Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/7/20

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 1/7/20


Episode #11774 ~ Billy and Amanda search for common ground; Theo needles Summer; Mariah wants answers from Tessa.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless".

Billy: Leaving my family company -- I mean, really leaving it this time -- was probably the best thing I've done.

Amanda: Why would you say that?

Billy: Because I feel alive for the first time in a long time.

Theo: You know, if you stare at them any harder, they might break.

Summer: I just think it's nice when two people can show each other affection.

Theo: Except you wish kyle's affection was coming your way.

Summer: What are you, lola's pet?

Mariah: What were you thinking when you decided not to tell me about you and tanner? No, I'm sorry. When you decided to lie.

Sharon: Tanner watts, the big rock star?

Mariah: Right, yeah. He wants tessa to go on tour with him, be his opening act.

Sharon: That's huge! That's the kind of break musicians dream about. But I can understand why you'd be worried about what that might mean for you as a couple. I mean, that's a lot of time to be apart. But, you know, that -- that was the whole point of your pr campaign, right? Get tessa's name out there, make people aware of her music...

Mariah: Yeah, it was, and I guess I succeeded.

Sharon: I'm guessing that tanner saw her music videos online.

Mariah: Yeah, he did, uh... but they had met before.

Sharon: How well did they know each other?

Mariah: Mm. Pretty well. They were married.

Tanner: This is the opportunity of a lifetime, and your career's going to take off like a rocket.

Tessa: Yeah, you can guarantee that, can you?

Tanner: Listen to me, tessa. I'm doing 27 shows in 21 cities between now and spring break. You're gonna see more of north america in the next three months than most people see in their entire lives. Two nights in memphis. You still like barbecue? I can hook it up. A weekend in ustin. You have not lived until you have been to the museum of the weird.

Tessa: Sounds like my kind of place, all right.

Tanner: Yeah, and you're gonna have the time of your life. So, what you do say? Are you gonna join me on the road, or --

Tessa: Tanner. Tanner. Okay, I -- I need to think about this, okay I just need time, all right? I've had no time to process all of this.

Tanner: [ Sighs ] What's holding you back? Is it your girlfriend?

Billy: Okay. Luggage is in the car.

Victoria: Thank you. I hope I'm not forgetting anything.

Billy: You got your toothbrush?

Victoria: Uh...check.

Billy: Earplugs, eye mask.

Victoria: Check.

Billy: Okay, um... what about a trashy novel for the plane?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Singapore is a 23-hour flight one way.

Billy: You're right, two trashy novels for the plane.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] Check.

Billy: Where's hannah? She's supposed to have the kids back from the, uh, ranch to say goodbye to you. I'm gonna text her real quick.

Victoria: Oh, no. No need. I dropped by on my way from work to say goodbye and to arrange for the kids to spend the night with my mom and dad.

Billy: Why did you do that?

Victoria: Well, I thought maybe you could use a little peace and quiet, have the house to yourself for a while. It's my way of saying thank you for the wonderful "me" time that you surprised me with last week.

Billy: That is very considerate. Thank you, honey.

Victoria: I know that you've been really stressed out. You've been working so hard.

Billy: I know.

Victoria: You deserve it.

Billy: Uh, I got a question, though. Where is my fluffy robe and cabernet? I don't -- I don't see it anywhere.

Victoria: Well, I didn't know what you'd want to do, so I'm -- I'm just leaving it up to you. You can -- you can watch basketball, you can go to the gym, you can just have a little downtime. You know, you can ponder your thoughts.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Victoria: You don't get to do that very often, and sometimes, when you do., Inspiration floats to the top.

Billy: Inspiration.

Victoria: Well, I know that you've been struggling ever since you left jabot, wondering what to do with your life. I hope that I'm not putting any pressure on you.

Billy: I didn't take it that way. I didn't take it that way, and you're probably right, a night off from the world is exactly what I need. Thank you.

Victoria: You're welcome.

Theo: Oh, wait. Does this mean that you're celebrating kyle's birthday here? Because, if you are, I want it on record that I am not crashing. I had no idea.

Summer: Okay, theo. Theo, relax. I'm just here for a drink, okay? And how did you know about kyle's birthday?

Theo: I used to party with the guy in new york. We'd still be recovering from our new year's hangovers, and it was time to break out the cake.

Summer: Mm. Gotcha.

Theo: Anyway, he was kind of vague about his plans for tonight, so I figured there was some kind of family thing i wasn't invited to.

Summer: Mm, no, he was vague because he doesn't know what the plan is. Lola's surprising him.

