Y&R Transcript Friday 1/3/20
Episode #11772 ~ Sharon keeps a secret; Kevin and Chloe share unexpected news.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless".
Mariah: Who is texting you near midnight on new year's eve?
Tessa: Uh, tanner watts.
Mariah: The tanner watts? Platinum recording artist tanner watts?
Nick: You need to be with him. And I want you to have that life that you were gonna have with him and connor, far away from here, before that cabin so I got to let you go. Can you do the same for me?
Nick: [ Sighs ] Summer: Hey. Happy new year.
Nick: Sure.
Summer: Ooh. Someone have a little too much champagne last night?
Nick: [ Sighs ] Summer: Okay, maybe coffee will help.
Nick: I doubt it.
Summer: All right, well, monique took christian, and you don't have to meet faith for a while, so that gives you a little bit of time to recover from your post-celebration hangover.
Nick: You know, I didn't even drink that much. Certainly wasn't celebrating.
Summer: Really? I mean, I just assumed since you left right after midnight that you and chelsea decided to ring in the new year alone.
Nick: You said something about coffee?
Summer: Are you okay?
Nick: [ Sighs ] Chelsea might be by later to, uh, get her things.
Summer: [ Scoffs ] Oh, my god, I am getting so sick of this.
Nick: Summer -- Summer: No, dad, it is getting so old. She's just bouncing back between your house and adam's, like you have nothing better to do than just wait for her to make up her mind about who she wants to be with. I mean, oh, my gosh, why doesn't she just do you a favor and move in with him already?
[ Scoffs ] Oh, my god. That's what she's doing, isn't it?
Chelsea: Happy new year.
Adam: It is. So far.
Chelsea: Where's connor?
Adam: Uh, I took him over to the ranch. He was dying to show oliver to victor and nikki.
Chelsea: Ah. He loves that kitten.
Adam: Mm.
Chelsea: I'm glad we decided to let him keep him.
Adam: I was gonna check on you earlier, but your door was closed, so I thought I'd let you sleep.
Chelsea: Thank you. I feel rested and ready to face. Whatever the future holds.
Adam: Well, how about something simple, like a cup of coffee? Cream, no sugar.
Chelsea: Oh, one second, adam. I -- I wanted to say something first.
Adam: Sure.
Chelsea: I'm sorry about last night. I don't usually let my emotions get the best of me.
Adam: Well, breaking up with someone is never easy.
Chelsea: And talking about it afterwards is pretty hard,
Adam: Well, look, whatever happened with you and nick, it's -- it's your business.
Chelsea: You deserve an explanation.
Adam: No, holding you in my arms last night, that was all i needed.
Chloe: Hey, what are you doing?
Kevin: Oh, geez! You nearly gave me a heart attack.
Chloe: The table looks fine. I think the staff did a great job.
Kevin: Yeah, I know. I'm just nervous. And a little terrified.
Chloe: Hey, we are going to share amazing, incredible news with our family that we love. Why is that so terrifying? Aren't you happy?
Kevin: Yes, I'm happy. Ecstatic. And also terrified.
Kevin: Oh, god, michael and lauren are here.
Chloe: Babe, why are you freaking out?
Kevin: Okay, the minute we announce our news, it's real. Completely, amazing... terrifying real.
Mariah: Happy "wipe the slate clean and start fresh"
[ Chuckles ]
Sharon: What does that mean? You gonna change your drink order? I got some mushroom coffee the other day.
Mariah: Mm! You know, I think I'm gonna stick with my soy latte.
Sharon: Should I make that for two?& One for you, and one for tessa?
Mariah: Uh, no, I'm not gonna be seeing tessa this
Sharon: Yes, you will, if you just turn around.
Mariah: Uh, excuse me. Hi.
Tessa: Hey.
Mariah: What are you doing here? I thought you were getting ready for your meeting. Why are you sitting down? Did he cancel?
Tessa: No. Mariah, okay, slow down. Tanner didn't cancel. It's -- he's a big star, and.
Mariah: Yeah. I know. All the more reason that you should not be late.
Tessa: I have time, okay? Which I'm using to prep for the meeting.
Mariah: You're nervous.
Tessa: Well, I have no idea what to expect when I get there.
Mariah: Hey, he reached out to you.
Tessa: Yeah, I know.
