Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/25/19

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 12/25/19


Episode #13765 ~ Paul and Christine's night out takes an unexpected turn; Faith returns home for Christmas; Lauren lays down the law with Michael.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless".

Amanda: Taking a case where the plaintiff has, let's just call it a reputation, is not what I'm looking for right now.

Phyllis: What do you mean?

Amanda: I can tell you all the things that I've found out about you since I've been in genoa city, but I don't want to hurt your feelings.

Chance: What happened in vegas was a game-changer. I owe you.

Phyllis: You, know you could brush me off. You can try, but you're not gonna get rid of me. I know what I saw. Something big was going down in vegas, and you and adam were right in the middle of it. I'm gonna find out what it is.

Sharon: Okay. How's it look?

Rey: It looks -- it looks great to me.

Sharon: Rey, we don't have time.

Rey: It's just -- it's been a while since I've seen you this happy, and I want to drink it all in.

Sharon: Well, I would be a lot happier if we would get this hung on the wall, and not lopsided.

Rey: Okay. Well, I can focus.

Sharon: On something that isn't me?

Rey: After we do this.

Sharon: Mmm. Don't -- we can'T. We don't have time. We've got to get this hung before -- Rey: All right, all right. Watch this, watch this, watch this. We're gonna take this tape, and we're gonna slap this on here. Boom. Thank you. And then we're gonna come over here and put this right here. And then -- watch this. Here's the magic. You get to come over here and we get to fool around on this side.

Faith: Can I get a hot chocolate, please?

Sharon: [ Gasps ] Faith!

Faith: Hi, mom!

Sharon: Oh, my gosh, you're home.

Faith: Oh!

Sharon: Oh, you're finally home.

Faith: It's so good to be back.

Sharon: Gosh, I hope you're comfortable because I am never letting you.

Faith: [ Giggles ]

Chance: You made it. Almost gave up on you.

Adam: Well, connor needed me. So, what was so important this had to be face-to-face? PChance: I've made a decision. And I figured I owed you a heads-up.

Adam: What, you taking off?

Chance: Actually, I'm gonna be sticking around.

Adam: Really? I mean, do you think that's smart?

Chance: Look, I just thought you might want to know --

deserve to know. I'm not trying to make things harder for you.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Well, it looks like, uh, maybe you are.

Chance: Mm, well, looks can be deceiving.

Adam: Mm. So I've heard.

Chance: Look. I realize that I'm a reminder of things we'd both rather forget, but I didn't call you here to ask your permission or your forgiveness.

Lauren: Your dress is beautiful.

Christine: It's from fenmore's, so you should like it.

Lauren: [ Laughs ] Do you see what I did there? I just patted myself on the back for my own great taste.

Christine: [ Sighs ] I'm so happy you were able to carve out some time so we could catch up.

Lauren: Aw, it's been way too long.

Christine: I know. How's michael?

Lauren: I think he's more excited about today than I am.

Christine: Paul was champing at the bit to get back on that court.

Lauren: It'll do them good to just have, like, a nice, relaxing game of racquetball.

Christine: Yeah, I'm sure they'll spend more time telling jokes in the sauna than actually playing, but...

Lauren: Yeah, you're probably.

Paul: Ow!

Michael: No, see, your serving in the toilet.

Paul: Oh, get some glasses.

Michael: No, get a backhand!

Paul: Maybe if you could see, it would help.

Michael: You know what?

Paul: You know what I'm gonna do, is I will get you a whole set of racquetball lessons.

Michael: And I'm gonna --

Lauren: Inside voices, kids!

Christine: Quit it!

Lauren: Hey! My goodness. What is going on?

Michael: I'll tell you what's going on, your husband's a cheat.

Paul: Your husband's a cheat.

Lauren: Lord...

Amanda: [ Chuckles, sighs ]

Phyllis: I'd help you more, but I'm sure you don't want to be around a lightning rod for the trouble. You might get burned.

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Phyllis: This is a small town. You tend to run into people you're trying to avoid.

Amanda: I owe you --

Phyllis: You don't owe me anything.

Amanda: An apology. I could have handled our meeting with a little more grace.

Phyllis: I mean, it wasn't great hearing from you that you don't want to be associated with me because of my reputation, but, hey...

Amanda: Well, those are your words, not mine.

