Y&R Transcript Monday 1/13/20
Episode #11778 ~ Sharon looks for answers; Victoria confronts Billy about his behavior; Chelsea and Adam start a new chapter.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...An ultrasound can determine whether a mass is solid or fluid. Fluid indicates that it's a cyst, solid may indicate a tumor. The mass in your breast appears to be solid.
Nick: I mean, you look at Amanda, and you probably see Hilary.
Devon: I can't help but have her in my head, and I don't know if I'll, uh -- I'll be able to get her out.
Billy: I just feel like I need more. I don't know.
Victoria: More -- more what?
Billy: I don't know, time, freedom, excitement, happiness.
Adam: And we are going to build a life that we never thought was possible.
Adam: Mm. Let's go back to bed for a few minutes.
Chelsea: I took the morning off. Are you sure that's how you want to spend it?
Adam: Um... yes.
Chelsea: [ Giggles ] I think you're forgetting that our son could be walking in here at any minute.
Adam: Mmm. Well, if he was to walk in here right now, all he would see is his parents being affectionate, and love. That's not a bad thing.
Chelsea: Mm, no, it's a good thing.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Chelsea: It's a very, very good thing.
Adam: Yes. Mmm.
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Adam: I could think of a few people who might not see it that way.
Chelsea: Just a few?
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Mm, more than a few.
Chelsea: I don't care. I'm prepared for that because this feels right -- us and... our family. Bur our son could be barreling in here at any moment, and since he's not still back at school, I think we should come up with some child-friendly activities.
Adam: Mm. Okay. I am up for that. Let's make a plan.
Connor: I already have a plan.
Adam: [ Clears throat ]
Chelsea: [ Giggles ] You do? Okay, well, your dad and I were thinking of what we should do today. So, do you have any ideas?
Connor: Yep. First, you guys go back upstairs and get dressed.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: You want to tell us what we're getting into?
Connor: Nope, you'll see.
Chelsea: [ Giggles ]
Adam: All right.
Chelsea: Okay.
Adam: Off we go.
Victoria: So, tell me. How did everything go while I was away?
Billy: Uh... everything was good. Everything was good. I wrapped up that acquisition deal that I was working on in record time.
Victoria: What?
Billy: So hopefully the company has something else for me to consult on.
Victoria: Are you seriously already finished with that? Are you sure that you shouldn't, like, look for something that's a little more challenging?
Billy: Uh, no. Not at all, actually. I've really enjoyed having time to just breathe and, you know, live a little bit, not be chained to a desk. There's more to life than work.
Victoria: Oh, I know.
Billy: I don't mean that as a dig, Vick.
Victoria: No, I know. Sounds like you had a lot more fun than I did.
Faith: Mom?
Sharon: Yeah, Hon?
Faith: I'm gonna need to go shopping today.
Sharon: Okay. For what?
Faith: I need a new comforter from a room at school.
Sharon: Why?
Faith: Well, I put mine in the washer and forgot about it. So it was in there overnight, fermenting like a Petri dish, and when I took it out the next morning, it smelled like mildew like some kind of swamp thing.
Sharon: Okay.
We'll get you a new one.
Faith: You're not going to lecture me about leaving it in there?
Sharon: Huh?
Faith: Well you don't have to because the kids at school already mocked me plenty. My roommate told everyone about the science project growing in her room.
Sharon: Wow, that's, um...
Faith: Embarrassing? Humiliating? Hello? Mom? Are you even listening to me?
Sharon: What?!
Devon: Hey, chance, just trying to find out if you have any updates on Amanda, if there's anything that can help us fill in the blanks about this woman. Okay, well, just stay on it, and we'll in touch, all right? Appreciate it. Hey, honey.
Elena: Hey.
Devon: That was chance.
Elena: Any updates on Amanda?
Devon: No, not yet. He's still trying to find out if she's connected to Colin in this whole fraud.
Elena: Well, I'm glad you hired chance to investigate Amanda. And I know that's all this has really ever been about.
Devon: Yeah. When you say that this is all this has ever been about, it's not entirely true.
Billy: It's not like I was whooping it up or partying while you were gone.
Victoria: Well, I wasn't implying that. I was just responding to what you said.
Billy: Okay, all I was saying was that it was nice to have a little space and not space from you. Not from you. I miss you when you're gone. I'm just saying that it was, you know, kind of refreshing to have time to reflect on my life, where I am, and where I want to go.