Mariah: So whatever happens at this meeting, it's gonna be good. No, scratch that. It's gonna be great. But I can go with you if you want.
Tessa: No, no, no. No, it's totally fine.
Mariah: Are you sue?
Tessa: Yeah. You're right, there's absolutely nothing to worry being a person is complicated.
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Mariah: Wait a second. Before you go, I just want to make sure that you are ready for a meeting with the superstar tanner watts. Yep. You're ready.
Tessa: Okay, I have time for one more cup of coffee.
Mariah: Tessa. You do not want to be late.
Tessa: The grand phoenix is just right down the street.
Mariah: Mm-hmm, and what if tanner is early?
Tessa: It won't kill him to wait for a few minutes. I don't want to seem too eager.
Mariah: Babe. You have nothing to be nervous about. You and tanner are both& talented musicians, passionate, dedicated artists who speak the same language. Think about how much you already have in common. So go!
Tessa: Okay.
Mariah: Go now! Go, go, go.
Tessa: Okay. Okay, okay, okay...
Mariah: [ Laughs ] Faith: Hey, tessa!
Tessa: Hi, faith. Sorry, I am on my way out.
Rey: Don't ask me.
Faith: Oh! Hey!
Mariah: Hey! What's up with tessa?
Mariah: Oh, she has a big meeting that she's nervous about.
Faith: Ooh, with who?
Mariah: You know, I really shouldn't say anymore for now.
Faith: That's not fair.
Mariah: Uh, we just found out about it last night, so i don't even know what it's about.
Faith: Hmm, mystery.
Mariah: Yes, but a fun one.
Faith: [ Chuckles ] Can't wait to find out what it is.
Mariah: Yeah. Me, either.
Rey: I had such a good time with faith this morning. I wish I could stick around and tell you all about it, but i don't want to be late to work on the first day of the new
Sharon: Um... you were with faith this morning?
Rey: We went ice skating. Before my shift?
Sharon: Oh, right. Right. Yeah. I -- I've just been crazy here, you know. I've served more black coffee than I have in the last six months.
Rey: Well, at least something good came out of all those hangovers, huh?
Faith: Have I told you lately how much I love you?
Sharon: Only about 500 times since I told you that you could go on the ski trip with haley's family.
Faith: It's the best christmas present ever.
Sharon: [ Chuckles ] I'm gonna miss you it feels like you just got home from school, and now you're leaving again already.
Faith: It's only for a few days.
Sharon: I know, but any amount of time that I'm not with you is too much.
Nick: There was no big breakup, no nasty accusations, just two people who knew their relationship wasn't working.
Summer: How did chelsea react when you told her you wanted to end things, though?
Nick: She was hurt and sad, but. I could see it in her eyes, too. She knew we couldn't go on like this.
Summer: Obviously, but, i mean. Breaking up on new year's eve, dad, of all nights?
Nick: Yeah, I know. It's supposed to be the night we put the previous year behind you and start fresh. But it hit me -- that was never gonna happen for me and chelsea.
Summer: Because she wanted to start fresh with adam?
Nick: Partly. Mostly. Look, when chelsea came back to town, I wanted so badly for us to pick up where we left off, but adam wasn't around then. Now he is, and... I got to stop pretending that he isn't the one that she wants to be with.
Summer: I'm so sorry, dad.
Nick: It's okay. I'm just gonna pick up the pieces and move on.
Summer: I hate seeing you hurt, but, I mean, if I'm being honest, I never thought that you and chelsea were gonna last. I don't know, when she came to town, it just kind of seemed like both of you were on the rebound, you know?
Nick: Is this your idea of a pep talk? Because you're not good at it.
Summer: [ Chuckles ] I I'm sorry! I -- I just want you to find someone who really appreciates you, is all.
Nick: I don't even know how that's gonna be possible. I mean, this is a whole lot of awesomeness right here.
Summer: Wow. Yeah. It really is, which is why you really deserve someone special.
Nick: I'm not even thinking about that. Just gonna be single and be cool with that.
Summer: All right. Whatever you say.
Adam: I have a confession to make.
Chelsea: Honesty. That's a good way to kick off the new year.
Adam: I saw you talking to nick last night. It looked like a pretty intense conversation.
Chelsea: It was.
Adam: Yeah, but not the way that I thought. I mean, I completely misunderstood what was going on between you two.
