Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/2/20

Y&R Transcript Thursday 1/2/20


Episode #11771 ~ Victor and Nikki celebrate the New Year in style; Phyllis flirts with Chance.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Victoria: You worked on christmas eve.& Now you have to work on new year's eve, too?

Billy: Look, there's nothing I can do about it. There's an executive coming in from chicago, and he wants to meet.

Chance: I don't suppose your new year's resolution would be to stop harassing me about vegas.

Phyllis: You mean stop searching for your deep, dark secret?

Nick: So adam tells you he still loves you. He's put all his cards on the table. There's no more being polite, no more rules, no limits as to what he's gonna do to try and get you back.

Chelsea: It doesn't matter how he feels. I'm with you. I want you.

Nick: I can't forget who we're dealing with here and what he's capable of.

Chelsea: I can't do this. Not now, not ever. I have a party to get to.

Adam: Wait, abby's new year's bash at society?

Chelsea: Oh, you better not go. Don't you dare crash that party.

Adam: I don't have to crash it. I'm invited.

Abby: [ Gasps ]

Victor: Well, well, well!

Abby: Ah! Happy new year!

Nikki: Hi, honey!

Victor: Come here, come here.

Abby: Oh, my goodness! You look stunning!

Nikki: Oh, thank you. It looks beautiful in here.

Victor: Gorgeous. Gorgeous.

Abby: Thank you! I had such a blast planning and decorating. I just want this to be an unforgettable night.

Victor: Well. I bet, you are bringing the abbotts and the newmans together in the same room, same night. That's quite an accomplishment, really.

Abby: All right, this is neutral territory. You are all my family. And I think we can hit the "pause" button on the rivalry and enjoy saying "adios" to 2019 together.

Victor: Hello, kyle, my boy.

Kyle: Sounds like an excellent plan. Victor, nikki, it's good to see you both.

Abby: And what about me?

Kyle: I was saving the best for last.

Abby: Oh, all right. Hi!

Kyle: Hey. Mwah! So, I want to hear all about your christmas, but I'm going to go find the chef. Will you excuse me?

Victor: You do that.

Nikki: Of course.

Abby: Have fun.

Jack: Happy new year, sugar.

Abby: Oh! Almost.

Jack: Nikki, you are vision, as always.

Nikki: Oh, you are so sweet.

[ Laughter ]

Jack: You're looking pretty good yourself, my friend. Everything good in your world?

Victor: Tip-top. You know? Was santa claus nice to you?

Jack: We had a lovely, easy family christmas together, thank you for asking.

Abby: Yeah, my mom was in town from paris, dina celebrated with us, and I think she had a great time, so it was very special.

Victor: How nice is that.

Nikki: Oh, I'm so happy to hear that.

Victor: Yes.

Jack: So, any new year's resolutions, or are you already kind of perfect?

Victor: You know, it's funny you should ask. I actually resolve to be nice to you.

Jack: You're kidding.

Victor: I actually am.

[ Laughter ] All right.

Chelsea: Hi. Perfect timing.

Nick: Hey. Yeah.

Chance: Good evening, folks.

Chelsea: Hey.

Nick: Hey, chance. How's it going?

Chance: You know, I can't complain. You?

Nick: Same.

Chelsea: Are you enjoying your stay at the grand phoenix?

Chance: Very much so. Thank you. Shall we?

Nick: Yeah. Let's do it.

Nikki: Thank you so much.

Nikki: [ Gasps ] Hey!

Victor: Hello!

Chelsea: Hey.

Nick: Hey.

Abby: Hi!

Nikki: Happy birthday, darling.

Nick: Thanks, mom.

Victor: Happy birthday, my boy.

Nick: Thanks, dad. Mom, dad, you remember chance.

Chance: Hi.

Nikki: Oh, yes. Good to see you.

Victor: Hello, chance. Nice to see you.

Chance: Sir. You, as well. I didn't know it was your birthday.

Nick: It is. I'll let you buy me a drink later.

Abby: Actually, I believe I'm the one buying all the drinks this evening.

Victor: Oh!

Nick: Even better.

Victor: Oh, oh, oh.

Nikki: Well, I'm glad that you and nicholas could arrange for a night out. This way, you can ring in the new year together.