Phyllis: Okay, well...

Amanda: But, yes, what i said, it was not much nicer.

Phyllis: It's all good. I am painfully self-aware. And, uh, you were honest. I mean, that's more than I get from people that I've known half my life.

Amanda: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Honesty is a precious commodity.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Amanda: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: [ Clears throat ] Well, if we're being honest, uh, you should know that I tend to say what's on my mind. So there's common ground.

[ Both chuckles ] Friendships have been built on less.

Amanda: Friends, huh?

Phyllis: I mean, yeah, if you're sticking around.

Amanda: You don't seem like you like it very much here.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ]

Amanda: Or at least the people who live here.

Phyllis: It's home. People treat me like an outsider. I'm used to it. So, um...apartments? Are you thinking of staying?

Amanda: Um, yeah, it's crossed my mind. Can you suggest any, um, safe neighborhoods for a single woman?

Phyllis: Well, why don't you just live here? Just live here. It's great. We have 24-hour security, a restaurant, concierge, spa -- everything you need. And if you want to move away for greener pastures, you could do that, no questions asked.

Amanda: I've never really thought about it that way.

Phyllis: Yeah. Well, tell me what you decide to do.

Amanda: Yeah.

Faith: [ Giggles ] Thank you.

Sharon: Okay, now you're home. What do you want to do?

Faith: Sleep. [ Laughs ] See my friends and the rest of the family. Sleep some more. Do some major laundry. And eat. Home cooking and whatever lola's got on the menu at society. And I cannot wait for christmas dinner. I can taste it already.

Summer: I'm sorry to bust up the party, but does anyone know when faith is getting here?

Faith: Summer!

Summer: Okay. No, no, no. This -- this stunning girl is not faith. No, faith is much shorter and not this cool, young goddess that is before me.

Faith: Will you just hug me already?

Summer: Oh, my god, you are stunning! Oh, my gosh!

Faith: Runs in the family.

Sharon: I do not know what they're putting the water at her boarding school.

Summer: I don't know, but whatever it is, I want to bottle it up for jabot! Oh, my gosh! How is it? I want to know all the details.

Faith: Mariah was asking me the same thing on the way over here.

Mariah: We have something in common, apparently.

Faith: Yeah, me as a sister.

Mariah: All right. What is your favorite class?

Summer: Wait, are you still taking riding lessons?

Mariah: Who do you room with?

Summer: Yes, and -- wait! How's the food? And who does your laundry?

Mariah: Why didn't you call more?

Summer: Okay, sorry, more importantly... what about boys?

Sharon: Yeah. What about boys?

Faith: Nothing, really. What are boys? I don't know this word. Boys? Boys?

Mariah: We need to talk.

Summer: Yeah, maybe over there.

Mariah: Yeah, okay, so, uh, we're fine.

Summer: Yeah, we got it handled.

Mariah: We're just gonna go this way, and, uh, why don't you grab a sweet or a cup of coffee or something? See you later!

Summer: We promise to give her back as soon as we're done. Okay.

Mariah: Okay, so... there's a boy.

Summer: You like him?

Mariah: What's his name?

Summer: What's he look like? Okay, spill the tea, sis.

Mariah: Tell us everything.

Paul: You know, even with someone with your limited abilities can learn how to play.

Michael: Oh, you know what, i find it hard to listen to you spinning around like a deranged clown. Next time, just lay down and let me do all the work!

Chance: This place could use a bouncer.

Adam: Well, you know what it's like when people get pushed past their limit.

Chance: I do.

Adam: Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Look...

Michael: Oh!

Adam: Far be it from me to tell you what to do. What went down back then -- let's just say, it's hard to forget.

Chance: That's a polite way of putting it.

Adam: Okay.

Michael: What?!

Adam: And when people share a past like ours, distance helps.

Chance: If me living here in gc is a problem for you, I mean, you could always move somewhere else. But since we're not telling each other what to do, the point is moot, right?

Adam: Chance. My family is here.

Chance: My roots are here. Family, friends... myriad of opportunities I might want to pursue. Look, adam, I realize that you got your hands full right now with your son and whatever else it is that you're up to. I'm not here to make your life any harder. You helped me out of a jam in vegas, and I won't forget that.

Adam: Well, I'm glad to hear that. So let's leave what went down where it belongs -- forgotten. Hey! It's me! Your dry skin!

