Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/14/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/14/20


Episode #11779 ~ Nikki gives Victoria sound advice; Lily returns home for a visit; Devon stands firm.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Tessa: You know how Mariah is super self-sufficient and independent?

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Tessa: And will never admit that she's lonely?

Devon: I will be sure to check up on her. You don't have to ask me.

Dr. Fletcher: Fluid indicates that it's a cyst. Solid may indicate a tumor. The mass in your breast appears to be solid.

The doctor will call you with the results.

Billy: In essence, since I'm already spoken for, that means we don't have to worry about this becoming anything more than just, you know, a friendship.

Amanda: To a long and meaningful friendship.

Billy: I have had moments that I have felt more liberated and more free than I've felt in a long time. I'm not white-knuckling the urge to gamble, and I'm not relapsing. You have nothing to worry about.

Billy: Well, it's very gratifying. Thank you for saying so. I'm glad that you're happy with the outcome. Yeah, no. As I told your colleague, I'd be more than happy to consult on future projects. Absolutely. Um...yeah, I have a few things going on here, but we can talk about them.

Devon: Hey, you. How you doing?

Mariah: How did you know I needed a hug?

Devon: [ Chuckles ] Help yourself to some tea.

Mariah: Oh, thank you.

Devon: Please. Yeah. Just wanted to check in and see how Tessa's first couple days are going on the road.

Mariah: Well, I haven't had a chance to touch base with her, you know. She's busy meeting tanner's band and the crew.

Devon: Yeah, that makes sense.

Mariah: And soon she's going to be singing to, like, 10,000 people, which still blows my mind.

Devon: I know. That's crazy.

Mariah: Just can't believe how quickly everything changed.

Devon: Yeah. How are you doing with that?

Mariah: You know, I'm trying to be the "rah-rah, you go, girl," super-supportive girlfriend. Just turns out I am not that great at it.

Jill: Oh, I was looking forward to seeing you.

Sharon: Lily...

Lily: Hi!

Sharon: ...It's nice to see you.

Lily: Thank you. You too.

Sharon: How were your holidays?

Lily: They were good. They were good. The twins were home. Devon joined us Christmas day. Talked about my dad a lot. So...it was emotional, but it was good.

Jill: You know, everybody who knew Neil misses him very much.

Sharon: The first year is always the hardest. So, are Mattie and Charlie back at college?

Lily: No, next week. Right now they're in Europe visiting their dad.

Jill: Yeah, while he tries to track down the money that his lying, thieving, father stole.

Sharon: I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on.

Lily: Yeah.

Sharon: So, I'll just leave you to it.

Lily: [ Laughing ] Okay. I'm really sorry that Colin hurt you again.

Jill: You know the one I feel sorry for is Devon. I mean, he was swindled out of billions of dollars largely because I pressured him into doing the "right" thing.

Lily: No, no, no. Listen. You cannot blame yourself, okay? Colin had all of us fooled.

Jill: You know, part of me thinks I should have gone with cane. I still might. There's an idea. Why don't you go, too?

Lily: I'm sorry. To Europe? Now?

Jill: Yes! You could spend some more time with Mattie and Charlie.

Lily: And cane?

Jill: Well, you're still friends with him, right?

Lily: Mm. Yeah. Um, I'm going to pass, Jill. No offense.

Jill: No, none taken.

Lily: You're not still holding out hope that cane and I are gonna get back together, are you?

Jill: Oh, no, no, no, no. I know that you've moved on.

Lily: I have moved on, actually. I'm, uh, dating again.

[ Laughs ]

Jill: Oh, well, that's natural. You're still a young woman. I've been meaning to tell you something. No matter how all this turns out, you know I will always consider you family.

Rey: Hey, there, beautiful.

Sharon: Hey.

Rey: Everything okay?

Sharon: Sure.

Rey: That wasn't very convincing.

Sharon: Um, okay. Well, lily's in there, and we were just talking about her father, Neil. This is the first holiday that the winters family has been without him. And it's just very sad to talk about.