Chelsea: Oh. So that's why you left.
Adam: It was new year's eve. I assumed that you two were renewing promises you had made to each other about your future together.
Chelsea: No. No, you couldn't be further from the truth.
Adam: I realized that when you showed up here last night.
Chelsea: What you witnessed was a goodbye. But I can see how you misinterpreted it because there was no anger, no bitterness. It was just an honest, straightforward, very difficult conversation.
Adam: I'm glad you talked things out.
Chelsea: Well... I owe it all to nick. I didn't have the courage to face the truth, but he did.
Adam: Well, my brother may be a self-righteous jerk, but. I have to give him credit for doing the right thing on this one.
Chelsea: It was very difficult for him.
Adam: But he did it. He did it because he accepted the fact of what I've been saying, that we belong together.
Chelsea: Adam. Just because things are over between nick and me. It doesn't mean that I'm ready to be with you. Ugh, no paper towels?
Mariah: Mm, have such a great time. I will see you when you get back.
Faith: I hate that I won't find out what happened at tessa's meeting before I leave.
Mariah: I will text you when I hear anything, okay?
Faith: Mm-hmm.
Sharon: What's up with tessa?
Faith: It's a mystery.
Sharon: What does that mean?
Mariah: Uh, it means I can't say anything until tessa comes back from this important meeting.
Sharon: With who?
Mariah: My lips are sealed.
Rey: Oh, come on, you're not even gonna give us a hint?
Mariah: No, I'm not because I have to go to a meeting with devon. So sorry. All right, have fun, squirt. Mwah!
Faith: Mariah, wait! I just wanted to say something.
Mariah: What's up?
Faith: When you've been away, like I have, for a while, and you come back. You see things you didn't before.
Mariah: Like what?
Faith: I've noticed how great things are with you and you seem even happier than before I left, if that's possible.
Mariah: Well, it's definitely possible. And, you know what, you are not such a squirt anymore.
Faith: [ Chuckles ] Well, the new grown-up me is very happy that you're happy.
Mariah: Me, too.
Chloe: Okay, I know you're afraid that once we put this out there in the universe, it is going to be real, but we passed that threshold when we got the pregnancy test. It came back positive. We're having a baby, kevin. There's no going back.
Kevin: I don't want to.
Chloe: Oh, well, that is just great to hear.
Kevin: No, no, I am -- I'm beyond thrilled that we're having another kid.
Chloe: And so will lauren and your brother and my mom. When I had bella, I went through this all alone. I want to share this experience with the people that I love.
Kevin: I want that, too. But maybe it's too soon to tell everyone.
Chloe: Well, based on bella's reaction, I'm going to say that's a hard no. You saw the way she lit up.
Kevin: Like a christmas tree.
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: But if something goes wrong -- not that it's going to -- but if it did, then we would have to share that news.
Chloe: And then they'll be there for us.
Kevin: [ Sighs ] Yeah, I -- I get why you want the safety net.
Chloe: Yeah, but it's more than that. I want to share this amazing, incredible, scary ride with the people that we love. I want them to be as happy and as excited as we are about this life-changing experience.
Michael: All right, we're here.
Lauren: You look great.
Kevin: Hi.
Michael: Let's get over with.
Chloe: Hi. You look gorgeous. Mwah!
Lauren: Thank you. You, too. Uh, sorry about him. He had a little too much auld lang syne last night. Not exactly in the mood for another celebration.
[ Giggles ] Oh... living with opioid addiction can be a struggle.
Lauren: It's no problem. See you soon. Bye. Fen is on his way.
Chloe: Yeah, my mom just texted. She's on her way with bella.
Michael: They better make it soon. I'm not sure how much longer I can hold my head up.
Lauren: You know what, maybe you should just go home and lie down.
Michael: Oh! Yes.
Chloe: No! No. This is our last chance to spend the holidays together.
Michael: Fine. Just please text to everyone else and tell them to hurry the hell up.
Devon: I'm very happy with your management, mariah. Hopefully we're headed towards a nice first quarter. How are things going with indio and tallulah?
Mariah: Oh, they're great. They're two of our biggest money earners. I have to give theo a little bit of the credit for that one.
Devon: Well, you develop the talent.
Mariah: Yes. Yes, I did.
