Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/24/19

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 12/24/19


Episode #11764 ~ Jack worries about Billy; Kyle and Lola deck the halls; Nick makes a sacrifice for Chelsea.

Provided By Suzanne

Previously on "the young and the restless"...

Amanda: I spend the whole day acting like I am unbreakable and untouchable, and I'm exhausted.

Billy: It's hard to pretend to be someone that you're not to everyone around you.

Nick: I still believe in us.

Abby: I know that you're ready for a change.

Chance: I have no clue what I'm gonna do next. Although, I am confident that I'll figure it out.

Lola: You never told me who you were trying to prove yourself to.

Theo: Myself, mostly.

Lola: And kyle, maybe?

Theo: Yeah, like that would ever happen.

Lola: I'll put in a good word. We're pretty tight, you know -- your boss and I.

Kyle: We need a few more ornaments on the left side to even things out.

Lola: Like this?

Kyle: Yes. And that one there is a little high. Can we move it lower?

Lola: Yes.

Kyle: Ooh, ooh. Here. I got it. What?

Lola: Ocd much?

Kyle: Maybe I just want it to be perfect.

Lola: Have at it, as long as our first christmas tree ornament is front and center. And since we don't have any christmas gifts under the tree, yet this is my official hint that I would love a few products from jabot's new korean skin-care line.

Kyle: Oh, I think I may have an inside track on those... as long as there's still some in stock. The holiday sales been going gangbusters.

Lola: Wow, that's amazing. Congratulations.

Kyle: Thank you. And you'll be happy to hear theo tried to take credit for its success, even though he's been at jabot for two months and the holiday marketing push was in place months ago. Did I say theo? I meant --

in excelsis deo-o-o-o

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Theo: Oh.

Summer: Oh, yeah. Not lola. Just me.

Theo: I'm not sure what you mean.

Summer: Yeah, you do.

Theo: Nice to see you, summer.

Summer: You too. May I join you?

Theo: Please.

Summer: Wow. Look at us being friends and co-workers post-breakup.

Theo: Hmm. Well, can I buy you a friendly drink?

Summer: Yeah, sure. Hey, we talk about business, you can put on your expense account.

Theo: Well, now that you mention it, I do have a work issue to bring up.

Summer: Okay. Shoot.

Theo: It's about kyle trying to sabotage me.

Summer: Okay, theo, you are just sabotaging yourself by obsessing over kyle.

Theo: You're taking his side again, and I think I know why.

Devon: Hey.

Elena: [ Chuckles ]

Devon: What's with his extra bounce in your step? Did you have a good shift at work today?

Elena: Only one of the best.

Devon: What is this.

Elena: Santa claus came early.

Devon: Santa claus came early. This doesn't look like much.

Elena: That's 'cause you haven't read it yet. It's everything I ever wanted.

Devon: Okay. Well, this is your work schedule.

Elena: For the holidays. See? I work christmas day and night.

Devon: Uh-huh.

Elena: But...

Devon: You get time off.

Elena: Yep. There, there, and there. And, believe it or not -- because this never happens for first-year residents -- new year's eve!

Devon: Wow!

Elena: [ Laughs ]

Devon: How'd you do that?

Elena: I have a very, very good girl.

Devon: I can attest to that.

Elena: Mm.

Devon: You know what this means? I can firm up our holiday plans.

Elena: What plans?

Devon: Well, I was just gonna blow your mind and make your wildest dreams come true. That's all.

Elena: [ Laughs ]

Paul: Hey.

Chance: Chief.

Paul: Chance.

Chance: Thanks for meeting me.

Paul: Ah, my pleasure. I'm glad we could do it under more pleasant circumstances this time.

Chance: Yeah. I wasn't expecting to turn crimson lights home base for a hostage crisis, but thank you again for your help. It may have not turned out as well as it did without you.

Paul: Oh, no problem at all, although I was a little disappointed to be negotiating over the phone and missing out on all the fun stuff.

Chance: Fun stuff?

Paul: Yeah, you know, jumping out of the ceiling through an air vent and punching out the bad guy. That's the fun stuff.

Chance: I'm sure christine and heather were happy you weren't doing either.