Lola: Almost there...

Kyle: Wait, should I -- should I be worried?

Lola: That depends. Do you trust me?

Kyle: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Is that a trick question?

Lola: Okay, and... stop right here.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.&

Lola: Hold this for me. Thank you.

Kyle: What? You're throwing me a party?

Lola: Something like that. Thank you.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ]

Lola: Abbott, party of two.

Kyle: Whoa, whoa. You closed the restaurant for the evening? You'll lose all that business.

Lola: Well, abby says "happy birthday," and the staff were very, very grateful for a night off.

Kyle: [ Chuckles ] This is awesome.

Lola: I thought about throwing you a bash.

Kyle: Mnh-mnh. You made the right choice. I get you all to myself, all night -- best gift ever. Humira patients...

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provided by...

Tessa: If you're implying that somehow mariah is holding me back, she's not, okay? I would've given up music if it wasn't for her.

Tanner: Peace. I'm just trying to feel out where your head's at. I have no issue with your girlfriend. It's obvious that she's very important to you.

Tessa: Very.

Tanner: Look, I get it. It was probably a really strange conversation to have. "Hey, hon, I'm thinking about going on the road with my ex."

Tessa: Especially since she didn't know I had an ex.

Tanner: Wait. Seriously?

Tessa: It never came up.

Tanner: Well what, did you just, like, erase me from your history, or something?

Kyle: [ Laughs ] Ropa vieja, the sandwich that brought us together.

Lola: Not quite. You see, when you first ordered it at my food truck...

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Lola: ...I ignored all of your special requests, and I made it my way.

Kyle: Mm-hmm.

Lola: But, today, kyle abbot, it's your birthday. So you get everything the way you like it.

Kyle: Mm.

Lola: Raw pepper, minced open, cheddar instead of swiss.

Kyle: You remember my original order.

Lola: Of course I remember. It was a moment that changed my life forever. Bon appétit.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Ooh! Mmm! It's perfect.

Lola: Yeah?

Kyle: I wasn't talking about the way it tastes. What's perfect is the metaphor. The sandwich is fine. Just like my life was back then. But I had no idea how good it could be till I found you. So... you said I could have anything for my birthday.

Lola: Yes.

Kyle: Please. Please, don't make me eat this sandwich because your version is a million times better.

[ Both laugh ]

Lola: Okay. I will be right back with something very delicious.

Kyle: Mm. Mm-hmm.

Lola: [ Giggles ]

Theo: I suppose you know what lola's got in store tonight for kyle.

Summer: Only because she called to make sure that he didn't have to work late.

Theo: Ah. Let me guess. They had a flight to catch. So where they headed, hmm? A ski lodge in aspen? Clubbing in new york?

Summer: Okay, first of all, it's none of your business, really, and, second, you are way off-base.

Theo: Yeah. Okay. I should have put more thought into my guess. Lola's not into big, flashy gestures. That would've been the kind of thing you would have done if you and kyle would have stayed together.

Summer: [ Sighs ]

Theo: Oh, don't tell me you don't still think about it. I know you too well.

Billy: Journaling,

meditation, get out into

nature -- yeah!

Great advice, if you want to be

a yoga teacher or a park

ranger. "When you feel like you're living someone else's life..." ooh!

Yes, billy, we see you.

You can put your hand down now. "It is essential to take those big risks, to step out into the unknown."

This is about as fun as a root

canal, and this is not what i


[ Groans ] Lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose.

Mariah: Tessa and I were up all night trying to hash things out. I just can't seem to get over new year's eve.

Sharon: Yeah, I would feel the same.

Mariah: But, I mean, I do understand why she never mentioned tanner to me. Their marriage was over years ago, and it only lasted a few months. Plus, this isn't even in the same league as some of the other secrets that she's kept from me.

Sharon: That's true. It isn't criminal behavior. She get points for that.

Mariah: Tessa never thought that she would see tanner again, except maybe on tv or in his videos. It didn't seem relevant to our lives today.

Sharon: A lie of omission is still a lie. And an ex-husband -- that's a pretty significant piece of information to leave out, especially when you're in love and things are getting serious. There are a lot of things I didn't tell nick when we first got together -- just things about my past that I wasn't proud of.

Mariah: No, but you were a teenager. You didn't want to lose him.

Sharon: True. You know, I still knew that it was wrong to be dishonest, and when everything came out, it caused some real problems in our relationship.

Mariah: I know. I understand what you're saying. I just -- I think this is different.

