Y&R Transcript Friday 1/10/20
Episode #11777 ~ Nick and Sharon reminisce about their past; Nate is recruited for a new venture; Phyllis pushes Abby's buttons.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Devon: Chance. And I have a job that I think you may like. I want you to keep tabs on the woman who claimed that you were her client. Amanda sinclair.
Sharon: Oh, I didn't realize you two knew each other.
Billy: Uh, amanda represented nate when he got in trouble. Victoria and the family were so thankful that she did a wonderful job because nate was able to keep his, uh, medical license.
Chance: I don't suppose your new year's resolution would be to stop harassing me about vegas.
Phyllis: Oh, you mean stop searching for you deep dark secret?
Dr. Fletcher: Well, four out of five times when a woman has an ultrasound following a mammogram, it's good news.
Sharon: That's what I'm hoping for.
Tessa: I've decided to go on tour.
Mariah: We're gonna be separated for a while, but I'm not worried about it because we share one heart.
Tessa: We're nothing without the other.
Mariah: The birthday girl is here. Let the games begin.
Faith: Whoo! [ Chuckles ] Happy birthday, mariah!
Mariah: Thank you.
Faith: You don't look a day over -- how old are you anyway?
Mariah: Old enough to know better than to answer that question.
[ Chuckles ]
Sharon: Happy birthday, beautiful. I got your text about tessa. Are you okay?
Mariah: Yeah. Yeah. I'm, uh -- I'm fine. There's nothing to see here, no broken hearts. I'm perfectly...not okay. But I will be, right?
[ Cellphone pings ]
Tessa: [ Sighs ]
Nate: Hey.
Nick: Hey. Look I ran into outside.
Devon: Good to see you, nick.
Nick: You too. Nate.
Nate: How you doing?
Elena: What about me?
Devon: It's always good to see you -- always.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: Nick, I appreciate you coming and meeting us. I know today has got to be a little tough for you and sharon.
Nick: Hey, I'm always happy to make time for a good cause.
Elena: Yeah, and when the two of you get together, good things happen. You're like a dream team.
Devon: Aww, well, do try to make dreams come true.
Nate: Hey, wait a minute. What am I missing?
Elena: You didn't tell nate?
Devon: [ Chuckles ] No. No, I didn'T. I wanted to wait till we were all together so we can apply the pressure a little bit. Why don't you take a seat, nate?
Billy: Oh, that's great. No, I'm really glad the merger worked out, and I'm looking forward to sinking my teeth into another project. Is there anything on the horizon? You know there's, uh, no job too big or too small. Yeah. No. Of course. I-I-I understand that. No, I've got plenty to keep me busy around here. Okay. Alright, hopefully we'll, uh -- we'll talk soon then. Okay. Thanks.
Amanda: I'm glad we ran into each other.
Phyllis: I am, too. Are you still looking for a wing woman?
Amanda: I could be.
Phyllis: Well, you already did the deep dive on me when i asked you to take my case. I mean, you know what the internet says about me, but let me tell you my strong points, okay?
Amanda: Okay.
Phyllis: Let's see. I am...brilliant.
Amanda: Ah.
[ Both laugh ]
Phyllis: And I know everyone in this town.& I don't have, um, a boyfriend or a husband. I'm single. So I could do whatever I want whenever I want. And, um, I'm pretty great-looking.
[ Chuckles ]
Amanda: Modest, too, I see. Yeah.
Phyllis: Yes. Modest. Well, I'm just telling it like it is. You're a woman who doesn't mince words.
Amanda: Yes, well, when I pat myself on the back, it's usually because of my professional achievements, so...
Phyllis: Oh, oh, oh. Okay. Which are stellar, by the way. You've never lost a case. And I hear that you are pretty diabolical against your opponent in the courtroom.
Amanda: I'm just doing my job.
Phyllis: What are you like outside of the courtroom? How far would you go to get what you want?
Amanda: How far would I go for...some sorbet?
Phyllis: [ Laughs ] You have to be pretty driven to have the kind of career that you have.
Amanda: And from the little bit of digging that I did into you, I learned that you are not one to be deterred when you set your sights on something.
Phyllis: I want what I want. I want everything. And that is usually the beginning of a wild adventure.