Paul: [ Laughs ] You're probably right.

Chance: How are they?

Paul: Everybody's great. And I'm sure that nina is excited and relieved that you're not working undercover over the holidays.

Chance: Yes, this will be the first christmas we've spent together in a while...

Paul: Awesome

Chance: ...Because of the job, which is in part why i wanted to talk to you.

Paul: Sure. What's up?

Chance: Private investigating.

Billy: With the new merger we'll have 50% of the cellphone market, which means we'll need the lawyers to argue that the new company is not a monopoly. Okay, great. I'll circle back. Thanks.

Jack: I am impressed, billy.

Billy: Well, it feels good to be back in the game, hustling.

Jack: Do I wish you were using your powers of persuasion at jabot rather than for mergers and acquisitions at an out-of-state firm?

Billy: Jack, jack --

Jack: I know. I know. Forget it. I'm happy for you. You know that, right?

Billy: Okay, good. Well, like I told you, it was just time for me to move on, you know, say goodbye to the old assumptions and expectations.

Jack: You feeling freer?

Billy: Free to figure out who I am without jabot, yeah. Santa's got a brand-new bag.

Nick: Just make yourself at home.

Phyllis: Well, it is my home, so...

Nick: Just kicking your shoes off.

Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. I'm not gonna apologize for acting like I own the place because, um, well...I do.

Nick: Mm, by 25%.

Phyllis: Okay. 25%. Yeah. I mean, this is my 25% right here. I claim it phyllandia.

Nick: Phyllandia.

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]

Nick: All right. Would you mind answering this next question without any attitude or commentary?

Phyllis: Well, I am in the christmas spirit, so sure.

Nick: Okay. Have you seen chelsea?

Phyllis: Have you checked adams.

[ Gasps ] Oh. I'm just kidding. It's a joke! [ Laughs ]

Nick: Ah. You know what? I'll just look at myself. Thank you.

Phyllis: Well, why don't you check out the bar? Maybe there are some old guys there who are about to croak and leave her millions of dollars.

[ Gasps ] Oh, my gosh. It just comes out. Like, I-I can't control it. I'm sorry.

Nick: I don't know how i put up with you.

Phyllis: Me neither. Um, why don't you sit down with me? 'Cause I'm sure chelsea will come in any minute. Also, I need to hash something out with you because, you know, the guy in the red suit is gonna be coming down my chimney, and I'll be damned if I'm on the naughty list this year.

Nick: Probably too late for that.

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Phyllis: As co-parents, i just thought we should talk about how we're gonna spend our time with summer over the holidays.

Nick: Well, summer is an adult, so she can decide on her own where she's gonna spend her time.

Phyllis: I know. It's -- it's not like we're fighting for visitation like when she was young, but I just wanted to claim christmas, please?

Nick: Christmas day?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: That's, like, the whole enchilada.

Phyllis: Yeah, I know, but I'm not gonna have daniel or lucy, and, you know, you're gonna be with christian and faith and a bunch of other little kids running around at your family. And I just -- I want summer.

Nick: Well, we were both able to spend time summer on her birthday. I'm sure we can find a way to evenly and fairly divide up christmas.

Phyllis: Yeah, but, see, that's the thing -- 'cause "fairly" goes out the window when it comes to your father because you know he's gonna want all of his family under one roof, blah, blah, blah.

Nick: Well, my dad doesn't decide what summer does and doesn't, but I will make sure you get your time with her.

Phyllis: Thank you. I trust you.

Nick: Alright. So, is that it?

Phyllis: Uh, yes.

Nick: That was easy.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Nick: Too easy. What's up/

Phyllis: What do you mean?

Nick: I mean the other day you beat up a jukebox to cheer me up, and now there's, you know, this, whatever this is.

Phyllis: Um... I'm a decent human being?

Nick: [ Chuckling ] Yeah. What's going on?

Phyllis: Nothing's going on. I know you're going through a hard time.

Nick: So you're pitying me.

Phyllis: I'm not pitying you. I don't pity you. I care about you. I have compassion. I was once in love with you, and you're the father of my child. I'm feeling nostalgic. It's the holidays. Sue me.

