Y&R Transcript Friday 12/27/19
Episode #11767 ~ Jack spreads some holiday cheer for the Abbotts; Michael and Lauren receive a Christmas surprise.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Lauren: And fen is doing so well in recovery.
Christine: I'm so glad. I know this hasn't been easy on any of you.
Michael: I know, especially without him coming home for the holidays.
Victoria: Do you two know each other?
Billy: The other team's side has a whole list of new demands.
Victoria: Well, can't this wait until after the holiday?
Billy: Trust me, I would love to, but this is a multimillion-dollar deal. I can't leave them high and dry. Plus, if I screw this up, I'm out of a gig.
Victoria: Are you sure you're okay going --
Billy: I will be there in the morning before anybody even opens their presents, okay?
Victoria: I don't want to spend christmas without you.
Jack: Wait, you're done? What do you mean, done?
Traci: With the first draft.
Jack: I'd love to read it!
Ashley: I found my favorite chocolates on my pillow. I wonder how they got there.
Traci: Oh, well, the elves have been busy.
Ashley: [ Chuckles ] One elf in particular, I think. Thank you, traci. Very thoughtful.
Traci: You're welcome. I've just been so excited about your visit.
Ashley: Me too. Isn't it great the kids are throwing the holiday parties now? All we have to do is show up.
Traci: Except you, who had to travel halfway across the planet.
Ashley: Totally worth it.
Traci: Ah, there was a time when I wasn't sure it was gonna go that way, when you were going to maybe move to paris and never look back.
Ashley: I love my family. In spite of all the hurt feelings, I don't want to lose my family. Jack felt the same way and he reached out and we knew we had to make it work.
Billy: Though I strongly suggest that we counter, and i think we should do it tonight. In fact, I just e-mailed you my suggestions. Okay, well, look that over and let me know if you'll sign off on them. Oh, believe me, I am very much aware that it's christmas eve. I should be on a plane to colorado with my family right now, but this needs to be done. So let's get it done so we can all celebrate the holidays with our family. What do you say? Okay. I'll be awaiting your call. Thanks. Come on, man.
[ Sighs ]
[ Chuckles ] Jack.
Jack: Whoa, I-I-I --
Billy: Come on, man.
Jack: I didn't mean to startle you. The door was open. I let myself in.
Billy: [ Sighs heavily ] Okay. What's, uh -- what's going on? Why are you here?
Jack: Come on. We're going to dinner.
Lola: The abbotts are so big on tradition. Are you sure they're really okay with moving their christmas eve dinner to a restaurant?
Abby: Hmm, let me think about it. Celebrating at the hottest spot in town? Sounds like a hardship, but i think we'll muddle through.
Lola: I'll defer to your judgment.
Abby: Thank you. Now, I ordered a flower arrangement. Don't tell me it didn't get here.
Lola: Oh, the busboy's on it.
Abby: The busboy?
Lola: Yeah. You know, the really cute one.
Kyle: Hey, hey, hey. I resemble that remark.
Lola: Mm, you totally do.
Abby: Alright, alright. Let me take this so lola can thank you appropriately.
Kyle: Fantastic idea.
[ Chuckles ]
Michael: It'll be nice to -- to spend some quality time with the abbotts outside of work, to reconnect with them as friends, ask how ashley's doing in france, how dina's doing.
Lauren: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Then after dinner, we can go home, light at fire, open presents. Doesn't that sound cozy? But no hints. My gift is gonna be a total surprise this year. Alright, lauren.
[ Clears throat ] Hey. Here.
Lauren: Oh. I'm sorry.
Michael: Is everything alright?
Lauren: I'm sorry.
Michael: 'Cause you seem a little down.
Lauren: [ Sighs ] Babe, I'm sure whatever you got me is just extraordinary.
Michael: Mm-hmm.
Lauren: But what I really want for christmas is fen to be home.
Michael: Me too. Me too. But he's doing so well in rehab. He's improving every --
[ Cellphone rings ] Ohh. I'm sorry.
[ Chuckles ] Do you believe it? The kid must have esp.
Lauren: It's fen?! Answer it!
Michael: Alright, come to the table.
Lauren: Okay.
Michael: Fen? Hello, son! Merry christmas!
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Michael: Were your ears burning? Your mom and I were talking about you.
Lauren: We miss you so much, fen.
