Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/8/20

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/8/20


Episode #13775 ~ Victor gives Adam a warning; Abby counsels Devon; Jack's plan to support Theo backfires.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless".

Chance: I'm no longer working with the feds.

Devon: Where does that leave my case on colin?

Elena: Sasha.

Tell me. Just say it, please.

Elena: Joy's fever went down, and she's responding well to the medication.

She's okay?

Elena: She's just fine.

Oh, my god. Thank you.

Chelsea: Your dad and I have made a new commitment to our family, you know, keeping it together by making it stronger.

Theo: Have you shared your theory with kyle about my supposed interest in his wife?

Summer: No, I haven't said anything.

Theo: So either you don't really believe it, or you do believe it and you're hoping I succeed in breaking them up.

Kyle: Okay. I think that's a wrap. Any other business?

Summer: Oh, yeah, um, you -- you had something else, right?

Jack: Uh, no. Didn't -- didn't you have something you wanted to tell me?

Summer: The, uh... oh, the thing.

Jack: The thing, exactly.

Summer: The, um... oh, the theo's emoji thing for jabot.

Jack: Right.

Kyle: You already told me about it.

Summer: Really? Oh.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Summer: And you liked it?

Kyle: Yes. I told you so. Why, did something change?

Jack: Um....

Kyle: What's going on? Did theo screw something up?

Jack: No, no, no.

Summer: No! No, theo did not -- he didn't mess up.

Kyle: Okay, then why are the two of you acting so strange?

Jack: Strange? Does it seem like we're acting strange?

Summer: No. I mean, I -- I don't think so.

[ Knocking on door ] Maybe -- oh!

Jack: Thank god.

Summer: Oh, my god.

Kyle: What?

Jack: Come in!


Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: Billy.

Billy: Hey.

Chloe: Hi. So glad you made it.

Billy: Oh, anywhere, anytime for you.

Chloe: Oh, that's so sweet.

Billy: Oh, that's genuine gratitude for saving me from myself when I tried to run down adam.

Chloe: Who would have thought, I'd be the one to save adam's life?

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: But that's over and done with now, and we're back to everyday life. Back with the billy abbott we all know and love. Come on.

Billy: And which billy is


Who would you like me to be

this time?

Abby: Happy new year!

Elena: Happy new year, abby!

Abby: Hi!

Elena: Hey.

Abby: So, what do you think? Is 2020 gonna be our year?

Elena: [ Sighs ] I will settle for it being a little less hectic than last year.

Abby: Oh, you and me both.

[ Both laugh ]

Elena: Devon placed a takeout order. I'm just here to pick it up.

Abby: Yeah, I'm -- I'm sorry, elena. That order has been canceled.

Elena: Canceled? Why?

Abby: Someone had a problem with it.

Elena: A problem? Who?

Abby: I think you're gonna have to talk to him about it.

Elena: [ Giggles ]

Devon: [ Chuckles ] So, uh... the problem is, you deserve a real date. So we're just getting started, honey.

Victor: Oh, you're here alone?

Adam: That's right,

Victor: When john said that you'd come by, I was hoping you would bring connor for a visit.

Adam: Well, not today.

Victor: Why's that?

Adam: Because what I'm here tod discuss might not be suitable for him to hear.

Victor: What, you ready to do battle?

Adam: That's entirely up to you.

Victor: [ Chuckles ] It's amazing what you can uncover

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Billy: Did you, uh, ask me here because you're worried about me?

Chloe: What? No. Absolutely not.

Billy: Because I'm fine. I really am. I mean, it's a new year, I got a new gig, a new attitude...

Chloe: Okay, great. I -- I wasn't worried about you.

Billy: Okay, good.

Chloe: Yeah. I actually, um.... [ Giggles ] I have some news to share with you.

Billy: What is it?

Chloe: [ Sighs ] God, I can't believe I'm doing this, um...

Billy: Is everything okay?

Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, no, everything is... great. Perfectly, actually. Um...