Jack: I assure you I did not come here to lure you back to jabot. I respect your decision totally.

Billy: Well, good. Thank you. So, what does bring you by?

Jack: Well, I wanted to talk about christmas. I've left a couple messages for you. You haven't gotten back to me.

Billy: Yeah. Sorry. It's just been hectic with the new job, and it's, you know, holiday season, kids' recitals concerts, parties.

Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get that. Actually, I'm relieved to hear that that's your answer.

Billy: Relieved?

Jack: Well, yeah, that there isn't something else that's getting in the way of your spending time with your family at the holidays.

Billy: Right, and what exactly do you think would be getting in the way?

Summer: I am not taking kyle's side, but I am suggesting that you stop obsessing over him and start focusing on your job.

Theo: Really?

Summer: Yeah.

Theo: You know, I could say the same to you.

Summer: Sorry. What?

Theo: You think kyle can do no wrong because you still have a major thing for him.

Summer: [ Chuckling ] Okay, that's crazy.

Theo: It's pretty obvious you're pining over your ex.

Summer: Okay, I don't know where this conspiracy theory is coming from, but it's probably coming from the same place that made you think that kyle was trying to sabotage your meeting with circe. Kyle would never do anything that would hurt jabot. You're a smart guy, theo. Think about it. It doesn't make any sense.

Theo: You're a smart girl. So it makes me wonder why you can't see what's going on. I mean, why do so many smart, beautiful women keep falling for kyle's bull?

Summer: I-I'm sorry. Women? Who else are you talking about?

Theo: [ Sighs ]

Summer: Oh, my god. You're talking about lola.

Theo: Well, she has completely fallen for kyle's act, too.

Summer: [ Laughs ] This is all so clear to me now. Oh, my god, this is why you can't let things with kyle go. This is why things are starting to be so personal again.

Theo: I don't know where you're going with us.

Summer: Kyle said that you've been sucking up to lola, trying to get her to be your new bestie, and here you are, yet again waiting for her to come out of the kitchen so you can chitchat with her.

[ Scoffs ]

Theo: Lola and I are... buddies.

Summer: Oh. Yeah. Lola's your buddy.

[ Scoffs ] You were projecting onto me when you said that i still wanted kyle when, really, you want lola.

Kyle: I think we need a new fridge.

Lola: Why? That one's fine.

Kyle: You wouldn't like a bigger one with double doors and a pull-out freezer?

Lola: Yeah, an upgrade would be nice. I just... wait.

Kyle: Hmm?

Lola: Are you trying to get me a fridge for christmas?

Kyle: Guess I'm not being subtle.

Lola: Well, a fancy fridge would be nice, but we should probably figure out where we're going to live. I know that house-hunting took a backseat, but you still want to find a new place, right?

Kyle: Absolutely. I think our perfect home might just take a little longer than expected.

Lola: Well, we have time, and all I want for christmas is this.

Kyle: Oh, well, you're not missing miami this year?

Lola: Yeah, of course I am. You know, I miss mom and arturo and -- I guess, yeah. And of course baby mateo. But I see christmas in wisconsin in a whole new way now because, you know, you're my husband and this is our home.

Kyle: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Lola: And the cold weather does come with its perks, like pine needles and warm fires and you by my side for the rest of our lives.

Kyle: You left one thing out.

Lola: [ Chuckles ] Tremfya® helps adults with moderate to severe

Chance: As you know, I was working on that money-laundering case for the last year or so.

Paul: Right. That's a long time.

Chance: Yeah.

Paul: But you got your man. Then has to feel good.

Chance: Yeah, it does. And I like the feeling of working for the greater good. When you work undercover that long, it can be hard.

Paul: I'm sure it has been.

Chance: Look, paul, if I'm being honest [Sighs] It's -- it's taken a toll on me and my relationships. When you're pretending to be somebody else, your own life -- it gets put on hold. And as fulfilling as it is, I'm just not sure that that lifestyle is right for me anymore. I'm considering my options.

Paul: I see. So, you are thinking about becoming a private investigator.

Chance: I thought I would come to genoa city's best-ever P.I. And ask what you think.

Paul: [ Laughs ] Well, I'm not sure about best ever.