Fen: I miss you, too, mom.
Lauren: [ Laughs ] It's so good to hear your voice.
Michael: Now, hey, did you get the money we sent?
Fen: I did. Yes, I did. Thank you. I actually put it to extremely good use.
Michael: Glad to hear it.
Fen: Yeah, I-I sent you guys a gift, too, but apparently there was a problem with the delivery, so I just kind of decided to take care of it myself.
Michael: Uh --
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Michael: Give me some of that.
[ Laughs ]
Fen: Good to see you.
Michael: [ Sighs ]
Lauren: Oh.
Fen: I know. I know.
Lauren: I'm so happy to see you.
Fen: Me too. Hey! It's me! Your dry skin!
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Billy: Uh, victoria called you, didn't she?
Jack: The whole family is getting together at society to celebrate the holiday.
Billy: Jack, I --
Jack: I know you're in the middle of negotiations. A fella's got to eat.
Billy: Look, it's gonna be rude, okay? I'm gonna be sitting at the table on the phone trying to get this done --
Jack: It's christmas eve, billy. I'm not going to leave you here alone. We all know you have to work. Bring your laptop with you. At least get some food in you.
Billy: Okay, fine. But I'm not staying long because I am on the first flight out to colorado.
Jack: I am fine with that. Come on. Let's go.
Billy: You go. I will meet you there.
Jack: You better be right behind me.
Billy: I will be right behind you. I promise you. I'll see you in a second.
[ Sighs heavily ]
Ashley: So, is the plan still the same -- jack's gonna bring dina back here to celebrate first thing in the morning?
Traci: Yes, that is the plan.
Ashley: Oh, good.
Traci: Although it is a little strange not having her with us tonight.
Ashley: Yeah, but a restaurant full of strangers would have been way too much for her to handle.
Traci: Of course. Even at thanksgiving here at home, it was so overwhelming for her, all the people coming and going. I think a simple family breakfast is just the thing.
Ashley: Jack told me that he brought theo here, introduced him to dina, and then theo told her about his father that was raised by a very loving family after she gave him up for adoption. That must have meant so much to her.
Traci: Actually, I wasn't here for it, but from what i understand, it did give dina a measure of peace.
Ashley: Oh, wonderful.
Traci: Yeah.
Ashley: So, how are things going at jabot for theo? Is he getting along okay with kyle, I hope?
Traci: Well, uh... they're making an effort.
Ashley: Oh, my god.
[ Both laugh ] That means things are still tense.
Abby: Do either of you know if theo will be joining us? Maybe we should add another place setting.
Kyle: I haven't heard anything. But then again, I'd be the last to know, just like when my dad hired him at jabot.
Lola: Which is working out fine.
Kyle: So far.
Lola: Theo has other plans for the evening.
Abby: Okay.
Kyle: How do you know that?
Lola: Why would you care, as long as the information is accurate?
Kyle: You've been prepping for this dinner all day. When would you have had time to talk to him?
Lola: Theo and I have been texting back and forth about the holiday plans. So what?
Kyle: I'm just now finding out about this.
Lola: You know, I didn't realize I had to show you all of my incoming texts. Do you want to read them all now?
Kyle: Of course not. I never meant to imply I didn't trust you.
Lola: Good. But you know, kyle, it wouldn't hurt you to have a smidge of sympathy. The guy is alone on christmas. His parents are gone. He and summer broke up, and he doesn't even feel comfortable with a family, partly because it's all new and weird and partly because of your attitude.
Kyle: You're right. We are so lucky, and not everyone is. I never want to take this for granted.
Lola: I forgive you.
Michael: Here. How'd you manage to get here?
Fen: Yes. Uh, okay. Well, I'm sure you're both wondering why I'm out wandering the streets again. So, uh...good news. They released me from rehab a week ago. I moved into a halfway house just in time for christmas.
Lauren: Ooh.
Michael: [ Sighs ] That's wonderful, son.
Lauren: Congratulations.
Fen: Thank you. Thanks. Hey, thanks. Um, yeah. And the holiday check you sent way more than covered my train ticket home, so here I am.
Lauren: [ Chuckles ] I'm so relieved, I could cry.
Michael: Oh, baby.
Fen: Please don't do that.
Lauren: It just feels like you've been gone for so long.
Fen: I know.