Chelsea: Yeah, we're blessed with sitters who don't mind working on a holiday, so.

Abby: Actually, um, I feel the most blessed, that I have this amazing place to host a party with people that I love and care about.

Jack: Well, I know I speak for everyone in saying thank you for making this all happen, for, uh, so graciously giving us this opportunity to bring the two families together.

Abby: I couldn't agree more. Although, it is nice to have someone here that can keep the peace if necessary.

[ Giggles ]

Kyle: You all done in the kitchen?

Lola: Food is ready, my crew is in great shape. I'm all yours for the rest of the night.

Kyle: Mm, and I'm all yours for a heck of a lot longer than just tonight.

Summer: [ Laughs ] Oh, my god! That's amazing.

Victor: Isn't it?

Abby: Thanks for coming, adam.

Adam: Thanks for having me.

Abby: Well, in the spirit of tonight, I invited all of the abbotts and the newmans, everyone I knew who was in town, to set our intentions for the new year. Hopefully we can start 2020 with a blank slate.

Adam: Mm. I like that sentiment. Well, I think I'm gonna grab myself a drink.

Nick: Excuse me. I would have thought you would have rather jumped in front of a train than come to this.

Phyllis: Ooh, uh, I changed my mind.

[ Clears throat ] Hey. Can I talk to you for a sec?

Abby: I'm sorry. Did I go too far by inviting adam? The last thing I would want to do is make you feel uncomfortable on your birthday.

Nick: I don't blame you. Somehow, I doubt you had much of a choice.

Victoria: Hi.

Nick: Hey.

Victoria: So, what did i miss?

Billy: Sorry I'm not more talkative.

Amanda: Don't worry. I'm not one of those people who can't sit in silence.

Billy: Right? One lull in the conversation, and they feel they need to fill it.

Amanda: Sometimes it's nice to just... sit with a friend, zone out, no expectations.

Billy: You know, I got to say, when I sit here with you, I feel relieved, like I can -- like I can breathe. Like I can be myself.

Amanda: You make me feel the same way.

When you're confident

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Sharon: Do you think I bought enough hats and noise-makers?

Rey: Do you have more in the back?

Sharon: Mm-hmm.

Rey: Well, then I'd say we are covered. Ah, here we go. What do you think, huh?

Sharon: That's it. It's you.

Rey: Yeah?

Mariah: We're here!

Sharon: Hey, you two!

Rey: Who's ready to party?

Mariah: We are!

Tessa: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Thank you both for giving up your new year's eve for this.

Tessa: We're not giving up anything.

Mariah: No, this is gonna be a blast. Plus, I hear the entertainment is going to rock.

Phyllis: The bookings at the grand phoenix have been abysmal. I mean, and I'm not just talking rooms. I am talking conventions and parties. This is really inexcusable for a new hotel like ours.

Chelsea: Are you serious?

Phyllis: Yeah. That's not the only reason I, uh, brought you over here. I was trying to save you from a potentially awkward situation with adam.

Chelsea: I don't need you to do me any favors, phyllis.

Phyllis: Mm, okay. Well, I know the situation -- well, it's obviously tense after, you know, adam asked me to make a play for nick so that you would leave nick and then run into adam's waiting arms.

Chelsea: So thanks for not knifing me in the back?

Phyllis: Um, well, no. I mean, I would never let anybody use me like that. Ever. And adam is obviously reverting to his old ways, and some women would know that that's an unhealthy situation and they're better off without him.

Chelsea: Ah, "some women," but not me. So you must see me as a fool in your eyes, huh? Just because I want to help my son heal, have both of his parents under the same roof?

Phyllis: You are no fool, chelsea. And you are not naive. And you know when someone's manipulating you because you are a master manipulator yourself. So, what is it, denial? Obfuscation? It must be that. Or maybe you know what you're doing... and you're just trying to string nick along.

Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] To what end?

Phyllis: I don't know. I really don't, because you're not doing anything to discourage adam.

Chelsea: That is not true. When nick told me what his brother did, I confronted him. I told him his behavior has been repulsive and completely inappropriate.

Phyllis: Oh, wow! And after that really stern talking to, adam is more hopeful than ever. And then you walk in here, on nick's arm, like you're the golden couple of genoa city. Seriously? Who's knifing who in the back? Change those numbers at the grand phoenix, or I'll do it for you.