Chance: Hey, I would pale in comparison. So, would I be cut out for it?

Devon: Hang onto something because we're going to london.

[ Chuckles ]

Elena: Devon hamilton, if you are pulling my leg, I will never forgive you.

Devon: Does that mean you want to go?

Elena: I don't know. Are we the kind of people who just drop everything and go to london without any notice?

Devon: Why not?

Elena: We haven't made any reservations. I haven't packed my bags. This is the single most amazing thing anyone's ever done for me.

Devon: I remember awhile back over dinner you told me that going to london was on your bucket list, and the way your face lit up while you were talking about it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen in my whole life. And I never forgot it. So let me take you to london.

Jack: I am not implying anything negative. I am thrilled you are throwing yourself into your new job. Could we please get back to the jollier topic at hand?

Billy: Yes. I think that's a good idea.

Jack: Christmas. I assume victor is insisting on some mandatory family appearance at a christmas eve or christmas day dinner. So, when do you think you and victoria and the kids can make it out to the house? We'll plan our festivities accordingly.

Billy: Yeah, we haven't talked about this, yet but we'll be skipping the newmans and the abbotts this year.

Jack: Oh? Why is that?

Billy: Victoria planned a trip to telluride. Reed's gonna fly in. You know, hot chocolate, skiing, the whole shebang.

Jack: I see. Well, I'm disappointed we won't be spending christmas with you, but you know what? I think this is great. I think you could use some quiet family time.

Billy: Okay. What's going on here? First you're saying that you're relieved. Now you're saying that I need a break from whatever it is. So, jack, are you -- are you worried about me or something is there...

Jack: Yeah. I have been a little concerned. You don't return my phone calls, and when we do talk, you seem a bit distracted.

Billy: Well, I told you, jack, that I'm busy. I've got a lot going on.

Jack: Billy, I know this last year has been very difficult for you. If leaving jabot is part of your healing, I embrace that, but if any part of it is running away, I want you to know I am always here for you.

Billy: Okay. Thank you. Um, but you don't need to swoop in and save me or fix me, okay? I'm just trying to live my life and avoid other people's opinions about how I should be living it.

Jack: I'm not judging you. I only want the best for you. Could I just ask one more thing?

Billy: Sure, as long as it is the last thing.

Jack: Are you still seeing dr. Clay?

Billy: She had to go back east for a family emergency.

Jack: Well, surely she has someone covering for her.

Billy: She does, but I didn't really get along with the replacement. But if it makes you feel better, I am talking to someone.

Nick: Okay, you're right. Things haven't been easy lately. So I just want you to know i really appreciate you not being your normal self.

Phyllis: Really?

Nick: [ Chuckles ]

Phyllis: I'm sorry I'm not living up to my, uh, bitchy reputation, but I am compassionate. You know that. And I know when to push your buttons and when not to push your buttons.

Nick: Mm. You do know you don't push my buttons as much as you think you do.

Phyllis: Oh, really? 'Cause that would be insinuating that I have power over you, and we both know I don't, right? So, why don't you go find the woman you love? But it's been pretty hard, right, spending time with her lately?

Nick: If this is your way of thinking you're pushing my buttons, you know, it's a pretty weak effort.

Phyllis: No. I'm on christmas break.

Nick: Okay. You know, there is more than one option for the holidays. You, me, and summer could spend some time together on christmas.

Phyllis: What? Seriously? Wow. That would be radical and crazy. I am assuming that you mean spending it with the rest of the newmans?

Nick: Well, that is her family, and isn't that what the holidays are all about -- family?

Phyllis: Hmm. Yeah. Spending time with people that you don't particularly like. I suppose so.

Nick: All drama would have to be left at the door.

Phyllis: Ah, not my usual reindeer games?

Nick: No.

Phyllis: Aw, shoot. I'm in.

Nick: [ Laughs ] Alright. What have we just done?

Phyllis: I don't know! It's crazy!

Nick: [ Laughs ]

Phyllis: We'll find out, definitely.

Nick: Ah, it's gonna be exciting.

