Y&R Transcript Monday 12/30/19
Episode #11768 ~ Victor and Nikki remember the true meaning of the holiday season; Mariah and Tessa save the day; Chloe gives Kevin the ultimate Christmas gift.
Provided By Suzanne
Mariah: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.Tessa: Ooh!
Mariah: Merry christmas, you.
Tessa: Merry christmas back.
Mariah: You know, we should probably get inside, get our tamales, and then head to sharon'S.
Tessa: Or we could stay like this for a few more minutes.
Mariah: Mm. Okay. Nope! We gotta go! [ Laughs ]
Tessa: [ Groans ] Okay. Thank you.
Mariah: You're welcome. Oh. Holy night.
Tessa: What?
Mariah: It looks like somebody's just left half of genoa city's presents sitting here. Somebody's got to be missing these.
Tessa: Uh, well, maybe they belong to someone who's still here.
Mariah: Yeah, but it's strange that they would just dump them here, right?
Tessa: Well, I'll go see if anyone knows anything about it.
Mariah: Okay.
Theo: [ Exhales sharply ] Whoa. Did santa put you on his payroll this year?
Mariah: No. They're not mine. Tessa and I walked in and we just found them lying here and we're trying to figure out who they belong to.
Tessa: No one here knows anything about it.
Mariah: Well, I don't know. I don't want to just leave them here. There may be kids that are really waiting for these.
Tessa: Yeah, you're right. We should find out who these belong to.
Theo: Wait. So, you guys are appointing yourselves christmas day elves?
Mariah: Yeah. I guess we are.
Theo: Okay.
Adam: Oh.
[ Keys jangle ]
Chelsea: Do you think bringing the kitten home was the right thing to do?
Connor: We couldn't leave him lying there in the park.
Adam: Oh, connor, yeah, you want to save him. We all do.
Connor: He's almost frozen. We have to warm him up.
Chelsea: Yeah, we're gonna to do our best, okay?
Adam: We're gonna do everything we can to save him.
Connor: He can't die. We just have to save him.
Elena: Hey there.
Nate: Hey.
Elena: Merry christmas.
Nate: Same to you. Uh, you finish your shift?
Elena: Yeah. I'm actually on my way out. Well, this is awkward.
[ Chuckles ]
Nate: Yeah, a little.
Elena: I was almost gonna suggest we talk about this whole amanda thing again, but I'm not sure it's gonna do us any good.
Nate: Have you changed your mind about anything since the last time we talked?
Elena: No. I'm still convinced that she shouldn't be trusted. You?
Nate: Afraid not. I think you and devon are wrong.
Chloe: Ohh-ooh, ohh-ooh! Okay, I am ready to fight off the cold with something hot.
Kevin: Me too. I'm still all wet from when i fell on the ice.
Chloe: Yeah, how did you fall anyway? I thought you've been ice-skating since you were a kid.
Kevin: It wasn't my fault. That big kid pushed me.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Oh, okay. He was 10.
Kevin: With the size and strength of an 18-year-old.
Chloe: [ Laughs ] Well, it did make bella laugh.
Kevin: So, worth it, I guess.
Chloe: Oh, you would wipe-out all day just to make her smile.
Kevin: She was so exhausted, but refused to leave.
Chloe: Well, she is tenacious, like her father.
Kevin: She's stubborn like her mother.
Chloe: Well, she finally calmed down. And mom just texted me. She finally got her down for a nap.
Kevin: Good. Ah, it has been a great christmas so far.
Chloe: And it's only gonna get better.
Kevin: I don't think that's possible.
Santa: Ohh.
[ Groaning ]
Kevin: Uh, you okay, santa?
Chloe: Doesn't look like you're having a very merry christmas this year.
Santa: Well, that's an understatement.
Nikki: Victor! Where are you, darling? I need you!
Victor: I'm right here, sweetheart. What's this?
Nikki: Look.
Victor: Wait a minute. What in the world? Oh, my god.
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Chelsea: Here you go, sweetie.
