Y&R Transcript Monday 12/23/19
Episode #11763 ~ Victor and Nikki call a family meeting; Phyllis surprises Summer; Jack and Traci bond with Theo.
Provided By Suzanne
Previously on "the young and the restless"...
Jack: She's beautiful. Time to meet your mommy.
Phyllis: Hey, baby.
Jack: Phyllis, you're one of the smartest women I know. You're as capable as they come. And yet somehow you keep getting in your own way. If I were you, I'd start asking myself, "what has that gotten me?" We are family, yes. That will never change. But in this building, you are not getting any special treatment from me.
Theo: A mistake like today will not happen again.
Jack: Good, because I really want this to work out.
Traci: Hi, theo. Welcome
Theo: Hi, traci.
Traci: Here, let me take that coat.
Jack: Come on in. Come on in.
Theo: Wow. You guys really go all out for the holidays.
Jack: Yeah, it's a family tradition.
Traci: It is, for the abbott family christmas has been just an event -- parties here, at jabot, at the club.
Jack: It all ended with a big holiday new year's eve bash. Half the town would be here in the house.
Theo: Wow, it sounds like you you've had a lot of fun.
Traci: Yes, we have.
Theo: [ Exhales sharply ]
[ Shivers ] So, uh, is, uh, anyone else joining us tonight?
Jack: Well, traci and i thought it might be nice for the three of us to spend some time together, you know, without the noise and the craziness of the rest of the family.
Theo: The rest of the family...or one member in particular?
Lola: Kyle! You're just in time. The first batch of cookies is going in the oven.
Kyle: I can't wait to taste them.
Lola: Not until I have finished the gift boxes for our friends and family.
Kyle: Yes, of course. Mmm.
Lola: Is that... pine needles?
Kyle: Oh, um...yes.
Lola: And what's this? It's sticky. Is this tree sap?
Kyle: I got our first christmas tree.
Lola: Ooh, where is it?
Kyle: It's, um...in the hall. But, uh, there's a slight issue with it.
Lola: What kind of issue?
Kyle: It's no big deal. But, uh, I'm gonna need a little assistance to get it inside.
Lola: Great. I can help.
Kyle: No! [ Stammers ] I've got it. I can handle it, really.
Lola: Kyle, these hands can do more than just bake, you know.
Kyle: Oh, I've seen you build a bookcase.
Lola: So let me help.
Kyle: No! No! No! It's okay. It's okay.
Lola: I am -- what are you hiding?
Kyle: Nothing. I just want it to be a surprise.
Lola: Mnh-mnh. Not buying it.
Kyle: Well -- lola!
[ Sighs ]
Lola: [ Chuckling ] Oh, my...
Phyllis: Hey! Happy birthday!
Summer: Hey.
Phyllis: Another year older, another year wiser.
Summer: Aww. Hi, mom.
Phyllis: Seriously? Is that how you talk to the woman who is responsible for you being on the planet?
Summer: Oh.
Phyllis: Really? Everybody! This beautiful, incredible, talented, intelligent girl right here -- we are celebrating her. I created her, and we will be celebrating her creation.
Summer: Oh.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ]
[ Applause ]
Summer: Oh!
Phyllis: My creation.
Summer: Okay. Are you gonna do this all night?
Phyllis: No. Just every 10 minutes.
Summer: Okay. I knew I should have done the whole "glass of wine and binge-eat birthday cake" thing at home.
Phyllis: No. Definitely not. Listen, I didn't get to spend the last two birthday with you. Give me a break. I have you tonight. You're mine. And you are gonna celebrate with your mama.
Summer: [ Chuckling ] Okay.
Phyllis: Yay!
Happy birthday to you
Summer: Please no. Please stop.
Victoria: It was so sweet of you to do this special pre-christmas celebration for the grandkids.
Victor: Well, since you're not gonna be here for the holidays, are you?
Nikki: Now, don't let him fool you. He couldn't wait to show off his new toy.
Victor: Hope they're enjoying it.
Nick: It's a horse-drawn sleigh, and they're kids, so...
Victor: Well, of course. I'm just sad that connor can't couldn't be here.
Nikki: Aw, such a shame that he woke up with that cold. Chelsea didn't want to risk him getting any sicker or giving it to the other kids.
Victoria: Well, that's understandable, especially because it's so close to christmas.
Nikki: Yeah.
Victor: You should have seen their faces when I told them that this was one of santa's retired sleighs.