Nate: Thought I might run into you here. Now I get to wish you a merry christmas.

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] I am sure that I will see you again before the big day.

Nate: Mm, with my job, the hospital can hold me hostage from now until new year's, so...

[ Sighs ] I have learned to take full advantage of my free time.

Amanda: Backgammon?

Nate: You play?

Amanda: Only to win.

Nate: Mm.

Amanda: I hope you're ready to get you butt kicked in public.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] Do, I, uh, come across as the kind of guy who cares what other people think?

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] I guess not, since you're here talking to me, despite all of the scolding and warning from devon and elena.

Nate: Peacemakers might be blessed, but that won't get you extra points around here. Trust me.

Amanda: Staying neutral works, huh?

Nate: Can't change anybody's mind if they refuse to listen. So, if it's all the same to you, I'll keep those two worlds separate. Family here. Friends there.

Amanda: You sure I'm worth the effort?

Nate: Time will tell. Roll the dice.

Michael: He hit me.

Paul: You were in the way.

Michael: Oh, victim-blaming! Nice, but typical.

Paul: Why don't you tell her how you pushed me into the wall?

Michael: No, I tripped over your big clown feet.

Paul: Oh, that's because you're inept.

Michael: Incompetent! You know, I'm gonna file an order of protection on behalf of the racquetball court so you can't come within 500 feet of it!

Paul: Get a life.

Michael: Do your job!

Paul: Me, do my job? You're the one refusing to prosecute.

Lauren: Prosecute who?

Christine: Plot twist.

Paul: We have an airtight case against a guy who's been slashing tires all over town. We've got eyewitnesses.

Michael: Bring me something concrete.

Paul: I'll bring you concrete.

Michael: Oh! Oh! Oh, is that a threat? You heard him, right? You're threatening me?

Paul: Oh, fine. You will accept an eyewitness testimony from your wife, but nobody else, is that it?

Michael: Are you saying that I can't do my job?

Paul: Let me just say this -- if chris were still D.A. --

Christine: Oh, no, no, no...

Michael: Oh, no, no, no. I don't have to sit here and be insulted by the likes of you.

Paul: Fine, ignore the truth! Ignore it!

Michael: If I bring a case in front of a judge, that's my reputation on the line, and I do not play unless I know I can win.

Paul: Except for racquetball.

Michael: Oh, you know, there are better things that I can do with --

Paul: Oh! What's -- where did this come from?

Lauren: Well, clearly, you guys are hangry, and we feel that maybe you might feel better if you ate something. Come on.

Christine: Yeah.

Lauren: Looks delish.

Christine: Just take a bite. Please. If you still want to leave after, we'll go.

Paul: Thank you, michael.

Michael: You're welcome.

Christine: [ Sighs ]

Michael: Smells incredible. Mmm!

Paul: Oh, that's --

Michael: Mm, it's good!

Paul: Oh!

Michael: Oh, my god! Oh, my god.

Paul: W-what the hell?

Michael: It's so hot!

Lauren: Oh, well, sometimes, you need to heat things up to cool them down.

Paul: [ Coughs ]

Michael: You did this?! On purpose?

Christine: To stop your pointless arguing.

Michael: [ Coughs ]

Lauren: This is ridiculous. We were supposed to spend a lovely afternoon together, enjoying each other's company.

Michael: [ Panting ]

Christine: Celebrating the holidays.

Lauren: And remembering what's important in life.

Michael: [ Sighs ]

Lauren: Now are you guys on board?

Christine: Or do we force you to take another bite?

[ Both laugh ]

Michael: [ Coughs ]

Chance: Look, adam, we don't need to worry about vegas anymore. What's past is past.

Adam: Well, maybe it'll be a good thing to have you here. You know, at least one person that isn't trying to take me down.

Chance: Is there anyone in particular that you're worried about?

[ Metal clangs ]

Phyllis: [ Clears throat ] Hello.

Chance: Is there any reason that you show up every time adam and I are having a private conversation?

Phyllis: Luck.

Chance: I don't believe in coincidence.

Phyllis: Mm. All right. Well, I was, at one time, interested in your super-secret boys' club, but I moved on.

Adam: I can tell, phyllis.