Connor: I almost walked right by him. Then I saw his head under the bush.
Adam: Yeah? Well, you have a good eye.
Connor: I thought he was dead.
Chelsea: But he wasn't, right? That's why we held my compact mirror up to his face to see if he was breathing.
Connor: Let's check again. He's still alive.
Chelsea: [ Sighs, chuckles ]
Adam: Well, we should probably take him to the emergency vet now.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Connor: No. We can't take him out in the cold again, not until he warms up.
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Connor: Oh, come on. Wake up...oliver.
Adam: [ Sighs ]
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Tessa: Okay, how do we find out who these belong to?
Mariah: Oh. Oh, I got it.
Tessa: Okay.
Mariah: I got it. We can dust it for fingerprints.
Tessa: Oh, yeah, we could get a kit from, uh, the spy shop that's miraculously open on christmas?
Mariah: No. No. Rey has got to have one and we can borrow his and then we can compare the fingerprints to the ones in the police database.
Tessa: Blamo! The gift-giver is also a criminal.
Mariah: That is a very good point. Right, um... I'm not even sure that's legal also. But at least we'd be breaking the law for good, not evil.
Tessa: Yeah, we're trying to create a christmas miracle.
Theo: Or you could check the presents for tags. Remind me to never hire the P.I. Firm of copeland and porter. No tags.
Tessa: [ Sighs ]
Mariah: I don't what we could do. We could see where this type of wrapping paper is sold.
Tessa: Oh, that's great.
Theo: Or we don't do that, and instead, we ask around to see if anyone saw who left the bag.
Tessa: Well, we already did that.
Mariah: You know what? We don't need your help, scrooge of common sense and logic. What are you even doing here, anyway? Why aren't you anywhere else?
Tessa: Wait. Yeah. It's christmas. What are you doing here alone?
Theo: I'm in between get-togethers, ladies. So you're lucky I have a few minutes to help you.
Mariah: Oh, right, right. Step aside, ladies. Let the big, strong man figure it out. You're not gonna discover a magical clue in like five seconds. Oh.
Theo: Yep. Looks like victor is missing a few gifts under the tree.
Victor: Well, look what we have here now. My goodness.
Nikki: I was coming back from a ride, and I saw this basket on a bale of hay. I mean, I can't imagine how she got there. A beautiful baby girl abandoned on christmas. It just breaks my heart.
Victor: Poor baby. Look at that. Look at those cheeks. Well, she's safe now.
Nikki: Well, it's a good thing I came along when I did and that the stables are heated. But I -- I don't know if she's healthy or -- she really needs to be seen by a doctor.
Victor: Should we call the paramedics?
Nikki: Oh, no, darling, don't do that. The paramedics will be required to call child protective services, and I -- I can't let her go into the system today of all days.
Victor: Look at this. Look at you. Look at that. Yes. Yes. I have an idea.
Elena: So, I guess that's that.
Nate: I guess we'll have to agree to disagree when it comes to amanda.
Elena: Okay. Happy holidays. [ Chuckles ]
[ Cellphone ringing ]
Nate: Hang on. Hello? Victor. Is everything okay?
Victor: Uh, nate, I wouldn't be calling you on christmas unless it were urgent, okay?
Nate: What's wrong? Is it your blood pressure?
Victor: No, nothing to do with that, nothing to do with me, but we have a situation here at the ranch that I think you should -- you should take a look at.
Nate: What? I don't understand. Okay. Alright. I'll be right there.
Elena: Is everything okay with victor?
Nate: Yeah, he's fine.&
Elena: Okay. Well, I'll see you later.
Nate: Wait. I have to go to the ranch. Do you think you can come with me? I could use your help.
Kevin: Don't take this the wrong way, but santa's usually a little more...jolly. So, what can we do to put you in a better mood?
Santa: Well, I'm not sure.
Chloe: Well, why don't you tell us what the problem is?
Santa: The problem is it's christmas.
Kevin: Isn't that, like, the best day of the year for you?
