Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/31/19
Episode #11769 ~ Nick turns the tables on Adam; Phyllis makes amends; Jill gives Chance the third degree.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Theo: You wish there was something going on with me and lola because that would open the door for you to get back together with kyle.
Cane: I am going to track down the missing money, and I am going to return it to the person that katherine always wanted to have it.&
Phyllis: He wanted me to seduce you.
Nick: What?
Phyllis: He figured if we hooked up, that would be the end of you and chelsea and she would go running back into his arms.
Adam: You know, I'd give anything for you to look at me like that again... because I love you.
Chelsea: Adam --
Adam: I do. I love you, chelsea.
Phyllis: Hey! Happy new year.
Jack: Same to you.
Phyllis: Ah, thank you.
Jack: I have to admit, I was a little surprised by the invitation.
Phyllis: Well, do I need an excuse to toast in the new year with one of my favorite exes?
Jack: Ugh. 2020. How is that even possible?
Phyllis: I know. It's crazy. We haven't changed at all.
Jack: No.
Phyllis: We look fantastic.
Jack: Well, you do.
Phyllis: You do. Your blue eyes, your square jaw, smile that makes so many women swoon, including myself once upon a time.
Jack: Are you hitting on me, phyllis?
Phyllis: Of course not. I would never, ever do that.
[ Chuckles ] I'm just really happy to kick this year to the curb and start new.
Jack: Shall we?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: So, last we spoke, you were waging war on adam. Have things calmed down a little --
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Jack: Well, I, uh -- I guess I have my answer.
Chelsea: Hi.
Nick: Hey.
Chelsea: Oh, I'm so sorry I'm late. Connor wanted to buy some toys for oliver. His new cat.
Nick: Oh, yes, I heard. I heard the dude was a real hero to that little guy.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Nick: Proud of him.
Chelsea: Yeah, I'm proud of him, too. Plus, it was just nice to see him so happy.
Nick: Yeah. I'll bet.
Chelsea: That's why we weren't able to spend time with you and christian on christmas day. But I want to make it up to you. I was hoping today we could just hang out, be together. I don't any have plans. Do you?
Nick: Look, uh, I didn't want to say anything over christmas, but there's something you should know.
Chelsea: Sounds serious.
Nick: It is. It's about adam and how far he's willing to go to blow up our relationship.
Theo: The idea is for us to use the online community to post pictures of jabot products...
...Specific causes that we're backing, that sort of thing.
Summer: And best pictures will win, uh, gift bags, makeovers. We can even run the whole spring campaign around this.
Theo: Boosting sales and increasing community awareness at the same time. "Jabot cares." It's a win-win. So, what do you think?
Kyle: I think I'm wondering why I'm in this meeting.
Theo: We need for you to sign off on it.
Kyle: Well, summer could have pitched it to me in five minutes.
Theo: Yes, I know. Summer likes to handle things with you personally. But I figured I should at least be present since you seem to have a negative opinion about all of my ideas.
Kyle: You have good ideas. It's the details that get in your way.
Summer: Okay, well, uh, let's just focus on this one.
Kyle: Okay. I have some questions about when and how we would break this out.
Summer: Okay, well, um, we can come up with a timeline and have it on your desk within an hour.
Kyle: So you're already on board?
Summer: Yeah. I mean, like theo said, I think it's a win-win.
Kyle: Huh. Then it's a go. Good job.
Theo: Huh. I'll bet that was painful for you.
Kyle: Not at all. What's good for the company is good for us. That's why I appreciate the two of you working so well together, even though your situation has changed.
Theo: [ Chuckles ] You know, summer and I might not be dating anymore, but we can still find our rhythm.
[ Knock on door ]
Kyle: Come in!
Lola: Hey, everybody. Who's hungry?
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Devon: Jill.
Jill: Hello, devon. I just got back into town, and i would love to stop by if you're free.
Devon: Yeah, absolutely. You can come by anytime you'd like.