Victoria: Well, good. Good. I'm happy that you're in a situation where you can do that. And, just to be clear, the entire time that I was away, I wasn't wondering what you were up to. I mean, I was practically chained to my desk the entire time with back-to-back meetings.
Billy: I didn't mean it that way, okay? You know how proud I am of you.
Victoria: [ Chuckles ] Okay, look, it's healthy -- it really is -- for you to just be able to sit back and ask yourself the big question, and that's why I had the kids stay with my parents for most of the time, so you could just sort of, I don't know, so you could sort things out.
Billy: "Sort things out."
Victoria: All I'm saying is that I like that we can be away from each other and be fine. But I think you're overreacting a little, so that makes me wonder -- is there something that you would like to talk about, Billy?
Faith: I'm sorry, mom. I didn't mean to --
Sharon: No, no, no. Come here. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that.
Faith: Are you okay? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?
Sharon: I didn't sleep that well, and you know how I am when I don't get my beauty rest.
Faith: Yeah, scary.
Sharon: Thanks.
Faith: I'm just kidding.
Sharon: I've just had a lot on my mind lately.
Faith: Like what?
Sharon: Mm, things you wouldn't be interested in, like deliveries and repairs at crimson lights and people I'm working with in counseling sessions, which I couldn't tell you about, even I wanted to, so...
Faith: So you're saying that my comforter drama isn't your main priority. I get it.
Sharon: No. That's not it. It's... you know what, we'll buy you a new comforter tomorrow, okay?
Faith: Okay. Dad is about to pick me up anyway, so how about I just put him on comforter detail?
Sharon: Oh. That would be great if he could take care of that.
Faith: Yeah.
Sharon: Can I get you something to eat before you go? Are you hungry?
Faith: Oh, no, I'm pretty sure I can convince dad to feed me.
[ Chuckles ]
Sharon: I'm so sorry, again, that I snapped at you.
Faith: It's okay, mom. I'm meeting dad at the main house, so I'll be back later.
Sharon: Okay.
Faith: Okay?
Devon: I know that I've been fixated on Amanda because she looks so much like Hilary, and I tried to pretend that she wasn't getting to me. I didn't want to admit it to anybody, including myself, but she was getting to me, and I was thinking about her way too much. I would intentionally go to places that I thought she may be just so we could run into each other or so I could confront her, and it was because she looked like Hilary. And I know it was unhealthy, and it was bringing up a lot of irrational feelings.
Elena: Listen... I don't think your feelings are irrational. I think they're human.
Devon: I mean, I'm sure you've known this whole time what I've been going through, and I should've told you from the start. I don't know why I didn't. And I don't know why haven't even walked away from me by now, to be honest.
Elena: Because when you told me you loved me... I believed you.
Devon: That's because that's the truth.
Elena: I'm just glad that we're finally in a place where you can tell me the truth about things that are really hard to say because I would never blame or judge you for having those feelings. I think that you are a really good man who just loves someone deeply, and you're coping with that in the best way you can. And as a woman who loves you, I just want to be there to help you through that. I don't know if you're realized it yet...
Devon: Hmm?
Elena: But I'm here for the long haul.
Devon: I've noticed.
Elena: And the only person I blame in all of this is Colin Atkinson. He's the one who orchestrated this whole scam, tried to hurt you, take what was yours.
Devon: Yeah, and I still ended up giving him everything.
Elena: Yeah, but you only did that because you were trying to do the right thing. But now we are on to bigger and better things. You have new hope, the health clinic. You're doing good work by lifting those up who need it, and that is what feeds your soul, Devon. And I know it because I've seen it. It gives you joy and purpose, and, honestly, it's contagious being with you makes me a better person.
Devon: Honey. I'm very lucky to have you.
Elena: No. I'm lucky to have you. I am so lucky to have a man that I not only love and respect but one that I admire. So we will figure out this whole will situation, and we will honor Katherine's wishes because I know how much that means to you. And, don't you worry, we will get the money back. But we will not make this the center of our lives.
Devon: That sounds like a plan.
Elena: It's a plan.
Devon: I actually think that I have some good news on the will front. These are real people,
Nick: Hey, kiddo this is a nice surprise.
Faith: I'm glad to hear that because I've got another one for you.