Abby: Hi. I am glad that you found time in your busy schedule to squeeze me in.
Chance: I always find time for you.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Phyllis: My, my, my. Look what we have here.
When you have pain...
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Faith: Oh, wow! We look pretty good. This deserves to be posted. Have you seen how many birthday wishes you've already gotten?
Mariah: There are a dozen photos of me and faith and people commenting with hearts and thumbs-up from total strangers.
Faith: Those strangers are former gc buzz fans, plus a bunch of my friends from boarding school. I talk about you all the time.
Mariah: You do?
Faith: Yeah. And I tell them how lucky I am to have such a big, crazy family.
Sharon: We really are fortunate to have each other. If I do nothing else with my life, at least I have had amazing children.
Mariah: You thinking about cassie?
Sharon: I wish she gotten to know you two. But I know that she is watching us now and she's very happy that we have each other.
Mariah: Do you remember that first birthday that I shared with you guys?
Sharon: After you found out that you're my daughter?
Mariah: Yeah. We have come a long, long way since then, thank goodness.
Sharon: You thought that we were celebrating cassie, not you.
Mariah: Well, I just didn't think that I deserved your love or to be part of the family.
Sharon: And now you know that we love you for who you are.
Faith: You know, that story you told me about how before cassie died, she predicted that you'd have another daughter. Everyone assumed it was me. But what if she meant mariah, too? What if cassie sensed that somewhere out there she had a twin and someday she would find her way home, there'd be so much love waiting for her?
Abby: You know, if I didn't know any better, I would think you hacked into my calendar. I've been seeing you more than I've been seeing my reflection these days.
Phyllis: Abby, the last thing I want to do with my time is stalk you. If you think I'm interfering with your date...ignore me.
Abby: That's a brilliant idea. Why don't we start right now?
Chance: You ladies have a lovely day.
Phyllis: Count on it.
Amanda: So, I take it that the issues that led to abby firing you have not been resolved?
Phyllis: What? That's nothing. You should see how people treat me when they have a reason to shun me.
Amanda: [ Laughs ] Sounds like you don't need a friend. You need a lawyer.
Phyllis: You could be both.
Amanda: Mm.
Phyllis: I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. Only a friend. I'll be honest with you. It's never, ever gonna be boring.
Nate: Not only are you facilitating housing for people in recovery...
Nick: We're creating a clinic where new hope residents and anyone in the community in need of low-cost medical care can be treated.
Nate: I love it. Sign me up.
Devon: That's great. But, actually, I had a bigger role in mind for you.
Nate: Whatever I can do.
Devon: Now, nick and I have been batting around this idea, but what do you think about overseeing the medical protocol for people in recovery that turn to us?
Nate: [ Sighs ] Devon --
Devon: I know it's a lot to ask of you on top of your other responsibilities at memorial, but we really would appreciate it if you said yes.
Nate: It would be an honor.
Devon: Yeah?
Nate: Thanks, man.
Nick: Alright.
Devon: Nice! Nice. That was easy enough. Let's make this happen then.
Nate: [ Sighs ] Unpredictable crohn's symptoms following you?
Maiah: Guys, you shouldn't have gotten me so many presents.
Sharon: Well, you only get one birthday a year, so if we want to spoil you, we will.
Faith: Yes. So, what was your favorite present?
Mariah: Um, it was this, just being able to hang out with you guys and having you all to myself and not having to share you with anyone!
Faith: Mariah has a candy heart -- hard on the outside, sweet and melty on the inside.
[ Giggles ]
Mariah: And thank you very much for my birthday tiara. I will cherish it always.
Sharon: Hey, don't forget -- your grandfather's waiting for you at the stables.
Faith: Oh, yeah. I better get changed. Have a great rest of your birthday.
Mariah: Thank you. Mwah! Skedaddle.
Faith: Yeah!
Mariah: [ Sighs ]
Sharon: So, how soon until tessa goes on tour?
Mariah: Mm. Too soon.
Sharon: Mm. And you have made peace with the fact that she's going to be on the road with her ex-husband?
Mariah: Yes, I have because i trust her implicitly, and it's not like she's gonna be gone forever, you know, just till the tour is over, and then she's home.
Sharon: How did you become so strong?
Mariah: I don't know. I guess it runs in the family.