Rey: You're a good friend, with a heart to match.

Sharon: Um, anyway, what can I get you? Your usual?

Rey: I'm not going to say no to a cup of coffee, but I am actually here because I have an idea. It's more of a proposition, really. I'm hoping you'll say yes.

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Mariah: I wish I could take this all in stride. You know, be happy for Tessa and still go about my business while she's gone. But I just miss her so much. It's ridiculous. Not to mention ironic, considering how scared I was to move in together in the first place.

Devon: Oh, I remember that. I remember you were worried that it wouldn't work out and that you'd feel too crowded.

Mariah: Mm-hmm. And now I'm stacking pillows together on her side of the bed just to trick myself into thinking that she's there so I can sleep.

Devon: [ Laughs ] Well, is it because she's hundreds of miles away, or are you nervous about who she's there with?

Mariah: Because tanner's her ex-husband, and, oh, my god, that's still so weird to say.

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Mariah: No, it's not an issue.

Devon: Are you sure?

Mariah: I work with somebody who I was previously in a relationship with, and it would be unreasonable if Tessa had a problem with that, right?

Devon: Yeah, that's right.

Mariah: So, I don't want to be that person, jealous and insecure for no reason. I just miss my girlfriend, and, trust me, that is enough.

Devon: I understand. And it just comes with being in love. Think of all the great songs that have been written about missing somebody.

Mariah: Oh, don't even get me started. I have a playlist tailor-made, perfect for wallowing. It's pathetic, right?

Devon: No, it's not pathetic at all because we both know that Tessa misses you just as much as you miss her.

Tanner: I wanted to talk about the set list. I was hoping that we could talk about the order if that's okay.

Tessa: Yeah.

Tanner: Alright, so, I recommend starting out with something the audience is familiar with -- "wishful thinking." You know, get them in the mood? But then "fight or flight," all that soulful emotion. Have them eating out of your hand.

Tessa: Got it.

Tanner: But then we're going to move into more of your up-tempo tunes -- "with me" and "how can a lie feel so true?" Get the audience up on their feet. But then we're going to take it back a notch with something a little more mellow, "after the rain."

Tessa: Okay. Okay, so that's...five.

Tanner: Yeah. So, now here's where you get to decide how you want to wrap up your evening. If you got a more involved, like, vocal audience, they're gonna be calling stuff out. So, you want to give him one last anecdote. Give them your best-known song.

Tessa: Okay, so that would probably be "when I see you."

Tanner: Yes. Yes! Awesome choice. And then get your biggest applause. End on a high note.

Tessa: Okay. So, what if the audience isn't that into me?

Tanner: Okay, if that's the case, just go ahead and skip "after the rain," go straight to "when I see you," call it a night.

Tessa: Okay. Perfect. This is the exact advice that I need.

Tanner: We can tweak this over the course of the tour. I mean, maybe you want to switch in a cover or some new material. Nothing's set in stone. The important thing is have fun out there. What?

Tessa: Nothing, nothing. It's...it's just that every so often, I realize that you're a megastar, and it's crazy. I mean, this is so beyond anything we ever dreamed of when we were starving musicians.

Tanner: I know! I-I know, right? But that's why I appreciate having someone around who gets it. You know, how far I've come. Like, what a change this is from the life that I used to live. Oh, and, by the way, somebody who can kick me in the pants when I'm getting too full of myself.

Tessa: Ooh, careful what you wish for because I'm not afraid to do that.

Tanner: Tsk!

Sharon: So, Miami, huh?

Rey: Mm-hmm. I have tentatively requested time off during faith's spring break. I mean, there's tons of fun tourist spots and obviously the beach. And if you want some mother-daughter time, I'm cool to hang with my family.

Sharon: Um, I guess this would be my opportunity to meet your mother.

Rey: Celeste already likes you based on everything she's heard from me. It would be the first time I meet my little nephew.

Sharon: Listen. If you want me there for moral support, I will go with you.

Rey: I assume that means you like the idea of a trip?