Santa: Well, yes, of course it is. I look forward to it the other 364 days, and I start preparing months before. Like around october, I start putting on a few pounds.
Kevin: Well, to be fair, we all do that. The fall 15.
Chloe: [ Clears throat ]
Kevin: No. Just me.
Santa: And I grow my beard to exactly the right length -- five inches.
Kevin: The perfect length for the kids to pull on it?
Santa: Yes.
Kevin: [ Chuckles ]
Chloe: [ Chuckles ]
Santa: Then I buy a bright, new suit, shiny red with a brass buckle that I shine with a special polish I order from denmark.
Chloe: Wow. I mean, that is dedication. Do you think that would work on candle holders?
Santa: I'll give you the name of the company.
Chloe: Thank you.
Santa: You know, I look forward to doing my best for the kids because I know they'll have the memory of meeting santa for the rest of their lives.
Kevin: That's very true. I still remember my childhood santa.
Chloe: Well, I am sure that they appreciate the commitment -- the kids. And parents, too.
Santa: Well, it's 12 to 15 hours a day at fenmore'S. But, honestly, I love every second of it. I come to enjoy it more every year.
Kevin: So, I still don't know what the problem is.
Santa: I look forward to christmas for the same reasons that you folks do -- to hear people caroling and kids laughing and their smiles everywhere. But then suddenly...it's over. Everyone else just moves on. But for me, it's kind of -- well, it's devastating. My special job and my purpose is over until next year.
Mariah: Alright, good job on finding the logo. But there's no way that these presents are for victor's family. I mean, for one, it doesn't make any sense why they would be at society.
Tessa: Mnh-mnh. Victor would definitely notice if his family's gifts were gone. And the second that happened, he would have an army of security guards combing the city for them.
Mariah: Maybe it's just a random person who came across a discarded newman enterprises bag and decided to use it for their own presents.
Tessa: Oh! I remembered something. Newman had their office christmas party here. Lola told me about it.
Theo: Well, there's your answer. These gifts are probably corporate swag the company gave out at the party, you know, clocks or paperweights with the newman logo embossed on them.
Tessa: That would mean that these aren't toys and there are no kids waiting for them.
Mariah: Which is a very depressing theory.
Theo: You have a better one?
Mariah: Not at the moment.
Theo: Wait. If these are christmas presents for newman executives, there might actually be something in here better than paperweights, like a gold watch or a tablet. I mean, that's what rich folks like to do -- you know, give each other fancy things they can already afford on their own.
Mariah: Mm. And you aspire to be one of these rich, fancy folks?
Theo: If you are implying that I'm shallow, I resent that. But I do think we should open one just in case.
Tessa: Well, if it is a gold watch, are you planning on keeping it?
Theo: My old pocket watch is terrible at keeping time.
Mariah: Hey, no, no, no, no, no! Hey! Give it back. We are not opening one of these.
Tessa: You are just trying to bait us, as usual. But that's not gonna work today.
Mariah: So can we please get back to figuring out what to do with these presents?
Theo: You know, I guess being an elf isn't as easy as it looks.
Victor: Thank you for coming, nate. I know this is a lot to ask.
Nikki: Yes. She wasn't crying when I found her, but I have no idea how long she was there -- oh, baby -- or the last time when she ate.
Nate: I have to admit, this is an unusual situation.
Nikki: Oh, yes, I know. That's why we wanted to avoid contacting...
[ Baby crying ]
Victor: Oh, baby.
Nikki: ...[Gasps] Child protective services at least till tomorrow, provided she's healthy.
Nate: We'll know if we need to take her in as soon as we examine her.
Nikki: Can I hold her while you do that?
Nate: Oh, sure.
Nikki: Come here, precious. Ohh, I know.
Victor: Look at that.
Nikki: I know.
[ Baby crying ]
[ Gasps ] Ohh.
Victor: Look at that.
Nikki: [ Gasps ] Here we are. Look at you.
Nate: Hey.
Nikki: Ohh.