Michael: Yeah. You went in for 60 days.
Fen: Yeah. Yeah. And that got kind of stretched.
Michael: Ah. Just a bit.
Lauren: I kind of felt that, um, maybe your relapse was more serious than we'd been led to believe.
Fen: I'm not gonna lie. It was -- it was bad. You know, I needed to be in rehab for sure. I just kind of wanted to take it slow, you know, make sure I was ready to face the world without drugs because, well, I vowed to myself that when I left, you know, it was gonna be for the last time.
Lauren: And how are you adjusting to the halfway house?
Fen: Uh, it's a new place, new people, new rules. I'll figure it out. Um...
[ Chuckles ] Look, part of the reason why I wanted to see you personally was because I wanted to apologize and ask you guys for forgiveness.
Lauren: Oh. Fen --
Fen: No. Seriously. When I started using again, I felt so weak, like, um -- I don't know -- like a disappointment. And I knew that I had let you guys down, and it just -- it felt terrible. And I just never want that to happen again.
Michael: Alright, alright, listen. I'm proud of you. You did everything we asked. You got help. You took it seriously. You're working hard. You're stronger for it. There's nothing disappointing about that.
Lauren: And I agree with that. You're our son, and we love you. And nothing is ever gonna change that. But now that you're home, i think it's time to celebrate. What do you think?
Michael: Oh, yes.
Lauren: Right?
Michael: We are about to go have christmas eve dinner with some friends. How would you like to come along and surprise a couple other people?
Fen: [ Inhales sharply ] Screw it. You know what? I'm up to it.
Michael: Yes! Yes, you are.
[ Laughs ] Come on.
Lauren: Let's go.
Michael: [ Chuckles ]
Lauren: Come on, my men.
Michael: Mwah! Lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose.
Traci: [ Gasps ] Ooh!
Ashley: Wow.
Traci: Look at this table. It's gorgeous!
Ashley: Beautiful.
Abby: Welcome! You're the first to arrive!
Traci: Oh, hi!
[ Smooching ] I'm so excited to be here.
Lola: We are so excited to have you.
Abby: Ma cher, maman. That dress is stunning.
Ashley: I loves yours, too.
Abby: Ooh, gee, I wonder who bought it for me in paris and left it hanging in my room.
Ashley: I'm glad you like it.
Kyle: Père noel?
Traci: Ah, indeed. No doubt.
Ashley: You went all out. That's so amazing.
Abby: Well, lola's menu is so incredible that I had to create a setting that would do it justice.
Traci: Well, you succeeded.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Kyle: Who's ready for drinks?
Ashley: I'd love a white wine.
Kyle: Coming up. Traci?
Traci: I was here the last time and had the most amazing spanish sherry.
Lola: The amontillado.
Traci: That's it.
Abby: Oh, make it two.
Kyle: I'm on it.
Ashley: We have so much catching up to do.
Abby: Oh!
Ashley: Honey, how's everything going at the grand phoenix?
Abby: Well, it's on the upswing now that I've unloaded phyllis as director of security.
Ashley: Oh, you told me on the phone you were trying to hatch a plan to get rid of her.
Abby: Yeah, that didn't really pan out, but everything is fine because chance came back to town and he helped me get the evidence I needed to get rid of her for good.
Ashley: That was nice of him to go to all that trouble.
Abby: Yeah. I mean, I think he enjoyed it. Phyllis rubs him the wrong way, too.
Ashley: I'm sure that's why he did it.
Jack: Ho, ho, ho! Merry christmas!
Abby: Uncle jack!
Jack: Wow! Great dress, abby.
Abby: Oh, thank you.
Jack: Hi.
Ashley: Hello there.
Jack: Hi yourself.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Hey, hey.
Traci: Now we can get this party started. Hi.
Jack: You read my mind.
Traci: Mwah!
Lola: No, we're still waiting for michael and lauren.
Jack: There is one more coming.
Ashley: Theo.
Jack: No. Billy.
Kyle: Wait. Weren't he and victoria supposed to go skiing?
Jack: He is tied up with this consulting gig he's involved in, and he couldn't get out to join victoria and the kids till tomorrow morning.
Abby: Oh, that's a bummer.
Jack: And I didn't speak to theo. I invited him. He said he had other plans.
Abby: Okay.