Sharon: Mm. Let's make lemonade out of these lemons. You know, with tessa gone, you're gonna have a lot of free time on your hands.
Mariah: I could.
Sharon: Well, I'm envisioning a lot of mother/daughter time. We could do a late-night movie marathon. We'll do a pottery class together. We'll have spa days. Oh, we'll do yoga.
Mariah: Mom, you don't have to put yourself out.
Sharon: No, I want to spend as much time with you as I can. You know, we'll just clear our minds, and we'll just be. We'll make memories that'll last forever.
Phyllis: So, you need to make a splash. You need to take on a high-profile client to get noticed.
Amanda: Anyone you have in mind?
Phyllis: Mm. Let's see. Devon is out of the question, right?
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Mnh.
Phyllis: Just sayin'. This is a very rich town. I'm sure you know that. And when michael baldwin -- when he ended his private practice and became D.A., The abbotts and the newmans -- they're looking for someone new to represent them when the situation arises. And trust me -- the situation arises a lot.
Amanda: From what I've gathered, several of the powerhouse families -- they are -- [ Inhales sharply ] How do I put this delicately? Umm... [ Chuckles ] They're intertwined. They have these complicated histories.
Phyllis: Insanely. I have been a newman, and I have been an abbott. I married into both families, and I've worked with both families.
Amanda: Well, the stories you could tell.
Phyllis: I could tell a lot of stories. My daughter is one of them. She is a newman.
Amanda: Wow. Can't get much closer than that, can you?
Phyllis: No.
[ Sighs ] So, um, anyway, some of them are lovely. Some of them are worthwhile.
Amanda: Are you willing to name names?
Phyllis: Yeah. Nick newman. Jack abbott.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllisbilly abbott. Um... we have all been involved. Well, I've been involved with them at one time or another. And, um, I've hurt them. They've hurt me. I wondered if we could move on from all the damage that we did to each other, but we have been able to do that. I have. They have. Because I think, at their core, they are very good men.
Amanda: Food for thought.
Abby: You got your first job. Wow. That was fast. There's no moss growing under your feet.
Chance: It fell into my lap.
Abby: Well, is it something that gets your blood flowing?
Chance: I have no idea where it'll lead me, but that's the exciting part.
Abby: The thrill of the hunt.
Chance: There's nothing like it.
Abby: Mm. A toast. To new adventures.
Chance: To new adventures.
Sharon: Nick.
Nick: You busy?
Sharon: I'm never too busy for you.
Nick: I miss our girl.
Sharon: [ Voice breaking ] I miss her, too, so much.
Billy: [ Sighs ]
[ Cellphone pings ]
Phyllis: Is everything okay?
Amanda: Um...yeah. I just -- I didn't realize how late it was. I -- I have to get an appointment.
Phyllis: Oh, okay.
Amanda: I hope you don't mind.
Phyllis: No. Go ahead. I'll take care of this.
Amanda: Thank you so much. I'll get it next time, okay?
Phyllis: Okay. No problem. I'm gonna stay for dessert.
Amanda: Well, you enjoy.
Phyllis: Okay.
Amanda: Until next time.
Nate: Look who's here.
Elena: Hi.
Amanda: I was just leaving. But enjoy your lunch.
Elena: Thanks.
Devon: I'm sure it must have been a tough decision to leave mariah behind for this long while you go on the road.
Tessa: Yeah. You have no idea.
Devon: Well, if I didn't think that this move would take your career to the next level, I'd be the first person to tell you to stay, but I think you're making the right decision.
Tessa: That means a lot coming from you. Things haven't always gone smoothly between us, so having your approval means everything.
Devon: Yeah. We're gonna miss you.
Tessa: This is the first place that's ever really felt like home. You, mariah, this town. Ah. You made me who I am.
Devon: Well, now you get to show the world who you are. And you're gonna be great. You know, I've always believed in you and your talent.
Tessa: Thanks.
Devon: Yeah. And tanner's people sound like they're gonna take good care of you. But if there are any problems, day or night, big or small, I want to hear about them.
Tessa: I got you on speed dial.
Devon: Okay, good. That's my only demand.
Tessa: Okay.
Devon: Do you have any for me?
Tessa: Yeah, actually, I do. Um, you know how mariah is, uh, super self-sufficient and independent...