Nate: Hey.
Nikki: Good girl.
Victor: Look at that.
Nate: Hey.
Nikki: Oh, look at her.
Victor: [ Chuckles ]
Nikki: I don't know -- oh. Uh-oh.
[ Baby coughs ] I know. Everything's gonna be fine now, okay?
Elena: Heartbeat's strong.
Nate: Eyes and ears look good.
Elena: Lungs are clear.
[ Baby crying ]
Nikki: Okay.
Elena: I don't know how she ended up in your stables, but this doesn't seem like a case of neglect.
Nikki: No?
Victor: You're okay. That's right. You're okay. That's right.
Nikki: Alright. Alright.
Victor: That's right.
Connor: We're here to help you, oliver. Please wake up.
Chelsea: I made hot chocolate.
Adam: Ooh!
Chelsea: Who wants some?
Adam: That sounds perfect.
Connor: I'm not thirsty. But what if oliver is?
Adam: He's sleeping. But you know what we could do? We could maybe put some milk in a little saucer for him.
Connor: For when he wakes up.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Connor: Good idea.
Adam: Yeah.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ]
Adam: So... what if oliver doesn't wake up?
Chelsea: I don't want to even think about that. Honey, does he look any better to you?
Adam: No, not really. No, his heartbeat seems even lighter than it was before.
Chelsea: [ Sighs ] Connor's already so attached to this kitten. We have to do our best to save him. I mean, he will not be able to handle it if something happens to this kitten.
Adam: Well, we have to hope for the best. But we also have to prepare him for the worst-case scenario.
Connor: Is he awake?
Chloe: I thought you could use a little pick-me-up.
Santa: Why, thank you. I'm sorry if I was yammering on before.
Chloe: Oh, please. You don't have to apologize.
Santa: You know, I'm not sure why I shared all that with you two. You do have friendly faces.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Well, people just naturally warm up to kevin. He -- he is the most generous person you'll ever meet, really.
Santa: It's nice to see two people so in love.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] I am very lucky. So, is there a mrs. Claus?
Santa: There was, but she left me.
Chloe: Oh. I'm s-- I'm so sorry.
Santa: For our marriage counselor. But they're divorced now, so I win.
Chloe: [ Laughs ] What do you do the rest of the year for a living?
Santa: I'm an accountant.
Chloe: Oh. Do you have a family? Do you have kids?
Santa: My wife and never had them, but I always wanted to. You know, maybe that's why i love seeing the kids' eyes light up so much at this time of year.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ]
Santa: They have this innocence that's, well, so pure. It lifts your spirits, you know.
Chloe: Yeah, I do know. I feel the same way when I look at my daughter.
Santa: Mm.
Chloe: Maybe that's why you enjoy the holidays so much -- 'cause you feel a little less lonely.
Santa: Well, I'm sure that's probably true. You know, I wish christmas was just all year round so that i could follow it around the world like the seasons, like when it's summer here, it's christmas in australia or...
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] Hey, you know, I've heard of those year-round christmas theme stores. Maybe there's even a whole town.
Santa: Hmm. I should think about moving there.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ] You know, I know what it's like to feel lonely. There were times that I was so trapped in my head that I had feelings I just couldn't shake. And even when I was surrounded by people, I still felt alone. But I was able to put it behind me, and now I feel the opposite of lonely.
Santa: Wow. I hope to feel that way someday.
Chloe: Well, um... how about now?
Ralphie: Santa, I love you!
Santa: [ Laughs ] Well, merry christmas! What's your name?
Ralphie: Ralphie. And here's my list -- a skateboard and a new bike, a basketball --
Santa: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. First off, you have to tell me -- have you been naughty or nice?
Ralphie: Mm...it depends on who you ask.
Santa: [ Laughs ]
Nikki: I can't stop thinking about the baby's parents.
Victor: Sweetheart.
Nikki: What could have happened to make them walk away from their child?
Victor: Well, I guess it could have been any number of things.