Nick: Their eyes were as big as saucers.
Victoria: You really have made this christmas so magical for them.
Nick: You know, I remember when everything about christmas was magical to my kids. I miss those days.
Victoria: You're gonna have plenty of more years to experience that with christian.
Nikki: And it's still wonderful to celebrate with your grown children.
Nick: I'll tell you what i can't wait for is -- faith is coming home from boarding school in a couple days.
Victor: Oh, yeah.
Nikki: And you will have two celebrations with summer this month.
Nick: Yes, I had a birthday lunch with her earlier. She said you two were extremely generous to her.
Victor: That's very nice to hear, but I think she's gonna do very well. Very well.
Victoria: I think we all are.
Victor: Yeah?
Victoria: This whole family is, yes, especially now that we've put all of the things that have been haunting us -- and hurting us -- behind us, right?
Nikki: Hear, hear.
Nick: Hear, hear.
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Oh, billy! Hi.
Billy: Sorry I'm late.
Victoria: That's okay. At least you're here.
Victor: Hey, billy.
Billy: Hi. Nice to see you.
Victor: Merry christmas.
Billy: Hi.
Nikki: Hello.
Billy: [ Smooches ] Hey.
Nick: What's up?
Billy: Hey.
Victoria: Hi. Hey! It's me! Your dry skin!
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Lola: Wow. That is a real big tree.
Kyle: A big, stuck tree.
Lola: Wait. You mean...?
Kyle: I had to climb over it to get in here.
Lola: Hence the needles and the tree sap.
Kyle: Yep. [ Sighs ] Go on. You can say it.
Lola: Mnh-mnh. Nope.
Kyle: No. Really, it's okay. Go for it.
Lola: Did you measure it?
Kyle: I measured the height of our ceiling. I measured the tree. I did not measure the hallway. Who would?
Lola: I-I would have.
Kyle: I thought the tree would fit. Or bend. Or something.
Lola: So, how do we get this tree inside?
Kyle: [ Sighs ] It needs to be skinnier.
Lola: We could put it on a diet.
[ Laughing ] Sorry.
Kyle: I'm gonna have to trim it somehow.
Lola: Oh, you know what? Sharon said that we could use the tools that are in the storage locker downstairs. I'm pretty sure there is a saw in there, and the key is in the kitchen drawer.
[ Click ]
[ Gasps ] My cookies.
Kyle: [ Sighs ]
[ Door closes ]
[ Sighs ] So, this drawer?
Lola: Yeah, I think so. Oh!
Kyle: [ Laughs ]
Lola: Don't you dare
Kyle: [ Inhales sharply ] I wasn'T. I swear.
Lola: [ Exhales heavily ]
Kyle: Found the key.
Theo: So, this private christmas party -- it has nothing to do with keeping kyle and me apart?
Jack: Traci and I thought it might be nice for you to see how the abbotts enjoy their christmas without being under the abbott microscope for a change.
Traci: It's your first holiday as part of the family. We just didn't want you to feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable.
Jack: To that end, let's get you a drink.
Traci: I made some hot cider.
Jack: Or if you want something stronger...
Theo: Uh, no, no, cider's fine. They'll, uh -- they'll actually go great with -- with these.
Jack: These.
Traci: What are they? They smell fantastic.
Theo: They are called "oliebollen," and they literally mean "oil balls."
Jack: Okay.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Theo: Yeah, no, I know. Not the best name, but they are sick. Uh, in a good way.
Jack: I can't wait to try them.
Theo: My family had them every christmas. It was our tradition.
Traci: Oh, theo. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Theo: Sure.
Traci: Listen, I'm gonna put these on a plate. Be right back.
Jack: Oh, good, good.
Traci: Okay.
Jack: So, sit down. Sit down. Now that we have a little time alone, there are a couple of things I would like to discuss with you.
Phyllis: Alright. First, a toast, but, oh, oh, turn off your phone. Turn it off or put it on silent. I don't want to be interrupted.
Summer: I already did that before I left the office.
Phyllis: Ooh, no after-hour works calls.
Summer: Nope. I think I deserve that, like, once a year, right?
Phyllis: Yes, you do. You need to take care of yourself. You do because you may find yourself sitting in that ceo desk.
Summer: Okay. I do not see that happening anytime soon or probably ever at jabot.
Phyllis: Mm, you never know. I was ceo of jabot.
Summer: Okay. Well, look how that turned out, though.
