the different kinds& of treatments, all of the potential side effects. And I wrote a list of questions for dr. Blakely. You know, like, what type of cancer I have exactly, what stage is it in, and what kinds of treatments would she recommend for me. And, um, just what my chances of survival are.
Rey: Those are all great questions.
Sharon: I just don't know that I'm really ready to hear the answers.
Rey: Let's -- let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?
Sharon: Right.
Rey: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: One step at a time.
Rey: And I will be there with you for every single one.
I'm Leah and that's
me long before
Theo: This was fun! We should do it again soon.
Leann: You have my number.
Summer: Leann, hi! Oh, my gosh. I'm summer Newman. It's so nice to finally meet you.
Kyle: Yeah, we've heard a lot about you from Theo.
Leann: He's the best, but I got to run -- big party tonight.
Summer: Okay.
Theo: Good to see you, Leann. I'll be in touch.
Leann: Mm-hmm.
Summer: Okay, she's even more gorgeous in person.
Theo: I told you she was a winner.
Summer: Yeah.
Lola: Hi. I was just coming to check on you and your date, but I guess I'm late?
Summer: Um, Leann was not a date. No, she's an influencer who agreed to post jabot-sponsored content on her social-media platforms. I didn't know that your meeting with Leann was here.
Theo: Well, what better place to make an impression?
Abby: Connor, can I get you anything else? Something to eat?
Connor: No, thanks.
Chance: Hi.
Abby: Hi.
Chance: How's everybody doing?
Chelsea: Good. Connor and Adam came to visit me.
Chance: Hey, buddy. It's good to see you.
Adam: He was a little nervous about coming back here, you know, after what happened last time.
Chance: I don't blame you. Some pretty heavy stuff that went down.
Connor: Yeah.
Chance: You know, I never got a chance to tell you how super-impressed I was with how you handled yourself.
Connor: You were?
Chance: Yeah. That was an intense situation, and you? You handled yourself like a pro.
Connor: I was really scared.
Chance: Can I let you in on a little bit of a secret? So was I.
Connor: You were?
Chance: When you're a government agent, they teach you how to hide your fears. It's part of the training. On the inside? I was shaking.
Connor: Still caught the bad guy.
Chance: You know what? I couldn't have done it without you because you were brave. You kept your calm. So, thank you. It's good teamwork. And now we can all feel safe coming here.
Connor: Do you really think it's safe?
Chance: So safe that I decided to live here.
Connor: In a hotel?
Chance: Dude, this place is awesome! Has some sweet amenities. We've got a pool and a gym. This place even has a game room.
Connor: Does it still have arcade games?
Chance: Does it still have arcade games? Of course it does. You should go check it out.
Adam: Yeah, I could give you a tour of the place if you want.
Connor: Can we start in the game room?
Adam: [ Laughs ] I think that's a yes.
Chelsea: Why don't you two go ahead, and I'll catch up with you later.
Adam: Alright. Come on, bud. Here.
Chelsea: Thank you for that.
Chance: Well, it's the least I could do. I just feel bad that I didn't catch Simon black before things got out of control.
Chelsea: No, if anyone is to blame for that, it's me. I let things go way too far with Simon.
Chance: Fortunately, everything worked out.
Chelsea: Yeah. Connor and I almost lost each other. I never want to feel that kind of fear again.
Sharon: Um... could you stay with me tonight? Faith's going to spend the night at nick's, and I just don't want to be alone. I know that's -- that's silly.
Rey: No, it's not at all. Anything you need or want is okay.
[ Door opens ]
Sharon: [ Clears throat ] Hey, sweetie.
Faith: Hey.
Sharon: What are you doing here? I thought you were going straight over to nick's after the movie.
Faith: I told you I had to come back to grab my stuff first.
Sharon: Oh, right. Yeah. Sorry. Forgot.
Faith: I feel like I walked in at a bad time. Is something wrong?
Rey: No, no. Your mom and I were just talking about a case I've been working on. It's been frustrating. I haven't been able to solve it. She's been encouraging me not to give up.
Faith: Oh, well, I hope everything works out.
Me too. Uh, we were about to step out and get some takeout. Do you want anything?
Faith: No, no, it's okay. Dad will probably be here by the time you get back.
Rey: Okay.
Sharon: If you're sure.
Faith: Yeah, positive.
Rey: I'll, uh, go get the car nice and warm.
Sharon: I'll be out in a minute.
Rey: Okay. I'll see you later, faith.
Faith: Bye.
[ Door opens, closes ]
Sharon: Well, I will see you tomorrow. I hope you have a nice time at your dad's.
Faith: Mom, what Rey was saying about working on a tough case? Is that really all that's going on?
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Theo: You guys mind if I join you?
Kyle: Does it matter?
Theo: I thought you'd want me to fill you in on what Leann and I discussed. This is a working dinner, right?
Summer: Yeah, of course it is.
Theo: Great.
Lola: I'll get some appetizers started for you guys.
Kyle: You know what I like.