Nikki: [ Sighs ] We need to find the mother to let her know she doesn't have to do that.
Victor: I know.
[ Intercom buzzes ] Yes? Of course. Bring her in. Right now. Thank you.
Nikki: Is it her?
Victor: They found a woman, a young woman, on the south end of the property trying to find a way out.
Nikki: [ Exhales heavily ]
Sasha: Joy! I'm here.
Victor: Thank you.
Sasha: Oh. It's okay, sweet girl. I'm here now.
[ Sniffles ]
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Victor: Thank you, james.
Nikki: What's your name, dear?
Sasha: Sasha. And this is joy.
Nikki: Oh. Well, I want you to know that nobody here is judging you. We just want to help if we can.
Sasha: Thank you.
Nikki: Can you tell us what happened?
Sasha: I'm not sure where to start.
Nikki: Why don't you start at the beginning? Um, joy's father isn't in the picture, and I've had some health issues, so I haven't been able to work. It got to the point where we were tossed out of our apartment and living in an abandoned car.
Nikki: Oh, my goodness. That just must have been awful. And you don't have any family you could stay with?
Sasha: My parents passed away, and my siblings can't take us in, so... I just felt like my whole life was falling apart. And I couldn't take my sweet baby down with me. So today I made a decision. And I came to this sprawling property with the high gates.
Nikki: This must seem like another world.
Sasha: I assumed you had money and resources and that you could probably figure out a way to give joy a better life than I could because she deserves so much more than I've been able to give her.
Nikki: Don't underestimate what you've given her. The first and most important thing is love.
Sasha: I know that now. The moment I walked away from her [Sighs] I felt my heart break in a way that I didn't even know was possible. I only got as far as the train station before I turned around to come back.
Nikki: Oh, that's when the guards found you?
Sasha: Yes. I wasn't trying to leave the property. I was coming back for joy.
[ Sniffles ] Oh, I don't know how she'll ever forgive me.
Nikki: She will never know. Now you just have to forgive yourself.
Sasha: I don't know if I can. I've failed at being a mother. And nothing about our situation has changed. I still don't know if I can take care of her. I don't know how to crawl out of this hole that I'm in.
Victor: There's always a way. One step at a time.
Nikki: You came to the right house for help today.
Victor: You certainly did.
Nikki: I have a connection with a charity that helps people get back on their feet. Um, it actually got started on a different christmas day. I met a young mother in need. Her name was kathy. So, anyway, it would mean so much to me if we could help you.
Sasha: What do I have to do?
Nikki: Just say yes.
Tessa: I guess we should take the bag to victor's house. It is christmas. Even corporate brass deserve their presents.
Mariah: Yeah, let's go to the ranch to help a billionaire.
Tessa: It won't take long, and then we'll come back and get our tamales.
Mariah: Okay. As always, theo, it has been a treat.
Theo: Likewise. Hmm?
Tessa: I think he might really be all alone.
Mariah: Tess, how is that our problem? Okay. Fine. Hey, theo. Would you like to come along with us? Maybe victor will give you a reward for returning his presents.
Theo: It's tempting, but i have a cup of eggnog with my name on it.
Tessa: That's your big plan for the day?
Theo: Hey, I told you I've got plans. There's just not till later, so I've got some time to kill.
Mariah: He said he's got plans.
Theo: Because I do. Go. Enjoy your good deed. I'll be celebrating in style. I promise you that.
Mariah: Merry christmas.
Theo: Merry christmas.
Mariah: Alright.
Connor: I'm right here. Open your eyes. You can do it.
Chelsea: Connor, can you come here, please?
Connor: I need to stay with oliver.
Adam: Connor, this won't take long. Come on.
Chelsea: Come here. We just want to tell you we are so proud of you. You saw an animal in need, and your first instinct was to help him.
Adam: Mm-hmm. You took the lead, and you insisted on saving him, okay, even if it is...too late.
Connor: Don't say that. It's not too late.
Chelsea: Well, no, what we're saying is what you've done for the kitten and what you continue to do is so sweet.