Kyle: I'd be happy to give him a call, extend a personal invitation, if you think that would make it difference.
Jack: I appreciate that, son. I believe we don't want to put any more pressure on him.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Abby: What can I get you to drink? The usual scotch?
Jack: You stay put. I will help myself now.
Abby: [ Chuckles ]
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
Lola: Wow. Nicely done, my love
Kyle: It is christmas. And if I haven't told you yet, you and abby did a phenomenal job decorating.
Lola: Thank you.
Kyle: But there seems to be one thing missing.
Lola: Really? What?
Kyle: Mistletoe. I've been looking all over for it, but, um...
Lola: You know, I think you're right. Yeah, I might have left it in the kitchen. You should come help me find it.
Kyle: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Yep.
Lola: Yep.
Ashley: Jackie, does billy know that I'm gonna be here?
Jack: I don't know that i mentioned it. Why?
Ashley: Well, I just can't help but wonder if the reason why he left jabot was because our two companies merged. He was completely against it, as you know. And then the last time I was here, I barely saw him. He spent thanksgiving with the newmans. So, I don't want to read anything into it, but it's a little --
Jack: Don'T. Don'T. Billy's decision to leave jabot was something he felt he needed to do for himself. It had nothing to do with you or the merger.
Ashley: Okay. So, how's his consulting gig going?
Jack: I think it's kind of a stopgap job, something to keep him busy while he figures out what he was born to do.
Ashley: Well, I sure hope he does.
[ Glasses clink ]
Billy: I'm sure you're still on the flight with the kids, but hopefully I'll have this deal wrapped up by tonight and I can enjoy the trip with you all. Oh, and, uh, thanks for tipping off jack, letting him know that I'm on my own tonight. I'm heading out to dinner with the family as we speak. That should, uh, keep me out of trouble. Okay. So, um, I miss you, and, uh, merry almost christmas. I'll see you soon. I love you.
[ Sighs ]
[ Sighs ]
Ashley: To fen!
Abby: Hear, hear!
Jack: Cheers!
Michael: Fenmore! Hear, hear!
[ Laughter ]
Fen: Thank you, guys.
Ashley: So, when are you pgonna check out jabot's new european headquarters in paris?
Lauren: Ooh. You know, fashion week is the end of february.
Traci: That sounds like the perfect winter break.
Lauren: Right?
Fen: Yeah, maybe once I get my bearings, I could tag along with you.
Lauren: Ooh. I love that idea.
Michael: A family excursion.
Lauren: Right? We're both due for some time off work, right?
Ashley: Well, I insist you come stay with me. I've got plenty of room, and I'm close to all the major venues.
Lauren: Yeah, aren't you on the 8th arrondissement?
Ashley: Yes, I am, right off the avenue montaigne.
Jack: Great news about fen.
Ashley: It's great.
Jack: I know how worried lauren was.
Michael: Ah. Just seeing him standing there happy and healthy. Your dad means the world to both of us.
[ Chuckles ]
Kyle: Man, they'll let anyone in this joint.
[ Laughter ]
Fen: Kyle, good to see you.
Kyle: Oh, great to see you, too. I didn't know you were in town.
Fen: Yeah. I just got in. Uh, by the way, heard the two of you got hitched. Congratulations. You are a lucky guy, kyle.
Lola: I am so glad you're here, fen.
Fen: Yeah. Me too. You know, I remember how badly you wanted to be the head chef at abby's new restaurant, and now I get to see you in action.
Abby: We were wondering what happened to you two.
Ashley: Yeah, did you get lost on the way from the kitchen?
Lola: Ha. No. You know, I needed kyle to help me with the canapéS.
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Traci: Canapés! That's what took so long.
[ Laughter ]
Lauren: You know, to hurt your feelings or anything, but that shade of lipstick looks so much better on lola.
Lola: Oh, no!
[ Laughter ] I thought I got it off. I am so sorry.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Laughter ] I'm so sorry.
Jack: Oh, thank god somebody else is doing it now.
Abby: There must be mistletoe over the stove.
[ Laughter ]
Lola: Sorry.
Billy: Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Jack: No, you are good! Come on in!
Billy: [ Chuckles ]
Lola: So glad you could join us.
Abby: Mwah!
Traci: Although billy isn'T. He's supposed to be in telluride right now.