Phyllis: [ Sighs ] Since you two seem to be inseparable these days, um, I feel like I should give you some advice, chance. Uh, make sure that you add yoga into your workout routine because you want to be flexible so you can, you know, pull out the machete that adam has stuck in your back. It's only a matter of time. Oreo for santa,

Mariah: Tell us everything.

Summer: Who is this guy that you like what's his name?

Mariah: How old is he? Where is he from?

Faith: Oh, my god, guys!

Mariah: Are you -- are you blushing?

Summer: She's totally blushing.

Faith: Stop!

Mariah: Details, sis! Details!

Summer: Come on! Did you meet him at school, what?

Mariah: Does he like you?

Faith: That is a mystery. Some days, he's super friendly, and then the next, it's like i don't exist.

Summer: Boys.

Mariah: Boys. All right. What does he look like?

Summer: Mm, yeah, pictures. Come on, I know you got them. We want to see them.

Faith: All right. He's in here somewhere.

Mariah: Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme...

Faith: Here.

Summer: Oh!

Mariah: He's cute.

Summer: He's so cute!

Mariah: Yeah, and total nerd.

Faith: [ Scoffs ]

Mariah: No, that's a good thing! That's a good thing, I promise.

Faith: [ Chuckles ] Okay. So what do I do to make him notice me?

Mariah: Mm. Well, uh... I don't have as much experience in this area as other people do. Trust me, summer is the expert in this area.

Summer: Okay, it's true. I was a little bit boy-crazy in my youth, but something that i have learned is pretending to be something that you're not, like, you know, changing your hair or the way that you dress to make a guy find you more attractive, it's just -- it's all the wrong things.

Faith: Really? Because dakota says --

Summer: Okay, first piece of advice? Ignore dakota. And, second, just be yourself, you know? Don't ever settle for somebody who doesn't make you feel like they're so incredibly lucky to be with you, you know, someone that doesn't make you feel like you're treasured and smart.

Mariah: Yeah.

Summer: Let him like you for all the beauty that's in your heart.

Mariah: And your brilliant brain.

Summer: Yes, but -- be authentic. Just -- just be the real you.

Mariah: And never settle for anything less than amazing.

Summer: But -- but if you do make a mistake, which we all do because we're human and, you know, you make a bad choice or something, then...

Mariah: Then we're going to tear him limb from limb, and then we're gonna erase him from the multiverse.

Summer: Really?

Mariah: That's not -- not where we were going with this?

Summer: No. No. Not quite.

Mariah: Okay.

Summer: I was going to say that we will always have your back.

Mariah: Forever.

Summer: Mm-hmm, because you're our little sister.

Sharon: Look at the three of them over there. They look like they're hatching a plan to take over the world.

Rey: Mm-hmm. With their pedigree, I wouldn't put it past them.

Sharon: I just love being able to look up and see faith.

Rey: You really missed her.

Sharon: Like you wouldn't believe.

Rey: Is that why you were so distracted while we were getting ready before she got here?

Sharon: Oh, was I?

Rey: Yeah, you were looking at your phone every 5 minutes. Now, if I have some competition, sharon...

Sharon: It's connor.

Rey: Yeah?

Sharon: Yeah, I just can't help, um... wondering if he might have another crisis, and then chelsea or adam might call me over there to help get him through it.

Rey: I hate to ask, but... I really want to know.

Sharon: Oh, you -- you can ask me anything.

Rey: Okay. Well, don't take this the wrong way, but, um... I know you care about connor, and you want to do everything you can to help him.

Sharon: Absolutely.

Rey: But how much of this is because he's a kid who needs your help, and how much of this is because he's adam's son?

Sharon: Rey...

Rey: I'm -- I'm not judging either way, I just -- I need to know.

Sharon: Okay. That's a big question. The fact that connor is adam's son does factor into it.

Rey: Because of your past with him?

Sharon: Because adam is the man that he is, and always has been, you know? His life is complicated and dark and unpredictable, and... if I can help connor and keep him from falling into a place like that and give him better coping mechanisms and a brighter way to look at the world, then I have done my job.

Adam: Good seeing you, chance. I got to run.

Phyllis: Oh, was it something I said?

Chance: I hope things turn around for connor.

Adam: Thank you.

Phyllis: See you around.

Adam: Not if I see you first, phyllis.

Phyllis: Hey! Where you going so quick?