Adam: Yes, and whatever happens today, just know that you did everything you could to save him, okay?
Connor: What do you mean, "whatever happens"?
Chelsea: Sweetheart, we just -- we don't know how long he was outside in the cold. So, it might have been too long for his little body to handle. It might just be his time.
Connor: No, he's going to be okay.
Chelsea: Connor, sweetie, we need to face the facts that the kitten might not wake up.
Connor: Stop saying that.
Adam: Connor, we're just trying to prepare you, okay?
Connor: Stop it, dad.
Adam: Connor.
Connor: No. I mean it. Shh.
[ Kitten mews ] He's awake!
Chelsea: [ Gasps ]
Connor: I told you he was going to be okay.
Chelsea: [ Exhales sharply ]
Adam: [ Chuckles ]
Chelsea: [ Laughs ] What makes a sauce, rag ?
Mariah: Okay. We think this belongs to you. And that concludes our christmas good deed for the day. So, you're welcome.
Victor: What's all this?
Mariah: Uh, well, we think that this is a bag of employee gifts that was left at society after the office party.
Victor: No, no, no, no, no. They weren't meant as corporate gifts. You know, these are gifts for -- presents for the kids in the pediatric wing of the hospital.
Mariah: Then something went very wrong.
Victor: Someone really screwed up big time. I gave very specific instructions.
Tessa: So, you're saying these are toys for sick kids?
Victor: Yeah. My god. Of all days. Um, hmm. Well, the children are gonna be very disappointed.
Mariah: Well, we could, um -- we could deliver them for you.
Tessa: Yeah, we could totally do that.
Mariah: We would love to.
Victor: Would you do that?
Mariah: Absolutely.
Victor: Yeah? That's very kind of you. Want me to pay you?
Mariah: No, no. Please. Just seeing the kids' faces -- that's gonna be reward enough.
Victor: Well, that's so kind of you. I really appreciate it. Okay? Merry christmas to both of you.
Mariah: Merry christmas, victor.
Tessa: Merry christmas.
Victor: And thank you.
Tessa: So, since we're on a roll, you want to throw one more good deed into the mix?
Mariah: As long as it's not --
Tessa: Asking theo if he wants to go to the hospital?
Mariah: I think that falls outside of our elf-ly jurisdiction. And besides, he said that he had a party to get to.
Tessa: Okay.
[ Both groan, laugh ]
Chloe: [ Chuckling ] He is so happy.
Kevin: You were right. This christmas keeps getting better and better.
Chloe: And it's not over yet.
Kevin: What does that mean?
Chloe: Let's just say I have one or two things up my sleeve.
Santa: You know, I'm usually the one who gives out gifts this time of year, but today you two gave me one I will never forget.
Kevin: Well, I'm glad we could help.
Chloe: We are just so thrilled to see you smiling again.
Kevin: And I had another thought about your situation. There's a children's center in town that caters to families that can't afford daycare. Maybe you could volunteer there.
Chloe: Oh, yeah, that's a great idea. I know they're always looking for people.
Kevin: Yeah, just something to think about.
Santa: I don't need to think about it. It's perfect. And thank you again. Merry christmas, you two.
Chloe: Merry christmas, santa.
Kevin: And, hey, uh... what's your real name? In case we ever run into you.
Santa: [ Whispering ] It's frank.
Chloe: [ Chuckles ]
Kevin: His name's frank.
Chloe: Ahh. I think we really helped him out today.
Kevin: Mm-hmm. Since our work here is done, should we get home to bella? She's probably getting up from her nap now.
Chloe: Uh, yeah. One more minute. 'Cause I still have one more gift to give you.
Chelsea: I think he didn't want to miss out on christmas.
Adam: [ Chuckles ]
Connor: Yeah.
Adam: And you stuck by him. And you wouldn't give up.
Chelsea: Hi.
Adam: But, hey, I think we definitely need to take him to the vet now.
Chelsea: Yeah.
Adam: Yeah.