Billy: Yeah, well, chalk it up to my exquisite timing, taking a consulting job days before christmas. Smart.
Jack: You're just tempting fate doing that.
Billy: Yeah, exactly.
Abby: Don't worry. You'll be there in time for the important part -- waking up and seeing johnny and katie's little faces on christmas morning.
Michael: Mm, seems to me you played it just about right. I mean, when fenmore was growing up...
Fen: Oh, god.
Michael: ...Christmas eve was crunch time. It was a ton of pressure. It was assembling and wrapping into the wee hours.
Lauren: Oh, my god. Do you remember the one year that we gave him a bike, and at 2:00 A.M. In the morning, there were bike parts all over the living room?
[ Laughter ]
Michael: It was like tool chest explode.
[ Laughter ]
Lauren: And then in the morning, fen comes out in his little pajamas -- you know, the ones with the feet in them...
Traci: Aww!
Lauren: ...Wiping sleep out of his eyes.
[ Laughter ] And he looks to the bike, he looks at michael, he looks to me, he looks back at the bike, and he's says...
Fen: Okay, mom --
Michael: "Daddy, daddy, did you forget to give santa claus his milk and cookies?"
[ Laughter ]
Billy: Yeah, well, we're talking about victoria here, which means everything was bought, assembled, and wrapped, and shipped to colorado days before.
Abby: I have to admit, that does sound like my sister.
Jack: So, can we get you a glass of wine?
Michael: Yes.
Billy: Red would be perfect.
Abby: On it. Be right back.
Jack: Thank you.
Billy: Fen. Hey, man.
Fen: Hey.
Billy: Good to see you. How is everything? This is a nice little christmas surprise.
Fen: Yeah.
Lauren: Yes. For us, most of all.
Fen: I'm just happy to be here, you know, alive and well.
Billy: Good. You just here visiting or...
Fen: No. I-I just got out of rehab, actually.
Billy: Oh. Good. Well, that's -- that's terrific.
Fen: Thank you. Yeah. I just got so lost out there on tour with all those musicians, and I didn't even know it. You know? It was like -- I don't know. I was kind of like I couldn't even trust myself anymore.
Jack: Yeah, I know that feeling.
Fen: Yeah. You know, and quitting again was hard. I mean, it's still a struggle, but remembering that there are things to live for, like family and friends, music...
Billy: Mm.
Fen: That's what I focus on now -- you know, trying to be the best version of myself that I know I can be.
Abby: Alright, red wine right here and seltzer for you.
Fen: Thank you.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Abby: Uncle jack, would you care to make a toast before we all sit down?
Jack: I would love to. Gather around, everybody. So, I would like to start out by thanking abby and lola and kyle for setting all of this up. The best food in town in the most magical of settings -- what better place to welcome the gifts of the holiday/
Michael: Yes.
Ashley: Cheers.
Jack: We abbotts have so many reasons to be joyful this holiday season -- abby's great business success, billy reuniting with victoria and his children...
Fen: Hear, hear.
Jack: ...Kyle finding an amazing wife...
Fen: Ah, hear, hear.
Abby: Hear, hear.
Jack: ...Traci, whose mystery novel is coming out any day now...
Fen: Yeah, traci!
Lola: Whoo!
Traci: [ Laughs ]
Jack: ...And my rapprochement with my sister that means more to me than I can express. And to our friends and loved ones who have been such an amazing support system to us, we are eternally grateful.
Michael: Cheers.
Jack: There are a few chairs missing this year -- dina, who we've all watched slip further and further away as the year has gone on. 2019 was the year we lost our dear friend neil. Our joy is tempered by heartache, which makes this time together all the more precious.
Ashley: Amen, jackie.
Jack: I've learned one important thing this year -- to say what is in your heart while there's still time. So I'd like to say to everyone in this room -- thank you for your presence in my life. To your continued health and happiness and a very merry christmas.
All: Merry christmas!
Jack: Merry christmas.
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Billy: Cheers, buddy.
Michael: Cheers.
[ Laughter ] Hey! It's me! Your dry skin!
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Billy: Ahh. Yes. Oh, yes. Merry christmas. That's what I'm talking about. Now that the other side has an offer that they're happy with, we can move on, right? Good job, everybody. Thank you.
Michael: Co-ceo with someone of jack's caliber -- that's what I call impressive.