Sharon: Um, let me run it by nick and faith first before we make any concrete plans.

Rey: I will come by your place after work, and we can talk about it some more.

Sharon: Sounds good.

[ Door closes ]

Victoria: Oh! Is that what I think it is?

Nikki: Yes. The Perotta deal -- signed, sealed, and delivered.

Victoria: Nice work and a day early. How about that?

Nikki: Well, I aim to please.

Victoria: Hey, do you have some time for tea?

Nikki: Sure.

Victoria: Yeah? Okay, good. How's everything going?

Nikki: Well, what do you mean? With your father?

Victoria: You know, it has been awfully quiet.

Nikki: I have no complaints. Our lives have been running along quite smoothly.

Victoria: You sound surprised.

Nikki: I have been holding my breath for months, wondering when he was going to announce at the breakfast table that he is flying off on some mysterious trip or that he's about to start some new business venture.

Victoria: You think he's starting to get restless?

Nikki: No, not at all. I mean, that is what is so astonishing. He seems perfectly content the way things are.

Victoria: Huh. That's unreal.

Nikki: I mean, it would be just like him to stir things up out of the blue, but maybe after all these years I can finally stop worrying. Well, knock on wood.

[ Raps table ]

Victoria: You know, I really hope that Billy and I can get to that point someday. I just feel like I'm always looking out for signs that he's falling back into his patterns. I know! I know it bothers him, but well, that's our reality now.

Billy: Hey.

Amanda: Hey, thank you for meeting me.

Billy: Yeah, of course. Was there something specific you wanted to talk about?

Amanda: No, I just have some client meetings. I should say potential clients, and I just really wanted to see a friendly face. So, thank you.

Billy: Ah, yeah. It's hard to start over.

Amanda: Yeah, I'm finding that out.

Billy: You know, it's Genoa city. It's word of mouth. You'll get a couple victories under your belt, and people will come knocking.

Amanda: Yeah, see that right there. That is what I'm worried about. Devon is very well-known. He's very well-connected, and he's also made no secret how much he resents me, even though he says that he is willing to let it go.

Billy: You worry that people are reluctant to hire you because they're gonna make Devon upset?

Amanda: I don't think that it's an organized thing. I think that people just don't want to get on a powerful man's bad side, and I can't say that I blame them.

Billy: Well, I'm sorry to say, but that is messed up.

Mariah: How's the search with Colin going?

Devon: We have our first lead on his whereabouts.

Mariah: Really?

Devon: Yeah.

Mariah: That's great. Where is the dirtbag?

Devon: He's in south America allegedly. And I'm praying that the feds or Interpol will nab him and bring him back here so we can find out if he's been working alone or not, because I guarantee you if he has any accomplices, he will rat them out to save himself.

Mariah: I will be so glad for you when this is all over.

Devon: Oh, me, too. And I've been doing a lot better thanks to your advice, by the way.

Mariah: Mine?

Devon: Mm-hmm. You warned me about not shutting Elena out and to let her know what I've been going through, and we've been a lot closer ever since I did that. So, thank you.

Mariah: Well, you're welcome. And that's great to hear. But you do realize that it was a pretty big risk taking relationship advice from me.

Devon: Oh, get out of here. Come on. I know it's your shtick to make fun of your failed romantic history, but now that you're in a happy and committed relationship, don't you think you should stop looking at yourself that way?

Mariah: Hmm. You have a point there.

Devon: Yeah.

Mariah: But you're supposed to be distracting me from thinking about Tessa, remember?

Devon: That's right. I do remember, yes.

Mariah: Yeah.

Devon: If you want to be distracted, you could focus all of your energy into your work, and you could eat, sleep, and breathe power and sign some new clients and close some deals.

Mariah: Is that your way of saying I'm not working hard enough?

Devon: No. No! I'm just trying to -- trying to help you.

[ Chuckles ]

Tanner: Nice necklace.

Tessa: [ Laughs ] Thank you. Um, Mariah got it for me when we got back together. Well, one time that that happened. It's happened a few times.