[ Laughs ] Uh, delia's gonna have a little brother or sister.

Billy: Are you saying you're...

Chloe: Yeah, I'm -- I'm pregnant.

Billy: Oh, my gosh.

Chloe: [ Giggles

Billy: Chloe, that's wonderful. Congratulations.

Chloe: Thank you. Thank you.

Billy: Wow, and kevin -- wow, who would have thought, huh?

Chloe: [ Giggles ] I always did.

Billy: Wow. Wow, that's -- that's really great. Congratulations to you both.

Chloe: Thanks. And bella -- bella, too.

Billy: Yeah.

Chloe: I mean, she's gonna -- she's gonna have a little person to boss around now.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Chloe: [ Giggles ]

Billy: Wow, look at you. It's been a long road for you ever since delia...

Chloe: I know, since we lost her, yeah.

Billy: But here you are, right? You're happy, you're hopeful. I can't help but think... what's your secret?

Summer: Okay, here.

Kyle: Whoa, what's this?

Summer: It's your birthday gift.

Kyle: Come on, summer. That's not fair. I didn't get you a present this year.

Summer: Oh, come on. Just open it.

Kyle: [ Sighs ] Whoa. Where did you find this?

Devon: To you.

Elena: Because we've already done that, like, six times already.

Devon: Well, let's do it again, then, honey, because 1,000 times wouldn't be enough.

Elena: Aww. I like romantic devon.

Devon: Yeah. [ Chuckles ] Mm. I'm glad you do because after we eat, I want to take you to this new jazz club that just opened up, and I thought we can go for a slow drive home so we can look up at the sky.

Elena: Wow. And here I thought I was gonna be cuddled up on the couch with my favorite person watching tv.

Devon: Well, I think this is much better, don't you?

Elena: It is much better.

Devon: Yeah? And we both deserve it because we've been working very hard lately.

Elena: Yeah. Sasha and baby joy have been taking up a lot of my extra time.

Devon: How are they doing?

Elena: They're doing very good. Joy's earache went away, and sasha's been making progress with her counselor.

Devon: Nice.

Elena: Yeah.

Devon: That's great to hear. How are they liking the apartment?

Elena: Sasha says it's perfect. They're really making it home, and this is joy's first home.

Devon: Mm.

Elena: Yeah, thanks to you, nick, and new hope.

Devon: Mm, we just opened the doors. She's doing all the work.

Elena: You know... we could be doing much more.

Devon: Could we? What do you have in mind?

Elena: Well, when I went to visit joy about her earache at the complex, I kind of got an idea...

Devon: Mm-hmm.

Elena: ...And I wanted to talk to you and nick about it, but I don't want to overstep.

Devon: Hey, we're always open to ideas, especially one that comes from you. So overstep away, honey.

Victor: Am I to assume that your visit here has to do wth your brother nicholas' wise decision to end things with chelsea?

Adam: Is that what he told you?

Victor: No, he and I have not spoken at all. Nikki informed me about that. So, let me guess. She's now come back to you, right?

Adam: That's right. We've reconnected.

Victor: Really?

Adam: She's now living in the penthouse with connor and me permanently.

Victor: Wow.

Adam: You know, I finally got my family back.

Victor: Well, I'll be damned.

Adam: Mm.

Victor: Congratulations. For being chelsea's backup plan.

Adam: You know, I'm not chelsea's fallback position.

Victor: Really?

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Huh. You know, I -- I remember one of her former husbands had died, and he wasn't even cold yet, and chelsea moseyed on over to nicholas' house and moved in. And now she has ended things with nicholas, and...

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Victor: ...She's moved into your penthouse.

Adam: Okay...

Victor: Do you think she doesn't like to pay rent?

Adam: Chelsea is not on the rebound.

Victor: Oh.

Adam: She chose me a long time ago.

Victor: Oh.

Adam: And nick just realized that, so he stepped aside because she belongs with me.

Victor: Uh-huh, okay.