Lola: I do.
Theo: Oh, and don't forget those new ones that you said I'd love.
Lola: I saved them for you. I'll be right back.
Kyle: Hold up. I'll walk you back to the kitchen.
Lola: Well, there's no need to.
Kyle: No, give me a chance to say a proper hello.
Lola: In that case...
Kyle: Hello.
Lola: Wow. Hello back. I wasn't expecting to see you tonight. It's such a nice surprise.
Kyle: Unlike seeing Theo with Leann?
Lola: What?
Kyle: I got the impression it bugged you when you thought he was on a date with her.
Lola: Why would it bug me?
Kyle: I don't know. You just seemed relieved when you realized it was just a business meeting.
Lola: What are you implying?
Kyle: Nothing. I shouldn't have said anything.
Lola: No, you shouldn't have.
Kyle: Sorry. You know how I get when I'm around Theo.
Kyle: Yeah, I do. Try to rein it in, Kyle, and don't let him ruin your night or mine. I have to get back to work.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: What happened to Adam and Connor?
Chelsea: Don't you have something better to do than to stalk my family? Shouldn't you be off somewhere, like, blackmailing somebody or breaking up a marriage?
Phyllis: Wow! Way to make your guests feel welcome.
Chelsea: Seriously, Phyllis? Get a life.
Phyllis: Okay, I actually was going to tell you that I was happy. It seems Connor's doing well.
Chelsea: Right, because you care so much about my son's well-being?
Phyllis: I actually do. He seems like a sweet kid, in spite of his parents. I wish him nothing but the best.
Chelsea: Well, Adam and I are gonna make sure he gets it.
Phyllis: I'm sure you are. I heard you reunited. I'm sure that has done wonders for your son.
Chelsea: It has.
Phyllis: After nick broke up with you, what did you do, run to Adam's bed? Or was it a leisurely walk?
Chelsea: You know, your life must be so empty. You spend all your time obsessing over what I have and what you don't. You know, if I didn't despise you, I'd feel sorry for you.
Phyllis: You don't have to pity me. I have a lot going on in my life. Trust me.
Chelsea: Hmm.
Chance: [ Laughs ]
Sharon: You know, this case Rey's working on has got him stressed out, and you know how he gets when he can't fix something.
Faith: Yeah, yeah, I do, but...
Sharon: But what?
Faith: I don't know. It just seemed like it was way more personal than that. Is everything okay with you guys?
Sharon: Yeah! Don't I look fine?
Faith: Yeah, you look great.
Sharon: Okay, then.
Faith: I just wanted to make sure.
Sharon: I appreciate your concern, but I don't want you to worry. Are you sure I can't bring you back something?
Faith: I'll get some with dad.
Sharon: Okay. See you tomorrow. Have a fun night. And no worrying!
[ Cell phone ringing ]
Nick: Don't worry. I'm not gonna be late. I'm just wrapping up some work, and then I'm gonna pick you up at your mom's in a little while.
Faith: Dad, I need you to come now and meet me at grandma and grandpa's, not Mom's.
Nick: Why?
Faith: Dad, please just come me, and I'll tell you everything when you get here.
Nick: Okay. I'm on my way. What does help for heart failure look like?
Abby: Thank you for talking to Connor. You were very sweet with him.
Chance: I didn't do much. But if it helped even in some small way, then I'm glad.
Abby: They say it takes a village, and tonight everyone contributed, even Adam
Chance: You sound surprised that he stepped up for his son.
Abby: I believe his love for Connor is genuine. You know, he might even love Chelsea, but the only other person in this world that he gives a damn about is himself.
Chance: Sometimes people have a hard time showing their emotions.
Chelsea: After everything that he has done, I will never trust him, and you shouldn't, either.
Chance: So I've heard.
Abby: The more distance you keep between yourself and Adam, the better off you'll be.
[ Cell phone pings ]
[ Sighs ] I actually -- I have to go take care of this, but we can leave as soon as I'm done?
Chance: That's not a problem.
Abby: I'll be quick. I promise.
Phyllis: Got here just in time, didn't I?
Chance: To eavesdrop on my private conversation.
Phyllis: Well, it takes two people to have a conversation. And Abby was going on and on about her unredeemable brother. And you didn't seem to say much about your pal Adam, who got you out of a jam in Vegas, mysterious jam you don't want to talk about.
Chance: You don't quit, do you?
Phyllis: I do. This is me quitting, I don't have to talk about that. I don't have to discuss your bromance with Adam, but I'll give you a piece of advice. You shouldn't start a relationship with secrets, unless you don't really care about Abby. In that case, it doesn't matter that you don't want to tell her anything that happened in your past.
Chance: Hmm. It's an interesting theory, Phyllis.
Phyllis: It is, isn't it? Especially when every time you see me, you will always have something to say.
Nick: Hey!
Faith: Oh, dad! Thank god you're here.
Nick: What's going on? Where are my parents?
Faith: They're out, which is good because I need to talk to you alone.
