Y&R Transcript Wednesday 1/1/20
Episode #13770 ~ Sparks fly between Adam and Chelsea; Victoria worries about Billy.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...Victor: What in the world?
I assumed you had money and that you could probably figure out a way to give joy a better life than I could. I only got as far as the train station before I turned around to come back.
Elena: Here's my number. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call.
Chelsea: Do you think bringing the kitten home was the right thing to do?
Connor: I couldn't leave him lying there in the park.
Nick: Adam tried to get phyllis to seduce me.
Chelsea: He what?
Nick: I guess he was hoping you would either catch me in the act, or I would dump you for her.
Chelsea: That's insane.
Nick: No, that's adam.
[ Clanging ]
Nick: Monique? Christian?
Chelsea: Surprise!
Nick: What the --
Chelsea: I wanted to be the first person to wish you a happy, happy birthday.
Adam: Good morning.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] It was, until you showed up.
Adam: You aren't shunning me, are you?
Phyllis: I despise you. The sight of you makes my stomach turn.
Adam: Oh, well, then you're really gonna hate me when you hear my good news.
Devon: Hey! Honey...
Elena: Hey! What are you doing up? You ruined my surprise.
Devon: What -- were you gonna bring me breakfast in bed, babe?
Elena: Mm-hmm.
Devon: Aww. You're, like, giving me the royal treatment here, honey.
Elena: Well, I mean, it's not that royal, but there is tea and there's scones to thank you for canceling our london trip.
Devon: Oh, I didn't cancel it, we just postponed it. London can wait for us.
Elena: Yeah, I guess when you find a baby in stable on christmas, it's a sign.
Devon: And if we would have gone, you probably would have spent every second worrying about the mom and whether or not the baby was getting the right care.
Elena: Yeah, you know, I have a soft spots for moms, especially during the holidays.
Devon: Yeah. You been thinking about yours?
Elena: Yeah. And even though I couldn't save my mom, I'm happy to be able to save so many other people.
Devon: Well, I'll tell you, she would be proud of you.
Victoria: Okay, so after we unpack the luggage, then we need to start the laundry and grab the kids and give them lunch before they go even more wild, and then remind hannah that she's gonna be helping us out tonight while we're frolicking the night away at abby's party.
Billy: Well still "frolic?"
Victoria: Yes! Of course we do. You had, and I quote, "the time of your life" in telluride.
Billy: Yeah, but we're back to reality now, which means i thought that's, uh, you know, laundry, lists, and half-eaten sandwiches, and everything else.
Victoria: Well, you can let your hair down tonight. Both of our families will be there.
Billy: Yeah, uh, about that, I hate to break it to you, but you're gonna have to ring in the new year without me. I always dreamed of
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[ Cellphone chimes ]
Elena: Mm. Hang on. It's a message from nikki.
Devon: What's she have to say?
Elena: [ Gasps ] It's a done deal. The new hope apartment is sasha and joy's for good! This is amazing!
Devon: Yeah?
Elena: Yeah! They're gonna need bed linens and kitchen appliances and a crib. You know, maybe I can talk to some of the interns and nurses to set up a donation.
Devon: I love you, honey.
Elena: Where's that coming from?
Devon: Because you're amazing. You gave up your well-deserved vacation, you're doing everything you can to make sure somebody else is comfortable for the holidays, and it's -- it's very special.
Elena: Well, you do the same thing with your artists that you support and being a part of new hope in the first place.
Devon: Yeah, it's not the same thing, though, because I'm a part of the non-profit organization, and you're one person changing lives.
Elena: New hope is bigger than an organization. It's you and it's nick helping people to succeed. And I know how much you love giving people a second chance.
Devon: [ Chuckles ]
Elena: See? You can't even hide it. Look at that smile.
Devon: Yeah. I do.
Elena: See? Just focus your mind and your heart on that, and let someone else deal with all the other junk that gets in the way.
Devon: It sounds like you just came up with my new year's resolution.
Elena: Mm.
Devon: That's what I'm gonna do. What's your resolution, honey?
Elena: Hmm. My new year's resolution is more devon.
Devon: Oh.
Elena: A lot more.
Devon: I can help you with that, you know.
Elena: Yeah. You know the more you give, the more you receive.
Devon: Is that right?
Elena: Uh-huh.
Devon: So... if I give you more of this...