Phyllis: [ Clears throat ] Um... you know how to play the game a little better than I do.
Summer: Well, that's because I don't think of it as a game.
Phyllis: Everything's a game.
[ Laughs ]
Summer: No. It's my job. It's just -- you know, it's work. I'm just doing the best that i can.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Well, sometimes your best is not good enough, okay?
Summer: Mm.
Phyllis: And you need to take care of yourself because, believe me, no one else is going to.
Summer: I know, but we've been over this before, okay? I have my way of doing things, and you have your way.
Phyllis: I just don't want to see you get hurt again.
Summer: I'm not. I've told you. Kyle and I are in a really good place right now, and when it comes to theo, I think that we've -- we've reached an understanding with each other.
Phyllis: Aw, summer, watch out because sometimes that person who you least expect is the one who puts the dagger in your heart. Remember that.
[ Sighs ]
Summer: Okay, are we talking about me, or are we talking about you?
Phyllis: Just giving you motherly advice.
Summer: Okay. Well, it didn't really sound like it. So, who put the dagger in your heart, mom? Wrap up your holiday shopping with the blitz in,blitz out sale
Phyllis: Listen. My life is my life 365 days of the year. We could talk about my life the other 364. Tonight it's about you.
Summer: Oh, mom, please don't do that.
Phyllis: Don't do what?
Summer: Don't shut me out. Just talk to me.
Phyllis: Okay, I-I will talk to you.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: I'll tell you about the menu.
Summer: Oh, my god. Mom --
Phyllis: We're starting with an appetizer.
Summer: Mom, please stop. Please just, like, let me in a little bit.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] You really want to hear about my problems of the day today? Really?
Summer: Yeah. I do.
Phyllis: Okay. Well, I mean I'm just doing some reflecting. That's all. And it -- it happens every year at this time of the year. It -- I can't help it. I can't fight it.
Summer: Okay, well, what are you thinking about?
Phyllis: [ Sighs ] I'm just thinking of the ghosts of christmas past. You know, last year I was ceo of jabot and your dad and I were together and we were really happy. And... then the dam broke, and all the water went under the bridge and washed me down the river and put me on this deserted, less-than-idyllic island that I am now stranded on.
Summer: Mom, come on. It's not that bad, right? You -- you own a piece of the hottest hotel in town, and, i mean, you and dad -- you guys are getting along right now.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Summer: So, that counts.
Phyllis: Yeah, it d-- it definitely, definitely counts. And I-I'm happy about that, considering, you know, nick was less than happy about my association with adam.
Summer: Well, yeah. I mean, can you blame him?
[ Scoffs ] I don't know how you were ever friends with that guy.
Phyllis: Adam is not my friend.
Summer: Okay, well, I don't know when you came to that revelation, but I'm just happy that he is of your life now.
Phyllis: Friends suck.
Summer: Mm-hmm. Hey, you know, you're right. Friends are overrated.
Phyllis: Yeah, they are overrated.
Summer: Says the 20-something who is spending her birthday with her mom.
Phyllis: Um...
Summer: [ Chuckles ]
Phyllis: ...I'm offended by that.
[ Both laugh ] You are an independent, strong, incredible girl. You are focusing on your career.
Summer: Yeah, exactly. And if that means that I have no time for a social life, then it's totally worth it.
Phyllis: Listen, you are the fantastic, beautiful girl that i created. And you can have it all. All right? You'll get what you want.
Summer: You're just saying that so that we don't ruin my birthday.
Phyllis: No, I'm not. You're a fighter. You're a fighter, just like your mom.
Nikki: I'm so glad you were able to make it tonight, billy.
Billy: Yeah. Yeah. Me too.
Nikki: It kind of makes up for us not being able to see you on christmas, but we'll miss you all just as well.
Nick: When are you guys taking off for telluride?
Victoria: Christmas eve.
Nick: Katie and johnny are gonna love that.
Victoria: Yes. Well, they ask me every morning if this is the day that we leave.
Nikki: Aww.
Victor: That's sweet. Do you know that colorado is absolutely beautiful at this time of year?
Nikki: Ahh, the way they decorate their village.
Victor: Ah.
Nikki: It's a winter wonderland.
Victor: Beautiful.
Victoria: I don't know what the kids are looking forward to most -- the skiing, the sledding, the skating. Oh, they're also very excited to see reed.
