Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/9/20
Episode #11776 ~ Rey senses trouble with Sharon; Adam and Chelsea make an important decision; Phyllis opens up to Nick.
Provided By Suzanne
Sharon: I've been kind of worried about you.
Mariah: There's no need. I'm fine.
Sharon: Okay. Well, fill me in. What's the latest on tessa and tanner watts?
Mariah: Well, I met her rock-star ex-husband in the flesh.
Sharon: He's still in town?
Mariah: He showed up at our apartment.
Tessa: You don't have to tell me. It would be an incredible opportunity, tanner. I already know that, and, under normal circumstances, going on tour with you would be a dream, but it's -- no. No. This is not about mariah being threatened. I mean, she has nothing to be threatened about. There's nothing going on between us anymore. No, no. No, no. No, no. Do not -- do not come here, okay? That would be a terrible idea. No. Do you hear me? No, no, no,! No, no! Do not come here again!
Nick: So, christian's playing basketball right now. Loves it. Last week he started this hot chocolate stand to raise money for uniforms. Little dude grinded all day, made like 60 bucks.
Devon: Whoa! Sounds like you're raising a little future tycoon.
Nick: Oh, hold up. I'm not ruling out pro athlete just yet. He's got a silky touch.
Devon: [ Chuckles ] You sound proud, man.
Nick: He is the best kid. I just love him so much. He's got this laugh, man. His laughter just takes over a room.
Devon: Ohh. That's good to hear, dude. I'm happy that you and chelsea and the kids have been able to form your own little family, despite the unusual circumstances.
Nick: Yeah. Uh, ugh. I thought we were doing that, but, uh...
Devon: What happened?
Nick: Well, it turns out I'm single again.
Phyllis: What?! Chelsea dumped you?
Nick: [ Sighs ]
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Phyllis: I couldn't help overhearing. Is it true?
Devon: I have to make a stop before I go to the office, so I'll talk later about everything, okay?
Nick: Cool. See ya.
Devon: Alright. Phyllis.
Phyllis: Good to see you.
Devon: You, too.
Nick: You scared him away.
Phyllis: Are you gonna tell me what happened? I'm gonna find out anyway.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. Yes. Chelsea and I broke up.
Phyllis: And she's with adam? Wow. She didn't even try to put up a fight. She just went straight to adam.
Nick: I didn't give her that choice.
Phyllis: You broke up with her?
Nick: Does it matter who broke up with who?
Phyllis: Yeah, it does.
Nick: [ Chuckling ] God.
Phyllis: But wait a second. I am so proud of you. I am -- for taking the initiative and not letting her jerk you around anymore.
Nick: Thanks?
Phyllis: You know this was not my goal when I told you about adam's plan.
Nick: I know.
Phyllis: And, of course, chelsea will think it was.
Nick: Well, do you blame her? I mean, historically, this is something that you would do... and, you know, whatever reason you may have had... this forced us to have a conversation that we had been putting off for a long time.
Phyllis: So, I helped you?
Nick: When she claimed that she was moving back for connor's sake, in the beginning, I believe that's what it was, but, over time... you know, it changed, and... I was starting to feel that, and I just didn't want to admit it.
Phyllis: That's a hard thing to admit.
Nick: Yeah. Well... it makes sense. You know, they're all together, this family... raising their son together. Of course some feelings were rekindled.
Phyllis: Wow. Adam wins again.
Nick: Uh... I guess. I mean, I'm not trying to look at it like who won and who lost.
Phyllis: Oh, there's a winner and a loser. That's for sure.
Nick: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: But you know what? Chelsea... she didn't win. Adam won her. But she won adam, and he's not like the big teddy bear at the fair. He's like all those other little booby prizes that you don't want.
Nick: Right. Yeah. She's probably relieved, you know, in the moment, but it'S... starting to sink in, I bet, you know... what this means. She's realizing what we already know -- that she is gonna have a very long and bumpy road ahead with adam... and it's probably not gonna end well.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Adam: Hello? Principal kegley. Thank you for returning my call. I appreciate you reconsidering allowing connor to return to school. But connor's been having a lot of issues, and his mother and i want to make sure that walnut grove is the right fit before we even consider putting him back in that environment.