Summer: Hey. Hey, mom. Hey.

Phyllis: Hey!

Summer: Can you, uh -- can you just do me a favor?

Phyllis: Yeah, what is it?

Summer: Could you just not start anything with anyone tonight?

Phyllis: I just want to be part of the celebration. Sweetie, come on.

Summer: Mom. Mom... when I saw you with chelsea, there was definitely something going on.

Phyllis: We were talking business.

Summer: Yeah, right.

Phyllis: Okay, excuse me.

Summer: Mom, I know --

Phyllis: Oh!

Summer: No, I know what i saw. I know how you feel about chelsea. Now that she's with dad, it just makes me wonder...

Phyllis: Wonder what?

Summer: If you're gonna use that as an excuse to try to go after him again.

Phyllis: Are you kidding me? Summer, it's a new year. I'm not gonna revive stale relationships.

Summer: Okay, then are you interested in someone new?

Phyllis: I... have no desire to get involved with anyone. This is my body of proof.

Theo: Hey.

Kyle: Theo.

Theo: Mm.

Kyle: Doesn't seem like your type of thing.

Theo: Command performance. Abby reminded me I'm part of the tribe now, so... you know, I even made it into that book about the abbott family history. Hmm. Here's to the future.

Nick: What was with phyllis dragging you off as soon as we walked in the door?

Chelsea: [ Scoffs ] It was just phyllis being phyllis, needing to insert herself, as always.

Nick: So she wasn't supposed to tell me about adam trying to break us up?

Chelsea: It doesn't matter. I'm here, with you because I choose to be. But I could use a glass of champagne.

Nick: I'll be right back.

Chelsea: Okay.

Victor: So... you decided to make an appearance?

Adam: Yeah, imagine my surprise...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Adam: ...Being invited to a family event.

Victor: That's right.

Adam: So, did you make any new year's resolutions?

Victor: You're the second person to ask me that.

Adam: Well?

Victor: To keep better track of my medication.

Adam: [ Chuckles ]

Victor: [ Chuckles ] You and I know what happened, right? They can think what they want. But you're here. You're determined to protect your son, and I'm still walking upright, more ornery than ever, prepared for the new year. I think that's a win, don't you?

Nikki: Still no word from billy?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] It's like christmas eve all over again. It's okay, really. I mean, I can't fault him for wanting to succeed in his new role.

Nikki: You think it's as simple as that?

Victoria: I don't know, mom. When we talked earlier, everything seemed fine. I just -- I picked up on this restless in him.

Nikki: You think he might have the urge to gamble again?

Victoria: [ Sighs ] The thought crossed my mind. But, I mean, it could just be this new consulting job. It's not as challenging as what he was doing before.

Nikki: He has been dealing with a lot of major issues. I mean, maybe he was trying to communicate something to you. Perhaps you were unaware of it.

Victoria: [ Sighs ] What do you suggest?

Nikki: Maybe you could encourage him to go to a meeting.

Victoria: Yeah, that's not a bad thought. I wouldn't want him to backslide after all the progress that he's made.

Amanda: When you said "escape" a minute ago, it reminded me.

Billy: Of what?

Amanda: I was in college. Undergrad. The summer between junior and, uh, senior year.

Billy: Mm.

Amanda: Rihanna was on her first world tour...

Billy: [ Laughing ] Oh, yes.

Amanda: So, josie, my friend, we drove all around going to a bunch of her U.S. Shows.

Billy: I see you in a whole new light now.

Amanda: [ Laughs ]

Billy: You and josie just --

Amanda: Oh, yeah, and she had this beater car -- mm. Didn't matter, though. It got us from point a to point b, we stayed at cheap motels, we ate out of food trucks and vending machines...

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Amanda: None of that mattered. We loved the music. We just loved the --

Billy: The freedom. Yeah.

Amanda: Yeah.

Billy: So, what happened after that?

Amanda: What do you think? September came around, so i buckled down, went back to school, worked my tail off, took the lsats, started applying to law school, made all the right choices -- yay, me.