Victor: Oh, my god. I miss reed. You know, I miss seeing him. And I bet you he will be looking forward to seeing all of you.
Victoria: It'll be so nice having the whole family together again.
Nikki: Darling, you're gonna have a wonderful time, especially that billy can go with you. I was worried that his new job might keep him from the trip.
Victoria: Billy?
Billy: Uh, yeah. Sorry. I'm just going over the checklist of all the things we need to pack. It's endless.
Nikki: Oh, I was just saying how glad I am that you were able to make the trip with victoria and the children.
Billy: Yeah, fortunately, i can work remotely on this new job.
Victor: Oh, billy, I haven't had a chance to congratulate you on your new job. I mean, consulting, is that it?
Billy: Yeah, company out of chicago, but it is a global firm, so we do a lot of the transactions through teleconferencing.
Victor: Ah. Challenging job or...?
Billy: I'm finding it is, yeah.
Victor: Ah. Something you've been hoping for, right?
Billy: Well, it's new, you know, so it's the change that I needed.
Victor: That's right. So, things are coming together for you?
Billy: Yeah, they are.
Victor: Ah.
Victoria: For all of us. Oreo for santa,
Victor: Now, billy boy... you haven't said who you work for or what you do for this mystery company.
Billy: Uh, do you mind? It's not a mystery company. It's, uh, magruder international. We handle mergers and acquisitions.
Victor: Oh. That's a good firm.
Billy: Yeah.
Victor: I didn't realize you had experience in that field.
Billy: Oh, I'm full of surprises.
Victor: Yeah. So, what are you working on now?
Billy: No can do. Signed an nda.
Victor: Oh, I see.
Nikki: Now, darling, stop grilling him. Tonight is supposed to be about family.
Victor: Sweetheart, I was just curious how billy boy is gonna manage, you know, working and -- and, uh, combining that with home life. I mean...
Nikki: Well, he's always made time for victoria and the kids before. I don't expect it to change now.
Billy: Excuse me.
Victoria: Is there a problem at work?
Billy: No. It's good.
Victoria: Are you sure? Because if it's something that you need to handle, it's fine.
Billy: No. Everything's fine. I'm gonna go, uh, check on the kids and make sure they're okay.
Victor: Oh, well, I'll come with you, okay? I want to see how the kids enjoy the sleigh.
Billy: Lead the way.
Victor: Alright.
Nikki: I hope your father stops grilling him.
Victoria: Oh, billy can handle dad.
Nick: If you're gonna be with a newman, you better learn how to do that.
Nikki: Speaking of that, how are things between you and chelsea?
Nick: Better. She came over last night, had a nice, long talk. It was the most fun we've had in ages.
Victoria: Oh! Does that mean that she's moving back in to your place?
Nick: She feels like it's best for connor if she stays at adam's for now.
Victoria: Can she do that and still be with you?
Nick: If you'd asked me a couple days ago, I wouldn't have been sure, but, honestly, I'm more hopeful about our future than I've been in a long time.
Kyle: Come on, you big hunk of pine!
Lola: Down!
Kyle: In!
Lola: Whoo-hoo! We did it!
Kyle: [ Laughs ] Who would have thought taking a tray of cookies out of the oven and getting a tree through the door would be a cause for celebration?
Lola: We faced certain defeat and were victorious.
Kyle: [ Sighs ] We just need to get this puppy on a stand, and then the tree decorating can commence.
Lola: I'm in, but first i have a surprise for you in the bedroom.
Kyle: Ooh. An early christmas present. "Tannenbaum" can wait where he is for a while.
Lola: Not that kind of surprise. But wait here. I'll be right back.
Kyle: [ Sighing ]&
Jack: So, it sounds like taking the ceo to the concert was a good idea.
Theo: Tim said it was the best reggae he'd ever heard. And we stayed until the last encore. But don't worry. We took care of business before we started partying.
Jack: Does that mean circe brands is gonna be partnering with jabot?
Theo: Tim said he'd call you by the end of the week.
Jack: Excellent. Excellent job. Well done. You worked overtime to salvage a difficult situation that could very easily have gone south.
Theo: Well, I told you I'd bust my butt to prove I'm not taking this job for granted.
Jack: Well, you're already well on your way there. The rumor has it the staff loves working with you. They love the energy you bring to the job.
Theo: Thank you for telling me that.
Jack: Kyle didn't pass that message along?
Theo: Must've slipped his mind.