Adam: He got his nose rubbed in it this time. This time, the black sheep bested the golden boy. You know, that is really too bad, but he'll get over it.

Victor: You know, son... it seems to me that you now have gotten everything you've always wanted. Except, um... I don't see any humility in you. I don't see any grace in you. I mean... it seems like a hollow victory.

Adam: Dad, I did not come over here to have the same conversation with you, okay?

Victor: Huh. All I'm concerned about is your son connor, my grandson.

Adam: Well, what do you know? We finally agree on something. Connor is the reason that I'm here.

Chloe: You know, there is no secret. God, I wish there was some magic fix that could just make the pain go away, but there isn'T.

Billy: Mm.

Chloe: I know I have my happy and light moments, but... I still cry myself to sleep sometimes.

Billy: Do you still dream her?

Chloe: [ Sighs ] All the time. You know, she's always the same age she was when she passed in my dreams, but... it's like she'S... older and wiser somehow, like -- like she's the parent, and we're the kids, which isn't so far from the truth.

Billy: You're not kidding there.

Chloe: She gives me really good advice, too.

Billy: About what?

Chloe: Oh, you know, the self-healing kind. "Don't be so hard on yourself." "Count your blessings." I really think she's my guardian angel, billy. And I'd like to think that she's just walking around, making sure they we're not messing it up.

Billy: Who, us?

Chloe: [ Giggles ] I know, news flash -- I am not the perfect person. But I've got kevin, and... he just -- he knows my flaws, and he accepts me for them, and I am so lucky.

Billy: Yeah. No, you are.

Chloe: So, what about you? Is -- is everything really okay?

Billy: Yeah. Everything's okay.

Chloe: Okay, what does that mean?

Billy: I mean, I'm not going after adam, you know, I've got my anger in check.

Chloe: And everything else?

Billy: Everything else is a work in progress, but who isn't, right?

Chloe: Maybe we'll figure it out when we're 90.

Billy: That'd be nice.

Chloe: [ Giggles ] Oh, um, there's chelsea. I --

Billy: Okay.

Chloe: I want to go tell her.

Billy: Yeah. Listen, this is really, really great news. Congratulations again.

Chloe: Thank you. Mwah. It was good to see you. We'll catch up soon, okay?

Billy: We will. Okay.

Chloe: Okay.

Devon: You want to open up a new hope clinic?

Elena: Okay, I know it's ambitious, but think about the benefits. Your residents would have easy access to health care in their building, which means they wouldn't have to take three buses just to see a doctor.

Devon: Right. Mm-hmm.

Elena: So, what do you think?

Devon: I think it's brilliant.

Elena: Seriously?

Devon: I -- yeah. Yeah. You had me at "I have an idea, devon" because nick and I have been trying to think of things that we could do to help our residents out more, and this checks every box, honey.

Elena: [ Sighs ] I'm so glad.

Devon: Did you think i wouldn't go for it?

Elena: Well, I know it's adding one more thing to your plate.

Devon: Yeah, we can take something off of my plate to make room for this.

Elena: Yeah, like amanda.

[ Sighs ]

Kyle: Where did you find this?

Summer: Uh, it was in a box that I had in storage, but it was sitting right on the top, just waiting for me to find it.

Kyle: I can't even remember what we were doing that day.

Summer: Well, you're probably bossing me around, just like you do now.

Kyle: Oh, you were the bossy one.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] I was not!

Kyle: [ Laughs ] Come on, don't you remember when you made me dance in that stupid play you were putting on?

Summer: I'm sorry, it was not stupid, it was "cinderella," and you were the prince, and everybody knows that the prince and the princess cannot get married until they dance!

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Summer: You know that!

[ Laughter ]

Kyle: Pretty cool, huh?

Summer: Yeah, I think the two of you look so adorable. This was really sweet of you, summer. We don't have that many photos of kyle as a kid around the house, so this is gonna be a great addition. Thank you.