Billy: Yeah, I know that feeling, you know? You buckle down, do everything that everyone expect you to do, wait for that pat on the back, for them to say "this is who we always thought you could be."

Amanda: Oh, yes, because, before...

Billy: You just weren't good enough.

Amanda: Mnh-mnh.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] You know, leaving my family company, I mean, really leaving it this time was probably the best thing I've done, maybe ever.

Amanda: C.E.O. Of jabot. That's a sweet gig.

Billy: Yeah.

Amanda: Mm-hmm. So why would you say that? Tell me the truth, billy. The whole truth, nothing but the truth.

Billy: Because I feel alive for the first time in a long time. Another cleaning tip from mr. Clean.

Sharon: [ Sighs ] Fill her up, please!

Mariah: Yeah, of course. I have got a fresh one right here.

Sharon: That is such a cute blouse you're wearing.

Mariah: Oh, well, thank you. It was a christmas present from someone with amazing taste who knows me incredibly well.

Sharon: Gee, I wonder who that could be.

Tessa: And I got this amazing bracelet from my own someone with amazing taste.

Sharon: [ Gasps ] That is beautiful, just like the two of you.

Mariah: [ Scoffs ] Thank you.

Tessa: Oh!

Rey: Yeah, so, you know, we're staying open late so people can come in and regroup after a night of partying, maybe warm up with a cup of coffee, find a safe way home.

Sharon: Stick around, watch the show for a bit. It's our way of saying thanks for another terrific year.

Rey: You know, it's a wonderful thing you're doing for this community.

Sharon: Well, I see it as more than just a public service. It's a really nice way to ring in the new year with people who I care about the most.

Rey: Well, with the right person, even work can be fun.

Sharon: I can't think of anywhere I'd rather be.

Billy: [ Sighs ] I know how lucky I am, I do, how, um... how privileged. I mean, I have had opportunities that no one else gets. You know, people, they... spend their lives trying to create this picture-perfect on the outside, and, uh... and I've tried, I've -- I've definitely tried to do that myself. I would say it's for my kids.

Amanda: It's obvious how much you love them.

Billy: Yeah, I do. So much. They're everything to me. But they're smart. They have an intuition. They know when someone is trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

[ Sighs ]

Amanda: Go on.

Billy: Well, I tried to figure this out with my therapist, you know, when she was trying to heal me. And... I don't know, I feel like if the point of that is to just get in line and just do what everybody expects me to do, I feel like that's part of the problem. I mean, I end up living in two different worlds. I feel like I'm conflict with myself constantly.

Amanda: Instead of one whole complicated person.

Billy: Yeah, to just feel what I feel, to do what I feel is right, to just, you know, be who I am, to embrace both sides.

Phyllis: Great party.

Chance: It has been, up till now.

Phyllis: I want to make sure we're on the same page.

Chance: I'm sure we're not, whatever it is.

Phyllis: Does abby know what happened in vegas?

Chance: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Mm. I thought so. I guess you don't want her to see you that way.

Chance: And what was is that?

Phyllis: Dangerous. Might scare some women.

Chance: Phyllis, if you're --

Phyllis: I'm not like abby. You don't scare me. I can keep a secret. When I want to.

Adam: Connor loves the ranch. You know, he feels safe there. And I appreciate everything you and dad have done to help through this difficult time.

Nikki: I would do anything for my grandchild.

Adam: I know you would, and I'm very grateful. Now, chelsea and I just need to figure out what to do about his school. Winter break is almost over, and we still haven't figured out where he's gonna go yet.

Nikki: I think I can help with that. After you and I last spoke, I phone walnut grove. I was able to persuade the principal to change her mind about removing connor from the school.

Adam: Well, I didn't -- I didn't expect you to do that.

Nikki: I know you didn'T. You said as much. But the best thing for connor is stability and familiarity.

Adam: Mm.

Jack: Hey. You okay?

Nick: [ Sighs ] I'm losing chelsea.

Jack: Talk to me.

Nick: Ever since she moved in with adam to be with connor... you know, I guess the writing was on the wall, but I just didn't want to see it. I really thought we had something real, but, as time goes by, I'm less and less sure about that. We hardly see each other. When we do, something always cuts it short. And there's this awkwardness that was never there.