Connor: I'm going to get my allowance. Maybe there's a donation box to help pay for sick kitten like oliver that don't have anyone else.
Chelsea: That's a really nice idea. And if they don't have one there, we can donate your allowance to an animal rescue shelter. That is not the same boy who locked christian in a garage. He's really turned a corner.
Adam: [ Sighs ] I think so.
Chelsea: Ooh.
Adam: Thanks to you.
Chelsea: Thanks to the both of us.
Adam: Mm.
Chelsea: And, listen, I know I debated whether or not i should be here this morning, but I'm really glad I stayed. This is where I needed to be.
Adam: Well, I won't argue with you about that. I don't know how connor and i would have gotten through this without you.
Connor: Let's go. Let's go.
Chelsea: Okay. Okay. Here you go.
Connor: After the doctor looks at him, we're bringing him home, right?
Chelsea: Um... well, you'd have to ask your dad since the kitten would be living here.
Adam: Welcome to the family, oliver!
Chelsea: [ Chuckles ]
Adam: Come on. Let's go. Are you coming?
Chelsea: Yeah. I'm just gonna grab my purse. I'll be right there. Alright. Let's go.
Kevin: I thought we opened up all our presents this morning.
Chloe: We did. Uh, I just wanted to give you this one alone, just two of us.
Kevin: Okay. [ Chuckles ]
Chloe: [ Sighs ] Just, the way that everything happened, it just -- I feel like this is the right place and time.
Kevin: The right place and time for what?
Chloe: [ Sighs ] For this particular present. Um, you know, there are -- there are presents, and then there are presents.
Kevin: Well, maybe just give me the present.
[ Chuckles ]
Chloe: Okay.
Kevin: Okay. [ Chuckles ] These are too small for bella.
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, they are.
Kevin: We're getting a puppy?
Chloe: A -- a puppy that wears shoes?
Kevin: Are you saying...
Chloe: [ Voice breaking ] Merry christmas.
Kevin: For real?
Chloe: For real.
Kevin: [ Exhaling sharply ]
Chloe: [ Laughing ]
Kevin: Oh, my god. Merry christmas to us!
Chloe: Oh!
Kevin: I -- hey, come here. Come here. Come here.
Chloe: Okay.
Kevin: Guess what, people! We're having a baby!
[ Cheers and applause ]
Nate: I want you and joy to come in to the hospital next week for a more thorough exam, on the house.
Sasha: Thank you.
Elena: And generally speaking, she is perfectly healthy. But here's my number. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call.
Sasha: I don't know what to say. I didn't have an hope when this day started. And I'm still not sure how we got here, but somehow we're safe and together. And it's -- it's given me faith that there are good people out there. Yeah.
[ Baby cooing ]
Elena: Thank you for bringing me along.
Nate: I, uh, thought you could help, and you definitely did.
Elena: Yeah, I mean, it felt good. And it also gave me some perspective. I don't want things to be awkward between us because of amanda.
Nate: Me neither.
Elena: So, can we just decide that it won't be?
Nate: Yeah.
[ Breathes deeply ] This wasn't your typical holiday, but it was a special one.
Elena: [ Chuckles ]
Nikki: So, I just got off the phone with new hope, and I'm gonna take sasha down there and help her and joy get their new housing.
Victor: I'm so happy to hear that, my baby.
Nikki: I promise I'll be back as soon as I can.
Victor: Don't you worry about me.
Nikki: I hate to leave you alone on christmas.
Victor: Sweetheart, that baby is more important than I am, okay? By the way -- come here [Sighs] -- Have I told you lately how much I love you? Hmm? Do you know how lucky we are to have healthy children and healthy grandchildren?
Nikki: It's days like today that make me grateful for everything that we have.
Victor: Come here.
Nikki: Merry christmas.
Victor: Merry christmas to you.
Nikki: Mm.
Victor: Come here.
Nikki: [ Breathes deeply ]
Victor: I adore you, my baby.
Nikki: I love you so much.
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