Y&R Transcript Monday 1/6/20

Y&R Transcript Monday 1/6/20


Episode #11773 ~ Nikki issues a warning; Amanda opens up about her past; Sharon makes an important decision.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Sharon: No, no. This is not for a routine checkup. I found a lump in my breast this morning.

Nick: It's become pretty clear to me that you should be with adam.

Chelsea: It breaks my heart thinking that I hurt him yet again.

Adam: But it is over, right?

Tessa: Your career?

Tanner: Yeah.

Tessa: Whoa. [ Chuckles ]

Tanner: It's been a wild ride.

Tessa: Several million downloads wild.

Tanner: Come on the road with me, tess.

Tessa: This is not the first time that I've met tanner watts. He's my ex. We were married.

Tessa: Uh, I thought that... that might help.

Mariah: Fix things?

Tessa: Your headache. You always get headaches when you don't have your morning coffee, so... morning coffee.

Mariah: You don't have to take care of me.

Tessa: I like taking care of you.

Mariah: Shouldn't you... be at the studio?

Tessa: No. We need -- we need to talk about tanner, about everything.

Mariah: We did that... all night long.

Tessa: But y-you still don't believe that I never meant to hurt you?

Mariah: Tessa, you didn't tell me that you were married. How was I supposed to feel?

Tessa: I-I should have told you.

Mariah: Yes. Yeah. Yeah. You should have -- when we were getting serious, when we decided to move in together, or -- I don't know -- maybe when you got a call from a rock star out of the blue asking for a meeting. You had so many opportunities to tell the truth, but you didn't!

Tessa: I know. I -- it was just -- it's just so --

Mariah: Look, "come on tour with me" has a very, very different meaning when it comes from your ex-husband.

Tessa: He didn't mean it like that.

Mariah: Tessa, what were you thinking when you decided not to tell me about you and tanner? No, I'm -- I'm sorry. When you decided to lie? Because I really, really thought we were done with all that.

Sharon: [ Gasps ]

Rey: [ Chuckling ] Hey. You might want to switch to unleaded.

Sharon: What?

Rey: Decaf. You -- you seem a little wired this morning.

Sharon: I do?

Rey: Yeah. You're racing around, all hyped up and nervous.

Sharon: I'm not nervous. I just...am busy. Got a lot to do today.

Rey: Oh. Well... is there anything I can do?

Sharon: [ Sighs ] No. It's really just things that I need to handle on my own.

Rey: Well, if you're -- if you're sure.

Sharon: I am.

Victoria: Yes. Yes. I want to use this project as a model for making all of our manufacturing facilities green. Great. I will see you soon. Hi.

Nick: Hey. I guess taking the newman jet out for a spin this weekend isn't an option?

Victoria: Well, I mean, if you want to come to singapore with me...

Nick: Ooh. Let's see. Suits, factory tours, working dinners -- that sounds like hell.

Victoria: You know, it wasn't that long ago that you were totally immersed in the corporate world. You know, I'm looking for a C.O.O. Still.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] Nah, I'm good. It's all you.

Victoria: Okay. Well, you can't blame me for trying. I know that you have your plate full with new hope and christian and chelsea and...

Nick: Well, two out of three is not bad.

Victoria: What do you mean? What are you saying?

Nick: Chelsea and I are done.

Chelsea: Is connor up?

Adam: Yeah. He's upstairs getting dressed. Did you get 'em?

Chelsea: His favorite doughnut.

Adam: Ahh. You were gone so long, I figured you couldn't find them.

Celsea: Well, I had to go all the way across town.

Adam: I might just have to buy that bakery and move it across the street.

Chelsea: I could see you actually doing something like that, too.

Adam: Well, it would be worth it, especially now that you and connor are gonna be living here permanently.

[ Breathes deeply ] What?

Chelsea: Nothing. It -- [ Sighs ] It's just that word is a little intimidating.

Adam: But it's accurate.

Chelsea: Yeah. I'm just -- I'm nervous to tell connor everything.

Adam: Chelsea... this is what connor wants.

Chelsea: I know. He's just already had so many changes in his life. Now here's another one.

Adam: And this is going to be the last one. Right?

Chelsea: No pressure.

Adam: [ Breathes deeply ]

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Tessa: You're right. I lied.