Nick: Ooh! Teenagers and surprises aren't always a good combo.
Faith: It's nothing bad. I know you didn't have any plans today, but can you come get me at the ranch?
Nick: Well, sure. What's up? Is everything okay?
Faith: Yeah, everything's fine. Just a little weirdness at Mom's.
Nick: What kind of weirdness?
Faith: I'm not sure. I'll tell you about it when you get here?
Nick: Okay. I'm on my way.
Faith: Thanks, dad.
Nick: Sure.
Faith: Oh, and we also have to go shopping.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] There's always a catch.
Adam: Can we come down?
Connor: Almost!
Adam: We're waiting!
Chelsea: You let us know when!
Connor: Okay, now!
Chelsea: Oh!
Adam: Wow. This is -- this is fantastic, man.
Connor: Dad, you sit there. Mom, there.
Chelsea: You got it.
Connor: Napkins go in your lap.
Chelsea: You're correct. Thank you so much, sweetheart. This is so thoughtful.
Adam: You know, when I was a kid, this would have been my dream meal.
Chelsea: Yeah, I mean, we might be missing a couple of food groups, but, you know,
Adam: Well, we got some new ones today. We have some cereal, we have some pastries, juice...
Connor: And waffles.
Chelsea: Waffles? How'd you make waffles?
Connor: Got them out of the freezer, put them in the toaster.
Chelsea: Well... [ Laughs ]
Adam: Nice!
Connor: My friend Eric's family prays before they eat. Should we try it?
Chelsea: Okay, sure.
Connor: Thank you for this food, for my mom and dad, and Oliver. Our whole family.
Victoria: I was us to be able to talk about anything and everything, like on new year's eve when you started to open up about your feelings of restlessness and your wild side coming out. Like, you know, I don't know, like maybe you were contemplating some kind of unhealthy behavior.
Billy: Unhealthy? Uh, no.
Victoria: I just -- Billy, I really wish that you felt like you could talk to me about these thing, but -- but since you can't, I'm really glad that you're talking to dr. Clay, I really am. So... how are your sessions going with her? Did you see her while I was gone?
Billy: Well, it turns out, there is something that we should talk about. I'm not seeing dr. Clay anymore.
I'm Leah and that's
me long before
Victoria: When did you stop going?
Billy: Uh, a couple weeks ago.
Victoria: Why, Billy? I mean, I thought that she was helping you work through things.
Billy: Oh, she was, but then she went out of town, and I realized that I got everything out of the sessions, and it was, uh, time to move on.
Victoria: Well, why didn't you tell me?
Billy: I don't know, it just didn't come up.
Victoria: "It didn't come up." Honestly, I mean, I'm a little bit concerned about this.
Billy: Why?
Victoria: Because this is a decision that you should have made with dr. Clay.
Billy: Well, Vick, I don't need dr. Clay's permission or anyone else's permission to stop going to therapy, okay? I know what's best for me.
Victoria: What is best for you? I mean, what -- what do you think is better than therapy?
Billy: Living a life instead of analyzing it.
Victoria: Do you really think that you're magically -- somehow your problems are gonna be solved by just living?
Billy: Well, you seem pretty convinced that I have serious problems.
Victoria: You tried to run down Adam. Something inside of you took over, and -- and you lost control of your impulses.
Billy: I know what happened, okay? I dealt with it, and I moved on. That is in the past. I don't even think about Adam, not in that way anymore.
Victoria: Well, Billy, I'm sorry to say this, but just because you're not focused on Adam doesn't mean that these impulses aren't gonna show up in some other way!
Billy: Oh, you -- you're pretty convinced that they are. I mean, I would say you're actually predicting it.
Victoria: I'm your partner. Me -- I'm your partner. I'm supposed to -- to watch out for these warning signs.
Billy: Warning signs, Vick? What -- what warning signs?
Victoria: You stopped talking to dr. Clay, you didn't tell me about it, and now you're talking about your wild impulses and -- and how they're completely harmless.
Billy: They are harmless.
Victoria: Well, to me, it sounds like you're on the verge of some sort of confession. Are you sure that all of this is behind and you're perfectly fine?
Billy: Yes, I am sure, but you're not, and I just wish that you had a little bit more faith in me, or that you could accept me for who I am instead of trying to change me or fix me all the time.