Summer: I'm glad that you like it.

Jack: My gift is being delivered.

Kyle: Oh, is it that sports car I've had my eye on? You know, a guy can't have too many.

Jack: No, you're C.E.O. Now. Conspicuous cars are out.

Kyle: Well, can you at least give me a hint?

Jack: It may have something to do with your favorite sport and it may or may not include an autograph.

Lola: Oh, more hockey stuff.

Kyle: Yes! More hockey stuff!

[ Laughter ] Look, guys... this is -- this is great. It really is. One of the best birthdays ever. So, uh... thank you.

Summer: All right, make a wish.

Lola: I didn't bring any candles.

Jack: I don't have any candles, either.

Summer: Uh, well, that doesn't matter, right? Because the rules, which i just made up right now, they say that you can get, you know, a birthday wish for every cake that you have, so... no candles? Doesn't even matter. Just make a wish. It makes sense!

Theo: Hey! Oh, is somebody having a party without me?

Theo: Well, this is nice. I mean, you must be the king of birthdays, bro! Summer told me you and lola were celebrating last night, and now this? Sweet!

Jack: Um, it was a last-minute thing.

Summer: Yeah, no, honestly, it was very spur-of-the-moment.

Theo: No, wait. Hang on. Do you guys think I'm upset because I wasn't invited? Hell, no! Come on. Happy birthday, cuz, and to many happy returns.

Kyle: Thanks, man.

Theo: Yeah.

Lola: You know, we were about to cut the cake. Would you like some?

Theo: Sure, that'd be great. Oh, but not right now. I want to give kyle my gift first.

Kyle: I don't see any gift.

Theo: Yeah, well, this one is the kind of gift you don't wrap.

Devon: Elena...

Elena: I know, I know. I shouldn't have even brought up her name.

Devon: It's okay.

Elena: No, it's not. We're having this great date, and I bring up the last person you want to talk about.

Devon: Well, I -- I mean, I know I can't afford to take my eye off the ball when it comes to her.

Elena: And I get it. You need answers, and amanda is a walking mystery. I guess I just got excited about the thought of focusing on something more positive.

Devon: I know. So did I.

Elena: But you know I support you 100%.

Devon: I know you have my back, honey.

Elena: And you've got mine.

Devon: I do. That's why we make such a good team.

Elena: Should we have another toast?

Devon: We should, yes. Here's to new hope becoming more hope.

Elena: Ah!

Devon: Like that?

[ Chuckles ]

Elena: Mm-hmm.

Devon: Mm. The clinic idea's a game-changer, honey. I can't wait to get started working on it.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Elena: It's the hospital. I should take this.

Devon: Okay. To be continued.

Elena: Mm-hmm. Hello?

Abby: So...

Devon: Hey.

Abby: As romantic meals go, how do we rate this one?

Devon: Oh, I'd give it an 11.

Abby: Perfect!

Devon: [ Chuckles ]

Abby: And not to be buzz kill, but... how is everything else?

Devon: Uh... everything else is the same, pretty much. We -- we still don't know where colin is with my money, and we still don't know why amanda has stayed in town.

Abby: I've been, uh, keeping my eye on her, and, so far, there's nothing out of the ordinary. She's been a model guest.

Devon: Well, that means she's either playing the long game, or not playing any game at all, and I know as much about her now as I did when she showed up.

Abby: Let's not forget about cane.

Devon: Oh, I haven't forgotten about cane.

Abby: Look... I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but... I mean, do you really think cane should be the one to investigate his father?

Victor: Now, let me make one thing perfectly clear. I will not be cut out of my grandson's life again.

Adam: I have no intention of doing that. I want you to have a good relationship with connor. Surprised?

Victor: Yeah, a bit.

Adam: Mm.

Victor: You and I have not agreed on a lot of stuff lately.

Adam: [ Sighs ] Well, knowing that he's part of a big family and having a lot of people around that love him, it's gonna help him feel more confident and secure. And I have to admit... you've been a good influence on him.