Jill: Good. We have a lot to talk about. Uh, so, I'll come by in a little while.
Devon: Alright. Sounds good.
Jill: Bye. Chance. Hi, darling.
Chance: Hi.
Jill: I'm so glad to see you.
Chance: Me too.
Jill: Ooh. What is with the suitcase? Oh, please don't tell me that the chancellor estate is not accommodating enough for you.
Chance: [ Sighs ] Esther, chloe, and kevin -- they've -- they've been great. And bella -- she's an absolute doll. I'm just used to having my own place.
Jill: Because of that, you're gonna check into a hotel room and ignore a mansion?
Chance: Um...
Jill: Kidding!
Chance: [ Chuckles ]
Jill: If you want peace and quiet, esther can ruin that all on her own.
Chance: Oh, be nice.
Jill: Well, nice is really boring, see? Hey, how did your visit at christmas go with nina?
Chance: It was... it was really good. We had a terrific visit, really.
Jill: Good.
Chance: What about you? I -- I'm surprised to see you back so soon.
Jill: Well, australia has its charms, and it was so wonderful to be with your dad.
Chance: Oh.
Jill: But I thought it was time, you know?
Chance: Mm. Have you heard from cane?
Jill: Yeah. He's hot on the trail of colin. He's turning over every rock colin used to hide under, but so far, no luck. Of course, cane is not a professional like your team, you know? Although on the other hand, your team was the one who let colin get away.
Chance: Yeah. Don't remind me. They're still on the case. They're just not my team anymore.
Jill: What does that mean?
Chance: I handed in my cloak-and-dagger badge. I'm in the private sector now.
Jill: You're kidding me. Here in genoa city?
Chance: That's the plan.
Jill: What the hell are you thinking?
Chance: Um...
with advil liqui-gels,
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Chance: Where did that come from?
Jill: I'm sorry. Maybe I just --
Chance: Overreacted?
Jill: Just a little bit.
Chance: To answer your question, I've been thinking about making a change for a while now. I'm opening a private investigation security firm here in town, and I feel good about it.
Jill: Okay. I understand why you would want to make a change. I mean, lord knows I've been losing sleep for years picturing you dodging bullets in every dark corner of the world.
Chance: So this should make you happy then.
Jill: But, darling, come on. Is this gonna be enough for you, working in the private sector? Is that gonna be as satisfying as, you know, saving the world?
Abby: Oh, hello!
Chance: Hi.
Jill: Hi, abby. Uh, the hotel looks wonderful.
Abby: Thank you.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Abby: Can I steal you for a moment?
Chance: Sure.
Jill: I have a fire to put out, but in a few minutes?
Chance: Anytime.
Abby: Great. See you guys later.
Jill: Okay.
[ Laughs ]
Chance: What?
Jill: Nothing. I'm just, uh, beginning to understand why you're sticking around.
Amanda: Jack. It's good to see you.
Jack: Good to see you.
Adam: Did you enjoy your christmas?
Jack: I did indeed. How about yourself?
Adam: Um... it was great. It was really great. One of the best ever, as a matter of fact.
Phyllis: Mm. Did santa give you everything you wanted, adam?
Adam: No. But you know me, phyllis. Anything's possible in the new year.
Phyllis: Mm. I do know you.
Adam: Enjoy your meal.
Jack: Thank you. Should I congratulate you for showing restraint?
Phyllis: He knows I have his number.
Jack: Forgive me. He didn't seem too concerned about that.
Phyllis: Oh, he will be. Trust me. He will be.
Nick: Have you noticed any changes in adam's behavior lately?
Chelsea: What sort of changes?
Nick: I don't know. Has he asked you to move into the penthouse permanently?
Chelsea: Nick, please don't talk in riddles. What --
Nick: Adam tried to get phyllis to seduce me.
Chelsea: He what?
Nick: Yeah. I guess he was hoping you would either catch me in the act or i would dump you for her.