[ Sighs ] You have to save the world, or turn back the hands of time to undue some ungodly wrong?

Chance: Like what ended the peace and goodwill between you and adam? I bet that's a real good story.

Phyllis: Adam is a very, very dark ride. But I'm sure you know that because you spent all that time with him in vegas, all the time you're spending with him here in town.

Chance: Am I not allowed to have friends?

Phyllis: On the contrary. I'd love to be your friend. And you have no idea how far I would go for a friend. So, why don't you let me buy you a drink? You know, take the edge off, get to know each other better. (Dad) aaaah!

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Michael: We're sorry. Ooh! Aren't we, paul?

Paul: Completely.

Michael: We behaved like children.

Paul: Animals. Animals.

Michael: Childish, horrible animals, and you two arranged to have time off so you could have lunch with us, and...

Paul: Yeah, and we -- we ruined it, and...

Christine: [ Chuckles ]

Paul: Is there anything we can do to make it up to you?

Christine: Uh, grow up?

Lauren: Ah! And apologize to each other.

Christine: And act like you mean it.

Paul: [ Sighs ] I'm sorry, michael.

Michael: Me, too.

Mea culpa.

Paul: It is your culpa.

Michael: You know what...

Paul: And mine, too. And it's mine, too.

Christine: You guys have known each other way too long to let a stupid argument ruin your friendship.

Lauren: Yeah, during the holidays, too.

Michael: I know.

Lauren: For shame!

Michael: You deserve so much better...

Lauren: Yes, we do.

Christine: Yes.

Paul: So... are we gonna have a decent lunch, even after the kerfuffle?

Lauren: [ Chuckles ]

Michael: And perhaps we could get someone to take this away before it sets a small fire.

Paul: Yeah. Could be arrested for arson, not that anyone would prosecute.

Michael: [ Chuckles ] When did you two cook up this plan?

Lauren: Oh, when you were too busy kerfuffling to pay attention.

Christine: We were texting.

Lauren: Uh-huh, coming up with the perfect plan.

Christine: To come up with something to stop your arguing.

Michael: Yeah, well, you couldn't come up with something a little more subtle than that?

Christine: Oh, um, no, we did have a back-up plan, yeah.

Lauren: Yes, we did. We planned to go on strike.

Paul: Strike? What do you mean?

Michael: What, you were gonna stop working because we weren't getting along?

Christine: No, she's not talking about fenmore'S. Um, we were talking about, you know, withholding...our love and affection.

Paul: Oh, good lord, you weren't going to that far.

Michael: What?

Christine: Yeah!

Lauren: Oh, yes.

Christine: When a beautiful friendship's at stake, of course.

Lauren: Yes! Absolutely. Definitely.

Michael: This guy here, the very best friend that a guy could have?

Paul: Oh, please, stop!

Christine: Oh, no.

Paul: Handsome, brilliant, good-looking, great taste in wives!

Michael: We think alike! I mean, because I was just about to say the same thing about him.

Paul: Holy cow! The salt of the earth.

Michael: Yeah, and, look, I give you my word -- I give you my word that we will never, ever, ever --

Paul: Ever, ever, ever get into an argument like that or anything like that again.

Michael: No, no, I -- oh!

[ Laughter ]

Michael: Oh! And you, my wife, will never have to go to the extreme of... of staying out of my loving arms.

Paul: And I can't wait to get you home to show you how much I really appreciate you.

[ Laughter ]

Michael: Well, after we clear up the legal matter.

Paul: Yeah. What? Tell me, old chum, what -- what are you -- anything you want. You want to stop by your office on the way home? That's fine with me.

Michael: Why would we want to do that, bud?

Paul: Well, I just have this idea that you're going to come around to my way of thinking on this case.

Michael: Don't push it.

Paul: Yeah?

Michael: No.

Paul: Yeah, I think so.

Michael: Look. We are gonna have a racquetball rematch. A friendly one. Then... I will listen to what you have to say.

Paul: Huh. Deal. Deal, deal, deal. Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

Lauren: Boys...

[ Laughter continues ]

Nate: Nobody wants to be stuck in a hospital during the holidays, so... we deck the halls, big time. Decorations everywhere. Candy canes and snowflakes. Doctors and nurses wearing santa hats. There's an enormous tree in the lobby. We hang ornaments made by the kids in pediatrics. Carolers going from room to room.