Billy: Billy, I am not trying to fix you.
Billy: We don't need to talk about this right now. You just got home from flight, and I'm sure you're tired, and... I'm gonna go check on the kids.
Devon: So, some of chance's old team said that they picked up Colin's trail in south America.
Elena: That's great news. Hopefully they can nail him and bring him back here.
Devon: Yeah, and he said they're the best at what they do, and they live for this kind of thing.
Elena: So that means we have a real chance of making Colin pay for what he did.
Devon: Well, I don't want to get ahead of ourselves because Colin is very tricky, and he has a lot of connections and all the resources in the world to disappear.
Elena: And he may still be working with cane or Amanda.
Devon: Right. Chance says that he hasn't found anything else out about Amanda, but he's not gonna give up.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: What?
Elena: Nothing. It's just you. I think you're gonna be okay, whether or not Amanda's involved.
Devon: Well, honey... I am going to be just fine because, like you said, I have everything I need already. And my grandmother, the one that raised me, would always say that if you could have one prayer, it should be "thank you." So thank you, honey.
Elena: I love you.
Devon: I love you more.
Nick: All right, what's going on with your mom?
Faith: I'm not sure exactly, but something was off. I was talking to her about my mini comforter crisis, and she snapped at me. Like, really snapped, in a very not-mom way.
Nick: Did she why she was upset?
Faith: No. Not really. She apologized right away and said that she didn't get much sleep because she was thinking about work and stuff, but... I think it's something else. Do you know another reason why she might be tense?
Nick: Well, honestly, your mom and I haven't chatted about a lot of regular things lately. When I stopped by yesterday, we talked about Cassie, and, yeah, I've just been dealing with new hope and a bunch of other stuff, and...
[ Cell phone rings ] Speaking of which, I got to take this. Hey.
Faith: Hmm. Voicemail. Hey, mom! Guess who?
Sharon: Stay positive. Don't assume the worst.
Sharon: Yes. Um, sorry, that -- that's me.
Try not to be anxious. The procedure is minimally invasive.
Sharon: Okay.
Afterwards, most women can immediately resume normal activities.
Sharon: I understand.
You can lie down, and the doctor will be right in.
Sharon: Okay.
[ Sighs ] Positive attitude.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Devon: All right. You're gonna be very happy you came on board with new hope. It's a great project. We'll be in touch, man.
Devon: Hey.
Amanda: This is gonna keep happening.
Devon: Yes, I suppose it is.
Amanda: So we need to figure out how we're gonna deal with it because I'm not going anywhere, and I refuse to avoid places simply because you might be there.
Devon: All right, that's fine. Why don't you take a seat? I just want to clear the air with you.
Nick: I mean, my car is filled with bags. You said we were gonna get one comforter.
Faith: We did get one comforter.
Nick: Yeah, well, we also got pillows and lamps and curtain and sheets and towels -- I mean, I got played!
Faith: Have I told you lately how much I love you?
Nick: Man, I'm such a sucker.
Faith: No, you are a loving father who just made me the girl with the coolest dorm room on campus.
Nick: Well, then I guess it was worth it.
Faith: But, seriously, I really appreciated you dropping everything to take me today. I'm sure you had more important things to do.
Nick: Sweetheart, there is nothing in this world that's more important to me than you. And I have to spend as much time with you as I can before you go back to school.
Faith: You're not so bad, either.
Nick: Did you just say you like hanging out with your old man?
Faith: I guess. You can be cool sometimes.
Nick: Oh I'm cool.
[ Laughing ] Oh, I'm cool. I'm a cool dad. I know this. I'm a cool dad.
Faith: Oh, no. No, I cannot unsee this.
Nick: Wait till you see this one. Yeah! I'm cool.
Faith: Oh! I created a monster.
Nick: Come on, you told me I'm cool. I'm going to never let you forget it. Now bring it in for a hug. There we go. Don't rush it. There we go.
[ Chuckles ] Now, sit down. I want you to tell me how's school, really?
Faith: It's great. I love it. I mean, the class, kids, being the only place...
Nick: So then it was the right decision, you going away to school?
Faith: Yeah, for sure. Not that I don't miss it here. I do. I miss knowing what's going on with you and mom from day to day.
Nick: Listen, it's not necessarily a bad thing to get away from the family drama, you know, that your parents cause. You have had to deal with a lot of things that probably wasn't fair to you, so... it's okay.