Chelsea: That's insane.
Nick: No. That's adam.
Chelsea: Phyllis told you this?
Nick: Yeah. She doesn't want anything to do with him anymore.
Chelsea: And you believe her?
Nick: Yes, I do. It is classic adam.
Chelsea: Well, it's also classic phyllis. Hello? She loves to go out of her way to stir up trouble, especially where the two of us are concerned.
Nick: I did consider that.
Chelsea: Well, I'd pretty much bet on it.
Nick: Well, she didn't want to say anything, chelsea. I practically had to drag it out of her. But she is outraged that adam basically asked her to prostitute herself for his benefit.
Chelsea: Oh, my god.
Nick: I'm sorry.
Chelsea: I-I-I can't believe this.
Nick: But it does sound like something adam would do, right?
Chelsea: But why? After we've come so far?
Nick: I guess he's not happy with the current situation. He wants you and connor to live with him permanently, and he's willing to do anything to make that happen.
Chelsea: When did you find out about this?
Nick: A couple days ago.
Chelsea: Why didn't you say something?
Nick: When? Like christmas?
Chelsea: Well, you should have told me right away.
Nick: Well, chelsea, I was sort of hoping that you would finally see for yourself how adam is slowly manipulating his way back into your life. The question is, now that you know, what are we gonna do about it?
Lola: I didn't mean to barge in like this, but when kyle told me that you guys were all getting together for a meeting, I thought I would surprise you with some takeout.
Kyle: Oh, you can barge in anytime you want. Mwah!
Summer: Yeah. Thank you. This is amazing.
Kyle: Did you bring the tamales?
Lola: Of course.
Kyle: Ooh! Excellent.
Theo: What about my spicy malanga fritters?
Lola: I couldn't forget those.
Kyle: Your malanga fritters?
Lola: Theo passed by and he was taste-testing some new recipes and those were his favorite.
Summer: Mm. Well, it's really nice of you to think of theo. I'm sure he really appreciates it.
Theo: Uh, he's sitting right here.
Summer: Yeah.
Theo: And, yes, I do appreciate it. Thank you.
Lola: Of course. I owe you for helping me out. So, shall we begin?
Kyle: Absolutely.
Theo: You bet.
Summer: Yeah. Can't wait. Thank you.
Chance: Uh, um... I'm not staying here because of abby.
Jill: Ah. She's very pretty.
Chance: Yes, she is.
Jill: And unless my radar is shot to hell, there's something going on between the two of you.
Chance: Um, we're dating, I guess, sort of.
Jill: Wow. That was fast. You just got here.
Chance: It's nothing serious right now. I mean, I like her. She's fun, but that's all it is right now -- fun.
Jill: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Chance: No relationship, no commitment -- fun. You do remember fun, don't you?
Jill: [ Laughs ] Yeah, vaguely, when phones used to plug into walls.
Chance: [ Laughs ]
Jill: Oh, sweetheart. If you're happy, I'm happy.
Chance: I'm happy, grandma.
Jill: So, you do realize that you'll be seeing a lot more of me.
Chance: Oh, I can handle that.
Jill: No, no, no, no, no, no. I am serious. I will be meddling in your personal life. I will generally be a pain in the ass.
Chance: I would expect nothing less.
Jill: [ Sighs ] Darling, are you absolutely sure that this is what you want?
Chance: I am.
Jill: Well, then, that's good enough for me.
Chance: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: Then you didn't take my advice.
Phyllis: Uh, what advice? Because you give so much.
Jack: Not seeking revenge against adam.
Phyllis: Oh, that.
Jack: Yeah. "Oh, that." What are you plotting?
Phyllis: I'm not plotting anything. There are plenty of people in this town who want to give adam when he has coming.
Jack: Okay, you still haven't told me what adam did to you.
Phyllis: Oh, it doesn't matter. It's water under the bridge.