Devon: You did. I know you did. Especially tessa. I think you've done an amazing job with her career. I have a feeling that she's really gonna take off this year.
Mariah: Yeah.
Devon: Is there something i should know.
Mariah: Well, I don't want to get too ahead of myself, but... last night, tessa received a text from tanner watts.
Devon: Get out of here. Really?
Mariah: Yeah. He wants to meet with her.
Devon: Wow.
Mariah: I know. That's what I said. I said it like 1,000 times.
Devon: Did he say what he wanted?
Mariah: No, but it's got to be something good. I mean, why else would he reach out?
Devon: Yeah. When are they meeting?
Mariah: Um... now.
Tanner: This meeting has been a long time coming. I think it should start with a hug. God, it's been a while.
Tessa: Yeah, it has.
Tanner: You look good.
Tessa: Thanks. Uh, you, too.
Tanner: Wow, um, your career.
Tanner: Yeah.
Tessa: Whoa. It's been a wild ride.
Tessa: Several million downloads wild.
Tanner: I bet you never saw that coming when I was living out of my van.
Tessa: I always knew you had something special.
Tanner: Well, it just took the rest of the world a while to catch up, huh.
Tessa: I never doubted they would.
Tanner: I mean, you had more faith in me than I ever did. I thought I was going to play in dive bars my whole life. I mean... you just kept saying I needed a break.
Tessa: I was right.
Tanner: Yeah, but even my mom didn't think I would make it, but... you never stopped believing in me, thank god. I would have given up if it weren't for you.
Tessa: Well... music's in your blood. It was just a matter of time before everyone saw how talented you are.
Tanner: Yeah. Now you. I heard your latest songs. They're bold, unique. You found your voice, your passion.
Tessa: Well I'm just putting them out. That's all I can do.
Tanner: Actually, no, it's not. There's -- there's a lot more you can do.
Tessa: What do you mean?
Tanner: I've, um... I've been on tour with this great band, but they, uh -- they just got a gig headlining their own tour in europe. It leaves me short one opening act.
Tessa: You're not suggesting that...
Tanner: Come on the road with me, tess.
Adam: Chelsea, you know how i feel about you, but I thought... I mean, did it misinterpret?
Chelsea: No. You didn'T. I just -- I just need time to sort everything out. I mean, the past few months of my life have been a complete emotional roller coaster. You know, I found out that you were alive, then calvin died,
Adam: And you turned to nick.
Chelsea: Nick took me back after I did some really terrible things to him. I will forever be grateful that he was willing to give me a second chance. I poured my heart and soul into that relationship. It didn't work out, and I know now that's what's best, but it breaks my heart thinking that i hurt him yet again.
Adam: But it is over, right?
Chelsea: Yes. And I'm looking at the reason why. You, adam. Us. We have unfinished business.
Adam: Well, it's more than that. It's the future.
Chelsea: I just can't rush things. I need to heal my heart. My heart needs to heal before i consider ever opening it up again. Does that make sense to you? Do you understand that?
Adam: Yes. Absolutely. No pressure. I swear. But slowing down doesn't mean completely stopped, right?
Chelsea: What'd you have in mind?
Adam: How about... a date?
Chelsea: A date. Um... well, I just -- I feel like it's too soon to be seen together. I don't want to hurt nick any more than I already have.
Adam: No, we don't have to go anywhere. I mean, we can have a new year's day date right here. I just, um, need time to put something together.
Chelsea: Oh, do you -- oh, you, like, want me to leave?
[ Chuckles ]
Adam: Just... just go for a walk. Breathe in the new year, and... think about all the possibilities, and... when you come back, I'll have everything ready. What do you say?
Chelsea: I say yes. Since my dvt blood clot
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Nick: Good to see you, rey.
Rey: Happy new year, nick.
Faith: Can we talk?
Summer: Uh, about...?
Faith: Yeah.
Summer: Wait, is he going on the ski trip?
Faith: No, but he just sent me a text, and now I need to figure out what to text back.
Nick: Wait. Wait, wait. What?
Faith: Excuse us, dad.
Nick: Tell me they're not talking about what I think they're talking about.
Sharon: She will only confide in her big sisters, but I'm pretty sure she has a crush.
Nick: When did this happen?
Sharon: I don't know, it happened fast.