[ Laughter ]
Fen: Yeah. So, what's it like, you know, working with your dad?
Michael: Yeah.
Kyle: Great. I've never felt more inspired. The ideas just keep flowing. It's crazy.
Jack: Wow, good answer. Wow.
Lauren: [ Laughs ] And what's it like working with your new cousin theo?
Kyle: Theo has a lot of drive, a ton of confidence.
Jack: Give it time.
Lauren: Mm, that's excellent advice. I had to learn to work with jill after I found out that she was my sister and she became half-owner of fenmore'S.
Kyle: Yeah? What was that like?
Lauren: Oh, exasperating.
[ Laughter ] The woman takes a stand, digs in her heels, and does not budge.
Billy: Who we talking about?
Lauren: Oh, your mother.
Billy: Oh, yeah.
Lauren: Who I love dearly. Now, anyway.
Abby: Who wants more coffee?
Billy: I'll have a top-up, please.
Abby: Alright. Anyone else?
Jack: I'll have a half a cup. Thanks.
Kyle: Uh, we're gonna pass. Lola's, uh, feeling tired.
Michael: Aw.
Lola: Whew, yeah. You know, a long day of cooking and being on my feet.
[ Laughter ]
Traci: Okay. Before you go, everybody, I have just a little surprise, a little something for everyone.
Ashley: Whoa!
Traci: Let's see here. Uh... oh, jack, yours is on top.
Jack: What -- oh, my.
Traci: There you go.
Michael: Ooh!
Jack: I hope this is what i think this is.
Michael: Open! Open! Open!
Jack: Oh!
Michael: Yes! Oh!
[ Cheers and applause ]
Jack: "Stolen lockets and broken hearts"! Ladies and gentlemen, traci's new novel, fresh off the presses.
Lauren: Oh, congratulations!
Traci: Thank you so much. Okay, everyone, these are advanced copies, and I have made personal inscriptions in each for all of you.
Ashley: I can't wait to read it. I'm so excited.
Michael: Me too.
Traci: Fen.
Fen: Oh, thank you.
Traci: And billy. I got a couple of extras just in case, you know, and I would be very happy to sign them for you if you'd like.
Billy: As long as you say something sweet.
Traci: Oh, I'll try to come up with something.
Fen: Thank you, traci.
Billy: Thank you.
Kyle: Well, I think we're gonna head home and put our feet up and dive right in.
Amanda: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: Great.
Traci: Here, guys.
Lola: Thank you.
Abby: Thank you for everything. You guys are amazing.
Lola: You are very welcome.
Billy: Merry christmas.
Kyle: Merry christmas. See you later.
Jack: Lola, dinner was divine, an unforgettable evening.
Fen: Yeah, everything I ate was totally delicious.
Lauren: Amazing.
Michael: Thank you, darling. Mwah!
Lola: Thank you all so much. I loved cooking for you.
Abby: Alright, let's give a round of applause to kyle and lola...
Michael: Yes!
Abby: Whoo!
Billy: Whoo!
Abby: Merry christmas!
Kyle: I'll see you later. See you later.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: How adorable is young love?
Ashley: Pretty adorable. So, where's chance spending the holidays?
Abby: Chance is in california visiting nina.
Ashley: [ Gasps ] That's so good. I mean, you want a guy that gets along well his mother.
Abby: Who said anything about me wanting chance?
Ashley: It's kind of obvious. I don't know. What can I say? No.
Traci: No! I didn't say anything!
Ashley: She didn't have to, honey. I mean, you smile every time his name is mentioned. You know, I kind of put it together.
Abby: [ Sighs ] Okay, fine. Yes, we have gone out, and i like him a lot.
Ashley: Good.
Abby: We are just enjoying each other's company right now. We'll see where it goes.
Traci: That's her story, and she's sticking to it.
Abby: Mm-hmm. [ Laughs ]
Ashley: Okay.
Billy: So, kevin and chloe -- what are they up to for the holidays?
Michael: Oh. I'm happy to report that, for the first time in years, they have decided to spend a quiet holiday at home with esther and bella.
Billy: Aww, good for them. That sounds lovely. Please tell them I give them my best.
Michael: Yes. Well, I have faith that they have learned their lesson and will make better choices moving forward.
Billy: Yeah, well, you can't always expect your big brother to come and bail you out, right?