Jack: Ooh, the new, improved phyllis summers.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] I wouldn't go that far. I wouldn't sprinkle water on adam if he was on fire. I did take part of your advice.
Jack: Oh? What part was that?
Phyllis: Not letting revenge and anger consume me. I'm trying to build a new life. That's one of the reasons i wanted to get together with you.
Jack: Really?
Phyllis: I've burned a lot of bridges. I'm trying to rebuild them... the ones that matter. That's why I wanted to meet with you. Our friendship matters to me. It matters a lot.
Chelsea: I'm gonna go tell adam what I think of him.
Nick: Alright, I'll get my stuff.
Chelsea: No. Nick, I need to do this alone.
Nick: No. Chelsea, I really think that we should talk to adam together to prove to him that we're still a team.
Chelsea: I understand that you were the target of his plan, but I was the prize he expected to win. Plus, I don't need this getting out of hand. When the two of you are together, voices get raised, punches get thrown.
Nick: I'm not gonna do that.
Chelsea: You looked angry enough a couple minutes ago to do something, okay? We don't need that. Connor doesn't need that. Everyone suffers. Please try to understand.
Nick: Okay. If this is how you feel like you need to handle this.
Chelsea: It is.
Nick: Can I just give you some advice then? It may sound hypocritical, but when you're talking to him, don't let your emotions get the best of you.
Chelsea: Trust me -- I know exactly what I'm gonna say to adam.
Jill: You seemed fine on the phone, but I had to come see for myself.
Devon: Well, you can see me. I'm okay.
Jill: [ Sighs ] Really?
Devon: Yeah. Yeah. Given the circumstances. Mm.
Jill: Mm-hmm. You know, devon, you don't have to pretend with me. I know this was your first christmas without neil. It had to be very, very rough on you.
Kyle: Ahh, it was delicious.
Lola: So, nice surprise?
Kyle: Mm, I hope you keep surprising me like that forever.
Lola: Deal.
Kyle: Mmm.
Lola: Mmm.
Theo: True love is so inspiring, isn't it?
Summer: How would you know about that?
Theo: You know, if you stare at them any harder, they might break.
Summer: I just think it's nice when two people can show each other affection.
Theo: [ Scoffs ] Except, you wish kyle's affection was coming your way.
Summer: Oh, okay, mr. Fritters. Really? What was that about? What are you, lola's pet, her little personal tasting kitchen, huh?
Theo: You're reading way too much into that.
Summer: Uh-huh. Yeah, sure, I am, just like I'm not seeing you turn into a little puddle every time she's around.
Lola: I'm gonna take off now.
Summer: Uh, you know what, wait for me. I'll walk you out. Uh, I have another meeting to go to, and then I'm gonna take a break, but I will shoot you those reports afterwards.
Kyle: No rush.
Lola: Bye.
Theo: Thanks again, lola. It was great.
Lola: You're welcome.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Theo: So, am I dismissed, too?
Kyle: Not yet. You and I have some unfinished business.
Phyllis: Where are you?
Jack: Oh, I'm just... thinking about you and me through the years. We've been spouses, we've been exes, we -- we've been business partners and rivals. We've loved each other, we've hated each other, and everything in between, and, somehow, we are sitting here, breaking bread together.
Phyllis: I think about us sometimes.
Jack: Yeah?
Phyllis: Yeah.
[ Exhales sharply ] I was horrible to you.
Jack: Eh...
Phyllis: Oh, I was. I cheated on you... with billy, of all people. Did I tell you that I was sorry? Did I ever really tell you?
Jack: Only about 1,000 times.
Phyllis: Well, here's 1,001. I am sorry.
Jack: It's amazing how the heart can heal. It feels pretty damn good to put all that pain behind me. I'm evolving, phyllis.
Phyllis: Yes, you are. Maybe I'll catch up to you.
[ Both laugh ] I'm happy for you.
Jack: You know what, I'm happy for me, too. I get to run jabot with my son, I've mended fences with ashley. Our family's getting along better than it has in a -- a long, long time. I feel blessed.