Mariah: Why couldn't you just be honest? Why is it always your default position to lie?

Tessa: Look, I-it -- it's no excuse... but when tanner called, I-I freaked. You were so pumped, and all I could think about was everything that could go wrong, like he was gonna tell me that there was a problem with the divorce or something. I-I didn't know what to do.

Mariah: But you couldn't come to me... the person you supposedly love and trust him?

Tessa: I wanted to.

Mariah: But you didn'T.

Tessa: I-I-I just -- I wasn't thinking straight. I thought whatever tanner wanted, I could just... fix it on my own.

Mariah: So you went to fix the problem without telling me that you were meeting your ex-husband, without telling me you even had one!

Tessa: I'm sorry. I just -- I didn't want to have to --

Mariah: This wasn't an old friend or a co-worker. This is somebody that you were in love with.

Tessa: Whoa. Tanner and I were never in love.

Mariah: Right. Right. I'm sorry. You hated each other. What better reason to get married?

Tessa: No, no. No. It wasn't hate, either. It was -- look...I-it's time that you know the full story of our relationship so you can know what he meant to me and what he didn'T.

Chelsea: Hey, connor?! It's time for breakfast!

Connor: Hi.

Chelsea: Hi, sweetheart. You hungry?

Connor: Those are favorite doughnuts.

Chelsea: Mm-hmm.

Adam: Your mother got 'em for you.

Connor: We only have those on special occasions or when you have bad news. It's not christmas or my birthday, so what's going on?

Chelsea: Come on. Why don't we sit? Come here.

[ Chuckles ] Good boy.

Connor: Something's wrong. I can tell.

Adam: Connor, nothing is wrong. I promise.

Chelsea: We just... want to talk to you.

Connor: About what?

Chelsea: About some changes that are going to be happening in your life.

Adam: Mm-hmm.

Connor: What kind of changes?

Chelsea: Good one.

Adam: Yes, and they're gonna make things easier for all of us but especially for you.

Connor: 'K. What are they?

Chelsea: I'm gonna be staying here with you and your dad full-time. I won't be going back nick'S. Neither will you.

Connor: Really? Why not?

Chelsea: Um...because nick and I have decided to just be friends.

Connor: Does that mean he's not your boyfriend?

Chelsea: Um [Chuckles] Yes, that -- that's what it means. But he's still gonna be a part of your life, and so is christian.

Adam: Mm-hmm. We want you boys to stay close.

Connor: Does this mean we're a real family again?

Rey: Well, I should be taking off. I had to testify in court this morning.

Sharon: Okay. Good luck.

Rey: Yeah. You know what? It shouldn't take too long, and I have an idea. Why don't you put somebody else in charge and you can come with me? You can watch me in action, and then, afterwards, we grab some lunch and we celebrate my brilliant skills as a witness helping the D.A. Win another case.

Sharon: You know, as much as I would love to say yes to that, um, I can'T.

Rey: Oh, come on. This place would survive without you for a couple hours.

Sharon: I could, but I, uh -- I-I have this, uh, appointment this morning, um, with the new coffee distributor.

Rey: Oh. You're ditching me for coffee beans? Ouch.

Sharon: I'm sorry, um, but, no, I really -- I really need to -- to take this appointment.

Rey: I'd like to say it's your loss, but it really feels more like mine.

Sharon: Okay. Well, I'll make it up to you. Um, how 'bout dinner tonight?

Rey: That's a date. I'll see you later. Good luck.

Sharon: With what?

Rey: The coffee man.

Sharon: Oh. Right.

Rey: Yeah.

Victoria: On new year's eve? That's terrible.

Nick: I don't know. It depends on how you look at it. It's also a good time to start a new chapter in your life.

Victoria: And you're okay with that?

Nick: What's the point of dragging it out? Clean break was the way to go.

Victoria: What about christian?

Nick: [ Sighs ] He's confused. But I told him he's still gonna get to see connor a lot.

Victoria: Well, if he's ever lonely, he's more than welcome to play with johnny and katie whenever he wants.

Nick: Thanks.

Victoria: Is that why you came by -- to tell me that you and chelsea broke up?

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yeah. Also, you know, I figured you'd hear about it, and I thought it should come from me.

Victoria: Oh. Instead of adam? I assume this means he and chelsea got back together.