Victor: Well, I've tried to be a good role model. Unlike his parents, who have not always set the best example.

Adam: If you insult me again, I might just have to reconsider letting connor see you.

Victor: Oh, slow your horses, okay? I would never bad-mouth you to your son.

Adam: Good, because connor loves the ranch, and I want him to continue to visit here.

Victor: Well, I'm glad to hear that, and he's always welcome.

Adam: Great. So let's talk about the holidays, then.

Victor: What holidays? A little late that for that, isn't it?

Adam: I'm talking about moving forward.

Victor: Your son will always be invited.

Adam: Connor's family will also have to be welcome.

Victor: Ah.

Adam: As I suspect you got abby to put my name on the guest list for new year's eve. So I want to make sure chelsea and I continue to get invited to holidays. And I'm not gonna be excluded again, like I was on thanksgiving, all because nick doesn't want me being there.

Victor: Anything else?

Adam: I can already see your wheels spinning, pops.

Victor: Oh, yeah?

Adam: Just remember, I know all your tricks.

Victor: [ Laughing ] Oh!

Adam: And I'm always gonna be one step ahead.

Victor: [ Chuckles ] Son, you aren't old enough or experienced enough to know all my tricks. Now, what do you say about the fact that I manipulated the situation so that connor could come back to be readmitted to walnut grove?

Chelsea: Okay.

Chloe: Good. All right, done.

Chelsea: Done.

Chloe: Okay, um...

[ Giggles ] I have news.

Chelsea: Actually, I have some news for you, too.

Chloe: Okay, you go first.

Chelsea: No, actually, you go first.

Chloe: Wait, what? Why?

Chelsea: Why? Because you're practically bouncing out of your chair.

Chloe: I am, really? Okay.

Chelsea: Yeah. What is it?

Chloe: Um... I'm pregnant.

Chelsea: What?

Chloe: Yeah. [ Giggles ]

Chelsea: Oh, chloe! Oh, that's great!

Chloe: Oh, thank you!

Chelsea: A baby?

Chloe: A baby!

Chelsea: Yay! Oh...

Chloe: Remember with connor, all the baby noises...

Chelsea: And all the baby smells...

Chloe: Oh! Those sleepless nights...

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] I am so happy for you.

Chloe: Thank you.

Chelsea: Oh! And if it's a boy, you can have all of connor's baby clothes.

Chloe: Oh, what if it's a girl?

Chelsea: Well, she won't know the difference.

Chloe: That's true.

[ Giggles ]

Chelsea: Chloe... after everything you've been through...

Chloe: I know, it's a miracle, right?

Chelsea: You deserve this.

Chloe: Hey, do not cry.

Chelsea: [ Laughs ] Why not?

Chloe: Because then I'm gonna cry, and I'm gonna mess up my makeup. No!

Chelsea: Okay, fair.

Chloe: [ Laughs ] Okay, enough about me. Your turn.

Chelsea: Oh, well, no, my news is not as big as yours, but, um... but I guess it is pretty big.

Chloe: I know. You and nick are getting married! No... you and nick are not getting married.

Chelsea: No. No, uh, nick and I have actually decided to call things off.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Me and my big mouth.

Chelsea: No, no, no. No, it's okay. We've been headed in that direction for a while.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] I know, but you cared about him so much. I'm so sorry.

Chelsea: Thank you. It's really sad, but we ended things as friends, and that's what's most important.

Chloe: Okay, good.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Chloe: Okay, well, first things first, we need to eat a pint of ice cream.

Chelsea: [ Laughs ]

Chloe: And then I am obliged, as your best friend, to give you the whole "there are so many fish in the sea" speech, until we launch your new dating app profile. Sexy photos first...

Chelsea: That's -- you know what, chloe, that's -- that's so sweet. Um...I'm with you on the ice cream, but I won't be needing the dating app.