Faith: Maybe when I was younger, but I'm not a little kid anymore, and I like to be in the loop. And I'm a good listener. Maybe I could even help.
Nick: Are you talking about your mom or your newly single dad?
Faith: I know breakups are hard. I'm around if you need to talk.
Nick: It's good to know. Thanks. Hold up. What do you mean when you say you know breakups can be tough? Is there, uh, an ex-boyfriend. I need to know about? Is there a current boyfriend I need to know about? Is that what you and summer have been whispering about this whole time? You need to start talking, young lady.
The doctor will call you with the results.
Sharon: Thank you.
Faith: Hey, mom! Guess who? I know you're crazy busy. I just want to say don't stress out. Love you.
Connor: I win!
Chelsea: Oh!
Adam: Oh! How is that possible?
Connor: I don't know. Guess the best man won.
Chelsea: Oh!
Adam: [ Laughing ] Oh, yeah? The best man won? Is that right?
Chelsea: Uh-oh!
[ Screams ]
Adam: Is that right? Is that right, the best man won?
Connor: Yeah!
[ Laughter ]
Adam: I'll get you next time.
Connor: Mom, what are you doing? Let's play another game.
Chelsea: Oh, I can't, sweetheart. I was able to take the morning off, but I have to get to work.
Connor: Just take the rest of the day off.
Chelsea: Oh, I wish I could, but I told your aunt Abby that I would help you with a few things. I'm sorry. But do you guys want to drop me off at the hotel?
Adam: Huh. Hmm?
Connor: No.
Chelsea: Oh, okay.
Connor: I don't want to go back there.
Chelsea: Um, okay. Then, uh -- then you don't have to. I'm sorry.
Connor: I don't want you to go back there, either. Not after what happened.
Chelsea: Sweetie...
Amanda: I don't know what you meant by "clear the air," but I am not up for another one of your lectures. So if that's what this is --
Devon: That's not it. This is -- this is not a lecture at all. It's -- it's an admission.
Amanda: Of what?
Devon: Of my behavior. It's admission of my behavior because ever since you showed up, I've been on the attack and I've been demanding that you leave town, you know, looking for reasons to confront you, and I would tell myself I was justified because of your connection to Katherine's will, but it was a little more complicated than that. And everyone around me was able to see what was going on. So I assumed you did, too.
Amanda: I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean.
Devon: I mean that my reaction to you wasn't just about the will. It was about how much you look like Hilary, and it frustrated me at first, and then it started to consume me a bit. And I got a little obsessive about it.
Amanda: I don't know how to respond to that.
Devon: You don't have to say a word, I -- I want to say that I'm sorry.
Amanda: You're apologizing?
Devon: That's right because I've put -- I've put it all behind me, and I want to assure you that things are gonna be different now. I don't expect us to be best friends or anything like that, but I think we can we can peacefully coexist, if you're up for that.
Amanda: I appreciate that. And your honesty. I'm sure that couldn't have been easy.
Devon: Well, I just thought she deserved to know the truth, and hopefully we both can move on from here.
[ Cell phone chimes ]
Amanda: I'm sorry, I -- I have to go.
Devon: That's okay. Before you go, there's one more thing that I want to say to you.
Billy: Kids are almost done with the puzzle, and I called a moratorium on the cookies for the day.
Victoria: Like you did on our conversation.
Billy: Look, what I was talking about earlier, about the way I was feeling, that wasn't a warning that I'm on the verge of crashing and burning.
Victoria: Okay. All right. But there was something.
Billy: What I'm trying to say, in my own clumsy way, is that holding on to things right now and pretending to be who I think you want me to be, it's starting to take a toll on me.
Victoria: Billy, I don't want you to pretend to be someone that you're not.
Billy: Good. I mean, even hearing you say that makes me feel better, but I just feel like sometimes or -- you know, I can't talk to about stuff because you have one hand on the emergency brake.
Victoria: I don't want to feel like I'm being punished for caring. Am I not allowed to be worried or concerned?
Billy: No. You are, Vick. Of course you are. It's just hard, though, because, you know, even this whole dr. Clay thing -- like, I talked to jack about that. I was just apprehensive to talk to you about it because of the way that I thought you would react, which is the way that you did react.
Victoria: You think that I'm judging you but you're judging me, Billy.