Elena: Mm, you will get much, much more in return.
Chelsea: Mmm. I should just drop by more often. Am I the first one to wish you a happy birthday?
Nick: You are.
Chelsea: Good. I rushed over to crimson lights and I found you all of your favorites fresh out of the oven.
Nick: So good!
Chelsea: Mm-hmm.
Nick: Mmm!
Chelsea: And fresh-squeezed orange juice. I squeezed it myself.
Nick: Why are you spoiling me?
Chelsea: Because you deserve it. Why wouldn't I spoil you?
Nick: Well, I mean, connor for one.
Chelsea: Just because connor's going through all of his stuff does not mean that I've forgotten you, despite whatever you've been telling yourself. I have something for you.
Nick: What have you done?
Chelsea: Open it. Open this one first.
Nick: Oh, okay. Sorry. Oh! This is terrific.
Chelsea: Do you like it?
Nick: I love it. I remember when we took this picture. It was back in the good ol' days.
Chelsea: Yeah. Oh, and there's another one.
Nick: All right.
Chelsea: So, this is kind of like two presents in one. It's the frame, of course, but it's also a promise of picture-perfect days to come in our future. Because we're gonna have so many adventures, it's gonna be hard to decide what photo even put in that frame.
Nick: You think we can do that?
Chelsea: I know we can do that. I got plans, young man.
Nick: "Young." Oh, boy...
Chelsea: You are young! We've got baseball games and our future, trips to the zoo, fishing, picnics...
Nick: I'm gonna hold you to that.
Chelsea: Okay. So.... ready? You ready to make a wish, blow out your candle? What'd you wish for?
Nick: I can't tell you that. If I say it out loud, it won't come true.
Chelsea: Let me guess. You wished for adam to be out of our lives.
Nick: Well, unfortunately, he is not just gonna disappear. So we're gonna have to talk about him.
Adam: So, why am I smiling, and what is put this little extra pep in my step, you ask?
Phyllis: I didn't ask. I don't care.
Adam: It's all because of you and your big, loud mouth.
Phyllis: All right, uh... cut to the chase. Just get on with it, please.
Adam: You just couldn't keep our secret, could you? You know, the one that i suggested you follow your heart back to your true love? You just had to run to nick and blab about everything, didn't you. But, you know what, I'm happy you did. It couldn't have gone better if I planned it.
Phyllis: Nick deserved to know.
Adam: Yeah, I'm sure you scored some extra brownie points with him for doing the right thing. That's good. Good for you. But, you know where this really gets interesting, is nick got so upset that he ran and told chelsea.
Phyllis: [ Gasps ] Oh, wow. I bet that made her putty in your hands.
Adam: Well, the course of true love never did run smooth.
Phyllis: This isn't true love, your feelings for chelsea, it's obsession it is. You just don't want nick to win.
Adam: I don't think you know a damn thing about how I feel about chelsea.
Phyllis: Oh, really. Okay. Here's a question for you. If her husband hadn't croaked and she was still married to his money, would you be so determined to win her back?
Adam: Mm-hmm. You're damn right, I would.
Phyllis: Really? So you must be extra devastated that she knows that you tried to wreck her relationship with nick and that your brand of love is just making her miserable so she becomes vulnerable to your manipulations.
Adam: You know, that's not the way she sees it.
Phyllis: Eh, you sure about that?
Adam: I'm positive.
Phyllis: Mm.
Adam: I wanted you to know that everything is coming together, and I just really couldn't do it without your help. Chelsea knows about everything, and she didn't flee the penthouse.
Phyllis: Adam... I mean, the only reason she didn't cut you up into a million pieces and incinerate your remains is because you're the father to that poor, traumatized kid.
Adam: Okay, I'd watch your step, phyllis.
Phyllis: I was the only friend you had, and you treated me like crap.
Adam: No, all I did is I gave you a nudge in the direction you were already headed, okay? So if you got cold feet, it's got nothing to do with me.
Phyllis: I'm not interested in nick, I'm not interested him. I'm not interested in him. We are friends. Anything else with nick is dangerous and messy.
Adam: Oh, well, that's just the way you like it, phyllis.
Phyllis: You have no idea my relationship with nick.
Adam: Really?
Phyllis: No.