Sharon: How so?

Mariah: You know, she eloped with tanner to get out of her crappy home life, but it seems like she just swapped one set of problems for the other. Believe me, I know what that's like. If you want to look at my love life, or, if you even call it that, I mean, it's just a series of disasters, and I wouldn't want to dredge it up and go into all the details.

Sharon: Sounds like you want to give tessa a pass for everything that's happened in the past, but you're right. When it comes to new year's eve, she should have told you the minute she got that text.

Mariah: No, I agree. She should have told me right away, I know that. And it really, really bothers me that she didn'T.

Sharon: Do you think that she'll accept tanner's offer to go out on tour.

Mariah: I don't know.

Sharon: You two have been through some intense challenges before. Honestly, some things that i didn't think your relationship would survive.

Mariah: Are you telling me to trust her now?

Sharon: I'm telling you that I trust you to protect yourself and still remain loving and understanding with tessa because that's the person you are, and I couldn't be more proud of you.

Sharon: Thank you, mom. I don't know what I would do. If I didn't have you to talk to.

Tessa: Our relationship back then, it's just really hard to explain. I mean, I'm sure if you had a girlfriend you wouldn't be excited to tell her how much you messed up the first marriage.

Tanner: I do have a girlfriend, and she actually knows all about you.

Tessa: Oh. Is everyone more evolved than i am?

Tanner: Tessa. Look at me. We have no reason to be ashamed of our past. We were dumb kids making dumb decisions. That's what a misspent youth is for. And bonus -- it's great material for songwriting.

Tessa: "Fess up" and "girl in absentia" -- those are about me, aren't they?

Tanner: Um, no... what would make you think that? Of course not.

Tessa: [ Scoffs ]

Tanner: Look... I apologize if me popping up like this caused any tension with you and your girlfriend. I mean, can I help? Can I maybe, like, explain things to mariah? Like, that's her name, right?

Tessa: Yeah, that's her name, and, no, you may absolutely not talk to her. That is a terrible idea!

Amanda: I hope you don't mind, I started without you.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Lola: Dinner is served.

Kyle: Outstanding.

Lola: Oh, what are you making?

Kyle: I am making my special non-alcohol mocktails from a secret family recipe, which I blatantly stole since it wasn't my family.

Lola: Sweet. [ Giggles ]

Kyle: I've re-christened them, uh, january birthday, in honor of the occasion... I think I have most of the ingredients.

Lola: What's in it?

Kyle: Fresh-squeezed blood orange juice... with pulp...

Lola: Naturally.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. A little vanilla extract.

Lola: Mm-hmm.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Some lime soda water... now... all I need is honey.

Lola: I think there's some under the counter.

Kyle: Got it. Observe closely, my dear. This... is where the magic happens. Yes.

Lola: Wow, I had no idea you were such an expert.

Kyle: Oh, "mixology" is my middle name.

Lola: Oh! So, where'd you learn to do all that?

Kyle: Mm. I'll never tell.

Lola: [ Giggles ] Was it all the bar-hopping you did with theo?

Kyle: Please. All he does is shots. This is artistry.

Lola: Oh, yeah, so I see.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Okay, confession time. I used to bartend in the hamptons for this hedge fund manager. He'd throw these epic parties. I get to meet incredible people and learn to make these exotic drinks.

Lola: But these drinks don't have any liquor.

Kyle: Ooh! Booze has a ton of calories. So if you're a supermodel and it's saturday night, and you got to shoot in paris monday morning, the last thing you want is alcohol bloat. The ladies used to love my mocktails. Ooh! Ahh! Voilà. January birthday.

Lola: Thank you.

Kyle: Cheers, baby. Mm-hmm?

Lola: Yum!

Kyle: Mm. Told you. What?

Lola: I can't help thinking about how different our lives were back then, and what mine looks like now.

Summer: So, um, how are your jabot emoji revisions coming?

Theo: Hey, no fair, changing the subject. Not before you tell me what you got kyle for his birthday.

Summer: Nothing.

Theo: [ Scoffs ] Yeah, right.

Summer: Okay, why can't you just let this go?

Theo: Hey, now, that's probably a question you've been asking yourself a lot. But I don't blame you for holding out hope. There is obviously something between you and kyle, even now that he's married. And, who knows, maybe one of these days he'll get bored with his walk on the mild side.

Summer: Okay, and there you go again, making fun of kyle and his tame life. Talk about projecting, theo. Really? What are your exciting plans for the evening?

Theo: It's not my birthday.