[ Sighs ] I don't know, I'm starting to think that we're together for the wrong reasons. It's like she's supposed to be with me, you know, because I'm safe and because I'm dependable and because I was there for her when she needed someone. But now... it's like she has this obligation to be with me. And it hurts like hell.

Jack: So, do you wait it out and hope things go back to the way they were, or do you walk away? Only you can answer that question.

Victor: Ladies and gentlemen. You're all so festively dressed, my goodness. I think it is time for a toast. We are weakening our enamel more often than we even realize.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Victor: Jack, it hasn't been often that I would like to toast to you on this occasion. It is so nice to know that so many of our family are together tonight. And I want to thank abby for her generous hospitality.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Nick: Abby!

Jack: Yay, abby!

Victor: As we are about to embark upon the new year, I would like to take a moment to reflect upon the one we are about to say farewell to. Both of our families have gone through lots of ups and downs, but, you know, my darling... we have survived it all, haven't we?

Nikki: [ Giggles ]

Victor: We are stronger than ever. It's a sign of the resiliency of our family.

Jack: And ours.

Victor: Yes.

Jack: To, uh, new chapters to our story...

Victor: And many more to come.

Jack: To the changes we've all been through, and those things which have endured, among them, victor and nikki, i know that this evening is also your anniversary.

Victor: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: You two are a symbol of how a relationship can change and grow, how obstacles can be overcome when two people are truly committed.

Nikki: Well, it's all about love, jack, the most powerful force on earth. When two people are meant to be together, as victor and I are, nothing can stand in the way.

Jack: To victor and nikki!

Nick: Yeah!

Abby: Whoo-hoo! Cheers.

Jack: Yay!

Billy: Well, congratulations. You are my new shrink.

Amanda: [ Laughs ] I would not wish that on anyone.

Billy: Mm! Ooh. Why not? That's not nice.

Amanda: How can I help someone be normal when I am not?

Billy: Are you kidding me? You are a strong, independent, confident woman. I mean, you took on some very powerful people who threw a bunch of false accusations at you, and you stood your ground. You didn't let them run you out of town. From where I'm sitting, you seem like you got it pretty much under control.

Amanda: Ah, "seems" being the operative word here.

Billy: Huh.

Amanda: I don't have to tell you. No one really knows what's going on with the other guy.

Billy: Hmm.

Amanda: I would love to let go of that need to be so... in control, so on top of everything.

[ Sighs ] I swear to god, this is the only place where i feel like I am... not putting on an act.

Billy: Well, I'm glad you feel comfortable with me instead of waiting for me to implode, like everyone else i know.

Amanda: Some people are just too self-absorbed to notice what's going on with someone else.

Billy: [ Sighs ] I got to go. Yeah. I'm really sorry. I hate to, but, uh.... can I -- can I walk you to your car?

Amanda: The night is young. I am fine where I am.

Billy: Is that right? It's, uh, gonna get pretty rowdy out there.

Amanda: Mm, come on. I can take care of myself.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] Yeah, you can. Okay, well, um... you have my number if you need anything, okay? Happy new year.

Amanda: Happy new year.

Chelsea: You having a good time?

Nick: Are you?

Chelsea: I asked you first. You okay? You seem a little preoccupied.

Nick: I did want a moment alone with you before the new year.

Chelsea: Well, it's been a crazy year.

Nick: No one was as surprised as I was when you came back into my life. It kind of seemed like it was inevitable. But it felt right, you know. We got another chance. Our first time around was cut short.

Chelsea: Because I cut it short. I took connor and left, basically threw a grenade in the middle of our lives. It was one the worst mistakes I've ever made, and, considering my history, that's saying a lot. I mean, nick, you didn't have to give me the time of day. You could have just told me to get lost, and I would have deserved it.

Nick: What you deserve is to be happy.

Chelsea: Well, and so do you. You know, and we've been good. Yeah, it's been a little complicated at times, but... I am so grateful for you.

Nick: So am I. I'm so grateful for what you've done. By coming into my life and christian'S. But it's become pretty clear to me... that you should be with adam.

[Sneeze and sniffles]

Sharon: Everybody having a good time?