Adam: You know what, I think I do. I think that you realize no matter what you do nick will never love you the way that you love him, and it's easier to give up and fail. Am I close?
Victoria: It's new year's eve! What better way than celebrating with our family?
Billy: Um, honestly, anything.
Victoria: [ Sighs ] Okay. I know. I know my father is not your favorite person to hang out with.
Billy: Oh, mr. Buzzkill?
Victoria: But I told everyone that we were gonna be there.
Billy: Okay, and you should go. You should. I just -- I have to work.
Victoria: You worked on christmas eve. Now you have to work on new year's eve, too?
Billy: Look, there's nothing I can do about it. There's an executive coming in from chicago, and he wants to meet.
Victoria: But this is a holiday that we should be together.
Billy: Honey, there's just no way around it, okay?
Victoria: Well, what are you gonna do when the clock strikes midnight? Are you gonna be making out with this guy from chicago?
Billy: Believe me, I will do my best to get out of there and get to you so I can lock lips with you by midnight, all right?
Victoria: That's good because it's not just new year's eve. It's also the anniversary of when, you know, when we first connected.
Billy: Let's not, uh -- don't remind me of that.
Victoria: Why?
Billy: Because I was kind of my worst self that night. Or actually maybe it was my truest self.
Victoria: You were plastered. You were sitting outside of that bar in the gutter, and I don't even know how I got you home in one piece.
Billy: We have so many anniversaries. Can we just put that one to bed? I mean, we have jamaica, we have our wedding, we have our un-wedding...
Victoria: But I -- I like that the best. I mean, it's kind of unconventional, like our love story. It's true, it did take me a while to figure out that I actually loved you, but... you know what? I would save you again any time, any place.
Billy: If only you didn't see
me as a man who needs to be
Chelsea: I came here to celebrate your birthday and think about all the wonderful adventures we're gonna have in the new year, not to talk about adam.
Nick: Well, it's my birthday. I feel like I should get to call the shots.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Okay. What do you need to know?
Nick: You left here loaded for bear, ready to tear into adam for trying to get phyllis to break us apart. I half-expected you to pack up connor and come home.
Chelsea: Well, so did I. I was furious with adam.
Nick: Well, it seems like you've changed your mind. What'd he do, apologize?
Chelsea: He tried, and he failed, and he will continue to fail because he's not going get between us.
Nick: So you're okay then living with a lying manipulative backstabber?
Chelsea: What is important to me, nick, is that adam is helping connor with all of his issues.
Nick: He wants you back, chelsea, and that is fueling everything he does. And it seems like you're trying to convince yourself otherwise.
Chelsea: That's not true, okay? But... you're right. As much as I hate to admit it, adam still loves me.
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: You amaze me. You think, spineless troll that you are, that you have an insight into the human heart.
Adam: You still haven't told me that I'm wrong.
Phyllis: You're delusional.
Adam: Okay, go on. Try to convince me that you still don't have a thing for nick.
Phyllis: You know, not all of us want to relive our past failed relationships. I mean, what is it with you? First it's chelsea, then it's sharon, now it's chelsea again. How long until it's sharon? I mean, if I wasn't so dizzy, I'd be laughing.
Adam: No, there is only one woman for me, phyllis.
Phyllis: At a time, you mean. Which only proves you are incapable of change and growth.
Adam: And you are? That's a good one.
Phyllis: I am the phoenix. You saw the name on the hotel when you entered, right?
Adam: But is it really, though? I mean, maybe it's abby'S. Maybe it's chelsea'S. So many owners, it's kind of hard to tell.
Phyllis: I don't need them or the hotel to rise. This year is my year. Everything's going to change. You try hard, you eat right...
Nick: So adam tells you he still loves you, he's put all his cards on the table. There's no more being polite, no more rules, no limits as to what he's going to do to try and get you back.
Chelsea: It doesn't make a difference. It doesn't matter how he feels. I'm with you. I want you.
Nick: I can't forget who we're dealing with here and what he's capable of.
Chelsea: I can handle him.
Nick: Which is your way of saying you are not coming home to me. He has been completely transparent about his romantic intentions, and you just seem fine with it.
Chelsea: I'm willing to do anything for connor's sake.
Nick: Which adam is counting on. He's gonna use that. He's gonna chip away at your resolve bit by bit because he knows he can do whatever it takes. He's using your love for your son to his advantage.