Billy: No. That's actually not true.
Victoria: No, you make me sound like I'm some overbearing, joyless nag.
Billy: I don't think that. I really don't, and if I am making you feel that, I'm sorry because that's not true.
Victoria: Look... I know that you want to recreate the way things were when we ran off to Jamaica and got married, but, I mean, we have two kids now. I'm the C.E.O. Of Newman enterprises, and I'm -- I'm not going to apologize if I'm a little less spontaneous or wild.
Billy: I don't want you to apologize for that. I don't. But I also want you to just accept that I might want to get a little wild and spontaneous from time to time.
Victoria: Okay, fine. Do that. But just -- just please don't take it too far. There's a difference between living on the edge and crossing the line, and... I know you say that everything is fine and you're fine and that everything is gonna be okay. But are you sure?
Billy: All I can tell you... the unvarnished truth is... I have had moments that I have felt more liberated and more free than I felt in a long time. I'm not white-knuckling the urge to gamble and I'm not relapsing. Okay? You have nothing to worry about.
Faith: Can we go clothes shopping tomorrow?
Nick: No! All right, maybe.
Faith: Not just for me. We can get you some stuff, too.
Nick: What's wrong with my clothes?
Faith: Mom, you want to tell him?
Sharon: You shouldn't tease your dad like that. I take it the shopping trip was a huge success.
Faith: Oh, yeah.
Nick: Not to my bank account.
Faith: [ Chuckles ] So... how are you? Did you get some work done while we were gone? I've always loved seeing what's next.
Sharon: Did you guys have fun?
Nick: We did.
Faith: Yeah, except for when dad tried to embarrass me.
Nick: I don't try. It just happens.
Faith: No, don't even think about it.
Nick: Well, looks like your dad bought you a lot more than I would have, so I'd say everything worked out for the best.
Faith: Yeah. Do you want to see what we got?
Sharon: I'd love to, but can we do it later? I'm just beat, and I was thinking about taking a nap.
Faith: Okay.
Sharon: And I want to say, again, about earlier... I'm really sorry.
Faith: I know, mom. It's okay.
Chelsea: Connor's playing with Oliver. I swear, that cat soothes him better than any human has ever been able to.
Adam: But we need to figure out how to handle this. Just because he hasn't been talking to us lately about that night at the hotel doesn't mean he's still not feeling the effects from it.
Chelsea: I know. Of course not. I mean, being held hostage, threatened at gunpoint? It's beyond traumatizing for a little boy. I just -- I wonder if he's worried about me going to work every single day since it happened and he just didn't say anything.
Adam: Yeah. I mean, do think you should stop working at the hotel?
Chelsea: I don't know. I mean, it's not like I just work there. I'm a part owner.
Adam: Yeah, but, I mean, you could maintain your ownership stake and you just get a job somewhere else.
Chelsea: I don't think avoiding the subject and pretending it didn't happen is how we should handle this.
Adam: It's just, seeing him reliving this, it just -- it kills me.
Chelsea: I know. Me, too. But I think facing this head-on is how we're gonna get him through this. We'll, um -- we'll talk to the therapist about it.
Adam: Yes. Yes. For sure. For sure.
Chelsea: But... however we decide to handle this, I believe in us. The strength of our family. I mean, look how far we've come, just to be back together. And I know, with love and support, Connor will get through this. Together... we can get through anything.
Victoria: I hope you can understand why I would be concerned about you.
Billy: I do. I've given you plenty of reasons in the past.
And now you see me as damaged
Victoria: I think we just need to keep talking, keep the lines of communication open.
Billy: Yeah. I agree. Look, why don't you go have a nice warm bath and take a little nap, and I will handle everything down here, okay?
Victoria: Thank you. I love you.
Billy: You love someone.
I'm not sure it's me.
Not sure I even know who the
hell I am right now...
but I'm starting to feel good.
Damn good.
Devon: If you were involved with Colin's scheme, I can get past that, I really can.
Amanda: Devon --
Devon: Okay, no just -- just tell me where he is, if you do know, so that I can find him and make things right with him, and we'll put this all in the past and just move on with our lives. That's all I want.
Amanda: All I want is to be done with this and move on with my life.
Devon: Okay, so then --
Amanda: I really have to go, okay?
Devon: Whoa. That wasn't a denial.
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