Summer: That's a pretty lame excuse. I mean, shouldn't someone as hip and cool as you be doing something better than just hanging out at a hotel bar, giving me a hard time? Come on, vanderway, either put up or shut up.

Theo: What do you have in mind?

Summer: Now you're telling me that you forgot how to have fun. Really?

Theo: Definitely not. You want to go upstairs with me and see for yourself?

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Okay. Forget it. Those days are long gone. And, if I recall correctly, you're the one who had the bright idea to call it off.

Theo: You could talk me out of that decision, if you wanted to. At least for tonight.

Tanner: Message received.

Tessa: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. It just didn't come out right. You're handsome and charming. You're probably used to getting your own way, but, uh, let me tell you, mariah copeland is the last person to be impressed by any of that. She works with celebrities every day, and, to her, they're just like everybody else.

Tanner: I get it.

Tessa: Mariah and I are just gonna have to work this out on our own.

Tanner: Makes sense. But back to business -- I need to know as soon as possible if you're gonna sign on as my opening act. I can only keep the slot open for so long, but I'm really hoping that I can have that slot filled by you.

Tessa: Why is that, tanner? I mean, I know that you keep saying it's all about my singing, but there are so many fabulous singers who deserve a chance just as much as I do. I just can't but think this is about something else.

Tanner: There aren't too many people in my life that knew me before I hit it big.

Tessa: Isn't that a good thing?

Tanner: I mean, yeah, for the most part, but I was glad to kick the dust off my feet. But you were kind to me. You believed in me. I mean, I'm pretty sure I would never have made it to this point if it weren't for your support, and now I have the opportunity to repay the favor. I'm just hoping that you'll let me.

Tessa: That's really sweet of you...

Tanner: Uh, hey. I'm tanner watts. You must be mariah. It's really nice to meet you.

Amanda: Did you come from the gym?

Billy: You mean my outfit? Yes, I know, it's very stylish. I, uh -- I walked over here, very briskly, to try and use up some of my energy so I could potentially sleep tonight. I'm not sure what to do with it. I'm not even sure where it came from.

Amanda: I can relate.

Billy: Yeah?

Amanda: Yeah, I am feeling antsy tonight, too. But, unlike you, I know exactly what it's about. I am in desperate need of a new challenge.

Billy: A case?

Amanda: Maybe. I think I just need a puzzle to wrap my brain around -- the more diabolical, the better.

Billy: Oh, I have one for you. Yeah, it's complicated as hell.

Amanda: Sounds intriguing.

Billy: Mm. I was actually hoping that you could help me out with it. You and me. What is this? What's going on here, amanda? (Vo) morning, noon, night;

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Amanda: I am joining a friend for coffee.

Billy: Yeah. Exactly. Why are we friends? I mean, why -- why do we click, right? I mean... come on, most of the time, you meet somebody and you strike up a conversation or you become friends with them, you have common ground, right? You work together or your kids go to school together or you root for the same team, like you're a bears fan, or something.

Amanda: Bears. That's like the pointy ball sport, right?

Billy: Yeah. It's the pointy ball sport. My point exactly. We have nothing in common.

Amanda: Well, maybe not on the surface, but...

Billy: Okay, for example, victoria and me, okay? We are... very different people. We have different temperaments, we have different outlooks on life, but we have common ground. I mean, we were both born in genoa city, we, uh, both have parents that split up, we had troubled adolescence, we went to boarding schools, -- we did all that.

Amanda: With all those shared experiences, yeah, it's -- it's no wonder that you two connect.

Billy: Exactly. So explain to me why you seem to understand what I'm thinking or what I'm about to say. Half the time, before I even say it, you're -- you know what I'm about to express, and either you're clairvoyant, or you just do this with everyone. What is it?

Amanda: Hardly. I -- I do, I feel a comfort level with you that I don't share with too many people.

Billy: Yeah. I know. It feels like we've known each other for years, and we've practically just met.

Amanda: I don't know. I can't explain it any more than you can, billy, but I do know that it is definitely not because I come from a wealthy family or I went to boarding school. Hey, I did go to ivy league law school. There's that.

Billy: Oh, yeah, I traveled around after high school. I went to louisiana and florida, and then I came back here and went to gcu.

Amanda: Well, I was a self-starter. Very determined. Focused on success.

Billy: I was a black sheep, screw-up, one after another.

Amanda: [ Laughs ] I don't have kids.

Billy: I have kids, and they are the center of my world. This is my point. What's going on?