Jack: Listen, I know things have been a bit difficult between you two since you came aboard at jabot.
Theo: I'm not sure kyle thinks this company is big enough for both of us.
Jack: I am confident you two can find a way to co-exist.
Theo: Well, I will do my part.
Jack: It's all about separating the personal from the professional, just the way you do with summer.
Theo: I assume you heard we broke up.
Jack: I don't want to pry.
Theo: Oh, it's okay. No hard feelings. And you don't have to worry. It's not gonna cause any problems around the office. Summer and I respect each other, and that makes all the difference.
Traci: Okay, one lovely tray...
Jack: Oh, look at that.
Traci: ...Of oliebollen.
Theo: Oliebollen. Nice tray.
Traci: [ Laughs ] Thank you. You know what? This tray belonged to dina's grandmother. I thought it would be appropriate. But before we dig in to these gorgeous treats, jack and I have a little something for you.
Theo: Oh. Oh, man. No, you shouldn't have done that. Look, I didn't get you guys anything.
Traci: Oh, no, no. Honey, it's nothing that we bought. But it is valuable. At least, to us.
Jack: We hope it will be valuable to you, too.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: This is our family history.
Theo: I heard about this. I didn't realize you had finished it.
Jack: That's our story, theo. And now it's yours, too. We call it the mother standard of care.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
"The young and the restless"
will continue.
Summer: Ooh, I think it's time for me to give you your gift.
Phyllis: What?!
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: You have had too much champagne -- because it's your birthday.
Summer: Yeah, well, it's almost christmas, so I got you a little early christmas gift. Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Ooh, you did?
Summer: I did. It's back in your suite at the grand phoenix.
Phyllis: Summer, I can't wait to open it.
Summer: Well, you actually can't open it because it's a tree. I decorated it for the holidays, and I put little lights and other, you know, christmasy stuff in there.
Phyllis: That is so sweet. You did that for me?
Summer: Yeah. I mean, if you're gonna call that place your home, it might as well feel like home for the holidays.
Phyllis: I'm sure it will.
Summer: I still don't get why you want to stay there.
Phyllis: Uh... room service, housekeeping?
Summer: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Also, um, it drives abby crazy that I'm there. That's one of the perks.
[ Both laugh ]
Summer: That's not really in the spirit of the season, mom.
Phyllis: Well, I'm a grinch then. I'm a grinch. Hey... time for me to give you your gift.
Summer: Aww. Thank you.
Phyllis: You're welcome.
Summer: It's beautiful.
Phyllis: Happy birthday. Open it. Open it.
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: [ Sighs ]
Summer: Mm-mm. What's in here?
Phyllis: [ Gasps ]
Summer: Oh, my god. They're so beautiful.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Summer: [ Sighs ] Oh, my gosh.
Phyllis: They reminded me of you. They're beautiful and sparkly and incredible.
Summer: I love them. I love them. Thank you so much, mom.
Phyllis: I love you, baby.
Summer: Oh, I love you.
Phyllis: I love you, baby. Happy birthday.
Summer: Thank you. I love them.
Theo: My mom was a teacher, so she always had time off for christmas. She'd spend weeks wrapping and hiding presents. And no matter how hard I looked, I could never find them.
Traci: [ Laughs ]
Jack: [ Laughs ]
Theo: And then on christmas morning, we'd go to church. And when we got back, they'd all be right there under the tree, like magic. And after opening them, we'd eat oliebollen for breakfast. And then my dad and I would do the turkey, and my mom made bishop's wine.
Traci: Bishop's wine. What's that?
Theo: It's the dutch version of mulled wine. It'S...an acquired taste.
Jack: All passed down from the vanderways, huh?
Theo: No. You'd think so. But it didn't come from my grandparents. When my mom and dad were newlyweds, my mom looked up all these dutch recipes to surprise my dad on their first christmas together.
Traci: Aww.
Theo: And they became our family traditions -- oliebollen, bishop's wine, putting my shoes under the tree... which is weird, knowing now that my dad wasn't dutch at all.
Traci: Oh, no, no, honey, they're still beautiful memories, right?
Theo: That's why I get these every year -- reminds me of a lot of happy christmases.
Traci: Well, I'm sure your parents would be so happy that you're carrying on their traditions.
Jack: You are looking at the first ornament I ever made -- with my mom's help. Of course, after mom left us, dad worked very hard to keep christmases in the abbott house very special. He kept all the traditions going. There's a lot of hand-made ornaments on this tree.