Phyllis: You are. Who's the lucky woman who gets to share in all that happiness?
Jack: Oh, I don't know about that. I haven't found her just yet, but, eh, she's out there somewhere.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: Just like there's someone out there for you.
Phyllis: Oh, no, there's not. No, there's not. I've sworn off men. It's okay. It's, uh, too much work and very little reward.
Jack: Yeah, you say that now.
Phyllis: I've been saying that for a long time. I'm fine. I'm fine.
Jack: You're wrong. I know you have summer, but we can't let our children fulfill our lives. They have lives of their own. You've broken ties with adam. Your professional life with abby is over...
Phyllis: Wow. When you say it like that, I should just jump off a cliff.
Jack: I'm just saying, I've known you a long time. I know how you get when you're at loose ends, and I want you to be careful.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ]
Jack: Look, I only want for you what you want for me. A job that fulfills you, a partnership with someone that embraces your spirit, but keeps you grounded... and friends. Good friends that you can rely on.
Phyllis: Like you.
Jack: Yeah. Like me.
Phyllis: That means a lot to me that you said that. Thank you. Don't worry about me, I'm gonna be okay. I promise you, I'll be okay. I know what I need to be happy. And I know how to get it. I will find it.
Chelsea: Is connor still out with the sitter?
Adam: Yes, he is. What is wrong?
Chelsea: You asked phyllis to sleep with nick? Don't even bother denying it.
Adam: Okay. I won'T. It was a cheap move, and I regret it. And I wish I could take it back, but I can'T. So will you let me explain? My derm just let me in on her little anti-aging secret-
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Devon: Well, yeah, jill, it has been a little rough. Half the time, I expect neil to come walking through the front door with a smile on his face carrying gifts, like he used to. But, uh, it was nice to see lily and charlie and mattie were doing well. We shared some laughs, some tears, but...
Jill: But it's not the same, is it?
Devon: No. I don't think it will ever be the same without neil.
Jill: Was elena able to be with you?
Devon: Uh, unfortunately, no. She had to work. But we talked every day. She's, uh -- she's really been a rock for me lately.
Jill: Mm.
Devon: I -- I don't know how I would have gotten through any of this without her, to be honest.
Jill: Well, you deserve somebody special in your life.
Devon: That's nice of you to say.
Jill: Mm.
Devon: And now that I've found her, I'm not gonna let her go, that's for sure.
Jill: Good for you. Good.
Devon: Yeah. We're actually gonna take off to london tonight, and it's just gonna be the two of us, meaning we're not gonna be discussing any will business or money...
Jill: Or any lookalike lawyers.
Devon: Mnh-mnh, no. Not at all. Not at all.
Jill: [ Laughs ]
Devon: Yeah, it's -- 2019 has not been my year, and I can't wait for it to be done.
Jill: Oh, boy, I'll second that. I deeply regret letting colin drag me into his evil orbit again.
Devon: Mm. It's not your fault, jill.
Jill: Well, that's nice of you to say. But if I'd had my eyes open, he never would have been able to swindle you out of your inheritance.
Devon: Mm.
Jill: Devon. I promise you, I swear to you, we're gonna get your money back for you. No, really, the authorities are looking for colin, cane's looking for him...
Devon: Mm, you can stop right there because I'm not nearly as convinced as you are that cane is on our side.
Abby: [ Sighs deeply ] Finally! A moment to breathe.
Chance: That's why you make the big bucks.
Abby: Well, I would gladly trade some of those bucks for an uninterrupted hour of rest and relaxation.
Chance: A loaf of bread, a bottle of malbec...
Abby: Mmm. You read my mind. But, in the meantime, can i offer you a complimentary adult beverage at the bar?
Chance: I might go for that.
Abby: Might?
Chance: Any strings attached?
Abby: No, I just want to make one of my very special guests feel comfortable.
Chance: So no favors, nothing you want to ask me?