Amanda: I mean, could it really be that the only shared experience that we have is that we were at the same place at the same time when the lights went out in genoa city?

Billy: I doubt it. Anyway, we'll figure it out at some point, I guess, right?

Amanda: Or maybe we will decide to stop analyzing it to death, and we'll just accept it for what it is and enjoy each other's company.

Billy: Cheers to that.

Tessa: Tanner came by to give me more information about the tour, but he was just leaving.

Tanner: I understand it's you I have to thank for encouraging tessa to stick with her music. It's a tough business. A lot of people would have given up.

Tessa: I could have easily been one of them.

Mariah: Well, I wasn't about to let her do that. She's too talented. So don't think you're the only one who noticed.

Tanner: I'm sure I'm not. I mean, those videos you produced for her are brilliant. You showcased tessa perfectly as a songwriter and as a performer. I mean, once she gets a name for herself, that investment's gonna pay off big-time then you're gonna have acts from all over clamoring to hire you so you can do the same thing for them. I mean, you factor in the commissions and the merchandise sales...

Tessa: Well, you know, those are all really interesting points, ones that mariah and i will discuss later. Alone.

Tanner: Got it.

Tessa: Since you have a girlfriend yourself, you must know, all that traveling is very disruptive to your personal life, and I'm not sure if I'm up for it. This is not an easy decision, and it's not one that I will make rashly or impulsively.

Tanner: Makes sense. I mean, you got to do you. But, um... I've got to hire an opening act. If you wait too long, the decision will be made for you.

Tessa: I understand.

Tanner: Great. It was really nice to meet you. I hope we'll be talking again soon.

Mariah: Of course.

Tessa: Oh, thank you.

Tessa: I am so, so sorry. I had no idea that he was just gonna show up here.

Mariah: It's tanner's way of underscoring just how much he wants you to go on tour with him.

Tessa: But all that matters to me is how you feel about it. So...what are you thinking?

Mariah: I think you should do it.

Summer: How long are you gonna keep pretending that you're some wild child compared to kyle when, really, all you want to do is emulate him?

Theo: Kyle and I work at the same company. That is where the similarities end.

Summer: Yeah, case in point, even though you had other options, you chose to work in the same office as kyle. I mean, for crying out loud. Ashley offered you a job in paris, and any normal, unattached, ambitious guy your age would have jumped at that chance. It probably would have been a really great adventure, and I'm sure more responsibility, better pay, even...

Theo: You're speculating.

Summer: You said that you wanted to stay because of me, and then you dumped me right after, so that was just bogus.

Theo: Jack made me a great offer. I'm building my career, getting to know my family...

Summer: Yeah, well, you probably would've had an easier time building your career in paris without kyle breathing down your neck, and you don't really attend that many abbott family gatherings.

Theo: It's a process, all right?

Summer: Make all the excuses you want, theo, but I know the real reason why you decided to stick around town. And, unfortunately for you, she's happily married.

Lola: What are you thinking?

Kyle: This reminds me of the time we did your fantasy date at the athletic club.

Lola: And that's when you told me you understood for the first time what it meant to be in love.

Kyle: By that point, I started to believe we might have a future together but I couldn't imagine this future. Now, here we are, married both working our dream jobs.... it all happened within a year. Makes me excited to think about what's coming for us.

Lola: Hopefully good things.

Kyle: Don't sound too optimistic.

Lola: Remember what I told you about my insecurities? Sometimes when things seem a little too perfect, I get this nagging thought in the back of my mind that it might not last.

Kyle: You're not saying you're afraid it won't work, are you?

Lola: No, no. Not our marriage. This honeymoon phase. I like it a lot, and I -- I would really miss it if it was gone.

Kyle: Oh, well, we'll just have to keep it going, then.

Lola: No one in either of our families has been able to do that, kyle. We have no good role models, and neither of us has ever been in a long-term, committed relationship before.

Kyle: We're learning, right? Getting better and better at it. We both know what it means to work hard and sacrifice for the things we want, and... I have never wanted anything more than I want a happy life with you... lola rosales abbott. We're going to have that together. We'll get through anything.

Billy: Oh, it was ridiculous. I was climbing the walls. As much as I complain about not having any time alone to clear my head, I had about 5 minutes of peace and quiet, and that was enough for me.

Amanda: Well, it's understandable.

Billy: Is it, really?

Amanda: Yeah. You are an extrovert. You're not into contemplating your own navel. You need to talk things through with someone else.

Billy: Exactly, and, let me guess, you're an introvert that would rather spend time alone.