Michael: Yeah. Yes, my friend, this is true.
[ Both chuckle ] Oh, if you'll excuse me, i believe in being paged.
Billy: Okay. See you.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Sighs ] Okay. I got to take off. Early flight.
Jack: Go. Go. Go. I am so glad you were here and so gd you salvaged the deal.
Billy: Thank you for insisting that I come. Bye.
Traci: Love you. Mwah!
Billy: Be back again.
Ashley: Safe travels.
Billy: Bye. Thank you, abby.
Abby: Give our love to victoria and the kids.
Billy: I will.
Traci: Don't forget your book.
Billy: Oh, yes.
Michael: There you go.
Billy: Plane reading.
Traci: Okay.
Jack: Merry christmas.
Michael: Merry christmas, billy!
Traci: Bye!
Michael: Travel safe
Lauren: See you! And thank you so much for having us.
Jack: Oh, it is our pleasure. We're so glad you could join us.
Lauren: Thank you.
Fen: Yeah, and thank you so much for the book. Seriously. I really hope it becomes a best-seller.
Traci: Aren't you the sweetest ever. You read it and tell me what you think of it, okay?
Fen: Of course. Definitely.
Traci: Great.
Michael: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. Oh, and thank you, everybody...
Jack: Merry christmas.
Michael: ...For everything.
Ashley: Bye.
Jack: [ Smooches ]
Lauren: Merry christmas.
Michael: Darling. Mwah. Jack! Merry christmas.
Jack: Good night.
Michael: You...
Traci: Merry christmas.
Abby: So happy to see you.
Fen: Mm. Merry christmas.
Abby: Merry christmas.
Michael: Alright, let's go! Into the cold!
Abby: Bye!
Michael: Bye-bye! Merry christmas!
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: Well, I'd say that was a damn near perfect evening.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Jack: I don't want it to end.
Ashley: I know what you mean.
Traci: I know that look. What do you have in mind?
Michael: Alright, I'm gonna bring the car around.
Fen: Wait. Hang on. Um...
[ Chuckles nervously ] I wasn't kidding earlier. I really did get you guys a present.
Michael: [ Chuckling ] Ah!
Lauren: Oh.
Michael: Thank you.
Lauren: I get to do the honors?
Michael: Yeah, yeah.
Lauren: Oh.
Michael: It's a compass?
Lauren: It's beautiful.
Fen: I guess it's kind of a symbol. Um... this whole road and journey of mine has been so difficult, but you guys have been there every step of the way, guiding me and loving me without ever judging or even saying, like, a -- a harsh word. And, um...I-I just -- I can't thank you guys enough. You saved my life.
Michael: You know, fenmore, we both love you very much.
Fen: I love you guys, too.
[ Sniffles ]
Michael: Mm! Mmmm!
Lauren: [ Laughs ]
Michael: Mwah! Mwah!
[ Knock on counter ]
Lola: Oh. Mmm. Merry christmas to me.
Kyle: Alone at last. Come here, you.
Lola: Mwah. So, was it rude of us to rush out of the party like that? I'm pretty sure they were onto us, babe.
Kyle: My family thinks you can do no wrong. That answer your question?
Lola: Mnh.
Kyle: Besides, it's our first christmas as newlyweds. Everyone understands why'd we want some alone time. Speaking of which, give me this. Ooh, come here.
Lola: Hey, not yet! We have to open up gifts!
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
[ Groans ]
Lola: What? Do you not like presents?
Kyle: I'm a little leery after last christmas, when i gave you the purse that shall live in infamy.
Lola: Yeah, and I gave you a watch when you already had a better one.
Kyle: The one you gave me is still my fave.
Lola: Babe, we know each other so much better now, okay? Whatever you're going to give me, I am sure I'm going to love it. And, hey, if I don't, you can just sleep on the sofa.
Kyle: [ Laughs ] Oh! Come on!
Lola: I was just messing.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] Okay, fine. I'll risk it.
[ Grunts ]
Lola: Okay. "World's best restaurants."
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Lola: It's perfect!
Kyle: Now look inside.
Lola: Okay. Aww, how cute. It's an airplane!
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Lola: Okay. "This voucher is good for a trip for two to the destination of the bearer's choice." Wait. You mean anywhere?
Kyle: Pick any restaurant in the book, I'll take you there. Maybe one day we can get to them all.