Nick: Too fast.
Sharon: Seems that way sometimes.
Rey: I'm gonna take of. Nick, try not to worry too much. She's a good kid.
Nick: She's not the one I'm worried about.
Rey: I'll pick you up at 7:00?
Sharon: 7:00?
Rey: We got dinner's at kyle and lola'S. She's cooking, we're bringing dessert.
Sharon: Oh, right. Yeah. Okay. No, that's perfect.
Rey: Okay, uh, I'll see you then.
Sharon: What?
Nick: I like seeing you happy.
Sharon: Ditto. You look thrilled.
Nick: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, about that, uh... before you hear about it from somebody else.. it ended things with chelsea.
Sharon: Oh. I'm sorry.
Nick: Yeah, we both realized it was time.
Sharon: Still. Had to hurt.
Nick: You know, I'm more relieved than anything else. Now I don't have to spend all my time worrying about adam.
Sharon: Wait. Does that mean that he and chelsea....?
Nick: I don't know. Whatever they're doing, it's their business. I'm staying out of it. In fact, I'm staying out of all relationships, period.
Sharon: Well, sometimes it's good to be single. You know, it makes your life a lot less complicated.
Nick: Yeah, I don't know about that. Summer's already tried to convince me to jump back into the dating pool. And I'm sure she won't be the last one who tries to get involved in my love life.
Sharon: Oh, I can just hear your mom now. "Nick, please promise me you won't take up with sharon again." You know my mom.
Sharon: To this day, I'm still her worst nightmare as far as you're concerned.
Nick: Phyllis may have you beat.
Sharon: Yeah. Battle of the evil exes.
Nick: It's like the only women out there for me are the ones I've already been with. It's like my best days are behind me.
Sharon: I hope that's not true. For either one of us.
Nick: Hey, don't worry. I'll set my mom straight. Hey. Where'd you go?
Sharon: Oh, sorry. It's just been a busy day. What do you say?
Nick: I was saying don't worry about my mom warning me about you. I'm just going to tell her that you are with a great guy and that you two are very happy.
Sharon: Thanks. You're sweet.
Nick: Just honest. You and rey, you have a great future ahead of you.
Sharon: Yeah. We do.
Esther: Here you go.
Michael: [ Groans ]
Kevin: Hey.
Fen: Hey, sorry. Forgot my phone.
Michael: Ooh! Ow!
Fen: Had to go back and get it.
Kevin: I'm glad you made it.
Fen: Thanks.
Chloe: Yeah. Me, too. We didn't get to catch up over christmas.
Fen: Oh, yeah, you mean... my little "break" I had to take from touring?
Kevin: No judgment here, buddy.
Esther: I think going to rehab was a very brave thing to do, fen.
Fen: Well, thank you. You know what, uh, it was hard work, but, uh, I'm finished, and I'm ready to just move on to the next step of recovery.
Lauren: Well, your dad and I are very proud of you.
Fen: Thanks. I'm just glad to be here with all you guys.
Michael: And we're thrilled to have you, but, look, I have a killer headache, so I might have to --
Lauren: Do you want me to just drive you home?
Michael: Oh, that would be so great.
Chloe: No! No, no, no. You can't -- you can't leave.
Michael: Look. Fenmore's gonna be here for a few more days. We have plenty of times for other kind of family get-togethers.
Chloe: Yeah, but this isn't just a family get-together, this...is the start of a new year. It's the chance to share good news.
Lauren: Oh! Okay, so...
Michael: Fine.
Lauren: Be okay for a few more minutes?
Michael: Just keep the conversation to a dull roar.
[ Chuckles ]
Kevin: Okay, well, then... chloe and I -
Esther: I have something to share.
Lauren: Oh! Go ahead, esther.
Esther: Well, this is something I've been wanting to do for ages, but I didn't really think I had the courage to do this --
Michael: Just say it, please. Just say it...
Esther: I signed up for a dating app.
Lauren: Oh! Wow. That's fantastic.
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah. Mom, that's -- that's great.
Fen: Yeah, no, actually, i think that's really cool, putting yourself out like that, you know? It takes guts.
Esther: Well, thank you, fen. I was really a little nervous at first, but I -- I've met a few people, and...
Chloe: Ooh!
Esther: I'll keep you posted.
Michael: Anybody else? Anybody else? Let's go.