Amanda: I actually prefer it most of the time.

Billy: Figures!

Amanda: What can I say? I enjoy my own company.

Billy: Oh, yeah. Nice.

Amanda: But I'm trying to be more social and make some new friends, especially since I'm putting roots down here in genoa city.

Billy: How's that going for you?

Amanda: I don't know. Let's see, um... I stayed in touch with nate after I represented him.

Billy: He's a good man.

Amanda: Yeah. And I'm getting to know phyllis. Phyllis summers?

Billy: Yeah, I know phyllis summers. We have a history. Not exactly a pretty one.

Amanda: Oh.

Billy: Yeah, we were together for a while, and, uh, when we got together, she was actually married to my brother jack.

Amanda: Oh, wow.

Billy: And it kind of went downhill from there.

Amanda: Yeah.

Billy: But as far as acquaintances or even friends, I think you could do worse.

Amanda: Ringing endorsement, right there.

Billy: No, she's cool, you know? She's -- she's smart. She's funny. She's independent. I'm not surprised you two are friends.

Sharon: Oh, I didn't realize you two knew each other.

Billy: Uh, amanda represented nate when he got in trouble with the, uh, medical board for helping victor assist his own death, and, um -- and victoria and the family were so thankful that she did a wonderful job because nate was able to keep his, uh, medical license.

Sharon: Oh, that's -- that's really great, you know, that he kept his license because, you know, he's a terrific doctor.

Billy: Yeah.

Amanda: Yes, I'm just glad that I could help.

Sharon: Yeah. Excuse me.

Billy: [ Clears throat ]

Amanda: [ Clears throat ] I'm gonna get going.

Billy: Yeah, it's, uh -- it's getting late. Well, I appreciate you letting me bend your ear.

Amanda: Good night, billy.

Billy: Good night.

What are you doing, man?

You could have just said you

were buds, you hit it off.

Sharon wouldn't have thought

anything of it.

People do that, you know.

They make random friends.

There's nothing to hide.

So why do you feel like you

need to hide it?

Mariah: Tanner being here when I walked in has nothing to do with me encouraging you to go on tour with him.

Tessa: Really?

Mariah: I had made my mind up before I walked in the door.

Tessa: Why?

Mariah: On the drive over here, I was thinking about why you would have possibly lied to me about tanner, and... I realized it was probably because you were scared that i wouldn't understand, and any decision made out of fear is almost always the wrong one. Then it hit me. If you decide not to go on tour because you think that I'm going to freak out or it's going to ruin what we have, then... that's just another version of the same mistake.

Tessa: I don't -- I don't see it that way.

Mariah: Tessa. This is what you were born to do. You can't pass this up.

Tessa: Yeah, singing for a living is my dream, but it doesn't have to happen right now, not like this.

Mariah: Tessa...

Tessa: Look, if I'm as talented as you and tanner think I am, I'll have other opportunities, which may not include having me leave you for months, okay? This isn't about fear, it's about priorities.

Mariah: I would miss you like crazy, and I know you would miss me. But if you pass this up and then later on you regret it, I would just hate to be the reason why.

Tessa: I promise. I will own up to this decision, and I won't hold you or anyone else responsible. But that does mean I need to make it by myself, and I need to sleep on it because I cannot think straight right now.

Mariah: Whatever you decide, I promise you, I will support you.

Theo: Have you shared your theory with kyle about my supposed interest in his wife?

Summer: Why, do you want me to?

Theo: I'll take that as a no.

Summer: No, I haven't said anything.

Theo: So either you don't really believe it, or you do believe it and you're hoping I succeed in breaking them up.

Summer: You know, that's a really terrible thing to say.

Theo: I don't hear a denial.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Well, you know, you're kind of making me wish you had actually gone to paris. We'd all probably be better off. It's not too late to go, you know. I'm sure ashley would welcome you with open arms.

Theo: [ Chuckles ] The perfect birthday gift for kyle -- me resigning to take a job on another continent, hmm? Maybe next year. For now, I'm staying put. I have too much I want to accomplish here. And, before you ask, no, I'm not gonna tell you what i mean by that.

Summer: Fine. Whatever you say, theo. I'll see you at work.

Kyle: And...bam! There we go. I'm now connected to the lighting and sound system.

Lola: What are you doing?

Kyle: Oh...this.

Say goodbye to only one

'cause from now on

there'll be two of us

whatever comes

I'll be right here by your side

through day and night

and now we're here, and everything is right

I've waited a long time to say to you

for better or worse

I do

stay here this way

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