Nick: Is this about your mom again?
Sharon: She was acting weird again tonight, weirder than last time.
Nick: Okay. Just...what happened?
Faith: I walked in on her and Rey having a serious conversation, and they stopped talking the second they saw me.
Nick: Well, maybe it was something personal.
Faith: No, no, she was hiding something. I could tell. When I asked her about it, she pretended everything was fine, but it's not.
Nick: Faith --
Faith: I-I know what I did was wrong. I-I shouldn't have gone snooping through mom's things, but I was so worried. I had to know. Please don't yell at me. I just really need your help.
Nick: Okay. Alright. With what? Just tell me what's got you so freaked out.
Summer: So, boutique-fashion retailers, like bay street, they like to keep their inventory low and their prices affordable. That way it creates an urgency to buy.
Kyle: Smart business model.
Theo: And it's working. There's a lot of buzz around this company. If jabot doesn't go after it, somebody else will.
Kyle: That's why we're going to San Francisco.
Theo: Oh, yeah? When are you leaving?
Summer: Next week.
Theo: Oh, well, don't worry about things round here. I will hold down the fort while you are away.
Summer: Well, I mean, we shouldn't really be gone that long. It's a straightforward deal. Either they accept Kyle's offer, or they don't.
Theo: Well, I mean, you shouldn't rush it. Take it from someone who knows. A little extra schmoozing can be the difference between success and failure.
Kyle: Mm. Thanks for the tip.
Theo: Look -- I know how important this acquisition is for jabot. In fact, I just heard about another boutique brand up in Portland. While you're on the west coast, you should check it out. I can send you the research I have on it.
Kyle: Mm. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Have me out of the way.
Theo: Dude, what are you talking about? I'm just trying to be helpful.
Kyle: Yeah, right, because you really want to see me succeed.
Summer: Guys, can we just not do this right now, please?
Theo: Hey. No, wait. If you want me to fly to California to make deals for jabot, just give me the green light, and summer and I will be on the next plane. You know, we could mix business and pleasure.
Kyle: Shut it, Theo, or I swear I --
Summer: Kyle, Kyle. Could you just do me a favor? Could you ask Lola not to put peanut oil in my entrée? My allergy, just in case, please?
Kyle: Sure.
Summer: You really don't know when to stop, do you?
Lola: Go. Now what?
Kyle: Theo. What else?
Lola: Did you not hear me when I told you not to let it bother you?
Kyle: I heard you. It's not that easy.
Lola: It can be.
Kyle: Yeah! If you refuse to open your eyes.
Lola: In case you didn't notice, I'm trying to work here.
Kyle: And so was I. But Theo was being more of an ass than usual.
Lola: I think as usual when it comes to Theo, you're blowing things out of proportion.
Kyle: I have every right to be pissed off! Theo goes out of his way to get under my skin, and you give him a pass every time.
Lola: I'm trying to keep the peace between the two of you!
Kyle: Oh, not calling him out on his crappy behavior is the same thing as telling him you approve of it.
Lola: Excuse me?
Kyle: Forget it. This isn't the place to discuss this.
Lola: Kyle? We're not finished.
Kyle: Yeah, we can talk about it at home.
Lola: I'm not going to let you blame me for whatever Theo said or did, okay? You want to waste your energy and be mad at him? Fine. Go right ahead. Just do not take that anger out on me.
Summer: Are you happy? You got what you wanted.
Theo: Oh, please! Don't act all judgy. If you had your way, Kyle and Lola would be fighting over you.
Chance: You are always looking for trouble, aren't you, Phyllis?
Phyllis: Maybe I'm just looking for someone to get into trouble with. Either way, you'll do because trouble is your business, right?
Chance: And what does that have to do with you?
Phyllis: I want to hire you.
Chance: I don't see taking you on as a client.
Phyllis: Oh, you don't? Okay. You don't want to mix business with pleasure. We'll keep it strictly personal.
Abby: Oh, I am so sorry about that. If we hurry, we can still make our reservation.
Chance: I am all yours.
Abby: I guess you'll have to find someone else to glom onto, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. You guys have fun.
Chance: Have a good night, Phyllis.
Phyllis: See you soon.
Adam: Well, are you feeling any better about being here now?
Connor: It's not as bad as I thought it would be.
Adam: Mm.
Chelsea: How do you feel about me being here?
Connor: If working here makes you happy, then I'm okay with it.
Chelsea: Come here. Oh! Well, then, I couldn't be happier.
Nick: Faith, what's got you so shaken up?
Faith: I think mom is sick.
Nick: Why would you say that?
Faith: I found this.
Nick: Dr. Cheryl Blakely, breast cancer center. Cancer.
Rey: I'll go get the plates and the drinks. What would you like? Sharon?
Sharon: Hmm? I'm sorry. You go ahead. I'm really not hungry.
Rey: You should eat.
Sharon: I just can't stop thinking about tomorrow and what the doctor's going to tell me.
Rey: I will be there tomorrow and every day after that.
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