Lola: Babe, this is...
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Lola: ...Perfect. Thank you so much. It's absolutely incredible. And when you open up your gift, you will see why.
Kyle: Mm.
Lola: Okay.
Kyle: The night sky.
Lola: Mm-hmm.
Kyle: Neat.
Lola: Yeah. So, it was taken in idaho's dark sky reserve, 900,000 acres where light pollution is restricted, so you get a better view of the stars...
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Lola: ...Including ours.
Kyle: Aww.
Lola: I booked us a cabin so we can get a better look.
Kyle: Oh -- what? That's amazing. [ Chuckles ] Thank you so much. I-I can't wait to get out there.
Lola: So, we got each other the same gift -- romantic trips.
Kyle: [ Laughs ] How about that? Oh, I guess this means I'm not sleeping on the couch tonight.
Lola: Mnh-mnh. And if you do, you won't be alone.
Kyle: Oh.
Lola: Mmm.
Billy: [ Sighs ] Yes. I was able to get all my work done, and I'll be there first thing in the morning to open presents with you. Oh, 100%, pancakes for sure, with tons of whipped cream, straight into your mouth, out of the can, just like I taught you.
[ Chuckles ] I miss you, too, baby girl. Now, you better get to sleep because santa's gonna see that you're awake, and that's not gonna be good. He's not gonna leave you any presents. Okay. Merry christmas, baby. You put mommy on the phone? Okay. I love you, too. Hey. Yeah. No. Dinner was good. Everybody sends their love. Everybody said they missed you. Yeah. I'm gonna hit the hay right now so I can get up for my flight. Okay. I love you, too. Bye.
Dina: Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?
Jack: We wanted you to see it all lit up. That's why we invited you this evening instead of waiting for the morning.
Dina: It's so many presents.
Ashley: Are you wondering who they're all for?
Dina: [ Chuckles ] Do you think there's one under there for me?
Traci: Dina.
Dina: Hmm?
Traci: They're all for you.
Dina: Really?
Traci: Yes. Come and sit down.
Dina: Oh, my!
Ashley: Watch your step.
Dina: Oh.
Traci: Here we go.
Dina: Oh, my.
Jack: You know, you could open them all now if you like.
Ashley: Okay, first things first.
[ Laughs ] This one's from me.
Dina: Oh.
Ashley: I got it in paris.
Dina: Oh. J'adore paris. I love paris!
Ashley: I know you do.
Dina: Oh, this is so very kind of all of you.
Jack: [ Chuckles ]
Traci: Well, it wouldn't be christmas without you.
Dina: Really?
Abby: Go, ahead dina. Open it. I'm dying to see what ashley got you.
[ Laughter ]
Dina: Okay.
Abby: [ Laughs ]
Dina: Right away.
[ Chuckles ] Oh, my.
Jack: "He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim ere he drove out of sight, "happy christmas to all and to all a good night!"
Traci: [ Laughs ] Fantastic!
Abby: Bravo, uncle jack.
Ashley: A thrilling rendition, as usual.
[ Laughter ]
Dina: Oh, that was very, very good.
Jack: Well, thank you. I enjoy reading this every year.
Dina: Do you?
Traci: You know, I should have you narrate the audio book for my new novel.
Jack: Thank you. I believe I'll keep my amateur status. Thanks.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Abby: Can I get you anything else, dina?
Ashley: This was a genius move on your part, inviting her here tonight.
Traci: It was. You have given her a magical evening.
Ashley: And us a beautiful memory.
Jack: I just wish I'd thought of it sooner. Could have arranged for carolers.
Traci: O, come, all ye faithful
joyful and triumphant
o, come, ye
o, come, ye
to bethlehem
come and behold him
born the king of angels
o, come, let us adore him
o, come, let us adore him
o, come let us adore him
christ, the lord
sing, choirs of angels
sing in exultation
o, sing
o, ye citizens
of heav'n above
[ Laughter ]
Glory to god
glory in the highest
Both: O, come, let us adore him
All: O, come, let us adore him
o, come, let us adore him
christ, the lord
Traci: Oh!
Ashley: Merry christmas!
Traci: Merry christmas, everyone!
Abby: Mwah!
Dina: Merry, merry, merry.
Jack: Merry christmas. Merry christmas, mom.
Dina: Merry christmas.
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