Kevin: Yes. Well...
Lauren: I actually have something that michael doesn't even know about yet. Fenmore's is going global, and this spring, we are opening stores in tokyo and in seoul.
Fen: Wow.
Esther: Lauren, that is amazing.
Lauren: Thank you. I'm very excited and nervous all at the same time.
Fen: You got this, mom.
Michael: Well, I feel i should be participating in all of this sharing.
Kevin: No, no. Mikey, it's okay.
Michael: No, no, no. I'm not gonna be a party pooper. Does surviving new year's eve count as an achievement?
Lauren: Okay, I think we all understand you're not feeling well.
Michael: No, no, no. Give me a second. I'll come up with something else.
Chloe: Okay, no, I think we're okay. I think we're okay.
Kevin: Yeah. Yeah. Listen. [ Clears throat ] Chloe and I...
Bella: I'm gonna be a big sister!
Michael: What? What is --
Bella: Mommy and daddy are having a baby!
Lauren: [ Gasps ]
Esther: [ Gasp ] Is this true?
Lauren: Is that why you invited us?
Chloe: Well...
Kevin: Well... we wanted to share some good news with you all, so... consider it shared.
Chloe: Yep. We were planning on telling you all ourselves, but...
[ Laughter ]
Lauren: I'm thrilled! This is such great news.
Chloe: Yeah.
Michael: Man, screw the headache! This calls for champagne!
[ Laughter ] Oh, my gosh!
Esther: Oh, my gosh! I'm gonna be a grandmother again.
Michael: Oh!
Devon: If we could score watts as a client for power -- mother whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Slow down, one step at a time.
Devon: It's a big opportunity, though.
Mariah: I hear you, boss, but tanner watts isn't the only superstar in our midst.
Devon: Oh, I'll -- I'll take all the future hall-of-famers I can get into lp.
Mariah: [ Sighs ] I think you already signed this one. I'm talking about tessa. I think some of her new songs are potential big hits. There's no reason she couldn't be as big of a star as tanner watts.
Devon: Uh, I'm not disagreeing with you. I know she's put in a lot of effort in studio lately.
Mariah: Maybe this meeting with tanner is her big break.
Devon: This would mean a lot for you guys, not just professionally, wouldn't it?
Mariah: Tessa and I have had more than our share of heartbreak and disappointment. But we're in a really good place now. It kind of feels like anything is possible.
Tessa: You and me on the road together.
Tanner: Sure. Why now?
Tessa: Seriously?
Tanner: This is a legit offer. There's no ulterior motives, no hidden agendas.
Tessa: So I'm just expected to believe that you randomly selected me as your opening act?
Tanner: This is about your talent, not any of that other stuff other stuff
Tessa: Other stuff?
Tanner: Okay. Us. I mean, we can talk about it. We are adults here. Look, we were kids back then. Reckless, immature, passionate. I mean, it was great while it lasted... we grew up. We moved on.
Tessa: Then why'd you call me?
Tanner: Because I need an opening act, and you're damn good.
Tessa: That's it?
Tanner: This could be a win-win for both of us, tess. Don't let the past hold you back. Say yes. Ok everyone!
Kevin: [ Clears throat ] Hey, listen, I would, uh, like everybody's attention.
Michael: [ Groans ]
Kevin: Sorry, I'd like everybody's attention.
[ Laughter ]
Michael: Thank you.
Kevin: Um... I'd like to make a toast to all the people that chloe I wanted to share this news with... this amazing news. Um... when michael made it possible for us to come back to genoa city, it felt like I never left because no matter where i was... I was always here. They say that you can choose your friends but not your family. I disagree. There are a gazillion times you could have not chosen me, and I wouldn't have blamed you, but you never turned your back on me, ever. You stood by me and chloe through a lot of crazy stuff, and I can't say that there's not going to be more of it. I mean, we're still us.
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
Kevin: So... to my family, my friends, I look forward to many awesome, minimally crazy years ahead starting with this one. Life is so good, and it's only going to get better.
Chloe: Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
Kevin: Come here, you.
Michael: Hear, hear!
Lauren: So sweet!
Michael: Hey! Don't forget bella! Aww. Wait. Wait, wait, wait! A camera, camera!
Kevin: Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Lauren: Camera.
Bella: No!