Chelsea: I am telling you not to worry about adam. He can't hurt us.
Nick: Well, I want to believe that, but you staying there, living with him after he's been revealed... it's just another victory for him. He is winning at keeping us apart.
Chelsea: That is not true. Nothing has changed.
Nick: Nothing except your address.
Chelsea: I want to be here with you, you know that! I love you. I am only staying with adam because it is what is safest for connor right now. You are my safe haven. You are what grounds me. I need that. I am so lucky to have you in my corner. I truly don't know what I would do without your constant love and understanding.
Nick: I hate to break this up, but I'm supposed to see faith and summer for this birthday thing, so I got to get out of here.
Chelsea: Okay. Okay, but I'll see you tonight at society?
Nick: Sure.
Chelsea: Good. Happy birthday.
Billy: Yes, make confetti of that thing.
Victoria: No, I'm splitting up the chores. You take half, I'll do the rest, and we'll get it all done.
Billy: Oh, right.
Victoria: Well, do you have time before your meeting?
Billy: [ Sighs ]
Victoria: Billy.
Billy: I'm sorry. I was just thinking about new year's eve outside jimmy's bar.
Victoria: Yeah. I'm actually kind of surprised you remembered anything. You were wasted.
Billy: Well, I was battling demons.
Victoria: Yeah, that's true. But look at how far you've come. You've turned a corner. You've left all that behind you.
Billy: Have I? Really? I mean, what if who I was is just who I am?
Victoria: I don't understand.
Billy: I don't know, maybe all this rehab and therapy and trying to find myself isn't going to fix anything. We tell the kids all the time that they don't have to be perfect, right? That they can just be who they are. Does that not mean for us, too?
Victoria: Billy? Is there something that you want to tell me? Is it about gambling?
Billy: No, it's -- it's bigger than that.
Devon: Can I get you anything?
Chance: No, thank you. I can't stay long.
Devon: What brings you bay?
Chance: I've got some news. I'm now officially a free agent. Pardon the pun. I'm no longer working with the feds.
Devon: Okay. Did -- did you jump, or did they push?
Chance: The choice was all mine.
Devon: So, where does that leave my case on colin?
Chance: I think it puts me in a better position to bring him to justice, now that I don't have any rules of conduct that i have to play by.
Devon: That's great. That's -- things are looking better already, then.
Chance: I just thought you should know since neither one of us was satisfied with how things stalled when colin escaped.
Devon: Yeah, no, this is great. It's perfect.
[ Cellphone chimes ] Is that you?
Chance: No. Sounds like elena's phone, actually. She must have went went to work and forgot it.
Chance: What's up?
Devon: It's from a lady that she's working with that says her baby's in trouble.
Chance: Emergency mode, devon. What the hell you waiting for?
Devon: Yeah.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Adam: Oh, good. You're back.
Chelsea: What are all these bags for?
Adam: Okay. Tell me I have not gone overboard. All right, first we got these springy thingies. Guy at the pet store said they're a guaranteed hit. Cats love these things. And then... we have this.
Chelsea: What is that, a fishing rod?
Adam: Yeah, put a little stuffed fish on it, and you drag it around the apartment. Cats go crazy for it.
Chelsea: Huh.
Adam: I got some catnip, some food, water bowls. Treats. What do you think?
Chelsea: I was worried connor was gonna be the person who got overly attached to oliver.
Adam: He needs us. We need him.
Chelsea: I never really thought of you as a cat person.
Adam: I...like anything that makes connor this happy.
Chelsea: Mm.
Adam: And look at this. Look at what he drew while you were out. "My family." Connor, you, me, and oliver. Kid's a regular rockwell.
Chelsea: It's beautiful, um... adam, I think, um... I think we need to talk about our current living situation.
Adam: I mean, we have plenty of room for the cat.
Chelsea: I'm talking about us. I think we need to come up with another way to get through this rough patch with connor because living here is giving him... and you... false hope for some happily-ever-after. And that's never gonna happen.
Faith: Happy birthday! To the best dad in the world...
Nick: You guys! Thanks for doing this! Mwah!
Faith: Hi! Some birthday muffins...
Summer: All right, dig in.
Nick: All right! I am crushing muffins today!
Faith: Oh, they are all your favorites.
Nick: Well, grab one.
Faith: Oh, no, these are all for you.