Chelsea: We -- we want to give him the best chance to succeed.
Adam: We want to make sure we're setting him up to succeed, so we were thinking that we'd like to meet in person. Okay, great. When?
Chelsea: Whenever.
Adam: Whatever's good for you is good for us, but we'd like to do it as soon as possible. Okay, great. We'll see you then.
Chelsea: I didn't know you called principal kegley.
Adam: Well, I just don't want to throw connor back in the same situation and hope for the best. You know, if it's not the right fit, we'll find another school.
Sharon: Why on earth was tanner at your apartment?
Mariah: He wanted to convince tessa to go on tour with him. I walked in on their conversation.
Sharon: And?
Mariah: It was awkward.
Sharon: I can imagine.
Mariah: I'm surprised the news that he's in genoa city hasn't hit gossip sites. A pre-celebrity young-and-drunk marriage to an up-and-coming artist -- that's the kind of story that hilary would have loved.
Sharon: Well, people love gossip, you know? It's human nature.
Mariah: Yeah. But I cringe to think about all the personal crap we covered on "gc buzz."
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: Devon. Oh, my god, no. You know how grateful I was for my job at "gc buzz" and how much I loved hilary.
Devon: I know. It's really fine. Looking back, we could have done things a lot differently, and, you know, no one gets anywhere without making some mistakes, right?
Mariah: You have a point there.
Sharon: Amen to that.
Devon: [ Chuckling ] Yeah. Uh, I only have a few minutes. You want to get a table?
Mariah: Yeah, let's do it.
Devon: Okay. Thanks, sharon.
Sharon: Um, I'm gonna go out for a while. I'll be back later this afternoon.
Mariah: So, I wanted to talk to you about the tanner watts deal.
Devon: His people reached out to me after he met with tessa, so we're in preliminary negotiations right now, but, obviously, it doesn't mean anything unless we know if tessa wants to do it.
Mariah: That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
Phyllis: Adam is manipulative, and he is so calculating. He is not a good guy. And to not see that, you're either naive or you're in denial or you believe he'll change.
Nick: Are we still talking about chelsea?
Phyllis: You know what chelsea and I have in common? Neither of us is naive, just so you know. Okay? And you saw adam for who he was, and I tip my hat to you.
Nick: I'm just trying to put the whole thing behind me.
Phyllis: Thank you. No, I understand that. Good, good. I wish them well. They're perfect for each other. Chelsea deserves adam. She doesn't deserve you. You're a great guy, and you're kind and loving, and you're a terrific partner, and I should know, because I've had many incarnations of being a partner with you.
Nick: [ Chuckles softly ]
Phyllis: Restless style. Do you remember restless style?
Nick: Yeah.
Phyllis: [ Laughs ] That was an incredible time. That was a great time. And we put katy perry on the cover. No one even knew who she was. I think that she got the idea of that "firework" song from us. Just sayin'.
Nick: Probably not...
[ Both chuckle ] ...But it was fun indeed.
Phyllis: And I love what you're doing now. You're helping people and lifting them up, and you're a very good role model for our daughter, so...
Nick: Thank you.
Phyllis: You're welcome. You're a good role model... for all of your children. Did I say something wrong?
Nick: Uh, no. You said all my children. Uh... it just reminded me that tomorrow is cassie's birthday.
Phyllis: I am sorry. I'm sorry.
Nick: No, it's okay. I...want to remember her. Keeps her alive in my mind.
Phyllis: She adored you.
Nick: Well, she was adored right back.
Phyllis: You were a rock for her. And then mariah came into the scene with sort of objectively funky circumstances, and... you are a father figure to her. You're incredible.
Mariah: Tessa isn't sure she wants to commit to going on tour with tanner.
Devon: Well, we need an answer from her pretty soon.
Mariah: Like, yesterday. I know. I just want to give her space until she decides what to do.
Devon: Is it gonna be too big of a sacrifice being away from each other for that long while she's on the road, or...?
Mariah: That shouldn't factor in to her decision whatsoever... speaking as her manager.
Devon: Right. What about speaking as her girlfriend?