Nick: I have no idea what they're doing, you know, and it's none of my business. I'm just gonna stay out of it.

Victoria: Okay.

Nick: Just

[High-pitched voice] "Okay"?

Victoria: Well, I mean, I could tell you what an opportunistic jerk I think our brother is, or I could offer you some sympathy, like, "oh, I'm here for you nick. If there's anything I can do..." but, in my gut, I know that's not what you want to hear.

Nick: [ Normal voice ] You know, everyone should have a sister like you -- one who knows what not to say.

Victoria: Well, I am gonna take my perfect sister act even further. I'm gonna tell mom and dad about the breakup so that you can avoid having this conversation all over again.

Nikki: What conversation?

Tessa: When I met tanner... he was a struggling musician. And, uh... I was [Sighs] Kind of a mess, too. You know -- you know how bad it was for me at home, um... and I was looking for a way out. I would go to local clubs and dive bars and just dream about the day when it would be me on that stage. That's, uh, where I met him. He, uh -- he had been through some rough times. He left home. He was living out of a van, barely making ends meet. But, you know, he would -- he would he would still go from one lousy gig to the next, just dreaming about his big break, and... one day he played at... one of the bars that I was hanging out at. We met the afternoon before his show and... just joking about how glamorous the rock-style life was, but... I thought it was. I mean, singing and performing was the only thing that I've ever imagined doing in my whole life... and that night, uh... I watched him perform. He's good. He's really good. So...when he...asked me to go on the road with him and sing backup for his band, I-I-i jumped at the opportunity. I mean -- I mean, this was my way out. I mean, we had both been pretty banged up by life... and we shared the same passion -- music. We -- we connected. One night [Chuckles] We were in reno, and... we were pre-gaming before the show, and by the time it was over, we were -- eh [Chuckles] -- We were pretty buzzed. I don't even [Sniffles] Know how we ended up at an all-night chapel, but there was a sign outside the window that said, "wedding special -- 25 bucks plus license." I mean, you know, who could turn down a deal like that?

Mariah: Apparently not you.

Tessa: We got married. It was hilarious and spontaneous, but... it wasn't love, mariah.

[ Telephone rings ] I'm bad.

Chelsea: Your dad and I have made a new commitment... to, um -- to our family, you know -- uh, keeping it together by making it stronger.

Connor: How are we going to do that?

Adam: Okay. Think of it like this. Do you know when you want to build a really strong building with your blocks, you use the biggest and the thickest ones to make sure the walls are solid so that nothing will knock it down? That's what we're doing with our family. We are building a wall so strong that we will never fall down. Does that make sense?

Connor: [ Whimpering ] Mm-hmm.

[ Crying ]

Adam: Are -- connor... are you upset?

Connor: [ Crying continues ]

Chelsea: No, I-I don't think he is. I think these are happy tears.

Connor: [ Crying continues ]

Chelsea: So are mine.

Nikki: Okay, you two. What is going on?

Victoria: Nothing.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] Vick and I were just talking about --

Victoria: Dogs and -- and kids and -- and the company and --

Nick: Chelsea and I broke up.

Nikki: Oh, nicholas, I'm sorry. Why would you keep that from me?

Nick: I wasn'T. And vick was just trying to do me a favor.

Nikki: Trying to spare you from having to talk about it again?

Nick: Uh-huh, and you can see how difficult it was for me.

Victoria: Well, I didn't know you were gonna blurt it out like that.

Nick: I did not blurt it out. In fact, I feel like I said it very calmly.

Nikki: Oh, it's so nice the two of you can joke about this.

Nick: Beats the alternative.

Nikki: Okay. Could I get an honest emotion, please?

Nick: Mom, I'm fine.

Nikki: Are you?

Nick: Yes.

Nikki: And what about christian?

Nick: Christian is going to miss chelsea and connor, but they had been spending so much time at adam's anyway.

Nikki: [ Sighs ] Poor little guy. He's had so much upheaval in his life.

Nick: It's gonna be an adjustment. We're all gonna have to get used to it, but it's for the best.

Nikki: You are more like your father every day.

Nick: Well, I don't feel like that's gonna be a compliment.

Nikki: Victoria, would you mind giving me a moment alone with your brother?

Victoria: Yeah. Sure. You should have taken me up on my offer. I'll see you when I get back from singapore.