Theo: Yeah. And a lot of fancy ones.
Traci: [ Laughs ]
Theo: Ah, I've never seen anything like this before. Where'd you get this from?
Traci: Oh, that's from italy. That is hand-blown glass. It's from murano, and we brought these back from a family vacation.
Theo: Wow. Growing up an abbott was nothing like growing up a vanderway.
Traci: Honey, I know that your father's life would have been very different as dina's son. But from everything you've told us, he was raised with so much love. And obviously he's passed all of that onto you. And, really, isn't that what matters?
Lola: It was delivered by a messenger this morning.
Kyle: No idea who it's from?
Lola: Nope.
Kyle: "Open when you get your tree." Well, there's only one way to find out.
[ Grunts, sighs ] Mm-hmm.
[ Humming ]
Lola: Oh.
[ Knife clatters ]
Lola: I wonder what's in there.
Kyle: Well... this might tell us.
Lola: Okay. Kyle and lola..."
Kyle: Mm-hmm.
Lola: "...We wish you so much love and joy this holiday season. We hope what you find in these boxes will help you celebrate your first christmas as a married couple and many more to come. Merry christmas and feliz navidad."
[ Chuckles ] "We love you. Jack and celeste, A.K.A. Mom and dad."
Kyle: They've been plotting together.
[ Both laugh ]
Lola: Hmm.
Kyle: Let's see. Uh... "to lola."
Lola: Okay.
Kyle: Mm... "to kyle."
Lola: [ Gasps ]
Kyle: Ornaments! [ Laughs ]
Lola: Oh, my god. These are from miami. Babe, I made this when I was in kindergarten. My mom said it was the most beautiful star she'd ever seen.
Kyle: Well, I have to agree. Ooh, check this out. My dad and I got this one together.
Lola: Aww, so sweet.
Kyle: [ Laughs ] These are from the abbott house. They started putting christmas-tree ornaments on everything when I was a kid.
[ Laughs ] Ooh.
Lola: Wow. These are all my favorites. I can't believe that jack and mom did all this. These are a part of their family's history, and they've passed it on to us.
Kyle: That was a pretty cool gift.
Lola: The best present they could have given us.
Kyle: Mm-hmm. Oh. There's one more box. "To mr. And mrs. Abbott. Open me last." I'll let you do the honors.
Lola: Okay. "Our first christmas. 2019."
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] Mm.
Lola: I can't wait to put it on the tree.
Kyle: And start our own traditions. (Dad) aaaah!
Theo: You're right.- My dad didn't grow up in a house like this. And neither did I. But, even when we didn't agree on things -- small stuff or big -- I always knew that he loved me. And I loved that gruff old bastard, too.
Traci: [ Laughs ] That's so great and lucky of you to have that connection with your dad.
Theo: Well, he wasn't rich, like the abbotts or brooks, but he was a good man, honest, decent. And mom -- [ Laughs ] Every crazy scheme I cooked up, she was my number-one supporter.
Traci: [ Laughs ]
Theo: She made me believe i could do anything.
Jack: I'm sure they'd both be very proud of who you are today.
Theo: Well, I know they would appreciate the way both of you have welcomed me into your family.
Traci: Oh, theo, it's our pleasure to get to know you.
Theo: Thank you. You too.
Traci: [ Chuckles ]
Jack: Listen, uh, no pressure, but we were thinking it might be nice if you could spend christmas day with us.
Theo: Oh, um...
Jack: You could drop by for as long or as short as you like, no pressure.
Traci: Just be a part of our family celebration.
Theo: That's really nice of you.& Um...can we just play it by ear?
Jack: Absolutely.
Traci: Of course. Whatever you think, that's perfect. What we really want is for you to know that you're welcome.
Theo: Thank you.
Summer: Oh, my gosh, you know me so well.
Phyllis: I know you better than anyone, and don't you forget it.
Summer: Oh, please. Like you would let me.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Okay. I need to check on "dessert"...
Summer: Okay.
Phyllis: And see if everyone's ready.
Summer: [ Clears throat ]
...With your smile
oh, I'm loving your festive style
I hear the bells when we turn
I got my christmas wish, and I love it oh so very much
at the top of my list
that I'm writing with a kiss
[ Singing indistinctly ]
On this holiday...
Phyllis: Hmm.
Summer: [ Clears throat ]
Phyllis: So, you just couldn't resist checking your birthday messages, right?