Amanda: That actually sounds like fun.

Nate: Yeah, the best is when santa swings by. He brings all his little elves, and they hand out gifts to all the kids. You should see the looks on those kids' faces. Adults, too.

Amanda: Well, if you have to work on the holidays, at least you're with friends, right?

Nate: What about you? Got any plans?

Amanda: I haven't really thought about it.

Nate: How is that possible? It's christmas. I mean, even if you'd rather say "bah, humbug!" You're bombarded with the holiday hype.

Amanda: [ Sighs ]

Nate: You can't ignore it.

Amanda: Speak for yourself.

Nate: So I guess I shouldn't expect a gift from you under my tree, huh?

Amanda: Well, I never said i was stingy. No, I -- I bought all my presents last month.

Nate: That is very efficient of you.

Amanda: Yes, online shopping. It is a beautiful thing. And don't you worry, I always buy a little something for all of my clients.

Nate: Well, that is something to look forward to. But, uh, how is someone so organized so last-minute with their holiday plans?

Amanda: Why do you care so much?

Nate: You're new to town. I just want to make sure you're doing all right.

Amanda: I'm just not big with all the christmas party stuff.

Nate: Even so, being alone during the holidays is hard on some people.

Amanda: I...think I'll manage, thanks.

Nate: [ Chuckles ] You can't just give me a smile like that. What's going on? You've been making some friends?

Amanda: Mm. Let's just say, I've been finding ways to fill my evenings. Ooh!

Faith: I talk about you two constantly, and I have your pictures up on my wall.

Mariah: Oh!

Faith: And most of my friends say how lucky I am. But there's this one kid who says there's nothing better than being an only child of divorced parents.

Mariah: Why?

Summer: Yeah.

Faith: Because you totally clean up at christmas, you know, gifts for days. Want to know what I tell him?

Summer: Hmm?

Faith: Having older siblings like you guys -- it's the best gift of all because you last forever. You're irreplaceable. And amazing hand-me-downs.

[ Laughter ] With sisters like you, who needs presents?

Mariah: That's fair. That's fair.

[ Laughter ] Well, in that case, you know what, I think I'm just gonna run to the store and I'm gonna return all of those gifts that I --

Faith: Definitely not what i said.

Mariah: No, I'm gonna -- right now.

Summer: All right, come on. Bring it in. I need a hug.

Mariah: Oh!

Faith: Oh!

[ Laughter ]

Rey: Hey. Eyes here.

Sharon: Oh, sorry.

Rey: Like I was saying before, I -- I think you are doing a hell of a job.

Sharon: Raising my beautiful daughters?

Rey: And keeping connor's needs a priority while dealing with your feelings for adam.

Sharon: Well, that's not a problem because I don't have any feelings for adam, and it's just about what's best for his son.

Rey: I'm sorry if you think i was prying or putting you on the spot.

Sharon: No, I think you asked because you care, and... because my past with adam cost us a lot.

Rey: Everything.

Sharon: Well, you don't have to worry this time around because, um, I would never put this, what we have, in jeopardy.

Rey: Good, because I like this.

Sharon: It's not every day you find a man who's willing to accept you, scars and all.

Rey: We got a second chance.

Sharon: They say love's better the second time around.

Rey: I like seconds.

Lauren: And fen is doing so well in recovery.

Christine: I'm so glad. I know this hasn't been easy on any of you.

Michael: I know, especially without him coming home for the holidays.&

Lauren: Yeah, but he's where he's supposed to be.

Michael: Yeah, he can't wait to get back in the recording studio and do what he thinks he was born to do. It's like christine with the law, or -- oh.

Christine: Oh -- oh, what? Cue the awkward pause?

Lauren: Oh, no, no, no. We didn't mean --

Christine: No, no, no. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I mean, was it easy for me to leave the prosecutor's office? No. But with the support of my husband and a pretty great track record... I am starting to get a few ideas what my next act might be.

Lauren: Ooh!

Michael: Wow, can you give us a hint?

Christine: Uh, I don't want to jinx it, but, when I'm ready, you will be the first to know.

Lauren: [ Chuckles ]

Paul: A toast!

Lauren: Ah!

Michael: Oh! All right.

Paul: To our wives for saving the day...