Mariah: [ Chuckles, groans ] It's a little more complicated.
Devon: Yeah. I know the distance would be hard, but it wouldn't be forever. And you guys are solid. She's not wild or anything, and I don't think you have to worry about her doing something crazy.
Mariah: Like when she married tanner?
Devon: What?
Mariah: They were two fledgling musicians on the road for the first time. The mood struck, and... voilā -- pop-up wedding, drunken, late-night, 24-hour chapel.
Devon: That's what you were telling sharon about and how it would have been a good story for "gc buzz."
Mariah: Yeah. My thinking is, "karma's a bitch," and, uh, this is payback for me. I probably deserve it, but... tessa doesn'T.
Devon: I think you're being a little hard on yourself, and it was a long time ago, right?
Mariah: Yeah. Just seems like my past life, along with tessa's, keep crashing into this one. I'm sorry. I'm yammering on, and I just wanted to update you on the situation. I know you're busy, and I should get going as well.
Devon: Okay. Yeah. Let's -- let's let's talk about this soon, though.
Mariah: Absolutely.
Devon: Alright? And, hey, mariah... you and tessa -- you guys have something special, so I wouldn't worry about anything.
Mariah: Hey.
Rey: Hey.
Mariah: You're back. That was fast.
Rey: Yeah. My meeting turned out to be shorter than expected. I wanted to check back in with your mom.
Mariah: I think she just left a few minutes ago.
Rey: Oh. Does she seem okay to you?
Mariah: Yeah. Why?
Rey: Nothing specific. I just -- I've been swamped at work, and we haven't been spending quite as much time together. I want to make sure she's alright and... let her know that I'm here for her.
Mariah: You are a good guy, rey.
Rey: Hmm.
Mariah: You take care of my mom and you put in the work.
Rey: Well, that's what you do if you care about somebody.
Mariah: Yeah.
The mammogram we just did was inconclusive because of the density of tissue in your breast. The ultrasound will tell us if it's a fluid-filled cyst or a solid tumor.
Chelsea: Connor and I are lucky to have you in our lives and in our corner.
Adam: Mm. No. I'm the lucky one.
Chelsea: He depends on you.
Adam: Well... I am not going to let him down. I do love him with all my heart.
Chelsea: I know you do, and i feel terrible about all the boundaries and doubts I had.
Adam: I just wanted to be with my son.
Chelsea: Maybe if I had let you spend time with him, you wouldn't have felt the need to -- to rush back to las vegas.
Adam: Oh, that -- that was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. And it is never going to happen again.
Chelsea: I believe you. I admire...how fiercely... you protect the people you love... and...how fiercely you love. And...
[ Sighs ] You're the man I fell in love with.
[ Chuckles softly ] I've missed you.
Adam: I have missed you, too.
Mariah: What the...? This is... amazing, and... you look... so beautiful.
Tessa: This old thing? Do you like it?
Mariah: I love.
Tessa: Oh, I got your favorite. Citrus notes and some vanilla. Oh, and I got those sesame noodles you're obsessed with.
Mariah: I'm sorry. What -- what are we celebrating?
Tessa: Did you forget about your birthday tomorrow?
Mariah: Yeah. Uh, yeah, I did, momentarily. I guess -- I guess I've had so much going on, I didn't even really think about it.
Tessa: Well, I remembered enough for both of us. I thought we should start celebrating tonight.
Mariah: This is so nice. But don't you think that we should talk about the tour? I mean, I feel like we're avoiding the tanner watt-sized elephant in the room. Oh. You're going on tour with him.
All done. The radiologist will be in soon.
Sharon: Okay. Thank you.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Tessa: Yes. I've decided to go on tour. But... the only reason that I could make this decision is because the strength... of our relationship. If I thought that this could break us, I wouldn't go, because I wouldn't do that to us. I know you're hurt that I didn't tell you about tanner, but tanner was nothing but a blip on my journey to you.
Mariah: [ Sighs softly ]
Tessa: You know how... I knew that I was never in love with him? Because I didn't know what love was... until I found you. And... tanner and I got together because we were at the... same place with the same career passions. We didn't have a big, dramatic breakup because we were both ready to move on. This is your decision, too. You've encouraged me to say yes, but I need to know... that everything's gonna be okay before I make it official. Pl-please say something.