Nick: No, I insist. Come on. Take one.
Summer: All right, all right. Maybe one.
Faith: Mmm, these look so good.
Nick: [ Laughs ] I mean, I don't even recognize you two without sending me pictures of you, you know, with the silly "chat snappy" filters on them.
Summer: He did not just say that.
Faith: Dad, no...
Nick: It's so good to see you. I mean, you put a big smile on my face.
Faith: Wait, why didn't you already have a smile on?
Faith: Did something happen?
Nick: Yes. It's my birthday, you know, so i woke up, I looked in the mirror, and I just see this old man staring back at me.
Faith: You're not old.
Nick: Well, you two are. I remember when you guys would give me hug coupons that you had colored. They were the best presents ever.
Summer: All right, then you're really not gonna like these.
Faith: Ugh.
Nick: Nope, I can't wait to see them.
Summer: [ Laughs ]
Phyllis: Hey! If I knew you were having a party, I would have brought a cake.
Faith: Mm! Who needs cake when you're got a massive amount of muffins? Here, we'll make room.
Phyllis: Oh, my goodness.
Nick: Yeah, come on. The more, the merrier.
Phyllis: May I/
Nick: Yes, take more than one.
Phyllis: Delish! Oh, okay. I will.
[ Laughter ] This is so sweet of you girls to do for your dad. When you have a holiday birthday, sometimes it gets forgotten or it gets clumped in with new year's eve.
Nick: Yeah, well, I don't need the spotlight tonight. Gonna take a back seat to abby's holiday party.
Phyllis: Oh, abby's having a party.
Summer: Yeah I thought, uh...
Phyllis: I have plans. It's okay.
Summer: Are you sure? Because you can -- you can come with me as a plus one.
Phyllis: Um, no, I would rather be shot out of a confetti cannon over times square. I'm good. I'm in an abby-free zone tonight.
Victoria: What do you need, billy? Do you need to get into another program, or something. I mean, is the gambling a problem again?
Billy: No, it's -- this is about addiction, vick, and it's -- it's not necessarily bad. I just can't put my finger on it.
Victoria: Have you talked to dr. Clay about this?
Billy: I just feel like i need more. I don't know.
Victoria: More -- more what?
Billy: I don't know, time. Freedom. Excitement. Happiness.
Victoria: You're not happy?
Billy: No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm just.. I don't know, I'm trying to come to terms with some truths about myself.
Victoria: What kind of truths?
Billy: Like I'm getting to this place where I'm beginning to accept the things I cannot change.
Victoria: Oh, I see, and this place, it's like uncharted territory, and you're just having a hard time finding your footing.
Billy: Yeah. Sure. Something like that, yeah.
Victoria: And it's got to be hard to feel secure, you know, when you've lived most of your life in chaos.
Billy: Vick, I just don't think you're picking up what I'm putting down here.
Victoria: Billy! I am. I do. Look, I know you. There's nothing in you that's broken that can't be fixed. I promise you, I am gonna be right there by your side the whole time.
Billy: Okay, I can't do this right now.
Victoria: I don't care how long it takes. I'm right here. Just tell me what you need.
Billy: You know what, you're right.
[ Sighs ] This has made me feel better more than you even realize, just being able to talk to you about this, okay? So thank you. I appreciate it.
Victoria: Billy, you mean everything to me. I love you. I love you.
Summer: Uh, can we get anyone else a refill?
Nick: I'm good, thanks.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: Was it something i said?
Nick: I mean, when you said you'd rather gargle glass than go to abby's party, that may have crossed the line.
Phyllis: I didn't say gargle glass. I mean, that's something I would say, but I didn't say that. Hey, I'm glad I ran into you. Because I have a surprise for you.
Nick: [ Sighs ] Thank god it's not more muffins.
Phyllis: [ Giggles ] No. It's more like hot dogs and beer and peanuts.
Nick: Two tickets to brewers opening day!
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Behind third base.
Phyllis: I figure you could take christian or chelsea -- no shade. See?
Nick: This is, uh...
Phyllis: The best gift ever? Everything you wanted?
Nick: You didn't have to do this.
Phyllis: It's your birthday. I just wanted to. Don't get mushy. Just go have fun.
Nick: I will. Thank you.
Phyllis: You are welcome.
Nick: You know, I'm really glad that we became friends again. I missed you.