Devon: Mm-hmm.
Tessa: ...And will never admit that she's lonely and just bury herself in work?
Devon: Yeah, I will be sure to check up on her. You don't have to ask me.
Tessa: And do not tell her because if she finds out that I've been conspiring to keep her happy while I'm gone --
Devon: Your secret's safe with me. Hey, hey, hey! There she is!
Mariah: Devon, hi.
Devon: Hey. I was just going to take off, but not before I wish you a happy birthday!
Mariah: Oh, thank you so much.
Devon: It's your birthday
Mariah: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: And I have... this for you.
Mariah: Oh, my goodness. You shouldn't have, but I'm very glad that you did.
Devon: [ Chuckles ] I hope you like it.
Mariah: I'm sure I will.
Devon: Yeah. I'll take off and give you guys some time. But, tessa, you're gonna be great.
Tessa: Thanks.
Devon: We'll be in touch.
[ Clicks tongue ] See ya. Mwah! Bye, guys.
Mariah: [ Sighs ]
Tessa: [ Sighs ]
[ Door closes ]
Mariah: Well, I got a party.
[ Keys clatter ] I got presents. And this is still the worst birthday ever. Eco mpetition
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
[ Chair squeaks ]
Billy: [ Chuckles ] Hi. Thanks for, uh -- thanks for coming over. I hope that I didn't interrupt anything important.
Amanda: How could I ignore such a compelling text?
Billy: Yeah. The text I sent a few days ago was lacking in something.
Amanda: The promise of an apology, yes.
Billy: Yes.
Amanda: So, anytime you're ready.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] I'm sorry for the way I handled sharon in that moment at crimson lights.
Amanda: Why didn't you just tell sharon that we are friends? Are you ashamed of me?
Billy: No. I'm -- I'm not. I really am not. I'm not. I just, uh -- I just didn't want her to wonder. And I'm sorry.
Amanda: Apology accepted.
Billy: Thank you.
Amanda: So, what's going on? You climbing the walls again?
Billy: Oh, you know, victoria's out of town, kids are at school, and I've got nothing to keep me busy.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] What is it that you are trying to escape, billy?
Billy: Me, myself. I'm my own worst enemy.
Amanda: Aren't we all?
Billy: Yeah, um...
[ Sighs ] I mean, I love my family. I really do, but I can't shake the feeling that they're just waiting for me to screw up again. Victoria -- I don't know. It seems like she's always got to fix me, and the way she says it, it's like I'm broken or something, like I'm not good enough for her, and I feel like I've spent years trying to fit into this mold of who she wants me to be. And it's killing me, and it's just not... it's just not who I am.
Amanda: Then who are you?
Billy: I'm just a person that wants to be accepted. I just want people to have faith in who I am now. Just give me a chance to breathe, you know?
Amanda: I haven't known you that long, but you seem like a pretty good guy, billy.
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Amanda: I think everyone needs someone to believe in them. And you're just trying to find balance, I think, right? Trying to be happy?
Billy: Yeah. That's exactly it.
Amanda: Well, I think it's what we all want. And I don't think it's too much to ask, but... hey, that's just my opinion, for what it's worth.
Billy: No. It's worth a lot. It is. Thank you.
Sharon: Look at that smile on cassie's face.
Nick: She was a beautiful kid. I mean, look at us.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ]
Nick: We're babies.
[ Chuckles ]
Sharon: I don't think we've changed a bit.
[ Both laugh ]
Nick: I cannot believe it's been 15 years.
Sharon: Feels like yesterday and a million years ago. It was really nice to be able to celebrate with mariah. We're so lucky to have her in our lives. But I -- [ Sighs ] I look at mariah and faith and then that empty chair, and... she should have been here with us.
[ Voice breaking ] I mean, I'm thankful for every day we had with her, but she just should've been here.
Nick: Yeah. I know what you mean.
Sharon: Look at me. What am I doing crying? Cassie wouldn't want us to be sad. Only happy memories today. And she would want you to have a cupcake in her honor.
Nick: [ Laughs ] Yeah, maybe. And I'll take one. I just -- I'm gonna have to take it to go.
Sharon: Yeah? Big plans?
Nick: Yeah, uh, devon and i are jump-starting a new venture, part of new hope. I really want to get moving on it.