Michael: Mm.

Paul: ...And to us for having great taste in women.

Michael: Even though our taste buds are permanently singed.

[ Laughter ] Thank you both.

Christine: And to friendship. Strong enough to withhold even the most divisive of racquetball games.

Lauren: I second that.

Chance: You are a real piece of work.

Phyllis: I've been called worse.

Chance: I know when I'm being played.

Phyllis: Is there a law against me wanting to chat you up?

Chance: The way you're doing it, there should be.

Phyllis: You should get to know me better.

Chance: Oh, I know you well enough. I know that you're trying to data-mine my past so you can get your revenge against adam.

Phyllis: You're good.

Chance: You have no idea.

Phyllis: Um, well, I do know that adam got you out of a jam in vegas. How could I use that against him? Why don't you fill in the blanks? What does help for heart failure look like?

Mariah: All right, so, if you need any more help with you-know-who, you have my number.

Summer: Yeah, and mine.

Faith: You guys are the best sisters ever. Okay, I'm gonna go see if mom needs anything.

Mariah: Yeah, we'll be right there.

Summer: All right. The coast is clear. If you have anything to say about me and my history of guys, then be my guest.

Mariah: I was just wondering how things are at jabot now that you and theo have called it quits.

Summer: Okay, you are not wondering. You're overactive imagination was running wild, conjuring up these dark, twisted fantasies about me and kyle. But, just so you know, there's still nothing happen.

Mariah: Happy to hear it.

Summer: Okay, I don't know why you cannot just accept the fact that I've matured and I've moved on.

Faith: Mm, I need to make up for all the hugs I missed when i was away.

Rey: Oh, they are the best thing around.

Faith: I promise I'll return her to you after I'm finished.

Rey: [ Chuckles ]&

Sharon: Well, I have enough to go around for everyone.

Rey: Aww. Mwah. I'm gonna hold you to that.

Sharon: I've missed you so much. You happy to be home?

Faith: Don't get me wrong, I love boarding school, but the best part is being home again. I've been counting down the days forever.

Sharon: It's nice, isn't it? Being home, a nice hot cup of cocoa, being around all the people we love, and they love us... we're in our happy place.

Faith: Everything I wanted for christmas.

Sharon: Me, too. I feel the luckiest mom in the world.

Nate: Question.

Amanda: Trying to throw me off my game?

Nate: You said you've found ways to fill your evenings.

Amanda: Huh. Did I?

Nate: Have you met someone?

Amanda: I've been in town for a while, and, you know, I've discovered that you are not the only friendly resident of genoa city.

Nate: That's the only hint you're gonna give me?

Amanda: [ Chuckles ] I ran into phyllis, and, um, she seems interested in a girls' night out.

Nate: Be careful. She's got a --

Amanda: I'm well aware of her reputation. And I also know easily someone can be misjudged.

Nate: Fair enough. What about the gentlemen of gc?

Amanda: [ Chuckles ]

Nate: Getting to know any of them?

Amanda: Well, I'm not a hermit.

Nate: If I recall correctly, you said on numerous occasions that --

Amanda: My life is perfect just as it is. Especially when I am killing it every single day. I win.

Nate: [ Chuckles ]

Chance: I'm not telling you a damn thing.

Phyllis: Well, you can give me a little hint...

Chance: [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: ...Of what happened with adam in vegas. What kind of jam were you in that required adam's assistance? Federal investigation gone wrong? A baccarat game got screwed up? Strawberry? [ Chuckles ]

Chance: [ Chuckles ] Look, I get why you're fixated on this. You're bored now that you're out of a job. You've been hurt. You've done some hurting. Now you want to spread all that little pain around so that you feel better about yourself. More powerful.

Phyllis: Ooh! You are a mind reader.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Chance: Profiling was a part of my training. Look, I'm not your friend, so you can forget whatever it is you think you know and go toy with someone else.

Phyllis: I'll buy you another drink, and we start fresh, how about --

Chance: That's gonna be a hard no. I know your kind, and I'm not interested. Are we clear?

Adam: Hey. It's me. How's the weather in vegas? Yeah, you're right, I've never been good at small talk. Look, I'm just calling to make sure -- she's still getting her payments, all right? Okay. Good. Let's keep it that way. Silence is expensive, but it's essential.

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