Nick: See you. Mom, I don't need a pep talk.

Nikki: Honey, I know you want to pretend that you're not disappointed or hurt. Your father would have reacted exactly the same way.

Nick: Definitely not a compliment.

Nikki: And I admire the strength it takes to bury that kind of pain, but, honey... it's just you and me now, so if you want to open up... feel free.

Rey: There you are.

Sharon: Rey. What are you doing here?

Rey: I was looking for you.

Sharon: I thought you were in court.

Rey: I was. The guy pled out. The judge sentenced him to time served.

Sharon: Oh.

Rey: What about you? I thought you had your meeting here with mr. Coffee.

Sharon: Yeah. I, uh -- well, he called, and he asked if I could meet him at his office.

Rey: Oh. How'd it go?

Sharon: Um, well, uh, uh, it's unclear. Um, it's just a lot to think about, and, uh, you know, I'm going to take some time and go over everything that we talked about, and then I'll make a decision.

Rey: Well, I hope it works out.

Sharon: Me, too.

Rey: So, since I have the rest of the morning off and things seem to have died down here, what do you say we grab an early lunch?

Sharon: Now?

Rey: I shouldn't assume just because I have time off, you do, too.

Sharon: No. Uh, yeah. I-I would love to have lunch with you. I...

[Voice breaking] Would love that very much.

Rey: [ Chuckles ] Really? You were so stressed earlier about all that work you had to do.

Sharon: You know, work can wait.

Rey: You sure?

Sharon: Grab a table. Lunch is on me.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Sharon: How can you say it was no big deal?

Rey: I bought the kid a pair of shoes.

Sharon: That he was trying to shoplift.

Rey: And I told him it was wrong and that he shouldn't do it again.

Sharon: And, being the tough guy that you are, you let him go.

Rey: Kid needed a break. I gave him one.

Sharon: Softy that you are, you know you can never pass up an opportunity to help someone in need. And that's what I love about you. It's what's in here that I love the most.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Rey: Oh, darn. It's the station. I have to go. [ Sighs ]

Sharon: Oh, boo.

Rey: I'm sorry. I hate to cut this short.

Sharon: Yeah, me, too, but i understand. You know, hero cops are in short supply.

Rey: Well, you know what? At least I won't be distracting you from all that work you said you had to do.

Sharon: Oh, you can distract me anytime you want, detective.

Rey: I'll see you later.

Sharon: Okay.

Tessa: Mariah... look at me.

[ Voice breaking ] Please. I need you to hear this -- really hear this. Tanner and I got together because we were at the same place at the same time with the same crazy dream.

Mariah: And they say romance is dead.

Tessa: I know it's hard for you to understand why two people who didn't love each other got married. You and I have been through so much just to be in this relationship. But that's the difference. Real love takes work -- the kind that you and i have been willing to put into this relationship. What tanner and I had was no work. That's why it didn't last.

Mariah: So, what happened?

Tessa: Well, we woke up the morning after we got married and could not believe what we had done.

Mariah: Why didn't you get it annulled?

Tessa: We had a gig that night, un, and then just one night turned into another...

Mariah: No, no, no, no! You could have filed the paperwork at any time. You know that. So there's gotta be another reason why you stayed married.

Tessa: We knew that it was insane that we were husband and wife, but you know what? We were having fun... hanging out with each other, escaping our pasts, chasing our dreams.

Mariah: Wow. You know, that sounds like a real relationship. In fact, it sounds a lot like our relationship.

Tessa: No, no, no, no, no. It was nothing like what we have. I couldn't be my full authentic self with him -- not like I've been with you.

Mariah: Well, sorry, tessa. That rings a little bit hollow, considering you couldn't share this authentic part of your life with me.

Tessa: Because it was so insignificant. You want proof? When two people love each other, their emotional wounds heal. They support each other until their dreams come true. That was the opposite of what tanner and I had. The past didn't go away. Fame never came, and we stopped having fun. And the fun was the only thing we really had.

Mariah: So, who was the one who ended it -- you or him?

Tessa: It was mutual. One day we looked at each other and realized that we had no business being together, so, um... we chipped in and got a divorce. I mean, even without lawyers, it was more expensive than the wedding.

Mariah: That's it? You just went your separate ways?