Sharon: Well, I can't wait to hear all about it. Must be nice to have something to focus all your energy on, something to look forward to.
[ Inhales sharply ] I just hope tomorrow is better than yesterday.
Chance: [ Laughing ]
Abby: [ Sighs, chuckles ]
Phyllis: Hey, rodney. It's phyllis. How did you know? Ah. [ Chuckles ] Flattery will get you everywhere. Um, listen, remember a while back I did that favor for you and you said you owed me? Um, I have something that I want you to do for me.
Sharon: Hello? This is she. Yes. Core needle biopsy. Yes. Tomorrow. I will be there. Thank you.
Rey: Did I miss the party?
Sharon: I saved you a cupcake, which wasn't easy. I wasn't expecting you until later.
Rey: Yeah, I know. I decided to take off from work early so I could spend some time with you.
Sharon: Oh. You didn't have to do that.
Rey: How'd everything go?
Sharon: Oh, it was fun. Faith got mariah this cute little tiara, and mariah loved the book you gave her.
Rey: Good, good.
Sharon: We still have some lasagna and pastries. Let's fix you a plate.
Rey: Why don't you let me do something for you? You've been running around all day. What do you need?
Sharon: I have everything i need right here.
Rey: Alright. Tell me if I'm wrong about this, but I'm worried.
Sharon: About me? Why?
Rey: You've been acting distracted a bit lately, overwhelmed.
Sharon: No.
Rey: We promised we'd always be honest with each other. You can tell me anything. So if there's something going on, I want to know about it.
Billy: It's your turn.
Amanda: Uh, no, you don't want to hear about my life.
Billy: What do you mean? Yes, I do.
Amanda: Mm. There's not much to say, really.
Billy: Oh, come on. You told me at one point that you -- you made some bad choices and that stopped you from getting close to anyone. That's something.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ] Just my luck. I found the one guy in that entire world that actually listens.
Billy: [ Chuckles ] I just want to know more. You know, I don't want to pry, of course. I'm not gonna judge you. It's just -- you know, I just want to know you better.
Amanda: [ Sighs ] Okay. Where do I start?
Billy: The beginning's usually a good place.
Amanda: Mm. Well, you know that I was in foster care.
Billy: Yeah. You lost your parents.
Amanda: Yeah, and, um
[Chuckles] I was a troublemaker...
Billy: Mm.
Amanda: ...Always getting into fights. Mm-hmm. Defending the defenseless -- that was me.
Billy: Is that what made you into the superstar attorney that you are now?
Amanda: Yeah, perhaps. What happened was, um, a friend of mine -- she got mugged. And she was so freaked out. Of course, the perpetrator -- he went unpunished. So I just realized I needed to do better. You know, I cleaned myself up, I put myself through law school, and everything was going exactly the way that I envisioned it. You know, I was creating the life that I wanted, and... and then I met him.
Billy: Who?
Amanda: My soul mate. Or so I thought.
[ Chuckles ] We got engaged, and I started noticing these subtle changes in him, just how controlling he was. He never wanted me to see my friends. He wanted to know where I was every minute of every day. I won't bore you with the gory details, but the relationship deteriorated to the point where I had to put out an order of protection on him, and he did the same to me. Mm-hmm.
Billy: What? That's ridiculous.
Amanda: No, what was absurd was that I didn't see it coming. I was careful and insightful and educated, and I picked the worst man in the world for me. It made me question -- it made me question everything about myself. It made me question other people's motives.
[ Clears throat ]
Billy: You don't trust yourself?
Amanda: I don't trust anyone.
Billy: That's a hard way to live.
Amanda: Yeah, well... that's me.
[ Chuckles ]
Mariah: I know something that you don't have, but you're really, really gonna need.
Tessa: What? What? Oh, stop.
Mariah: Yep.
Tessa: Stop.
Mariah: Yep. It's a birthday gift from faith, obviously.
[ Both laugh ]
Tessa: Well, uh, I want to give you the world because that's what you've given to me.
Mariah: Yeah, I don't need the world. I already have you.
Tessa: Yeah. Yeah, you do.
[ Chuckles ] No matter where i am or where I'm going, you'll be in my heart.
Mariah: And you're in mine... always.