[ Both laugh ] Wrap up your holiday shopping with the blitz in,blitz out sale

Theo: You've got this whole thing backwards. You're trying to blame our breakup on my feelings for lola, when it's your never-ending love for kyle abbott that was the issue since day one.

Summer: Okay, let's just agree to disagree on who loves you.

Theo: Fine.

Summer: But I'm right. I mean, it's just so clear to me now, and I actually feel kind of sorry for you because you're never gonna get her.

Theo: Not a problem because i don't want her.

Summer: It's like you kind of want kyle's entire life, which is weird and a little sad. I don't know. Maybe you should think about giving up on women for a while and just focusing on work.

Theo: Uh, is this advice coming from my friend or my co-worker?

Summer: Well, from your boss, technically. You've been given an amazing opportunity here, theo. And you need to put all of your energy into that, unless you've decided that the job just isn't that important to you, which i would understand since it's a very different gig than what you're used to. I don't know. Maybe you realized that the corporate life just isn't for you, which would explain all the screw-ups, like the missed meeting.

Theo: Huh.

Summer: This kind of job, you have to be all-in. So I think you need to decide whether or not you are.

Lola: I wish I could freeze this moment, this tree, our home, our life.

Kyle: Hey. Hey. What's wrong?

Lola: Nothing. I'm not sad. I am actually thinking about how happy I am. You know, growing up, we had some nice holidays, but christmas was hard on my mom and the rest of us because dad wasn't around.

Kyle: I know what you mean. My mom was on her own most of the time, and then she was gone.

Lola: You don't talk about your mom much, huh?

Kyle: I miss her... especially this time of year. She was a complicated person, but no matter where we were or how many times we moved, she was the one constant in my life.

Lola: You will always have your memories. And now we can make new ones. And I hope that I can be your constant.

Kyle: And I can be yours.

Chelsea: Did you pick up a side job wrapping presents?

Phyllis: Um... oh, these are my own personal gifts. I really enjoy wrapping. I would offer to wrap some gifts for you, but, oh, I don't think you have anybody on your list this year.

Nick: What did I say about no drama?

Phyllis: If you guys will excuse me. Um...see you christmas day.

Nick: I was, uh, hoping to see you again after the other night. We keep missing each other, so I thought I'd just stopped by.

Chelsea: I am so sorry. Things have just been so busy. But I'm really glad we got that time together. I needed it.

Nick: Me too.

Chelsea: I really wish that things could be different.

Nick: No, you don't have to explain. How's connor doing? Did he recover from his cold?

Chelsea: He's doing better, I think, even maybe emotionally. He didn't have a meltdown or nightmare over the past few nights, although I can't let myself get overly optimistic.

Nick: Well, I did want to talk to you about christmas. Really hoping you, me, connor, and christian can, you know, spend the day together, make it special. We are gonna spend christmas together, right?

Jack: I'm glad you're talking to someone. I'm glad you're doing the work to get the help you need.

Billy: Yeah, well, you know, day by day, doing the best i can.

Jack: And I'm sorry if I came off the know-it-all older brother.

Billy: That's your job, right?

Jack: Yeah, I guess it is.

Billy: [ Chuckles ]

Jack: Gonna miss you at christmas.

Billy: Hey, one less abbott to worry about.

Jack: Ah. It sounds to me like your life's going pretty well. If you ever want to talk, I'm always ready to hear. I'm gonna get out of here. I'll show myself out.

Billy: Thanks.

[ Thinking ] I can't tell you what's going on because what you want to hear is that I'm cured, that everything's fine. You don't want to hear what's really going on inside my head. The truth is, I'm a mess.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

"The young and the restless"

will continue.

Kyle: This one. Oh, he's so cute, I almost don't want to eat him, but I can't resist. Sorry, mrs. Claus.

[ Both laugh ] Santa's wife is getting hit from all angles. Theo had this ridiculous idea to give mrs. Claus jabot makeover.

Lola: Kyle, why are we talking about theo again?

Theo: So, let me get this straight. You turned our friendly conversation into a personal attack on me and a request for my resignation?

Summer: No, I didn't ask you to resign. I just think that you need to be honest with yourself about what you really want.

Theo: Well, I know exactly how I feel about working at jabot.