Summer: No, I just.... okay, fine. You caught me.
Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] Who'd you hear from?
Summer: No one. Just, um -- just a friend.
Kyle: Ahh. Give me another strand.
Lola: Oh, there's no more.
Kyle: You're kidding.
Lola: Nope. That's it.
Kyle: Man, I thought I got enough!
Lola: You did... for a normal-sized tree.
Kyle: Hey, obviously, I'm not an expert at this.
Lola: It's our first christmas, so I will cut you some slack.
Kyle: Guess I got to go get more lights.
Lola: Wait. First let's do this. Make it official.
Kyle: Mm. [ Chuckles ] You want to do the honors?
Lola: I think we should do it together, mr. Abbott.
Kyle: Okay, mrs. Abbott. Where?
Lola: Right there.
Kyle: Yeah?
Lola: Right...there.
[ Laughs ] And perfect.
Kyle: Perfect.
Victor: Well...
Victoria: I thought you were gonna bring the kids back with you.
Billy: They were having too much fun on "santa's" sleigh.
Nikki: Oh, you were right again. It's a huge hit.
Billy: Yeah, I don't know how you're gonna outdo yourself next time.
Nikki: [ Chuckles ]
Victor: You know what? I'm gonna get a reindeer to pull that sleigh.
Nikki: We'll discuss that.
Victor: Yeah.
Victoria: Oh, I know. You could fly us to the north pole on the newman jet.
Nick: After you hire a construction team to build santa's village.
Nikki: Oh, please don't give him any more ideas.
Victor: Oh, I have plenty of ideas of my own, okay?
Nikki: I know you do.
Victor: Now... I'm gonna have to say something. And it can't wait.
Victor: This is the season of miracles, and our family has had a few of them, you know. As you all know, we have had a lot of ups and downs, a lot of turbulent times, but we have overcome them, haven't we? Think about it. Abby became a successful entrepreneur -- a restaurant and a hotel. My goodness. And you, my darling victoria, are continuing the newman legacy by running newman enterprises. I'm very proud of you. Whilst raising your children. That is something. Nicholas, my boy, you have your son back. And more importantly -- and I'm very, very proud of you -- you created a charity called new hope that gives housing to low-income income family. It touches me because I grew up like that. Anyway...the most important thing in my life... is standing right beside me. You're my sweetheart. Last year, you fought for your life. The hospital and the doctor didn't know whether you would recover, but you did. You're standing beside me.
[ Smooches ] You give me joy.
Nikki: Ah.
Victor: You're the reason i found the strength to fight the disease I've been battling. You're the reason that I look forward to the future... our future, my darling. So, I'm gonna do something now. I'm gonna play a song that is your favorite christmas song, okay?
Silent night
holy night
all is calm
all is bright
round yon virgin, mother and child
holy infant
Traci: There.
So tender and mild
Jack: Oh. Oh! I think I just found my kryptonite.
Theo: Good, huh?
Jack: Oh, so good I may have another one.
Theo: Ah. You know, it must run in the family. My dad could never eat just one.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] Okay. Then here's to family traditions, old and new.
Jack: Hear, hear.
Traci: [ Chuckles ] Mmm! My god! That's so good!
Jack: Oh, they're so good!
[ Laughter ]
Summer: Oh, my god.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm.
Summer: This is amazing.
[ Laughs ]
Phyllis: I know. I had it flown in from that bakery in paris you love so much.
Summer: You did not.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I did.
Summer: Oh, my god. Only the best for my baby girl. So, now do you forgive me for my singing?
Summer: Your --
[ Both laugh ] You know what? You gave me these beautiful earrings, and you flew something in from paris that I didn't have to have a cake that was baked by lola.
Phyllis: Oh. Right.
Summer: So, yeah, I do. Oh, my gosh.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Both laugh ]
Phyllis: Happy birthday.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Voice breaking ] You're still the best early christmas present I ever got.
[ Both laugh ]
Summer: Oh, my god. Keep it together.
[ Both laugh ]
Phyllis: I love you.
Summer: I love you.
[ Both laugh ]
Phyllis: Keep it together.
Kyle: This is going to be the best christmas ever.
Lola: You don't know what you're getting yet.
Kyle: [ Chuckles ] I already have everything i want.
Lola: Me too.
Kyle: I love you, mrs. Abbott.
Lola: I love you, mr. Abbott.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Sighs ]
Sleep in heavenly peace
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