Tessa: [ Sighs ] Okay. Nothing -- nothing's gonna change. I'm just -- I'm just going away for a while.
Mariah: Yeah. Sure.
Tessa: Yeah. And when I get back --
[ Cellphone chimes ] The car is here.
[ Sighs ] I'm -- I'm not ready to go, mariah. I can't leave, not yet.
Abby: [ Sighs ]
Chance: Is something wrong?
Abby: At the hotel.
[ Cellphone thuds ]
Chance: Is it an emergency?
Abby: You know what? They'll figure it out.
Chance: Is it one of those things that you should go and take care of for yourself?
Abby: Yeah.
Chance: Yeah.
Abby: [ Sighs ] Yes, yes, I should, uh -- I should get over there before it becomes a $1-million problem. But rain check?
Chance: Go. I'll be fine.
Abby: And we'll get together soon?
Chance: Yeah.
Phyllis: My friend bailed on me, too. Can I join you? These are real people,
Phyllis: So there are no hard feelings, let me buy you a drink.
Chance: You know I see right through you, don't you?
Phyllis: I'm not hiding anything.
Chance: I'll give you this, phyllis. You do keep it interesting.
Phyllis: That's a compliment?
Chance: Mm.
Phyllis: Is that a yes?
Chance: Why not? I've got time to kill.
Amanda: You know, when someone shows you all of their scars, it is customary to at least say something.
Billy: Yeah, I know. Uh, I'm just not sure what to say. I mean, there's part of me that wants to track this guy down and smack some sense into him. The other part of me is just impressed that you've been able to endure everything you have and that you're the force of nature sitting in front of me.
Amanda: Well, at least now you get a better picture as to why a fresh start in genoa city is so appealing...
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Amanda: ...And why getting romantically involved with anyone is the last thing that I want.
Billy: Loud and clear.
Amanda: But I am enjoying getting to know new people and having new people to talk to.
Billy: Yes, and since I'm already spoken for, then that means we don't have to worry about this becoming anything more than just, you know, a friendship.
Amanda: Exactly. So, to a long and meaningful friendship.
Billy: [ Thinking ] Then why does it feel like I'm crossing the line?
[ Chuckles ]
Sharon: Yeah, I guess I've been all over the place with my emotions lately. Mariah and faith.
Rey: And cassie.
Sharon: And cassie.
Rey: Listen, if there's anything going on with you, i want to help you get through it. Don't shut me out.
Sharon: I just keep getting these reminders from every corner of the universe how -- how precious time is.
Rey: Yeah. You can't buy it. You can't make more of it.
Sharon: I love my life. I -- I love you and the time we spent together. It means so much to me. I'm really, really grateful that we found each other again.
Rey: I don't know what I'd do without you.
Sharon: I'm not going anywhere.
Rey: Well, you just made my day.
Sharon: I can think of a way that you can make mine.
Rey: I'm all yours.
[ Chuckles ]
Tessa: I'll be down in a minute!
[ Exhales sharply ] I can't -- I can't do this.
Mariah: You have to.
Tessa: [ Exhales sharply ]
[ Voice breaking ] I'm not ready.
Mariah: Hey, come here.
Tessa: [ Crying ]
Mariah: Tess... this is not a goodbye, okay?
Tessa: Okay.
Mariah: You are leaving the biggest hole in my heart. But... but you are not allowed to come back...
Tessa: [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: ...Until you are a super megastar.
Tessa: [ Laughs ]
Mariah: To everybody else because you already are to me.
Tessa: [ Chuckles ]
[ Sniffles ] You know, this is -- this is all your fault. You encouraged me... and believed in me... when I -- when I didn't believe in myself. I love you.
Mariah: I love you, too.
Tessa: [ Crying, sniffles ]
Mariah: Okay. You got to go, yeah...
Tessa: [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: ...Because fame and fortune and that driver are waiting for you...
Tessa: [ Sighs heavily ]
Mariah: ...Right outside that door.
Tessa: I love you.
Mariah: I love you, too. Go.
Tessa: Just one more.
Mariah: [ Chuckles ] Go.
Tessa: Okay. [ Sniffles ]
[ Chuckles ]
Mariah: [ Sighs ]
[ Sighs heavily ]
[ Door closes ]
[ Sniffles ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Gasps, cries ]
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