Summer: No, I don't need a knee-jerk reaction, okay? I need you to actually think about it for more than five seconds. I don't know. Maybe reflect on where you are, where you want to go, and really think about what you want your future to look like.

Devon: You know, this trip to london will be a chance for us to hit the reset button. We've been going through a rough patch lately. Then came over to my side and started viewing this amanda situation the same way I do, and I really appreciate it. It means you believe me.

Elena: I never stopped. I've always wanted you to live your best life. And this is your first christmas without neil. And I know from experience how hard it is to navigate the holidays when you've lost a loved one.

Devon: Well, we found each other. And all I want to do is show you how much you mean to me.

Elena: You do every day.

[ Chuckles ] Is this really happening?

Devon: It is if you say yes.

[ Chuckles ]

Paul: Compared to what you've been doing, P.I. Work is a lot slower.

Chance: I am definitely willing to slow things down. I mean, always changing my name, my life, everything about myself. It's exhausting. I just -- I just want to be me.

Paul: Do you think you're ready to put down roots here? Because, uh -- don't take this the wrong way, but you have a history of getting a little antsy and, uh, getting out of genoa city.

Chance: Yeah. [ Sighs ]

Phyllis: Is this the area for ex-past of jabot?

Billy: Yep, living in exile at the coffee counter.

Phyllis: But you quit.

Billy: I did. Yes.

Phyllis: Ah. Did you hear that your niece fired me at the grand phoenix?

Billy: [ Chuckles ] No, I didn't hear that.

Phyllis: Yeah. She did.

Billy: Mm.

Phyllis: But I'm still part owner, so she can't banish me completely.

Billy: Mm.

Phyllis: I made it known that I'm not going anywhere, and I'm making my presence known more than ever.

Billy: Oh, I could picture that.

Phyllis: It's a pretty picture, isn't it?

Billy: You know, I've got to give you credit. You always stand your ground. You don't let anyone mess with you.

Phyllis: Thank you.

Billy: No, it's true. I mean, you just live the life that you've always wanted to live. You don't give any regard for what other people think. I respect that.

Phyllis: You do?

Billy: Yeah. You drive the train of your own life. That's for sure.

Phyllis: Sometimes off the tracks.

Billy: Yeah, well, even if it's a train wreck, at least you're in control of your own destiny, right?

Phyllis: Uh... I think that's a compliment.

Billy: It is. So take it.

Phyllis: Okay. I also detect a note of envy. Are you okay?

Billy: Yeah, I'm fine.

Phyllis: Alright, well, if you're sad because you're in between jobs, there's a position open at the grand phoenix. It's head of security.

Billy: Ooh! That sounds great, but I -- I have a new gig, thank you very much.

Phyllis: You do? What is it?

Billy: A consulting firm out of chicago. Mergers and acquisitions.

Phyllis: That sounds like you could do so much better.

Billy: I think what you meant to say was, "congratulations," phyllis.

Phyllis: No, I didn'T. It's a long-distance, mid-level position. Your were ceo of jabot.

Billy: Yeah, I understand that. So, you're gonna second-guess me now, too? You think I'm the train wreck?

Phyllis: I didn't say you were a train wreck.

Billy: I know.

Phyllis: You are too good to be a mere consultant. You are, billy. You know that. That was a compliment, by the way. Obviously, you can't take one, either.

Billy: Oh, whatever. I mean, you're just another person criticizing my choices, but what bums me out, phyllis, is that you of all people should understand why wouldn't want to continue working in my family company, constantly trying to live up to that abbott legacy.

Phyllis: I understand that. You know that.

Billy: Oh, you do?

Phyllis: Yes, I do. Of all people, I understand that. It is hard not to get squashed under the abbott name. I get it. But you forget that I was your biggest supporter when we were together, your greatest supporter. I went through so much with you -- the gambling, the jaboat fiasco, all the ups and downs. And then the unimaginable...

Billy: Can we not talk about that?

Phyllis: ...And unspeakable happened. I don't want to talk about that.

Billy: Please? Okay.

Phyllis: I want to have a normal conversation with you.

Billy: Well, you know what? That's gonna have to be rain-checked because I got to go.