Abby: Mm, there is one little thing, but I don't think it would qualify as a favor.
Chance: Okay. I'm official intrigued.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Abby: [ Sighs ] God, it's just -- it's one of those days. Um, tell the bartender to get you whatever you want.
Chance: Wait, you're just gonna leave me hanging, not even one little hint?
Abby: Mm.
Phyllis: Hello.
Nick: Hey!
Phyllis: What a lucky coincidence. Um, I just, uh, ran into jack. I'm meeting summer here.
Nick: Well, here I am!
Phyllis: Here you are!
[ Giggles ] Um... I guess the universe is trying to tell me something. I ran into two exes in one day. I mean, the good exes.
Nick: Or it could be that we just live in a small town.
Phyllis: Yeah, it could be that.
[ Sighs ] Can I sit down?
Nick: What if I said no?
Phyllis: [ Giggles ] I'd sit down anyway.
Nick: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: So...
[ Sighs ] How are you doing?
Nick: Uh... I'm all right, you know, I'm just hanging out here. Beats waiting at home, climbing the walls, waiting for chelsea to get back to me. I, uh... I told her what adam tried to do. -Phyllis: Oh.
Nick: She's outraged, so she ran over there, and, uh, I'm sure she's laying into him.
Phyllis: You don't look thrilled.
Nick: Well, it's adam, you know, and we both know what that means. He will do anything, say anything to minimize the damage and keep chelsea close.
Phyllis: I mean, do you think she'll buy it? That's what you're afraid of.
Adam: I know you're angry, and you have every right to be.
Chelsea: Anger does not even begin to describe it. Try disgusted.
Adam: I told phyllis on the same day we found out connor was gonna be able to go back to school for the new year.
Chelsea: Oh! Oh! Well, then that explains everything.
Adam: Chelsea, chelsea, would you please just let me finish? Okay? I was angry, and I was worried. And I was desperate to fix things. I had seen the progress that we were making, and I thought that things could have been even better if the three of us were here together.
Chelsea: You know, when you thought to proposition phyllis, what did you -- I mean, what did you think? You really thought that nick was just gonna -- just gonna jump into bed with her?
Adam: I did it because i never thought you and nick would last, and this would have just accelerated the inevitable break-up.
Chelsea: That is pathetic.
Adam: Chelsea...
Chelsea: No, you decided that my relationship with nick wasn't real. You decided that I belonged here with you. Anything else you've decided about my future, adam?
Adam: I am really sorry that you're angry. You know what, and I'm glad phyllis turned me down.
Chelsea: Oh, no, you're not.
Adam: I am, chelsea. Okay? I should have just come to you and laid everything out on the table and told you that I felt that something was happening between us. And maybe the reason that you felt conflicted about living here was because you felt it, too. And, deep down, you didn't want to go back to nick's house, you wanted to stay here with me and connor. And, you know what, it took me until christmas to be honest with myself about how I'm feeling, but I'll be honest with you now. I love you, and I've never stopped loving you. And every second that you are away from me to be with nick, it is like a knife in my heart.
Chelsea: I shouldn't be surprised that you would stoop to something like this. It's not exactly out of character.
Adam: Okay, well, I deserved that.
Chelsea: Yeah. Damn right, you deserved that! I mean, didn't you realize i would discover all of this information eventually anyway, adam? You involved phyllis, for god's sake. Oh, and she must be loving this. You practically handed her an opportunity not just to hurt me, but to make herself look like the hero in nick's eyes.
Adam: No. I don't think so. She was every bit as angry as you are. And I don't think she's ever gonna forgive me.
Chelsea: Is that what you want from me, adam, to forgive you?
Adam: No. I want you to open your heart, and I want you to accept what i just said to you.
Chelsea: That you love me.
Adam: Yes. I do.
Chelsea: How do I know this isn't just another manipulation, just another round of this constant battle between you and your brother, huh?