Tessa: I went home and forgot about the three months that i was married to a rocker.

Mariah: Yeah, acted like it never happened. Kept it from everyone you know, including me.

Tessa: Look, I screwed up, mariah. I know that. But I love you --

Mariah: Not enough to trust me.

Tessa: That's not fair!

Mariah: No! You were married to tanner, and you never said a word! How is that fair?!

Tessa: [ Crying ] I don't know how else to say this, mariah. Tanner...didn't mean anything to me. But you... you mean everything to me. Please tell me that that's enough. Please.

Adam: Sharon speaks very highly of you. My son connor -- he's still got some issues he's working through, but I think he's just taken a big step forward, and his mother and I would like to build on that positive momentum and start to address the issues he's having in school. Okay. Well, I will call your receptionist, and I'll set up an appointment. Thank you, doctor. That was a child therapist that sharon recommended.

Chelsea: Yeah, I heard. Sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop.

Adam: No. No, no. It's okay. This involves you.

Chelsea: Thank you for saying that.

Adam: Yeah. We're a team, chelsea.

Chelsea: Yeah. We always have been where connor's concerned.

Adam: It's true now more than ever.

We are the thrivers.

Tessa: Mariah, where are you going?

Mariah: I need to get out.

Tessa: Okay. Well, let me come with you.

Mariah: No.

Tessa: We can work this out -- okay? -- Together.

Mariah: We could have.

Tessa: Please, just tell me what I need to do. I'll do anything.

Mariah: Tessa, I'm not punishing you. I promise.

Tessa: I mean, I would understand if you want to, okay? I screwed up pretty bad.

Mariah: Yes, you did. You did. But, believe it or not, I can understand where you're coming from. You thought this part of your past was dead and buried. You wanted it to stay that way. I can give you a pass on not telling me. But the second that tanner called you, that was your opportunity to come clean.

Tessa: I panicked, okay? I didn't know how to tell you that I was married to someone that I didn't even love, okay? I'm just not that person anymore, okay? I swear.

Mariah: I feel like such an idiot. I was so excited. I was giving you this advice and -- and -- and these pep talks, and I thought that this was your big break.

Tessa: You aren't an idiot at all! Tanner did want to meet about music. He thinks I'm really good. That's why he wants me to be his opening act. You know what? I am completely ready to turn him down, okay? I'll just call him right now.

Mariah: Wait, wait, wait. Tessa, stop. Stop, stop!

[ Sighs ] I don't want you to make this decision because it's what you think that I want, so please just wait.

Tessa: Okay. Then let's -- let's keep talking.

Mariah: No. No. I really -- I just -- I need to think.

[ Door closes ]

Tessa: [ Sighs ]

Nick: When chelsea couldn't admit that her heart wasn't in it 100%... I ended things.

Nikki: Oh, you broke it off?

Nick: Yeah. I thought it was the best thing for everyone. Well, that's what I told myself.

Nikki: You don't sound like you're sure.

Nick: Look, it's over. It's time to move on.

Nikki: Well, darling, that's easier said than done.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Yes. If adam wasn't involved, it would be a lot easier. When I think about adam and chelsea together, it's --

Nikki: You put connor's needs above your own. I just wonder if adam has done that.

Nick: What do you mean?

Nikki: Do you think that he used connor's problems to manipulate chelsea?

Nick: Yes, I do. But I also know his concern for his son is real. Adam and chelsea both really love connor.

Nikki: And all the time they spent helping him reignited the spark between them?

Nick: When that happened, you know, there wasn't anything i could do to stop the inevitable.

Chelsea: Are you sure I can't get you anything?

Adam: I'm good.

Chelsea: Are you?

Adam: I'm just trying to figure out what you're thinking.

Chelsea: Oh. Well, let me know when you do.

Adam: I saw the look on your face after you heard me talking to the therapist.

Chelsea: I was...surprised.

Adam: What, that I would schedule an appointment?

Chelsea: No. I know how much you want to help connor. So do I. I was just [Sighs] -- You know, listening to you on the phone call, I was reminded of how driven and determined you are...to make things right for our son.

Adam: Of course I am. I mean, chelsea, to see him so hurt and confused these past few weeks -- I mean, it kills me to see him suffer like that.

Chelsea: I know. I felt the same way.