Chloe: Yeah, I'm so sorry. What -- what am I thinking? You need time for yourself to heal and process things. Until you can bounce back to meet the man of your dreams.

Chelsea: Actually, I already know who that is.

Chloe: Oh! Okay.

Chelsea: Adam and I are gonna give it another shot.

Chloe: [ Scoffs ]

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Theo: Happy birthday.

Kyle: What's this?

Theo: The latest social media metrics came out this afternoon, and the numbers are through the roof.

Jack: Fantastic. Well done. Job well done.

Theo: Totally a team effort. Summer ran the show, I just tried to get the message out there, and the message landed.

Jack: Well, both of you did a great job. Isn't that great, kyle?

Kyle: It's the best birthday gift I could have asked for.

Theo: Thanks, cuz.

Lola: Um, you know, well, I have to get back to work. Kyle, would you walk me out, please?

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Lola: Thank you. Well...

Jack: Thank you for the cake!

Lola: Goodbye, everybody.

Kyle: Think I handled that pretty well, don't you?

Jack: I want you to know i feel terrible about not including you in kyle's birthday celebration.

Theo: Really, it was no big deal.

Jack: Family is a big deal to me. As a matter of fact, I don't know when your actual birthday is.

Theo: Don't sweat it, jack. I'm not looking for any presents or parties...

Jack: When is your birthday?

Theo: April 20th.

Jack: April 20th. Family milestones need to be recognized.

Chelsea: I know what you're gonna say.

Chloe: In the long,

long history of bad ideas, this is probably the worst yet. What are you doing?

Chelsea: I'm following my heart.

Chloe: To the man that ripped it out and stomped on it?

Chelsea: Things have been building for a long time with adam. I just didn't see it. I didn't want to see it.

Chloe: Yeah, that's because it's a giant mistake.

Chelsea: No, that's not true, chloe. I mean, even nick saw it. It's the reason he broke up with me. Even he believes I should be with adam.

Chloe: Oh, my god, this is crazy talk.

Chelsea: Look, I -- I know this is hard for you to accept because of what adam did.

Chloe: No, this has nothing to do with delia and the accident and everything to do with the man that has broken your heart more than once.

Chelsea: Chloe, I --

Chloe: I went along with you back when you were pregnant with connor, and I backed you up when you said that it was dylan's baby, just to protect you from adam.

Chelsea: Excuse me, "backed me up?"

Chloe: Yeah, you're right, that was my idea.

Chelsea: Thank you. That's not the point. The point is that adam has changed.

Chloe: No. No, he has not changed. Ever since he got back to g genoa city, he has blackmailed kevin into working for him, and even though michael did his best to help victor cover things up, we all know that adam tried to kill his father.

Chelsea: As weird as this may sound, that was a real turning point for him, okay?

Chloe: [ Scoffs, chuckles ]

Chelsea: When adam though that victor had died.... he knew he went too far. He turned his entire life around. Chloe, I think you, of all people, can relate to that.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Touché.

Chelsea: I mean, he came back from vegas to help his son. He's completely transformed. He's not all about power and revenge anymore. He's just about his family.

Chloe: This is just an act to get you back. Please do not fall for it.

Chelsea: If you saw him with connor, you wouldn't be saying that. You would see that the love he has for his son, the love he has for me is real.

Chloe: Chelsea. Adam is a sociopath. They do not change. They make you think they are the person that you want them to be, and then they've got you.

Chelsea: People said the same thing about you. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Chloe: [ Sighs ] Yeah, well, with adam, this is like the 400th chance. I mean, you're not even listening. Billy! Billy!

Chelsea: What are you doing?

Chloe: If you're not gonna listen to me, maybe you'll listen to him.

Chelsea: Billy is not exactly objective. He's not the person you should be dragging into this.

Chloe: Actually, I think he's the perfect person.

Billy: What's up?

Chloe: Chelsea wants to get back with adam. Please stop her.

Adam: I have to admit, I was surprised when nikki told me that connor was accepted back to walnut grove.