Adam: No, this has nothing to do with nick. This is about us and our possible future together.
Chelsea: Adam, you are confused.
Adam: I am not confused. I have never been more clear and certain about anything in my entire life, chelsea.
Chelsea: It's not me that you want, it's connor's mother!
Adam: No, it's not! It is both of you, okay? It's --
[ Sighs deeply ] It's everything. I mean, it's what we had years ago... that we were never able to get back.
[ Sighs ] I mean, don't you remember? We were ready to leave genoa city. We were ready to just start over. And all we needed was the three of us. And that is even more true now than it was then. Because I need you in my corner. I need you, I need our family to be reunited again in every sense of the word. Okay? We've been given this gift of a second chance, and I cannot bear to let it pass by without a fight. Can you?
Phyllis: You think that chelsea will believe what adam says, right?
Nick: I do, but connor is her weakness, and I know adam is not above using that to his advantage.
Phyllis: Wouldn't it be great to put a camera in the penthouse?
Nick: [ Chuckles ] What?
Phyllis: But I would not do that because that is frowned upon.
Nick: Yeah, it's frowned upon. You know what -- you know what, I don't want to talk about chelsea.
Phyllis: Oh, that's fine. I get that.
Nick: It's not because i don't trust you, because I do. I just would prefer talking about anything else.
Phyllis: Let's talk about sports.
Nick: Let's do that. How about the match-ups in the college football bowl season? What are your thoughts?
Phyllis: Ooh! Um, I... will get back to you on that.
[ Both laugh ] Um, I think you'd find my conversation with jack interesting.
Nick: All right, hit me.
Phyllis: All right. We were talking about friendship and valuing those people, um, who are good to us and those people we love and weeding out the others.
Nick: I love getting rid of weeds.
Phyllis: Yeah. Me, too. Adam was a weed to me. He was. He treated me like garbage. And even though you -- and you had every opportunity not to -- but you left the door open so we... can still be friends.
Nick: Sure would be a good opportunity for me to make fun of your bad judgment.
Phyllis: Yeah, but, see, you wouldn't do that because you wouldn't want to ruin this moment here.
Nick: You're right, I'm not gonna do that.
Phyllis: Yes, and you're smart, so... [ Laughs ]
Nick: Okay.
Summer: Hey. I didn't expect to see you two here together. What's going on?
Theo: This is your idea of minor adjustments to my social media marketing plan?
Kyle: First of all, it's jabot's plan, and, yes, I think there needs to be a better balance between the sales potential and the public relations angle.
Theo: It's there already.
Kyle: Not to my satisfaction.
Theo: Would it be there if summer had turned this in without my name on it?
Kyle: You're missing the point.
Theo: No, I get it. You don't want me here, but you're stuck with me, so you'll do anything you can to keep me down.
Kyle: 'Cause I'm such a mean boss.
Theo: No, just resentful.
Kyle: Of you? [ Laughs ]
Theo: You know, I see right through you, abbott, all the way. You feel threatened as hell.
Kyle: Okay, look. I'm trying to make an effort because, like it or not, we're family.
Theo: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: And it's important to my dad and lola and summer that you and I figure out a way to get along.
Theo: Yeah, hell of an effort.
Kyle: This is business. Projects get criticized. I get criticized when my work doesn't measure up, so what makes you so special?
Theo: I'm not trying to be special. I'm just tired of you rubbing my nose in every mistake you think I've made. You know, you had a lot more respect for my talent back in the day. Hell, you know you once considered me such a good friend, you could trust me with anything! You did, too. Remember?
Kyle: Oh, we are not talking about new york again, ever!
Jack: What did I just walk in on?
Kyle: It's nothing, dad.
Theo: Kyle and I were just having a discussion about my pitch.
Kyle: Yeah, and we worked it out.
Theo: We sure did.
Jack: Well, good. I'm glad to hear that. I know you two are still finding your way, but, around here, the work comes first.
Theo: Absolutely.