Adam: Okay. Then why... are you surprised that I would do everything I can to ensure that he continues to improve?

Chelsea: I'm not. It's just [Sighs] Hearing you on that phone call -- it was a reminder... of the way you can be when you love somebody. You pour every ounce of yourself into that love and you make the other person feel like nothing else matters, nothing else exists.

Adam: That's not a problem, is it?

Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Watching that kind of love is incredible. Being the object of it is terrifying.

West side imaging center.

Sharon: Hi. My name is sharon newman. Dr. Norris told me to call and make an appointment for a mammogram and ultrasound.

Alright. When would you like to come in?

Sharon: My schedule's wide open.

Okay. Uh, we could see you next tuesday, say, 10:00?

Sharon: That sounds fine.

Okay. We'll see you then. And don't wear any deodorant, perfume, or lotion.

Sharon: Okay. Um, see you tuesday.

Alright. Bye-bye now.

Mariah: Mom. Thank god you're here.

Sharon: What? Is something wrong?

Mariah: I'm sorry. Is this a good time?

Sharon: Absolutely.

There's a bunch of whole

almonds in every bar

Nick: I'm not going to sit around and feel sorry for myself.

Nikki: No, that's never been your style.

Nick: Chelsea deserves to be happy. So does connor.

Nikki: And so do you.

Nick: Well, my happiness is not going to come from me holding on to something that was never meant to be.

Nikki: Well, now that it's over...

Nick: I'm going to live my life. I'm going to focus on my son and put all my energies into new hope. I'm going to take christian skiing, and then I'm going to talk to devon about forming a bunch of new community-outreach programs for the new hope residents.

Nikki: Nicholas.

Nick: I know what you're going say.

Nikki: I was going to say that you are very strong and I have every confidence that you'll be just fine.

Nick: You were gonna say that?

Nikki: Yes. You are more equipped to deal with a disappointment like this than anyone I know.

Nick: You know, everyone says dad's the strong one, but I have learned so much from you.

Nikki: Oh! Well, in that case, I know you're gonna be okay.

[ Chuckles ] Just do me a favor. Stay away from sharon, please.

Nick: [ Laughs ] You know, that is exactly what she thought you would say. Don't ever change, mom.

Nikki: [ Laughs ] I couldn't if I tried.

Adam: I hope you're not saying that you're afraid of me.

Chelsea: Not you. Your feelings.

Adam: Hmm.

Chelsea: Everything's extra strength with you, adam, not just love -- anger, jealousy, hatred, every emotion in between.

Adam: I can be a little intense, yes.

Chelsea: Just a little. A love as passionate as yours... sometimes brings out pressure and expectation.

Adam: Chelsea, I'm not pressuring you for anything.

Chelsea: Easy for you to say. Last time I turned you down, you tried to have me arrested.

Adam: Okay. You know that I regret that.

Chelsea: [ Laughing ] Oh, god.

Adam: And every other selfish choice that I've made in the last few months to get back what I thought was stolen from me -- you know, having everything blow up in my face so spectacularly, it... gave me a much needed reality check, and I realized that I am not entitled to anything and i have to earn it all back and prove to you and everyone else that I deserve a second chance.

Chelsea: I know how hard you're trying. I mean, you can't even guarantee that... it would work out for us.

Adam: Listen... I am scared.

Chelsea: You?

Adam: I-I am this close to having everything that i want -- I mean, a life with you, with our family, and I know that you are not ready to move on yet, but you will be, and when that comes... that'll be it. That'll be my last shot -- our last shot. And that -- that scares the hell out of me, because as much as the prospect of recapturing what we had means to me, I am just as terrified that it's going to slip through my fingers. Okay? You and connor and our future together -- it means everything to me.

Chelsea: It's time, adam. You said it yourself. I just need time.

Adam: I'll give you as much as you need.

Tessa: [ Singing indistinctly ]

[ Knock on door ] Tanner.

Tanner: Is this a bad time?

Mariah: Maybe I'm just blowing things out of proportion just like I always do. I was up all night. That's why I'm having trouble working my way through this.

Sharon: Through what?

Mariah: [ Sighs ] I'm afraid to say it out loud... because if I do, then it's possible, and I'm -- I'm just so scared.

Sharon: What are you afraid of?

Mariah: That everything is gonna change.

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