[ Cheering ] Excellent! Well, it's about to get even better. You're in for a very special treat tonight. Please give a warm crimson lights welcome to lp recording artist tessa porter!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Tessa: Oh, thank you, guys. Um, all right. I am so excited to be here performing for you tonight. How about a round of applause for the awesome lady who owns this place? She has the biggest heart out of anyone I've ever met. So give it up for sharon newman!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Mariah: Yeah! Go, mom!

Tessa: All right.

Big sky, small hands

I've got no plans

I've been holding on to the glass so hard that it could break

to ice the ache

give somewhere to go

give me someone to be

we're both tired of living on life's leash

somewhere to go

give me someone to be

if you're not busy do you want to orbit me?

If you're not busy, orbit me

if you're not busy

without gravity

if you're not busy

[ Cheers and applause ]

Tessa: Thank you.

Theo: Thought you had the night off.

Lola: Um, I do. This is just --

Theo: Can't help yourself?

Lola: Awful, isn't it?

Theo: Not at all. You're a perfectionist, and it shows in the food that you create, which, by the way, is amazing, as always tonight.

Lola: Thank you, theo.

Theo: I see you made my favorite -- spinach empanadas -- which I also noticed you kept on the menu.

Lola: Well, you did throw a little bit of a tantrum when i told you I was thinking about 86'ing them, so, uh...

Theo: Did I?

Lola: Mm.

Theo: Okay, maybe a little. Hey! Cool song. Shall we?

Lola: Shall we what?

Theo: Really?

Lola: Wait, are you asking me if --

Theo: Hmm?

Kyle: What's up?

Lola: Oh, well, actually --

Summer: Hey. Let's go dance, okay? What are you doing?

Theo: Setting my intentions for the new year, like abby said. Time to reaffirm your goals and get rid of whatever's in the way.

Nick: I had to get my past feelings about adam. I didn't want to believe that he loved you, but I know he does, in his own way. And I refused to accept that you had a connection deeper than just sharing a child, but... you do. There's no denying it anymore.

Chelsea: Nick... please, I mean, this is -- we can get through this. We care about each other.

Nick: Of course we do. Of course. That's never gonna change. Nothing about this is easy, but it's right.

Chelsea: Well, I -- you don't get to decide that for me.

Nick: Look, if you're being honest to yourself, and to me... you need to be with him. And I want you to have that life that you were gonna have with him and connor far away from here, before that cabin blew up.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Nick: So I got to let you go. Can you do the same for me?

Chelsea: Thank you. For everything you've done for connor and me. You are A... wonderful man. The best.

Nick: I don't regret a minute of it. And I'm so grateful for what you've done for my life and christian'S.

Chelsea: [ Sighs ]

Nick: But you don't need a soft place to land. You need to follow your heart and live your life.

Abby: Okay, everyone. It's almost midnight. Prepare to say "out with the old, and in with the new."

Rey: All right, folks! It's getting to about that time!

Mariah: I like it.

Tessa: Yeah?

Mariah: I like it. So, should we, um, you know, do a practice kiss?

Tessa: Yeah, because we never do that.

Mariah: No, never. Oh! Lousy timing, whoever that is. Who is texting you near midnight on new year's eve?

Tessa: Uh, tanner watts.

Mariah: Wait, what?

The tanner watts, platinum recording artist tanner watts?

Tessa: Uh, yeah, I think so.

Mariah: What does it say?

Tessa: Says he wants to meet.

Mariah: What?! Oh, my god, tessa! That is -- that is amazing!

Tessa: Yeah.

Rey: 10...

9...8...7... 6...5...4...3... 2...1... happy new year!

Victoria: Hi. I didn't think you were gonna make it.

Billy: I wouldn't miss this.

Summer: Hey. Happy new year, dad.

Nick: To you, too...

Summer: Do not say it. Don'T.

Nick: Sweetheart, snookums, pumpkin...

Summer: No! I can't hear you.

La, la, la, la, la &

Nick: Kitten, princess...

Summer: La, la, la

Nick: Supergirl.

Summer: No, don't say that anymore!

Nick: You love it, and you know it.

Summer: No. I love you, even though you're a total goofball.

Nick: Maybe.

Summer: All right, well, just you wait because 2020 is gonna be our best year yet.

Adam: [ Sighs ]

[ Fireworks exploding ]

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