Tanner: I see.

Tessa: Well, I've screwed things up with her -- a lot. Big shocker -- I know. But we're in a really good place now.

Tanner: The trick is keeping things that way. I mean, the road can be really tough on relationships. People get bored. They get lonely. They slip up.

Tessa: Not me.

Tanner: Good. Touring can be tough enough as it is. You know, we don't need the drama.

Tessa: [ Chuckles ]

[ Cell phone rings ]

Sharon: This is Sharon. I'm sorry. I-I'm really not interested, and please put me on your do-not-call-again list. Thank you.

[ Sighs ] Sophia, I'm gonna take off the rest of the day. Could you please let Rachel know when she comes in?

If you, like many people,

Billy: Look -- I know Colin, okay? He screwed you over like he does everyone. You got into something that you didn't understand, but once you figured it out, you did everything you could to get on the right side of that. Now here you are, trying to start over, but that's difficult when everyone is suspicious of you.

Amanda: We still talking about me? Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the support, but I just feel like you're taking this really, really personally. And you did mention feeling like Victoria and your family were judging you based on your past mistakes.

Billy: What can I say? I know what you're going through all a little too well.

Amanda: Well, never fear. We will prove ourselves to those doubters.

Billy: Oh, you will. Me? I'm not sure that's possible.

Nikki: This isn't the first time you've been concerned about Billy's state of mind.

Victoria: But, mom, it's different this time. I mean, it...it's not like before, when Billy was enraged over Adam, and he lost control. It's like he has these -- these shifts in his moods, and he -- he says things.

Nikki: What kind of things?

Victoria: Well, it's like Billy lately has these tendencies to romanticize his wild, impetuous side, as if that didn't nearly ruin us several times over.

Nikki: Oh, no.

Victoria: No, it's not like he's doing anything reckless. I mean, it's all very subtle, but at the same time --

Nikki: It's worrisome. I get it.

Victoria: I'm sure that Billy is so tired of defending himself.

Nikki: Well, I hope he understands that this is something that you would be concerned about. I mean, especially after everything that J.T. Put you& through and what he nearly did to Adam.

Victoria: He does.

Nikki: Well, do you think it would be helpful if you went to his counseling sessions? I mean, maybe the two of you could talk to the therapist together.

Victoria: Oh, mom, you don't understand. I-I can't. Billy doesn't have a therapist anymore. He -- he stopped going to therapy. He didn't discuss it with me, and he didn't tell me until I asked him about it. He thinks that he's getting better. He doesn't need therapy. He sees it as a sign of progress, I guess.

Nikki: Well, to me it sounds like he's rationalizing, something I might have done if I wanted to skip an A.A. meeting.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] I just had such peace of mind when he was going to counseling. It was like I had another set of eyes on the situation. I mean, I wasn't the only one looking out for the warning signs. I'm just -- you know what, mom? I hate being paranoid like this.

Nikki: Honey, it's only paranoia if you're worrying for no reason. Given Billy's history...

Victoria: I love him. I love him. I want a life with him. I want to support him in his recovery. It's just that honestly after a while...

[ Sighs ] Mom, it's exhausting.

Nikki: I know, baby.

Victoria: [ Sighs ]

Devon: Hey! Get in here.

Lily: Hi.

Devon: Oh! It's a nice surprise. What brings you to town?

Lily: Well, after it sounded like Hamilton-winters had a tough quarter, I thought I would make an appearance.

Devon: You came to let me have it, didn't you?

Lily: Oh, please. Yeah, right. No, I mean, I know that you've been going through a lot lately, and I understood why you don't want to talk about it over Christmas. But I hope you know that I'm here for you.

Devon: Yeah, of course I do. I do. And I appreciate it, too. But you don't have to worry, because things are looking up.

Lily: Oh, yeah?

Devon: Yes. Yes. On the lp side of things, tanner watts hired Tessa to open for him on his north American tour.

Lily: What?!

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: Good for her!