Phyllis: I missed you, too. Happy birthday, dude.
Nick: Oh! Thanks, bro.
Phyllis: [ Groans ]
[ Both laugh ]
Faith: Hey! Look what we found!
Summer: Cookies!
Phyllis: Oh, no. Cookies!
Nick: [ Sighs ]
Phyllis: Okay.
Nick: Baked goods.
Phyllis: I have to go. There's cookies. All right. What are your plans for the evening.
Phyllis: Um, I don't know. I'm just gonna curl up in my pajamas and sit on the couch and watch a movie marathon. It'll be fun.
Nick: Well, happy new year.
Phyllis: Happy new year.
Summer: Happy new year.
Phyllis: Bye, honey.
Summer: Bye.
Phyllis: Happy new year.
Chance: Right back at you. I don't suppose your new year's resolution would be to stop harassing me about vegas.
Phyllis: Oh, you mean stop searching for you deep dark secret. Not a chance, chance.
Chance: [ Chuckles ]
Devon: Hi. Sasha? Hi. I'm devon hamilton. I'm amanda's boyfriend.
Devon: How you doing? Is there any update on joy?
They're still running tests.
Devon: Okay, well, let me tell you, she's in great hands. Okay? Dr. Campbell is the best pediatrician on the staff, and elena loves that baby like crazy, so...
I should've known her boyfriend would be as sweet as she is. I'm sorry I'm ruining both of your new year'S. I didn't know who else to call.
Devon: No, no, no, no. Please. You don't have to apologize at all. You absolutely did the right thing.
I shouldn't have come here. I don't have insurance.
Devon: Well, that's the last thing you need to worry about. Okay? You can consider it taken care of. What's wrong?
You're being so nice to me, and I don't deserve it. This is all my fault.
Devon: How is it your fault?
I'm her mother. Her everything. She needs me, and I left her. Who does that?
Devon: It seems like you're going through a lot.
Devon: And you were overwhelmed. I'm sure you probably don't have a lot of people to turn to. I completely understand that. I've been there myself.
I will never forgive myself if anything happens to her.
Devon: Nothing's gonna happen to her, okay?
She was burning up, screaming and crying so loud. You heard her. This is my punishment for abandoning her, for being a bad mother.
Devon: Come on. Hey. I don't think the world works like this. I really don't, okay? The universe wouldn't punish you by giving you people like myself and elena to help you out. All right? I know you've been going through hard times, and I know you've been struggling a lot on your own. But you're not alone anymore. All right? You have people who you can call your friends, and your daughter is gonna make it through this, and you are gonna be the best mom that she could ever have asked for.
Elena: Sasha.
Tell me. Just say it. Please. Joy's fever went down, and she's responding well to the medication.
She's okay?
Elena: She's just fine.
Oh, my god. Thank you! Thank you so much. This is the miracle I was hoping for. Oh! My baby's gonna be okay.
Elena: She's gonna be fine.
Adam: You just come back from nick's place.
Chelsea: Why do you ask that?
Adam: Because every time you come back from seeing him, you are different, in a bad way, okay?
Chelsea: Gee, thanks.
Adam: And it always comes down to you being here with me and everything that he thinks about that.
Chelsea: That is not true.
Adam: What did he do? Did he make you forget about all the fun we had here at christmas? Just the three of us here in our little perfect cocoon, and finding oliver. And even though we didn't think he was gonna make it, we helped him get through it together.
Chelsea: Our being together didn't bring oliver back to life, adam. That's not the way oliver and connor sees it. I mean, he's got a friend now, one that were listening to him to and give him unconditional love.
[ Sighs ] We rescued that cat, and that cat's gonna rescue our son. I mean, this is a story that we're gonna be telling around the christmas tree for the rest of our lives. I mean, it showed the three of us, once again, that we are good together and we belong together, that it works and it's fun. And I promise you, this is not a pot shot nick, but come on. You and nick.... there is nothing there.
Chelsea: You have no idea what's in my heart.
Adam: Yes, I do. You are afraid. You're afraid of breaking his heart and admitting that you are happy with me.
Chelsea: I'm not doing this, adam. I am not going to argue with you anymore, I'm gonna --
Adam: Hey, you are only arguing with yourself, with a part of yourself that believes that you don't deserve to be happy... that has been so tightly wound since the day that you thought you lost me... that just so afraid to let go and just be free again.