Jack: I need to speak with kyle.
Theo: Consider me out of here.
Jill: I know that you and cane have your issues.
Devon: Oh, well, I don't trust him, that's my issue.
Jill: Well, I would argue otherwise, but I have a feeling that you wouldn't listen.
Devon: It's -- it doesn't matter anyway. We'll find out sooner or later whether he's innocent or not. But it's not even about the money anymore. It's about what colin to violate katherine's final wishes. And whoever was involved with him is gonna pay for it.
Abby: I'm all yours.
Chance: Are you, now?
Abby: Promise. So... what have you been up to?
Chance: Besides waiting on you, I've been thinking about maybe exactly what it is that you want from me.
Abby: Mmm, come up with any theories?
Chance: A few.
Abby: Let's hear them.
Chance: Well, at first, i thought you might have another jewel thief here in the building that needed a good, stern talking to.
Abby: Uh, let's not go there.
Chance: And then I moved on to dragon-slaying, but I should warn you -- I'm afraid of fire.
Abby: Oh, I find it hard to believe that you're afraid of anything.
Chance: Mm, you'd be surprised.
Abby: What else?
Chance: You know what, I don't know. Do you need a dance partner, some light housekeeping? Because I do iron a mean shirt.
Abby: No, no, and no.
Chance: Oh.
Abby: I plan on throwing a new year's eve party, and I'm inviting both sides of my family.
Chance: Under one roof?
Abby: That's the plan.
[ Laughs ]
Chance: So you want me to work security, keep the peace. I should tell you now, we're probably gonna need backup.
Abby: Actually, the newmans and the abbotts are in a low-conflict phase.
Chance: That's good to know.
Abby: But what I wanted to ask you, if you don't have any other plans, is if you'd like to come with me.
Chance: I don't know. I probably should think about it.
Abby: I know it's last-minute --
Chance: Okay, I thought about it, I'd love to.
Abby: Then it's a date.
Chance: Actually, since we'll be together at midnight, it's two dates. The last of this year, and the first of next.
Summer: Well, you two seem to be having a blast, so what did i miss?
Phyllis: Well, uh, let's see. Usual high jinks, character assassination...
Summer: Mm.
[ Laughter ]
Nick: We're talking about christian getting his new set of drums and how his face lit up.
Summer: Oh, yeah, no, his face lit up, but my ears almost exploded.
Phyllis: Oh!
Nick: Yeah, that thing's going on the basement real quick.
Phyllis: Yeah, I mean, you want to cultivate their creativity, but you want to keep your sanity, so...
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Well done.
Nick: Thank you.
Phyllis: He was happy, right?
Nick: Super happy, yeah.
Phyllis: Good. Good job.
[ Cellphone rings ]
Nick: Excuse me. Yep, new hope business. I got to go.
Summer: Oh, okay, I'll see you at home?
Nick: Yep.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: See you later.
Nick: Bye.
Phyllis: Bye.
Summer: Really? Dad? Again?
Phyllis: What? What are you talking about?
Summer: Oh, come on, I can see the way that you were staring at him.
Phyllis: Summer! Your dad and I are friends. We're in such a good place. I'm very happy. Honestly, I don't want complications, and your dad's life is complicated enough, trust me.
Chelsea: I can't have this conversation right now.
Adam: That doesn't change the truth, chelsea.
Chelsea: Your truth, not mine.
Adam: Look, are -- are you afraid of actually getting what you want and losing it again? Is that why you're holding back?
Chelsea: Stop chasing the past, adam. It has nothing to do with now, today. You're caught up with what might have been, that's what this is.
Adam: You don't believe that any more than I do. This is real. You know that this is real.
Chelsea: I -- I don't know if I can trust you.
Adam: Look at me. There is nobody that knows me the way you do. And, deep down, you know I meant everything that I just said. I love you. And, yes, I know that nick made you feel safe, and I know that you care about him. But, with me, you can feel whole.
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