Devon: It's great. With new hope, Nate and Elena are helping design a free medical clinic that we're gonna be able to replicate in all of our housing facilities. And as far as my personal life goes, Elena and I couldn't be happier.

Lily: Well, that's great. Congratulations.

Devon: Thank you very much.

Lily: One thing you didn't mention...

Devon: Huh.

Lily: Colin. How's the investigation going? Any new leads?

Devon: There's nothing definite. Maybe something, but I have a lot of people working on it. But how are things going with you? What's going on in your life? Take your coat off. Stay a while. What does help for heart failure look like?

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Nikki: Loving someone in recovery is a constant challenge. You're bound to get discouraged from time to time.

Victoria: I'm well aware.

Nikki: And just like all the other times before, only you can decide if the effort is worth it.

Victoria: Mom, of course it's worth it. I'm -- I'm so glad that we put our family back together. The children have their father back in the house, back in their lives, and I'm so grateful for the way that Billy has always been there for me and I want to be there for him, too. It's just -- it's -- it's a lot of work. I get tired.

Nikki: I understand. It is very draining. On the other hand, I can see Billy's perspective, as well.

Victoria: I know, because you've been in his shoes.

Nikki: Once you've let someone down, it takes a long time to regain their trust. And it's hard not to get impatient because you don't think it's happening as quickly as it should. But...you feel really torn because you have faced your demons, and you want credit for that, you know? You want your loved ones to believe in you again.

Victoria: That's funny. Those were the exact words Billy used.

Nikki: Well, there is a concept for spouses and partners called "detaching with love," and it's not that you're abandoning the person who has the addiction. It's more like focusing more on your needs, putting yourself first, and not constantly caretaking or hovering or keeping that person under your microscope all the time.

Victoria: I feel like that's exactly what I've been doing. But I guess when you've been hurt over and over again, it just becomes a way of life.

Nikki: Well, there are meetings you can attend on your own if you ever get to the point where you feel that your tank is just constantly empty. It might calm you down a little bit. And it'll still give Billy the space he needs.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Alright, I'll think about it, mom.

Nikki: Well, in any case, it's good that you can talk about this so openly, as difficult as that may be.

Victoria: Well, Billy hasn't been open about everything. He didn't tell me that he stopped going to counseling. So, it makes me wonder what else he might be hiding.

Billy: I'm not even sure what happened. Victoria came home from her trip, and I was in a great mood. The kids were happy to see her. I was very happy to see her, and then it wasn't long before I just felt like I was... uh, I don't know.

Amanda: What? Bit on the defensive?

Billy: Exactly.

Amanda: Mm.

Billy: And then she told me I was overreacting.

Amanda: Were you?

Billy: Maybe.

[ Chuckles ] Probably. You know, I... she starts asking me what I'm up to, what I'm doing. Asking me if I'm okay, if I'm upset about something. I just automatically get tense.

Amanda: You know, some people, they just like to be needed, so they encourage us to fall apart so that they can rescue us.

Billy: Yeah, I hear that, but that's not -- that's not what this is. That's not Victoria. She's -- she's a really good person. She really genuinely cares about me. She does not want me to fall apart. And she's got a lot on her plate, you know? The kids, she's CEO of Newman enterprises, not to mention all the other family drama that comes with being a Newman. She's strong, but she wants to do everything on her own, and when I asked her to take me back, I promised her that I would be her rock.

Amanda: How's that working out for you?

Billy: Not so hot.

Amanda: You know, we can't be someone's rock. We're all just human.

Billy: I can't help but think I overpromised, and now it's come back to bite us.

Amanda: [ Sighs ] Billy, I...I really think that you should talk to Victoria about this.

Billy: Yeah, I can't do that.

Amanda: Why not?

Billy: Because if I talk to her about it, she's going to get this look of terror in her eyes, like I'm about to let her down. And I can't do that.

Lily: So, after he snapped at the waiter, okay, insulted the busboy, he sent his entrée back twice.

Devon: No way. Really?