Chelsea: My god... my god, you are so full of yourself, you know that?
Adam: You're not denying that I'm right. Just like you can't tell me that I'm wrong when I say that you feel complete with me. And even now you can't tell me I'm lying when you look into my eyes and I say that we're not done, that this is right, and that you still love me.
What was wrong?
Elena: Ear infection
Poor baby.
Elena: There are common, especially in infants. It hurts, but they're not able to tell you where it hurts.
I was so afraid it was something more
Elena: Nope, we'll put her on a course of antibiotics, and she should be just fine.
[ Sighs ] I was so afraid to bring her in.
Elena: It's a good thing you did.
May I see her?
Elena: Of course. I'll take you to her.
After I think this big-hearted man right here. Thank you so much, devon.
Devon: Oh, I didn't do a thing. You should thank her.
I'm thanking you for keeping your cool when I was losing mine. I'll never forget it. You've got a good man right here.
Elena: I sure do. Come on.
Devon: I'll see you.
Billy: Okay. I'm out of here. Got to go meet the big boss about the merger.
Victoria: You know, you don't have to keep doing this consulting work, especially since this company has absolutely no regard for your schedule.
Billy: Idle hands are the devil's workshop, right.
Victoria: Are you sure this is what you want?
Billy: Yeah. As of now, I am, 100%. And, listen, thank you for letting me talk to you about this stuff, okay? You've helped me more than you even know, and when I think about where I would be without you, it'S...
Victoria: We're in this together. Always.
Phyllis: So, what's your new year's resolution? Uhp! You know, I'm gonna guess. What would a former boy scout, former fed agent, former cop resolve to do in the new year? Huh...
Chance: I don't make resolutions.
Phyllis: Oh. Everyone makes resolutions. You resolve to hit the gym. I mean, obviously not because you are, um, fit. But you resolve to continue to run toward danger when everybody is running away or fight for those who have stopped fighting for themselves.
Chance: Nice. I like all of those. I'll try and incorporate them into the only actual plans I have made.
Phyllis: What are they?
Chance: What the hell? I'm going to abby's new year's eve party.
Phyllis: Oh, good. I'll see you there.
Chance: You're going?
Phyllis: Yes, I'm going. Are you surprised?
Chance: Well, considering the way that she feels about you... yeah. How did you snag an invite?
Phyllis: I have connections.
Chance: Well, I guess I'll be seeing you there. Should be fun.
Phyllis: Should be a great time.
Nick: This was the best present ever, faith. Did I mentioned how much I've missed you since you've gone off to boarding school?
Faith: Um, only about a million times. You better love me up. It's almost time to go back.
Nick: No, we're not talking about that. Nope, nope, nope.
Faith: Okay, okay. Changing the subject. Did you get anything from chelsea?
Nick: Yeah, I did. I got a picture of the two of us with the kids in a frame that said 2019 on it, and then I got another one said 2020 on it that's just, uh, you know waiting to be filled.
Faith: Mm, you can start a new tradition.
Nick: Yep.
Summer: Hey, faith, could you get me a glass of water, please?
Faith: Um, sure. Yeah. Coming right up.
Summer: Thank you. All right. Confession time for you. What's going on with you and chelsea?
Nick: Nothing. Everything's great.
Summer: Well, I don't believe you, and, in case I'm right and things aren't as great as you say they are....
Nick: One free hug.
Summer: No questions asked.
Chelsea: What? No. Stop!
[ Gasps ] You can't do that!
Adam: Chelsea.
Chelsea: [ Panting ] I have to go.
Adam: No, wait, not until we talk about this, till we talk about what is really going on between us, chelsea.
Chelsea: How many times do you have to hear it, adam? I can't do this. I have a party to get to. Wait, abby's new year's bash at society?
Chelsea: Oh, you better not go. Don't you dare crash that party.
Adam: I don't have to crash. I'm invited. I guess we'll be ringing in the new year together. I'll see you tonight.
This week on "the young and the restless"...
Nick: If you're being honest to yourself and to me, you need to be with him.
Billy: You know, I got to say, when I sit here with you, i feel relieved, like I can be myself.
Amanda: You make me feel the same way.
Phyllis: Does abby know what happened in vegas?
Jack: To victor and nikki!
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