Victor: Son, as much as you hate to acknowledge it, the newman name carries a lot of weight around here.

Adam: Oh, I have no doubt about that.

Victor: Good.

Adam: But chelsea and I just aren't sure if walnut grove is the right place for him.

Victor: Why not?

Adam: We're exploring other options.

Victor: You're turning down your father's help. That's out of pure stubbornness, or what?

Adam: No, this -- this is as much chelsea's call as it is mine.

Victor: You and chelsea are a team now.

Adam: Mm-hmm. That's right.

Victor: Huh. Shortly after nicolas and chelsea presented that same united front.

Adam: Are we really back to this again? You've already made your opinion about my relationship with chelsea clear, okay?

Victor: I'm simply asking you if you can trust her. Can you trust her to provide the kind of solid foundation that your boy needs?

Adam: Okay, chelsea has been a wonderful mother, and she's provided connor with nothing but unconditional love and support since the day he was born, okay?

Victor: Son, I'm simply asking the question that you should be asking yourself.

Adam: Okay, well, nikki's past is far more scandalous than chelsea's, so I would tread carefully.

Victor: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... I don't think there's a comparison. Chelsea is a con artist, she's a liar, and she's a thief.

Adam: Okay, that's enough negative talk about the mother of my child.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Adam: Okay? I love her, and I will defend her name.

Victor: Good for you.

Adam: So if you're gonna sit here and continue to trash her, I suggest you go grab the boxing gloves.

Victor: Chelsea is who she is... and she's likely going to do what she's always done. You try hard, you eat right...

Chelsea: I apologize for chloe dragging you into this.

Chloe: Okay, you don't have to apologize for me because I am saving you from an absolute disaster.

Chelsea: Sorry, but neither one of you get a vote.

Chloe: Do you see what I'm dealing with? Complete and utter denial.

Chelsea: Chloe, you are starting to make me very angry.

Chloe: Fine. I don't really care. Be as mad as you want.

Billy: Okay, I got a plan.

Chloe: Great. I was hoping you would.

Chelsea: Why don't you just give me a minute with chelsea, okay?

Chloe: I hope you have better luck than I did. I know you're mad at me, but I'm doing this because I love you.

Chelsea: Go on. Give it to me. Me. Let it rip. Tell me something horrible I don't already know about adam.

Adam: Goodbye, father.

Victor: Good luck, son.

Adam: You know, I don't need luck.

Victor: My boy... you like to be cocky, don't you?

Adam: Mm.

Victor: Well... chip off the old block, you know?

Adam: Yeah.

Victor: But do you even have a plan on how to navigate all these difficult times about to come your way?

Adam: I do. Yes, I do.

Victor: You do? I see. And you're not gonna break any rules or repeat past mistakes, is that it? You're not gonna try to control your environment.

Adam: You mean like you did?

Victor: I just hope that you can learn from my experiences.

Adam: Here's what I've learned, pops. When it comes to the well-being of my family, I'll control whatever I have to, and I'll break every rule in the book, if that's what it takes. And I will not apologize for that. And I learned that from you, so... congratulations. Learned it from the best.

Victor: Good luck, my boy.

Billy: I have one question for you. What do you want?

Chelsea: I want people to try and understand.

Billy: Okay, well that's not going to happen because adam hasn't only burn bridges, he's blown them apart. But you already know that. So, how serious are you two?

Chelsea: We're not even officially back together. We're just exploring the possibility, and chloe freaked out before I could explain that.

Billy: Okay, well, explain it to me.

Chelsea: We're taking it slow. Day by day. For weeks, I tried to convince myself that I was only spending time with adam for connor's sake, but... I can't deny the feelings I have for him. I don't know, maybe it's based on nostalgia, and maybe it's based on regret over what might have been. I mean, you remember, we were supposed to have this amazing life together, and then it just got ripped away from us.

Billy: History is a powerful thing. It's not always easy to recapture, and, speaking of history, you and adam have had some dark chapters, chelsea.