Lily: Twice. Yes! I was cringing inside.

Devon: Geez!

Lily: I wanted to go to the restroom just so I could jump out the window and not look back.

Devon: Oh. Why? The guy sounds like a winner.

Lily: These people are insane, okay? Insane! There was one guy who kept looking things up on his phone just to prove me wrong.

Devon: No.

Lily: Yeah! Like, really? Is that kind of behavior gonna get you a second date?

Devon: They're stupid people.

Lily: My god!

Devon: Some stupid people, but I'm proud of you for putting yourself back out there, yeah.

Lily: Well, you know, at least I have some good stories.

Devon: [ Chuckles ] I hired chance as a security consultant, so I can have him screen your dates if you'd like me to.

Lily: Oh, that's fun. Thank you, but no, thank you. I'm sure he's busy enough. Looking for Colin? Is that why you hired him?

Devon: It's partly. Yeah.

Lily: Okay. Will he and cane be coordinating efforts?

Devon: Uh, I don't expect so. No.

Lily: So, I'm getting a feeling that you're uncomfortable talking about the investigation with me. Is that because you think that cane was working with Colin to steal your money?

Devon: Yeah, there's a possibility that he was, yeah. I don't have any proof of it, but I didn't want to bring it up until I knew something for sure.

Lily: Well, honestly, I don't think you're going to find any evidence. I mean, unless Colin manufactures something, which I would not put that past him.

Devon: You think cane's innocent?

Lily: [ Sighs ] Obviously, I don't want to believe that he would do something like that to you. But, then, again, you know, I've given him the benefit of the doubt before and gotten burned. I don't know. I have to ask. I mean, if you do find out that cane was involved, what do you intend to do about it?

Tessa: [ Humming ]


Tanner: What if... what if you, you know, maybe brighten it up a little bit? Maybe you could strum it?

Tessa: You know, I actually thought about that myself, but I just -- I think the finger picking makes it more personal and intimate.

Tanner: I forgot how protective you are of your babies.

Tessa: Uh...are you teasing me?

Tanner: Me? No. Mnh-mnh.

Tessa: Uh-huh.

Tanner: Do you think you could give me your opinion on a song I've been working on?

Tessa: Uh, yeah, sure.

Tanner: I'm caught in the fire

the pounds of our hearts

skin burning with fever

Tessa: Uh... unh-unh. Just, what if you liven it up a little bit? Maybe just play it open instead of muted?

Tanner: I'm caught in the fire

the pounds of our hearts that's awesome. You know how long I've been working on this song?

Tessa: Oh, I'm just glad I can help.

Tanner: I'm caught in the fire

the pounds of our hearts

skin burning with fever

intertwined with you

screaming desire

my soul is aching

Devon: So, do you think I should let cane off the hook if I found proof that he helped screw me over, or what?

Lily: No, no. Okay. Let me make one thing very clear. I am furious that you were cheated out of your inheritance. And if cane did have something to do with it, then, yes, he should be held accountable.

Devon: Okay.

Lily: I'm just saying that I've been in prison. I've been in that world, and if there's any chance that he hasn't done it --

Devon: Alright, hang on, hang on. I don't -- I don't like where I think this is going, because I'm sorry that you spent any time in jail. That's one of my biggest regrets in life, okay? But this situation is very different than that because what you did was an accident, and you felt terrible about it. If we find out that cane was complicit with his dad, then it was all planned, and it was vicious. And he deserves everything that's coming to him. It's not like I'd even have a say. That'd be up to the authorities, right?

Lily: Well, of course you would have a say. You're the victim, especially when it comes to sentencing.

Devon: Okay. Then, what would you want me to do? Would you want me to intercede for him? To protect him? I mean, what are you saying right now?

Billy: I'm not sure how it happened, but I came here to be your sounding board, and you ended up being mine once again.

Amanda: Well, I appreciate the distraction before my meetings so I can take some of the edge off. Otherwise, I am just so intense.

Billy: [ Laughs ] Well, I'm glad I could be useful to someone.