Phyllis: Okay, no. Please. Please?

[ Sighs ] We both made mistakes when we were together. I don't want to make you feel bad. You deserve to have the life you want.

Billy: Thank you.

Phyllis: As long as you don't lose any more yachts... you do you, billy abbott.

Billy: [ Thinking ] Problem is, I don't know who the real billy abbott is anymore.

Chelsea: I love the idea of us spending the holidays together, of course. Um, but I just have to ask -- will adam be on your guest list?

Nick: No.

Chelsea: Right. I mean, and I understand why. It's just tricky because adam and connor have become so close, you know?

Nick: Adam will make things very complicated.

Chelsea: Well, apparently you invited phyllis.

Nick: She never tried to kill my father.

Chelsea: Not yet. Hide the eggnog.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Chelsea: Sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Um, I just think it would be a good thing for connor to see us all together, you know, at least being civil to one another. And to be honest, if connor isn't with his dad, he is going to worry about him being all alone on christmas.

Lola: I just don't get why you can't get theo out of your head.

Kyle: I hate how much real estate he takes up in my brain, too, 'cause that space should be devoted to my job and my life, to you, making you happy.

Lola: [ Inhales sharply ] You know what would make me really happy right now?

Kyle: Anything.

Lola: Some milk to wash down the cookies.

Kyle: Coming right up.

Lola: [ Chuckles ]

Paul: Well, this was great. I hope I was able to help.

Chance: You did very much. Thanks for the advice.

Paul: Okay. So, if you do decide to pursue this P.I. Thing, can I assume that, uh, you will work in tandem with the police force?

Chance: How about we cross that bridge when we come to it?

[ Both laugh ]

Paul: Fair enough. Alright, good to see you, chance.

Chance: Great to see you, chief.

Phyllis: What was that tęte-ŕ-tęte about?

Chance: [ Sighs ]

Brendan: Hey, man. You want in?

Billy: No. I'm good.

Brendan: We could really use another play in the mix.

Billy: One hand?

Brendan: Sure. Whatever you say.

Billy: No, I mean I'm in and out, one hand, as long as you're both okay with that.

Billy: Ah, that's it for me, boys.

Brendan: Come on. Stick around for a while.

Billy: No, I told you -- one hand.

Brendan: Nobody plays one hand.

Billy: [ Chuckles ] I just did. Have a good night.

[ Thinking ] That was easier than I thought.

Devon: Are we sure that this is the hotel we want to stay in? Because there's no turning back once I press this button right here.

Elena: Wait. Are you sure you're all-in on this?

Devon: Of course I am. I want give you a vacation you're never gonna forget.

Elena: Yeah, but what if something goes down with amanda while we're gone?

Devon: Then we'll find out the details when we get back. We can afford to put on the back burner.

Elena: Can you put her out of your mind?

Devon: Put who out of my mind?

[ Both laugh ]

Chance: What makes you think that my conversation with paul is any of your business?

Phyllis: Oh, it's not my business. I just wanted to know if it had to do it vegas.

Chance: [ Scoffs ] I am so over this conversation.

Phyllis: So am I, but you could put an end to it and just tell me what went on between you and adam.

Chance: I'm leaving. You're staying.

Phyllis: Mm.

Chance: Stop following me.

Phyllis: Oh, get over yourself. I'm leaving this way, too.

Chance: Bye, phyllis.

Phyllis: The more you shut me out, the more I persist.

[ Door opens and closes ] And I do love a challenge.

Nick: So, you want me to invite adam to the ranch for christmas?

Chelsea: Even if just for a few hours.

Nick: A lot of bad things can happen in a few hours, chelsea.

Chelsea: Or a lot of good. Picture it -- christian and connor playing together with their new toys, all of the cousins running around. Maybe some christmas magic will descend on us all and there will be peace on earth at least for a day.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] I mean, it's a nice fantasy.

Chelsea: It's a fantasy that we could turn into a reality.

Nick: [ Chuckles ] Oh, god. Uh, okay, fine. First phyllis, now adam. Definitely getting soft in my old age. Adam can come. This way, the -- the boys can be together... and I get to spend christmas with you.

Chelsea: Thank you.

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