Chelsea: I know. God knows I've seen adam at his best and his worst, and I've hesitated for all the same reasons that chloe just listed, and then some. But I can't help that there's this pull between us. I can't deny it, and I'm not going to act like it doesn't exist. And I'm certainly not going to suppress my feelings because I'm scared about what might happen down the road.

Billy: Well, you know what i think? I think you're right. This is your life. You get to choose how to live it. Who am I or anyone else to tell you differently?

Devon: Yeah, I'm definitely not banking on cain tracking down his dad. So we have the feds trailing both of them, and we've got an interpol involved.

Abby: But it's going to be hard to keep an eye on the investigation now that chance is no longer working for the government, not that I'm complaining.

Devon: What's that look?

Abby: What look?

Devon: The look you just gave me.

Abby: [ Giggles ]

Devon: Are you and chance...? Do you guys have something?

Abby: We're dating.

Devon: Yeah?

Abby: Yes. Nothing serious, but so far, so good.

Devon: Aww.

Abby: There's still hope for me yet.

Devon: I know there is. I knew you wouldn't give up on romance so soon.

Abby: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he's still settling in, so, you know, I'm not gonna get my hopes up, but... so far, so good.

Devon: That's good.

Abby: Yeah.

Devon: What does, uh -- what does a guy like him do for work in this town?

Abby: Well, he -- he actually found the perfect career -- he is starting his own security firm, so if you need the goods on anyone, chance is your guy.

Devon: Really?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Devon: That's very interesting.

Abby: Yeah. Oh! Excuse me.

Devon: Hey.

Elena: Hey.

Elena: You don't have to leave.

Abby: No, yes -- yes, I do. Please, sit.

Elena: Thank you.

Abby: Enjoy. Have a wonderful evening. Let me know if you need anything.

Devon: Thank you.

Elena: Thanks. So, what did I miss?

Devon: Another great idea, actually.

Elena: Oh!

I'm jimmy dean and uh,

Kyle: Theo does things deliberately to pull my chain,

Lola: And it works every time.

Kyle: Hang on. You don't --

Lola: You need to listen to me, kyle. What did you think I was feeling when someone gave you that cute little picture of you two as kid?

Kyle: It didn't seem to bother you.

Lola: Exactly. Because I wouldn't let it. I could have had a very different reaction to this very personal gift that was given to my husband by his ex-wife, but I chose to let it go, and I suggest you do the same with theo.

Kyle: What did I do to deserve you?

Lola: I don't know.

Theo: Wow, look at this cute little guy, and now he's all grown up to be a big C.E.O.

[ Laughter ] Sweet. Hey.

Devon: Chance, hey. This is devon hamilton. I'm good, thanks. I just heard that you are breaking into the security industry, and I have a job that I think you may like. Well, I want you to keep tabs on the woman who claim that you were her client. Yep. Amanda sinclair.

Chloe: Did you talk some sense into chelsea?

Billy: Well, I hope so.

Chloe: Great. What did you say?

Billy: I told her it's her life, that she gets to do whatever she wants.

Chloe: That's it?

Billy: Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, chloe.

Chloe: [ Scoffs ] This is adam we're talking about, billy.

Billy: Yeah. I know. She's not going to listen my advice, anyways, so what's the point?

Chloe: Well, I was trying to look after my best friend.

Billy: Well, you should probably realize that your friend knows what's best for herself, and people need to start living their truths.

Chloe: Even when their truth is insanely wrong?

Billy: Sanity is overrated.

Chloe: [ Scoffs ]

Billy: Bye.

Chloe: [ Sighs ]

Adam: Connor's out with the nanny for another hour.

Chelsea: Okay.

Adam: So, how was work today?

Chelsea: Um, it was all right. How'd it go with victor?

Adam: Oh, it was fine. He was his normal ornery self. But, you know what, he was open to the idea of including us and newman events.

Chelsea: Good.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Yeah. It was good.

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