Amanda: Billy...

Billy: I know what you're gonna say. I need to talk to Victoria.

Amanda: But I do. I understand your hesitation. You don't want to hurt her again.

Billy: I just feel like I need to handle this on my own, or at least with the help of a good friend. If I do talk to Victoria, that's gonna ring the alarm bells, and she's gonna spring into action and do what she can to fix me.

Amanda: You're not broken. You don't need fixing.

Billy: Thank you for saying that. Uh...have a good meeting.

Amanda: Yeah. Thank you.

Billy: Bye.

Amanda: Bye.

Victoria: Billy, are you home?

[ Sighs ]

Sharon: [ Sighs ]

[ Cell phone ringing ] This is Sharon. Yes, doctor. Have my biopsy results come back? Ugh, no paper towels?

Mariah: [ Sighs ]

[ Cell phone ringing ]

Mariah: Hey! Perfect timing. The plane just landed.

Mariah: Hey, I'm so glad I caught you.

Tessa: Oh, it's so nice to hear your voice.

Mariah: Yours, too. So, how is it going?

Tessa: You know, everyone is really cool, and they've just been showing me the ropes.

Mariah: I was so happy to get those pictures. It's amazing seeing the tour through your eyes.

Tessa: Oh, yeah. Well, I would send more, but I'm trying to be subtle about it. You know, like I do this rock-star thing all the time, not like I'm totally freaking out.

Mariah: God, I miss you.

Tessa: I miss you, too.

Lily: Okay. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, alright? We don't even know if cane did anything wrong. And if he did, then, yes. I'm just saying I think there's better ways of achieving justice than locking someone up and cutting them off from their family.

Devon: Like what? Like a couple of billion dollars' worth of community service?

Lily: No, I'm saying if charges are filed and you can talk to Michael, you can work something out. You know, you can punish him and still give him a chance to redeem himself.

Devon: He's had more chances than I could count over the years, really. Alright? If he was involved in Colin's scheme, he should have come forward. He should've told me. I just gave Amanda that same offer yesterday.

Lily: Wait. You did what?

Devon: I told her that if she came forward and confessed and helped me track down Colin, I would consider letting her off the hook, and she didn't take me up on the offer, because maybe she didn't know what Colin was up to. Maybe cane didn't, either. But if I find proof that they're lying, they shouldn't expect mercy from me.

[ Door opens ]

Billy: Hey, I thought you'd be working late.

Victoria: I was hoping to get to spend the evening with you.

Billy: Well, the kids will be home from their play date soon. Do you want to go out for dinner, or are you still jet-lagged?

Victoria: I am tired.

Billy: Okay. How about I order some Thai? How's that sound?

Victoria: Billy, before you do that, um, please. There's something that I'd like to ask you.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: What is this?

Billy: It's a receipt for a few drinks. There was a guy in town from Chicago, one of my colleagues that wanted to have a drink, and this little bar was near his hotel. So, we just had a couple drinks. Why? What did you think it was?

Victoria: I didn't know what to think.

Billy: Okay. Well, it's not a big deal. Let me order. Hi. Delivery, please. Abbott, 416 orchard. You want pad Thai with shrimp, please? We'll get a coconut soup -- a quart of that, please.

[ Knock on door ]

Rey: Hey.

Sharon: Hey, Rey.

Rey: Did you forget I was coming over?

Sharon: No. No, no, no. I was just...reading. Yeah, I lost track of the time and realized it had gotten so late.

Rey: It's beautiful out there. It's not too cold. Want to go for a walk, watch sunset?

Sharon: [ Sighs ] A walk. Um... yeah. Uh, let me just get my...

Rey: Okay. Yeah. Take your time. No rush. You know, it should be getting dark soon. Maybe we should bring a flashlight. Sharon?

Sharon: Oh, yeah. Whatever you want. I-I think there's one in the...

Rey: In the drawer?

Sharon: Yeah.

Rey: Here. Let me help you.

Sharon: Wait. There's something that I need to tell you.

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