Mariah: I want nothing but the best for you.
Tessa: Uh...okay. But? [ Chuckles ] I need to know that you believe everything I said about us, because... if I went, I would just suck. I wouldn't be able to sing. It would be terrible.
Mariah: Yeah, and that would be all my fault.
Tessa: 100% all your fault.
Mariah: Tessa... this is a chance to make your dreams come true. Of course I'm okay with it.
Tessa: [ Chuckles softly ]
[ Voice breaking ] I still don't believe you.
[ Both chuckle ]
Mariah: [ Sniffles ] As much as you want this... I want it for you. So, yes. Yes, you should do it.
[ Both chuckle softly ]
[ Sniffles ] And you know what? We're gonna be separated for a while.
Tessa: [ Sniffles ] Ohh.
Mariah: But I'm not worried about it... because I have a feeling that... we share one heart.
Tessa: We're nothing without the other.
Mariah: Exactly.
Tessa: [ Chuckles ]
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Knock on door ]
Dr. Fletcher: Hello. I'm dr. Fletcher.
Sharon: Thank you for putting me in right away.
Dr. Fletcher: Not a problem. Please, have a seat. When a mammogram was inconclusive like yours, we like to do an ultrasound as soon as possible. Uh...looks like you've been diligent about getting yearly mammograms.
Sharon: Yes, and I do regular self-examinations.
Dr. Fletcher: Well, that's crucial to early detection.
Sharon: Mm-hmm. Obviously, I'm anxious to find out if it's a false alarm or if something more needs to be addressed.
Dr. Fletcher: Well, four out of five times, when a woman has an ultrasound following a mammogram, it's good news.
Sharon: That's what I'm hoping for.
Dr. Fletcher: So, um... an ultrasound can determine whether a mass is solid or fluid. Fluid indicates that it's a cyst. Solid may indicate a tumor. But many tumors are benign. The mass in your breast appears to be solid. My recommendation would be a biopsy, you know, after consulting...
Chelsea: I'm sorry. I just --
Adam: Chelsea, what is it?
Chelsea: It's everything. I mean, it's everything I've been holding inside since the day I found out that you were alive. I mean, when I found out that you had survived and I saw you again, I couldn't allow myself to... feel the same feelings I once did. I mean, that was... too scary. It was too painful. I wouldn't allow myself to trust that you were really back... or that we could ever have what we once had.
Adam: [ Exhales sharply ] We can, okay? Okay? I'm real. This [Sniffles] This is real.
Chelsea: I can't go through that again. Adam, it would kill me. I can't go through that again, and I can't -- I can't put connor through that kind of suffering. I can't do it.
Adam: I know. I know. I know what's at stake.
Chelsea: If this is what you want -- and I mean what you truly, truly want -- you have to mean it. You have to swear to me that i will never lose you again.
Nick: And I cannot believe how long ago we lost cassie. It doesn't feel like it.
Phyllis: Yeah. A loss like that is timeless.
[ Exhales sharply ]
Nick: Hey. Thanks for, um... talking about her with me. I can't think of many people i would do that with.
Phyllis: Anytime.
Nick: So I guess I owe you something in return. How about this.
Phyllis: No, you don't --
Nick: How 'bout this? How are things with you?
Phyllis: What? Really? You want to know?
Nick: Yeah. We'll take a little break from me. What's going on with you?
Phyllis: Uh... I'm -- I'm blank. I don't -- I mean, no one ever wants to know about me, so... um... uh, I'm glad I cut ties with adam.
Nick: What's going on on the work front? You taking a break from your march to global domination?
Phyllis: No. 'Course not. I want the grand phoenix. And...I'm gonna get it.
Nick: So, nothing has changed?
Phyllis: No, a lot has changed. I learn from my mistakes. In order to get what I want, i don't have to...drive the people I love out of my life.
Nick: What a novel approach.
Phyllis: Yeah. I can be creative and just kind of slightly...color outside the lines.
Nick: Well, it might result in a pretty picture.