Michael: Yes!
Lauren: Here we go.
Adam: One second! Hey. Why didn't you use your key?
Chelsea: Well, you don't just barge when someone asks you on a date. Plus, I didn't know if you were done setting up yet.
Adam: I am all finished. One new year's brunch for two.
Chelsea: Oh! You went to all this trouble?
Adam: Well, I wanted this moment to be low-key, but one you remember.
Chelsea: Low-key. How much you want to bet there's a chef in the kitchen you flew in from paris?
Adam: [ Chuckles ] Out of chicago. What? I followed the rules. Lunch, here. No fanfare. No screaming from the rooftops.
Chelsea: Well, it's an a for effort.
Adam: Mm.
Chelsea: I really appreciate this, and I know it's not the date you originally envisioned.
Adam: [ Sighs ] Well, I'm with you, and that's all that matters.
Mariah: Hey. I got your text. So.... how did it go? What happened?
Tessa: Well, it was definitely not what I expected.
Mariah: Oh, no. What did tanner say?
Tessa: Uh, tanner wants me to his opening act.
Mariah: You know, he's an idiot if he can't see how -- wait. What -- I'm sorry, what?
Tessa: Tanner wants to me go on tour with him.
Mariah: Oh, my god. Oh, my god! Oh, my god! This is amazing! Oh, my god, tessa, this is -- this is -- this is epic. You're going to be playing huge stadiums. I have to call tanner's people, and, uh, you know what, I think you're gonna need a new wardrobe. We might have to tweak the setlist just a little bit.
Tessa: Mariah. Slow down.
Mariah: Why? What's wrong? Did he not offer you enough money? Because devon and I are gonna negotiate the deal, it's gonna be fine.
Tessa: No, it's -- it's not about the money. There's just, um, a part of me that thinks I should turn him down.
Mariah: Why? Is it about us being away for months? Look, I will negotiate time off in your contract, I promise, and I can come visit you on tour. This is not gonna get between us.
Tessa: What if I told you that it might?
Mariah: Tessa, why would you going on tour be a problem for the two of us?
Tessa: [ Exhales sharply ] This is...not easy to say.
Mariah: Okay, now you're freaking me out.
Tessa: I should've told you before I left for my meeting.
Mariah: Told me what?
Tessa: This is not the first time that I've met tanner watts.
Mariah: You knew him before.
Tessa: Yeah.
Mariah: How?
Tessa: He's my ex. We were married.
Chelsea: Where did you learn to make eggs like that.
Adam: You forget I grew up on a farm.
Chelsea: You never cooked like that when we were together before.
Adam: Mm. Well, I had plenty of time to practice when I was living on my own in vegas. You know, I didn't know who i was or where I was from, but I could still crack an egg. Maybe a part of me knew this day would come.
Chelsea: Well, learning to make a heavenly omelet like that is a skill you definitely want to hold onto.
Adam: Lot of memories stuck with me. They were buried when I was finding my way back, but they were there, waiting to resurface when you came back into my life,
Chelsea: I don't remember you being corny, either.
Adam: [ Chuckles ] I remember everything about you. I remember the way that you look across the bed when you wake up in the morning, the way you cover your face during scary movies, and the way you go all mama bear when someone hurts connor. I know every look, every mood... everything. I see you, chelsea. The real you and all your imperfections.
Chelsea: And you can love me in spite of them?
Adam: I love you because of them. And I think that you feel the same way about me. And if it takes you a little time to realize that... I don't mind waiting. To you and me... and what can be.
Sharon: Hey, did you think you were getting out of here without another hug?
Faith: I already gave you, like, 50.
Sharon: Well you can never have too many
Faith: I guess.
Summer: Moms are like this your entire life.
Nick: You better get used to it.
Sharon: He's right. You are going to have a lot more hugs in your future, starting with this one. Oh! I can't breathe!
Sharon: [ Giggles ] Sorry. But I just miss you.
Faith: You're acting like we're never gonna see each other again.
Sharon: You'll understand one day.
Faith: I know, when I'm a mom.
Nick: We should get going.
Faith: Okay. Bye!
Sharon: Bye! Have fun, baby. Hi, this is sharon newman. Um, I -- I need to make an appointment with dr. Norris. No, no. This is not for a routine checkup. I found a lump in my breast this morning.
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