Phyllis: It'll be easier on our daughter, as well.
Nick: Seems like you two are getting along very well these days.
Phyllis: We are. We are. I'm so glad. It means a lot to me. And I just... of course want to be someone that she comes to and someone she feels she can confide in. I just... don't want to be repulsive
[Chuckles] To her, you know?
Nick: Sounds like a perfume -- "slightly less repulsive."
Phyllis: Do you... think I'm repulsive?
Nick: No!
Phyllis: Yeah?
Nick: No. Okay. I'm probably gonna regret this, but, uh, you know, I think you are... extremely smart. And you're beautiful... and fun.
Phyllis: Why would you regret saying that to me?!
[ Both laugh ] And I am fun. That's for sure. I need to have more fun this year. That's on my to-do list -- more fun.
Nick: Oh, boy. I've been around really fun phyllis... and she's dangerous.
Phyllis: Exactly.
Chelsea: If this is a promise you can't make, then it's okay. Don't lie to me. Don't lie to yourself. It wouldn't be fair to us. It wouldn't be fair to connor.
Adam: You know that I was... never happier... than I was with you... before our lives blew up...
[ Sniffles ] And we got torn apart. The first time that I looked you in the eyes after I got my memory back... it was almost too much. I just didn't know how to handle it.
Chelsea: You asked me to move in here.
[ Both chuckle ]
Adam: Well, it turns out my first instinct was right.
Chelsea: It was just too complicated then.
Adam: And I know -- I know why you shut down... because I did the same thing. I just could not let myself get hurt like that again... and hope for this moment... right here.
Chelsea: This is our moment, and we can't underestimate it...
Adam: [ Chuckles softly ]
Chelsea: ...Because it's never been so risky and [Sighs] The stakes have never been higher.
Tessa: It's already gonna be hard enough tomorrow, and now you're making it even harder.
Mariah: How am I making it harder?
Tessa: Who leaves the sexiest woman on the planet -- on her birthday?! I'm a monster.
Mariah: Mm, no. More like a-a beautiful alien.
Tessa: [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: No, this was -- this was all the celebration I needed.
Tessa: Well, it's not over yet.
Mariah: Hey, this is all i need.
Tessa: Oh! So, you don't want your present?
Mariah: Oh. No, presents are nice.
Tessa: Well, I guess it's not your birthday until tomorrow, so maybe we should just wait.
Mariah: We should not wait.
Tessa: Oh, or I could give it to you next christmas.
Mariah: No! Give it to me now!
Tessa: Okay.
Mariah: Right now!
Tessa: Okay, bossy.
Mariah: [ Laughs ] Ooh. Yass.
Tessa: [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: It's a diary. To write down how sad I'm gonna be when you leave?
Tessa: Not quite.
Mariah: Oh, my god. This is your diary.
Phyllis: Thank god someone still finds me dangerous. I'm taking that as a compliment.
Nick: Be my guest.
Phyllis: Oh. I thought everybody thought I went soft.
Nick: I know better.
Phyllis: That's truly the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a really, really long time. Thank you. I'm full of surprises.
[ Chuckles ]
Adam: I'm going to protect you with everything that I have, and we are going to build a life... that we never thought was possible.
Chelsea: You really think we can?
Adam: I know we can. And that's a vow... and a promise.
Tessa: Taking your journal was... one of the worst things I've ever done.
Mariah: Tessa, we are so far past that now.
Tessa: I know, but... hear me out. The reason why it was such a violation is because I hadn't earned the right to know your deepest thoughts... to see your soul. That's an extraordinary gift.
Mariah: And you're giving me that gift now.
Tessa: I want you to know me like no one else has -- the good... the bad... the ugly... everything I have to offer... and everything I hoped no one would know.
Mariah: God. I didn't know it was possible to love you more, but I do.
Tessa: [ Chuckles ]
Mariah: Tessa, when you sing... I feel like I am...transported. When you sang that song on new year's eve, I felt like we were just... floating above everybody else, just you and me.
Tessa: Well... now every time every time I sing that song... I'll think of us... on new year's eve.
Mariah: And in this moment.
[ Chuckles softly ]
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